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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1906)
. , THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING ' NOVEMBER 28," 1006. IS LEITER FAMILY GATHERING TO. SETTLE LADY CURZON'S ESTATE Little Liver PiUs. fee Paa4ianUe Wrapper BiUw. ; : ....y u . Genuine VIST jST Carter' - --.-v-yjr . ; N-.V., Mutt Boar Signature) ef -'Av-N CARTERS 1 U ,v . ' : J i i 1 kvv r:Vb V. 1 SB. V .;. r.,. , I ' . T ir- I I BB i i ft '' v - vsr -J " . Mrs. Colin CnpblL ' - I..- . V7 The Intention of Vori Curson, . his notber-ln-taw llri, Levi Z. Letter, widow of tli Ut China bo railllonaJra. and Mrs. Colin Campbell, who formerly waa Mlaa Nannie Loiter, in oomlns -to America' Is to hare a family reunion, preaum fibly In Chicago, and effect a final settlement of the lata Lady Curson's American estate. r ' It will be the first reunion ef the fam ily and close relatives In years. Lord Curson stlirfeels deeply" the sorrow lie experienced over the death last summer of Lady Curson, who waa Hiss Mary Lelter, and who bald the hit-heat posi tion of foreign nobility ever attained by an American (Irk Mrs. Lelter shares her son-in-law's deep distress. Lord Curson and his party arrived on Thursday last and. diplomatic circles are discussing- the recently broached possi bility that he may succeed Sir Henry Mortimer Durand as ambassador- to Washington from - the court 'of ' Bt Jamea Nothing- definite Is known of England's plans In this regard. It Is certain that the former viceroy of India will visit Washington, where he is widely known and respected as in x his own country. , ADSOLUTE SECURITY, iroi tuuztu , rot DIZZINESS. ' rt IIUOUSRESS. FCITUPIBLIYU. TCI CONSTIFATIOI. FBI SALLOW SKII. fill THCCOMPLUICI JtSm I eiy TeswuMa&i CURE ICK HEADACHE. TOWN THAT HAS -110 POOR Baker City Enjoys Proud Dis tinction of Having No Hun - gry to Feed. GOOD MAN TRIES TO GIVE TURKEYS AWAY None to Be Found, Either Worthy of Unworthy, That Has Not the Price of Old Mr. Meleagris Gallopavo Peculiar Test and How It Came Up JASPER JENNINGS ,1AYJ0ER Deemed Highly Probable He May Never Be Brought Into -, Court Again. PRACTICALLY CLEARED t - BY SISTER'S ACQUITTAL He Figured Virtually as Accessory, 'Only, end There Is Now. No Prin ' cipal at BarStrange Incident in " Early History of Case Recalled. - (SMdet Dimetch te-Tae Joeraal) Orants Paas. Or., Nov. It. Unless strenuous objections are' made by Prose cuting Attorney Reantes. It Is qaite likely' that the case of Jasper Jennings for the murder of his father will be dropped. A petition asking that young Jennings be allowed his liberty and that the case be stricken from the docket of the circuit court la being prepared and will be circulated In this city and county. It la believed a second trial will be merely an unnecessary ezpenee to the county, as the case of the state against Jennings, as it 'now stands, seems weakened to such a degree as te .make a verdict, other than acquittal, praotlcally. Impossible. . ' - Aooeeeory With Wo VrlaotpaL ' Jasper and his sister Dora were Joint ly Indicted for mnrderlng their father at Granite Hill. Jasper was tried first. and because he attempted to throw the blame on his sister, waa convicted as a principal, though the grounds - of - his AAtv1nttm ,rt TiftBAri l,f mlv An file v telng an accessory, and It was oh these grounds that the Jury returned Its ver dict. Dora was tried second and waa acquitted. Her case was fairly pre sented and no evidence of the state wsa excluded; for this reaaon her acquittal leaves Jasper In the .situation ef a pre sumptive accessory with 'no principal. Under these conditions, so attorneys state, there is really no case against the boy, the decision of the supreme court being almost equivalent to allowing him his liberty. . . . Every particle and scrap of evidence presented was circumstantial, and noth ing conclusive was given to prove that either Jasper or his sister had anything to do with the murder of their father, though the girl was id the same room In which the old man waa killed, and Jasper's rifle having been found in