The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 29, 1906, Page 12, Image 12

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Matches "at Multnomah Club,
TC Cleverly Contested, Evoke
Much Enthusiasm. ' '
J Men Are So Well Matched That Ref-
r '' eree Joe Stutt Finds It Necessary I
-. to Order Extra Round In Three
V. Cases to Satisfaction of AIL
. '. ; - Five hard tattles and 'en exhibition
let-to mu) up a program which-enter-tained
evral hundred enthuaieatlc ad
mirer of amateur aport at the Multno-
nah club last night Three of the boot
wer . unusually cleverly fought, two
were amusing, and none but th exhl-
bltloa event we tarn. On the whole.
-4he-entertainment -was - tiugely-'enjoyed.
at time the epectator were on their
, feet cheering the contestant ,
. Each of the matches waa announced
.. "V a for the club championship In a par
tlcular class, and a sold medal waa ire
. eented to the winner' after earide
ciston. Jo Grant aoted as naterirtf
ceremonies. Jo STutt--rferee' and
Prank Watklne as time-keeper.- Three
of the bouts were eo cloae that the ref
- eree refused to name the winner at the
end of th third round, end , fourth
." round waa -ordered. -. - - '
. One knockout was scored end two of
the bouts were stopped in the middle
of a round to prevent a knockout The
- wlnnera were Robert Davla, WJH Cole
men, McQuade. Jack Walsh and Mackin.
"." "f Amoaf Those rresea't. "' 'f
The rival football squads of Oregon
end Multnomah occupied reserved seo
tlona on opposite aides -of- the ring-, and
previous to the program Joseph N. Teal
delivered a rousing speech. In which he
urged all to attend the football same,
.-. ' 'accompanied by their relatives. Judge
George H. Williams waa present, and In
' closing Teal referred to him aa a
"dead game old sport" and said he could
' ask no one to give clean, amateur atb
, letlcs more aupport than does Judge
, Wllllema..
Th rlof program opened with an ex
hibition three rounds by Hood Bottler'
' 'and A. Dranga, Bottler showed himself
j the cleverer boxer. ,.-.
;' The 111-pound championship eeme
'next and proved the comedy of the
J evening. Neither Anderson nor Davla
j had learned the punches, but they were
.' 1 willing, and the way they used their
' arme ae flails evoked much merriment
- ' After fighting an extra round the bout
: , waa given to Davla for the more ag-
gresalve work. - -
In the lt-pound bout Coleman had
Belt groggy la the first half minute,
and might have put him out had he
followed up his advantage. Liter Belt
landed one ". which touched Celeman'e
gor fount and th flrat round ended
' In a rally which delighted the epecta-
tor a. In -4h second Belt waa outclaased
and th bout was stopped in th middle
of the round to eave a knockout
It arts' sard X,uok.
' McQuade and Merta,' at 140 pounds,
,' were evenly matched, fought every sec
ond of the time and showed tbera-
elvee masters of some of the fine points
of the game. Both used their rights very
"much, but Indulged In little In-flghtlng
-until, the fourth round, when Merta
ruahed desperately in an effort to an
... nex the medal. . But he became a victim
l worst sort of. luck. A the round
n eared its end both lads were "all In."
but fighting la a corner. McQuade
'landed -a light one on Merta'e mouth,
and he allpped to th floor. He arose,
dased. and McQuade, unopposed, put a
short-arm Jab to his Jaw, and he fell
as the gong sounded. It waa a' half
minute before McQuade realised that he
. waa the winner. Had Merta "stalled"
the last five seconds the medal would
have been hla.
" Twe (treat Boata. "-'
" Jack Walah and Hal Rasch were the
; opponents In the- middle-weight class,
Rasch proved himself a clever boxer,
but hi bowa lacked steam. The first
round ended with honors even, but In
. the second Walah did some fast In-
fighting and Raach'a strength waa soon
' gone. " The referee stopped the battle In
the third, declaring Walah the, winner.
; . The bout , between Mackin and Ford
was the beet exhibition from the stand
point of cleverness, , . Roth, men were
fast se lightning and their leads had
th wlckedasas of experienced profes
sions! fighters. : Macktn nearly met hla
match In "8horty" Ford, a new man In
Portland; he used' the Jeffries crouch.
