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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1906)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLANP. -SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 2, 1903. 4. J GALDRA1TII FACES CRUELTY CHARGE Xaioonkeeper ' Accuses Police man of Brutality While '. Making Arrest. KMJCE COMMISSION " WILL TRY OFFICER ' Chief Gritxmacher Inclined to Believe , That Charges Are Exaggerated Accused , Man la Known as Sale and Conservative Officer.- . Chart of brutality have been filed : with Chief Qrltimaoher against Patrol man Oalbralth. of the flrat night re . lief, by Sebastian Natacher. a ealooa f keeper of It .North' Flrat street. - - Ttfe complainant alleges that on the : nTsht of November to the patrolman came Into hla place of business and so ' cueed him of conducting- a disorderly " resort. Natacher aaya he resented the policeman's accusation, whereupon Gal ..braith grabbed him by the collar and tore the elothea almost off of him. He claims that the policeman dragged him lo -the sidewalk In front of the saloon and then ordered ' him in a loud and - threatening . manner to - go back Into the resort, at the same time enforcing his commands with a shove. In sddltton to all this, Natschsr sl- , leges that Oalbralth then placed htm under arrest and when they reached Becpnd and Ankeny streets o the way ' to the station, struck him In the face with his clenched hand. After being 'locked up all night In the city prison Natscher was released with those ar rested . for drunkenness the following '.. morning. He says that he was confined " to his bed by the rough treatment to ' which he waa subjected and Is still suf '. ferlngfrom the effects of the patrol man's alleged brutality.. -. , , Complaint Is Wed, ' Chief Cfrltsmacber has filed the com plaint with the police commission snd Oalbralth will be tried at sn early date. In discussing the matter last night the ; chief says that after making an Inves . tl gat Ion he does not believe that there Is much In the case. ' Oalbralth la one of the. most conser ' vatlve snd capable tnembera of the po lice department, and has sn excellent , record. He says that Natscher, while drunk, Waa creating a. disturbance. In the. ' saloon and he placed him under arrest ' on a disorderly charge. Owing to Nome f : mistake, Natacher was turned loose nest morning without . being brought before Judge Cameron, although Oal bralth made a report of the matter. At : the time of the arrest Patrolman Wade was present and he corroborates Oal bralth as to the circumstances sur rounding the affair. Both - policemen emphatically deny that there was any brutality. . . STANDARD OIL WORKS MELQYSJll.SUNDAY4i9-; (Special Dispatch by teased Wire to The Joareal) Cleveland, 0.,,,Deo. 1. Last Sunday is employes of the Standard OH com pany, at Preble, Indiana, were arrested for working on Sunday Representa tives of the company at Cleveland went rooay to xecatur, Indians, and paid lines amounting to 122. John , D, Rockefeller's pastor. Rev, Charles 'Eaton, when asked what he thought of the employer who would make hla men work on Sunday, made the following statement: -nymanwBdhterreres with the day of rest unnecessarily la doing a great wrong. -Jfiveryone Is entitled to worship God - on the Sabbath unless kept sway by some higher duty, such " as nursing the sick. Making money on Sunday Is not a duty, but a great wrong." , ..' WHAT ALBANY GETS IN - THE BIG MERGER DEAL (pedal Dtepatth to The JoexeaL) ' Albany, Or.. Deo, 1. It Is authenti cally reported that the Northwestern Utilities company Is to absorb the prop-J eraes or the Willamette v alley company and that all their holdings are to be -, merged Into one great-concern. Follow- Ing 'this news comes the statement that the I option held by eastern parties on ths Albany street railway will expire next week and that this same company Is to take op the property and give Al bany sn slectrlo