The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 02, 1906, Image 1

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Fair, easterly wind..
VOL. III. NO. -33.
Lift U vlMIL,
East . Side Grocery Is
Scene of Sensational
Robbery ' by Bold
Proprietor and Customers Are
Forced to Stand Against Wall
While They Are Searched for
Valuables and Cash Box Is
Rifled by Thieves.- ; .
Two masked highwaymen robbed the
grocery store of A. Knutson en th Eaet
aide laat night and held up flv men,
proprietor, employee and customer of
the place. They netted $160 and In ad'
dltlon - earrled away two . valuable
watches. '
The robber did not make their haul
Without a ahow of resistance being of
fered them. Walter Millar,, one of the
victims, wae alow in facing the back
wall at the command and he waa struck
a staggering blow on the aid of the
head with a revolver. Knutson, the pro
prietor, took k long chance and ran out
a back door. A revolver shot narrowly
missed his head, pierced the- wall and
founilts way through the upper floor te
IBS rOOI. . ,i- , v:, . , . r -
Ths -Knutson grocery la situated at
Belmont and East Twenty-ninth streets
At e:5 last night the proprietor, B. H.
Button. Walter Miliaria tX Vanoe and
Ray Bean were gathered about the
store In the back of the room. Sud
denly two masked men ran In by the
front door, and ooveiing the crowd with
a revolver each, cried with an oath:
"Thruw up ournaaahaBns up.
'aces to the wall. If one of yon move.
we U put you in hell before you know
It". .. ",' - f ' -;- ,V .
'.I. On Xta Struck. . V ""
The 'men Quickly- obeyed orders, all
but Miller, who was glad to obey after
lie had received a welt en the aid of
the head. The ' strangers were we'll
dressed in dark suite and each wore a
black silk handkerchief ; over his face,
holes having been cut for the eyes.
The smaller mas handed his pistol to
his pal and emptied the till. , Exactly
how much the till contained Knutaon
did not know, but he thinks it was over
lieo. .:. . - . .. , . " . , ......
After rifling the till the smaller rob
ber went through the pockets of their
rive" victims. Sutton lost a gold-filled
watch and 124 In cash. Vane lost 121,
Bean 14 and Knutson a gold watch.
Miller had 12.60 In bis pockets. He was
the last In the line, and the outlawwas
about to rob blm vln Knutson, who
stood beside -a rear door, suddenly
pushed It open and ran' out through 'a
(Continued on Pag Blx.)
or siviir.ii ram
Founder of Local . Swaml Ram
Society Drowned While Bath-
Jng Jrt-the SacretRhrerGan-
ges at Gurhwal -Impressive
Funeral Rites.
Advice : hav been received from
ladla - that Bwaml Ram Tlrah, - who
founded the Swaml Ram - society in
Portland three rears ago. waa drowned
while bathing la the sacred river
Oange at Gurhwal. . Swaml Ram Tlrah
wae earned away py a strong current.
Searching parties war at one organ
ised and the body was recovered.
Indian pomp and ceremony marked
the funeral rites. .Courts adjourned on
the day of tb funeral and, the entire
prevtno mourned. The deceased was
a high priest and known all over India
as a great man.. Though but IT -years
f age, n was a man or marked ability,
having held the position of professor of
mathematics at the British nnrversltv
at Punjab for soma time.
About tare years ago he came to
the United State to organis a mov
roent to brlk down the system of easts
India. His efforts were soecsssfol
la this lty and In other parts of the
Icowntry. . -. - - -
In Portland he organised the Bwaml
now deceejiei waa first president, judge
Lionel R, Webster Is now president of
tb society, - A memorial meeting will
t.e held tomorrow evening at the reel-
lenc ef Mrs. CK N. Denny, Sixteenth
red Montgomery streets. Where the
Uwaml Rasa eoclety wa first, organised.
Senator Waxren.