the brush where-it wss hid after the crime, seemed to indicate that It waa his gun that fired the fatal bullet Only Teetimoay,1 "Toat Know. Jasper, Dora snd their younger sla ters and brothers stick to the first story told by them- that ' they know abso lutely nothing shout the crime further than that they found their father dead in bed the morning after be was killed. J an pef says he was not around the house at sll that night, and the other children, though- up' till a late hour en tertaining vlnltors, saw their father re tire, but heard no unusual sound after they went to bod. The doors of the log cabin were not locked, and the murderer entered the bousa easily, standing over the bed where Dora and her eleter were sleeping gad firing the rUle within two feet of their faces: yet they did nol hear the shot.- though it was only a lexll foot room, with a small window nailed down and a .curtain over the . narrow door. J .',' -.... . ' . The JTather'a Oeath rew ra TearaT The Jennings children ' are of the stolid. - unflinching mountaineer stock. la thorn tears are a thing almost an known. An evidence of thls was ahown in the fact that Dora -and a young man enjoyed a watermelon on the back step when the Inquest ovsr her father's body was being held la the cabin. And the men who dug the old man's grave were brought a basket of melons and other good things by Jaaper, the boy sitting down with them to enjoy the sweets, letting his feet dangle in the grave where bis father waa to be buried. - The ease Is the most peculiar and per plexing aver known in southern Ore gon and bids fair to remain' always a mystery. ROSEBURG WATER AND LIGHT SYSTEMS SOLD , fSperlel PlMatch te Tke JeoraaL) . Roseburg, Or.; Nov. 18. The Rose- burg water and light systems have been sejd by O. O. Majors to A. Welch, to whom the Roseburg city council re cently granted franchises, and who rep resents the firm of Rhoades, Slnklsr Butcher of Philadelphia, doing bualneas in Oregon aa the Willamette Valley com pany. . Tne actual consideration w 130,000 cash." In addition the purchas ers assume the bonded indebtedness of $: 0,000, established when. In 1001. the two old competing systems were con solidated. - - . Vaat enlargement of the , plant Is planned by the new owners. Including a million-gallon pump, a five-mile pipe line between Wlncheater-and Roseburg and ths raising or tns Winchester, dam Ave feet ' . ' t. "..-, QUESTIONS OF DIX'S ; OWNERS SHUT OUT (Special DUpatca to Tbe JoBraaL) Seattle, Nov. II. -The owners ef the Dlx have made their first move In the fight" agalnst the ownerr f"the Jeantev Richard Saxe Jones, representing the Seattle eV Aiki Point - Transportation company, owners of the Dlx. has filed list of questions- to be asked J. K. Pharo. Tbe queetlons covertly charge that the Jeanle was sent to British Co lumbia after the accident In an attempt to escape libel. Also tnat tne owner ship of the vessel has been transferred since the accident from tba Alaska Coast company to Pharo. - The inspec tors refused to allow the questions to ba asked, holding that they . had no bearing on tbe collision. . BIGAMISTS BROTHER MADE WIFE NO. TWO WISE gpec1l nteptteb te Tee ftmraal.) " Tacoma, Nov. 18. A letter misplaced by . Hugh Jx Oallaway and found by his Wife, Mrs. Lucy oallaway, Is the cause of a divorce granted by Judge Rica In the' superior court The letter was written from Callaway's brother In Mis souri and Implored him to return o Missouri and care for his wife and little children -whom he had deserted. - The letter was ths first Intimation to Mra Oallaway No. I that her. husband was already married when he married her. Oallaway. ..came .here about two -yeara ago, and he and his second wife were marnea in Mar, juo. . wmii oallaway aiseovgrea that his new wife had got posaeealon of the let ter written by his brother he left with out meklag 'explanations. - ' , ' rSperta! Dispatch Is Tke Joateal.) Baker City. Or., Nov. 18. That there la not a family In Baker City which la In need has bsen proven as -the result of a chance meeting between a couple of old-time friends who bad not