line within the city. These plans Include a line from Al bany to the race track south of Albany and to occupy the principal business and residence districts. A park Is to be aoqulred to the rear of the fair grounds. A magnificent forest Is there, end with lakes and river adjacent one of the moat beautiful parks within ths stats could easily be established. The Willamette Valley company has . property at Eugene, Springfield, Albany, Seaside. Cottage Grove, Roseburg, Baker City, Pendleton, Weilla Walla and other Oregon cities, with a total valuation of about e - a . The Best Dental Work in the World-; At Cut Prices Until Dec. 15 Good Hat Of Teeth....... SJ4.0O On Rubber Plates . .A.OG Oold Crowns, "per tooth. . . ft.l.OO Bridge Work, per tooth .... f 3.00 I Cement and Silver F1U- I tags, each 25d Oold and- Porcelain .Fill ings, each $1.00 Extracting free. , , Teeth cleaned free. ' Yale Dental Co. . 1STM TIM STsUBWT, Between Morrison and Tamhllt ' . Phone Main 44t AUTHOR OF JRACZDY 1 i - ' - Mre. James H. Delaney, wife of the president of the American Ship ping company, who killed her hus band last week and then committed suicide in a Chicago boteL LOSS 8Y FLOOD GREATLY OVERESTIMATED For Example, Take Lewis River Valley What Farmers and Loggers Lost. (Special DUpatcfc te The Joareal.) . Vanoouver, Wash., Deo. 1. The loss by reason of the recent flood , along I Lewis river has been greatly overesti mated, prominent loggers of the Lewis river country. When the water began to rise rapidly, everybody hurried to higher ground snd saved what they could, unable In the rush to see what damage had actually been done. ' -. . Manager Branhall of the Woodland Logging company, which concern was probably the heaviest loaer, estimates the company's loss at 1,000.004 feet. The total loss to the loggers of the Lew la river country, says Mr. Bran hall, will not exceed 1.100,000 feet of tog lToss oa the Lewis. When the flood was at Its height and the town of Woodland was In dan ger of being swept off the map, re ports were sent out that. fully 10,000, 000 feet of logs had been swept Into the Columbia, and that ot more than 10 per cent of this could be saved. However, according to prominent log gers, at least IS per ceat of the total, amount of. timber washed down has been saved. The coat of saving It was about so per cent of Its value. wlidr believed - their homes . were destroyed, have returned te find everything prac tically as they left It. .In some cases fences have been swept away, but few houses or other buildings suffered. ftlver Ohanaal ruled Up. "Ths greateat loss by reason of ths recent freehet, sslde from the logs, was the damage done to the channel of Lewis river Just above the Northern Paolflo bridge and near the mouth of the river. Here a clay bank has been formed, filling In the channel- until the Mascot or other small steamers that have been plying on Lewis river for several years are unable to get by this point. In placnei the water Is but a few Inches deep. Where it ' Is suffi ciently deep the channel Is too nar row. In-order .to deepen the. channel a great-amount of dredging will be nec essary. This will . coat several thou sand dollars and will probably have to be done with, private means, unlees ths people of La Center, Rldgefleld and other Lewis river points formerly reached by boat are willing to wait until state or government aid can be secured, which could not be had for several months, NEW OFFICERS FOR PORTLAND HUNT CLUB The Portlanfl Hunt club held Its an nual meeting last night In ths office of F. O. Downing In the Chamber of Com merce, snd elected officers for ths year of 1907. The reports of the officers were read, and showed that ths club is In a very prosperous condition. The officers elected were: Preeldent, T. 8. McRath: vice-president, 8. C. Spencer; secretary, J. C. Muehe: treas urer, Frank Robertson; directors, David Pattulo snd Ambrose Cronln; master of bounds, F. O. Downing. Ths