The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 29, 1906, Page 14, Image 14

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. Dealers in
romps. Homesitea and.
i . ; Business Properties ,
' ', nr. mint lust Ttw of the many
- ,1 Fho,r propemtja onour hbl uiva us
Ooot ft-rom Mum, very conveniently
' arranged, beat rcsmenca secuuu i bu
, nyntile. : .'
lnrM K-rnnrn idum:
..imhai Af iwmrinsr Truit ireem.
" A new 7-roora house, In choice real-
deuce section tf 1U East Side, half
block from car line.-
'-. for- food -room residence - And.-, lot
: 100x100. : - ,-.
;- .82500
". For tOxtOO, corner, modern t-room house
Just finished;, room tor anomer nouse
on lot.
V ; S3750
'"' Is the prloe vf a modern T-room home In
a choice section or noum rwiuuw. .
. Will Buy a solendld newly built modern
.home In a choice Eaat Side residence
. district, lot 60x100. two blocks from car.
:V'.;V $4000 - '
For T-room modern nouse, gas, eiec-.i.irlaitv-i'
urnacav fireplace, lot 60x100: 76
' choice rosea, 2 walnut trees.' well-kept
wwn, viiwti w.uw . v.Uw..w ......
: For a splendidly finished t-room modern
house, with tinted walls, decorated ceil
ings and tine cement basement
' v Warehouse . and; ... Factory. Sites
: V S8000 to $12,000
Corners 10x100 Good locations. - '
- $ZU,UUU v .. ....
. 100x100 oa Railroad " track. .
840,000 ;
00x200 One of the best half-blocks for
.. factory or warehouse purposes In the
city- on railroad track.
82S Lumber Kxchange Building.
East Belmont
Quarter Block
' This 100x100 8. 'EL corner Kaat Bev
enth and Belmont at 17,260, Is tha best
' buy on the Kaat Side. Watch Kaat Bel
' mont grow; this Is a fine manufacturing
site. ..." -
Jit raillna; Bld.-v
Main SOU.
Investors' Notice
, Corner lot on Washington at, in busi
ness district, 135.000. A quarter block
In South Portland, $14,600. Another In
residence district, for 414.000. All pay
Ing big Interest Call at once on
Lafayette Bid., aUxcth and Washington.
Wa have what yen want at any price.
AMonmra Biontoirs
Beautifully situated, overlooking the
city; 112 lots, each (0x100 feet. Price
f 17.400 16.000 cash, balnnce In three
years at per cent. This property ac
quired by trust estate on foreclosure of
mortgage. r sale at cost, pkku-
TUtons Bank.
See US at Ones
Wi har A large number of people'
wlahlng to buy homes; alao a number
who want furnished rooms for house
keeping. Come In and ses us. . Good
treatment accorded you. ; .
TZ0 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
Jack. King
The hot-air merchant, cures RHEUM A-
T18M. Merer falla. - No cure no pay.
The only' complete hot-air plant on the
coast. ..'
Seweatk and WaahlBgam ana. -
A new klfh presanre ares eaade Its appearsnes
erer the north Haclfte atatee and althoush the
weather la somewhat eloedy la thle district
Be rata er aanw of cenaiqware has eeturred
eieapt fa aoutnraatera Idaho, where shoot ss
Inch of snow fc.U last nlxht snd It waa still
snowing it I I. a It la warmer la Oregoa
end northoaatera Wsablngton and colder Is
emtheaetera Ida bo, and aiuch eoklcr la aorth
ern Nevada.
The Indications sre for generally fair weather
. In this dlatrlet toolrnt and Friday, with ne
marked Changs In temperature excent la aoath.
eaetere Idaho where It will be mnch colder.
' Wadding Carda. W. O. Smith Co., Wain
Infttoa bldg., ear. Foarth ssd Waahlngtos sts.
Wedding and calling cards sngraved er
printed. , E. T. Beabtoa, 122 V Washlagtos at.
mil dress salts for rest, sll stsaa. Haloes
Tailoring to, law eiars si.
Bx'HBVDBtKEB la this elty. November 27.
, I!tw. fhrlaty T.. wloW of the. late Michael
ncnerdecker, seed 6ft yearn.. Friends and
ncolnlacea are respectfully invited te at
. tend the funeral services, which will be
held st tha chapel of J. P. Flnley A Boa
Friday, November 80, at l:3o p. at. later.
ment at Greenwood eemeterv.
Floral designs and cat dowers esa bs pro
cured from ua st say hour of sight or day.
Pnena Mnla 104ft. Hoffmaa Bros., 70S Ollssa.
Dnanlng. McEatee A Ollhangh, andertakers
and embtlmere: awdera la every detail. Haven th
sd I'laa. Mats 4J0. Lsd aaslsUat.
A. B. BeamtDefc, undertaker sad embalmer.
Bast ThirteeaU and Umatilla are, Phase BeU
weod TL
Brickaoa I'nderUklng Co.. ssd embalming.
Aldas St. Phone Mala 6M8. Lady aasktUnt.
J. P. Flnley A Soss, Third end Madtaea sts.
Of see ef eanety corooer. pbeae Mala A
CtarVs Bres.. FVirtats Fine Sowsst aad
geral daalgss. SW Morrises at.
Edward Boimaa. aadartakar. 320 Third st,
Hingis graves. 10. Family lota. 8100 to 81.000.
The only cemetery Is Port la ad which pee.
petnallr aislutalna snd esree tor lota For fall
lu forma ties spnly to W. B, Mackansle. Wer
oeaier block, city. W. M. tadA preatdent
. Oreoa Water Power A .Tewaalte com.
pony e PUaa n. Aleve, lot , block
IT, nty View Park ...,..... ,150
t ar1ah iKasarald ssd wlfs te Jollaa
lcoy e al., lot I, Wo. k ft. Wood- . -l.wn
Mrlfhtai alas T and 8, block 2U, .
teatral Alsiaft ,.a,.aw wa.,... 8,008
A. W. Lambert and wife le G. W. Jsch
tia Iota 1 2 B A f a ft - 10.
Sens' Park ..' 4.000
Georgs W. Hoyt sod wife to E- A. Fssf-
. teg, lot ft. block M. Couch addition .. l.tOt
C. W Cornelius to Robert C. Vrnuey
lots ft. a. I. a. hWk 120. Coeeta ad'
dttfon 80,000
T. B. Fply oTTO to idolris lUnltey
and lf. Int It hlitrk I. HkM ilillllun
to tut Portland . TOO
JUIIaa Ijmot and Mary Eva Paul to "
. f-a.-taarlali ritaxarald. SO acrfla becui- .
Blue at point la eaat line of donalloa
laud claim of William and lynclna
Taylor, wtng parts of Mctlom HO. .
" 38. 33. tnwoatilp 1 ' north, ranc I
east; alao InU 1. 8, aertlou SO sad lots
4. 10, aeetlva It. townaol 1 north,
ranse 3 mat; alao M .90 acras bfln
aluf at I nlted ClalK mrundvr poat V
oa eaat Hue of axrtloa 2U, .townablp
' 1 north.' nun 1 aaat 10.000
Orrllle I). Ktorsraa and wife to Julia. Le-
nr I'aul, aanie pmperty aa abort .... 1
William Jooea and wife to tlrmaa Wan.
alutt. eaat TS feet of north 54 et lot
X. bkx-k . rh-r 11.000
Fblneaa II. Batten et al. to Eastern In-
watment company. Ltd,, lot Is, Blocs
. Lrhiml Hark ......7. 1
John W. Gartner and wife M H. K .
