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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1906)
DECEMBER 2. 1SC3. Czar's Cousin as Stage Venus .. .- : ' ' : ' . . .. .... ' 1 I ' -II ' I . It f - s B .. I X ' - "N . - X X ' I I! 111 v Xv fX a a scar j g j- . . a. a . ... jr. m . . ''...' ,T. a I : i it .ix h r - . ; - .kyj , I oi ,i i il l ' i . . r ,' .xvi : I ' . I hi a : v . II II "X. a I ? i;-1 v a . ' 'i I u I l:i,i:i,iw.n:..0:r.i:V:isri;J II I a-" 1 I : I 1 IE . ; . --The Caar's Cousin. B I nallst Releasing hi fettered hand be Jj . I d&Ilbentely Uirw bomb at th offloar. M "'I" , PrinceH Posing By Parson Edwards. 1 EVEN "tuma" had rapidly to'- lowed on another and people In the music hall were expectant. ' ' " The Ilshta want out. fluddanlv 'the orchestra crashed out a Hrely al . lop. A shaft of d&nllnf white shot out ! from the allry and fooumd on a stn(l B(-nre atandlna; tn the center of the loky blacknesa of the state. i It was tha figure of a, woman repre senting Venua For twenty full mln- etee the act went on, Clasalcal statues . followed each other in a stately pro cession. It was well done; each picture ' was i beautiful and the spectator! were enthusiastic And yet. for the last two months Londoners almost have had a surfeit of classical posing- by women. - But only one has had as Its Venus a 'Woman of title, one with royal blood In her reins. This woman Is the Countess . Olcft Komanow or to spell It aa It is , pronounced Romanoff. She ia a cousin of tha csar of all the Ruaslas. Nicholas ,XL ... I saw the countess In her apartments. 8h Is very tall, dark and strikingly ,tiandsorne In the cold, superb Russian . way. Her BguroIaher great asset; It Is axqulslr. I asked hr how It came- that countess, the cousin of an emperqr, had - eona ascended to graca tns London star a fib threw out her bands tn mute de spair. . , - r . -"One must lira I am young. I am ; here a refugee. In Russia I would die. ' There Is a price-on my head. They killed my husband. I escaped to Eng land. For weeks I lived for what my . Jewelry sold. Then friendless and al most penniless I sought work. At the fcouae wneis i naa a irniw liven an t actress who took pity on me. I learned , to pose from her and got an engage ment through her. Now I have suc ceeded. I bay many offers at large salaries. Tea. some hare been from America, But I shall stay her for a long time. . In two, three years I may CHURCH SERVICES . BarriBT. - -- Wis! Tlx White Toii1 Twelfth sad Tr . lor streets; Ksr. 1. Wkiinaib Broubr, D. D. i a. St., Bible srlwol at fclr-etiwt Dr. 10 a. m.. one-accord wafer aitui; 11 a. at., worsbls wlU Mtnoa, "PsUr. the BilndrcsdcV; 12:10 p. m., temple BIMe school : s. av, B. Y. P. V. BMtbif ; popslar service, procaine, "Be Bai ; I .ma p. m.. ad and Yoa'U ate LSBeaome." special Basic. Rev, sunt os C. Lauhi m. Services at lO SO a. b.. with eeraxm; sstbob st 7 :S0 p. a. WkW school st 'noos. Grace atontavUls: Sev. Cllnea Parker. Preach! as at 11 a. a.. "The Messes f the WorloJr Church") sermon at T:30 p. m., "The Evidence et a New Btrtk." Special Buale. lameeoel Second and Meade streets; Erv. 9. W. Crlffla. Sondes ecnooL 10 a. B.: B. T. P. C :. B. B. Breach Ins, U a. B. sad I . so a. a. Calversltv Park Rev. A. B. Wilts Boeder sckool, 10 a. a.; preaching , 11 L a and liSU p. a. Central Cast Twelfth and Ankeny streets; W. T. Jordan. Preaching. 