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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1906)
I 1 -THE OREGON -DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENINQ. NOVEMBER 23. 18C3. Ml liHED 1- Interior department la alleged to be due LERS LOST 10 Warren's Influence.. Vandevanter legal advlaer of the land depart ment and had been attorney for the com panies ateallng the land. Warren" s Influence made Congress man Frank W. Mondell assistant land commissioner, put Binger Hermann-in office .as general land commissioner and afterward former Governor W. A. Rich ards, the present general land commie 111 1iilO FRAUDS ARCTIC WILDS M " " Wyoming Senator Said to. Be Sailors Suffered Severely From Weather, Many Having Frozen Hands and Feet. Jfogdaderjn Looting eoial Announcement Public Domain. CONTROLLED OFFICIALS 3 : PREVENTED PROSECUTION STEAlvrSCHOON ErVOLCA J- : -- . LOSES PART OF CREW I ' , . .: , .. ,. ( . .... . . ' Store , '. Closed ; T" : . ' All " Day.. Sp y " r in Binger . Hermann and Commissioner Ricnarda . Both Alleged to ' Have Been Hia Tools Officials Told Not to Interfere.' " ' 'V;.. ?'. VV ' ". OmimI Special Berries.) Bait Lake City, Utah, Nor. II. At tht land fraud Investigation in progress her by Interstate Commerce Comrais toner Clark, government land amenta atated that It had 'been neoeaaarr for year 4 see United State Bene lor Francis 12. Warren of Wyoming regard ing official bualneas of the land depart. ment, and It waa Intimated that hla was the inaater mind that waa back of the of Plunderer-who -for yeare have looted the government- out of Its do main The appointment of WUUa Vandevan- ter aa aaalatant attomer-general for the One Death Chronicled Three Miss ing Turn Up in Seattle, Having Been Abandoned in Siberia Men Have Limbs Amputated. S ' v ' Why not plan to give that young man a dress suit or a Tuxedo for Christmas? - TYetf could hot possibly hit upon a more appropriate gift.;-'.. "We are making up some beautiful fabrics, finished in a style of faultless elegance that delights r4 every ;. good dresser. - '-i '.. ;' Tuxedos O-MlURE 7T Press Suits TO MEASURE AHoliday Sp-Kial Lm of Men's . Thibet and Serges, Blacks and Class TO MEASURE $25$35 ooia ELKS BUILDING 7th"arid Stark Streets. V. S. Senator F." E; Warren" of ; -Wyorning. .'; " .. , sioner."who"e- early : retirement- la an nounced, as the result of the present ex posure. - ' (Special Dlapatch to The Journal.) " Seattle, Nov., 28. While the steam ' whaling achooner plga waa losing her ' crew through the Alleged murderoue methods of Captain . Kllnkenberg laat ' winter In the Arctic sea her sister ves-, sol. the gasoline achooner Charlea Kan eon, waa adding. to its hospital Hat men I with frozen' extremities, while one death waa chronicled. The rigors of that win- ter have possibly never been, duplicated ! in ine nisiory, or .Arcuo sea wnaiing. .. When ""the - Charles Hanson crawled Into port at flan Francisco the other Jay William L. Smith of Seattle, as sistant engineer- was missing. He and a companion, Knox, had become separated in a bllsxard at the mouth of the Mac kenzie river, last February, and he un doubtedly froae to death.- Hia body has prevented rrosecntlon. ' .Warren's influence is alleged to have successfully prevented investigation and prosecution ox the coal land frauda by never been recovered, . , ." 7 " Y. , i1 Three others were missing-George vtnuuiii jii wnwrn simt uiauuia i such frauds were known to have been carried on for years In wholesale, man ner, v - - , Warren is said to still control all land offices In the west. Among the witnesses la Michael A. Myendorff, now a apecial agent at Portland, who for many yeara nas neen in me service ana is assisting materially In exposing the frauda. It Is none of your business," is the answer which the general land office at Waahlngton , gave Charlea Kingston, former register of the land office at T vans ton. Wyoming, when he reported thet he suspected IrregulariUee In con Evans ton. Wyoming, when he reported land and asked for lnatructions to al lowing entries. Binger Hermann of Oregon waa com missioner of the general land office at thlstime. SIII.1PTER CITY ELECTION TO YIELD A CONTEST ' f : " : . i. ... -. ' i Council Candidate on Citizen's