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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1906)
. - ' THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 18. 15C3. " Hall1g..)lex rlgmea la 'The Uu ea tea Bel" Basr.......,,,,,lA,,.,''A TmiNfuM To a" - Umpire, ..., ,,tM."L'iiele Joes. Spreveb' Lrts ....... . i','iiM . Tannt mi'-. Hte "A Straafer la a bttun Land" Pantagee , VeadsTllle . Grand Vaudeville Postmaster II Into announced today that tha poatoWlce will be Open tomor row until It o'clock, the usual holiday hours. There will be two mall dellver- iee In the-business district tomorrow - and one tn the reaidence district. - A pa , eullar thin In connection with holldaya la that moat people alw ayg mlsundsr atand the houra and arrive at the post of floe after 10 o'clock Instead of before. U C, Garrlgue and D. J. Haynes, at tornsys for the petitioning creditors In - the bankruptcy proceedings against the Williamsburg Mining company, appeared before Judge C. B. Wolverton laatalght and aeoured a restraining order pro- hlbltlng the aheriff of Joaephtae coun ty from selling property 1 belonging to , the company until after it attain have bee adjudicated..-; -- ' ii 9 FOOTBAlXil rOOTBAlXI v . The moat thrilling tame of the season. r :C Multnomah Club VB. ' Oregon Varalty. ..'" Thanksgiving Afternoon, : Rain or Shtne. " " , Admission, ll.eo.. . O reads tend Free. v Mr. J. -H. Falrbrook, who waa for - soma tlma in my employ. Is no longer connected with my of floe, and has not beenOTsevoratweefcB;aitbough many - suppoeea max ne wss. Property owoera andreal estate dealers are hereby aotl fled that Mr. J. H. Falrbrook has no connections with my office whatever. Charles K. Henry. 121 Third street. . St Andrew's - day celebration. '.: A , smoking concert will be held In Knights of Pythias hall, Eleventh and Alder streets, on Friday evening, November 10, at I o'clock, under auspices of8L Andrew's Society of Oregon, to which Scotsmen are Invited. Tickets SO cents each, -may be had from members of com mittee or phone Mala tit. FOOTBALL! FOOTBALL! Multnomah Club . vs. "x .. .'.--v Oregon Varalty. Thanksgiving Afternoon ' " ', 1:10 . Rain or Shine. Admission 11.00. Grandstand Free. Women graduates of "the University of Oregon residing in Portland are re quested to attend the annual meeting of. the Portland Alumnae association at - o'clock Friday afternoon In the offl;o or Dr. Hatheryn Manion, in the Hamil ton building. Third street, between Washington and Alder. Election of offi cers will take place. v The water board yesterday afternoon 'ordered 100 standard water meters and 000 Worthlncton meters. A esns? of man Is constantly at work putting meters on business property service pipes where It la apparent the amount of water used ' Is above the maximum allowed for the 1t rate- Btmeare also going on resl- aence pipes. "Wit snd Humor of tfas Bible' Is the subject ef a lecture to be delivered by Dr.- Clarence Tru Wilson before the foul h. Portland Library association next Tuesday evening. The lecture will be accompanied by a musical program, and j tne entertainment will be given in the Fourth Preebyterian church at First and Oibba, atreets. In the circuit court today Judge Gan- teniiriti is liearlni Randall to recover 117.10 from Mr. Bill ings, alleged to be due as eommlston on the sale of real estate on Columbia ! llelrhta for 11.15ft. The suit Is being tried onl rT appeal fro mthe Justice's court, where judgment waa given to Randall. ' Magnificent Inlaid table, made by life, termer in state prison, containing 1.191 piece from 11 varieties of wood, will be sold. Tickets from 1 cent to tl.iO. The t cent and 1.60 free. Particulars at cigar stand, courthouse. Table on exhibition at Jennlng's furniture store. Second and Morrleon. John Kendricks Bangs, the humorist, j -jour eyes examined Free.Wa are who appears at tha White Temple to- j arttll selling eyeglasses at 1100. A per night under the auspices of the Star, feet lit - guaranteed. Metsger Co., Lecture course, will arrive In Portland jewelers and opticians. 