10: Ho a. a., "On the Crese"; Bandar echool. U a. aervlces et M p. a.. "Man's Nerd of a Berure"; 12:10 p. B., aecama to ehlldrea. Bpeclal awalo. Arista Bcv. Jha Bentalea. Sunday school, 10 a. a.; srearhlng, 11 a. m., "The Urace of eiratltode"; T:D0 p. B., aermoo, "If Asy ktaa Will"; B. v.. p. c. J p. a. ktonnt Olive Beventh end Everett streeta Prcacblnf at II a. m. and t p. a. St John's Rev. B. A. Leonard. Bnsdaf eeasvl, 10 a. a.; preachtaf, IX a. a.; 1M P. S)., preaching. Third Veeeonver avensa end Knott street; -TJL.JL.lllaaAL l SvJt. Sunday echool: s. m , ureacLInc; aerrwin, lO p. a." " flwedtrn Hojri and Klfieeeth atreeu; ev. Mr Ccheratroa. Prescblng, 10:40 a. at. sad 30 s. m.i Sundav eebool. II a. Ulfbland Albrrta and Sixth street!. Preach. Inf. t.80 p. m:. bj R.f. It. M, BIIh; .Sun r Srbnel. 1:30 p. a. Mount Carina) Fourteenrk snd Plasdera atreea; Rev. A. J. Shepherd. Susday school. U m.; preachlnp. II a. a. and S p. a. Sellwood Kleviiatb and t'matllla etreetai lev. Oeorga A. Learn. Bandar school. 111 a. B.I preaching. II a. m. and 7:41 p. a. first OerinaB oith and Mill atreeta; Rev. J. Kraft iTeacblnf at IO:4S a. a. asd 7:80 V. a.( B. T. P. t., 7:40 p. a. Suodaj echeel, :45 a. a Seeocd iaaa aVodney avrsve snd Morrli street: Rev. W. Beeeiman. Preacblnf. II a. a. and T: 80 a. a. Sundaf. echoul, a. B. B. T. P. IT S:5 p a. Calvary Beat Elsbth and Or.nt etreetai Rev. A. Lawrence Black. Bible school. 10 a. a. I sermon. 11 a. m. an p. a., loang Pes. pie eaaaiina, 4 .ow p. . PgMBTTETlIAW. Vtlspas Marr and Pnwell streeta; Rev. Je rome M. M CO lade, U. I. ' At 1U.30 a. a., ear Sana; f :S0 p, m., preaching. : Calvary rleventk and Clay streeta; Rev. Ties kara Sllles t.lf Jr., D. P. Serrlces, 10 M a. a., wfth seraoa; Bsaaay eckool, av; aer av at I SO p. a. Third Beet rhleteotb aad'Ptne streets; Re. Andrew J. Mtoinery. Preaching at lit:M . . . aw loloralice oX XlUi'J-. Vi . t BW.-asi S. yemrrb Pint- and Olbbe streeMv- Ret. Jobs R. Welc. Preacklng at 100 a. a.; Sua Say eebeot..lS B. Y. P. B. C. B., S:S p. a. et T .to p. a., eermoe. . lUwibnrne-lark Twelfth sad East Tarlor streets; Bee E. "claoa Allen, Bandar school, Hi. a.; preschlna, lOMe.s. a.; 1M p. ., eecsKHi; t. P. B. C. E.. :m p. a. l'Koav.nt-4'level.ed avenue aad Jarrert eiraec Hev. L. Mrroa Boosht. Preaching (t it a.' B t Bender school. I:U B. B., a , e.rmaa. Special avaate. eeta teeter Kaa Taath asd Waldlet streeu; A ..... ' .' '-'" is Venus. go to America. I like this new life; my comrades are kind and I am no longer afraid to go about, to be known.' More questions I aaked and so the eountees offered ' to herself writ the little story of her Ufa Here It is: By Countess Olga Romanow. It la Just twantyvtbre years ago since J was born and scarcely four months since I arrived In London. ' I saw the light tn St Petersburg, my mother being the late Countess Flodo rovna and my father the - late Grand Duke Sergiua, ' I was the duke's eldest daughter, but by a morganatlo mar riage. Up to the time of my father's death I was constantly In his company and mixed freely with the members of the royal family. Even' as I write I am wearing a brooch that was given me by my cousin, on my father's side, his Imperial majesty, Nicholas II. I was married to Count Romanow, an officer of the Puobraschensky Regiment of the Ouarda, In February. It was a marriage of true love and I was Infinite ly happy. I have been compelled to flee from my home, mv own country, through a terrible mistake. One erenlng early In last June the fifth to be exact my husband was en tertaining a few frieads at our horn on the Mlllionaga-Ullca. A young jour nallst. Nicholas Kalhavsky, was present. H had been brought, by Baron Korffe, one of our guests. Kalharaky cherished bitter hatred against a certain high officer, who had been the cause of the arrest and banlahment to Siberia of his sweetheart aa a nihilist. I must add that the young Journalist carried his arm 1b a sling. J we were playing earaa wnen muaia was heard and we all rushed to the win dow to see a regiment of mounted' sol diery passing. ' The officer whom Kal hasky hated.rod a(the head of -the regiment. i "Blackest villain," shouted the Jour- Rev. Heary L. afareotte. aferetac sermon. 