matter of a New Tear's paper chasownsJertQruturc .consideration. SMOOT CASE TO COME " UP EARLY IN SESSION (8pHal Dlapateb by Leases' Wire te Tse Journal) Washington, Dec. 1. Senator Smoot and hla chief opponents and supporters expect that one of the earl lnst conflicts of the coming session will be upon the question as to whether or not Senator Smoot of Utah la entitled to retain his place In the senate. Senators Burrows snd. Dubois will take the lead In the discussion agalnat Smoot Toraker and Sutherland will lead In his defense. Senator Dubois states that he bellevei a vote. In ths cas will be reached prior to the adjournment for the Christmas holidays and' that ths result will be adverae to Smoot, G. 0. YERGY OF HELENA , KILLED BY STREETCAR - (flpeelat Dtspatrs to Tee JooroaL) Helena, Mont, Dec. 1 O. O. Tsrgy, a well-known resident of this city, waa Instantly killed tonight as the result of a collision between a street car and his : carriage. Yergy's carriage wss shat-1 tared to pieces and the horse injured. He did not eee the approaohlng- csr nor ! did the motortnan discover the driver ; until too late to prevent a collision. Tne at Eaat school, also tendered ber reelg top of Vergy'a heud was literally out off, J nation, which waa aoceptsd. THIS CAT SLEEPS EVERY NIGHT ON BACK OF BIG POLAR BEAR The back of a polar bear may be a queer place to sleep, but It aults a cat who lives st the city park, and she thinks It beats all the- eiderdown ever made. ..'..-'..' Juat below the bear pit la the big cage of his majesty the polar bear. All day long he wobbles from aide to side, lift ing first his left front snd hind feet snd then those on bis right side. Ages sgo the polar bear discovered that this motion would keep hla feet from freex Ing while on the Ice floes of the chilly northland. Even in -the warm days of sumirter he does It.. - -v-;'-- Uls bearshlp at the city park soo has ths long furry hair of all hla kind. How this maltese est struck up an acquaint ance with him -will never be known, but several days ago ths animal tender, who BUILDING FOR ' ALDER STREET Six-Story Structure to Be Erect ed Behind Lyrio w ' Theatre. - E. A. Baldwin took out s permit yes terday for the excavation, at ths north east corner of Park snd Alder streets, for a modern six-story stors and office building to cost IS0O.0OO. The build ing will, occupy a quater block and will fill up ths entire space between the Lyrio snd Grand theaters. . . .. Ths site Is now occupied by two frame buildings, the Counties hotel on ths corner of Park and Alder and a two story frame residence between that and ths Lyrio theatre. Whldden & Lewis are preparing the plans and will let the contract within the next few day a. The building will be a steel frame structure with brick walls. E. A. Baldwin, the owner. Is largely Interested In Port land property st Orand and Hawthorns avenues, ths top story of which waa recently leased to the Eaat Side clu He also owns considerable East Bide water frontage In ths vicinity of East Stark snd Eaat Washington streets. TO FIND GUT HOW BUSICK WAS TO BLAME j , . SasBlBsBsBsBwssssessBssS Salem-OffIcerWhoShot-Franz - Dich " Arrested Inquiry ' ' Will Be Held. , (Special Dlaaetcb te The looraaL) : Salem, Or., Dec 1. After conaulting with District Attorney John H. McNary snd C. 1. Inman, representing the, Ger man conaular service. Sheriff' Culver swore out a warrant this afternoon hi Justice of the Peace Webster's court and placed Night Officer Buslck under arrest In connection with the accidental shooting of FransJDlch, a Oermanaub JeolTTasC Sunday-morning-at" the-pae aenger depot. The charge la asasult with a dangerous weapon. Buslck was arraigned and placed under $16 bond. which be furnished. Dion la stUl at ths Salem hospital. Hla condition Is aa good as could be expected, ' ' - "the arrest of Buslck Is made to clear up all "Matters In connection with the nnfortoette affair and make a thor ough official Investigation. Immediately after the accident Buslck tha.