Iota 1A sod 3H. hlork Laaral
wood - 1
Tbomaa Boott Brook to S. ft. and T.
a. ftrata. lota T and aorth ft fret or
M . Work 1. Couch addition ....... T4.000
John Wtlaon et al. I" John I.
jrnninxa, wav Q tori ot eaat tmt rvi
of lou 14 and 15, Mock 26, ortflnal
townalta of Alblna . 1.000
Robert Kera to Oarar rrVal. lot T, block '
V, Fortaroonth Villa Kltnodrd ........ . 000
T. E. Mrtliilland' et a I. to Grace. Har
riet Palmer, eaat It tet or lot s ana
wat 20 feet of' Vt , block ft, Bnck
nao'a 8 cond addition 9,128
Earl O. Bronanxh' and wife to Mtlly
hYhroder. lot., bkwk 1. Bronausb S
adtlltlon TOO
WlUiaat Tr Kalaer ia J. H. Kaaw. Lrfa-
and . Kataer's aobdl'.aioa of block
1, IKnc'a rirat addition ' 3.000
. O. ' Alfretaos to liertrnde C. Clark,
tot ft. block A fanrelirnrMl No. f 100
Enscae C. Connitock and wife lo Min
nie M. Lee. lota IT ami IN. snd sontn
of hit 10. Rronkdale; alao 2V siTea
blnnln( at point ro( smith snd
S roila went of northeaat corner of
Mnrrar donation land claim, which la
noutheaat corner of Edmnnd'a tract . . 0.500
Ellen it. Walt to Minnie VI. I-ee. ftnxM
feet nexlunlnf at point feet weat
and fevt north of aootheaat comer
tiT trsi't fiwmcrlr hcl'rlws to J K.
wait, whim la part ot Bebloa Murray
donation land rial ni 1
M. K. Lee and wife to J. R. Mlddleton. .
z Uacree In Keldon Mnrrar donation
. land alalm: loU IT snd U and south , .
U ot lot-lfl. Brook da J
James W. Oolnt to Krank C. Baraae, "
U 14. block 1. Ullblana ............ . a
8. Oam to 8. 4"rlce, lota ft and 0, block
El, and mt 8, block , rortiana utj
llotneatead ..... 1,000
T. f. and Kibble Goodrich to James .
Walter Hbearer. lots B ana s, bmcs s,
Ml rh Land ..... I.XSO
Jamea II. Henneaay and wife to Peter
Tarlor. lota 3 ana 3, block iw, txwca
addlttos 31.000
rranres I. McKenOa snd wlfs to Port- .
hod rnrkrt Chin aaaociauoa. ott seres
In section 83. townahtp t north, range 8
eaat. heretofore platted aa Marchmont
addition 1
It. tl. tillham at al. to Portland Cricket
Club saaoclatlon. same aa anore r l
Emily Leamaa te William Htrablmsa, '
lot a. niork si. Benwooa ww
Bealiea Week snd wife to Era B. Ool-
rer, lots 30 and 3T, block ts, wensra -
llomea ' 280
ftxleta Land company to 'J. B. Nuthrews
hit IB. Mock X ma rars .
Vanrire A. " t FTSII;
neowa. lot X. block a. ina rara
Ttwmaa J. Hewitt snd wife to H. J.
Pnrrer, iota a ana . nnca l, aaoni-
somery Park
MFohaal BokHooa et sL to Nathan Role-
mon, mta 11, 12, is. Bancs . reninan-
lar ddilkin No. 1 - 480
James W. Chase and wife to Title Guar- .
antes Jr Trnat company, una nexinninn;
t Bortneaat eorncr of donation land
claim No, 6T. being parts of sections 2
and 24, towaahlp 1 aouth, ranxs 1
nnat 18.18T
. U PaTanoort snd wife t 8. O.
Prleatly. lott 18. 10. block 8; lots 8. .
4. bio. lot 4, block. 8, roxehsas
Berwity Barinxs Trust company, t ma
tee, to John Brooks, part "t Iota 1
lllametle H"lnl annninn. ..... mm
cottlaa Ameriran InTeatmeut company to
, J. .ha Brooita, 'i l. owes a ua
rtta Hclxbta addition.................
Walter 11. Krana and wife to Jona
Kowaer, lot x, owes lao, wn, iout-
Blcbard' Wl'lilsaia' to" 'wiliia'm 'Rtckarda.
Iota IS ana i, . niorn
sddltloa ........... . . . ...............
Da rid teoodaeU ind" wit townrlo-Jj -
ct'oator. lot l, oiocn i, .
.,.. I.HMMW a, wanrteaae
or IDninKn., ' " " .
loans call en Pacific Title A Trnat sompsny,
804-t-S-f Falling building.
ahatracta to re
estate from the Title Guarantee at xruat roue,
pany. 840 Waahlngtoa etraot, eorner BeceaA
sneeTina vi in. wmwiwi. -
Building AasoclatloB ef PertUnd will be
held at the offlce ef the sacretary, room
80S Lumber Exchange, st 10 a clock a. m..
oa Monday, December 10, 1B08. fur the elec
tion ef a board of directors snd such other
bualness ss mar legally coma before It. ,
. tt. HOItW)N. Preeident,
Attests " A. ftf. KMAPP. Seeretsry.
8100 WILL be paid te anroee eendlng the ad
' drras of Mrs. Maud M. kltebell daughter of
LI. a no siaiiios e.", ", -,;v- "
munsirnonr n ca. e. . ... -
THE aew City Directory-la now ready; eoptee
be secured st the' office. 830. Marqnam
bids.. If Beaded, before refuhtr- dallvary-1
made. i - '
BEATERS repaired en short notice at Alr-Tlfht
Stove Co.. 37 First. Pkoae pselfle 1113,
EXCATATINO end grading. O. B. Pottage,
480 CommereUl st. Phone Eaat 8108.
wcornnT Cams. No.
Woodmen et tne worur
Meeta every Friday nlgbt
at W. O. W. hall. Tenth
and Waahlngtoa ats. Aa.
nusl election of officers. All
members requested to be
present. Turning neighbors
A, L. BABBCB, Clerk. 818 Waahlngtoa St.
M. W. A. EVERGREEN Camp, 8.408, masts
Wed Deeda? evening. Ausky Bug., zairs aas
MorrlaoB am.
PORTT.AND ORCHESTRA Moale for all se
esaloss; raeaoaahie. mala e Mcretis.
M. W. A., Oregoa Grape Camp. No. 8.8TB. Moa-
ears, mm ana Haranaii; viaiwrs wtmaa
STRAY EI OR STOLEN aa tha afternoon sf
November 37, an Kngusn setter eitrn: piaca,
Ui juul arklta head. tiUck and taa with waits
atrlpes on forehead, black apot ever root ot
y tall, black blotch over both knees, body white
. end well Ucfced, dark atala ea neck and also
en body! waa sees following two lineman ea
Grand are. and Kaat stark st; a rewaro. , 4
S. Backenstss, 110 Eaat 2otb st, aorta.
FOUND A place to ksve katr sjsttrsaass rana
rated aad returned same day, 328 Front at.
Mais 4T4. Portland Curled Hair Faetery. H.