In weight he . had the advantage of
Mackla bjr about 10 minutes, end when
he niched his weight told. Had. he
rushed continually In the fourth round
he might have had the bout -Ae It was
the referee waa loathe to decide In favor
of hla opponent .Ford has a lightning'
left chop which does much damage. For
.. a moment In the fourth round he had
Maekln staggered.
aw in w r
HiPiiPfioiifinn'nnicril i " I
; UUilllUIIIIUU UlllLli ; i , v vr
Twenty Rounds Not" Sufficient i'
?X for Either Marr to Land - '-
C : , a Knockout. ' j ; . . ...
- -i and Philadelphia Jack O Brien fought a I i , i : 1 ,v " 3
i 0-round draw here last night under,-. .v'ii; ' - -V 1
-4 the: auaploes of the Paclflo Athletic ?: f s ' ) w'-''l ' J
I . i I club. Jamea J. Jeffries refereed the 1 "l '
. t : ..... '-- .
f -1 The contest was a hard struggle, both j ' i,, fJrl Vv-!'i
i : Burns .waa the more eggreaalve, but a? ,Vvii
- . i i (O'Brien's clever footwork made many I fciijt , , t
. J ! of Sums' hlnera mtit I A namlit Rurna I - F. . "v:.': .' '
Few People Xaew Mow Veefel It Is la
Fieaenljug Xealtk aas eaaty.
Philadelphia Boxer. Was Surprised
t the Clever Battle Put Up
by Burns, and Several Times' Noth
ing but His Footwork Saved Him.
Robert Hammond, Oregon's Clever
Guard and Substitute Left Tackle,
Winged M and Oregon Rooters
Are on Hand to Cheer,
Their Favorites.
By the time The Journal goes to press
this afternoon the warriors of Multno
mah and Oregon will be struggling for
eupremacy on the Multnomah gridiron.
The Oregon boys arrived laat evening
and went at once to the Portland hotel.
After dinner both taame ware thegneeti
of the club et the boxlngf exhibition.
.Before the boxing bouta were called J.
N. Teal made a brief speech about to
day's contest and mentioned the sincere
work done for yeara by the Oregon boya
and expressed the wish that this year's
game would be the greatest even, played
In the northweaC '
The. football team are. In' splendid
condition for the fray and will play the
beat game that is In them.. The Oregon
boya were never so confident and this,
In connection with . their line record
this year, makes them most formidable
opponents. Captain Jordan of M. A.
A. C. aays hla men are in good ehape
and will give a good account of them
selves. Play begins at 2:10 sharp. The
A Trout creek. Crook oounty, man
will set out II acre to fruit .
Hidden Dangers
Nature Gives Timely Warnings That
' ' No Portland tidxea Can
: Afford to Ignore
DANOEaV SIQXAtTTO. 1 comes from
the kidney secretion!.. They will warn
' you when the kldnxa are aick. ',Well
kidneys excrete - a clear, amber fluid.
Rick kidneys send out a thin, pal and
foamy, er a thick, - red, - lll-eroelllng
urine, full of sediment and Irregular
of passage.
DANGER SIGNAL NO. I comae from
.. the back,,. Back pains, dull and heavy,
or aharp and acute, tell you of alck kid
neys and warn . yon of the eomlng . of
d ropey, diabetes and Bright' disease.
XHrnn'a . Kldaey Pills cure sick kidneys
and cure them permanently. Here'
' Portland proof : , '..
John Ootcher, of 28T : North Nlne
. teenth atreet, Portland, Or, eaya: "Sine
th early part of ltOS. when I gave a
' testimonial recommending Doan'a Kid.
ney Pill I have had some further eo-
' realon to use the remedy, and have al-
xy found It of great value In relieving
kidney .eomplalnt It never fall to
help roe, and I therefore em pleased te
" recommend it on every occasion. "
For sal br all dealer. Prtc tO
rent. . roater-Mllburn Co, Buffalo,
"Nw Tork. aole agent for the United
Ptatea . .