seen each other In II years and ths attempt of one of them to repay a loan of 120 made by the other la a time of dire need. . , . For three days C M, Mullen, the well-known mining man, who fell Into sudden wealth by the sale of the Ox Bow power site a sew months ago, has been trying to donate a fine, large tur key, . with some celery, cranberries and sweet potatoes, to every worthy poor person in the city. HJgxfforte-4iave beenIn -alii;'-Bowever, and after pro longed search Mr. Mullen has . been, forced to abandon his task and disposed of his stock of good things to eat by line Leading Specialist In Men's Diseases There is no ailment peculiar to men that I cannot cure. - For sixteen years I have devoted my entire time and energy: to the treatment of men's diseases. . - : My methods have been perfected by actual experience, with a thorough theoretical knowledge as a basis. I am the only physician thoroughly and permanently curing those func tional derangements commonly classed as "Weakness," and my success in overcoming such cases has placed me foremost among specialists treating men's diseases, and has brought me the largest practice, of its kind in the West. ; - - Every afflicted man la Invited to write me a description of his case.' Such Is my ' knowlsdge ef men'e diseases and so perfect are my methods in treating them, that I am able to effect cures In all ordinary eases without seeing the patient In person. All correspondence strictly confidential. Those visiting Portland may feel free to call at my office for personal consultation. - Ba, TATXOm, ' The Leading gpeolaUst. PavWh en t. My Fee In Any Un- A complicated Case Weakness ii 8o-caUed "Weaknesa'r in men curable fully curable. It has not been cured by those measure com- monly employed, for they are meth . oda based upon supposition and not upon .fact. Prematurenees and loaa of power In men le due to a chronic atate of inflammation in the prostata gland, and not to a disordered ner vous condition, aa haa been supposed. ' I treat the inflammation by a local ' procens -thst does not fall to accom- pllsh Its purpose, arm with thle con , dltion corrected full and complete r. strength and vigor returns. . STRICTURE My treatment Is ab solutely painless, and perfect results can be depended upon In every Id stance. I do no cutting or dilating whatever. ' ' " Contracted Disorders Every caae ef contracted disease I treat is thoroughly cured; my pa tients have no relapses. When I pronounce a case cured there Is not a particle of Infection or inflamma tion remaining, and there Is not the slightest danger that the disease will return In Its original form or work its wsy Into the general system. No contrscted disorder le so trivial as to warrant uncertain methods of treat ment, and I especially solicit those cases that other doctors have" been unable to cure. . I have the largest practice because I la variably fulfill my promlsss, My Colored Chart showing the mala anatomy and afforelag aa la- teresnng stuay free at oflloe. afforelag aa In men'e diseases Varicocele Without using knife, ligature or cauatlo, without pain and without de tention from business. I cure Vari cocele In one week. If you have sought a cure elsewhere and been disappointed, or if you fear the harsh methods that moat physicians employ in treating this disease, come to me and I will cure you soundly and permanently by a gen tle and painlees method. Don't de lay, Varicocele haa Its dangers and brlnge Ite disastrous results. If you will call I will be pleased to explain my method of curing. - SPECIFIC BLOOD POISON No dangerous minerals to drive the virus to the interior, but barmleee blood-cleansing remedies that re- l move the last poisonous taint. " tu TY TToxrlsraw n Cor Second Morrison Sts. Private Entrance ne Uie ldyiUr VO. 234 Morrison Street. PORTLAND, OREGON CV si V Hour 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Sundays, ! su m. to 1 p. m. While seated In the lobby of the Gelser- Grand hotel lsst Friday even ing, Mr. Mullen waa accosted by a pros perous-looking man. wha was registered I as "Leonard Cole. Fayette. Idaho." Te