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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 2, 1906)
THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNXtal' DECEMBER 2, 1603. frnmrn IU bt IVIAUt TUL1LIU IUIY1UHKUW ELECTRIC LIT At the RED FRONT CLOTHING HOUSE. Northwett Corner Firtt and Taylor Streets. - Longshoremen Make UflXjor " :i Time Lost by Steamer The $50,000 Wholesale Stoch of The Nathan, Werthelraer Company 14 I mmm. ill 1 i ii'iiii f ii i ill i 1 i i ? HARRIMAN LINER TO SAIL THIS EYENING v iCtpttln .Masoft Reports Strong Head ':'V See Off California Coast Alliance i .Delayed One Day by Freight and f " the Kilbnm Depart! on Time, Becanae the ateamer Coat a Rica waa . delayed several houra on her way up -Xrom Ban Fraaetsao, .longshoremen f worked ail night and will continue dur , f Ins the day ao aa to gut her ready for ( departure this evening in ' accordance J with the schedule. The Harrlman ltuer .should have arrived Friday- night, but . ; did aat reach. Atnaworth dock until after noon" yeatorday. .She brought 6 ." passengers and a full cargo of mlscel r laneous freight.- - -.r- i Captain Mason report . that a atrong I " J, head sea waa encountered off the Call- fornla coast making progress . tedious. . . The ateamer traveled a greater dlatance on and down than ahead, a id the cap X tain, and the paaseiigera were given aomo " nice rocking. - Nothing occurred to mar .the trip, however. The night watch ' fflia waa taken alck with inflammatory ,' i rbeumatlam and waa removed to a hos y pltai upon the ateamer' a arrival. T; The Costa Rica crossed In over the bar shortly after midnight yesterday morning. The breakers wtye calm coin " pared with, the seaa the steamer bowled , tnto off Cap Mendocino and the moon ' i light, the paasengers said, waa sublime. : While one crowd of longshoremen ' waa busy Juggling freight on the Coata 3-Rica, anot her-lot-was - busy-aendln g freight into the bold of the Alliance. The Alliance should have sailed laat night, bat tn the last minute it waa I found Impossible to get her away, and , so the longshoremen were told to re ', port again for work this morning, sev- eral tons of freight being still on the 1 dock. The work of loading will be re f auroed this morning and o'clock to night ha been fixed for the hour of "' departure. S Commencing with this trip, the'AUl ? anoa will again run aa' far south aa Eureka. Eureka waa cut off the route . several weeks ago owing to heavy traf ' flo from Coos bay but now that wla ter la en the northbound freight from jCoea bay ta falling off ao that It will be poaslbla to extend the run to t Eureka. ; f- The steamer F. A. Kllburn aalled for . Ban Francisco via Eureka and Coos bay last night, with a good lot of i freight and 10 passengers. r - rr.y,- .... s- I MM 1 r -pi mm TUG SERVICE IS BETTER the Bar . Windjammers BaporUnf Off meoeiTe Atteatioa. '. What Improvements the, O. R.v It N. '-Co. will make In Its bar fug service is -yet a matter for conjecture, but it Is ( understood that some step will be taken : soon to make some Improvements. The navigation committee of the chamber "Tot" uouMiistcaJasjecn calling the at ; tentlon of the O. R." N.Bmctala-re-peatedly to the needs .of a better serr ' ice and an Improvement has been ' promised. i, f During the put few weeks the serv ,' lea has been somewhat better than be ; Tore and ships reporting off the bar T What Sulphur Does TFor the"Hnma Body la-HealthL and Disease. COajT HOTHIJra TO 1 TT. v n The mention of sulphur will recall to many of na the early daya when our mothers and grandmothers gave na our dally dose of sulphur and molasses Le very spring and fall. It waa the anlversat-.aprlng.and fall j "blood purifier," tonte and cure-all, and, mind you, this old-fashioned remedy r was not without merit. The Idea was good, but the remedy was crude and unpalatable, and a large , quantity had to be taken to get any