11 o'clock; evening neenMO, T:80 o'clock; Sandar eeaon, m. ; X. achoot. ii3o a. p. a. a .. .so P- bj rirat Twelfth aad Alder streets. At 10 SO a. a., servleee; T:ea p. m., preaching bf Rev. J. ft. Klttredco. Bellweod Berenteenth street aad Bpnkaas aveaee Rev. l, A. Tbeapaoe. Bandar achoot. 10 a. a.; seraoe, 11 n. a.; Cbrl.Uaa Endeavor, T P. a.t aermea at T:S0 p. a. rnltoa fcVa. A. H. Bark balder. Seraoe at 7:45 p. a. Marshall-Street Marshall aad North Seres teen tb streeu i Rev. C. W. Bays. Sunday school. 10 a. a. t preach In a, 11 a. a.t eermee, T:H0 . a. ; Y. P. B. C. E.. :4ft p. a. Moant Tabor Belmont and Prettraaa streets; Rev. Edward M. Sharp. Sermon st 11 a. as.; service at 7 :30 s. B. Special aasle. atZTXODurr. Moata villa Rev. Harold fibers. Preacblnf at 11 a. a.; Btiadap arneol. 10 a. a.; EpwertS Leatve. S:M p. a.; eermon. 7: SO n. a. Central Raaaell and Kerhr atreeta; Rev. J. T. Abbett. Claae aeetlna. 4 a. a.; evmoa. 10:00 a. a.; Saoday scheol, IS a.; League, 80 p. a.; sermon. 7.10 p. a. Trinity East Tenth snd Grant streets; Rev. I P. Smith. Bandar school. 10 a. a.; preacb lnf. ii a. a.t Epwortb Leasee, S:0 p. a.t seraoe at 7:80 s. Ttrlor-Htreet Ir. Praads Bnrtette Short. Claaaes, 0:80 a. a.: sermon, 10:80 s. a., by Dr. W. H. Hepoe; Pnndey school. ia:ia p. a.; Epworth Leexne. S:S0 p. B.t aermun, T:SO p. s.. br Dr. Clarence Tras WUsoa. . tirsce Twelfth sod Tarlor atreeta; Clarence Tree Wilson. D. !., pa. tor. Bermon. 10:80 a. a., "Heltswns Patrlotlaa"; Bnndar School, 13:18 p. n.; Epworth League, - :iM p. a.t u. 1 n "Tk. Iw o Hetplhutlna Soectal . Pat con Mlcblgaa and Carpenter atreeta; Rev. Melville T. Wire. Bermon, 11 a. m.) sermon at 7 30 p. a.; Bandar echool, 10 a. a.; Ep worth League. n:iw p. a. Bellwood Plfteentb end Taroaa etreeta; Rev. A. n Warner. Bundav eebool. 10 a. B.I aer- mon. 11 a. ax. "Kalih"; claaa Beating. 11:18 p. a.; children'! meeting. 1:80 p. a.; Kpworth Leagne. rW p.-a.t seraoe, .T:8 p. a., "A Knight br the Cnies." ' Hunnralde Yaablll and Eaet Tblrty-Sfth etreea; Rev. T. B. Ford. Bandar echool, 10 n t ae.iaon. 11 a. Of aev. i. u, un Jnnlne Imam. 8:80 B. fn.l Enworth Lei me. :o p. a.: eeraon by Dr. Driver and aaered esBcert at 7:80 p. a. . . Enscorix. BL afark's Nineteenth snd Qnlaby streeta; Rev. J. E. Simpson. Hnty oaauslva. 8 a. b.i SandaJ eebool. 10 a. a.; moral pg prefer and llianr. 11 o'clock ; evensong aad sernoa, 7:80 o'clock. Trinity Moeteentn son ever err screen; sev. Dr. A. A. Morrison. Uolr comannloa, S a. B.r Bornlng service, -II e clock; evening service. 7:30 o'clock, with sermon; sanaay . senooi. 