Messenger Is Thrown Out of Car
: and Probably Fatally Injured
- Desperate ' Struggle Pre-
ceded Robbery All Valuables
r; In Sight Taken by Thief.
Tezarkana, Arlu Dao. 1. The Paclfhj
Express company's car attached to the
r Concm Tfetr passenrer-trarnf
aue ners si 7:2 tomgnt was robbed 11
miles south... of here .. o'clockand
Express Messenger W. A. Frissl waa
probably fatally Injured.
The last seen of the messenger waa
at Red Water, which I 17 Dalles out
from here. - when three miles out from
Red -Water the porter went Into the ex
press ear . and found the -: measenger
missing. He gave the alarm and a
search waa at one Instituted.
The car showed there had been a des
perate struggle. Everything was in
disorder, the safe was open and blood
was smeared on the floor and the walls
or the car. It was evident that the
robber bad entered the car after It left
Red Water, had assaulted the messen
ger and thrown him overboard and then
rifled the car.
The train cams on her and messages
were sent to Red Water. A posse of
officers was hurriedly made up and
left for the seen of the robbery. ; ,
While another posse was getting
ready to start In ' a speolsl train, a
message from Red -Water stated that
the messenger had been found. .
He was lying by the track a mils
north ef Red Wster. tvrered with blood.
with an ugly wound on the bead aa If
made by a blunt Instrument He waa
atlll alive, but able to speak only In
whispers. A train has left for Red
Water to bring the Injured man bar.
An anamination of the -rar show It
was rifled of all vsluableelln eight, but
It cannot be learned what the loss waa.
Express company officials are reticent
about giving out anv details of tb loss.
The robbery took place at almost the
Identical spot where a bold attack was
made five years sgo. when the messen-
Ser was bound and gassed and the safe
ynamlted and all of Jta contents se
cured.. - ' ' t
Ids Ad Karrled.
Washington, Dee. 1. Ml Constance
C Ado, niece of Second Assistant Secre
tary of Stats Alvln Adoe. and Mr.
IreJertok S. Tyler, of an eld George
town family, were married here today In
St. Johns Episcopal church. --Assistant
Paymastsr O. Montrose "Ade. of the
navy, was best man. Miss L.ucy A See,
eister of the bride was her attendant.
Testerday Judge McGinn wss ad-
Judged in contempt of court and waa
fined 110. TM wnoi matter arose
out of the libelous publication against
Mr. Ladd la the Oregon lan and the fail
ure of the grand Jury to Indict for the
reason, aa It new infers, - mat tr.
Scott wae protected by Mr. Manning.
On the first day of Its session Judge
Contempt of
McGinn broke into the grand Jury room
because be believed Colonel Wood
ought not to be there ss attorney for
Mr. Ladd. The court held that Colo
nel Wood had a right te be there. The
fact la, the pebeeedlnge before grand
Jury ar not a trial. They are on sided
by law, and the state ts movd by the
private prosecutor, la fact; but waiving
this point. Judge McGinn should havs
taken the matter before tb court Im
mediately,, bad tb grand Jury-, sum
moned before the eoart and aettled the
point la aa orderly manner. Judge Mo
Olrm, on Saturday, November 14. In
open court before Judge Sears, presid
ing, called Mr. Manning Mr. . Facing -
Special Agent Meyen
dorff Makes State
ment Regarding Wyo
ming Land; Frauds
Declares Charges Made by
Wyoming Senator Are Ridic
; ulou8, Especially Story of At
tempt at Suicide by Meyeii-
dorff Relates Trouble.