effect. v- Nowadaya we get all' the beneficial effects of sulphur in a palatable, con centrated form, so that a single grain la far more effective that a tablespoon- tful of the crude sulphur. In recent years research and expert- - ment have proven thst the best sulphur for medicinal use Is that obtained from . Calcium Calclum Sulphide) and sold In drug stores under the name of Stuart's Calcium Wafer. They are small choco late coated pellets and contain the ac tive medicinal principle of sulphur In a highly concentrated, effective form. Few people are aware of the value of this form of sulphur In restoring and maintaining bodily rigor and health; suHhur acta directly on the liver and --excretory organs and purifies and en riches the blood by the prompt ellmln-1 atlon of waste material. Our grandmothers knew this when they dosed us with sulphur and mo lasses every spring and fall, but the - rrudrty and Impurity of ordinary flow era of sulphur were often worse than the dlflfase, and cannot compare with .Vv jrtyA VV 1 - x, X .r r 1 veawai o i II I a mum- U i . 9 "ewrt-i". n M 'fin i -f V - v x- a l '-r-7: Section of the Hull of the Steamer Lurilne, Showinf Where the Steamer Cascade Rammed Her.- Inspectors Edwards and Fuller will render their decision In the matter of the collision between the eteamers Cas cade and Lurilne tomorrow or Tuesday. The evidence waa taken during the week and It la for the Inspectors to fix the blame, If any. The Inspectors will View, the hull tomorrow morning. It waa hauled up on the ways at the yards I I I T1 of the Portland Shipbuilding oompanyj ;wuiy Kiivruuvn igr rvjuuia. As will be seen from the photograph printed herewith, the Cascade out a clean gaeh In the Lurilne ,on the port side about midships, extending almost from the guard to the keel, a dlstanoe . of eight - feet on the bottom. It will I take about 10 davs to make the re- pairs. . have beett taken Into tow almost Im mediately, and It la said there is no good reason why this should not al ways be the case. Friday morning the French barks Moeme and Bayard ap peared off the bar. The Noeme was towed In that evening and-yesterday morning the Bayard waa taken In tow. GRAIN -VESSELS DELAYED Car hortafe Hampers Loading of Chips ' ' la the. ilarbOT. :. , . . 4 Owing to the ear shortagaTTi carriers In the harbor are receiving very slow dispatch and many vessels now In the harbor should under" ordinary cir cumstances have been to sea -several idle for days while enough grain ac cumulates In the docks to make It worth while to put the longshoremen to work.- . i The British-steamer Manchester- Port which arrived during the week to load wheat, and lumber for Hamburg had to shift to thriimi-ef-thaKorth Paclflo Lumber taking on not ready for her. This causes consid erable Inconvenience, but It has to be dona In order not to lose . too much time. ALONG THE WATERFRONT ThsK6rweglan-ateamer. Jethou will sail for China this afternoon .with a cargo of lumber. She finished loading this morning, although aha was cleared through the custom-house Friday even ing. The steamer T. J. Potter la on the Portland-Astoria run In place of the Hassalo, which has been taken to the company's bone ysrds for a general overhauling. - -. The German ship Maria Hackfeldt arrived In the harbor yesterday from Honolulu under charter to load wheat for , Europe. She dropped anchor In the stream. The steam schooner Johan Poulsen will sail for Han Francisco Wednesday wth a cargo of lumber. This coaster Is loading lumber at the mills of the North Paclflo Lumber company. The steamer San Mateo will commence loading at the mills of the Eastern ft Western 'Lumber company tomorrow. MARINE NOTES Astoria, Dec 1. Condition ofThe bar at I p. m.. moderate; wind west; weather .cloudy. Arrived at midnight and left up at I a. m. Steamer Coata Rica, from San Francisco, Arrived at GUSTAV OEGHSLE TO HAVE ...BENEFII COXCERT . r-7-..