The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, December 01, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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S P.M. UQ P.U. Pcsl'alvely fiezt Szll C:!:rt TEls Ttec
---lfL-a- ,
r i
' hi o rnT nw nnr
Entire Family Arretted for Shop
' Lifting Cir!s : Flirted With
Clerks While Mpther Grabbed
. the .Coodt Father Directed
Operations and Sold the Loot.
t'oernal BlMctal Serrtee.) '
"". Lo Angeles, Dec, l.Ftve thousand
dollars worth of women' finery and
men clothing arc said to have been
stolen by Mr. and Mr. Pedro. Sanches
and their two daughters, ( Mereed and
Diego, from the leading department
. (tores since their arrival In Los Angeles
oa Monday. The four were arrested at
the Hoffman house . yesterday. " They
are said to hava confessed to following
shoplifting ss a business. . A wagon
load Of allks and furs was taken from
the room. . .
According to the police, the family
. probably operated In the cities of this
country, Mexico and Europe. They
carry large trunk with 'stamps of
leading hotels . In Paris. Madrid and
London on It. i
Tbey rams to Los Angeles from the
fPlty Of Mealro.'by. wey W El Paso., but
the officers belle vi,tjijU they operated
. In New York, ,'Their Intention was
probably to return with their plunder
to Mexico and dispose of It there. -They
wore booked for grand larceny and Will
fee held untit word lu' received from
other cities. .
Mrs; 8nrhea, say the police, did the
eteelleg. Her two daughters Stalled"
for her by throwing amorous glances
and making "goo-goo eyes" at the clerks
while the mother slipped costly fabrics
and rioh furs beneath the folds of her
voluminous cape cloak. Pedro Ranches,
tho husband and father,' directed . the
operations. ' ;
- 9 - - i-..v--. i -
Hlllsboro, ' Nov. J 8. To the e
Editor of The Journal.- It la the e
o unanl moua , . sentiment of - our -
board of trada that the national e
e . government should make appro
e priatlajta, at tho next assembling e
4 of congress; ' to complete the e
e work at the month of the Co- e
e lurabla river'-and to open all e
nwt tributary -to the Col urn- e
e tola, as wari aa all those navlga- e
e bla stream that empty Into e
e those bays on our coast thst
e . are susceptible to Improvement'
"and making It possible for ships e
e to enter. e
. There is no phase of our In- e
e dustrlal reenurcea so necessary e
-e tor the welfare of the people of
-"7 our state :""s 7 whole, as unre- e
strict ed transportation ; facill-' e
ties. . e
e - Tho free waterways would be -
e the eouallser-er arbitrary freight.'. e
. .and -passenger 'rates. -. e
. . 'i. P. TAMIE8IE. ' e
rreeldcnt Hlllsboro Board Trade. e
e e e e e e
' CCBntmUeoTWnY'Tage'Ona.y"
found to- poasess aa Innocent beer book;
' mux the records of sales kept in pii
vat account book showed that the law
fined 80, which was afterward reduced
to Me. - .-, .;
' ' Inspector Blow has gone On a tour
of the Puget sound country and will re
turn to Portland In a short time to more
thoroughly investigate (he violations of
' the law,; ' . ' :
faloonmen contend that the violations
of which they have been found guilty
,re but technical. They contend that
,tbey have not aold beer, or any other
' .liquor, for wholesale prices, but have
' simply delivered It In kegs a . little
larger than thi regulations allow. This
.violation Is not Intentionally wrong,
. they argue, and haa been overlooked by
local Inspectors. Horn of the saloon.
i men allege that Inspectors who are new
.at the business or who nave recently
- been transferred to new territory are
-tOveraealoua in tbelr Investigations and
attempt to make records for themaelves
.'-at the st cr I nee of absolute Justice.
Mr. Blow will be In Portland again
, next week and will. It la expected, at
, that time cause further uneaslneae In
-Tj this nctnltyi
; i ' (Journal SseeUI Suite a.)
Pasadena.. Cel., Pec 1. Vr. John
iOrant I.yman of Ooldfleld and New
,' Tork. who la accused by R. F. Schaftels
- of Chicago of mining frauds, la guest
- at the Hotel Green. Lymsn thla morn
,.ing denied having obtained any money
- fraudulently la mining deals. Lyman
' i formerly lived here, where be Is well
' . Known, The chief or ponce . naa re-
" I
' ceiveo no oraers to arrest Lyman.