111, Sixth street. - this afternoon at 4;UHe cornea from L Bee Hie and will leave in the morning; for Ban Francisco. Articles of Incorporation of the Em body A Bradley company were filed In the offloe of tha county clerk this morn - Ing bv C. W. Hmbody, H. L. Bradley and F. Wllmot. They will deal hr Teal es tate, and timber lands. Capital stock, $10,000. A debate on tha punlahment of chil dren took place at the meeting of the Home Training association last night. The principal speakers were Mrs. Haw kins and Dr. Van Waters, The debate will be continued next Tuesday evening. Virgil Coomer. E. M. ' Lanes snd Oeorge W. Hardacre,- appraisers of the 'estate of O. Thorbjonsen, have filed a report in the county court thla morning ahowlng that the property of the es tate oonslsta of 130 In cash. ' Mrs. J. O. Msck, who has Just re - turned f om an eastern visit, - became a victim of the hotel thief while a guest at the Auditorium Annex In Chicago. A number of diamond rings "we re slulen-f from her room. The estate of Emellne Bradbury has property valued at 11.141. according to the report of tha appraisers, W. H. Hall. F. C. Hoecker and F. N. Pendleton, filed In tha county court this morning. 'Judge Cleland In the stats circuit eourt today Is hearing the milt of O. L. WE. may gain your atten tion with words, but your appreciation' only by service. The printing we produce is good printing. We do not waste our time and your, money on fakes and fads, but infuse into our work the skill and knowledge of artistic prin ciple that makes it attractive not only for a day but for all time. Phone Main 165. f.W.Baltes&Co. First and Oak Streets J 1 11 , vfvfffffTvfffl $35.00 A IFIFTEEN THOUSAND PEOPLE ' "Oyr last advertisement which appeared in this space stated .thtJlh,e. total number of our Savings Depositors was - 14929 ' -" As is well known, ws are prepared at all "times to demon . strata the truth of any atatement made in our advertisements, you no. dcubt accepted aa fact this total, as published by us. -.: But In reflecting on the enormous number of our Barings -Depositors, you may have thought that the average amount ' depealted by . each waa very small; perhaps not more than two or three dollars. . . The total funds of our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT .at tha . close of business last Saturday was -:':-r-- $519,586.42 Or mors than HALF A MILLION DOLLARS, which being divided by the number of our depositors, makes thsir average. """ deposit - nnrr-rm oouiu itoi "...-'' . ' o ' , f'.'y Txmexw tmqvuamd no?u. This Is not our largest department, but one' ad cannot t eover them alL ? . . Writs for our free booklet, 1 -BANKING BT MAIL." : -v , OREGON TRUST & SAVINGS BANK - Mat aad. Wsshlagto Portlaa. eSo)4eeee mmm SPECIAL Thanksgiving Turkey Dinner 50c - Olyasia Kaw, or ' ' ... Balled dilmoa. Parsley Bsaee BOCP Chlekea ' Consomme Oreea Turtle BEUsagg Celery Olives SALAD tcbiter alareDSlse Teang Turkey, Cranberry Kauce, Otblet . . , Drcsalng; or BosMstte Uoooe, Apple Banco VKlifclABLKS afasaed Potatora . Bogsr Cora Browned Sweet PotaVws BngUsa Plaa Puodlng wltb Hard or Brandy Saucs Any One Kind of Dessert " Tea Coftoe Milk ButtarmUk Iced Tea ' sXkVKI) AT ZHX NAKVK RESTAURANT ltd Flftt. Wtweoa "WasliingtoB sat Aider, -il:se a. B. to t:U s. Webb to recover $17 from 8. Hochfeld. alleged to be due as commission on the sale of real aetata. The property waa alleged to have been aold for 16.000. Attorney A. T. Lewis appears for Webb. Hochfeld is represented by Attorney . Bwett. f; - Supplementary articles of Incorpora tion of the Oregon and Idaho Children's Home society, changing the name to the, Oregon and Idaho Children's Home Kidding society, were filed In the Of fice of - the county clerk - this morning by Isadora E. 8. Dowden, John T. Lam birth and Stephen