8:80 a. a. . . Bt. DavM'a Bast Tweirra ana veimont atreeta, Rev. I. B. Vaa Waters. Bandar school. S:4A a. a. I prayer sad eeraos at II o'clock; evening prayer and seraea at 7:80 s cluck; holy communion, 8 p. a. St. Aadrew's Ualveraity f'arki Rev. W. R. Powell. Service aad seraMS, 11 a. a.; gas. eay eebool. is e. a. Uooa pbepnera eenwoos erreev sna van eonver avenue; Kv. J nee Dawsoa. Holy coca. mnnloa, B a. av; morning service, 11 sclera; bandar eebool, 8:48 a. a.i prayer sod seraoa T:80 p. a. . St. Joha'a Memorial Be 11 wood,; Rev. W. R. PewelL Sanasy ecbuoL .11 a. m. ; servioa aad aermoa. T ;48 p. m. St. Matthew's Klrat and Carathers atreeta; Revr-Wf afc Brechr- Holy eeaanatee,-f sSO a. a.; Bnnday eebool, 8:48 a. a.; seraoa, 11 a. a.; eervles and eermoa, T;80 p. as. T St. Peal's Weodmerei C. L. Parker. Tay reader la charge. Morning service and eermoa at II o'clock. , All Salnta Twenty ..coed and Reed streets. Sandey sehesl. 10 eh a.; dvesleg services, TiSO e'etock. C0B0RI0 ATIOBAL. - University Park Artlaaaa' t.sinle; Rev. D. B Orar. At U sv av. BeeaokUa: Saadar av e. es"- i . - The Csar's Cousin. nallst Releasing his fettered hand b deliberately threw a bomb at the officer. It fell short and did only slight Injury. But Immediately the greatest confusion prevailed. In terror I ran to a small cupboard In an attle room at th top of the house and hiding, listened. ' 'I heard th soldiers rush Into th house. Mingled with th report of re volvers and th dashing of swords wsre passionate cries of mercy and th groans and shrieks of dying men. Every one was killed murdered my huaband Included, excepting th Journalist and myself. He escaped heaven only knows how while I was later found and handed over to the police. After a de tention of 14 hours I was released and went back to my lonely horn. I was Immediately rearrested by mili tary officials and taken to Gatchtna, where I was confined In a villa guarded by soldiers. The military officers said if ths pollc eould not met out Justice they would. - I hsd managed to conceal th more valuable of my Jewelry in my bosom. But all th rest of value In my house. Including over (1,000 In gold, was ap propriated by th pollc or soldiers. Knowing only too well th reason why I bad been sent to a lonely country house I was happy beyond measure, when by bribing a servant with a hand some diamond and aappbtr ring, I man aged, lata one night, to escape. Disguised, I stols Into th dark Bight anflwllbinoney borrowed from the servant, traveled to Finland.' There I sold a piece of Jewelry and traveled on to Berlin. Here I met a gentlemai ii k myseir a Russian refuge with a price on his head who helped me to reach Parle, There I sold a diamond ring and a pearl necklace and cam on to London, arriving on August 1. I am cruelly and unjustly suspected of complicity la the young Journallat's plot to rob the officer of his Ufa Her enda th countess' story aa writ ten by herself. She has Ions aro aDDealed to the caar. to her own relatives and those of her 1st husband, but there has been no reply. Th countess believes th letters havs been tampered with . In. Russia.! During her stay in England she baa not been bothered by Russian spies at all. First M.dleoa sad Park streeta; Rev. B. L. Bonse, D. I). Seraoe, 10:80 a. a., "Aa Ideal Life"; 7:80 p. a., seraoa. "A Biblical Descrlp. tlua ef ths World's Orsstest Ore torts' ' : Chris tian Endeavor eenlis, 7;18 p. m. ; Seeder school, II a Bonny aide Eaet Taylor and Beat Thirty fourth street; Hev. J. J. Stauh. Morning serv ice, 11 o'clock, with sermon. "Paal'a ideal ef a Christian"; Saaday school. 10 a. a.; Benlor Christian Endeavor, f p. a.; aaaua at 7:80 p. a., "Every Inch a Man." Mlaalaetppt-Aveeue Mleelealnpt aveaae - aad Fremont street; Bev. William L. L'pab.w. Sunday eebool, 10 a. a.; sermon, 11 a. a.; Chrlatlaa Endeavor, T p. a.; eermoa. 7:80 p. m. Highland East Sixth and Preaeott streets; Rev. B. 8. Bollinger. Sunday echoul, 10 a. a : seraoe, 11 a. a.; Chrlatlaa Endeavor, 8.48 p. a.; aervtes at 7 80 p. a., seraoe. Lanrelwood Arleta kail: Bev. D. B. Gray. Sunday eebool. 