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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1906)
THE -OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 3. 15C3. RIVAL ELEVENS HI flllE C0HDIII0II OF THE OREGON TEAU IS FOOTBALL PLAYERS r.2A&;Ctma LIPO EGU3 ITT FcsrFca 4. lMs.M WaA Ccsrbca $3.25 ' t ' VEIiyCOfJFIDEdLJEillOLllIJEIICE 1 " v- ' . f : BUY THE WHlEVITlTaREPTJTATIOri NOTHINO BETTER PLEASES EVERYBODY - rI:':::Vv r Four Fiuil Quarts : ; : TttlATJCOIi RYE or GOUOCOrJ Eyecc Cwsrboa $3.25 Multnomah and Oregon Will Records of the Men Who. Line Up" Against the M. A. A.C. Eleven. Will Last Signal Practice Is Taken in Multnomah - Club - Men Have Earned Fearless Renown on the Festive Gridiron. : Meet 1n Annual Struggle the Gymnasium in Order to Protect Men! 7" Tomorrow Afternoon.: PLAYERS ARE TRAINED "DOWN TO THE MINUTE CAPTAIN CHANDLER HAS! CHANDLER AND MOORES TO M'MILLAN AND PRATT : ; A SPLENDID RECORD : PLAY DEFENSIVE ENDS OLD-TIME FAVORITES On. a Pry Field the Chances Art That the Spectator! Wfll Witness One of ..the Beit Contests of Many Years-7 Officials and Lineup. ;- -'" ' Moullen, Moores, Hug, McKlnney ' and Arnsplger Have Made Enviable Chances Are That Kuykendall Will Short Account of the Work Done by Take Latoorette's Place at Quarter Blanchard, Jordan, ' James, . Dolph, Lonergan, Burt, Dowling and Other Members of the Winged M Team. Harks on the College Gridiron Where Young Men Hail From. :(' Big McKlnney Fullback Position. Will Play the HISTORY OREGON Tofporrow afternoon on Multnomah field, rainstorm or'sunshlna, the elevene o Multnomah Amateur . Athletio clue nnd the University of Oregon will meet ' in annual battle for the honor of tha . aeaaon. That the aamo will bo tha .greatest gridiron conteat of tha year " . no ona can deny, aa both teami have bwen practicing diligently aU . aeaaon with thla ona game tn view. ,. ..' . Th Drrron-Multnomah cama la by far tha moat popular athletic arent of tha year in tha northwest Coming aa It doea on Thanksgiving day, a day aat aldo for turkey end football, every thing tends to a great "celebration, tha ., Oregon boye, while beaten by tha club- - man for aome yeare, have"- always proved themselves game fighters and game loaera, and there la no other team thet the Jocal men would prefer to meet than tha sturdy eons of Oregon, ,. . . Mow Teams Compare. Should tha day be clear there (a no question but that the game will be the fastest ever played between tha two teams. Tha ehancea of victory for" Ore ' goo appear brighter than ever this year , on account of tha big advantage that tha revised rules will glva them, Mult nomah baa a good sturdy eleven of fine ' fellows who know considerable football. Tha club team work will not be ao bril liant as Oregon's, due to the fact that the club practices have been held at - night nnder a teat, while Oregon baa " had daylight and a gridiron at their dle : poaaL ' -- .J: " - Captain Chandler baa a fast collec-' tlon ef men and tt ie certain that they 1 will play football every minute during tha match. - - - While Portlandere are naturally nnx ' lous to see the club team win, there are thousands of Oregon backers In the : etty-ready to cheer, for their favorites. T-Be that-aa It may the real spirit is, . may the better team win. Time e)f warns. ' , ' The game will be - called ' at ' 1:30 . o'clock sharp. ' W. Lair Thompson will act as referee, R. N. Hockenberry will umpire and Major Von Egglof tateln will be head linesman. The timekeepers will be tan R. Kelly for Oregon and Prank E. Watklns for Multnomah. - Tha as sistant linesmen will be Frank Temple- ton for Oregon and- Bert Kerrigan for Multnomah, ." Aa nearly aa It la possible' to say, the followtng-wlll-ba tha- llne-up-at-the . kick off; Ketter .V, , , , ,,.Ci ... v .... Hug Bolt 'Koran. Dolph. ... .1. f....... Hammond Pratt ........;.'