A. Lowell. ' ' . Articles of Incorporation' of tha Fa. clfla Coast Sales Promoters were filed in tha office of the county clerk this morning by J. H. Krueger, M. T. Ticb- ner and L L White. Tney win engage In a general mercantile and commission business. Capital stock, ' Get in out of - the wet and cold. s msgsstms; Jwiatng"aaiiiei at Cart Jones', Fourth and Washing ton. Drop In today and aee (he 'larg- Mt assortment of periodlcala and dally papers In the northwest. All this week the Museum of Art will be free every afternoon and even ing to. the public. In addition to the other attractions is the annual-. exhi bition of the Oregon Camera club. - R. I. Do re, commercial agent for the Wisconsin Central in Portland terri tory! will leave December 1 ' for Pitts burg, to accept a similar position frith the Clover Leaf route. V Japan Basaar, removed to ft Sixth. south Closing out sale of 13.000 worth Japanese fancy goods, regardless of cost. Corns early to secure first choice. - Removal Sale. The entire stock of S.000 choice rose bushes. L 1 t years old, at half TTlce. Address F. J. Seldler. R. F. D. No. t city. . ., ' Steamer Jessie Harklns for Camas, Washougal and way landings dally ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street dock st I p. m. For oil and gasoline phone Red Tsnk Oil company. Main 1SSI. 141 First street, corner Alder. Woman's Exchange, lit Tenth, street, lunch 11:10 to 1; business men's lunch. Acme Oil Co. sells ths best safety coal oil and fine gasoline. Phone East Til. Elegant Thanksgiving dinner at the Brandes restaurant. 101 Sixth street. GABRIUOWITSCHCRITICS ' ' ! ' Carried SOa Andleaee Captive," gays rail!? Bale, the Mas leal Orltlo The Beeitsl Sere Will Be ths. Kueioal - ttveat ef the Seaeeav ' - ' Qabrllowitsch, ths' famous Russian pianist, who comes on the fifth to give a recital at the Helllg theatre, has Just been receiving the most unstinted praise from the great critlca of the east. "He carried his audience captive,' wrete Philip Hale, the giant of the musical penmen. "Gabrllowltecb must be credited with a popular triumph.' ' His performance was an organte whole. I not a string of detached episodes, and his reading was sound and delightful. . The chief beauty of Oabrtlowttsch's I plsytng is In his tone. No pianist now 1 before the public has a lovelier one or I csn vary It more delicately or subtly. There was much exquisite phrasing; ' meny .melodies were delineated In a wsy belonging only to sn artist of rarest . parte." The recital hers, which ts Under the I direction of Lois Steers-Wynn Coaaen, and Will be at the Helllg theatre next I Wednesday. 1" the first plans recital ' In over a year, when Harold Bauer j played here. The musics I public and the teachers and students are haftgry v, m. Q,i w".... miM miv uu. " S forward eagerly . to the , forthcoming event The seat sale will spen Mondsy morning at 10. Ftef erred SteeK Caaaod Ooeaa, Allen Lewis' best Wraud. PIECE. FOR 4 e NEW BANK LAW CONSIDERED IS Committee Meets to Make Rough Draft of the Pro posed Measure. WILL TEND TO MAKE BANKS MORE SOUND Restrictions and Conditions Will Be Such at to Insure Greater Degree of Safety and Lets Chance for ' Fraud. E. W. Halnea of Forest Grove. E. V. Carter of Ashland and H. Hirschberg of Independent a committee of the Oregon Bankers' association, held a session in the Imperial hotel yesterday to consider the draft of a bill for a state banking law. The bill will be put into rough ahape in a day or so and then submitted to the association for final Improvement and adoption before it Is presented to the legislature.. - Senator Haines, one of the committee, stated yesterday af ternoon - that- the committee had made a rough draft of the bill, but would work 'over it for soma time in order that whea ' final shape was reached arid the measure wss submitted to the legislature for ap proval there would be no trouble in se curing Its final passage. According to the