10 n.'B.; Y. P. B. C. B 8:80 p. a; eermoa at 7 80 p. a. Baeaalo-Street Eaat Seventh and Basaala. Sermon, lo ao a. I Susday-echool. aoos Chrlatlaa Endeavor. 8:48 p. a. eveoUig serv ice, 7 .48 o'clock, eeraos. tCTHIRAg. ' St. Jamea' Engllab West Park and Jeffaraos streets; Bev. J. A. Less. Berviees at 11 a. a.: Susday echool, 10 a. a.t seraoa, 7:80 p. a.; Luther Leogne, 0:80 p. a. Zloa'a Oerman Chapman aad Balmoa etreetai Rev. W. U. Beareas. Services at 10:18 a. a! and 7:48 p. a. Betanla Danish Union avenne and Morris atrset; Rev. Uudmund OrlU. Sunday awvtcsa. 11a.. a. and 8 p. a. Norwegian Brood East Teeth and Grant streeta; Bev. 0. Hagoes. Sunday eebool, 8:80 a. a.; aervlce. 11 a. a.i service. T:80 n. m. Bt. Paul a Oerman East Twelfth and Clinton etreeta ; Bee. A. Kranen. Service, )0 so a. a.) serrlee. 7:80 a. a. j Saaday acbooL, 8:80 p. a.; Bible eebool, 8 s. m. Borwegisa 8 Hortk Foerteeath street; Rev, J. M. Mervlg. Bervlcaa at 11 e. B. aad 7:88 a. Swedish Immairaet Nineteenth and Irving atreete; Bev. 0. t. Reakard. Bervtcee at 11 a. a. and S p. a. ; Sunday school, 8:48. a. a. Bwcdlah Rodney (vena and Btantoa atreeL. eunaay ecnooi, w:su a. m.; aervlcea, 10:80 a. b. aervlsea, T:sS p. m. CHRIBTIAR. rirat Park Sad Oolnabln streets; Bev. B, 8. Mock ley. At 10:8O a) a., seraoa, "Bow Christ . Removed Eicaee for Sin"; 7:80 p. m., eernwn, "That Other Men"; Christian Endeavor, 8:40 p. m : Bible echool. 13:18 p. a. Central Eaat Twentieth nnd Eaat Salmon etreeta; Rev.iJ. F. Gbormley, D. D. At 10:48 a. a., eermoa. .-'A Penteoost.lB Preparatloa"; Snnday eebool, 12:18 p. m. ; Senior Endeavor, 8:48 p. a.; servleee at 7:80 p, a., seraoa, "The Cau or the cross." Special Beaaey-Avenue Rodney avenue and Knott street; Bev. r. Elmo Robinson. At 8:48 a. a.. , Bible eebool; 11 a. a., communion aad seraoni 8:80 p. a,t. P. B. C E. ; 7:80 p. a , sermon. , Wood laws 8a a nay school, 10 a. at-l praaeh Ing, 11 a. a. ; Chrtetlea Endeavor, f p. m.J esrvtces S p. a., with epectsl aasle. mrrriD xtaxoixioai. First Best Tenth snd BBsrsxs streets; Rev. A. A. Winter. At 10 a. a., Snndey echool; preaching, 11 a. a.; 7 80 p, a., eermoa. Second Targs aad Kertty atreeta; Bev. J. Bowersol. At 11 a. a., preaching, "The Bsrv Ice of Love snd Coondenee vnrene- That ef rear"; 7:30 p. a., sermon, "No Divine Uceses for Bin"; Sunday school, 10 a. a. K. L. C a, T P. n. it John's Ivanhee and John atreeta: Rev. sV-B.- MeVlcker. - Bandar achooL. 10 a.-a.; preaching, 11 a. B.i J, . ja. m, a 8:80 p. a.i Kv. UCJu. 1-eV p. P- m. . . I preaching, T.30 tfeaiey waepii waqiT aehonl. 10 a. a.t preaching, II . n. Tonng People's Besting, 1 p. a.; prsachlog, 7:80 p, as. ETABOtUCAL AS80CIATI0B. First Eofll.b Eaat Slith snd Market streeta; Rev. S. A. ftlewert. Preaching at 11 a. a.; Susday school. 10 a. a.; 7:48 P- a., sermos; Xenng people' Alliance, :o p. B. (was Leata; Asv. kL 0. ilaaderaos. Preach. Pope Toledo, Thomas, OldsmobHe, Pope TribunerBmch,Waverly Electric Tha best embodiment of the efforts of Automobile manufactureri ia represented In the above lines. - ' ?ONE OF THE PRONOUNCED LEADERS IN ITS TYPE IS THE "BUICK." T " : : " - ' THE MANY. HILL- CLIMBING, RACING. AND ENDURANCE CON TESTS WON BY BUICK CARS ARE ELOQUENT . INDICATION OF -THEIR WORTH. 