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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1906)
SECTION TWO ,.v;. 'PAGES 17 TO 32 PORTLAND. OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 2, - 1806. Watch for Child ten's Day inJtHe Toy Department Royal VJORCESTER CORSETS Sold at This Stored The Best to Be Had Salespeople Vanfd '., We have room for bright young salespeople of experience in any line. Ws've soma good position : for there, too. Wall make it pleas ant for them, pay them well, the' . hoars will not be hard, and the chance for advancement la .with out limit to those who "make good." Don't try to crowd all your Christmas shopping into the last week, for you'll be better satisfied to come earlier, while the stocks are as complete as now. You'll have more time for choosing, too, and salespeople have more time to wait upon you properly. And youll find that there's many a little thing to buy the last thing anyhow You've had than happen before, haven't you? . Come earlier this year and DO YOUR SHOPPING AT "THE BIG CHRISTMAS STORE." THE ONE SANTA CLAUS APPROVES OF Visit Our Tea Room We serve dainty lunches to our patrons in the tea room on the see-, ond floor. ' Just remember that when you're planning a shopping excursion. Plan to come here and have lunch. We always have a good salad, a delicious dessert and surpassing coffee. And the cost is very moderate. Good Suggestion From Shoe Store "This week will abound In good sug gestions for gift giving and in SAV INGS. For there's going to be a good ' special every day from the Shoe Sec tiona special on NEW GOODS, and nothing shall be advertised in which we have not a full line of sizes. WOMEN'S JULIETS JND SLIP- PERS, in black, brown and red, trira med with black fur, hand turned soles, made of a fine grade of fclf, Q Q "and reg. $1.60 value., Monday. r OC Lace Curtains Only $3.25 the Pair We've 1400 pairs of REAL Cluny Lace Curtains. And Monday we're going to make special prices on these goods that will interest homefitters. Come in white or -Arabiarr-tlOT6-pattern-toaelect-fromi--tf -9 4 JF Monday the regular $4 ones for............Jas $ 4.60 quality, now.... ........ ....... ...'.., .S 3.65 $ 6.00 quality, now... .,......, ...... ...... .S 3.05 $ 6.00 quality, now!.... 8 4.75 $ 7.60 quality, now..... '. ...1.8 5.95 $ 9.00 quality, now...... $ 7.15 $12.60 quality, now...... ........... S 9.95 $18.60 . quality, now. . . . , -. .................. .$10.75 rUBW RUOSrinniizesrsmaih-nredluin and room siai: Oriental effects. Fine gifts for Xma. ' NEW Patterns in Linoleum and Carpets. Great Lot Back and Side: Combs In sets of three pieces, made of J)ell, set with rhlne-AC. stones snd band-mounted, worth 85c, the et............r.iW Buy Someone" a-Fur Scarf-or Set Women's Velvet Costumes Reduced One-Fourth Fur buying in this splendid stock is different from trying 4to' purchase in any other store. For here the selection, is so large, there's so many things to choose from, that it's easy to find just hat-you are sureJyotrwrantrAnd of course the store with the I : t "W i ..V W " .asr-s -k. 1 - sin largest stock is in a position to make the best prices. Fur Sets, Separate Scarfs or Muffs, of Mink, Tree Marten, Ermine, Gray or Blended Squirrel, Silver Fox, Isabella Fox, Lynx, Persian Lamb, River Mink, Angora, Thibet and Russian or Sable Coney. Scarfs From $1.75 to $85 and Sets Up Jo $185.00 i ' WOMEN'S VELVET SUITS, In elaborately beautiful .models, rv'l! v constructed by the most expert workers and trimmed in exquisite f- taste f Eton, fcton blouse and hall-fitting bot jacket styles, trim- med with fancv crochet braids and buckles. Rich costumes that ('sell