Metagsr, proprietor.
FOl'ND Cocker spaniel bitch. Owner can hare
same by paving foe this advertisement. Phone
raciric iuou.
yOl ND A bicycle ea Eaat Stark at. : ewner
cas have same by describing same end pay.
Ing for this ad. 30W Taylor, weat side.
WANTED AT ONCE BOO sound yenag
age 18 te So. tor riremea ana prakemsn on
- leading er Vetera railroads snd for aew roada
now being completed; experience asnei eeaai ) ;
flrrmee f 100 per month; bra k, area ITS; posl
tlone Bow opes: writs st once for part Ice
la ra. National Railway Training Aaanetatlos,
' 700 FaxtoB block, Omaha, siae at AU iUdgs
bldg., Kaaass City, Mo.
WANTED et a ace Stave-bolt carters, wages
0I.4O per eord; steady Work. Appl W eat
ers Cooperage Co., Btearas Bldg., Portland,
er Boultoa, Or.
WANTED Tseng moa to prepare for railway
telegraph aervloa: wages Soft te 800 per msots
when qualified. Kipert Oollegs ot Talsgrapky,
fit Ik floor Comslosweslth bldg.
WANTKD . Flrat-rlaes health and accident man:
one able to handle sgenta. Call Friday, Oof
McKay bldg. NwthwastsrB Health A Avd-
" Arat AJaovlaUos, ( . .
WANTKO Two or thro ftrat-claaa, all aroond
w.hiu pvrniaiivai poailloo. Suu4 aval
Orogua Furaituro ftlfa. Co., alatadaai iu
WE (et work tor ear members; special meat
mmrm, . . m. m. i, aourlB and Iambi U.
D0.frT"r'' far sainn.-sslsryi aoe or arrlta
i ' a guoa propuai
uwu. aoaiucir lu&cnanx. .
WANTED 10 nor aolloltora; boat position
namNi men are suktng ift daluri call
- aftaa ama aim at,..- -. w
Ualca Hotel
M Niihth iim a
Iff aa n -
. Waakir rate: . Boom, ftl.aft npi room ssd
e,.uu ajp. jtnuoraoai, vropriotor.
MKN AND WOMEN to Warn barber trade In
aisai weasa. fraunatas aar from JIB to ftU
""Vi peri uiairuciora; caialngu trea.
Molcr Bratem ef toll.gaa. 8S North- Fourth
a,.. rvrtiauQ.
ONE of the fastest selling propositions In
BnTmi aaen or gooa reiniatlon call,' ax
Mnar suarautaed. Conaorratlre Mutual Ufa
tnauraaco uo aua' . bids. . . .
WANTED Salesmsat many make 8100 to SIM
r-jw mui, anoio . even more; etoek elaaa;
grows oa reservation, far from old errtaardu
eaah advanced weakly;' choice ef territory.
Adilroaa Waahiagbm Nurssry eompaay. Ton.
Ws are la the factory and mills dlatrlet:
some la and hsve e talk with us; good
board ssd good mom, 84.6U per week.
WANTED Competent rtrl' for general bonve-
i ...... " -VV'l aoo jwm si.t ron-
land Heights,.
WANTED A ynnng mas to leant drug Dual-
sees. -Address X 8tl. care Jonrnal.
WANTED Competent young man stenographer;
gwa reinremva; position out or town; state
age ssd experience. Address N SO. Journal.
WANTED A glaiter. Apply Oregoa Planing aula . augnit. , . . . -
TWO solicitors, household speclsltles; short
nours, gooa returns, una Tulra st. i
BOYS wanted with wheel; wages 830 per month.
appv to manager, zwi Biara St.
good square meal. 21 T Flrat St.
BOYS not ever 14 can make from 81 to 83 per
day selling small aotlou. r, Calrsr, BS
tiastenhelu are. - - . - - -
IF YOU WORK, why not earn more than a
nvingT Be Independent; do good. Tha Vlavi
Co. already employs 13.000 womes; the work
covers 33 countries of the world; we will
eotertsln sppltestloos front capable woman;
not canvaeelng, bat helpful dignified work.
-Addrees by mall only, Tha Vlsvl Co., rooms
2O4-8-0-T Tllford bldg., 10th end Washington.
186 H Fourth at., corner Morrlaua. patslra.
Phone Main 682A
Alongaldo ths X. M. C A. bldg.
GIRLS WANTED Operators te work ea shuts
ssd overalls.- Lsasuas gives te Ineiperieocea.
Apply at Standard factory No. 3. Ursad svs.
ssd Eaat Taylor at.
lngtoa at., cot. Seventh, a pat a Ira, Phone
FEW ladles wanted te ssatat making eaay
tancy work a pare time st soma; gooa steaay
pay; no sxperlenea required. 838 Fleldaar
bldg., 40T Waahlngtoa st.
WANTED Yonng ladles to tola ear Unlvsrssi
nnortnsao ciaaa; wnmng arTters tns ascoea
I, aeon; una month free tuition; claas sow
forming st E. B. V. clerical offices, 3S
Worcester blk.
COMPORTABLR horns snd pleasant room for
reiiania vromsa wno wiu aeeiat vntn soeaa
work and care tor child. V ftO, ears Journal.
Home. 20 Esat Sixth at., N.; board sad room
reaaonabls. Phone Eaat .281.
BRIGHT lady wllh aaleaman ability wanted.
Portland W bole vale Grocery Co.,
Front st.
GOOD experienced girl for -general housework.
Call at Till Tillamook at., Irvlngtnn.
WANTED Young people to )nta our elsasee la
short band snd bookkeeping by ear Deem pun.
- wblca places joe pi poaltloa In s very abort
: time, ttaies low. a. 0. u. i. ivricaa viuces.
430-s Worcester die. . .
DELI wanted ssd supplied, mala er female. B.
G. Drake, xuote waahlngtoa at. rseitis tsiuw
PRINTER Experienced printer fleet res altos.
tios la country: iwi nay prererrea. aaaress
W no, ears journal.
BOOKKEEPER, employed st present, desires
poaltloa in city; iirei-cisas rsiereaesa. u 07,
care Jonrnal. . .
EXPERIENCED steBogrspher desires poaltloa to
wwa aniMijifl,, gww mnfucn, auuim ek ea,
- care JournaL -
BAKER, good ea cakes snd bread, wants post-
tloo, day work. Aanreeo n vo, joumau
MBTROPOLITAN Realty and Employment Bn-
rose. Department 1, real eatate, loene, col
lections; department A rellaila kelp fur-
BJanaa, situatiotia ascurvs. sue aiuer au.
. room IS. Main e.oo.
Leeslng' camo snd fnrm bslp a sneeulfy.
. 80 North Secoad St. Pboae Mala ft2ed. s
pay all telegraph ensrgsa.
3d North Second at. Pboae Mala 1838.
30BH Morrison st , Phone Paclfle 30
87 North Seeood st Phone PsclSe 13U0
ALPINB Employmaat Oa., SnftH Morrlsoa st.
Male ana female netp. mans Mais jail,
I WANT a bouse ea east sldst will per .V)
eaah, balance moathly Inatallments; If roar
pries la rignt ana location suits wiu Buy,
Address N 70, care Journal.'
LOTS tn sny pert of Alblna for building pur
poses; glvs pries, loratloa, sins and elevs
, tloo. Adaress vonincior, - n sournai.