.. R'T. ...... Arnsplger McMillan.. L,T... ...... Moullen Dowling R B. ....... Chandler Jordan ......... -t K... ....... Moo res Blanchard O B. Kuykendall Lonergan ....... R H B., . ..,.. Clark Horan, Dolph. ..L H B...... Zaoharlaa James .F B. ...... McKlnney FOOTBALL ROOTINCS " The Oregon football-players will ar . rive this afternoon at 6:80 o'clock and go direct to 'their apartmenta In the Portland hotel.. Thla evening at S:1S both tha Ores-on and Multnomah teams . will attend the boxing exhibition at the .; club, being guesta of the boxing man agement. a . e ..,. . Tomorrbw afternoon at 1:45 sharp tha Multnomah rooters will meet at tha club and receive copies of tne aongs and yells from Chief Rooter McMlcken. De Caprlo s band Win marcn at me neaa of 'Multnomah rooters to the grand- - ' stand. ' 'V fee . ! The Oregon rooters V11J meet at the Hotel Portland at 1:11 p. m. sharp. In order that the Oregon men may get In line for the- march to the game. - . Tomorrow evening both elevens will be banqueted at the Portland hotel. Afterward the two teams will attend the Helllg theatre. The banquet will be held In the hotel parlors at o'clock. -.. Preferred Stock Censed Goods. Alln lwlo' Ht Brand. .'Are you four-handed? It's handy! ' ; Put . your fingers into , ' our glove sale I 12 1 cents per finger, thumbs free. . :- . J' American made gloves " 91.00 per pair. This store will be, closed . Thanksgiving day. - LION ClothinqCo CiuKuhnPloD Men's and Boys' Outfitters, 166 and 168 Third Street. ' . , Mohawk Building. . a,a r. rta-; By Perfumed Paris. The following is a brief history of the Oregon .'varsity's football-players ho will participate in tomorrow'a gams: 4 . . Xlgat End Chandler. 'William O. " Chandler, captain and right end. is playing his fifth year on the -team. ' The Oregon captain -learned to play football at -tha Portland academy before be- went to college, and since go ing to Eugene be has been generally regarded aa the best end rush In the history of tha college. During the paat four or five years Chandler's Individual playing has won mora than one game for Oregon. Ha has been given a place on every All-Northwest selection for the past three years, and will undoubt edly be . chosen for this Imaginary, team again thla season. Coach Place of "Washington regards Chandler as one of the best ends In the country. The Oregon captain Is deservedly popular and his election at the cloaa of last season was unanimous. He te IS yeare old. feet" tt inches in height and weighs 152 pounds, stripped. Chandler la a member ef the Sigma Nu frater nity. He is registered' from Marsh field and la a senior In the department ef mining. ; -. , left Sad Moores. " Gordon C. Moores, left end. Is an other crack player. Like Chandler, he has had a place on . many All-North- wast teams, and has always put up a sensational game. ' It wae the . brilliant work of Moores that enabled Oregon to defeat Corvallls and Willamette last year. The big" left end Is also track athlete of considerable renown, hold ing tha Pacific coast record for tha 220-yard hurdlee (IS Z-B seconds). Moores le a member of the Kappa Blgma fraternity and la registered in the Junior class. . His home la at -Salem. He la 23 yeare old. feat -In height and welgha Iti pounds. Fred C. Moullen, Oregon's wonderful place kicker, la a sophomore in college and le a graduate of Lick high school. San Francisco. Ha played guard on the 'varsity