provisions of ths proposed bill as now outlined no bank in ths state will be allowed to have a eap4taitf less than lie,tmO-TJaTBBalir In the state not a national bank shall be examined once a year by. the state ex aminer, who shall receive a salary of S2.400 a year. The bank examiner Is to be appointed by tha goverhor with the consent of the senate or by the state boad, consisting of ths governor, state treasurer and aecretary of state, slso with the consent of the senate. Half the cspital stock subscribed must be paid into the treasury of a new bank before It can commence to do busi ness under the proposed law and the other half within a limit of six months from the time the bank opens Its doors to the public Stockholders tinder the proposed bill will be liable only for the amount of tha stock subscribed by them In the event of the failure or wrecking-of the bank. Loans-to one Individual are to be limited to 15 per cent of capital, surplus and undivided profits and the cash reserve required by the bill is to be 15 per cent of the de posits carried by the bank. No limit will be placed on realty loans. - Tha bill takes up other provisions and requirements of a nature technical to the banking fraternity and Is thought by its authors to be one of the most complete and Just Instruments for the government of banking -that -eould well be drafted. The committee expecu to have but little trouble tn paasing the bill through the legislature. WOODMEN OF WORLD MEET ATNEWBERG State Organiser Day accompanied by Head Banker 8nodgrass of Eugene, msde a fraternal vls'.t last night to Newberg. During the evening there was an alarm at ths door, and about B0 members of the circle mads a rush on tha officers in charge and entered the forest, - - The meeting wss called to order and an address of welcome . wai marie hv COTtorTTealer. After Head Banker Snodgrass and ' State Organiser Day talkef on the growth of Woodcraft and me good ox ine order in general, a ban quet was served by the ladles. Newberg company of ths uniform rank, under Captain Butler, Is making arrangements to be In Portland Decem ber 1 1 and January 1 to attend tne ded ication bf the Woodmen of the World temple. J Shanna Cumming Who 81ngs st the "White Temple" Ooraer Twelfth aad Taylor Btreeta, Thanksgiving Night Stands! at the. head of Oratorio sing ers. Mhe haa a wonderful voice. The usual admission Is reduced one half so everybody csn hesr her. Seats Reserved, 75c and 51.08 OolasaMa Weoleay Kills Co- Cor. Tth aad Brtark, aad the- She auva . Clay Piano Cb gtk end Mor , rlsoa gte. Paoae at. 404S. V ' " ' r I ' DAY'S EVENTS 01. - EAST SIDE - Cordra'y t Offers ' to Build . New Theatre Across the ; L Willamette,, - HAWTHORNE ESTATE ; OFFERS HALF BLOCK j Site on Grand Avenue Near Salmon 1 -Street tp Be Given Rent free If . Proposition Is Accepted Other East Side Notei. t Bast Side Department . Ths matter of an eaat aids theatre ia gaining more serious consideration every day, and at the meeting of the East Side ' Improvement . association last night a proposition was offered the business men of the east aide that was met with considerable favor among' those apprised of the facts of ths pro posaL Mr. Cor dray proposed to W. L. Boise and J. M. Healy that a building cost ing between $60,000 and 1(0.000 be erected on Grand avenue for theatrical purposes and offered to guarantee per cent of the cost of ths building besides investing IZi.OOO In the theatre If this proposition should be accepted. Mr. Boise in behalf of the Hawthorne estate offered free rent for a half block on Grand avenue near Salmon street and also said that If anybody wished to maks a similar offer he would atand aside and take in lieu 16,000 in stock. ... ; The proposition was thoroughly dis cussed and everyone seemed to think that the offer waa an unusually good one. i Considering ths facts that Mr. Cordray is an experienced man and willing to Inveat to a large extent in the