- , :- Veteran Flute PIayerto. Receive Testimonial at the ", Heilig Theatre. ' " 1 A testimonial oonoertw11! at the Heilig theatre next Sunday even ing, December t, for Qustav Oechsle, the veteran Portland flute player an under direction of E. O. Bpltxner wlU render the following program: March. "Folkunger," (Kretachmar): selection, "La Boheme" (Pucelnl); over state board of trade announcea that TO per cent of the men who have bean elected to the next legialaturo of that fata are nledaed In favor Of a law HlMltTBlpgsaenger fare'a throughout the state to 1 cents a mile, ana anoiner au thorlslnr - the transportation of freight piy atreetcar lines. The board of trade! perore u ii oni-i- ... i i - ture, -Oberon" fC. M. von Weber) J, " 7x.T' 7..T" suite (a), characterlstlo, "La Coquette" (a, (Spttsner): (b), march, "On -the Sunny SIlM flf TAtm" (Bnllnmli ilutli. oompany yesterday tol9--cinitBlet) ' . i ine lumner as me wneat was The ltrtnnrnrii.i.ti i- i by the Arton Singing society under dl- j rection of Louis Dammasch, which will give "Die Capclle" by Kreutser and "Wlegenlled" by Brahma. For the last IT years Mr. Oechsle has been a prominent figure In. Portland mu sical circles. He has a national repu tation aa an arranger of standard works of great composers for bands and large orchestras-; He has been widely known as a flute player and band conductor. L Mr. Oechsle began the study of muslo aa a child. He waa born at Stuttgart. Germany, and while yet very young be came flute player at the Royal theatre In Stuttgart Ha came to the U.nlted States In 18(4, under engagement for the Carl Bergmahn aeries of concerts In New Tort He waa associated with the Italian opera in New York for nine years under the direction of. Maratxek and Rtrakosch, and afterward toured the West Indies with the Blachl Italian opera company. On his return to New Torfc Mr. Oechsle waa appointed bandmaster of the Twenty-first United States Infantry. He was honorably discharged at Van couver barracks In 1889, after 16 years continuous service, and, having made many friends In Portland,, settled here. u vainiuv uunifBia Willi . ..... n - - " . . I .. . . ,. -ttwrmoaern - eoiicentnitM"preparr6p.sT",w' w,CT. . : . . ?. ""J""' ' 1 l"0 ,'r which Stuart's Calnlurn ovunwa, oaiica ai a. m. nar ciaiions,. ar of sulphur, of which Stuart's Calcium Wafers Is undoubtedly the best and most widely used. - They are the natural antidote for liver and kidney troubles end cure con stipation and purify the blood in a -way that often surprises patient and physi cian alike. 1 Ir. R. M. Wllkina, while experiment ing with sulphur remedies, soon found ' that the sulphur from Calcium was su- perlor to any other form. . He keys: "For liver, kidney, and blood troubles, especially when resulting from consti pation or malaria, I have been sur prised ' at the results obtained from Stuart Calcium Wafers, In patients suffering: from bolls and pimples and even deep-seated carbuncles, I have re peatedly seen them dry. up and dis appear In four or five days, leavtng the akin clear-an smooth. Although Stu- art a Calcium Wafers Is a proprietary- article and sold by druggists and for that reason tabooed by many phyalcUns, yet I know of nothing so safe and relia ble for constipation, liver and kidney troubles and especially In all forms of skin diseases aa this remedy. At any rate people who are tired of pills, cathartics and so-called - blood "purifiers" will find In Stuart's Calcium Wafers, a far safer, mora palatable and effective preparation. Hand your name and address today f.r a free trial , package and aeo for yourself. , F. A. Stuart Co, IT fcMuart Bid., Mar shall, Mick... . . . ' , v. A rate, for San Franolaco.