last year and did the punting for his team. He is known all over the coast aa an accurate place kicker, hav ing scored goala from tha field In near ly every game of the aeaaon. During the recent Oregon-Idaho game at Mos cow Moullea made three place klcka. enabling Oregon to win tha game by 12 to 0. Moullen a position la left tackle. Ha la 21 years old, weighs 174 pounds and' la S feet 11 H Inches In height. " ' , might Tackle Ansplger. Olen Arnsplger. the - speedy right tackle, learned the gridiron game at Pendleton high school. Arnsplger Is light man for the tackle posit ton. weigh ing only 1S pounds. He Is fsst on bis feet, uses his bead, and la In aU re spects an - Ideal man- for the forward Una, -During hie freahman year be was coached by Dick Smith, and waa considered the beat aU-around tackle In tha northwest. Arnsplger la a member ef the Juului ulass and of tin De Alpha fraternity. He la 22 yeare old and ( feet In height "Ole," as be Is familiarly known, is one of the popular men on the Oreaon cammis. Ha la j president -of the Junior classy one of the big offlcee at the stato university, might Onard Boott. Olenn Scott, the big freshman who plays right guard. Is another Pendleton boy.' Ha waa considered the best man among the high schools of eastern Ore gon laat year and haa ahown up well on tha 'varsity this year. He welgha lit pounds, stands over feet In height and la It years old. He has an Ideal build for a player and haa great pos sibilities. Scott Is a member of the Kappa Blgma fraternity and la presi dent of the freshman class. r " Zeft Onard Hammond. - : Robert Hammond, left- guard, is a Junior In college. He haa been a Var sity substitute for two yeara and was on ths side lines until tha Oregon Washington game, when he waa given a chance to "make good" and did so. Hammond la 22 years old. weighs 172 pounds and la S feet 10H Inches In height, n le registered from Ashland, where ha played football on tha high school eleven. He la a member ef the Sigma Nu fraternity. Hammond's brother, Tbomaa W. Hammond, played fullback for Oregon during the aeaaon of lit and waa afterward an end at West Point. ' Center Sag. George W, Hug. Oregon's veteran cen ter, is one of the prominent athletes of the northwest. He has played can ter oa the Oregon eleven for three yeare and Is one of the very best men on the team. Hug ta also a track ath lete of considerable renown, having -won (Continued on Page Five.) DIAGRAM WILLIAM, CHJWDLEKi CAPTAIM-' CRZGQNf V06 ; 7 -Ctl 3 A &A q 5 10 16 ZO My 30, 95' AO . 45 AMV VA A (Special Dlapatdi te .T Joeroil.) University of Oregon. Eugene. Nov; 22. Oregon's football eleven ran through signals last night In the gymnasium in stead or the outdoor practice that is usual.' Just what the lineup will be Thursday Is difficult to tell, for that will depend on how tha men feel Thurs day morning. ' . - - ' -I . - - McKlnney is certain to be at full, and he Is living up to the record of 'varsity fullbacks for plunging and pretty inter ference, Zacharlas and Clarke will be halves. Both are good ground gainers and shihe particularly well In the heavy work on defense. Chandler and Moores will be at ends, Moores haa the repu tation of .being; tha fastest man in a football suit on " the Psclfio coast Chandler la Oregon's defensive star. The tackles will probably be Moullen and Arnsplger. Moullen is a good defensive man aa well as being a wonderful kick er. In practice he haa aent the ball on place kick over the bar many t linos from the le-yard line.'