regularly for $28.60 to $95.00 each. Special for Monday ' - ' ' ' ' - J)neFourth-Less-Than Regular iifjj SILK RAIN COATS, in plain colors or fancy plaids and, stripes; swagger, loose-fitting models, made of; nothing but dependable quality silks; regular prices $22,50. to $42.60 eah. ' Monday, one fourth less. ......... . .4 SILK PETTICOATS; splendid Xmas, gifts; tf A C here in a plentiful assortment $5.00 up to..."x SILK AND LACE WAISTS, new ones, lingerie waists and all the new,things in pretty bodices. Wouldn't you like to come, in and see the latest ones? . NEW WALKING' SKIRTS, just here and more com ing by every express. New Suits in all the good models.. , ' 57.50 Tailored Hats for $2 A9 Each Drastic price cuitingfin the Milling ery Section now, for we are intent on selling all our millinery WHILE YOU CAN USE IT BEST. Smart Tailored Hats, neat, fetch ing . shapes ; worth regularly as high as $7.50 each. T 7Q Monday ........ Tr All PattraIIataaxesellingnow at half former prices. . .- v All Trimmed Hats in the store are t reduced one fourth. . See These Handkerchief Bargains WOMEN'S DAINTY LINENH AND KERCHIEFS," pure linen with edge of fine filmy Armenian lace. FA A superb assortment, priced up from. J LC ALL LINEN KERCHIEFS, with embroidered and hem stitched hedges ;15, 25, 35f, and up Ef2 from........ . '.. .v. DUC INITIAL HANDKERCHIEFS, of pure linen ; Richard son -s make; hemstitched 5$ each, or box 6 for. ieeaaa-ae 57.25 FINE INITIAL-HANDKERCHIEFS, .f hemstitched r 35c grade. Box of 6 .......... aft 4 f D U CROSSBAR KERCHIEFS, all linen 65, A 35, S8t, 25 and ....... . . . .. . . . . .... . . I OC HEMSTITCHED -HANDKERCHIEFS, pure linen; special values at, each, 35, 25, 20, 17,' f 15S 12y3f. and. JC COLORED CHECK KERCHIEFS, the latest Tad in women's handkerchiefs ; splendid assortment ; " : tg ( special value, ready Monday, each .............. "f V C 75c Mufflers for 53c Men's Shops Sixth t First Floor. , A fine worsted Muffler, with chest pro tector and esrlaps combined; can be worn with or without .the earlaps; sweater neck; comes in plain colore or pin stripes; the $1 grade for T3, and 7Sc , . - Cl ones for.... ..'........ MEN'S WORSTED UNDERWEAR.-medium weight, derby ribbed; shirts have French neck snd the drawers bsve double sest; comes in natursl, grsy, blue, tan and pink; a regular $1.25 ralue. Mon- QCt day, only SMOKINQ JACKETS, come in nary blue grounds' with white flecked dots, plaid lin ing, collars and cuffs; beat $5.50 27 slue made. for,.. ..r7'' MEN'S BLACK CASHMERE HOSE, with double soles and high spliced heels; one of our very best three for a dollar Cm grades Monday,,, the, pair $1.00 Dress Goods 81c . Fifth 8t Annex First Floor. All wool Panamas, in 50, 52 and 54-inch widths, the best wearing fabric made, for walking suits, etc. You nave all the want ed shades to choose from, and it's priced like .50 grade for fl.19, $1.25 quality for BSf , and the $1 grade. IMPORTED ENGLISH PLAID ' SUIT INGS,. 1,600 yards of it, and it comes in every wanted color combination; regularly it's a splendid $1.00 quality. Mon- 7"f day, yard lit Holiday Showing Ubbey Cut Class We are the Portland ,agents for this famous Glassware, and the holiday -showing is one that will delight people of taste. Hundreds of articles to select from. For the home and table. NEW CHINA Novelties in unique decor ated china, new shapes snd exclusive de signs here. . -New Shipment of Msrble on Display In the Crystal Room. ..... .. Women's $1.00 Underwear 78c Garment White or natural merino Pants and Vests, medium weight goods, nicely' fin ished; a garment that regularly ' sold - for $1.00 'the garment. Special for Monday , TO on!y...............OC Children's' black cash mere Hose, seamless; splendid values at Cfl 25. 