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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1906)
. THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING, ' DECEMBER 2. 1906. AnnUAL BANQUET OF THE U. I. A - CHAPTER AT VillltE TEnRLE DAY'S JUTS 00 EAST SIDE I -a a One Hundred Girls Partak of the Annual Dinner Served by the i , . Alerts, the Class of Young Men Pro- - :: v .r--.-'. gram' Rendered. ----- .. The annual banquet of th V. J.. A. haptor of th Wblt Temple girl w held In th lower temple on Friday evening, and proved a delightful af fair. Plate were laid for 100, the tablee arranged to form, the letter! V. I. A. Thla la . one of the organised elaaaea of the White Tem pie Sunday achool, there being ft num ber of other. Tha glrla of thla claaa .1 xj v.. X X A . Mrs. O. P. M. Jamisons-Photograph by Charles Butterwortb. ' - - -- 4 range In agea from II to II, and when , gathered together, each with her Invited , guest, jnade a pretty picture. Mrs. J, W. Brougher, wife of the . pastor, la the leader pf the claaa, and , to ber la due much of the credit of the aucceaa of -the banquet. Mra. O. P. M. , Jamlaon la the teacher and Mlaa Grace Bartlett the president. After a de- llcioua dinner, served by the "Alerta." a claaa of young men, the following ' program waa given: -,..'.... "Our Garden of Glrla," Mlaa Daley Don't Let Your Grow .1 . Mrs. J. W. Brougher. Every Hemorrhoidal Ulcer It a Far tile Field for Cancer and Other . V ; V Deadly Diseases. "',J ntu vacxaox rmsa. Conatlpatlon unchecked brlnga In flammation, Inflammation begeta pile nd pllea too often auperlnduce tumora of malignant nature. ' It la utmost folly to allow thla eon dltlon to continue. , If you have pllea the velna of the rectum are congeated, and the xcesslv (training of the ab dominal walla to force a paaaage In 'many caaea leads to rupture and rack . Jng of the tissues. . I There la no greater aufferlng than thla. If you are a sufferer from pllea you know it It la foolish to think that -any amount of cathartics will relieve you. - On the contrary-purgatives are favorable to the production of hemor rhoids. Do not be eecelved either by "the Illusion thst en -operation -alwaya cures. It sometimes does, but. the agony Tssre li Ko Greater Torture Tbka yiles. . of the operation la too great to. warrant the experiment, except as a laat re- aort -. ft There la only one natural way to care puss. There are memcamenta which ' together heal the mucous membrane of the bowela and rectum and give It life The Pyramid Drug Co. have prepared suppositories convenient for Insertion - Into the affected, part and containing the soothing. Dealing, invigorating med--irlnes needed to effect a quick and per manent cure,. That these do cure plies .Is proved by the voluntary testimonials of thousands. By every mall we get lettera like thla: f "Wishing to give credit where credit la due, I feel It my duty to humanity aa 'well as yourselves to write you re garding your pile remedy. I have not finished my first box and am now well. After the first treatment of Pyramid Pile Cure, the eorcnesa left, and the Swellings have kept decreasing. - I also nned your pills and am feeling like my S-lf again. Thanking you kindly, I am, youra truly, C Crowley, I7 ttn Ave., Seattle, Waah." ' We do not ask ynu to take our word. We are willing that you should try our treatment and deride for yoirreelf. Send to the Pyramid Drug Co, li Pyramid building. Marshall, Mich., and you will receive free trial package by return mall. After you have used the contents of this package you can secure exactly the earns medicine, If you will ask for the Pyramid Pile Cure! . ' For sale at ell druggists, SO cents per .DOS. ," f . Davis; "Class Ideals." Mrs. O. P. M. Jamison; "Our President," Miss Estelle Guerber; "Class Song," Miss Mabel MUUs and chorus! "Our .Guests," Miss Grace Bartlett; "Class Prophecy," Miss Helen Bushnell; "The Man Behind the Tray," Miss Lillian Bulllngton; "The V. I. A. Girl." Dr. J. W. Brougher. The aim of the leader and teacher of the class is to give to the young people connected with the church pleas ant and attractive entertainment, and to win to the ranks young-people In the city who may be without friends. - FOUNDATION PERMIT" : ' FOR NEW-BUILDING E. A. Baldwin has received a permit to make the - excavation and lay the foundation for a six-story brick build ing on Alder street Between Park and Seventh. It will be occupied by