- Hug. from the present outlook, will be at center. -Last year Overfleld of Multnomah, but for merly a great twtarn player, aald Hug was as hard aa amy man he ever played against. For guards Soott, Hammond and Plnkham are the best candldatea All are good men. Glllls. - who plays center when Hug Is out of the game. has rounded Into a first-class root ball player:. ' ' , . .. . : jaca LAtouretie may-oe at quarter i his leg haa Improved so that now the coach anaV trainer- think he may go In for one half, at least. Kuykendall. however, has been doing fine work, and the cjubmen need not think Latourette's absence wlU weaken the team percepti bly. ' The general opinion that prevails here Is that Oregon has a better chance to win- .from Multnomah than at any-y' vlous contest. ; Tha students and Oregon sympathisers realise perfectly that Portland has a powerful team of stars, but believe that the new rules will han dicap the clubmen. To aay the least, Oregon Is bending every effort to beat her worthy foe. The record of previous contest gives Multnomah, a vast lead. YESTERDAY'S RACING ON THE WINTER TRACKS '-' (Journal Special Serrlee.1 New Orleans, Nov. 2S. Yesterday's racing at Crescent City track: Five and a halt furlongs Dry Dollar won, Bonart second, Anna Kuskln third; time, l:0S ,4-6. , " Six "furrongsv selling Cannon Ball won. Invasion second. Airship third; time, 1:14 1-i. Mile, selling Missouri Lad won, Qulnn Brady second,) Odd Ella third; time, 1:41. 81 furlongs Juggler won, -Toboggan second. Auditor third; time, 1:11 4-S. Bis furlongs, selling Alencon won. Martlus second. Cutter third; time. 14 1 Mile, selling Blttir Hand won. Stole second, Merry Belle third; time. 1:4U At Emeryville. San Francisco Nov.. 28. yesterday's summary: Soiling, five furlongs Gemmell won, Oalvestonlan second, Alta . Spa . third; time, 1:01. Futurity furlongs Clandestine - won, Tim Hurst second. Little Gregg third; time. 1:10 ' Mile and sixteenth Morendo won. Dr. Bhorb second, Ray third; time, 1:41 -. Tha Beldame Handicap, alx furlongs Romalne won. Rubric second, Martlnmus third; time, 1:20. Mile Dutiful won. Llborto second, W. B. Oataa-thlrd; tlme 1:41 4-J. - Six furlongs Sir-Edward - won, 8b Francis second. Llsaro third; time, 1:112-1. At Washington. Washington, Nov. Jl Bennlnge race results: Belling, seven furlortgs Society Bug won, Anna Smith second. Cinchona third; time, 1:30. : t Two-year-olds, six furlongs Cabo cheon won, Hlerrot second, Bluebook third; time, 1:11 t-t. Mile and atxtsenth O. L. M. .won, Onstass second. Red Knight third; time, 1:61 4-6. Two-year-olds, six furlongs Lady Karma won. Old Colony second, Mary Hall third; time, 1:16 1-6. Selling, mile and 40 yards Luretta won, Rather Royal seoond, Delphle third; time, 1:40. Handicap, mile and a quarter Banker won, Solon Shingle second, Ormonde's Right third; time, 1:11. Cederstrome finished first, but wae disqualified for fouling. OF MULTNOMAH GRIDIRON AND ' fit v. iata rvtAiAiief J A "iowsoyy QU4TtX BACK . . - -A fB ' L . yes I y " j r av aaU M. HI. IV , J Li. M I t I - ' py Priam. I the lineup of the Multnomah team are - found mea who have wonderful records on the football field. Following Is a brief history of the men who will represent . - Multnomah ' in the annual game with Oregon tomorrow; . George Xellex, Center.".