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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1906)
7 - THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 2. - 1803. ASKS FOR RELIEF DRYDEfl DEFEATED FOR REELECTIOfJ -FROfMRUST I l : . . ; : : : r r r I I aT III -VI' m n .yllllailV-aT T. j Se-BSBssssaBBw - . it i. V' Prudential Ufa Insurance Presl- , dent' Will " Be "Succeeded by Governor Stokes. ; EVERETT COLBY TO BE GOVERNOR OFSTATE 'Stokes to Resign Governorthlp HU f Successor -Will Be President" of Senate, ' to Which Position Colby ' Will Be Reelected. (BpeHsl niapal'-s tVn4 Wlra te Tb Jo.t1 Trenton, N. J, Pec J- It w under stood araonff the politicians that Gov, ernor Stokes lias won the fight for election as. United States ; senator to succeed John F. Dryden. The only difficulty that stands In hta way ha been, solved by a plan that will . . .-. i.. i, -v , . ! - v A Independent Oil Operator ;, De clares Railroad Are Forc ing His Ruin. APPEALS FOR HELP TO -COMMERCE. COMMISSION Details Brought Out in Lackawanna Investigation Shows That Trunk Lines Give Standard Rates That Kill Competitors. ' Senator John F. Dryden. , startle the state and produce a totally unexpected result. It will make Ever ett Colby, the belligerent reform aena tor from Ease county, governor of the state. . ' In order' to Vecbrae constitutionally eligible for United States aenator. Oor- ernor Stokes , will have to resign his present office. Hla successor under the New Jersey constitution will be the president of the senate. When 'the senate organizes In Janu ary It will elect a president to succeed President Bradley, of Camden county. The present combination la to make ('Special Dispatch ey Leased Wire te The foarealt New Tork. Dec. 1. Declaring that be would be forced to abandon the oil busi ness which he had been 1 years In building: up tit Brooklyn unless the gov ernment could afford htm protection and relief, former State Senator David F. Davla made a strong- plea todar on the witness Stand" to' the Interstate com merce commlason to force the Delaware. Lackawanna A Western railroad to con tinue to receive his tank car oil ship ments at their Brooklyn terminals. He renewed the charge that to the best of his belief the railroad company had been Influenced by the Standard Oil company to refuse his shipments. He declared that he had been called on the telephone in January, 104. by an employe In the Lackawanna general offices, who said: "I want to tell you that the etandard Oil Is after you. They are urging on our traffic department the enforcement of the trunk line agreement-, prohibiting the delivery of bulk oil in tank ears In New Tork City." : commissioner prouty asked If this trunk line agreement regarding oil did not shut out practically every Independ ent dealer except the Standard Oil. which piped Its supply from Bayonne, New Jersey. The railroad attorney sug gested that there was nothing to pre vent the Preston Y Davis company from establishing Its own terminals. Com missioner Prouty declared that the firm did not have the money to build Its own terminals. Senator Davis testified that Brook lyn conwumedj 100,000 gallons of oil per day and that the Standard Oil furnished per cent or It. He said that his firm furnished but from 1H to t per cent and that owing to the piping they had to pay the special agents of the Stand- i ard t hey 1 were sometimes furued tu uu erate at a loss. , y ULTON HAS BILLS FOR NEW BUILDINGS READY " Two Million-Dollar Postoffice for Portland Four Other .. Towns on List. 11 Welcome -ml J I I W V I r-y XW D!!vered to -sm'm v j 1 KM r Vvi n Wi7rrlM when III II I aV 'I.I I t 1 v VVV'I II ' : I II I -V II II I I 11 t 1 1 1 III - TOW ' . .1111 r"? :wm(rm w --w ,,,y,,, ,nww1 oc:u.a :' ' s , . . , BrlgBft Ughta, Brlgbt ruraltiue and bright sales- ' v , ' ' ' " ." ' lv9r..... 'IllkJZtkrprfU' .Iji ij - people to wait on yau, and show you. every court- -' ' r ; f 3 : fi " a ' " Hi'ljl iBIOT' 7 T I"'- esy. We. have Just InsUUed a lot of new - - 9 , .. i.. - l I 8 . . I 2ii I j(Jr . - . '.".:, "Neumsf lights, the latest thing out in the way : . it , ' Y - , tr ' S rt - f of electrlo lights. No dark corners here no dleap- . . frV . -i V ' Yi'i'il'T . - Ica- i polntment after you get the goods home, idl the zZ (S J JlH'tf. ' Vb X t f AT Jf ' ' rln ' t ' I r-S1 ' I colors, or any Imperfection, shows up Just the ' efrr .