-rlght thing. .Last Tuesdsy Buslck. demanded an Investigation by the city council, and a special committee was appointed. v TWO TRUST PLANTS BURNED BY GROWERS (Special Dlapetch by Leases Wire te the Xeoraal) Princeton, Ky Dec. 1. Early this morning a band of night riders, number ing between 100 snd 100 men. rode into town and burned the tobaooo factories of John Orr snd J. A. Stenger. ' . The loss on both Is estlmsted at ffO.000, Three hundred thousand pounda of to bacco were deatroyed. Orr Is the agent of ths Imperial Tobacco company and Stenger Is agent for Tom Gallagher, the Irish tobacco king. Both are said to be alllea of ths American Tobacco com pany. ' sgalnat which ths dark tobacco growers of Kentucky are alleged to have been waging war. At Orr's factory ths torch waa applied, but at Stengel's the building wss blown up with dynsmits and the ruins fired. The maraudera worked with the utmost system. RUEF AND DINAN ' RELEASED ON BONDS (Special Dlapetrh by Leased Wire te The Joaraal) San Francisco, Deo. 1. Abe Ruef and Chief of Police Dinan wars both placed under arreat today for -conspiracy on the Indlctmenta found against them in connection with the dive at Til Pacific street. - Dlnsn wss served with two warrants, the second one charging htm with perjury. Ths street of both waa accomplished by a deputy sheriff, who displayed the pink of politeness. Both gsve bonds for $2,600. When the grand Jury meets on Tues dsy next It will st ones begin probing lnto the 'mysterious ownership "6t the resort st HO Jackson street. Before sn sojournment la taken It la expected that Aba Ruef a partnership In the den will be proved beyond question. FIVE MONTHS OLD BABE STRANGLED IN CARRIAGE (Sfwlal DHpatrh by Leased Wire te The Jonrnal; New TorK. Deo. 1.--Bruised about the head snd with finger marks plain ly visible on Its little throat, a i-months-old baby girl was found deed tonight In a .baby carriage secreted in the ahadow of ths family entrance at Lennon's csfe, corner 'of Ninety-ninth street and Third avenue. A remarkable fact Is that, according to the attending Burgeon, the child had been' dead several hours and had been wheeled quietly up Third avenue for some time. That the helpless Infant was slain, was admitted by Dr. Ginsberg, of Harlem hospital, who made ths examination. . There Is no clew as yet to. ths Identity of ths child. .'. .Jui..--.. w Board Mas and Teacher Beelga, (Soerlal IMmtch to The Joeraal.) . - Salnm, Or., Deo. 1. The resignation of H. F. Smith, member of the city school board, has been accepted by the board. Hla successor will bs chosen st the next regular meeting. Miss Adella Bchlndler, teacher In the primary grade rises early, went past the polar bear's cage and waa astonished to see one of the stray cats of ths park calmly and peacefully sleeping on the back of the bear. He doesn't wobble In his sleep and puasy was supremely comfortable. It baa been frequently noticed by ths soo men that the animals under their charge strike up odd friendahlps. Every morning now this cat can be seen In the polar bear's cage. At no other time of the day doea she enter the cage. Evidently the bear enjoys her 'society. Perhapa with the oat . on hla back he isn't so lonesome during the nlghC The brown snd black bears In the pit -have plenty- of company, but ths lord of the far north has never had any other com panion during his captivity hero than the Maltese eat ' MURDERER SENDS -LETTER TO FRIEND i ... 