22 H. P. Buick Touring Car . . , $1250 H. L. KEATS AUTO COMPANY Distributors for Oregon, Washington and Idaho. f ' r n ma mm Builders, -The Pullman Auto CarrCo. E :v " v. '" ... S x I Telephone Main : Iff I M a ; -ern machinery and 10,000 feet of floor space for the handling, building, designing, repair ing, painting and trimming of all makes of automobiles. .Body building, glass fronts, . fenders, curb and straight dashes, running boards and tops. Your did car rebuilt into one of the latest up-to-date cars. Inspection invited. " TV '. THE RULLMM A UTOCAR CO. Ing. 11 a. aa. and S p. a.; Toang Peapls's Al liance. 7 p. a. Sunday school, 10 a. a. f irst oeraae leniB viay nnai Tbeo. Schauer. Banday school, a SO a. a.; seraoe, 10:48 a. a.1 preecblng. 7:48 p. aa.; 8. r. A.. 1 p. a. Memorial Tlhbetts. and Elgbteentk etreetai Bev. L. C 4Hoover. Bundar echool, 10 a. a.; nrearhln. It a. a. and 7 :BO a. a. ; Y. P. A, devotional kcrvlcee. 8:80 p. a. North Portland Twenty-msr ana renyrrwre reeu: Rev. R. O. Horserbacb. Banday achoot. 0:48 a. a.; preaching, 11 a. a.; X. P. A. program, 7 p. a. TnrmB rtvMBTTimiAB. Cknreb of ths Strangers Wasco street and Grand avenne; Rev. S. Eerl Do Bole. Morning service, 10:48 o'clock, with sermon, "The Crime of Being a Discourager'! Sunday scheol. 12 a.; sermon. 7:80 p. a., "Preachlns la HU Home Town." ' ' yiret Slith aad Montgomery streets; Bev. A. W. Wilson. Morning aermoa. 10:80 a. a., "A Model Faith"; Sunday school, 11 m-1 aer- am. T 10 a. B.. iae aea wwe im Kimmm Bure." CHRISTIAB SCTMCB. First Chores of Chrtstr- arteatlst Seotttah Rite cathedral, Morrtsoa sad Lewnsdale streets. Services st 11 e. a. sad 8 n. Sunday school si cloee wt morning eervice; Wedaesdsy i at a o clock. Second Ckorck ef Christ, Scientist Elks' tea. pis. Stark sad Seventh atreea. Sunday serv. Ices at 11 a. aa. mmm w - ' 11 a. B. . BTIUIOVS. . Mieeloa 11 Foerth street. aortk. Preaching every sight and Sunday "olve fcr'nach Mleetea SM) First street seat Columbia. Preaeblng every night at T:80; Busdara. I p. m.i wunoay rawi, w St. Jnha'a Holiness Mleeloe M Bvooe atreet sear Mala; Bev Joha T. Ul. Servtcee every algbt nnd Snndey at S and 7:80 p. a. r-MeJ B.ntlat 248 Seoeod street. Bervloaa at 1:80 P. a. . . UBITEP BRETHRIB Df CHRIST. Flret East Flfteeoth asd Morrises streets; Rev. H. C. Bbsffer. Bible school at 10 s. m. eirnwn et It e.-ea aireiea -eu p. a. 'Second Slaut and Mechanic atreeta; Rev. C t. Blaacbard. Saaday school, 10 a. a. aermoa. 11 s. a. ana T:au p. a. METHODIST. SOUTH. ptrat Itm Seeood treat, roreetera" hell; Rev. E. H. Mowre. At 10 a. a., Banday echool: 11 a. a., eermoa; 8:80 p. av. Epworth League 1:80 p. B., preaching. . , , 1 0. AVJ BL A. Cbrkittaa aad Mlaalooery A Ilia nee Birth and Main etreeta; Rev. O. If. Bewtelie. Preachlns. 10:80 a. a.; Sunday eebool, 12:18 p. B.i Young People's meeting. 8:80 p. av; eveugtllal eerrtcea. t;80 p. a. . - - T.sVO.1. Assoelstloa Auditorium. 197 Fesrth atreet. At 8 p. a., men a meeting wltk sditress by Harry W. Hohaee ea "New Ecaland." Spe cial anete. CHRIS TIAB" ADVZVT. , Chrtetlea Advent Second street setwess Ran end Lincoln; Hev. Char lee lleffenden. Sunday arbnol, 10:80 a. a. I preacklng, 11:80 a. aa,; pralae aervlee. f p. bm ssraoa, S p. a. ''. ' 0." ' ' Cbriattes Cethslle .Church la Zloo Allaky bau. eecot.d aoor, iniro ana eiomeoa streets ireem: At i Rev. t'berlcs A. Hoy, ewes is charge, p. m., Bible stBdy; 8 p. a., aarvtese. tiTTIB-DAT BAIVTS. Cboveh nf Jeans Chrlat ef Utter-Day Saints Usll 400, Allakr halldlng, Third asd Morri son streete. Services st ll:80 e. a. sad T p. a.; Banday echool at 10 a. Bi. SPIRITUALISTS. ' - - -First Bphiraal Society loew. Third atreet. Berviees st II a. a. and 7:48 B. a.i lecture hy