1 WANT a sood rasldsnce lot tn lrvlngtoB er
Hollsdar Addition. What have yea Ad-
areas tj zt, care journal. ,
era, set jour supplies from K. m pismmer,
300 Third at. 1 new goods, bottom prices.
WB can offer extraordinary Inducements te
several Intelligent ana experienced unr ran.
vaaaera; bouaahold necessity. Cell 01 Fifth
AGENTS Canvassers, mixers, . peddlers, solici
tors, msll order people, etc, should buy
Kramer's Book of Trade Secrets; regular price
r,, but balance of laat edition for 81.2(1 as
long ss they laat: guaranteed; order onici.
Slvax iab. Co., Sutherland, Iowa.
AGENTS WANTED to sell ear complete line
oSvtilga-grade nursery stock; outnt rree; caan
Salem. Oregon. '
WANTED TO BENT Houses.' cottages, fists,
stores, offices, rooming honaaa, sla. Laad
Irirda will do well to call on I
Phone Ex. TA A B. Car. Id sad Oak.
V ANTED to rent; a well-stocked dairy ranch.
88 Beveatk st . - , .
WANTED Hones. 10 er 1ft noma: must be
central. Address X T4, care Journal..
etrueted by one 01 tne largest arms in sen
Frsnrtace to boy. ' for esab, ftl0,00
worth of second. band household goods of sll
description; highest rseh price will be paid
foe ssaae; orders promptly attended to.
Temporary quarters 1HX Front st. - Phone
Mais 4T7A J. BOMEMiBANTZ. Msssger.
A WA8QJM(ilV.N, PACirig WJ,
VVaViNif't. (
yniilKic, oiaiti,'i N,
SKATING Private school.- of akstlng, special
elaaeee every 'ruewiay sua Irldar; private
leaeona xur- oeKinaera oaiiv vscep, oanuai
nnder the special dlrectloa ot Ina true tor J.
O. Butala. Cell up phone Mala 6140. , Expo-
aitiOB ttius.
A YOrNG German girl desires to take lessons
10 Kngllah after 7 p. m. state price. A
W, CUD fUWHI, B ' .
HIGHEST price paid for men's caat-orf cloth.
Ing. Phone Pacific 4a. Uncle Joe. ox iniro.
HIGHEST csab price paid for sll kluds see.
hand gooda. Phone Mala 3111. a n. inira.
,. WANTED.., ,''.'.
Ftirnttare ,. I For . '
riyurullure--Tr.r.-.- Spot -c
Furniture r Cash.
311 Flrat at Pboaa Mala BOOS.
EXCAVATING sad grading. C. B. Pettsgs,
sv Lumtnerciai at.- l oona saat oiwe.
I PAY cash for household goods. W. W.
Savage. frto-ea7 Flrat at, raone 1' a cine sua.
MKKTEADS FREEV-Flns land, very valuable.
:U4 Kaat Morrlaus st. J. B. foreman.
STKAMH BATED rooms st ressoasbls rates.
Hotel Boysl, lUSVk Foarth St., be twees wssh
Ingtua sad 8tsrk sts. Pheae Mala 833A
TBB RICHEL1ED, 83H North Sixth of. Ele
gsatiy rarnianaa; steam, neat sua Basse. -
"TH Hl'R," 08 Eleventh at., comer SUrk;
rooma with ateam kaat sad bath.
FURNISHED rooms snd furnished boosskesplag
rooms tor rent at lux vanooevsr are.
THE GRAND. 4St North Third st Beeesa for
geatiemsa ftl.xo per week sna a p.
LINDA VISTA, 847 H ' Fifth Hoasekssptng-
rooms with bay windows, sua sleeping -rooma.
FURNISHED mom, 'privets residence; gentle-
mas prererrea; rerereocee requirea. ess wu
llsms sve.
THE WILLAMETTE Under new management;
permsnsBt ana transient. 144 Sixth st.
81.2q.W KLP. elssa. farahad JwaeAaes.
ing roomat parlor, nam, laoBury, . awnace
asst. ysra. eusH D ran toe, u ear.
1. BO WEEK np, Isrgs, clean. Turxdsbed hfnaa
keeping rapma, launary ssa nata. ue soar
ma a south, Portland.
THE MITCH ELL Housekeeping sad transient
rooms, reasonable, aeveata ana risaaars.
8 GOOD anfarnlahed hmsrkeeplng-rooms; bath
aad water; li oa Water su
TWO farnlahed rooms for keueekeeplng; bath.
phone, gaa. 434 College St. Msia D714.
3 OR 8 farnlahed er anrarnlahed Bonaekeeetng-
rooms, . irMHiern. gss range, water, osux,
phone, fttlft West IJneols st.
FOR 3 employed people; stao roommate for
quiet rcDuen young roan; wanting uwiaurs,
- modern. 824 East Morrison.
A FIRST-CLASS suite ef rooms for
a gents
call at 2MS 14th at. phono Mala 183A
398 TWELFTH 1 to 8 alee rooma with closets;
horns cooking; private family; gas, furnace.
room and Board, ana wimame sve.
FOR RUNT OR SALaWNew 8-room modem
L boose, .on Jtth st.. eaat,, otily 10: alao i
rooms, gT. pnona union eiso. exaarass see
84th si, sut. . . .
MODERN g-rooro honae. walls tinted, pores la tn
. bath: 14th st, near Montgomery. Inquire
804 14tu st. .
U-ROOM hooae ea esrltne, 81 A C H. Flggott,
owaar, Uwysr, room a Muixey arag.
8-ROOM cottage, 103 O rover between Frent
snd Water ata. lnqnlrs room 88ft Chamber
ef Commerce. . .
FOR BENT B-room hooae, S blocks from car
line, flu. Inquire 840 G an tea be la are.
A ROOM cottage, gss. bath, boss ment. Apply
next door, 42S Harrwoa at.
fll PER MONTH- T room, house with bath. No.
iou nienraean ac ., oax vum f uiwa muo,
10ft North 12th St.
A WELL-FL'BNISHED hoene, T rooms, with
piano, la Hants Portland. Call at 810 Oor
bett st. between 8 snd 13 a. m. B. O. Bow en.
rOR RENT It-room cottage, modem. Inquire
361 North 16th st.
for rent Twe boaars: good yard back and
front; one 88 aad the ether 13 Inquire
708 Foartk at.
ONE 8-room cottage, 470 East Belmont at,
Phone Kaat 1270.
nrricE-Kooun anfarnlabeg
pie-rooma for rest. Goodnougs bldg. Apply
DESIRABLB offlcee, Including electrls lights,
bot snd eold water, Janitor ssd slsvstne
servlcs, la the new, airy ' Commonwealth
- bldg., old poatofflce site. Sixth aad Baraslde
sts. Ageot roots 411. '
FOR BENT Store, Flfth-st. aide Goodnougk
bldg. Inqulrs elevstor la building.
FOR BENT Store Fifth -et. side Goodnough
cbldg: Inquire at elevator la Vulldlng.
FOB BR NT Marguerite ball, corner Hawthorns
, snd Marguerite avee., for social and fraternal
rnrpoaee; new and up to date. W, L. Naeh,
lino Hawthorns avs.
rOTrBT5NTWewitorserlOr Hawtbom
sve., eorner Marguerite, w. L. N ash., 1038
Hawthorns avs.