A seated aoBgae aad bad breath are
sure Indications of noma disorder of the
dleestlve organs which requires the
SUtseew at once. Tow S3 years
Viae been proving
Its merit In all
cases of Stomach,
l.lrer end. Bowel
disorders and haa
an unbroken rec
ord of cures bark
of It of each ail
ments as
joom imnn
csmri. aiox
CmTI,t(, CO LOS,
or raatvaxa iui
yte eurejatry It.
Memorial Services for Departed
- - Members-Will -Occur
1 Tomorrow.
Public It Invited to Attend Impres
sive Service, Which Will Be Held
in Elks' Temple at Seventh and
Stark Streets.
Elks of Portland will meet In the an
nual lodge of sorrow Sunday afternoon
at t o'clock to hold In memory those
'absent brethren" who have during the
past' year, since "the organisation of the
Portland lodge, passed out of this Ufa
nd into the next. The public la In-
Rev. B. E. S. Ely Jr Who Will De-
liver the Address at the ElksLodge
of Sorrow.
I vlted. to the services which will be held
in tne loage room, or me uiks' temple,
at Seventh and Stark streets. The
members of the Portland lodge and all
visiting Elks will meet In the club
rooms at I o'clock and ascend to the
lodge room In a body at I o'clock. .
Since the organisation of the Portland
lodge In 1180, the order has lost 19
members, IS of whom died during the
past year. . Thla la the largest number
yet noted. The program prepared for
the aervlcea tomorrow Is aa follows:
Marcot- Funebrfrom Erole Bym
phony (Beethoven), orchestra direction.
Waldemar Llnd.
Opening ritualistic exercises, Portland
fcodce. No. 141. B. P. O. E.
Roll call of "Our Absent. Brothers,4
secretary of lodge.-.. - - .
- Andante Religuoso (Thome), orches
tra. . .
' Opening ode Air "Auld Lang 8yne,'
audience to Join. i
Prayer . (from ritual), chaplain of
lodge. ' ' j - ' '
quartet. "Until the Day Breaks
(Oeuwed Vegvleh)i Mrs. May Dearberw
Schwab. Miss Ethel U. Shea, Arthur I
Alexander, W. A. Montgomery.
Address, Rev. B. U. 8. Ely, Jr., D. D.
Soprano solo, "Alone With God" (Ab
bott), Mrs. May- Dearborn Schwab.
Eulogy, Brother R, E. Moody, Port
land Lodge, 141. - ' - -
Contralto solo, "Come Unto Me"
(Lindsay), Mlsa Ethel M. Shea.
Closing ritualistic services by the
lodge. -
Quartet, "My Faith Looks Up to
Thee (Schnecker), lira Schwab, Mies
Shea, Mr. Alexander, Mr. Montgomery.
Violin obllgato, Mr. Llnd.
Doxoiogy, audience to join.
Benediction, Rev, B. E. 8. Ely, Jr.,
"Hymn to the ' Sun," from 'Irls"
(MasoagnDr orchestra. rzr viT-T.
Accompanists, Mr. Denton, Mr. Alex
IContlnued from Page One.)
The names of the Troutdale dairymen
are Strugen, f Paul. Hall and Turner.
Heretofore) they have done a thriving
business In Portland, Strugen deliver
ing as high aa to gallons a day. But
all-were peculiarly un'irtunate in nnv
Ing cowe that were not equal to the
business. Of course, they might, havn
bought more cows, but fau.-fii are
cheaper. Moreover, hey- give- doeyn
better and never kick the bucket over.
Accordingly, the faucet become a regu
lar asset of the Troutdale dairymen.
- They had to reckon on the milk In
spector, Deputy Pilklngton of State
Dairy and Food Commissioner Bailey's
office, but they figured on dodging him.
Pilklngton cautfht all four early Friday
morning, however, and yesterday four
warrants were lasued for their arrest.
Analysis showed that there are more
people who pay Tor water than are on
the city's water booka. Strugen. for
gush to St gallons of milk, making a
mixture which sold Just ss readily ss
the 14 gallons alone and whten sold
for tl more.