his great surprise, the Baker man dis covered that this same man was no other than his old-time friend, Len Cola Greetings were exchanged and reminis cences followed. Suddenly Mr. Cole, who IS, now a wealthy packer, ex claimed: rare t Tataex's Deathbed. "By the way, Mullen, do you remem- ber that I Borrowed 120 or yon some II' years ago, when my, father was on his deathbed, and I did not- have rail road farst"- Mr. Mullen recalled the circumstance, and Mr. Cole, reaching into his pocket, drew forth . five shining 120 gold pieces. These he tendered to his old friend In payment of the debt . . The mining man promptly refused to accept the money, and the packer insisted, of fering to pay Mr. Mullen ttee. If neces sary, to settle the old account Finally . a - traveling man who had Joined the old-timers suggested that the easiest way te settle the matter was to use ths money for charity, neither of the principals being in need of the cash. This suggestion met the Instant approval of both, and Mr. Cola stated that ha hsd Just ordered a lot of X60 turkeya Of these hs was to send 10 to Boise to fill an order, but would nee the remainder In squaring the debt It was decided that the turkeys, should be apportioned between the two towns, Payette and Baker. In accordance with their population, and It was estimated that Mr. Mullen's-, share would be Its. Further, It wsa provided' that with each turkey ahould be given a quart of cran berries, two bunches of celery and some eweet potatoes. ' Oaaaot Fin Fee. Saturday morning, bright and early. Mr. Mullen set out to give away his sharawaftaa-ThwnkegtTlng dtnneia - lie first Inserted advertisements . In the newspapers, and then, one after anoth er, called up the local ministers of every denomination, asking them If there were a family In their congrega tion which was In need. Each time he received' a negative. Seeking out the mayor and the chief of police, he re peated his request to them, and, there also received sn answer in tna nega tive. ' After three days of weary search ing Mr. Mullen decided that Baker la the most fortunate city on the face of the earth, and, giving up his hunt for worthy poor, proceeded to hunt up a number of bis friends among tbs "un worthy" rich, -upon whom he bestowed hls gifta. Even In thle lsat project his quest was not entirety saccessrui. ror it was only by the greatest effort that he waa able to make 17 presents, and finally was forced to wire -Mr. Cole that he need consign but that number of tbe fowls to this city, uslnat the re mainder In hie home town, if he. eould find anyone who. would accept them, ABSOLUTE DEATH TEST DISCOVERED BY GERMAN ' -' (Jnenul Special Berries.) Berlin. Nov. II. A German scientist haa discovered the first absolute test ef death that haa been known and . the adoption of which will make the horrors of premature burial a thing ox tne past We Cure MEN ONLY LICENSED TO PRACTICE MEDICINE - IN - OREGON We Treat tbe Following Diseases Only , Bhsnmatlsm, A cats aad Caseate. ' Blood Folaoa. Gonorrhoea. Tarlooeolo. ' sTonraethsala. aTerroas SecUae. Paralysis. Oleet. . gyp hills. Files. - Kidney, Bladder and All TTrlmary Diseases. Ml In Any Uncomplicated Case CONSULTATION FREE astabUsnsd IS T la Bostlaaa. 1 Ton pay as for enres not to sxperiaaent) we have proved the fact that our methods are the best, latest' and ths most sclenttflo In every respect There aret - some cases that, ate Incurable . and we .determine whether It Is curable or Incurable by-a thorough physical and microscopical examination. If you are troubled with any of the diseases we treat, and have experimented with tbe many "so-called" specialists, and still have the desire to be cured, call on as at once. We will be able to tell you Immediately upon examination what we can do for you, and If we -aeoept your case it-wilt be but a abort-time until ell the old vim and vigor, all that Ood-glvsn power will return to you. the symptoms entirely disappear, and you realise that a great blight has been lifted from your life. . We have mads more happy homee, more happy men. by curing for life those