... M A.t Meyendorf tapeblarnaganr-of
the Interior .department, who bas been
giving some damaging testimony before
the interstate commerce commission la
the Utah land fraud cases against the
coal land tnlevea now under investiga
tion or on trial mere, returned to Port
land yesterday afternoon. Mr. Meyen
dorff has come Into collision with Sen
ator Francis E. Warren of Wyoming as
a result of the testimony given at the
hearing and the senator ha made some
strong statements Impugning the mo
tives of the government agent.-In an
Interview last night Mr. Meyendorff re
plied to some of the statements made by
the Wyoming senator, alleging the
Statements made to be ridiculous, in
speaking of the controversy,. Mr. Meyen
dorff said:
" "My testimony before the Interstate
oommerc commission at Bait LaUc City
waa devoted to a description of the
three Interviews I bad with Senator
Francis B. Warren of Wyoming. Tb
faot are all set out In an affidavit. The
portions ef this affidavit that concern
themselves with Senator Warren are
the following:
I met the senator-at ths Oxford ho
tel In Denver some time In May or June,
1104. At that Interview Senator War
ren made no direct reaueat - that I
should not prosecute the Investigation
from personal considerations, but be
pointed out the danger of making an en
emy of the Union Pacific Railroad com
pany In Wyoming elections and stated
that Senator Clark's reelection might be
Jeopardised If the enmity of the Union
Pacific Railroad company should be In
curred. About three months after my
Interview, with Mr. Warren I was
transferred from Denver, Colorado, to
Los -Angeles, California, a distance of
above 1,200 miles from the state of
Wyoming and away from tb seat of
my operations. - . irJ
Subpoenaed a Witness. .
'In October. 1(04, I waa subpoenaed
as a witness before the United States
district court at Denver In another mat-,
ter. On the evening I left Denver for
New Tork and Washington, December t,
104, Senator Warren arrived In Denver
and by appointment I met him at the
Hotel Oxford, The senator then told
nve that tb general land office at
Washington, D. C, would not hurry
the Wyoming coal land eases and that
of course I would not hav to concern
myself about them.
"It Is the foregoing testimony which
Senator ' Warrflt criticised In a newspaper-Interview
sent out yesterday
from Washington. If he has been cor
rectly quoted, ho asserted that la writ
ing to him I described myself as being
an "Old soldier of the Civil war." - This
statement never- was mad by me and
It would have been absurd for anybody
t bare made any declaration of that
character. The records of the stats de
partment ahow that it- wa In Hi that
Abraham Lincoln obtained my releaso
from exile la Siberia and that I did not
arrive In this country until llll, a year
after the cloee of the Civil war.
"Furthermore, I never solicited Sen
ator Warren or any on else for ths po
sition of a special agent In charge of a
place In the consular service. Mr.
(Continued en Page Four.)
Court and Contempt
Both-Waya, and said he peddled Justice
as If It were cord wood, and ouC ef his
corrupt galna would soon be rich enough
to buy the Wells-Fargo building. Such
lac guar from the Oregonlan's attorney
was significant! Jode MeOInn refused
to be silenced, and later was fined for
contempt ' Out of this arose further
disorder on the Monday following, and
Judge McGinn Insulted Judge Sear on
the bench. It was for this that he was
fined yesterday. - '
The Journal deairea ts call attention
to - what It deems the real rottenness
disclosed in this whole matter. It has
not one word of excuse for Judge Ms
Otnn'a disorderly Intrusion Into the se
cret aessloa of the grsnd Jury room.
Such conduct If permitted, would re
place law with- force and bullying.'- It
haa not a- word of excuse for bis defl
snc of the court on Saturday -and hla
Insults en Monday. Had as - theee
breaches ef order are, however, they
ar the hasty outbreak of aa Impulsive
and angevernabl temper. 'They are
V.- V ' ,-:' ! '
- 1 .
Largest Creature of Its Klndjn
Existence Pronounced by Sci
entists to Be Oldest ' Living
Creature Made Prisoner After
Strenuous Battle.
(Speelsl Dtspatca by Leased Wire te The JoaraaD
Ban Francisco, Deo. 1. Naturalists
are greatly Interested In lh. mammoth
turtle which la - at present on the
schooner Academy, and which waa cap
tured near Oalapagoa Island, - off the
coaat of Ecuador.