-rTf. C 'illll t- J ' 111 V Mil 6 n I '' v same here as In bright daylight. Come and see . . vJO , l IJ J A Afc0' C C I 11") ' sf M' V ii 1 f '" ill " '. the vast stray of pretty things suitable for Chriet- ' .. . k-T'JU U, I it Ii ,t7 eill.V I l 'w. mas giving. Bl.OO 1WI1I 1VTI AWT , AM. ; ILiL -i I" IW.fl I tl lUqslre ae store fol. ee mure s . . itLv?I: ,KJA. V I n Oil ' ' . .loo. for tee Srst of their- . .'I ,.vl II x 1 ' IllMJ eoatlsuss th. sems year h- Ml I II sssble Iron, te which the sbt 11 II - county, of Essex president of the aen ate.- - ,;. t- Then." ccorainsr'"to " this" program Stokes win resign the governorship and Colby will be Installed in the legislative chambers; Thus made eligible for the senatorahlp, Stokes wilt get ilia promo, tlon v to Washington, which he nearly won sis years ago, when Senator John Kean came to the rescue of the Pruden tlal president and gave him the vote from Unloi county with which he won. ' Xn &ow Esteem, ' ' ' Froai .ths PlttsbDrg Post. ' "Lead Dt a boodred. old sua." , Xsa't do It." -' TU pay roe S per ot nterset." "Ssy, if I tbsoskt you'd pay s pef cent of mo principal i d st yoo nsvs toe sxiaey." Hdod's Samparilla is anqaestiona bly the greatest blood and . liver medicine known. It positively and permanently cores every humor, from 'Pimples to Scrofula. It is 'the Best : i Blood Medicine, (Washlngtoa Bursas ef The Joeraal. Washington, .Dec. 1. K)n the opening of the session of : congress Senator roitoa will latrodoce a bill providing! for the purchase of a site and the erec tion of a new "postoffice , building at Portland, to cost 12.000,000. He will also Introduce bills for public buildings cost Ing 1100.004 each at Albany, Oregon City, Pendleton and La Grande. As there will be no public buildings bill passed at the fuming session, Bnator Fulton does, pot expect to get his bills through, but wknta to get them under way so that they will be well under-way at the subsequent session. TOOLS OF LAND FRAUD MEN DESERT THEM Special Dlspatta ay Leased Wire te The Joarasi) Omaha, Dec. 1. Efforts were made by the defendants In the land fraud cases. this morning to show that secret service men intimidated entrymen. Wit nesses denied this and said they did not Intend to settle, but defendants of fared to leaae at ISO a year and to pay 300 when tne lands were proved up. They told them this method of leasing for graalng purposes compiled with the law demanding Improvements. - The tes timony showed that the defendants paid the sxpenees of entrymen In IB roves st the land office. . . Handsome Rocker $7.50 "omes m weathered or golden oak. beautifully quarter-sawed and polished; the prettiest rocker we've seen In many a day; one that would make a most ac ceptable Christmas present. $1.00 a week and we'll set It aside for you. Monarch Malleable Range Reqatre ae Bore ral, ee ature time sod no bmts Isbor to de tss work srter 10 or IS years' -m tbsa tkey do at first. The satlstsrtloa thoy giro Is not loo. for tke Srst joar ef their- Sat eoatlsuos tao ssms year lftr year. This eoperlurtty Is iccosatod for la the see of stsl Icbls Iron, te which the sheet steel Is rtveUd. aot bolted. )nly In this wsy esa abeoloUly ilr-tlght Joints be Bade. Ordl sary rasgM sre Bsde of east eoa. Such rangre are f wasters, sooaass It Is Impoo lhl. to Bake tlshfc Julnts with ' out tha use of auiTe pattr. IB Sunllsht Airtight Heater $9 en . ; - . 7 - time the patty aardene ana rsiis oat; outside sir hMtn1i -r Oram ssd It takes twice ss sock fu to keep up tns ere. $1 A WEi-X BITZ1 A KOVAXOB leaks la. sad Joint. 91 Perfection S:- Ofl Heater $3.30 Kitchen Cahbiets $13.50 Made from white' pine and ba Parlor Set $34 The set consists of three pieces, the settee, arm chair and amall chair. Brocaded ve lour covering, over the beat quality oil tempered . springs. Pretty panels In the backs of genuine mahogany. This Is not the cheapest set we have, but a good set of "Sterling" quality, at a bargain-counter , price. Brooms 15c Regular alio and good quality. At this price we can sell only one to a customer, and will not promise te deliver. 