afflicted with Varicocele. Vital Debility, disease of the Bladder end Kidneys and other associate diseases, than all ths othsr specialists in this section of the country combined. -Hours am. to I p. m.. Evenings, 7 to 1:10. No Pay Unless Cured St will not 00 st yoa aaytMag to eaU at oar office aad aoasalt aa, aad by so going It may save yoa saneh ttaae, worry aad money, aad because IX are cannot enre yea we will hoaestiy sll yea so, and you wiU not be under afty financial obligation to us. BPXCIAI. SrSBASXS - We enre Iff-! to le days. - We -have devoted years of study to - the formation and complete eradication of urethral obstruction, ws restoro heaitn and tone te the membrane. Our treatment removes the necessity of any surgery. The right treatment applied the right way will alwaye bring good results. : OBTTBACTXV PinASXSJ. We cure these . ailments more quickly with less pain and Inconvenience than any one claiming to treat suc cessfully these conditions. Has your case become chronlo through Improper treatment or' through the use of cauatlo remedies r Haa it caused a' deep-seated ln- mmmatlou and li illation In the pans, ths result of- which you new suffer from urethral obstruction - Oar treatment cures these conditions quickly and the euro -Is permanent . - . - Bundays. am. te K noon. Write if you cannot call. ST. LOUIS MEDICAL AND, SURGICAL DISPENSARY - cominm boobtp abtd TAarnrrxE, grargra, rointirm okxoobt. r. 1 . sV at i.iLi.'r.i a wf.i ii a ili i .r.i a m "Tbsy doa'i ersck aslok." v m Made with " UNOCOKD" - m buttonholes that hold. - m m- ran srs. m X sites if yoa want them. I EO.r.lDEaCa.Ntker Trer. N.T. I TRANSPOSTATICri. . 11. . .1 . v ilrrrrrm-i-. a DrffoffRrx!: J Trains to the East Daily J rniimi. lunuM im aaaM ife' sWpiii-,is a.Ur to laasas Utr. "nck rwlialag etaknaaJts tseaie frse te ae ikaat Sail. ymxm rtt ' Leeva. ' asttve. ib"" ! HtaeiDgwn. eiT. t:S0est fiSiSSB Keriier for Xaetara , tJi Wells Walla. -LawlatoB, Oaaw 4' ales aa4 iM...!?0Ihn, S"1"". aaiir. 1:11 sat Sesj W for me Bast ... ,Ho;t"toe sally SlU sej ffilsesa fT;"" "I'M lewC far sd . "'r s-is eie wivm OatBia ViVgrn'oiTisioa. llwae sad Vortb BaeieVkteeaMS aeeaMlnV Amkt Aui. a . m aa alaaisv. Ssadan Salwrdav. IS m. m. AaHraS r. at., eaeaet Sneflav, W S. a. TAlfHILL K1V1B ifltm. PBt.etaaiBra Rata sad afoaoe, Aah-et. eaae a-e T a. m. Hail ai... i-a - Sa'olu.'' Arr1' T J0 V m. Uili. easaeS . " BWAgsj nTT SOTTTS.- W fwlatna. loake, esd way Bets fleas Blparla. Waah.. stMaaare Spnkaae aae tewts leare :aO a. aa, or apoa nival trsla fe. 4. sally eaeept Satarday. Arrtre 4 S a. Ticket Offlea. fhlrS aa4 Waaaatgtea eta, . . Talepheaa Mam TH. a ' '..W-I'rIJ"3r'1- ry T1-r Aeess. ; W. WctlDBSar, aarat Paaaanaae A a -at. EAST" SOUTH vorraTvor ytrfy ' Ua rras- ive. , Aerate SiMssj TdSpaS tralaa Dapei. ' Portland aad Raa eiaea gxpriaa Btopa ealy at BMst Importaat autlnaa betiraea rertlaad and Saa . rraarlaea; . aeoaeeTlona at Saa rrancteeo for all poiats Beat and Soetk .V7... llJOsel ll:S0tsS Ovarlaad Btereee Trains for all local poiats South. Sacramento, Sas rrandaoe and points Eaat and Boats. T:esBSj SJSpal Mornlns train eaaaeeta at Waodbora akllv azean Suodar with Moaat Ansel anu aiiTWion local Cottage Grove Baaeenn-e- eonaacts at Weedeora and -. Albany dally, except Sua- da r. with trains tor notntn - on Woodbara-Sprlnsaald and. ' AlDeor-lDeooa braacnae.. "4:1S psi ll:o sas Corvaflla saaaancer 1 In am SaOpna SbeHdea paanencor 4:0 pel 10:SS sai Foreet Gm naaaaasor...!ll:OOaai IISMSM loreat Oreve paaatnt ar. . . . t:S0ps i;SO n Daily. Iluelly eirvpt Sonday. errBBSON-STBBBT STATIOW. ret Dallas sad lalaraaWlate points eafly, T:SS a. s. and 4:1 p. at. Aartve farUaad Mile a m. and S:fiA n. m. Foe time and card ef Oeweee salisilise ' appiy at taiy -ncaei umce, er seannej. Tickets at Baatera points and Mutant 1 Japan, China, linnolohl aad Aaatraua. Ctty Ttrkat dmce fornae Tntrd end Wi Inetna r 1. rhane U Tlx. O. W. eriNGKB, Wa MeWTJSBAT. city Tieiet aseat. oee. reaa. As ton itomt fimtiHw EriuYhWArpiLLS p f at I Aik jroin nraaaM fcraX .!