1 1. Henry Hose Reclares That He Is Not Afraid to Be Hanged. Henry Hose, who Is tying In ths stats penitentiary at Salem waiting ths hang man's noose for the murder of Madge Wilson, has written a letter to s friend In - Portland. - The following are ex tracts from the letter:' ' . "I am O. K. In. day time when I am about and around outside, but at night I am the same as I was down there- very restless and little aleen. '' -I mm stUl confidently thinking about her and still kissing her dear photo very often during the day. . , "The time la getting shorter every day snd then I will bs with her again. I have still ths hams opinion I always had, old boy, and I am aa gams as sver. I do not fear death. This life has no more pleasure for me without ths girl I loved and who is In her grave now. My only wish Is thst I can lis and rest beside her." In the letter Hose refers to a wealthy uncle living In La Croaae, Wisconsin. Hs attributes his downfall to ths wine of the Philippines, which he drank for more than two years while serving ss a soldier. . . ELKS' LODGE OF SORROW - WILLrBE-HELO-TODAY ' The annual lodge of sorrow of Port land Elka will be held at t o'clock this afternoon to do honor to ths memory of those members of .the local branob of the order who have dfM during the past year. Ths Elks will meet In ths club room at 1 o'clock and maroh to ths lodge room in a body at I o'clock. Ths publlo Is Invited to attend the cere monies. Thirteen members of ths Portland lodge havs died in ths past year. An elaborate program has been arranged for the memorial services. Tlnv. Tt. T. S. Ely, Jr.. will make ths address. The eulogy to ths departed brothers will be delivered by Ralph EL Moody. GREAT PROJECTS THAT -MAKE GRANITE BOOM ("pedal Dtspateh te The JaeraaL) Granite, Or, Deo. L This dtstrlot Is booming as a result of rapid progress made- by the Fremont Power company fects. Fourteen miles of right of wsy Is to bs cleared before ths power com pany completes its project More than 100 men are employed now snd sgents are aoouiing the country for more, . The mining Industry has never looked so well. The eastern owners of ths Monumental mine went over their prop erty a few days sgo and wars so well pleaeed that a new mill and other modern machinery waa Immediately or dered and will be In operation on that free milling proposition next year. TWO PERISH IN WRECK ON B.&0. AT PITTSBURG ("pwtal rtlspateb by Leaaa4 Wire te Tke Joenul) Plttaburg. Deo. 1. While whirling eaatward at 40 mllea sn hour,' train No. 10 of ths Baltimore A Ohio rail road ran Into an open switch at' Guf fey's Mine, sbout 10 miles from Pitts burg, at 10:20 o'clock tonight, instantly killing one man, another . receiving In juries from which he died later, while number of passengers received In juries of a more or less serious char acter and three other passengers srs missing. That train wreckers ars ths cause Is the opinion of ths railroad officials. Detectives srs now scour ing ths country In thst section In an effort to run down - those responsible, Ths dead: Hary Bhepard, engineer, Pittsburg. C A. Denny, fireman, Pittsburg. Restores Eyesight ' asiaw Mass , , Spectacles Can be Abandoned -., " , Actins," a Wonderful Discovery That - Cuses Afflictions of ths Eye With out Cutting or Drugging;. . , There Is no need for cuttln. Amm. glng or probing the eye for the cure of most forms of disease,, for a new sys tem of trntlng afflictions of the eye has u n a RGov.r. whereby all tortu ous ' metnmis are eliminated. There Is no risk or experi- mentlnr, aa hun dreds of people have been cured of fell ing eyesight, cata racts, greuleted lids and other armctinns or the eye through this grand discovery, when speclallsU, they atate, termea tne cases incurable. Gen. Alexander Hamilton. Tarrvtown. on-the-Hudson, N. Y highly recom mends "Actlna. Louis Meyer, (t Herman at, Roches ter, N. T., writes: " 'Actlna' tins effect ed a wonderful cure in my wife's case, curing her of a severe eye trouble, snd I would not be without it." Mr. A. L. Howe, TullyN. T., writes: " 'Actlna' has removed cataracts from both' my eyes. I can read well without my glasses; am sixty-five years old." -Robert- Baker, - Ocean Park, - Cel., writes: "I should have been blind had I not used 'Actlna.'" - Hundreds of other testimonials will be sent on application. "Actlna" la purely a home treatment and self-ad-tnlnlstered by