- Paul appealed In Justice Reld'e court
yesterday afternoon, admitted his guilt
and paid a fine of 121. The others
will be arraigned later.
(Continued from Psge One.) '
railroad's delinquencies In the matter of
furnishing care for the use of shipper a
Msny lumber mill men are expected to
be present to urge the need of a recip
rocal demurrage law and a railway
commission to enforce It.
The farmers, who are really the great
est sufferers and moat vitally Interested
In a remedy for the csr shortage, have
taken no concerted action In the state
generally. The force . of grange In
fluence irr western Oregon will probably
be thrown unanimously In favor of a
reciprocal demurrage law and a railway
commission for the state. The feet
that other etates have tried these reme
dies and found them to be measureabiy
efficient In relieving the shippers from
abuses by railroad companies will be
brought out In the coming discussions
snd will, probably weigh strongly In
favor of the proposed law.
Bums Times-Herald:!' "Get busy, for
Interior Oregon Is going to bo "It" be-
The railroad la coming aeon.
Wiir Hold Fourteenth7 Annual
Meeting at Ashland This
Aahland Commercial Club to Tender
Reception to the Delegates Ses
sion Scheduled to Occupy Two
Days Many Subjects to Come Up.
The fourteenth annual meeting of the
Oregon - Dairymen'e association will be
held at Ashland on Tuesday and Wed
nesday, December 11 and 11.
Upon the arrival of the delegates
from the north, about 11:10 p, ra. on
Tuesdsy, an Informal reception will be
given by the Ashland Commercial club.
There, will be an address by the presi
dent oX the club. M. F. Eggleton. fol
low ed by responses from members of
the Dairymen's association. The dele-
gat ea and cltisene will then repair to the
city hall where the regular program will
take.flace, aa folows:
Tuesday, December 11, 1:S0 p. m. Ad
dress of welcome. Mayor O. B. Butler.
Ashland; response, annual address, Pres
ident 1L WeaU- VBettsr Cows and How
to Obtain Them,' State Dairy and Food
Commissioner J. ' W. Bailey, Portland;
"Dairy Problems on High Priced Land,"
Dr. James Wltbycombe. Corvallia;
"Southern Oregon Dairy Foods," W. J.
Dean. Talsnt: "Necessity "for Clean
Milk." L. B. Zlemer. Tillamook.
"Tuesday, t 'p. m. Mualc,' Mr. Barber
and U. T. Buxton; address, Hon. Ed H.
Webst.', chief of the dairy division,
United States department of agriculture;
paper. The Hand Separator as a Fac
tor In Modem Dairying," 8. E. Brunt,
De Laval Dairy Supply, company, Port
land. Wednesday, December IS, 10 a. m.
"Breeding up a Dairy Herd." William
Bchulmerlch. Hlllsboro: "Jackson Coun
ty Cow Census." O. F. Billings, Ashland;
"Hints on Milk and Cream Shipments,"
E. T. Judd. Turner; "Dairy Development
In Joeephlne County," Charles Meserve,
Grants Pass. i
Wednesday, 1:S0 p. m. Business ses
sion; reports of officers and . commit
teaa; selection -of nest-plaee-ef meet
ing; address, Hon. Ed H. Webster,
Washington, D. C; addreaa, "Value of
Proper Packing," W. H. Chapln, Port
land, , ,
.- The local arrangements are in the
handa of the members of the Ashland
Commercial club, and Ita quarters will
be "wide open" to members of the as
sociation at all times during the con
vention. The Southern Paciflo Railroad com
pany will sell round trip tickets for
thla meeting on the certificate plan, at
one and one htlrd fare. Full rate to be
paid going, and a receipt taken there
for, upon which a return ticket, will be
Issued at one third fare.
(Continued from Page One.)
Mr. Wood wae the private prosecutor
of Mr, Ladd; that it withheld all of the
material facts and recommended that
said McGinn be brought before the
court and punished for contempt..
. ays Manning Wrote Bepert.
-Trial not
report wee written by any member of
the grand Jury, but the whole thereof
was prepared by jonn Manning, aiatnct
attorney, as aforesaid.