Rmnereber the nam DojTe--nd
Jlneup will be:
M. A. A. C. , Position.
Keller ....... ,....C...
Burt ........ .....R Q..
Horan, Dolph. . . . L.O. . .
Pratt ,.RT..
McMillan LT...
Uowllng ........ ,H K
- Oregon.
........ Bcott
m.m. Hammond
. .. .ArnplrT
..... Mouiien
Jordan LB.......... Moorea
Blanchard ....... Q B. ...... Kurkendall
Lonergan . . .. .. .R H B. ....... .. Clark
HoranXOlph,...L.HB..rt... Zaeharlas
James FB. ...... McKlnney
'Pennsylvania vs. Cornell, at Philadel
phia. - ' -
Franklin and Marshall va. Gettyaburg,
at Lancaster, Pennsylvania. '
Johns Hopkins va. University of
Maryland.' at Baltimore. '. ' .
Carllele Indians vs. Virginia, at Nor
folk, Virginia.
Georgetown vs. Oeorge Washington
-4 .
i y
Dudley Clark. Portland Man Who
Has Made - Good on the Oregon
Team. ' : ' ' " .'
University, at Washington, District of
Pennaylvanla State vs. Western uni
versity of Pennsylvania, at Pittsburg.
Lafayette vs. Dickinson, at Eaaton,
Pennsylvania. '
West Virginia vs. Washington and
Jefferson, at Washington, Pennsylvania.
Kanna vs. Missouri, at Kansas City.
: Drake vs. Ames, at Dea Moines, Iowa.
Iowa v. 8t Louis university, at St
Loula. , .
, Idaho va. Washington, at Seattle.
Unlverelty of Oregon va Multnomah
A. C, at Portland, OreKon.
Ohio Bute vs. Ohio Medic, at Co
lumbus, j ' ,
Denleon v. Wittenberg, at Spring
field, Ohio. '
Western Reserve va, Cas school, at
Cleveland. .
Ohio utilvarslty v. Marietta, at Ma
rietta. . . ... .'- '
Unlveralty of Mlaalaalppl, va. Mll
Ippl A. A M at Jackson, Mlsaourt.
Vanderbllt va. Sewanee, et Nashville,
.. .... . .,
' : (Joaraal Special Sm-tIt.)
Los Angeles, Nov. H. Tommy Burns
end Philadelphia Jack O'Brien fought a
ZO-round draw here last night under
the. auaploes of the Paclflo Athletic
club. Jamea' J, . Jeffrlea refereed the
contest and at tlie cloae of the twentieth
round declared the light a draw. Referee
Jeffrie'- decision was approved by th
majority of the crowd.
The contest was u hard struggle, both
men . receiving severe punishment.
Burn .waa th more eggreaalve, but
O'Brten'e clever footwork made many
of Burne blow got .to naught. Burns
vii not well pleaaed with the decision,
claiming that he should have won, but
"Jeff thought otherwla:
After the fight O'Brien decided . to
fight no more men in the heavyweight
claa, expressing his dealre to remain
Verner - A .Gilles,- Freshman, Center
on the Lemon Yellow Eleven.
E, 'I Jiawawwiiw .ihhuu, - aj'1
-r -a
V . . 1
-. ?;
, ....
J r
t -
.4. ti
.- J-,,, .-' '-I;.-
Glenn Scott. Freshman Guard "on
y Oregon 'e-V areity,
a -welterweight Neither man. scored a
knockdown, i I -
The last two rounds were aa follow:
Round 1 Burn waa aggressive, but
O'Brien smashed him In en embrace
that required th referee to. break.
O'Brien put a right to chin and left to
face. .In clinch Burn put left over to
the face.' O'Brien tried to land a left.
which he found had the effect of keep
ing Bume at a dlatance. Burn blocked
left hook and took right hook to th
chttfc Burn slipped under a straight
left and sent a right to O'Brien body
hard. They wer -clinching moat of th
tim and were locked In an embrace
when th round closed, without ad
vantage to either. Burn' left eye was
closed. -
Round SO Burns attempted to strike
with his -left arm and. Jeffrie forced
them apart. Burn sent left to- the
head aa they broke. Burna appeared
somewhat leas vigorous. O'Brien planted
a hard left to th Jaw. In a clinch that
followed Burns' head seemed to wobble
and he was not so vicious. II clung 20
second to avoid punishment . Th men
were In a clinch when the gong sounded.