the patient, and la aent on trinl, postpaid. Ir you will send your name and addresa to the New York A lxndon Klectrlo Association, Dept. 68B, m '.Walnut at., Kannae City,. Mo., you wtlv receive, absolutely free, a valuable bonk Prot, Wilson's Treatise on Dia- 00(11 FELLS MAN with:canet- Calls on His Wife and When In formed That She Will Not See ' ' Hirn, Strikes Concierge. - BOTH MAY WED OTHER -i1- PARTNERS VERY SOON French Paper Says That Count Will Marry Wealthy Widow and ..That ; Countess Will Becomo Millionaire's Wife Friends Discredit Report (Bpeelal Dispatch byLaaaed Wtre te The JMraal) - . Paris. Deo. 1. Count Bon! de Caatel lane drove In a motor car to the marble palace where dwells the American wom an who divorced blm. Alighting, the count gave hla card to the concierge, Baying: . "Send that to Madams Gould." The mad&me haa given orders that you must not enter here," said ths concierge. With rage the count raised his cane and dealt f be man s heavy blow on the bead. Aa the concierge reeled snd the blood spurted from his head. Count Bonl .sprang Into ths automobile and whlzsed away. ' It was necessary to call a surgeoa to ths concierge. -... -... aota May wsd Agata.' - . Ths Certs de Paris sayei "Madame Gould and Count Bonl will both marry again In short order. She la engaged to sn Americas millionaire. She wUl pass several months of each year In her palace, which is the most beautiful home In Franoe, Nothing will be changed In ths sumptuous current of her life save that her dinner plates snd carriage pillows willy not flaunt ths count's coronet. "His, too, will bs a brilliant mar riage. Bonl do Caatellane hopes to re vive the ancient glories; to entertain kings again. His futurs wlfs is a widow, a millionaire, who owns' a chateau la ths provinces, s splendid hotel In Parle, s yacht and race horses snd has Influence with the newspapers." tory Mot Believed. But not one of Madams Gould's in timate friends believes for a moment that she contemplates marrying again. Everybody knowa-that -the millionaire widow whom gossip hints at la Mad ame Menler, divorced wlfe-f the ehoco. j late manufacturer. Before aha mar ried Menler ahe waa Baroness de For est, snd before that ' Mademeeellls Le telller, sister of Henri Letelller, pro prietor of Ls Journal. Count Bonl has been paying attention to Madame Menler for a long time and If hla appeal at law falls, ir tns uould millions evade him, he might wish to exchange hla name for ber wealth. But only a civil ceremony could bs per formed; they could not marry in the church. . MM KMCHER KILLED BY VICIOUS Beast Sends Him Skimming the Earth So as1 to Entirely 8calp Him. fllBeelal Dispatch te Tbe Journal.) Dillon, Mont,, Deo. 1. E, L. Cllne, one Of the Beaverland valley's-- wealthiest ranchers, died this morning from In juries received yesterday afternoon while sttemptlng to ride a broncho. Mr. Cllne placed ths animal In ths hands of s broncho buster several weeks sgo snd ths man returned ths an imal yesterday afternoon Juat as Mr. Cllne had finished hla dinner. - He walked out to where the horse stood to look at It and decided te mount It and aee if It aoted right. Just ss hs waa swinging himself Into the saddle ths an imal gavs s lunge snd threw htm sev eral yards. His head struck ths ground and hs slid along 10 feet and cams In contact with a large barrel. His scalp was torn entirely from his head. m ii x' WISE ONES FLOCKING TO SEVEN DEVILS REGION -(Special Dispatch to The Jeernal.) Huntington. Or., Dec. 1. Develop ment predicted for Huntington and the Snake River-Seven Devils district Is, the cause of a great Influx of eastern era into this place, and veteran mining men of eastern Oregon ars rushing into the oopper camps in great num bers, though little work will be done until the spring thaw. Three strong companies have recently been organised to bs ready for ths completion of the new road down the Snake rlrer to the Seven Devils district, snd the old