That Mr. McGinn. meeting Judge
Scare on the night of aald day at the
Multnomah Law llbrary..,wae-bythe
satd Judgs Invited Into the chambers of
him, the ssld Judge Sears, whereupon
the Judge commenced a conversation
with said McGinn concerning thla mat
ter. That during the eourae of the con
versation, which waa a private one, Mo
Glnn, having been Invited thereto by
Jv v
etie-TU-V' w
' London, Novj 17. Marian praughn,
an American actress, is suing Hnlnrlch
Thyssen. son of a German multl-mll-
tlonalre, for breach of promise of mar
riage. The trial promises to be very
sensational. The defendant, whose
father la the owner of the Iron works
at Dusseldorf, where 1.000 men are em
ployed, end who Is regarded In Oermany
as second only to the Krupps so far Ms
wealth la concerned, denies the actress'
charge. He Is engaged to , marry a
Viennese barotiaaa
la outlining the ease for the actress
I l .. I -- I : .
. A Cream of Tartar Powdtr,
free from alum or pher
phatlo aold .
the said Judge, Incidentally mentioned
to the aald Judge that on the morning
of November S, when said publication
waa made In the Oregonlan, he, McGinn,
had called attention of an employe of
the Oregonlan to the fact that aald pnb
lloatlon waa libelous and that It might
be the cause of trouble.-
Thla conversation which the ' aald
MeGinn had with the aald judge was by
the aald Judge repeated to tne aaia
John Vanning, tht rilitrW attorney,
and the said John Manning took said
conversation and repeated the same to
H. W. Scott and E. B. Piper, editor and
managing editor, respectively, of the
Oregonlan, Mr. - Manning saying auo-
atantt&lly: '
" 'I have bad trouble with The Jour
nal people because no true bill waa
found agalnat you" (meaning tne saia
H. W. Scott , "because your own attor
ncy admitted to Judge Seare that the
publication waa libelous; and If you do
not believe What I tell you I ean bring
Judge Sears here to prove it.'
. Judge Talked to Meaning.
That, on the morning after the con
versation between Mr, Manning, Mr.
Scott and Mr. Piper, which wae reported
to Mr. McGinn, to-wit, Saturday, No
vember 14, the said McGinn met Judge
Seara at the courthouse and asked him,
the said Judge Seara, why ha had re
peated and given to aald Manning a
private conversation wnica ne iucuibd;
had with him, the aald Judge Sears.
That Judge Seare answered -
tlally that he Tiad inadvertently given
aald conversation to Manning.
"That, smarting under the circum
stances and for other resons not neoes-
aary to herein set forth, the said Mc
Ginn appeared before tne circuit court
en bane and denounced Mr. Manning for
the part which he (Manning) "had taken
In the attack on bis '(McGinn's) pro
fessional character.
' "That the presiding Judge of said
court allowed McGinn to depart from
the courthouse without Jn any manner
adjudging him to be In .contempt or in
dicating any displeasure.
Saya Judge Was Sympatastlo.
"That one hour after Mr. McGinn had
denounced the eald Manning, the said
Alfred F. Seara Jr. eent for the aald
McGinn and Informed him of Manning's
contemptuous manner In court and in
dlcating to the said McGinn that he, ne
aald Judge Sears, had much sympathy
for the way McGinn had been treated.
' Thatr later -In-the aifternoon of said
day the eald Judge, without any appar
ent reason, changed his mind and ad-
Judged the said McGinn and the said
Manning to be In contempt and cited
the said AUUinrt to appear befuie lilm
to be punished for said contempt.
That when McGinn . appeared the
Judge, without asking him ' why - he
should not be punished for contempt,
fined the said McGinn $25 and held that
Manning had been provoked and did not
fine him, the aald Manning. Thar the
Said - Manning remained In the court
room, after McGinn had departed there
from, abusing the aald McGinn without
Interruption.'- -i
The a newer states also that on the Sun
day following McGinn consulted with
her counsel aald tbat the pair met In
London while the plaintiff waa appear
ing on the stage; that It waa,' so fsr
as the defendant wae concerned, "as
apparent love at first sight"; that the
young Gsrman promised to marry the
actress, but had stipulated that It be a
seoret marriage owing to the paternal
objections. .
MsrUn Draughn appeared In ' "The
Eudcatlon of Mr. Plpp." She was en
gaged to play In The. Clansman,"' 1ut
did not appear In It She eued the man
agement for salary, but loat the ease.