FOs SALE Furnlturs of Aroom modem hooas,
aesrly all newt tent reasonable; twe blocks
from poetoffles; good transient hooae; will
sell st a bargain It taksa by the Bret ef
December. 2nd Fifth et.
HAtL end ballroom, separate er together;
ssd with sll conveniences. Pheae Mala
WB are buying Hurst Aatomatle Switch stock.
Wbst bars yon got te offer I J. F. Hurst
A Cs 308 McKay bldg.
SAVB MONEY Anything la printing see Ma A
oen, uun - . ww mih..
ata. ; upstairs.
tO SALE Apartment -houao ef 18 rooma; ad
newly furnished; eaay terms If neceeaary; In
come $100; rent 840: located ea Morrison St.
' Apply Coha Bros.' Fornlture Co., 180 First,
BAVB party who wishes to bay Into easiness
- ot value, about $10.o or less. BIT Cemavsr
rial blk. Phone Mala 8130, ,
HOTEL furniture for sale) long lease and low
rant; elty. C H. Plggett, owner, lawyer,
room 4 Mulkey bldg. -
J8 ROOMS. 1 block from Hotel Portland, for
ssls (2.sni floe lesse; terms. Main 81.
BARBEH SIIOP for eare; 3 ebalra. 3 tnlw;
weat aide; pries f36u. , Addrsas B 48, este
JOutasla a, .. 1 " - (
11 ROOMS, near Portland Hotel! rant tan,
furniture for sale rssauwabls; terms. Phone
staia si.
BOOMING HOl'SES snd hotels ranging from
iv as iw rooana, wsu lurslanea; Beat Iocs-
tloss la city; leaaes; terus) all good laveat-
manis "" "-'n al
FOB SALS Hsrseaa and eaddlarv bnalneeai In.
, voice st snout $K; beat railroad towa la
. eeeiera uregoa. Further particulars addrees
- a ajo, ewe sourest. , - .
WELL-FURNISHED lodging snd bosnllng-houea,
,14 rooma, central. Or t goo-Alliens Realty Co.,
Sixth and Wssulugtoa, ovsr bank. Mala Tllll.
FOR SALE lgar sad soafsctlonery store.
i-none raciiic alee.
WANTED Party with 31.000 to tske one third
Interest' In eetabllened bnalnsaa; anllmlted
lieu lur proxiL Address L SO, care Jour net.
81.830 FOK a snap In a (nerrhandlse store; long
esse, gooa Mislnees; rina westtoa. State
aoo vo., io ' m irst Bl.
A ' SNAP Flrst-clsss paring buslnsss: sasy
money; a nnuanaa lor s hustler, maa or
women. Aaureaa at once. N 84, ears Journal.
FOR SALE furniture of lO-room bouse ; full
ot rooaiers. asventa sc. .
FOB SALE OR ' BENT Roomtng-house ef 14
rooms, wita gooa lesss; wiu sen very ressoa
sbls oa account ef leaving city, or rent for
long terms to responsible party. Call eft
ruris aiuib St., er poooe rscine soio.
HALF INTEREST la real est a to bualaeas;
pari 7 - going swsy. xtecxasr. ex bbuia, eue
rra et. . , .
FOR BALE Proapsroas grocery More st Lsnts,
or wouiq sxensnge lor ssst .sias reevaence
Pit CG, BUSINESS, steak, fllturas, lease, etc..
ror aale; fine location, ea corner, good carune;
locality building up faat and wsu; can show
good ssd Increasing boslness; reason for
a, Illns uurelr Deraonal: orlcs low. S3.3SO.
Morgan. Sweet A Chapman, 313 , Ablug toad
Dldg. Phens Mala sols.
NEW furnlturs of 8-room cottage, rent 120;
Bear city hall. 343 Msdlsoa St.
18-BOOM house, stow furniture,' lease, terms.
z Hsaisoa at.
CASH burev for grocery er general merchandise
store waiting. Phono PsclSe 2ft. Capital
Sixth St., near Piss.
A SNAP 8 stores, confxctloeiery. Ice cream.
cigars and groceries, old stand, long tesse;
cheap rent. Invoice 82.200; must be sold;
31.200 takes It. State Land Oo 33A
. First St. .... -
ONE ef the fastest-selling propositions a
America; men or gooa repnution can; .ex
penses guaranteed. Conservative Mutual Ufa
Insursncs Co.. Elks' bldg.
CIGAR STORE finest eek sad plate glass 8s
t tires; nest loeajion in msraet, sns eeiy fjuu.
Edwards. 22114 Morrlsoa St.
AROOM boerdtng-houes. 8260: new bouse. Sna
location, en ' west side, rent otuy war, 11
boarder a; fine furniture, rooms nicely nr.
ransid; must sell ea sccoant of health. Call
ll:tt, Fourth st.
3700 4-room henss. lot 100x100.
31.000 8-room nouss, S lots.
City View Park; corner lota with small house,
loo proved street,
1.8S0 a-room honae. , 2 lota.
1, 3ta 8-room honae. electric Tights, eta.
half brack from carllns, oa Improved street.
81.6I0 8-room modern eotisge.
32.000 T-room msdera cottage. -3.VMV
100x100, corner oa county resA
8150 Fine lot, close to aew woolen mill. "
"i H. P. PALMES, Mgr.
223 Falling bldg. v MsIb 888L
Or tske bellwood car. get off at "1 vol no at.
Phoas. Sellwood 101.
DO YOU went a real chtekea ranch t Hare It
la: n acres, rignt oa t. w. r. esteTnc line.
8 miles from the center ef the city; good
house, good- bars, sll ferieed, sesrty half
clear, fine, soil, good spring, no rock or
Sivel; price 81.300; esa give time on part.
Is la juat what yoa bsvs bees looking tor.
drees W 6B. ears JournaL
82.2BO Good Aroma honae snd ttOxlOO-fnnt lot.
1b BoaayauM. uegmtsr. t.o-. iui h Third st.
LOT 88 8-8x100. with a 10-room basse, full
hssemeat, 8 minutes' car service, for 84,800.
terma; sold oa account ef settling np aa
estste; ws slee hsve ebout 100 lots Imme
diately Joining Irvlngton, ead only 8B mla-
- utee' walk to the steel bridge, for 8200 up;
will glvs terms. Nylsader A McAnley, reom
807. Allsky bldg.
ACRE TRACTS just being platted, close te car.
teajousrucniujuuulng water enotrt
f yoa wsnt s chicken ranch, garden horns
or something that will soou double In value
this Is It, snd they will soon all be sold.
ft-scre tract la ths same vicinity, away
this side of Woodstock, for $2,750; this will
be worth $0,000 la short 4 time.
For bsrgalns la homes see
The Honssssilsrs, 183 Morrlsoa st. '
, $4,000 for Half Block
Between Oregon aad Pselfle ata. oa 31st St.
: PacfflC'faYcstmcnt Co.
Third floor, S2814 Waahlngtoa corner Sixth.
Phone Mala 2H2.
Bargains .In'Honscs.
bath, toilet, gas.
lsrg. lot, eaat aide, close to carllns, ea Ivy
at.; price $2,800; terma It desired.
Flaa aew Aroom hooae, 1 block from ear
line, a sasp; price $1,100; pert cash, bs lanes
$10 per month, , .... - -
Pacific Invcstmeit Co.
Third floor, 328 4 Wsablngton. eoraer Sixth.