Ura. Targlng Rows ea "NeceeelUea ef the : '.. Muto Car Cq0 Designers and Repairers of All Makes of Automobiles 4" are now located in their new up &oor"i lyeea'a at 12:80 p. a.. spTrlt ages sy ears. Lsaa rinnicnn. Church of First Bora Drew hall, leg Second treet; Bev. R. E. Coos. D. I. Coafereace, 10 a. a.) lyceiim, 11 a. a.; aermoa and teats, ( n. aa.; discourse aad teats, 7:80 p. a. - ITXITARXAJf. , Chnrch nf Onr Father Seventh and Yamhill streeta t Rev. W. O. Bitot, Jr., minister; Rev. T. U Eliot, D. D.. Blntater emeritus. Services at 11 a. a., subject ef aermoa, "Dr. Cr.peey'a Conviction snd Its Meaning for tha World": Banday eckool, 8:44 a. m., klndergartea; II a. a., elaaaea; X. P. B. 0. B., 8:80 p. aa. BUB'S BXSOBT. . . Men's Resort and People's Institute Fonrth and Burnslde streets. Btereoptlcon Bible study hour. 8 p. B.I men's meeting with adrtreea. 4 p. a.; peoyle'a guepel evrvlee with special niuale, T :46 p. B. : . , RE0R0AB1ZXD SAnTTS. 1 Reorganised Church ef Jeeoa Cbrtet nf Letter- Day Saints Broad atreet and Moll. day e venue t Bev. W. A. Good win. presiding slder is charge. prsachlBg at 11 a, a. sad 1.80 p. m. Buaday aensot. S:V B. ADTZVTIBTS. Seventh-Day AdvenU.te 2oSH Third street ketweoM Tavloe and Balmoa: Bev. Georse A. Snyder; preecblng. T:80 p. m., "The Lew nf Love Ia There Too Much Love ia the world r varrviM. ... Friends Church Eaat Thlrty-Sfth and Mala streeu; Rev. Lewis I. Hedley. Preecblng at 11 a. B. and 7:80 p.. as.: Sunday school lit a. B.I Endeavor, 8:80 p. a. SWTTJEBB0B0IAB. New Cboreh Boelety Eleventh aad atreeta; Rev. Blram Vroonua. At 11 aervlcea; Boaday aekoal, 10 a. a. Alder SrfTJTS TRUTH CXbTTXB. Trnth Chapel, Allaky building, Third and Mom boo streetsi Rev. Tbaddeus Bi. Mloard. Berviees at 11 a. a.) Banday BchoeL It a. ' CHURCH OF dOD. Chorch ef Ood Chanel, 480 Ilawthorns a rennet Bev. O.'T.-Keal.-- Servteee at S:80-af B.' aad 1:80 p. a.; Sunday achoel. 1 a. a. BA1ARIBX. Chnrch et the Nesarene 42 Bnra.We atreet; Rev. U. O. Menrlcke. Beraioaa at iQM a. a. 8 p. a. as :eo p. a. -nu KixHODIST. Free Methodlee Beat Ninth and Mill atreeta Preaching, 11 a. a.; Saaday sthool, 10 a. aa. VaUVHIaX DAWH. Mtllenaiel Dawn O. A. R. hall. Second sad Morrlsoa etreeta. Cenrloss at 2:80 p. a. UHTVXRSAXIiT. First Eaat Eighth aad Coach' etreeta. At !1 a. a., serana by Rev. T. W. Botler, "Maa'a urpoat la Life"! Sunday school, 10 a. as. - REyORMTD. , First Oerman Tenth and Stark atreeta; Rev. 0. Hefner. Servleee at 10:48 a. a. and S y. a. Y. P. S. C. E 8 p. a. PRINCE'S NARROW ESCAPE Abruggi'g Lovb for Elephant Hunting Nearly Proves Fatal. Th following evtraet from a letter wrlttm by, P. A. Knowlea, In Uganda, deeorlblng an elephant hunt which took plac during the visit of his royal highness, the Duke of th Abruast, to Fort Portal, In Uganda, I from th London Clraphle: The duke was veryanslous to shoot an elephant, so I took hint out to look for some "d eur journey to th Uganda border. Th first day he was aocon Trdnttfinj Pope Eartford . ... : ... i ..' v s. - - ( " t y : . - - -4 to . ......... . -v.. V- Ji 7- . U ti Headquarters: Seventh :zzzzza 6.5.70-72.7 NORTH 'SIXTH STREET Corner Everett - to - daf factory with all mod- panled"yTnostof lurrtTtiild. Ind T led them up to a herd of elephants The duke wounded one beast, a big bull, badly. We followed th tracks of blood for th greater part of the' day, but eventually had to give It up. Th na tlva found th poor animal dead soma days later, and brought In tha tusks. whiob weighed over to pounds each, and war of an Immense