Great enthualaam prevail In ' ths
Academy of Sciences, and It la asld that
the value of that one specimen la more
than the entire cost of the expedition,
It Is what la known ae a land turtle,
and Captain Beck and the scientists
who went on the expedition are cer
tain that Its age is between 4.100 end
4.009 year. It Is the largest turtle
over captured. It baa not been weighed
up to to preeent time, but the weight
Is glvsn. at 1.100 pound a
The vessel will be entered at the eus-tom-house
today and the turtle removed
a aeon aa suitable quarters can be se
cured. Captain Beck related the par-
ttculara of the capture yesterday. The
hugs turtle was seen near the Island.
The captain -and two men put off In a
boat and soon bad a rope around the
body, and after considerable exertion
It wss raised into the Boat It fought
fiercely, and as It went to one side ef
the boat Uv Immense weight gmaahed
the aide and dipped on aide under
the " water. The little craft eapslsed.
While tDemen,wer"ndoavoTln; to
save themselves from drowning and to
regain the boat, ths monster swsm off
In the sea ,
It was finally recaptured and taken
on board ths schooner.
their own cur by their very violence;
they do not sap the vitals of Justice.
But if Mr. Manning ran to the Ore
gon la a hot with the news that Mr. Ladd
was asking hint for Justice; Ifxh
faced both ways In this matter, and haa
and doe In other matters; If he prose
cutes or prntects for hire or Influence
here Is h canker in the commonwealth
besld which Judge McOtnn's disorderly
behavior becomes Insignificant.
Judg McGinn, In his answer, say
that be told Judg Seers prlvstely and
confidentially that the Ladd cartoon
waa libelous, and that he had so told
an Oregonlan employe, and when Mr.
Manning learned of- this from Judge
Sear . he hastened to Mr. Scott end
os Id: "I hav had trouble with The
Journal people -bees us no true bill was
found against you. bees use your Own
s Homey admitted te Judge Bears that
the publlcatrmr-was libelous."
The Journal may say- parenthetically
that It Is not true that Mrr Manning
had any trotibl with It The Journal
Farm Hand Who Turns Bank
Robber . Points Gun at His
Own Head .When He Sees
Z ' -"..-"" .T.. eVL. ' '- - -
Clerk Escape - and ' Realizes
That His Identity Is Disclosed.
(Speelal Dwpstea by Leased Wire te Tic Joornal)
Bedna, Kan Deo. 1. J. W. Harris,
a farm hand, attempted -to hold up -the
bank bare yeaterday afternoon. On of
the clerks escaped., whereupon, seeing
that he was sura to be caught, - the
would-be robber placed the revolver
muxale behind hla right ear and blew his
brains out He died about three hours
later. When Harris went Into the bank
no on was there except W. M. Olllen,
the cehler, and Theodore Self, the olerk.
It waa 1:19, half an hour before the
regular closing time.
Harris advanced to the cashier's win
dow and drew a revolver.
"Hold up your bands," he aald. . Both
men did so.
"Now you," indicating Self, "pull
down ths window shades."
Self drew on shade and then started
toward the second, and Instead sprang
through a door Into the atreet. The
robber fired at him but missed.
"When Self escaped," asld Cashier
Olllen, "the robber stared vacantly at
the door where he had disappeared, He
did not move for half a minute. Then
without a word or a look at me. he
raised tb pistol till, the ' musale was
near bis right ear and fired. He knew
the gam was up when Self got out on
the street." . ;
nam liTwelTTihdwn inandabout
Bedena and had worked aa a farm hand
for a man named Baker. He waa not
recognised until after he shot himself,
aa ' he bad mad some effort at dis
guise. for Law
felt .'that ths lam conclusion of the
grand Jury was s public misfortune,
end 4t said eo. Events havs so proved
It. Th Journal feel that' a atrong
district - attorneys - fearless to enforce
the law, could have shown th grand
Jury that Its duty lay simply to decide
whether the law bad been rfolated.