Ticket Holds ; Business v Men's Movement. ' (BveelU fnwsteb te The Joan.l t - Sumpter. Or.. Nov. IS. The citv elec tion on December 4 will not be pasmd without a contest. E. A. Case, who had announced bis candidacy for council uin.Ub First ward, having con. eluded to try for tBe-mayeeeJty With ma rnenaa ne nas rramed up a business men's ticket. Those out for councilman with him are P. D. Heaiy 'from the First ward; John Shields for the long term ana J. L. Jaminaton for the ahort term in the Third ward and A. J. Denny la the FowMhi No eandldate Is aw nounced on this ticket In the Second ward. M. H. Allen has 'been named for treasurer. The ticket to be known as the Citi zens' ticket la beaded by I C Edwards for -mayor- M. H. Allen has ouallfled as the candidate for treasurer and the following; have been nominated as coun cil men: John P. Balrd- J. A. Howard, A. P. Wyman. C. P. Holly for long term and H. C Llnnvllle for short term; Fourth ward. Tom B. Taylor,- PR0L1IREKT GREEKS VICTIMS .: vFJlACKIMERS Johnson. John E. Mapea and Antonio Oelacrus, but they have turned up In Seattle, after having been abandoned on a bleak Siberian coast. Around the deck of the Charles Hanson one baplese fel low crawled. ' He had ; suffered the amputation of both feet, which had been fro sen. Knox, who survived. Smith, had a toe amputated and otbera bore scars of the terrible winter of 190MX. . Parsimony ssponslbls. Parsimonious action of the owners of the vessel, in falling to fit her out with sufficient provisions or medicines. Is charged by the crew and at least one man will bring aotlon agalnat Oeorge B. Plummer at Co. for the loss of his feet Proper medical . attention, be declares, would have aaved him from being a cripple for life. . ' 'In order to escape starvation the crews f both the CJga and the ChBriea Han-I son had to bunt In blinding bllsaarda for polar bear, seal, walrus and deer. They were without bread or flour and so sud denly, were they caught in a freese-up that none of thia needed commodity could be secured. While Captain Kllnkenberg was In a state of terror, and kept his crew slmt larty terrorised, subsequent to his mur der of Chief Engineer Paul D. 'Jackson during the time the Olgo was frozen up In Banks' Land, the crew of the Charlea Hanson 4. was facing almost as grave dangers 'in scouting for food. December ZX Paul Mauser, aaslatant engineer, - and - William 8m!th,--deck-hand, left the ahlp at Shingle Point on a hunting expedition. They were out but two hours when darkness came. After wandering about aimlessly for .hours in a blinding snowstorm they reached the beach, but could not find the shlp. The following morning Smith climbed to the top-ef a-mountaln and -waved his nana In Smith continued on, reached the ahlp and sent a rescuing party out In search of Mauser. He was not found for two days, having been covered with the snow whUe painfully making hla way op the mountain, xsoin Teex wu iiuseu wna they were amputated shortly after he was put to bed. In February Smith. Store Clooed Thanksgiving Day -j Thuroday, Nov. 29, 1906 IN ACCORDANCE WITH OTJR USUAL CUSTOII OUR STORE WILL RETTATN CLOSED ALL DAY THURSDAY, NOV EIXBER 29. '06, THANKSGIVING DAY See Thursday Evening Papers for Great Econ omy Opportunities Our 361ot Bargain Friday RED BEFORE BLACK SAYS TILtflAII Southern States Will Flow With . Blood Before Accepting Negro Domination --' TO HELL WITH LAWS , FORCING RACE EQUALITY Senator Jaba Pitchfork. Into Negro Problem and Declarea Whites Art Made of Better Clay Than Other Racea, - . (Journal Special Berries.) , Chicago, Nov. 18. Senator B. R. Till man of South Carolina epoke to a large audience laat night on "Shall the United States Annex cubar' He aiscossea me necro Question fully in spite of the pro- token of having .IgBted-the-- " "Tou make up your minds that equal ity before the law, which the fifteenth amendment guarantees. Is right and should be enforced, notwithstanding Its a . . Organization Similar to Black Hand Spreads Fear and Dis may Among Foreigners. - Oeerml Mseelsl Berries .. Danville, 111.. Nov. II. In the arrest of two alleged Bulgarian army captains. A. Hanus Qrastus and Chris Carton, ort cnargea oi trying to obtain money from the Greeks of Danville and Terra Haute by threata of violence to their families here and relatives In Bulgaria, an or ganisation has been exposed similar to the Italian Black Hand, which Is doing an riHinwvr DiacKmaiiing business in ..." minimi uin LIT. t ' , . tromineni ureeaa are assisting n authorities in an effort to run the lead ers down. Cables from Vltolio- and Menastlr. in western 'jursey, -state that It la ha. nevea tne men are acting for a , Bui. garlan committee that has lta headquar ters in noria. . The Greek vice-consuls at St Tenuis and cnicago nave been here investlrat tar-a-Tnatter.