camp of Homestead promises to be a thriv ing city within a short time. Homestead will be exploited by ths Homestead Investment company, Incor porated by Arthur Harris of Baker City, which will slso operate s ferry acroaa the Snake river at that point. J. K. Rom 1st, one of the most successful pro moters In this field, is backTng ths Snake River Land company. J. H. Alt kin, a local banker,.1 recently candidate In the Republican primaries for state treasurer; associated "with John Han- non and R. W. Frame, haa organised the Huntington Real Estaje company, which proposes to upbuild ths town of Hunt Ington. v . Tbess srs but three of ths many cor porations which are springing Into ex istence with solid financial backing. FOURTEEN-YEAR-OLD GIRL SUES FOR BIG T0WNSITE s . ' Chicago, DecembeV 1. A sensational legal fight. Involving title to a large slice of the city of Onry, Indiana,'"! promised In a statement made by Frank J. Loesch, president of the Chtr-ngn Bar association, who is named in a bill to recover a portion of a $1,000,000 eatate, filed on behalf of Walletts May Teakle, aged 14, of Lincoln, Illinois, against R H. 0ary, president of the United States steel corporation snd others. Miss Yeakle's 'suit dates from the death of her unole. Colonel Cllne, who was sn eccentric snd recluse, living In ons room of a 100-room house at Engle wood when "tie died In 103. After his death it developed that Colonel Cllne was worth approximately IS. 000.000 In real estate." The action involves the validity of the title to the entire site of ths town of Gary, on which millions of dollars have been expended for im provements snd clouds title to all other property belonging to thS estate, which haa been sold einos ths death of Colonel Cllne,,. : i - JNTILRILST-jOM DPOSITS We pa; Interest on Savings and time deposits sUtent with safe banking, And issue oar special cer ' tiflcates - adapted,- to the -needs of-those uncertain aa to when their money will be required. - , . Commercial Banking We afford every facility for those keeping accounts with us subject to check, making no limitation as to amount necessary to open such accounts; . ' Collections are effected on all points, exchange furnished at current fates,, and a general "banking business transacted. - - - Trust Department We act as Trustee in bond issues, in holding prop erties pending settlement, litigation, division, or other disposition or adjustment, care for escrows, collect rents, take charge of the separate properties of mar ried women, or of persons for any reason incapacitated from acting in their own behalf. . 1 llv w .. ; The corporation, by reason of having a perpetual existence, and by reason of its expert knowledge gained in handling large volumes of such business, is the proper and best custodian of your interests. Con sult us about your affairs.' MERCHANTS Investment & Trust Company 247 WASHINGTON STREET. CAPJTAL $150,000.00 J. Frank Watson ....... ...... .President R. L. Durham Vice President V. H. Fear ..... -... . ....... Secretary S. C. Catching ................ Assistant Secretary OWr-TMuellhaupt. . . '. . ... ........ Cashier- HISTORIANS DISCUSS OLD pipfbs iNii RFnnnns - - i m mum s ssf mwiisT , j Documents of Champoeg Con " stltutlonal Convention Are Desired. ' . After the closing sddreeeee of the convention of ths Paolflo ooast branch of ths American Historical society bed been delivered yesterday afternoon In ths high school assembly hall, a dis cussion, began as to the number of old papers snd records of every kind ef the flrat constitutional convention ' at Champoeg In 1S4. Judcs Georgs H. Williams saia a shorthand reporter named Melone had been present and that he believed a fair record had been taken. This conven tion ls ef ths utmost importance to ths stats, ss Oregon's constitution was framed at that meeting of pioneers. Qeorgs H. Hlmes said a number of newspaper clippings bearing on ths mat ter were being collected. The