-'' Oeorge Keller has played on the Mult nomah team since 1901 and learned the' game under Oeorge McMillan. He Is very aggressive, fast as an end en get ting down the field on punts and a aure tackier. He la one of the best 'defen sive centers that has ever played' In the northwest and la a valuable man, on the team. Keller la 14 years old and welgha close to 100 pounds stripped. monal Burt, might Ouaro. Ronald Burt made the team last sea son and put up good game all the time. - He playa at ' right guard and while practically a new man at the game has" developed fast and Is now good, oonststent performer. He is trong and active and while not. so heavy as some other guards Multnomah haa had Is giving satisfaction to the coach and manager. Burt welgha about 190 and lav especially good on defense. ,? "ta- Sterling, enb-Oaard. Thla la Sterling's first season with the big team, he having graduated Into it from the second team thla seaaon. Ha played a star game at guard for Mult nomah'a second squad all laat year and tne year before and haa made good on the flrst team this year. While thle Is his first year In such faat company he gives proof of making an excellent guard and at that position on the left side of the line Is putting up good con sistent ball. ' - - Martin Pratt, might Tackle. itt Is-s-6raesT"player onl the team, so far aa playing years go, he having been on the team since his high school days In 1894. Hs Is con sidered by all experts the bast tackle ever turned out In the northwest and one of America's best. "Mart" strips at 194 and is fast as a lightweight on his feet. There Is nothing mora to be aald for him as a tackle other than there are nohe better than him anywhere. . Oeorge KeaCUlan, reft Tackle. Oeorge McMillan Is known all over tha west as one of tha beat football generals and players that ever donned tha moleskin. He Is a student of ths game and hie knowledge of It, together with hie strength and skill, make him a hard man for tha opposing team to handle, illt playa most every position equally well and at tackle la a stone wall. He has played on the Stanford 'varsity team, coached , them later, played half and waa captain of the crack Butte, Montana, team In 1819 and 1896, ona of the greatest teams ever gotten together In this country. He waa also captain of the famous Re liance team of Oakland. California, In 189S. He Joined the Multnomah club in the fall oflal. and lias uTaved tlry"season since. With ?Mao" and surpassed by any western team at thoee positions. McMillan weighs about 186 pounds. . Captain 9. J. Jordan, Z.eft Sad. Captain Jordan started his football career as mascot for the club team In 1107 when his brother "Blllle" waa cap tain of the team. He la one of - the best ends on the coast, having started playing with the Portland academy team and then played on season at Oregon. He joined the club team In 1901. He waa captain of the team last year and waa picked for ail-northwest end. Davo weighs 140 pounds and Is playing his usual game this season. Sddle Sowllnr, might Bad. Eddie Dowling la playing his game egatn this season at right end. He welghsl0 pounds and haa played on the team since 1901. He waa captain. of the 1904 team and played a won derful game that seaaon until he was hart In the Seattle game the middle of December. . Lest year his old Injuries came back on him and kept him out ef form all season.' He has fully ' recov ered his strength and weight, however, now, and is putting up aa good a gams aa ever. . Dowling ' Is very faat and a hard tackier and seldom misses his man. Dowllng'a friends ara well pleased to see him In form again and playing his former game. Dowling is ona ef the most . popular men on the team, as he attends - strictly - to his position - and says nothing during a game. - He strips at 160 pounda. Percy BUnohard, Quarterback. Percy Blanchard la a "lnd" at quar ter. - It looked bad at the beginning of the ' season, after "Red" Rupert's accl- (Continued on Page Five.) POSITIONS OF PLAYERS 30- " 7- v- ' ...' s e rf laisj snsysasisj es Ws.eae mf' -' m ee s 1 a aejs4B. 50 M 40 30 ia Shipped to Any Four Full Qharts Tillamook . Rye or . Coarboa $3.25 BOWLERS HAVE FUrl OH THE OREGON ALLEYS - t) ..'