stores and offices. The foundation will cost f.000. - Other permits have been Issued as follows: A. Parentl. shed,, East Harri son between East Eighth and Eaat Ninth streets, cost $95,' Jacob Orth, one story dwelling. Sixth between Jacknort and Lincoln atreeta, cost $700; Twin Wo company, - repairs, Fifteenth - between Kearney -and Lovejoy street. cost I..OO0; . Wakefield - A - Fries, - repairs, Front between Jefferson and Columbia streets, eost $600; J. W. Thomas, on. story, dwelling. East Main between East Thirty-third and East Thirty-second, Cost $$00; M.r.Wiaaaa one-story "dwell ing. East Gllsan between Havlland and Roseraont. cost $&00;-Fted Bauer, oner story dwelling. East Twenty-first be tween Clacksmas and Marion, cost $700 El Roos, repairs, - Thurman between Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth, cost 7S; same,- Vaughn between Twenty fourth and Twentv-flfth. coat tZQu. Tvlrchner aV nanno, repairs. Bavler be tween Sixteenth and Seventeenth, cost $400. ' ' Fire Department to Have Many i Improvements In Over- :; River District. " NEW APPARATUS, HORSES AND HOUSES PROMISED Fire Alarm Telegraph Stations Will Be Placed Where Needed and Bet . ter Protection Given All Parts of the East Side. . ' . . . Xast Side Department. . In the. annual recommendations for new apparatus and otliia general im prqvementa submitted to the executive board this week by Fire Chief Campbell, the eaat side Is very generously provid ed for and If the recommendations are acted upon favorably by the council, and -there la every reason to believe they will be, the eaat side will be very effi ciently secured against any considerable loss by fire. ... , - Some time ago before the time for preparing the annual budget had ar rived, . the Eaat Side Business Men's club appointed a committee of 11 men from among their number, of which Councilman Kellaher waa chairman, to Investigate the needs of the east sldf In the way of fire protection, and they wenV at the matter In a systetnatio way and In bji endeavor to aee just what was wanted. The Improvement asso ciations in the outlying districts were asked to send In deiegatea and no dis trict waa overlooked. After they - bad made their investigations, they tnada them known to Chief Campbell, who was very generous to them in oonsld-e ertng their wants and lnoqrporalea nearly every one of them In his re port. . ' . - ' JSToch Jfew aquipmeat. The new equipment tor east side houses includes horses,' engines of all kinds, house-fixtures, new hose, pipes and in fact everything needed In an efficient service.- For the Brooklyn and Twenty-eighth street bouses f 11,010 each will be appropriated for running expeneea and new apparatus during ths year 107. All these, appropriations are for the coming year. The Highland house will be equipped with a new sec ond sise engine and a combination chemicaiand. hose .wagon, causing . anj outlay of $l,174. The bouse at Wll llama avenue and Russell street will re ceive an appropriation of IM76, the Sellwood company 14,001, and the Miss issippi avenue house $1,40. Only one oompany wsa not considered to the ex tent the committee thought it should have been, and that was ths Multno mah atreet house on Grand avenue. The appropriation for the Multnomah house waa $1,10, but a whole new equipment is ssked for by the commit tee and an exceptlou waa made In this case by the chief In not Including all that was asked for in hia xeoommnda tlons. The Multnomah company wants aminUfely-neaTUouas and"tn the opln lon Of Councilman Kellaher - a new equipment la badly needed on Multno mah street. , However, the old engine at tha Multnomah, street house will In all probability be moved to Woodlawn sad -a nef" engine' purchased for this station anyway. - Besides these expenses for the com log year all to be used In the betterment of the east side service, $20,000 will be expended for the extension of the fire alarm system oh the east side. Quite a distance of underground cables be I'm a ana provisions made for NOVEMBER WEATHER ALMOST PERFECT So far as ths temperature was eon' earned, ths month of November was al most perfeot, the mean temperature be ing 41 degrees, while 41.1 degrees Is ths mean temperature for the month during the past 11 years. Many Novembers have been much cooler and soma have been considerably warmer. Tha preclp'tatlon was above the av erage by a little more than two Inches, the average being (.44 Inches, Ths heavlast