- - San Francisco, Dec.i 1. - Sailed Steamer Casco, for Portlands - SOME RAILROAD NOTES From Chicago, the fountain head of everything authentic In the way of rail road newa. It is reported that President Kooaeveltin his -annual -message-to congress, will recommend two changes In the Interstate commerce laws; first. tlrm of railroad-traffic-jio-' nd second, the enlargement of the commission, making the number oi memoers ten instead oi seven. . The ' secretary , of the Pennsylvania REMEMBERED BY MASTER 1 -x ' ' - ; c fs - -aV- .Wit 7 t.- . ,1 Photograph of the Horses to Which, Thomas A. Maitland, the Noted . . Whip,' Willed Good Treatment and Merciful, Death. irs of Men's Fine Clothing aA mw' m . . "a a .J ,ot.rewoxK-anaJKoruanarManmactarw ana jot Has been purchased outright at 47c on the dollar of actual ' manufacturer's cost, and will be offered all wesk to the then of Portland at : . . LESS THAN HALF VACUE! At Halfor LoM-than Other Stores are Selling the Same IdentloalMalcX Themonst;r bargain offering embraces the; combined stocks owned by that well- known clothing house of Nathan, Wertheimer Con from their factory and salesroom, 620 Broadway and 54 Crosby street, New York city, and their, wholesale store in this city at 72 Front street. "The rush is at its height" at r. '''':'v.-v-;vv THE RED FRONT CLOTHING HOUSE r- - - - Northwest Corner First and Taylor Streeta.-,: this progressive firm of well-known and reliable merchants thru shrewdness and ready cash achieved a mercantile triumph and made a master stroke in purchasing this gigantic wholesale stock at a figure so absurdly low as to allow of selling it AT RETAIL BUT AT LESSTHAN THE WHOLESALE PRICES. The retirement from business of the Nathan, Wertheimer Co., with the prompt action of the management of the-RED FRONT CLOTHING CO., brings the lowest prices on clothing to . Portland's smart male dressers ever offered on reputable merchandise. A few examples of the marvel ous values : It will pay you to walk down to the First and Taylor-street corner for such values as these. . " MEN'S SUITS, OVERCOATS AND CRAVENETTES ' VALUES TO $20.00 FOR $7.4$ .All the latest, newest woolens fn plain black and brown and every . smart, ' stylish - mixture that fashionable men wearers favor. All , elegantly tailored in superior workmanship and richly lined. The best actual values in positively newest models shown in eastern style centers at $15.00,. $18.00 and $20.00. Your absolute, full and free choice today and next week but first-comers are best A Q s erved at .............................. ............. ej) XO N. B. Not aH-sizes in every lot of above, but all sizes in the, combined lot, and all can be fitted. . ? , ' AT 90.50 A full line of sizes in this lot, an elaborate line, business and dressy styles ;-values n- - f A PA $20.00 to $25.00, at . . . . . . , , J .'. . . '. . ...... . . ej) 1 UeUU Olher Equal Bargains at $11.50 and $14 Values $517.50 and $35.00." Nothing; better in ready-to-wear apparel ; nothing so good except the custom tailor's $50 and $60 suits and overcoats.', , . - , . : MEN'S BEST $10.00 SUITS, black or handsome mix tures, special Monday-an expensive advertisement for us, -but a mighty good one 'twill set ' the town a-talkin, IX for......... THE RED FRONT CLOTHING NORTHWEST CORNER FIRST AND TAYLOR STREETS. MM . . . . vf . -f f 1 , mmmm -w HOU5E . Merchants Wishing to Buy WUl Please Call Before 10 A, M. No Discounts From Marked Prices. All wrote to every candidate election. The railroad commissioners of Taxaa propose to Issue an order requtnns; an all trains which the commissioners may specify,, and also an order prescnoine rates for berths 19 per cent less than those now In force, and the rallroada and all persons Interested are notified to nrnaent their vlewa on the subject -on or before November 27. when a hearing will be held at Auatln. ' A press dispatch from Omaha says that the Chlcae-o. Burllnaton Qulncy has notified Its clerks to keep out of labor unlona An organiser has been in Omaha and It waa understood that ar- ranmmenta were belne made to form a clerks' union. - In Tesas reoently large