-and-Tiay-thejr wm lay their evidence before Demtroa alyotaaea, Grecian minister at Washington, who will make representations to the state department looking to the safeanardlna Ljnt urwM irom me DiacKmauers. MAKING BEST OF IT r FOR SIDNEY SLOANE (lieclsl PUeatdk to The Tneraal.) ' Spokane. Wash., Nov. St. By in genious examination on the part of the counsel for the defence every little eccentricity snown by Sidney Sloane, the boy parricide,- Is being presented to the Jury In such a light aa to create a belief that the boy had shown - evi dence of Insanity from the time be wes I years of age up to the time he killed his father. Teachers have testified that he waa slow in his studies and lacked concentration. Society women and girls have told of his peeullarltles in. the way of - attempting "mashes" and writing them silly and foolish letters, and other witnesses have pointed out' many 'inci dence in bis life which would have been forgotten or overlooked but for the fact that be la on trial for his life and his attorneys have decided that Insanity la about the only thing that will aave him from the gallows. for the past two days the testimony has been almost featureleas, all being son of Mrs. Charles Segbers of this city, and Charles Knox, a deckhand, left the vessel to hunt food for their shipmates. bll sard arose and the men became sepa rated. Knox aept uu and eomeu days later brought up at Hersohell Island. In the meantime both men had been given up for lost and Smith, who had suc ceeded Mauser as assistant engineer. never was heard from again. Knox w taken aboard the achooner Alexander at Herschell and several months later was transferred to hie own ship. - Stories came to the Charles Hanson subsequently that Smith's body had been found and buried oy the natives, but .this was never verified. His body is evidently under a mound of snow somewhere be tween the mouth of the Mackenzie at Shingle Point and Herschell island. ANTI-BOSS TICKET -NAMED AT OLYMPIA (Snerlal Plssitch te The Journal.) Olympla, Wash.. Nov. 28. At a mass meeting of cltlsena the. following city ticket was selected: Mayor. Dii N. J, Redpath: clerk, J. R. Dover; treasurer. J. J. Wilson; attorney, E. N. Steele; health officer. Dr. W. U Brldgeford; councllman-at-large, C. B. White; coun cilman, second ward, E. J. Bemeche; fourth ward, J. H. Meays; alxth ward, Thomas McLarty. " The - offices are equally dlviued between both partlea. . A Republican mass meeting has been called for this evening by Senator A. 8. Ruth to nominate an opposition ticket. A call Is also out for a Democratic mass meeting at Roltck's hall tonight It Is claimed by those In the cltlsens movement that the desire to rid the city of bOBslsnt has, .caused the com bination. ' - ' LAND OFFICE FORCE : , LARGELY DEPLETED (eneela! Plioattfc te The Journal.). Olympla, Wash., Nov. 28. It la an nounced that FefTy Pfllea, ehlet clerkUo the state land department, has reaigned his position to assume a more lucrative one as civil engineer for an improve ment company in Snohomish county. W. M. Nunn, secretary of the board of land commissioners, has been elected county rlerk of Tnurston county, and Fred RCsmand, stenographer, has been elected auditor of Chehalls county. Both of these positions will have to be filled by the state land commissioner on Jan uary I. j . - Using DGravcs Tooth Powder twice daily will rernoe tartar, whiten and briehten the teeth.l harden the gums and make brown teeth white. Most people, use it lisaaj 1VT7U fMtllVwe iwvl vtaaaa. sea a II Bf r , .9 . . a along the same lines. The boy stin i twice-a-day. . Ask a dentist why. 1 ' 1 la toady mot! mm or bottta KM , Dr. Crst:' Teeth Porrdsr Co. Tira ar ay taaaw -ggajkt Store