rainfall ' waa recorded on No vember T, 'when 1.10 Inches felt No vember; 14 was the hottest day, for then the thermometer registered 5 da grees. November 14 was the coldest, with 10 degrees. It rained more or leas on 11 days of tha month and only five were perfectly clear. The wind trav eled (,101 miles during the 10 days, mostly irom trie southeast. REBUILDING 'FRISCO Activity in Construction Continues in the Burned District. . Prom the Journal of Progress. There were 91 building contracts filed during the week, representing an aggre gate expenditure of $1,122,150. tha bulk or which win be expended In the burned district on . permanent Improvements. Ths work of reconstruction Is steadily Broadening out, ana almost every week shows a noticeable betterment In the claaa of buildings, particularly In ths downtown districts. The work of de molishing ths walls of ths Palace hotel Is making rapid progress, and from nresent Indications the site will he cleared for building-operations before the expiration or the time limit In ths contract. The big reenforced concrete building, three stories In height, which eovera the entire block on the east aide of Davis - street, from California to Pine streets, extending down the first named atreet nearly to Dm mm street. and with a long frontage on Market atreet, la attracting considerable atten tion. It la the largest structure of the kind In process of building In that part of the city, and will bo ready for oc cupancy Inside of three months. The claas of buildings aow helne erected In tha -Chinese quarter Is far superior to any of the structures there prior to tha fire. The aectloa Is being well built up, and many substantial buildings ara nearly completed. North erly toward North Beach tha progress ive spirit of property owners Is observ able on all sides. The chief need 'of this portion of the city at this time Is better car service, and as soon as It Is provided ths locality will become one of the most active In tha city. There la one quite aubstantlal strue. ture nee ring completion In Chinatown.! It la the property of Samuel Dusen- bery, who Is having a three-story and baaement brick building ereoted on tha north of Washington atreat-The entlr. MSS . in the Head Snd Chest, front is oi wnue preeaea nnea. stores will occupy the ground floor, and I the two upper floors will contain 11 rooms. The building, has been leased for a term of 11 rears at a total rental f I1I.V9V. ."," ' . the extension of the whole system by the erection of new bouses In new local ities of the east side as fast aa they are needed. - - - . Belay Causes Aaxletyi Tha fact that no move haa been made to begin tha work on the new Grand avenue bridge over Sulllvan'a gulch. Is caualng soma anxiety among the eaat side buslnesa men. No one seems to know why tha delay In commencing the work haa bean made. When asked concerning the matter laat night. City Auditor Devlin said that he .felt no uneasiness in regard to the bridge; that the contract had been duly awarded and "that a limit had been es tablished within which time the bridge must be completed. Mr. Devlin said further, however, that he auppoeed that the reason the contractors were delay ing waa that they were probably waJU lng for. their ateel and did not wlah to go ahead with the excavation or the placing of abutments until the ateel had begun to arrive. W. L Bolae said practically the same thing, and as near as can be determined thla- la . the . reason for - the delay, ai though there may be other reasons for not entering upon the work at once. .- County Foota the Bill a. Aa a result of the new law aa verified by Judge Sears In the circuit court this week the running expenses of Justice Olson's court of the east aide Justice Jurisdiction are paid by the county The expenses of conducting the court since July 1 were Item lied by Justice Olson yesterday. The total expenses, as showed by the bills came to $93.45. Thla Included lights, water, wood and coal and Janitor service. 