Georgia Technical vs. Clemson, at At
lanta, Georgia.
University . of Texas vs. Texa tA. at
M., at Anatln, Texas.
Davidson college v. Virginia Military
Institute, at Lynchburg, Virginia.
Virginia Polytechnle va.- A. k M., at
Richmond, Virginia."
Alabama v. Tennessee, at Birming
ham. Alabama.
Arkansas va. Louisiana, at Baton
Rouge, Louisiana. . . , ,
. Waloott to Meet MeUody. ,
tjoeraal Special Service.!.
DmIah Aim, 9 Q A r&ttlln vnn.l
oontest is looked for at th Lincoln' club
at Chelsea tonight, when Joe Walcott
and ."Honey"-Mellody com together for
a lt-round aetto. The winner of the bout
will be matched to meet Billy Rhode,
th "Kanaas City Crclone.V aa th Lin
coln club within-the next two weeks.
t - -
j-fj Schednled for Tonight.
. Joe Walcott va. "Honey" Mellody, II
round. Chelsea, Massachusetta,
Pack I McFarland va. Kddl Tancel,
It rounds, Davenport, Iowa.;
Toung O'Lcary v. Andy Besenah, 10
rotinda, Milwaukee."-'"1" - .
Willie Schumacher va. Benny Frank
lin, 10 round, Baltimore.
Ther I nothing doing In th fight
line in New Tork thl winter, except
now and then a private go, such ae a
rear hall or barge light ...
Best for All Dlieatlve I
rv. i i a m
ifuonnra, mtw bw
Kldaey troubles. Rheumatism,
Nervowa H eakaeas. No Alcohol,
OMiam. Mernry r any enanmiM aaraMk at a,
A f4 MWicIa. a JJ an U
I Dmaaiaw (m Wee saaaa.1 lUiW-
atinrrt native nnu co. -
mm Oha m m fiiiiiliiai I lirii ! .
Coats sTethlna; te ry.
eoal la th Barest ana moat eincieni
dlainfectant and purifier In nature, but
few realise It value when taken Into
the human, system for the same cleans
ing purpoee.
Charoea! Is a remedy that the more
you. take of It - the- bet tr; -It Is note
drug et all, but aimply abaorb th
gaae and impurities alwaya preaent in
th atomach and Inteatinea and carrlea
them qut of the syatm.
Charcoal aweetene the breath after
smoking, - drinking or - after eating
ontona and other odorous veaatable.
- Charcoal effeetuelly clears- and - Im
proves th complexion. It whiten th
teeth and further aota aa a natural and
eminently safe eathurtlc
It absorba th Injurious gae which
collect in th atomach and bowels; it
disinfect, .th mouth and throat from
th poison of . catarrh..
All druggists sell charcoal Intone
form or another, but probably the best ,
charcoal and the most for the money
I In Btuart'a Charcoal Losengea; they
are composed of the finest powdered
Willow charcoal, and - other harml
antiseptics in tablet form or rather In
th form : of large, pleaaant tasting !
losengea, th charcoal being mixed with
honey. - ' ,' v . , ' ... , '
The daily, us of. th losenge will
soon - tell In a much Improved condi
tion of th general health,' better pom
nlexlon. aweeter : breath and nurer
! hlnAil .nil Ik. .a .. , .. I , I. K-. mm
posaibl harm can rtault'from their con
tinued uae, but, on th contrary, great
benefit -.- -. ', ;
. A Buffalo phyalctan. In speaking of
the benefits of charcoal, aays: - "I ad
vlae Btuart'a Charcoal Losenge to all
patients-suffering from gaa in atomach
andbowels, and to clear th complex
ion and purify th breath,' mouth and
throat; I also believe th liver 1 great
ly benefited by the d-ily us of them;
they cost but twenty-nv cent a box
at drug ator, and although In om
sens a patent preparation, yet 1 be
lle v I get more and better charcoal In
IJoaraal Soeelat Servfre.)