would result In two states at least be ing dominated absolutely by negroes, while four other states would be so near being governed by the, negro that there would practically be an equal di vision of offices. "How about the lawt the law? To hell with auoa law." "I will' tell yon about the negro' Judge you elected in Chicago and how your political machine put him on your ticket and bamboosled the poor, ignorant baboons into electing him, and when afterward you fellows who voted the ticket without knowlnc what waa on It. nnd a little truth, cheat him out of It No matter what the people .may do or say.. the. white race Jn. the south will never be dominated by the negro, and I want to tell you now that, if aome state should ever make an attempt to save South Carolina,' we will show them in their fanaticism that we will made it red before we make it black. "God Almighty made the Caucaslon of better clay than the Mongolian or the African or any other race. The Ethi opian la a burden-carrier. He baa done absolutely nothing for history, nor has he ever achieved anything of great importance. There are no great men among the race. Tet this people has been picked out by the fanatics of the north and lined up to tne equality or cltisenshlp and to the righta of euff- rage. No doubt many of us have lta; tened Jto the oratory of the greatest col ored man of thla oountry, Booker Waah lngton. He had a white father, how ever, and out of his - brains and his character he has gotten his qualltlea from that father." Koo err alt's injturktoe. Mr. Tillman then told his audience of the attacks on white women by ne groes In thev south, and declared that the people of the north were In a great measure responsible for this state of affa IrsTTn"" conclusions h -said "Now. as a general illustration of the Injustice that is sometimes done,Presl. dent Roosevelt discharged three compa nies of colored soldiers without court-martial.' and, In doing thla, he punished Innocent men . for the crime of a few. In doing this he transcended, and he ought TWO GOOD GROCERY SPE0ALS C7 TO 9) ? Friday Even- HvP .only;. JLcIvi Regular 35c grade bfjCdf fee "Special : from 7 . to 9, Friday , Evening ......... . . . . . . . ddsL I Snider s-CatsuprTT-yery-spe- .qal from 7 to 9 ing, the bottle, ta?e- Qmi- Ml Pay . . .... , r. - . We are going to enjoy our turkey. We feel that we have much to be thankful for tht greatest growihvefadebyrryWnercantile-establishment-on-the Pa cific coast. VALUES MADE US GROW. Here's hoping you enjoy YOUR dinrter and watch Thursday's papers for the sale of Combs.1 Greatest Display of Combs You've Ever Laid Eyes On PRUNE GROWERS MAY .FORM UNION IN MARION maintains his remarkable nerve, having' shown symptoms of breaking down but one or two times and speedily recover ing from each. fgoecla! Dtseateh te The loarmal Salem. - Or.. Nov. II. The Marion County Horticultural society will meet In the city hall Saturday, December (, at 1:10 p, m. Some matters of Impor tance to frultgrowera are to be dii cussed by . R. Lake of the experiment station at Corvallls. - . i It a also possible that the prone- growers of this district will at that time take the Initial steps to form a prune- growers' union modeled after the apple growers' union at Hood River. Among the prominent growere who favor thla nnlon are uoya Keynoine or unemawa. L. M. Gilbert of Roaedale. Bruce Cun ningham of this city, and growers In Polk county. Ths object of the pro posed union Is primarily to form a mutual organisation to provide equit able and cheaper rates of Insurance. , a ' Boaad 7 Tings. (Speetsl Dtapatrtt te Tht Jeeraai. Astoria. Or ov. 18. John IX aUUer. he mm im TBIXD ! SECC3 oil TAUC1LL STCIET PERFECT SATISFACTION Is enjoyed at all THANKSQ IVTNG DINNERS when the TUKKEY is baked in a GREAT MAJESTIC RANGE. Call and we wiUanow you why all who use a Majestio range are perfectly satisfied. ' WILLIAM GADSBY & SONS, Cor. Washington and First Sts. civil War veteran, aged TT. Is In thelscowboat home at Aldrich Point, where hoapital suffering' frdm brutal Injuries I he lay bound hand and foot for three reoelved from two younf thuga la hla I days. The thugs robbed hint of $17 of his savings. Ills groans flutl'v s" ed hla neifhhors. It Is tlui(.l er he will recover. 1