$300 CASH. $20 awathly, will any a new mod
ern ft-roots cottage ea East Tenth sad Spring,
field sts., Albsrts ear. State Lead Co., 138 ft
First et, .......
T lots 40x100. cleared, an together la ens
tract, for $300: floes to lO-roum ecboel at
Lenta) Sue location; wster free; Be fare to
ssy pert ef Portland; tar aas. O. B, Addltoa,
ewaer. Lents, Oregoa.
31.100 Nice full lot, eesy walking dis
tance. $1,8001 acre ef flrst-clsss gardes land:
' ever -running spring. Aroom house,, oa Poavell
St., handy to fte car; sssy terms.
$1,700 3H full lota wllh alee frair trees,
fsrdea snd asw 7 -room bouse., alee loestloa,
blocks ftc car.
, F. FTJCHS. 221tt Morrlsoa St.
Aa prices will mors than double by
time the avaaue Is macadamised.
ONLY 1300 10 ftaOO BACH.
Our terms within ths reach ot alL Will leas
yoa money te build a modern home.
M. B. LEE, ' -
t Balalgh bldg., 823 Washington gt.
Phone PadOa ftO.
A FINB 8-reool bouse oa Best 83d St. t price
$8.000 terms. StaU Land Co., 133H First St.
$200 CASH, $18 monthly, ' will nay a Aroom
cottage la Sanayslds. Stats Land Co., lftStt
apt, m
BEST bay tn Portland $10 dowa, $10 per
month, lota "level, 80x100, graded streets,
water la. t blocks south ef Hawthorns are.,
ea 44th at.; owner ea grounds; price $380.
COZY tittle home. Al condition, sear sort alga,
Botrts fruit; s bsrgsln; sss It todsy.
-a-VHB CONTINENTAL CO., 348 StareVtst.
BRAND-NEW noose,' select neighborhood. Beer
esrt prices advaaclng all around; tormst pay
, rant to yourself; see thle.
atsreheose French. 18T0 B. 18th. '
Phone Sellwood 7A
, City View Park lots, 38TB ssd Op: Boas
Addition lots, $100 snd opt 88 dowa snd $0 a
ssoeth. Homes from $.V to 80,000, Lots 200
and ap. In all parts of Sellwood. List yssr
. property with as; we will eall It.
A FINB aew honae ea SSth snd Eaat Cllntoa;
, bones Is aew and cost gl.OOO: lot Is worth
8j0; owner Is leaving the elty and will ssll
for $2,200 cat easy terms. B 88, JournaL
Real EeUts, Fsrms snd Stock Reaches.
SOS 14 W easing toe at.
BEAD THIS: Tlltoa addition la going at half
value; lota ss nearby streeTs selling st $l.ots)
snd spi Invest $."o0 now aad double year
asvBj. Pbeae Tsbor 368. ,
A FIB8T -CLASS Araom houao. anil 10 hit
South Portlsnd; TM dows. bslsncs 82S
suuets. Arvusr, Mom IS Cambrians bhlg.
1 OR 8 flue lota en Slat at., sear Cllntoa,
fins view ef ties elty, AJ00; ee easy terma.
' H 38, care JournaL
pries 8MSJ.
Phone Esat 8442.
FINE new '8-room house. 83.0OO, $sU0 esau:
Aroom bouse, 8X400, 3400 osah; S roots sot.
' tags. 81.SUO, 83UO cash. Pboae Eaat 078.
FOR SALE CHEAP 3IW.0OO teat of lumber,
- OO.OOO feef llli. 8S per l.OOo. H. B. jbtout,
T4S Balelgh. 1'hone Mala 2M&3.
1.S 3 ACRES, with good 4-ssnm bouse, barn,
chlcken-houee; 4 ecrea cleared, young orchard,
snd other Intproveinents; slttisled on the Koe
ter road, Bear carltue. Krglsuir A Co., 107 "i
Third st. . , . 1
SMALL honae, ales lot SoxloO; terms; good
- location; user ess-end stalWa. l'buua Wuod,
lawa 120. ..
81.100 TAKES 2 very dealrahls lots In Pied
mont, on euruer. u wucu noui ca.. ttegiater
A tie., 107H Third st. - , r --- ,
HAVB good s crease oa carllns. would trade
tor grocery store or other bualness. , oil coov
mercial blk. Phone Main S120, , '
$1,000 tlOOD 4-room coWaxe with basement.
chicken-house; 8 lots, street improved, side
walks In: oa 33d St., E. Begieter A Co.,
1071 Third st.
T LOTS oa St. Johns earltne; $1,000 takes ths
nunra; s bargain; terms. J. J. ovaer, 1 n,
Grsud sve.
FOB ' SALE New twotory. T-room, modem
house, H -block, near earllne; 31.000, 8300
caah. $20 per month. J. J. Order, 1 N.
' Grand sve.
CAN roe boy acreage aa cheap- and etcelv lo
cated ss tbst a-ncrv tract on SHth snd Knott
ata? tall ua premises snd see W. M, Dry.
den. owner. Tsks lrrlng too ear.
FOR SALE BY OWNER Undent T-room house.
no. 041 Broadway; chairs loestloa. For par
ticulars nquirs st premises.
$3,740 AN elegant Aroom house sad VI block
in r-isamont; tnis m a line noma. Hegtstsr
A Co., 107Vi Third St.
$8.000 MODERN 8-room house, dose In ea the
esat side, walking diataace. Beglster A Co..
- 107 Vt Third at. , .;
$1.T00 4 FINE lots oa Seventh St.. E ; lies
snout 4 rest above street grade; all Improve
ments psld. sldewslks dowa. ... Register . A
Co.. I0TH Third et.
70 acres nits soil. 13 miles from this city.
Sty miles from good railroad snd river town,
4 mile from school snd 1 mile from church:
H. F. D. snd telephone; 20 seres under good
stats ef cultivation, some good timber, bsl
a nee very eaally cleared, good well and living
water, new 7 -room bouse, old para, 3 acres
fa orchard et saaortsd fruits la full bearlag.
team of 8ns meres worth, at treat 3300, 1
sow, 3 helfere, new wagon, 'new harness,
buggy end buggy harness, plow, hsrmvr,
mower, rake, 10 tons ot hsy la ham, 125
bushels of eels snd over 100 sacks ef potatoes;
price only $I,8u0S caa arrsngs for tor sis if
40 actrea excellent land. 8 miles from this
elty, tM miles from good country town,
stores, etc.; SO seres under cultivation, bal
ance all a lashed. . burned ssd seeded; good
well, living streem and springs, good 4-room
ramas. tiara ' wuikaaow. mHkaoaisci eotsxo.
bona a. etc.; yeauc orchard of sssurted traits
just coming Into bearing, team, wsgea, her
seas, baggy, (Dow, cultivator, harrow, new
jnower snd ' rake, T good mllcb rows, 8
heifers, 1 thoroughbred Jersey ball and be
tween 20 and 80 tons of 8ns hay In bam; tf
you am looking for a snsp see this; price only
30 acres One garden er onion land. 3 miles
from this city; 10 acred under Site state
ef cultivation, living etream and 3 good Wells,
smsll house, good barn, chtefcen-noose, etc.;
U mils from good school, B. F. D. snd tele-
N phone; this Is a Sns chlcksn. berry or truck
farm; price, if sold soon, $z,ooo; caa ar-
ngs for terms tf desired.