1 "rfff : --r ., Iff MmM m wtw w , ' ' Carry It about from 'room to room. Turn wick high or low there's no danger. Smokeless device pre , vente ' smoke and smell. Easy to oper ate as a lamp. All parts easily cleaned. Brass. oil fount, beautifully embossed. Holds 4 quarts of oil and burns hours. Gives Intense heat. -Handsomely aik plated.-TJsefuIr rell able. ' Every heater warranted and usu ally sells for $1.60. Sale of Sofa Pillows Filled with the best quel- Owing to the unpreoedent Ity silk floss In a score or demand for this heater, pretty patterns. Heavy i. ,, la woven tanastrlea. with P" J1 ""a large Ussels on each eor- eut, and we are offering Jn , that ke , oIaall rier. Cushions measure its' place the regular $10 with a moist rag. Has flour bins, eut- lfxtl Inches. Some are u h m heavy east- lery drawers, spice boxes and mould- Jfl" ln. V 2. "" steel too- and bottom. Body ln board It is over T feet high and Dutch windmills and fusmy lop n notions, oay g4 inches. Uttle boy, with "their wood- Is made from1 the beat qual- ' Ul' . 'ocbee. M - en shoes, and . others are jty of rolled steel, with an Xltoken Oabiaet $17 M , ,; flowers." all in eolors true .. v xtA ' it. . i.Miaji i'wHk tv t t. :ir.v":::,rr.:-whrt. wo top: nirhaif. work and much less than half tha number of steps in preparing , meal if yea. Sofa Pillows, covered in outsias ooay. root different . patterns of ere- rails, panels and legs are tonne .35eV nickel-plated. own one of these cabinets. Screens ...... 1 I If. TJ XJl TS I , i I - ( Chndt ', ' V -fi ,-! :.J ; uatnvstttn ' : Rocker . xSSll Massive leather Chair $48 Just as pictured; upholstered In genuine black grain leather, hair filled over the beat oil tempered - steel springs that money-can-buy.- A handsome chair, and - comfortable sit in it once, and you'll never want a aat tin. Hand stitched and Screen, Imported tapee-t tutted; a chair that will last a try panels ....f 11.50 lifetime, ei.00 Week Says X. Three panels, polished oak frames draped with sllkollne ....t...$a.BO $10 Weathered Oak Screen ..... .fTSO $11 Weathered . Oak A pretty Uttle Rocker the baby will feel proud of.. Strongly made of hardwood In gold- - en oak -finish die shaped , wood -seat, and worth a little more than the price we ask Roll Top Desk $18 Made from solid oak with stamp draw ers and locker in pigeon hole ease; auto matte lock on eliding" curtain; sliding writing JeaX; drawere on one aide only. BoU op Beak SOT - - f for It. The- deek -pictured - above. Solid drawers on both sides; sliding .writing leaf, book d raster, letter aad stamp draw ers; top so inches wiae. , OSS 091 hi k3i) toil " Plat Tow 9eak $lB.f . Solid r quart er sawed oak; .drawers on one , side: anda. paneled; ' 4t-lnoh top. Ml O OOD.PlLeftQS ' TO MERCHANTS ARRESTED FOR SELLING FEATHERS (ftpeelal Dlspstre br tveassd Wh te The Joarasi) Kansas City, Dec 1. Benjamin Jau don, deputy game warden, swore to a complaint today agalnat the Emery, Bird, Thayer Dry Goods company, the George B. Peck Dry Goods company, and B. Adlar and company, charging those firms with violating the state game law by selling, or offering for sale, plumage of certain birds. The complaints were drawn in the prosecu tor's office and sent to Justice Rtoh ardaon's court, where warrants were Issued. W. B. Thayer, of the Emery, Bird, Thayer company; Gu stave W, Bachman. manager of the George W. Peck Dry Goods company, and Bernard Adler, of the Adler Millinery company, were ar raigned in Justice Rlchardaon'a court at 2 o'clock and pleaded not guilty. They were released on their own re cognisance and their hearing aet for next Wedneaday morning. BOURNE WILL NOTE ' THE SENATE'S WAYS ("portal Dispatch te The Joeraat) Washington, Deo. 1. Prospective United States Senator Jonathan Bourne is expected here tomorrow. ' It Is ex pected that he will remain for a week or more taking notes of senate proced ure and taking part In the proceedings of the Rivers snd Harbors congress. WIRELESS TELLS OF . BABY BORN AT SEA x - -' (Special Dispatch hy Lessed Wire to The Joernal) New Orleans, Dec. 1. When-, the steamer Concho 'was 111 miles off Southwest, pass the wireless operator flashed news of the birth aboard the veaael of a son to John Trippers wife. The couple sre