35. 40t. . VlC Women's black cashmere Hose; seamless, flat woven, also OC ribbed. Special value..... C Women's fine ribbed black cash mere Hose, seamless, great AO value for the money. . .'. . . TlC Women's cream tinted fine ribbed cotton Vests and Pants; a very soft fine gar ment ; . they are for fleshy women, being sizes 7, 8 and 9; 60c value. AO- Special ............. Women'i v Merode Union Suits, natural merino, good , winter weight; our best $1.75 suit. Spe- - A TO cial.'suit 4l.J7 Women's very fine ribbed black cashmere Hose, finished Cl foot, very elastic. ........ .wt Women's extra fine cashmere Hose, full. shaped,, double In the Silk Department Fifth St. Annex First Floor.' For Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, we offer 2,800 yards of all silk Japs, for lin ings and fancy work; comes in 24 and 27 inch widths. Very special, the OQ yard., at...... , .AC CREPE DE CHINES, FOR DU BARRY SCARFS. This is the favorite fabric for these faddish scarfs, and we have the most complete assortment - possible to carry. from small neat patterns to the most elab orate demfrn. Priced at, yard, f l.OO, f 1.25 and $1.50 ttesik Belts In While, Black and Colors That's the newest and these are among the best. Made , in the nail studded effects; come in hits, black or colors, CI OC and selling up from ,. J) I SCARFS AND BOAS, of ostrich feathers, in black, white or colors; every one a special value. - Price, up CI IZ (f from , I 3U( Art Pottery and Figures Make early selections in the Art Pottery snd Figures, for then you'll have the first choice of an assortment not equaled on the coast. And to aid you in immediate choos ing, we make these special prices for Mon day. Lowelsa,-.Rozane--Weller,..Matt. and Dickens busts and figures: 1.50 175 2.00 2.50 3.00 4.00 4.50 5.00 7.50 $10.00 $12.00 $15.00 -'Figures and Figures and Figures and Figures and Figures and Figures and Figures and Figures and Figures and Figures and Ornaments. Ornaments. Ornaments. Ornaments. Ornaments. Ornaments. Ornaments. Ornaments. Ornaments. Ornaments. Ornaments. Ornaments. 1.18 1.SO 1.50 1.83 2.25 3.00 3.38 3.75 5.63 7.60 .. O.OO ..f 11.25 BLACK SILK SCARFS, from 1 to 3 ysrds long; come in an endless variety of colors. From 1.25 . $17 50 Special Sale Glove and Kerchief Boxes 19c Art Department Tint rtoose. New deslrns In Olovs and Handkerchief Boxes, tor burning'. Very special, m. each JVC Saketanfla, on ebony or cherry base, round ria ink well, reaular too value, a Monday, special . .........JlC Toilet Waters, rine Imported French i.r. eoodm 750 bottle for Tfc Xals Brnshea. the Engllnh rubber c- euahlon kind. 5o value for... wl Oregoa fjoeale Wonder Book. Buy en's to send to your uasiern rrienaa. ti.vv , rl- values for . JVC Vltt, the same for enjoyment and ex cltement, worth tOc, special. .J Jt Crepe rapes, fancy decorated, as- 4 a eorted designs, too value for IvC Cbamola BUna, medium slse,' regular ,". m . ISo value, special for JaC Great Ribbon Specials Wllaa .nd mllM of Ribbon. Tinllrla V time ealls for rlbben-for o many thins, you'd better come here Monday bent on ribbon buying-. No. 1, All 811k Ribbon, yard .......... 2 Or the piece of 10 yards .INS No. 1H RlbbotvaU aUk. ths yard 3 Or the piece or 10 yerae. .. 25 No. S Ribbon, all silk, the yard 8Hs Or the piece of 10 yards... ...304 An Uk Taffeta Bleboa, No. 1, V-nch wide, the yard t Piece of 10 yard for. ............ .30 o. 