If yea do
what yea waat tm the
kma write or call.
Fourth and Main ata.. Vancouver, WaaMnrtoe,
Heferencee: Vancouver fytlonal Be as.
$1,800 8H scree One gsrden lend, with
buildings, running wster, ou, elty limits af
$8,fts 130 seres - of ftne lend veer tbea
TO a free la caltlrattoa. 1 mile to station.
oa Greshsm electric road, spring snd creek
rylng sna a greet barrels.
$73 per scrs T seres of a model farm.
near newoerg; aae-waiiuiu. ' -rj -,
handy to boat snd rail; this place Is cheap at
lino per scrs.
$3.0isi tor 18 acres of well-Improved gar
aa la nit: onlon-heusne a Ions bss cost $1,000;
14 miles 'to Pottles; a maa who under.
" garf.nlng can msaa. p lortuns SB
K La nl.,.
$M 818 scree ef a model farm In the Wtl
: lsmette valley; thla farm had a ytsrly In
corns ef over $0,01)0 for the lest ft yeses.
If yoa wsnt a good farm ot say alaa aad
a aqaare deal, do not fall to ses
. F. FUCHS, 221 H Morrlsoa St.
83 scree, 8 miles ef dty. 1H miles O. W.
P. cerllne; all In Sna ststs ef cultivation,
beautiful 10-room modern residence, brick
bsssment snd cement floor, steam heated,
water piped Into house end barn, flne Isrgs
barn, splendid well, windmill, ether outbuild-
Ings, beautiful grounds; boms cost ,V0JO;
positively ths best buy around Portland; It's
worth $10,000 It It Is worth s cast; guana,
teed as sdvertlsed; only $7.7SO. ,.
. 223 Washington, eor. First, apstalre.
f ARM 120 seres, 10 seres la orchard, 13 scree
plow Isnd, 3 miles from O. W. P. carllns,
sear Currlnavllle; balance timber snd pasture;
e anap at. $3,000. Call or eddrese B. Bstss,
FOB SALE Good prosperous wheat fsrms ts
Morrow censty. oa rsiirosa, per acre;
might tsks some trsde. W. A. La Id law. Bit
Commsrclsl bldg., B sound aad Waahlngtoa.
Phone Mala 8120.
13 MILES weat ef Portlsnd, near Beedvllle,
Waahlngtoa county, for cash enly; 83 scree,
3ft clear, well cultivated, on creek: good well,
spring, flne fruit, aew wire fences, good
8-room house, barn, house bold goods, chickens,
bees, tools, etc.; 114 miles from railroad,
school snd church; telephone line, milk route,
R. F. D.l 84.000. Mrs, .A. B. Ltistscher,
BeavertoB. Oregon.
0NB acre oa St. Johns esrltns. $1,000; terms
on part. Bute Lend Co.. 133 First St.
.For. Sale
180 acres, SB hottoca land, 41 miles from
Ths Dslles, sultsble for etoek; pertly Im
proved, bslsncs easily cleared; creek ea hot
toco $1,000 worth of timber; Bear market,
ea county road. Owner, I'ntoa house, hi
North Sixth st. - Price $1,800.
BOR8E8 and buggies for -teat by day. week
snd month' special rates to hnslnsss houses.
Sixth aad Hawthorns. East TA
ITB buy; sell, feat.'-esahsage hnraaa. wasooa, 1 ,
saddles, ksrness. Hubert A Hall. 308 4th st.
teats st Sslt Lake city prove thst this stock
will - yield Isrger returns than any mining
stock Hated. Portland offlce t. W. Hurst i
Ca., 308 McKay bldg.
I am slwsys la ths market either to but
' er sen tDy sctlvs mining stock; losna mads
ea sny Hated securities.
T. P. BROWN. ' dOt McKsy bldg.
TO EXCHANGE for small farm or residence
. property In Wlllsmstts valley: Brick hotel,
ftSind. sll furslahed. enly 1 block from rail
road depot, la progressive lows towa. Whst
hsvs yoq to trade) For farther particulars
address J. D. Winn, Busna Via is, Oregon.
TO EXCHANGE 80 acres trait Isnd la Marios
county for snburbsa lota or scresge. p. O,
. Bos 480, eltt
I. 000 100-room hotel la Portland clearing
$noo a month to, x4uenge Bar a good farm
er elty property.
P. FtCIIS. SSlVi Morrlsoa St.
Wltl exrhsngs my borne and three lots for
Oregoa property! farm preferred. .
A. B. BOBINSON. Albaqssrqae, . hi.
TO TRAPS Fine lot loot 120. at Arista, all
fenced, smsll booee hero, chicken-house, for
lot close In. L ft 7, esrs Jonrnal. er 263
First St., room I.
8 OR 10-acrs rblrken-ranch. Whst have Juki
in S'Sl Norm l.'.lk St.
vts will buy for ia.u sny good timber
trlhulsry to Nehslem river; will deal with
owners only; no others need snawsr. Writs,
glvlug full particulars. to Box A U. P. sts
tlos, Portlsnd, Otegoo.
8S0 seres of timber In Curry eeuaty. Or,
sill be-eold cheep if taken st ones. '
CERTIFIED scrip, ear viae pieces; low eat
prices. W. U. Howell, B3S Chamber ef Com.
hjeroe, ' ' -
T.000 ACRES yellow pine, wall sltusted, eeay
s acceas, high cruias. Toprnsesd A ImLssh
mutt. SOU Alder st.
A new stove, go to ths" f?r.'''
. A new range, ge te the 8.
. Te trsds stoves, go te ths $.
A wstcr-bsrk put In, go te the 8,
Furniture, so to the $. "
233 Vlrat at. Mala 8STA
FOR SALE Ftnr terrier pnna, 484 Eby St..
Montsvllls. Phone East 13, ask for Bvaas!
SEWING MACHINES bought sold aad ex.
changed. 8ft and ap. Wee Ism Salvage Ca..
827 Wsahlugtoa. St. '
BOOKS bought, eold and exchanged at the Old
Book Store. 828 Yamhill aU ,
WB print your aamft ea 00 celling cards, proper
slss snd style. 3ftc; 2V) buslnes cards, 31. .
v A. W. .Schmsle. Co, 328 First, Port la ad. Air.
SHOWCASES, eounters, flitures, bought, sold
or exchanged. Western Bsivsge Cs., 827
Washington at. Pad tit TSA
ARTT8TS' materlala. pictures snd framlaa. B.'
, H. Moorbousa A Co., 313 Alder sL
80 SLIGHTLY damage sewing msrhlnes st '
" ' " a,,,,-, o.uger, wnier at Wilson,
Domestic, W hills. Household, Dsvls sad
others; to maka room lor aew stock Wheeler.
A WUsoa snd Singers. A A SlgsL 88ft Mur
liaoo sc. Msrqusm bldg.
SHOWCASES snd fixtures, new and sstosd-
sanu. varison Kallatroa, 28V Coach st.
BILLIARD AND POOL tables for rent se toe
sale on eaay najments.
ThlrAsL, Portlsnd. ' -
vateuaBSKaaxe. smhu; oy au araggltls.