enterprise all were confldent that there were good prospects for success if the proposal should be accepted. A committee was appointed to -confer with other Improvement clubs so that a joint meeting could be held to carry on the plana, The committee consisted of J. M. Healy, C H. Raffety, H. H. Newhall and F. 6. Bennett Foreaaaa Badly Injured. Dell Page, foreman of the brick work on tha 8t Johna city ball, was the vie tlm of sa accident yesterday; A de fective scaffolding gave ' way and Mr. Page fell to ths 'ground, fracturing a collar bone and receiving a deep out from alighting on a spike, pointed up wards. His condition Is not dangerous. Manager J. P. O'Brien has intimated to the Eaat Side Business Men's club that flagmen for tha Intersections of both -East Morrison street snd Haw thorne avenue with East First street shall have to be provided soon for the protection of trafflo at theae places and that perhaps before very long gatea will be placed at theae points on First street Although the elevated roadway haa been proposed for East Morrison it will be sometime before such , a scheme can materialise and another period before it will be ready for use. so this means of solving the problem must be dropped on' account of the Immediate demands of the situation. City Caaapaiga Xa Warm. The Mllwaukle city campaign la as suming form and a hotly contested election will be the result The C1U- sens ticket has openly declared for sn open town snd the supporters of ths ticket are backing Mr. Mullen in his as- saloon be allowed to do bualneas aa long as they conducted the business quietly and within ths bounds of the law. There may be charges of an Illegal character as -aresuit of the present election If It is s close contest since there is no legal' officer to perform the dutlea of recorder in receiving certifi cations of nomination. Thia ia a minor function -thjt the present msyor Is as suming, but It will be enough grounds to contest the election upon If an op portunity Is given. . guvenUe Impro emeat, Ir. William DeVeney addressed the Mount Scott Improvement association Monday night on the subject of "Juve nile Improvement" which 'Is a matter of some importance In the suburbs and one that the doctor Is connected with In Montavllla. The Mount Scott asso ciation will appoint a delegate and will make an appropriation for the Juvenile cause. Dr. DeVeney represents aa or ganisation that ts sn adjunct to the city juvenile eourt Other Improvement associations and fraternal organisations Of the suburbs-will be asked to ssslst The Ladles Aid society of ths Evan- gelloal church of Lents will give a ba saar and supper on Monday, December t. Union Thanksgiving services will bo held In Lents tomorrow. . A free recital was given last night at ths St. David's Episcopal church. East Twelfth and Belmont streets, by John Claire Montieth, vocalist I A good program was rendered and ' j waa well received. - Fire Chief Coffmen of Lents, in at tempting, to kick the remaining pieces I of a broken window from the sash Mon dsy severely cut his foot In drawing the foot- back through the window, the pieces still remaining in the window caught the foot and several small pieces entered the flesh. W. B. Ridge, also of Lents, got too close to a steam saw snd suffered In- Jury to sn arm. Mr. Ridge's Injury ! was so great innt ne wss-removed to hospital, mis accident occurr. Saturday. C. M. Coffin, an aged rlttsen ef Lents, fell on ths streets In the city Monday and fractured a collar bone. The Injury la serious because of the age of Mr. Coffin. American Roestaurant COB. TsTXBS AWD OOVCM Tg. orz bat "asto atoxr. j Siaaer front 11 a. aa. to p. aa. j Beef a roth, with Blew free wltk saeala. ; Badive Balad with, rreaak I Sresslsa; ...1S Boiled SaJsaoa wltk Xrg taaoe 15 rig Books with Cebbeere 20 ; Jack Babbit Pot le wltk I Bamplaa-s 20 ; Saort Biba ef Beef wit Iweet Votatoes 20 i BUaeed CTalekea ia Creaca ea Toast 20t 1 Zrasak Itew wltk CaaUflower 20 Boast Turkey, Craaberry Saaee aad Celery Boast Beef .15 Boast Verlt 15 ; Boast Teal 15 , Bogllak Tlaaa Padding- t .......... 