But Mr. Manning bad no trouble what
ever with Tb Journal.
Th sworn answer of Judg McGinn
practically says that Manning was pro
tecting Mr. Scott, and Judge MoOlnn'a
honest admission that the publication
was a libel was very annoying. It also
shows that Manning wanted Scott to
feel the obligation. ... All this dovetails
with Judge MrQ Inn's open a cessation
that Mr. Manning peddles his great
of fie aa If It were cord wood. Judge
McGIrm haa said either too much or
too little, and th puhll has-a right
to demand that Mr: Manning protect his
office, which Is the people's efflre, even
tf he doe not car to protect bis food
nam and) professional honor, .
Advertises That She Wants to
- Marry and the Unfortunate
Woman Gets Answers by the
Score - From All Sorts of
' Men. ',' " '. .' ' '
lady, 42, with ntee kmLwUn teauel
" 1 smut unHr'OBJWT. tuirlmooy. Address Lei,
cars woaroai. .
Mrs. Virginia WIIsv of Gray's Cross.
Ing on th Mount Scott line, haa been
having days of tribulation as th re
sult of ths above advertisement given
to th Journal In her nam, but with
out her knowledge. Also It is very
probable that the two score of -love
lorn . "good men" - who hav- answered
th advertisement will wait In vain for
th answer which they ar now hoping
will cheer their daya with long-expected
Joy. Incidentally th ex-husband of ths
lady le enjoying - his mean practical
Joke in seclusion. .
aire. Wll,v mmm fmh m.AAA
j a man named Rogers, whoss . present
aoaresa is eitner Lnts or Orya Cross
ing, no on seems to know which. For
some - reason or another ths domestic
dovs of peso did not roost upon th
family toot and ths divorce court out
th galling bonds and gave Mr a. Rog
ers back th nam ef her former bus
band,' Wilay. which nam la also born
by a daughter, now llvlnf with her
mother. '
. Kusbaad storage. '
Rogers, It seems, waa chagrined that
hla wife should escape from his pro
tection through tn loophole of th di
vorce court and determined upon re
venue. . Accordingly, he called a friend
to bis assistance and with him aa an
agent Inserted tb advertisement In th
Journal, at th asm time sending
word to Mr a Wiley that he had put
the call for a futur partner in tb
pafier over her nam.
Mrs. Wiley waa much worried at th
rewe. having had some experience with
husbands and not wishing to choose
her next one by such uncertain means.
Disbelieving tha4 - man-would b so
unkind, howsver, she paid no serious
attention to th Information sent her
by bar former husband until ah be
gan to receive large numbers of let
tsty,w,lth .ery saatlr-ferwaritoil 1 from
th business office of the Journal,
the she came to town and entered pro
teat against ths advertisement which
was taken from ths paper.
But th atream of offers stlU keeps
up. Even while th lady waa protest
ing that she did not wsnt a mall or
der husband a bashful and bewhlskered
Individual deposited an envelop la th
handa of the clerk at th window ad
dressed to "L 41."- Mrs. Wiley hurried
away In despair, leaving a bundle of
letter behind her.
Mr.. Wiley alleges that her former
husband Inserted the advertisement In
th paper solely to vea and annoy her
and feels much aggrieved that such a
practical Joke ahould hav been played
upon her.
(geaetsl Itfepstr by Leased Wire te The Jneraat)
New Tork. Deo. 1. Mrs. Astor's
reign aa th arbiter of th "Four Hun
dred" haa actually ended. Society now
knows that what It has long anticipated
haa corns to pass, and Mrs. Astor will
never again appear ss tb hostess of
any of the great- functions which for
many years hav made ber famous. ,
She Is not at th opra thi year,
and It la now understood that there
will be no Aetor ball, the affair that
hag always been heralded throughout
th world, and f which titled foreign-
era have frequently crossed ' the
t aeovpt lnvttatlona.