8ome of these bills ran back only to August and soma to September and Mr. Olson has estimated that the monthly expenses of his court would not exceed $11. The expenses 1 - MM Humphreys' Scventy-SeYcn-Cures Grip and mm "Some one walked over ' my grave is a common remark that follows a shudder; The shudder may be the first sign of a Cold, and is caused by the checked cir culation of the blood. The use of "Seventy-seven" restores the cir culation, starts the blood cours ing through the veins and breaks up the Cold. "71" I for Grip, Colds, In- fluenxa, Catarrh, Pains and sore- Tw? ! HoarsenesavSore Throat and pre- rention ot jraeumoma. At Drafgtete, K state er 'mailed. Qsmparer's nones, Ilodldne Ce Cos. Saa aad Jena sueeta, w Hera, 1: FOR THE NEW HOME Every young couple about to establish a home of their own appreciate the Im portance of furnishing it in the best' possible manner at the least possible cost. Does anybody want to pay more for furniture than absolutely necessary f WE DON'T BELIEVE IT. Does anybody want to invest several hundred dollars , in cneap, trashy, poorly maao ' 'Y'." furniture, that will at best . only wear two or three years . '.."' and won't give any satisfac tion? WE DON'T, BE- ' ' . LI EVE IT. .-. :. .. OUR MESSAGE TO YOUNQ COUPLES IS SIN CERE AND STRAIGHT- FORWARD. We know posi tively that we sell you HON EST and WELL-MADE Fur- niture. Carpets and Stoves less than anybody, and that an. outfit from COVELL'S will cost you one third less than a similar collection of roods from any other place: - Vou can coma to ua with' ' absolute confidence that we will not misrepresent our goods or make a single statement that we ara unwilling to stand by. Our plain, old-fashioned charge account IS ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE. We ara glad to open an account with all honaat people, and wa da not hesitate to agree to any reasonable terms of payment. Just tell us bow. much you can conveniently pay each week or month, and well send your purchases home to you.'.. t ,.. " ,. .,' ' )...,- '.-. . i mnm V? .iJ l .l HI : - if. Airi22V2Jl l aw- 1,1.11 it t s,axiru4Ji i' .smisaasiiiigsj isia. mttKtmmmmmKmmmmmamSitKti waiwr ROCKERS Ladies9 Desk AW. Just the thing to take comfort in. Golden oak or weathered finish, slat back, genuine Spanish leather seat, floss cushion,' mortised and pegged, very large and tt 1 O roomy; a rare bargain at, . .. 1 aVsft J $1.00 DOWN AND $1.00 A WEEK. 3 I fl tic U II If 1 Hall Racks Make your ball cozy and comfortable. Pro vide a place to putup hats and coats. Hall . Rack, like cut, quar tered oak and golden finish, large French plate mirror, rubber box and umbrella holder, nicely -carved; $1.00 DOWN AND $1.00 A WEEK, Morns Chairs No parlor is complete without a nice desk. A very appropriate Christmas gift Made in laree flaked eolden oak. hand rubbed and pol ished, fitted nicely inside, pretty-French-plata Chiffoniers We have .a good as sotttnent , 6f Chiffo niers in allgradei 1 Uie uiie vrr'niuttrate is made from genu ine 1 quartered oak, ' hand polished, full swell - front, large French plate mir ror, has five large drawers and two smaller ones; price $ 1 7.00 $1.00 DOWN AND $1.00 A WEEK. F5 iC'iS ! Ml $15.00 $1.00 DOWN AND $1.00 A WEEK. mirror; very good value at Ranges The celebrated Laurel Range, none better on tne market a ' sa-f e , s u r e', quick baker-a -goodook and a great fuel saver; the only doublev f 1 n e c o n s t r ucted range on the market; guar anteed for 25 years; price $45 ncza " -i WL . A WSSSr J U' r?fc E-ff. f,zz r This chair is made from fine quartered oak, either golden or weathered finish, haa adjust able back, solid braaa rod, rich velour revers ible cushions, frame .can be gotten . either ...:..........$9.50 $1X0 DOWN AND $1.00 A "WEEK. $1X0 DOWN AND fOe A WEEK, COVEL Furniture Co. 184-186 First Street ALL THE CREDIT YOU WANT for the furnlshle of the court, as sub mitted to the circuit court In' tha suit of last week was 1269, but the county Is not compelled to accept this if it chooses the alternative of buying new furnishings. However, the fees from the court are more than enough to cover all theee expenses. Including the sala ries of the Justice and the constable.. ampkleots Off loars. . The following offloers wer elected Friday evening In the Multnomah camp. No. 77, Woodmen of tha World: Post consul, J. C. Jones; consul-commander, S. H. Griffith; adviser lieutenant, Ed ward ti. Mlnnr; banker, W. W. Mlnar; clrk. J. M. Wood worth; escort, J. H. McBrtde; watchman, H. A. Shields; sen try, Frank Trotter; managers, M. D. Oeorge, H. H. Newhall and J. U Walla, and musician, J. F. Ban ford. Tha J- I Wells company,, real estate firm, that has been doing business at 4 Orand avenue, comer of East Wash ing, moved today to 106 'Chamber of Commerce building. The Social club of the Martha Wash ington chapter. Order of Eastern Star, No. 14. gave Its annual