'l',4, S-lnch wide, jard... ..4) Piece of 10 yards for 354 No. J. H -Inch wide, the yard m"5 Specials in Linen Aisle Mew Importations In fine satin finish damaak and Engllah Marseilles BeU preads, full slaed, with fringe, h n priced at,S20 to ft.VU maadkeraalef XJaone, for the holidays.. . Richardson's maker sheer and cambric finish. three' qualities, all specially ydad.?hfl.SflT. 91.25 and $1.00 Sack To we liar, Rtchardeon'e fine washed linen huck. In plain or fancy Jacquard designs, at, the . yard, $1.50, e. and a low as CJC Taney Mohair Walstlaga, for the construc tion of neat and durable House ,. Waists, the. t and durable House rr. yerd JUC Specials Muslinvjear and Children's Section Babies fJaoqass, knitted, of fine wool, come In plain white or with pink or, blue border; ' also sacques made of fine all-wool flannel, trimmed with. ribbon and edged with fancy stitching. Regular ISe value, speelal, Monday . ..vJC , Women's Petticoats, of fine ' white cambric, with deep flounce and - three dusters of - tucks of three rows each, and finished with t-lncb embroidery edging, regularly IJ.7S eac! ibroldery edging, regularly - q h, Monday . .. . . . . ...vl.7 0 .$1.39 Girls gwsaters In all-wool yasa. Norfolk ' stylo, with belt, and trimmed with fancy pearl buttons; ages S to 14 years regular 1. values, epeelal Hemstitched Doylies and Centerpieces . snd --Scarf, white embroidering, between double , rows of fine hemstitching. 8 lies from Inch doylies to 13-Inch centerpieces; regular prices Zfto to IZ.eO earn, a y in now. 1.6T to Leather Goods Specials ta.TS SaJTSBAOS flJ A splendid assort ment of the best grain leather Handbags, all leather lined and fitted with Inside coin ' purse. Frames and catches of gunmetal or gilt 'finish; regular 12.71 values, j. en tor only .1.0 Opera Bags, handaoma affairs of such silk, with fancy metal frames, a regular qo. tl.tO value, special Monday at .JfOC - New things In Bars, Purses, Card Cases, Bill Books, Muslo Folios, Photo Holdors, Leather Cornered Flasks, Drinking Cups and Peak' Places. v '. Snappy Jewelry News Bracelets are to be worn more than ever this year. 4 Factories are three or four months behind their orders, but here you'll find a enmplete assortment. Priced from ire. $ 30.00 down te v. 03C Tasellae ara, with "lnrMielt Gray Silver ye ' Tops, very special value, Monday ,JC Kail Tiles, Shoe Horns, Tooth 'Brushes, Cuticle Knife, Nail Brushes, Stamp Molataner and Letter Opener, with . sterling sliver han dles. In four different designs, r. j choice. .JJC .SOc TAMP BOXXS, In fine art silver, all new designs, each, only An Extra Special Lace and Insertion Sale Meohlla and Maltese fcaoee, In complete sets, splendid, for trimming so many of the little things you'll be making for pretty Christmas gifts. Priced Ilk this. Bee them. H Inch width, yard...!.. 8a) 111 tnoh ,15a to 35a) i Inch. width .12H4 nd 15 I 1 to t Inches 22s to 35a 1 inch.... ......15 18a and 20a 1H to Inchee. 25 to 50) Beal Armenian taces, for trimming 'gift handkerchiefs, beautiful patterns, priced at, the yard. Clany Xaoee, for edging centerpieces, with Insertions to match, splendid for the , daintiest sort -of fancy . work. priced thus: H Inch width, the yd... JVC t to m inches, a yard 15e to 2S4 I to I Inches wide .....25f to 45 4 to Inches wlde. 60a) to fl.25 rchtefa, beautiful patterns, priced . ........... T5a, 6O4, 50 and HOC Meohlla Iaees and Insertion, especially suitable for the trimming of fine 'k.r ehlafa, waists, or any artlole that needs the application of filmy, foamy laoea. Comes In "widths of H Inch tol Inches wide and priced at the r yard 10a), 12H), 15a) and JC Christmas Toys-rYJeAre All Ready for You That-big Fourth Floor Toy Department ia filled u never before with the best things in toys. We're going to' gWe a reception for those toys t- i dollies soon. Watch for Children's Dr. A