Frame Building on Taylor Street
l,Near"ntrd ...Devoured .'.111
Fir Supposed to Hava Originated
From Live Coala Falling on Floor
From Stove Loss Will Amount to
Almost Fivo Thousand. ;.
Fire in a one-story shack oa Taylor
street, between Second and Third, this
morning caused the partial destruction
of the building- and the almost complete
damage of the four - bualneaa houses.
The firms occupied three rooms In the
one-story building at lit, it. Ill
and J 71 Taylor atreet,
. The ooeupaata ware the San Francisco
Cleaning company, 2 7 Hi; Hlng Lee res
taurant, ST1, and X A. Church Co.,
paints aad paper hanging, 849. 8. X
Dodge, repairer of muaioal Instruments,
occupied the etore at tt. The Are
la thought to have started Inlls paint
store, where an ember la euppoeed to
have dropped upon the floor from - a
sove. -, """ .
There was no One In the paint store
at the time and soon the place was en
veloped in flames. They quickly spread
to the adjoining stores. On the arrival
of several engines the Dames were soon
extinguished, after having destroyed the
greater portion of the building and dam
aging the contents of the stores. -
The loss la variously estimated at
from tS.OOO to (5,000. The building Is
owned by the Central lavestment com
pany. Judge M. C George, and after considera
tion It was deemed advisable to attempt
an amicable adjustment that -would be
satisfactory to all concerned; and that In
such, a state of mind McGinn appeared
In the circuit court laat Monday and
addressed the court on a matter of
buaineea and waa refused recognition;
and that McGinn then used words for
which he waa cited to eppear this morn
ing and show caus why he should not
be punished for, contempt.
Judge Oeorge Addresses Ooeurt, '
George then addressed the
court, declaring that the -intent of Mo
Ginn In using the words should be
considered In determining the matter.
Judge George declared that McGinn be
lieved that Manning had made a mis
take In allowing Wood to appear before
the grand Jury, and that in hie seal tor
his client, the Oregonlan, believing tbat
the enemy was In the secret confines
with the grand Jury, working to Indict
his client, he went before them to pro
test agalnat their action.
Referring to laat Monday's occur
rences. Judge George aald McGinn, had
viewed the matter differently from
Judge Sears, and felt that the court
had exceeded its Jurisdiction when he
addressed the court aa he did.
Judge Fraaer apoke for the court In
pronouncing Judgment on McGinn. He
said In part:
"The court will not now consider what
haa transpired between Mr. MoGlnn and
Judge Seara. It Is not necessary to
discuss whether Judge Seare' action on
last . Monday morning: wae wlthln the
"None of these matters excuse or
justify the insulting words which were
spoken here on that occasion. No dlf
I f,
'erwicg-wnaT-thrarruT wagrTTTBera-wgr
an error committed by the court, the
defendant had hia remedy. This case la
In some respects the worst, perhaps.
that has ever occurred before this court.
The court cannot, and preserve Its own
self-respect, or the respect of the bar
and the respeor of the people generally.
let it go without some action being
Flue Za Announced.
"Heretofore the defendant has been
most kind to the court. He has been
for many yeere a leading member of
our bar, and during all the time of bis
long practloe here he baa been among
those most courteous and most respect
ful to thai bench. Hie long and honor
able caeer at the bar should be taken
Into consideration.
It Is the opinion Of the court that
tbe defendant, for the words used upon
last Monday, pay a Una of fits."
McGinn waa allowed to go on ale own
recognisance, and gave notice of Appeal
to the supreme oourt, pending which he
will be permitted to practice. Two ap
peals from fines for contempt of oourt
will be presented to the eupreme court
by McGlrn. He waa fined $150 last
Saturday lot an attack on Manning and
words addressed to the court later, and
appealed from that Judgment
After court adjourned McGinn stated
that the compliments Judge Fraser paid
him' lr .pronouncing Judgment were
worth 1150.
(Special IHipatcft te The Joonnl.)
Chlnook, Wash.. Dee. 1. Thursday
night. betweentend ' o'clock. Jack
Craig cut a sergeant from Fort Colum
bia with a pocket knife eo severely that
his life is despaired Of. Craig is a bar
ber and ex-sold lor. He served In the
Philippines. The sergeant and Craig
had several quarrels during the day..Jn
the evening they met In Larson's saloon.