New Orleana, Nov. 29. Fair Grounde
rac reaulta:
SIX furlongs L, .'B. B. won,'
Burroughs second, " Gold Clrcl
tlm 1:11 z-t.
Btuart'a Charcoal Losenge than In any
of th ordinary charcoal tableta.
Judge L'r- 1 free trial package and see for I
thlra- ' yourself. F. A. Stuart Co, 60 Stuart
V MBldg.. Marshall. Mich.
Five and half furlonga, selling Mlaa
Ferris won. Pulque second, Verdant
third: time 1109. . " '.-
Seven furlongs Pink Star won, Mortl
Boy second. Spider Web third; time
1:20 -'v- .- - - 1 :
Five furlonga Colloquy wont"LXeorp
second. Sir 'Toddlngton third; time
1:00 1-6. r '
Five and half furlong Abjure won.
Bill Phillips second. Tiara third; time
Mile and, .an. elgJiUuaelllnjt-FlbrlseI
won. Golden Mineral second. Kharmi
third; time l:ttz-t. V
' AO ZTmaryvUl.
(Journal Special Servtr.)
San Franciaoe, Nov.- z Result
racea at Emeryville:
Futurity courae-Tavora won,' Avon
alia - second, Santa Rey . third; tlm
1:40 4-f. "
. Six furlong Laura F. M. won, Tel
lowston second, Sharp Boy third, time
l:lt 1-t. ;
Five furlonga Canlque won, Furs
second, Como third; time 1:01 Z-t. .
Mile and sixteenth, selling Jackful
won. Bearskin second, Ira third, tlm
1:40 4-t.
Mile Prestiga won. Dorado second.
Military Man third; time 1:4 Jl-t.
- Six - furlonga Whiskey . Kink won.,
Delagoa, second, I'm Joe third, time
1:14 4-t. - -
Special Thanksgiving Spread
Provided Inmates of Tombs
,' by White's Slayer. C
Holiday , Observed Throughout the
Country Prisoners Suspended
Religious Services . Held In Many-
ChurchesDinner to Emigrants.
I Joaraal Special SerrteeA
New Tork, Nov. 29. The metropolis
observed Thanksgiving day In the cus
tomary . manner, bualnesa being - prac
tically auaoended and the dav ariven
With Elmer Stricklett In the box and over by all qlasaea to rest and recrea-
Hal Chase at flrat the flan Jose team
la eating them up in California,
'"Pop" Anson wa turned down when
he applied for admlaalon to the Inde
pendent association. In- Chicago. . Look
aa though Jimmy Callahan and hla as
aoelatee have a little baseball trust of
their own. ' ' " ,
. ' ; .
The Dartmouth team that met Har
vard bore no reaemblance to the Han
over eleven that ' tackled Pennsylvania.
- Racing at the Ascot track, Los An
geles, begins today, and from all report
a auocessful season I in prospect
... - " j," ..' .
From hi work in the- ring recently
It Is evident that Benny T anger la no
more the "Slaaher" of old. .-
" .;' ' t ' " '
Thousands of ring followers through
out th country would be pleaaed If the
mighty John L. Sullivan would uncover
a real champion In hie protege, : Jim
Barry. r
Where will Jimmy Collins play next
eaaon 1 th most Important question
of debet among Boiton fana Just now.
, . ' ... ...
Thar Is on thing that la a. elnch bet
John Oansel Is going to strengthen th
Cincinnati Rods to par cent
This Is the date fixed for th Central
A. A U. wrestling championships to
take place at the Central T. M. C A., of
Chicago. The preliminaries are to be
pulled' off Jonlght end the flnala tomor
row. A large erjtry list Is reported.
Keunloa .oV Saaball Samilf.
-i Jnnra.f Swwl.l SrvfM.t
"KaJamaaoo, Mich., Nov. 28. Mr. and
Mr Charles Ganiel, th parent of a
noted family of ball playera, celebrated
their golden wedding today and the
event wa made memorable by th at
tendance of nearly all the fty-four
members of thelr Immediate- family.