.,, , - : ' asjafjawsjMBaBMBWaWBSJSB Ten-Pinner Show Great Form In Matches for the Thanks ; giving 'Turkeys ' Ths two-man teams that bowled yes tanta on the Oreron alleys for turkeys eaiedaTrreaFaear6rexcIleraentoH the fans as the scores increased, can and Krusa atarted" the game with a total of 449; Ullman and Keating tacked on. but only succeeded In making 4IS. Later on McMenomy and Ball took a hand, making 462; then Case and Ham ilton came through with ' 469, -which stood until, through the rays of the gaslight. Ball, with hie old partner, Kruse, ran up the fine total of 611 pins. Ball rolled 146, end Kruse 164. Kneyse and Moore also bowled, getting I9T pins. The match game last might waa be tween the Happy Dalee and the Wlllam- sttee.- Tha Dales took the first game easily, but laid down In the following two. which gave the honors to the wit lamettes. Tha highest single game was rolled br Smith, who made IIS. Vole- Inet bad the beat average In the match. 176. TPyscores: -4- WILLAMETTE. 1) t) (I) Moser .......ISO 146 179 Smith .14 14 1 Dolphin ,.16T 161 13 Duffy ,....146 12 1 Raymond ....179 176 16 Ar. 169 16 161 147 19 jtet re te HA PPT DALES. tr (V ( Av ....HI 161 166 . 1(7 tOi 146 167 176 ...1S6 138 . 176 149 .....177 11 146 160 167 149 1S8 14 Withers Volslnet Hill . . . Tonslng Dale . . . Totals .....r.".....S4 76 761 Tonight the Government Bonds play the Montavilla team. FIGHTS SCHEDULED IN THE NEAR FUTURE (Jesrsal Spectol Sarrlre.t "' November 98 Belfleld 'Waleott vs. Hartley Connolly, -IS rounds, Rumford Falla. November 19 Jack O'Brien va. Tom my Burns, to rounds, Los Angeles. Cal ifornia; Toung O'Leary vs. Andy Bese nah, 10 -rounds, Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Jack Dunleavy vs. Charles Cornwall, 10 rounds, Topeka. Kansaa; Tommy Quill vs. Dick Culleo. 10 rounds, Haverhill, Massachuaetta; Willie Schumacher vs. Benny Franklin. Baltimore, Maryland; Packle McFarland va Eddie Tancel, 16 rounds, Davenport, Iowa; Joe Walcott vs. "Honey" Mellody, 16 rounds, at Chel sea, Maasaohusetta December '6 Mickey Ford v. Ray Bronaon, 16 rounds, Hamilton. Ohio. December 7 Abe Attel vs. Jimmy Walsh, so rounds, Los Angeles, Cali fornia. - January 1 "Kid" Herman vs. ' Joe Oans. SO rounds,. Tonopah, Nevada. January IS Abe Attel vs. Harry Baker, SO rounds, Los Angeles, Call, fornla. Everybody's friend Dr. Thomas' Eclectrlo OIL Cures toothache, earache, sore throat. Heals onts, bruises, scalds. Btops any pain. mm FOR TOMORROW CHAMPIONSHIP GAME. .SO 43 3! ,30. U 7 . 1- t jm. : .' ' TV jfT ' ' as m ea a4 e a. J Tt mjf UfTTAcaLaf '. ' S V -J. -n. nHtt.t.AH:. . 4-..f-. f X ki UHiNO- "T.A.A.G. ; . 137. 10 7 ; ; v; Part ef Cre;$a EXPRESS CHARGES42EPAI9 , Make) remittaace with your order or hara goods Bhlppexl COLD, JACOB & 404 WASHINGTON STREET, PORTLAND, ORE. .. . y ,. , V i ; : . i , ; ' . ; ; ,' ., . . j ; .... . :.. y .-'. CHAMPIONSHIP CAM -MULTNOMAH CLUBl OREGON VARSITY Thanksgiving Afternoon MULTNOMAH FIELD Rain, hail, snow, shine or wind. " -' The most thrilling match of the season. . Gam ;(. "under revised -mlrs.'' V " ,-' ' ' ''; '-- JOINT ADMISSION - GRANDSTAND O'BRIEN AND BURNS ARE READY. FOR CONTEST Los Angeles Fight Fans Are Anx iously Awaiting Tomorrow's ' Classic Fistic Bee. ' (Jearaal Special Servke.! Lea Angeles, CaL, Nov. St. It has been i long tlme-sslnce any puglllstlo 'a eesnt In this-vicinity has aroused the sporting fraternity to such a keen edge of anticipation as haa the match be tween "Philadelphia Jack" O'Brien and Tommy