SECOND-HAND bar fixtures, pool tabls. safes.
lauire, euarrs, nssiSTB, SslVage vO 82T
nsshlagtua St. - -
CHBRBY TREES of the only original parent
raw. uio new merry. Tits want: flrst-clava
trees. Julius Kslllch. Woodlswa, Oregoa,
$800 CASH bays aa automnhlla la good eoodt--tloai
carries ft. Phone Main $1.
FOR - 8ALB 1-13 Inch apeed lathe, portshls
'orgs, core mechlae aad steam generator, to
North Second St. ;
m'rm BAba-eix p. oiej vocssr apaaisi pna , :
I'ie, mwr-rm ecciarouLB; OS SjUSlIty. AaOrSSS
Box 84, Bbedd, Or. .
DAMAGED sewing machines st eery low prices 1 -slse
sll klads second-hand mschines st your
' ewa price. H. D. Jones, the White Sawing
Machine Co.. 280 Ysmhtll St. '
DETECTITB A0INCT Confidential larrestVa.
tlone; reports fumlahad oa tadlvidaila, their
character, responsibility, ate.; bed debts col-
.terted; missing relatives located ; cherges
nssoosbls; sorrsspondence solicited.' Oregoa
Detective Service, offlcee 3OA304 Filed net
bldg., loth sod Washington sts.. Pheae
Main S61A- .
TURKISH BATHS, 80O OregontaB bldg. Isdtas
dsys, gsatlemea nights. Mala 188A
VIAVI CO., Lewis bldg., 3B0H Merrlsoai Bssltb
talks te women Thoredaya, 3:84 m.
WBBFOOT Oil Blacking ssvrs the esstksr; ah
solatsly waterproof.
MANUCRING. hslrdreaarlna-, spectsl Al con res.
one week wily; testis school - fur wuibsb xtaa
girls. 304 Aider. The Mostgoeasry. -
YES, Palme Tablsts msks yoa slsep perfect Ivi
they cure eervouanase ssd msss yoa uvog;
pries AOs e boa. 8 boxes 3A0O; guarastssd.
-All dm anlata, sc sSdreee Brooke Drug vw ar
North Third at., Portland. Or. - . a
CALL PsdOe 378. Ssa Frsociaco Tailoring Ce. .
We do repairing, pressing, rlesnlng and dye- t
Ing; ladiea' garments a spsclsltyi st lowest "
price. 371H Taylor at.
L.X -vsxor xwavovww xrr aw.- sxuusi Ul nsrvs
htlee. One month's treetsssat, .$31 S .
ths. $0: esat securely sealed by sulL
A grata. WeedsrA Clarke A Ce PsrtlsaA Or.
SUITS preset d whlls yoa wait, ftOc Ladles'
skirts prsassd. 60c. Gilbert, 100H Sixth St.,
next to Quelle. Pboae Mala SOSA .
BEST - msgaslns clubs ever offered; asad for
prices: sgentg wnntsd. Jones' Bosk Store,
31 Aider et., Portland. Or.
MOLES, wrinkles, an per H sous hah? remevsd.
Ne chsrgs to tslk It over. Mm. hf. D. Hill.
Boem 330 Fllsdnsr Bldg. Phone Psetae 18ft.
PHYSICAL culture, sU branches, and mssssgst
Indlvldusl snd elsee Isstrnctlos; priests heme
treatment it desired. Ths Klngler School.
808 Alder at, Pboae Main lBfiL.
DISEASES OF WOMEN Private maternity bee.
pltal, quiet location; special esrs. Dr. At
wood, room A 8ftOVs Morrlsoa. Tsl. Pse. 17M.
HOLD ON There la aoe thing thst win es-s
rh en mat Ism. Aak Tour druggist for hark
tonic or , addrees or eall J. U.
druggist, PortlsBd, Or.
GERMAN books, magsatiice. sovals, ets.l Oec.
men, angnan, rrencK, apsnisa, awseisa aaa
Itallaa dlctlonsrles; forelga hooka et aU
Schmale Co.. 328 Flrat St.
MISS K. PORTER ROBB, electrical mssseaes.
nervous troubles sad rheamstlsm a a pec laity.
Pkoae Mala 417A 188 Seventh St.
rbeuaatlam. Sold by all draggaata. -
BECRNTLY opened manicuring parlors; Is dies
snd gentlemen. 361 Vk Morriaoa St., room 1A
Expert fitter, furs remodsled, repaired aad
redyed: 80 years' sxperlesee lasnrse entire
sstia faction. Phoea Paclfle 3487. Lewis bldg.
SEXINB PILLS cure all forms ef sss-voos eg
muecuiar weskness. For
Price $1 a box. 8 boxes $8, with tall guar.
antee. Address ar eall J. O. Clssaeseoa, drug,
glat. Second and Yamhill sts., Portland, Or.
DB. BINO CHOONO, Importer Chinese rest
medlrlnesi sells Chinese tee, eertela ears for
sll diseases, lol 3d, bet. Ysmhtll sad Taylor.
DR. O. V. KBTCHTJM cures promptly prtvats
dlasssss, kidney, nervous, akin snd spectsl
female troubles. Csll or write. Office 170U
Third at., eor. TsmhllL Phone PsclSe 3238.
SWEDISH trained nurse, Hehdngfora graduate,
positively cures rbsumstlam, stomach troubles -snd
nsrvons disorders by bsnd-rnbblng, steam,
swest snd tub hatha; both sexes. . Ne. f
. Esat 11th St. Tsks East Askear ear. Phone v
a.., aan - 1
ANY msa er woman caa bs strong and happy .
or nsing aexins puis, ins great tools; price
31 s box, 8 boxes tp, with full guarantee,
Addi-eea or csll J. A. Clsmsasoa, drnggut.
eor. Seeood sad Yamhill sts., pertlssd. Or.
YOU NO scientific msaaenss gives electrical,
eicohot and medlcsted treatments; chiropodist
snd manicuring. 41 Raleigh bldg.. Sixth aad
Washingtoa ata.
MARRY Only Incorporated matrimonial pa
per published; 10c. eesled; no $6 feet many
- wsslthy. L. L. Love, Box lSOOr Denver, CoL
BALM OF FIGS for sll female dli
East Belmont. . pkoae East 408A
BEFINED young lady Just arrived from New.
York; massage. Boom A 201 ft Alder at.
DR. SAWYERS' Squaw Root: gnsrsntssg to
ladles. 461 Ooldamlth at. Eaat 44S1.
BEFINED lady gives mssssge treatments foe
rheumatism snd sll chronic ailments, a use
chiropody.' 301 tt Third st- eorner Taylor.
LADY, 43, with nice borne, wishes te meet
good msa: object, matrimony.. Addrsas L 8ft,
esra Jonmai. - -
Cas Antlssntte CuDlds tor
Irregutsrltles; ssfeat. surest, moat convenient!
seed lorsuy: no aangernus drugs te swa I low 1
Isrgs box 1 1 .80. ,,Mrs. Csrrle Young, Adrian,
Minnssotsi box ea.
CROCKWELL'S Psyche Msgnetla Sanltnrinmf
sll chronic complslnts treated: our special,
ties etomsch trouble, dlasssss ef woman and
rheamstlsm. SOB Lincoln.
MISS OIBSON gives scalp treatment; me
30SH Morrlsoa at., room 82.
AN elegant turkey dinner will he. served la
ennrees, bome-msde mlneo pka, sll home .
-conking, from 3 to t, for fto rests, s taa .
Curjaur, $88 Taj lot st,.,.... ..... j