Several - of the sons of - Mr. and Mrs.
Oansel have attained wide fame as pro-
feaslonal baseball playera, among;, then
John Oanxel, who will captain the Cin
cinnati National league team next sett
ion, and Joe Oansel, who ha captained
teams In the Interstate and 'Southern
Michigan leagues. -
(Special Dtopatcl t The Jonraal.l
Baker City, Nov. . That legislation
establishing a railroad commlaalon' and
forcing the railroads to' pay demurr
age on delayed shipments would be a
great benefit to the ehippere, th
opinion of William Duby. buyer for and
one of the partnera. In the Baker City
packing company. ' t
Mr. Duby expreaaed himself a heart
ily In favor of th demurrage bill end
stated this morning that It would be
the only way - In which to olv the
-problem of caaea of delayed shipment
in Baker eounty ana other section of
th inland empire and expreaaed hi be
lief that th movement for the pannage
of legislation to remedy this condition
would have the hearty support of every
resident of thla section r . -
Considering th coat of a Stat rail
road eommlaalon, Mr.- Duby admitted
that it wa high, but expressed hie be
lief that the reaulta te be obtained by
the people of Oregon would more than
justify ,th expenditure,
tlon. In all the Protestant churches the
uaual religious services were held dur-
ev Th playheu and
other places of amuaement were
crowded at the epeclal afternoon per
formance, while countless other per
sons sought pleasure In th park and
laewher. . ' 1 . . .
If any on wa deprived of hi turkey
dinner It wa either because he did not
car for It or was too proud to apply to '
the numerou charities that provided
feaats for th poor. Provision of the
aioet complete and elaborate character,
waa made for the poor of the city. The
Salvation Army, the Volunteer of
America, th Seamen's Christian asso
ciation and numeroua other organlxa
tlone arranged many big turkey din
ner at points In the thickly settled eaat
aide, and a bountiful aupply of provis
ion wa distributed among th poorer
tenementa. i - . ..-....
In the clty'a prison, almhouaea and
hospitals Thanksgiving brought much
of cheer to th inmates. In the Tombs
a special spread waa . given to the
priaonera and to the menu wa added
lc cream and other dainties, paid for
by Harry Thaw. Even th latest, er
rlvala in the United State wer not
overlooked, for a big dinner wa served
at Bill yj aland to th aeveral hundred
mlgranta detained there.
The ragamuffin masquerade of the
children, a feature typical of Thanka
glvlng In New York, being handed down
from the olden Dutch dayeAwaa carried
out on a seal larger and more varied
than' In many previous year. Many
grown upa caught the aplrlt of fun and
joined the youngster of th street In
their pranks. , - - . . ' , - ,
Have You a Particularly
One you prize for
its beauty' or assbcia
tioUt and which you -.
would be glad to have
in an enlarged form?
' i "'" ' ".
BRING IT TO US In our enlarging depart
ment we can take the smallest negative and from it
make beautiful direct enlargements either in plain"
- black and white or ;color. ; Landscapes, seascapes,
mountain," hill, valley or stream, the old home, ths
living memory of days gone by all these we will'
put in beautiful atid lasting form., ' . : ;
' f WE DEVELOP plates and films 'the day de
ceived. V, .V.,". 5' -: - '. ''-'''' -' . ' v'V ;
-...-,.---.-. .. - ; . .- . , .'; . ,
'. WE PRINT on all papers. ,
, - WE CURE photographic defects. Our" dark-:
omsjare-the--finest-.on!.thia',.coast, equipped with
j every device, for7prTecfwork. We do no" tank "
developing. -' .-- ' .
. 1907 CAMERAS on sale now, $1 to $150.
Mir f A 'in Rt if n jtzJf
tfVUUU 1 1 IVUI II d
a fj m j vaisa saa aaWT
A' perfect
Writ ing
for every
3 sizes, all
good, $1,
$2, $5. .