numbers of clerks In railroad offices have recv4tncreased pay and other favorable changes aa a result. It la said, of the aggressive work of the leaders of a clerks union, - At Minneapolis, November t, - the grand Jury in the federal court returned Indictments against the following rail roads, railroad officers and ahlppere for slvlna or receiving illegal freight rates Great Northern Railroad company and five officers: Chicago. St. Paul, Minne apolis A Omaha railroad and three of ficers: Wisconsin Central and two of ficers: Minneapolis V St Loulaand two officers; W. P. Devereao company; Mc Caull-Dlnsmore company; D. F. De Wolf; Ames-Brooks company. In the federal court at Kansas City, November II, the grand Jury returned Indictments against D. H. Kresky, a freight broker, and W. A. McOowan, agent of the Nickel Plats Fast Freight Line,' for conspiring to violate the In terstate commerce law In granting re bates on flour shipped from Wichita to England and Scotland, and against IL 8. - Hart Vy-f or accepting commlaalona and febatesonshtpmenU 6f eottonseed meal over the St Louie A San Fran Sow Jack Waa ZMra, - The motor was skimming over the ground st, a halr-ratslng speed, for the only, policeman In the dlstrlot was) on ths sick list "I'll show ymi what real fun . Is! cried the driver and ownsr of the car to his two friends behind. "Tou watt until I get the sparking plug connected with the central forks of the spraggtng Irons! . By jgum, we'U whla them. If you like! Geel" Then they ' chanced on a place of straight road, and ha put bla threat Into execution. The motor coughed like an lnfluensa. struck theatre audience, and bounded along at a speed which would have soared lightning Itself. " It lasted for four miles, and then the motorist slowed up. . He looked around to hie friend a "What did you think of Halloa I what's become of JackT" he queried. "J ark?" said the survivor, carelessly. hr Jaelt -was blown .off at the flraj milestone." . HAT IT! 1 1 then wonder why you don't get well. If rou will only try a bottle of Ballard'S iorehound Hyrup your cough will be a thing of the pant. It is a positive cure fijr Cougha, lnfluensa. Bronchitis and sll Pulmonary dlseasee.. One bot tle will convince you at your druggist 25c, 00c, tl.OOi Bold ' by Woodard, Clsre Co. , In addition to the already large stock of Coats we bought an exceptionally fine stock of Drummers'. Sample at a price which will enable ua to sell them at' ONE HALF regular price. Don't fail to see them displayed in our window.. We will also put on sale 200 Men's Suits in single and double breasted, flf fill regular $15 valui 150 Men' Suits, regular $17.50 and $20.00, in single and double Dreasteo, in oiue, black and fancy - worsted...:.........'..... AND UP Manufacturers' surplus stock of all wool un derwear in natural, blue and pink QCr shades, regular $1.50. Special. . . . sOL $12.50 250 Men'a heavy all wool worsted, regular $20.00 and $22.50 values, in single and r double breasted, all thi lea- d r A A on'a styles. - Special. ....... ePIUeUU Fullworth,H America' greatest tf CA ' Hat, "The FuUworth". jsPa-eUlF 'Chicago Special," U rtyle ' . ' 1 . O C .and color. . ........... . . ...... JI eOU Manufacturer' surplus stock of all wool ribbed underwear, in blue and tan OP shades, regular 125, all sixes. ., OUW (G Manufacturers' surplus stock of fancy sox, regular 25c and 35c. Special. . . ,0 . . . ..... TV. .. ..... . . lOU 800 pairs Men's Shoes, manufacturers' sam ples, $4.00 and $4.50 . C 2 9 C - values. .................. .....sOeasO , 1,000 pairs Men' Shoes, manufacturers', , samples, American hand sewed, (hi AP $250 and $3.00 values . . . . .V. . . Jp I e" 0 300 pairs high grade kid lined AI IP. Shoes, $6.00 values. . ....... . . . &000 1,000 pairs boys' School Shoes, box calf, vici kid and kangaroo calf, d 1 i C - $2.50 value. . . . . , J) I e4t n rin o mopy(Q)iiii 67-71 Thir-d Street Wo i :t