sis. , Th second day tha duke insisted on going out with m alone, as he said, very truly, that It was impossible to hunt with so many people. So w start ed out at daybreak for a plao where we were told we were sure to find some elephants. At about 7 o'clock we sight ed a herd of about II beasts, standing In thick cover, with an old bull at some little distance away from th rest. I pointed out to the duke that It was a risky plac to stalk them In, but he In slated on going, so ws made for the old bulL which was a very big animal. On our way w passed quite close to th bard, which were on our left. Be fore w knew bow close w were, we found ourselves within about 10 paces of ths big bull. : Th duke had aaked m to fir .first but in order to do so I bad to get around a bush a bit nearer atllL The beaat must have heard ua, for h be came on tha alert, and I saw bis great head beginning to move. There was no ttm to watt longer, and I fired at hie left eye. He went over flat, making a tremendous bellowing. Tha rest wf ths herd then began scresmlng"nd trumpet ing, and, as w heard afterward from som of our men standing on th next hill, they crowded around th wounded elephant, helping him along. This lit tle episode escaped our notice on , ac count of th long grass, , which hid th elephants from our sight. We now heard a tremendous noise, snd thought it must t the bull strug gllng on th, ground, but almost Im mediately after there waa mora bellow ing and a wild rush, and then w. saw ths bushes and small trees falling down flat In front of us, and, to .our horrur, we - found that th whole herd were upon uam There waa nothing for It but to run, and I guided th duke to a small tree, which stood a little to1 one side. W were only Just In time, aa tha huge beaats came charging by ua It waa an unpleasantly narrow eecape, although so soon over, and It was -quite a pleasure to find ourselves Still alive after It waa all over.U I escort ad th duk to th borders- of my province shortly after this, but we did not com across any more elephaars. Wnat Stood Was X telmt Edward B. Wesley, long knewn as "tha arand old man" of Wall street. died a few weeks ago at th advanoed age of (, leaving a fortune estimated at 11,000,080. Mr. Wesley never smoked nor drank nor went to th theatre, ana always attributed. ble success. Ilk Rus sell Sag, .to th fact that he began to save from his first a tart in lire. when he sold birch beer and cakes to a crowd of people In a little New Eng land village aad made a profit ef II a day. " ' Opposed Be Valoa iaVs. Th New South Wales Eroployera' Federation baa decided to oppose the first attempt made by any trad anion to rag-later a union lapei. - ; THREE CARLOADS 7 NOW IN TRANSIT. PHONE US FOR .DEMONSTRATION; , DAY OR NIGHT... ALL PRICES F. O. B. FACTORIES 22 H. P. Bulcfc y v Runabout . ....... IS1150 and Oak Streets, Portland, Or. ' Plan to give somt one a dress suit or Tuxedo- for Christmas. You could not imagine a more elegant, or acceptable1 gift. Or, if "jrou are in the no- tlon of buying one for your self, do it now.' Buy it of us. We use the best of mate rials, linings and trimmings. ' No tailoring ' establishment on the Pacific Cdast gives the value in dress garments we do. "-x"""-. :. TO MEASURE, ., Dress Suits TOYOur "MEASURE " Just Received A Splendid Line of New Scotch Suitings Tweeds, and Cheviots. The very latest, most fashionable patterns'. Neat, durable and handsome- TO YOUR MEASURE. IckOLmrt DIU0 ELKS BUILDING 7h and Stark Streets. Tuxedos & Dress Suits Tuxedos mm $25?30