Youth Charged With
Murder of His Svyeet
heart Will Know
Fate on Monday
Final Arguments to Be Made end!
Case Submitted to Jury a
Prisoner Beginning to Show
Effects of Strain Pathetic
Letters Written by Dead Girl
(Speelsl tMssetefc by Lessee Wire te The leer!
Herkimer. N. T- Deo. 1 Chester OtU
lette, charged with th murder ef hla
sweetheart. "Billy" Brown, will nrahev.
bly know his fat Monday. Evidence
in tne- caa waa eompleted in a abort
session today with th possible xcet
tlon of on witness the def ens mar
call Monday. Judgs Devendort Is In
sistent tbat th ease will go to th lurv -
on Monday. At toe close of today's see- '
ston bs . said h would bold a nltH
session Monday If necessary. Judg
Deveudorf instructed lawyer to file
their- applications -for - changes ; la th '
juage s cnarg. up wnung..
Odds and ende of the testimony Dls-
tiiot Attorney Ward wanted to bring
together before closing ths prosecu
tion's oas wer got . on record today. '
Monday the lawyere will make their -final
arguments and th Judg will de
liver his eharg to th Jury. - -.Vrlsoasf
Show Strain.
Now that th ease la nearlng th end.
Gtllett Is beginning to show th offsets
of ths strain. He stood his examina
tion well, but when he left th court
room tonight he seemed feverish and
ntrvirvr r s ir frnm a rssllsatii
that a decision In -hla case i near at '
hand. ..,-. v .. '
In view ef th mas of testimony It
Is believed that final arguments will b
long. Th- eharg of th court - upon
th law and evidence and th verdict .
of th Jury, will furnish th e losing
chaptera In on of th moat remark
able murder trial ever held in this -stat.
. -
. Th most dramatic scene la the oar
room during the entire trial was wha
the tetters written by th dead girl t
ber faithless lover were read by th
prosecutor. There was scarcely a dry
eye In the room when the letter wer
finished, and even th callous prisoner '
showed emotion.
' Upon thee letters the proseoutlan
base Its case.-They show th hasrV
(Continued en Pag Six.)
But Effie Holt Begins Suit and
Makes Her Husband's Threat
, Part of Her Complaint Against
HlmAIso Asks Injunction to
Restrain Him.
Threatening to kill his wife before)
ah eould reach the eourthooa if sb
Insisted on suing him for a divorce I
on of the charges made against Hans
Holt, by Effle Holt Mrs. Holt brought
ths suit In spits of her husband'a blood.
curdling threat,' though she saya shs Is
afraid he will carry It Into execution,
and asked the court for an injunction t
restrain him from attempting It
Holt . had served a aentsnc In fhs
county Jail for beating his wife, aa
cordlng to th complaint which . wa
filed in the stat circuit court yester
day. Immediately apnn his raises
from Jail, any Mr. Holt th beating
waa renewed, and when they . were In.
th hopyard he beat ber so severely
that stranger had to Interfere to savs
her life. They were married In August
104. Mrs. Holt aaka to have her soald
en name, Effle Brown, restored to her. .
Another abused wife, whoss husband
could not be stopped from besting be
by a visit to tbe oily Jail Is Frswee L
MoGrsw. ' She filed suit for s dlvere
from lUnr M. MeOrsw In th circuit
court yesterday, alleging that en Aug
ust It MeOrsw beai her and wss sr
rested .and taken to the elty Jail for
th offenee. Sine then, says Mra Ma
Oraw, her- hu'hand has beaten ber
three times, Sh alleges thst on No
vember 21 McOrew give her a blow
that blackened both of her eyea and
caused her much humiliation.
They were married on March It, of
this year. - Mrs. M -rsw a-h that se
be allowed to resume her ml ln nsme,
Trances L Wilson. John F. Log ( -pear
as hr auoroty.