. a
r... c . TJ-. 1 ?
graphic outfits and requis
ites Jor this beautiful ;art
is complete.
v 500 ART SKINS in desirable shades received
' this morning, '75c, $05,' $i.7S.T ' ' ;
POSTAL CARD ALBUMS. 25c, 73c, $1,00
Woodard, Clarke & Co.
OevMnmeat Xpartmnta Oloeed for
Say President and TamOy Bert.
(Joemal Special BervMe.)
Washington, Nov. 29. Thanksgiving
was 1 day of rest for President Roose
velt.- in accordance with custom th
exacutlv office of th Whit House
were closed for -the-day -end the clerical
lore given a nouaay. irniy ucn -of
ficial bualness that seemed imperative
waa brought to the atentlon of the
Mra. Roosevelt and the children who
are home on e vacation attended church
eervloes thl forenoon. Later In th
day th president enjoyed his customary
horaeback rid, in which h was joined
by aeveral members of ' his official
family. -
The Thanksgiving dinner at the
executive manalon tonight will be
etrlctly a family affair. The dominant
feature of the menu le a huge gobbler,
tipping th acalee at over to pounds.
and which a uaual was sent to th
preatdent from Rhode Island. Numer
ous other fine turkeys were received et
the White House from Virginia, Penn
sylvania, Vermont and other secttona.
Aa It was obviously Impossible for th
president's family te eat all of the blrde
th steward followed eetabltahed prece-
A ' P
. I
Made Xappy rev Xdfe.
Great happiness cam Into th horn
of S. C. Blair, achool superintendent, at
St, Albana, W. Va. when his little
daughter wa restored from the dread
ful complaint h names: He say: "My
little daughter had St Vitus' Dance,
which yielded to no treatment, but grew
steadily wore until, a laat resort, w
tried Electrla Bitters; and I rejoice to
ay, three bottlee effected a complete
cure." Quick, ur cur for nervoue
complaints, general debility, remale
weakneaaea, impoverished blood and
main eft. Guaranteed by Red Crosa
Frloe toe.
Hera's an oil heater that's
- t difrerent from any other you
- ever saw; one that gives intense -
heat without - smoke or smell r..
because eauipped with smokeless
device, and that is absolutely safe
because the wick cannot be turned
too high or too low. - The
Oil Heater
(Equipped wia Scckdess Device)
is very light and can be easily carried
upstairs, dovmitAirt anywhere about
the house where more heat is required.
Makes warm and cozy the rooms not
heated by other stoves or furnace.
Heats water quickly. Brass oil fount
beautifully embossed. " Holds 4 quarts
of oil and bums 9 hours. Two finishes '
nickel and japaru An ornament to
room, L
... . - M
any room. iveryiieaiwwiiirannejv
If set at year dealer. wrM t ear
aserese agaaey fee dcecripUv drcalar.
alUround housenold use. Made of brass through
out and nickel-plated. Perfectly constructed; abso
lutely safe; unexcelled in lignt-giving power. An
ornament to every room. Every lamp warranted.
If not at your dealer's, write to our nearest agency.
n -
dent and selected the turkey rrom
Rhode Island to grace the White House
board. The other birds were dis
tributed aa gifts among the married
doorkeepers and other attaebea of th
executive mansion. .
QnleS aUmtlne of Beilgloas Bewleea aad
, Deeds of Charity. .... ,
(Jnnraal Special Servlee.l -
Chicago, Nov. !. Rellgloua aervloe
and deed of charity had their usual
prominent r'laee.ln th quiet routine of
event that marked Thanksgiving day In
Chicago. 'Special eervio appropriate
to the day were held In all the ehurohee
end numeroua dtnnere were given to
those toe poor te buy their own turkey.
Ia the penal Institutions, aaylnme and
hoepltals oelebratlone were held and th
Inmate mad happy with elaborate din
ners. ... ..
John Kendrlck Bang.
The humorist, author of "The House
boat on th Btyx." former editor of
Life, Harper'e Weekly end the Metro
politan Magaslne, la to give the eeeond
number of th T. M. C. A. Btar Course
tonight at the White Temple. Reserved
seats can be ecurd et the T. M. C. A.
for elngle edmlaeloa et for the entire
eeurs. , - . . ' , .' i
h -
1 -