15 ids Order Plum Pudding . ..5 1 Boast Turkey wui be oerved all algkV Aaaerlaaa Beataataat, Oor. Tbird aad A Ceack Bta. . - t See Tomorrow's Papers 879th Friday Surprise Sales Grand Values in All Departments IT'S OUR BUSINESS TO MAKE BUTTE R THAT YOU WAN T On YOUR Table and for YOUR Health and to agree with YOUR Palate Our-WM 1TE ClOVEK-Brand ! Excels ABSOLUTELY in this respect mERnsivcjx r-z---r -:y It Can't Oet In ' T. S. TOWNSEND CREAMERY CO. 44-46 SECOND STREET, NEW SKATES ! Rink Open Ut and Tt,. H!llt Tk. Waablnfles IUC IICIII IIIC-UC .,1,1. TWO yyBFOBMANCrS TODAT trTa tines J, I max ne MAS tn the lellchtfRl edr, . "THI MAW OH THI BOX." On ef tb pramatie Rita t tot Seaaoe: Rrenlns lrf --lnmm floe r (1.9. $1.00i balnatf, tl CH. TM, Bur: galler f, !!5e. SSe. Matinee Prkws Lewer floor,, 7Se; as tir talenDf. SOr; entlra eallery , tit. Seats no saillDg st Helllg theatre. a?r.nJ. HeUig Theatre Ti tomoxxow, THAtrxMirnfo jrioirr, Tkendav, Kevemsee sa, Tb lellsbtmi i'..mcii4a, HAmar BEacaroao, In toe yunnr CotueiU. "THI WOktAV BATIK." PRICB Entire lxw-r llnor. ft: Balnny. TV, "; 4aller. Me. 2V. Oragoa aad Maltaomib roothall Tsans Will . Attend. , . Ma,The Helllg Theatre' ul m -at. Kliibla. Nee. SO, pa 1. 'SA BlMrlal.tU- kiatlnee satarday. ARTHUR DEAGON la Oeorsa Ada's Musical reawdr Socim. PEGQY FROAl PARIS Nnln vrire. 9te to 11 ah. Matinee, ese ts ft. seats no aelllsg at Isestra sosafaae. EMPIRE THEATRE Mala 11T. Mlltna W. Saaisan. Manas r. riartns Or, I- Kaatern Rnaa Attraciimta. Matlsees This Week. rHnsla, Tharaday an4 Hataritar. i-t Tkana-elTlre Ofn ln, -uscti josh alkDCEarV' The pat Rnral um as. All he- This tsar, dee the rtsKxie Sawmill arena, i Revl f.mptr Pt, Bast Wsaa ' aslaoy iaasja, awres." on m arrow f - PORTLAND BRANCHES TOMORROW NIGHT EIGHT PRIZES at 9 au m. Two-Stepping Baker Theatre, Pbene Mais 1S0T. Orates Theatre Co., The Widely Resn-ned BAKER STOCK CO. Taalcht, AU Thla Week. Mntlneea i Thankaglrtol Hap aad satmSna, Halt a 1'Uianl itre no Pmhlbltton. "A izaruAMcx iowv.H Dlreetlna Mr. iohs Kalnpolla. B ay Act a earn of Lasrbter. Brealag Prleea Ue. U. tor; Mat.. lAe, 1 a asat Waa "A Baoiai Kichvaysua." The Grand Prof, Clark's Deg, Oat and Monkey Kiastieie. Kr. snd Mrs. Baield XaUy. Artkar H. Xherna. Ike Three Seats Blathers. Ban ld Hoff aad the Smaduaese. Week ef Bev. N. Itoe. JEkOhtX. , nitMONT Ajrp JEXOaU. do lit ia raoo- ABO., PantagcsTheatrcIt0.urfsd , KABJtti, am tow a rabbis gAiKia a en mix LAO WT1ITX TSX CLATTOM fAXTLT LOO yAXBXLL BAKIK a MACK THI BlOOkAFK PerfnrsMsees dallr at i T:st anS S tat. AdmlMloa 10 and eents, , H,.ta. rents. Tata any aest at aeskilay aiatl aees fnr TKM eaats. L.YRIC THEATRE wxxx Bxorxirmt botxmbeb h. "V,Yun$ of Tcnr.2SJt2" ' tea ARTm a g tvrcntmri'h MKIl' (RAMA. Itnir effl . avm 1.1 - .A & -- mm Tta e raeartad hy yboaf . ' ktla - My for Great We spend money to make it what it is best in this market. In factjjthis is - THE ONLY CREAMERY Willing and glad to stand the EXTRA EXPENSE Of putting up its butter prints in A - GLAZED CARTON An important sanitary protection to the . consumer. , It costs us money but it's worth it. ASTORIA AND SEATTLE MM! ' : 7 ELECTRIC HEAT Taught Free ABTOrBBOCBTB, CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING CONTESTS AT M0LTNOMAH CLUB OTMNABICM FIVE MATCHES Admission l.0ft :! 8hars Tickets for Sale at ScbUler'a Cigar Stores STAR THEATRE Week ef B reap tor . Fh-M Mais N. "A Stranger in a Strange Land" Matinees Tneedsys, Thnrailari I, mtnrT sse1 nolja st .M f m. prlraa 10 and i eaaie, finrr evenlag at S.1A p. m. prsn e 10, 'JO aad re nta. ' r ' '" mmm. ' . . - - . - ( wa af mr. nvhenYnu 'aeaal ' B B Bl - -- . RtATN S RtiiABilCiAiiirifO Nams OraonhWilxnofwi fsrmfrt. f rsif ae,e potfl,tsiCBni,rli,fw,' m fee) 4V, tt fan, tt..t, e .ti , ; c Tonight 7 J . ' , V