historical convention expressed itself ss strongly desirous that svery scrap of record of tbe Champoeg meeting be collected. . The convention closed with reports of officers and the annunl election, whloh resulted as follows: President, W. D. Ken'.on; vice-president, James D. Phs lan, sx-mayor of San Francisco: secre tary snd treasurer, Clyde A. Dunlwsy of Stanford unlvereity; executive com mittee. H. Moras Stephens, Professor Max Fsrrsnd. Joseph Sbafer. At the afternoon session Professor Farrand's subject was "Criticism of American Historical Documents." Pro fessor Stephens of Stanford delivered an address on 'Ths Organisation of Work with Historical Manuscripts." COMMERCIAL TRAVELER ' FLOURISHES REVOLVER W. A. Miller, a commercial traveler. waa arrested last night by Patrolman Jim Anderson on a charge of carrying a concealed weapon and drunkenness. Miller ' created a disturbance In the Pullman saloon on Alder street near Fourth, and to enliven matters shoved a pistol under the nose of John Conrad, the proprietor. Patrolman Anderson, who waa off duty, happened to bo pass ing the place st the time and waa called to subdus ths belligerent patron of ths resort. ' Assisted by Frank Hewitt, ths police man escorted 'Miller to tbe city prison, sftsr much difficulty! Ths prisoner, when searched, waa found to have S132.HS In his possession. Hs made a maudlin statement about being robbed bf 160. This phase of the cess will be Investigated ss soon ss Miller reerslns his equilibrium and Is sbls ts tell a coherent story of how he lost his money. FOR STOlYlAe: TuGlCLEO Indlceetlos. Soar Stomach. Di.trem after Ealing, Biliouseoea, esc there at as reewdy se Tarrant's C:::r " , o. OS.) i.iHirwmY rrr.Tmg aae jmuw .r!tMt by phT.'-ir. fot rwtf. than Tnn, v ilas Uaetteleaf pnea, inn. tot huraa toe. Aaiblas Atsrc TM TAHHAT r-iltl Il.tlertTS ARE YOU ON THIS MAP? Under ths direction mt set field corps we have prepared m sunset and up-to-date map of Nevada and the) Cali fornia border, showing ths Iooatteei of an the latest mining dlsooverles, and ' ths only map to show Green water. Won- ' der. Falrvlew, Ramsey, Com stock, BSyt Tsrlngton, and dosens of thee recently discovered mining dlstrlots whlobT are today making history sad teoords) ta . ths production of ths precious ssetsJa. snd srs destined to rival ths great Corn stock. Ifo ons lntereeted ta Southern Ifovsds or ths mining Industry cast afford ts bo without this map, and aa an luftioduo tlon ws havs decided to distribute sl.SOS free on request Only ons copy will bet mailed ts each person; additional svplea. f 1 each, and after our supply set soldo for free distribution Is exhausted, the pries will bs tl. and will bs sea saas st all news stands. Writs for ths map today. D. Mackenzie & Co., !r.c Holders of ths world's record for rapid mine-making and dividend-paying; Gold field. Nevada. YOUNG FORGER GETS - TWENTY-EIGHT YEARS ""'(Special Dtspateh ta Tee Tiaaaal ) Butte. Mont Dec 1. William P. Far rell, convicted of forging Juror and wit ness certmcates while occupying ths position of chief deputy In ths offloe of. ths clerk of the district court, was today sentenced to tt years In ths penitentiary at Deer Lodge. rarreu was tried and found runty sax two different charges of forgery, snd en each of them was sentenced by Judge Donlsn to U years tn tbs state's prison. rarrwi wss one-or ths swell yowng i ef ths city, going thevpsos that kills. IMPROVEMENTS OREGON MEN WILL PULL FOR ' Washington, Deo. V Peter Loggia, of North Bend, Oregon, will spend the winter hers to aid ths Oregon delegation to secure sn adequate appropriation for improving the entrance to Coos bay. Tbs delegation will endeavor te se cure sn appropriation for completing the? Jetty work st the mouth of ths Colum bia river. Appropriations also will be sought for Improvements at TtUameok bay, Coquflle river, Taqulna bay and a canal at Ths Dalles. pen in hand snd dig Into ths Panama oainat euDjecv. rz:lzr.l