The eergeant attacked Craig, who drew
hie knife and cut the sergeant. severely
across the breast. After the fight,
Craig found the sergeant's cap and cut
It Into shreads.
Another Police Chief Killed,
Kasan, Russia. Dec 1. On leaving
the theatre thla afternoon Chief of Po
lice Chopoto wae shot dead. The as
sassin was arrested. .
Child xaied U a Banaway.
Arlington. Or.. Dee. 1. News has Just
reached here that the 1-year-old eon of
William Rela of Olsx was killed in a
runaway thla morning.
IK Graves
Tooth Powder
and use it twice every day.'.. It
preserves, brightens and whitens
good teetji, and keeps the bad
ones from getting any worse."
That's what the dentists say.
a heady aaeeal
Dr taKYts' Teeth Pcsdrr Co.
f I Regular Value. :
' ; '1
must be properly digested and assimilated to be of
: any value to you, otherwise it Is a source of harm
instead of trood.
If not digested, it ferments and decays, causing"
"sour stomach," "heart burn," nausea, headache,
flatulence, bad breath and other discomforts.
-compels proper digestion
food nutriment through
the body. -
restored to health and strength and put in perfect
condition. 7 """ '"'T " . ' '.:'. -.
Disease is driven out to stay out -the cause
Is removed.
Plant ersvilla, M1m. '
X hare prescribed Eodol quite often la my practice,
' and hava found it a very effldeot remedy for all
stomach ailments. It has always given the bast et
results. -' v- , T- , ....... J. T. MAY, M.D.
(tKlkt aewli kU 1H
Usms a awk aa tk
atlal. er te a at.
Sold by SUdmora Drug Co.
(Josreal Special Bervteat
Herkimer, N. T Deo. 1. Each side
reserving the right to call witnesses
later, the case of Chester Gillette,
charged with the murder of hie eweeu
heart, Grace Brown, . was today ad
journed until Monday. .
Gillette was recalled a few minutes
A New Instiiulion for Portland I
The New York Snrglcal
lias been
The doctors-of the.New .Yerk
and cure diseases of the eye, eer, nose, throat snd Junga, heart, kid
neys, bladder, brain catarrh, asthma, rheumatism, bronchitis, headache,
Insomnia, deafness, chills and malaria, skin diseases, neuralgia, diabetes,
dyspepsia, dropsy, hemorrhoids and reotal troubles, and all forms of
sorea, blood and wasting diseases. -
All private end wasting dlsesses promptly cured and their effects
permanently eradicated from the system. ;
Dlseaaea of women and children given special attention. - "
Nervous dleeeame and nervous prostration made a specialty.
Eeseme and all skin diseases promptly, cured, . . - -
. AU saediolaee ace furnished te patients from the laboratory of the
Consultation either at the Institute, st the patient's home,' or by mall,
free. -
Office houre to 11 a. m., I to I p. m., and T to I p. m. Sundays.
Fennaaently located at Coraer of Slxtn and Waaaiag-to treeta,
of the food and sends the
the blood into all parts of
built up and eveiy or garni
rrasi4 at U.
.ttoWitt I
and Woodard. Clarke ft Co,
this morning and was followed by Dep
uty Sheriff Klocke. Who told of state
ments the prisoner made to him.
Practically all the evidence Is now
In, but wltneeeee on each side may be
called to elucidate certain points. Tho .
summing up will probably be finished
and the case given to the Jury by Mon
day night- ' :
Freewater Is sure to have a fruit oan
aery. and. Medical Institute
establlahed and permanently located
In elegant quarters st .
Fortlaad, Oregon, ' -
And Is now fully equipped with the very
latest end most modern outfit of solentlflo
surgical and electric apparatus arlth i ton.
' plete laboratory of pure, fresh msdldnea
with A' first-class pharmacist to dispense
them. .,..
. The doctore who are In charge of the dlf
ferent dpartmenta of thla Institution are
graduates of the beet collages of Europe or
America and have eredentlale from the high- -est
medical boards In the United States. -
This Is a surgical and Medical Institute or
Dispensary for the successful treatment of
1 - all diseases of both men. women and children.
Surgical And Medical Institute treat
fore Jong.
! -