Burna. which ta to be decided tomorrow In the arena of the Paoifie Athletli club. There ia a big demand for. .ticket and the club aspects every foot of space commanding a view of tha ling to be filled when the gong calls tha men to battle. ' While O'Brien, acknowledged one of the shlfttest-a-nd cleverest fighters who ever put on the gloves. Is naturally looked upon as tha probable winner, Burns has showed up so well .In his re cent fights that, he ie counted upon to give the fast Philadelphia a bard tus sle for the decision. It la the practical cerUlnty that the fight will be a faat and furious sffalr that haa attracted to it ao much attention. Tha selection of Champion Jeffries to referee the eon. test haa added to. tha Dublla Interest. Both men have trained faithfully for tne- contest, ana reports irotn tneir re spectlve quarters ara to the effect that they ara In the beat condition. O'Brien HO 15 10 rt)S.. KPn..A....Z i t t MALT . , I j 1 Four Fell Quarts TUlanook Ryecr Coarboa $3.25 CO. 3C EXXSS Exxxxna : FREE. - - $1.00 MUSIC. tiizisziassnuima a never looked better in hie entire career, although he has not trained so hard aa Burna This Is accounted for by the difference ta the bullda and tempera ments of the fighters. O'Brien takes on little or no weight, while Burns on the other hand la flesh op- It be doss not keep constantly at work, ALBINA ATHLETIC CLUB DEFENDS CHAMPIONSHIP The Albina Athletio dub defended the junior championship by defeating the T. M. C, A. Cardinals laat even ing - at ' the Albina - brigade - hall, - the eoore being If to It. The game was hard-fought from Start to finish, the result being always la doubt. FarrelU forward for the Albina boys, made a remarkable showing, making IS points. ; Any basketball team with an average weight of 13S pounds .desiring a game with the Albina boy will please ad dress Harvey Hoffman, lit Montana avenue, city. Llneopi ...i. v. . Albina Athletio club Williams, Tr rail. Undine, Springer, Boffman. . . k. T. M. C A. Sheets, Burns, . TlnsOrv Bruce, Sweeney. ; PHILADELPHIA DOG SHOW OPENED THIS MORNING .j (Jneraal Special Servles.) ' Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. tlArlsb. crsUe dogs of every bum. breed aad description, nearly one thousand ef them in all, are In the bands of the judges at ths exhibition of the Phila delphia Dog Show association, whioh opened today In Horticultural hall. ,It la the moat axtsnslva azbibltloa of dogs ever shown In this city. The benches' contain exhibits from all sections of the country, even as far west aa the Pa cifle coast. - Ths list 'this yaar pro vides for I1T classes, and all of them are well filled. Two new breeds not seen st previous exhibitions here are displayed Samoyedes and Italian grey hounds. , . SPORTING GOSSIP I .. . I Tale, Harvard and other of the Wg eastern colleges tske part in the Inter collegiate cross-countrr chamnlonahins at Prlnoeton today. , e "... A great cocking main le snnennoed to begin st Gainesville. Texas, today and eontlnue three days. Invitations have' been distributed to owners of game cocks throughout the country. The meeting is announced for gentlemen enly, and owners must represent their birds. - ... - . a e ( . . , Tomorrow will wltnese the oloae ef the football sesson ef not. The major ity af the big games scheduled-for tne aay win ne piayed in the west. In the east the principal games wilt be those of Pennsylvania and Cornell at Phila delphia and Virginia and tha Carlisle Indiana at Norfolk. . . Milwaukee Country Club. Eastern and California races. Take Kenwood and Oregon City aaxs at First W XO 15 JO f S tDS ,':..:;:v',:,,:'.:.;.v.07,".;l '7