en route to San Fran cisco via Galveston. The baby was named Concho Light Trtppet In honor of the vessel end the physician. ALABAMA EMBEZZLER UP FOR FIVE YEARS ISpmUI Dlspstck by Lsesed Wire The JoemeD . Birmingham. Ala., Dee. 1. Gordon Dubose, former president of the First National bank of Eaaly, Alabama, was today sentenced to five years for -the misappropriation of $41,000 in specula tion. . . ' HOTEL EATON COS. ttOKklsOS AVO WEST VAU ITS. NEW Handsomely furnished, alegsntly eqelppsd. Snproot, Sto Blootas' walk from heart of sbopplDg snd business dlatrlct. sll large, airy, oatsldo rooms, steam nested, electric lights, telepboa. la seek apartment, etc. Larse efflcee. lounging, smoking, writing, lsdiee' reception parlors. Booms rsssresd by mall or telephone. Private eaaiVus meets trains aad steamers. Room $1.00 to $3.00 a Day pselal Bstes te Com menial ales. ' A. AXMSTSOXw, Proprietor. Bevtbsy Bitter. "ratter. said Be a a tor Coras' little sen, 'what Is a motuet friend f" "A matnsl friend," the senator with some slight bltternees replied, "Is a mss wh. al wsrs tells you la sdessrs what Bagsatne win aekreke roe la ant swath's tssoe.' Clarke,Woodwarq Drug Co. Manufacturing', Zmportlnf aa Wholesale, ttk ft Xoy. raas, ' Greater floor space, larger stor snd more convenient shipping fs cutties than any house on tn coast. ,. Private switching tree to our door from terminal ground snd all transcontinental rallroa lines. Direct Importers OI gu precipitated c f(om England, camphor and menthol from Jape ari i an proprietaries frurn France, hyp chalk and sundrle fine perfumes an ohemlcaie fro: Germany. Haarlem oil from Ho lana. iiuyere oz Oregon neesws casoara bark, grape root an erude drugs of the northwest. eoda snd heavy Kentucky Opposes Child 'babe. Paducah. Kentucky, is organising an anti-child labor organisation. Wages of sthoemaksTS. Shoemakers in Austria get $7 a while in Lynn. Msss they receive $1 Diamond Jewelry ArtisticaUy-Mountcd'in-Platinum ., , The beauty and exclusiveness of our stock can only be appreciated by personal inspection. It is a revelation" of workmanship and fs surpassed by none throughout the United States. Prices will greatly interest. NECKLACES COLLARETTES '. BACK COMBS ; BAND BRACELETS CHAIN BRACELETS l-T -.PURSES BARETTES ; ' LOCKETS LINK BUTTONS PENDANTS SUNBURSTS SCROLL BROOCHES CRESCENTS HEARTS CLUSTER RINGS "PRINCESS RINGS- -; SOLlfXlRES , SCARF PINS The Feldenheimer Qualify Buy at this store and be sure of the quality. It Is an absolute guaran tee of the, best the market affords. And at this Holiday season the patron will find this old established jewelry store Veady with a larger and more ex tensive stock than ever. Comparison will reveal supremacy over compe tition in the character and style of out wares. The dependability is here for you. Our word is our bond and we therefore invite all buyers of Useful and Appropriate . 1 Holiday Gifts nr. ox.ocat thai rss ra Tim ajtp fivaob To call and see the exclusiveness that prevails. Prices will , interest and cause a marked saving for you. Early buying is an advantage. Solid Silver Gifts SUmped MSterlina925-100;rine--t-J MAIL ORDERS attended to with promptness and care. . GOODS RESERVED NOW will give choice of., selection. Delivery later on. phone; MAIN 1025 ...'. , r . - Rookwood Pottery Corner Third and .Washington St. Sole Agents fo Oregon for . ' Patek Philippe Watches CONSULT OUR OPTICIAN Tiffany Favrile Glass Below we enumerate useful ideas for the home from our extensive stock The patterns are exclusive and display unusual character -of the refined article. The hand engraved and French, gray finish are features: - Single Candlesticks . . , $ 650 to $15.00 . Bon Bon Dishes.............. . 9 4.00 to $10.00 Fruit Dishes, new shapes.. $14.00 to f 50.00 Loving Cups $10.00 to $100.00 Bread Trays $20.00 to $45.00 Salad Spoon and Fork Sets. ..... .'.$10.00 to $20.00 Oyster Forks, by doien.aajaiJ$10.50 to $17.50 Butter Spreads, by dozen $15.00 tor $25.00 Trays, all sizes .$25.00 to $75.00 Tea Spoons, by dozen...... $10.00. to $17.50 Salt and Pepper Sets . .$ 3.50 to $12.00 Diamonds Remounted Modernly , This is our specialty. . All work is executed by experts. Designs submitted.. Estimates given. 1 ' Vr- r t ' A