charity enter tainment Friday evening at Burkhard halL Professor K. Cook Patton gave a lrgerdemain exhibition, while music for the wainn waa furnished by the Schu bert Mandolin club, led by H. A. Weber. Mlaa Helen Baratow and Miss Florence A. Harnett were also on the program. nd a good entertainment waa appre ciated ' by a large audlenoe. Much charity work haa been planned by the club. TrtMnH Ruchtel and Whltnev 1 Bole have been appointed by the board of trade to solicit the east aide In the In terests of the new ptojwrt on foot la bay four large steamers for tha Alaska trtda to nperste front Portland. The officer who was ' stationed at Orand avrnue and Fast Morrison streets from U 1 'clock In the evening is now on duty tha entire day. The Orand avenue merchants feel very good about the matter, aince this laat favor Was granted without the asking. This con cession Is a great Improvement and the Intersection offers much more security to those who have occasion to pass the eorner. Teamsters and motormen alike now feel constrained whan they see the officer, and breakneck speeds la lid longer indulged In. , CHIMNEY CORNER CURES Virtues of Aromatic Fuel for the Re lief of Many Ills. The latest panacea la to be found In the chimney corner. Physlolana are recommending aromatlo woods and fragrant peat, saya the London Express, which, when thrown on tha fire, send up a healing smoke. . Plot u re postcard of peat can b sent to a friend suffering from' asthma. The postcard la read and burnt, and the aufferer drawa his chair up besld the grate, to Inhale the medicinal odor. Aromatlo ftre lighters, cut In trellis fashion, ara steeped In turpentine, and their warm glow and balmy fumea will relieve a gasping bronchial patient Fir revivers are an antlaeptlo and will keep away Influensa. They are In the ahapa of email brlcka, and will re vive a dying Are and perfume the whole house. Pine logs aend out a tonic vapor, oak and aim are stimulating, sandal wood will relieve a nervous headache. . Tiny blocks of wood, steeped In euca lyptus oil. ara recommended for a bad cold. 'Lavender water pelleta or emu de cologne globules, slullng merrily on the hob, will freshen up the overtired vis itor, while a few drops ot attar of vio lets on a hot shovel will car Jnsomnla aug... S lIlIIIHIKXIUMZXiaKZXZXXIIamXSZZZ I THE BEST XM AS Q 1 FT I AN EASTMAN KODAK Prlce-from-$ito-$35Wf WW Give Instruction Free Oregon Photo Stock Co. -The Kodak Store, III Sixth;' Bet Washington and Stark. Best line of Souvenir Post Cards in town. A teaapoonful of ammonia, added to a saucepan of boiling water, will revive a fainting patient. It has even been sug gested by a well known specialist, that a tableapoonful ot tea, thrown In the kettle and Inhaled, will benefit tha weary housewife far more than' If ah alpped her favorite beverage. .--u- - A nerve .specialist who wa consulted on the new tyir said: "There la no doubt that there should b a mora In timate knowledge of tha Deed - for healthy Inhalation. - . , ."Not on'r flowers er Jar ( pot pourri should be used to scent a . room, but scented log ahould be thrown oa the grate Instead of the asoal faggot. "Perfume. In any form. 4 m stimu lant, a narootlo. er a aedatlva, aa the case may be; but no perfume la o healing and subtle In It effect aa that which rises wamn and balmy from the ftse." ... "A little scenL sprinkled on a blood of wood, will sav a woman from many n acute attack of neuralgia ar eon (eated headaoh, i Quae Paper. . V V .tnp' eerily a sshjwt.' eaM aa etw. tael aasa't a saner eoU4 to tfc Thm Is a kay fsvar paper, tnt Imtasm. fsU ef earas sad Maoris for tke kay tmim victim. "Take aacinc. Wall, ttra in U spn, sons Uwsi UJastratea, Lbil trot ft fearing- aioae. "Take bees. There ire soaf ar S M weekUea, eae et vbU-k kaa s vtrmUiMi nt sa,ooo. . "Taka barberlng Tkre ara s dtr ymrn that relate to sotblns ke tka Mrwf wan, tha ana beard, tha laieet sates, tnp aad aaj aad Baaeeae ereesj. "B it sues. Ta aboeneker kas fcb) pep, the brlrklerer kas bl, tka bllaS sua Sea hie la ralerd tree, the eanr kes kla, tke Met eollmior haa kla. 'At enea as s h fhlns SMnee as aoto SMblllns. aey pepere Sprlnf ap Sei to I'. Bvea he fore a telee- ke rrir4 It mt-r eet,J Ueb Its beiiere . f" tte aoblue, eiblrb kun't errl-rd yl n4 elf, i a kee eeite s keif Am pire eeiOMi le Sliuj." Advasoe for t'et.J TTotkers. Ilheet metal wikr In I Iowa, hewe chtmiK-J iulrt lu minimus va f.B a I) t ; I 11 1 .