--, tar's Fllla U fU4S a4 falS -Mlalllc koaai, WiWV ttk WaaRlbooa. Takanaatna-, V ot r.rT. u . a tan .v. DIAMOND RBAW PILLS, lot Sat CiarV laatrclad at, Saa-jt, Al-aya HaHo. I4 ny Drjrrli -varTwaa. .. 1 v , r. Pblladalahla. L1.1S. VKISLOW'S soomr.Q syrup ass bean asad by Millions of Wotsera for their fhlldron wbile Teethlna- for oer rifty Taars. t soothes IM ehllri, sortans tbe game. eilar all naia. ear-s wind euue, aad la We beat ramaoy roraiarrw-a- ' TnlnTTvlTl mth a airi 1 If any circulation exists the skin, the Hps and all the mucous membranes turn a golden yellow, while the eyes become a brilliant emerald green, and glisten like Jewels. Ths Injection takes about 10 minutes to act, and If death le really present no change of color takes place. It Is also declared that In cases of sim ulated death or trsnre the Injection acts as a stimulant and restores ths. ba- The teet consists in the Injections ef I numbed fscultlsa Tbe substance does fluoreaclne a enal tar and resorcin no harm' to life and the color passes product Into the tissues of ths body. away iff two hours, - Blood, Slun, Nervous and Special Diseases of Men WB BO MOT TBBAT iU BIBB ASKS ef the human race, but snake a speolaJty ef treating sad earing BIBTOVI BIS EASES, BXOOD DUBABata, BKIBT DIBBASXB, XISVXT Dlllllll BLADDEI BISBAgXg aad all affections of TBI SBBITO-UBXsTABT OBOABg ef aaesi eaiy. - - - Men Cured Quickly, Safely and Surely There Is absolutely no Inconvenience, loes of time, hardship, or uncertainty. wnua m reaiiiia are airect, speedy and permanent. We cure your disease to stsy cured. We want to talk with every man who suffers from those afflictions, due to any. cause whatever. We want to explain our methoda of curing dis ease and all sllments of the kMnava mnA bladder. Our office Is equipped with everything science csn devise and money can buy thst win aaslst us in curing diseases wo treat. We are true specialists, and do not attsmpt to treat all diseases, but oure all we treat. Our methods of curing are original, positive, absolute. NO PAY UNTIL CURED Should you desire ypu may deposit the fee with any bank or buslnsss bouse In Portland, to be paid to us after you have been restored to jl health, or you mav nav in month! v taimni. 1 H XONSULTATIONLWAYS-FREe Office hours a. m. to I p. m.; Sundays and holidays, 10 a m. to II. DR. W. NORTON DAVIS & CO. Offleee U TAB BOX BOTOX SSVi alM Bt Corner viae, Fortlaad, Or. TIHECARD OF TRAINS . Rortlondt T allow ttona Part tCsssas City. St. Loala Special for Chehalla, t-estralla. Olapln, rars Harbor, Soatk Band, Tacoaia. Seattle. Sookane. Lewlston. Bntta. Wfllfnn. Danvar. Own ha. Kanaas CttT. St. Lxwls laeve, AxrtTa, INia 4:Mss aad Sontheaat. da dr.. north uoaat i.nniraa. aieeme . llshted. for tacoma. Seattle. epokana. Bntta. MlaaeasolU, Sial and the laat. dalir. 100 B1,J.-Se is Pnaet Sound Limited, far Plaresiset. (BehaHs, Can- trana, Taeaeu aad Seattle Dir. aanr... : pas ense pei rarle Cite Ernrean foe Taea. sia, Seattle.' Spokane. Balene, v ., . - Bntte. St. Psal. Mtmne pelts. Lincoln. St. Jnaesh. Kaneaa -- A City, Omaha. St. Lea la, with- sat ehanre ef ears. Direct ' eonnecttnna for all sotsts Bast and Sontheaat. eaUy I1:JI aae iO:M Sat O r SPICESe o COFFEEeTEA, DAinno POWDER, iir.xr.siDCTne'CTs JMH&My. flnisl Flavor. Cmftst$rrah.fiisoiik ClSETftDEYEnS , POerTLANO, OMOON. I TRANSPORTATION. Upper Columbia River . STEAMER Chas. R, Spencer leaves Oak street dock every Monday. Wednesday and Friday at 7 S. m. for TBB D1LUI ana STATB VOBTAOB, ruiim.i-tln, aytth the Oam Wive V... I portatloa Compaay'e steamers for points 1 ss far seat aa UBIAT1X1VA. Return. Ing. arrives Portland, Tuesday, Thurs . dey and Saturday at I p. m. Low rates ana excellent service,, raoneo 1140 and I20L e rates Mala S. S. F. A. Kflburn far Case Bar. Bereka asd Sna tvaneissa Vn sailing tram Fartlasd, mday. Rev. IS. ai SaiWns freaa gas rrnaelass. Thar., hev, S4 CBAeV B. STCILSM1TB, Ageat, Oak Street Dock, phone Main 2950 TNS COMrasrtABiX BUSY. . X 2 Overland Trains Dill y 2 The Oriaatal Usrtked, the Fas BUB' VIA SSATTU AWP SfOBAWA rerUaad time sebednla Dally. ' Baft. -" ' Loan. - Arrive, Te tad freei Spokane, St. Pasl. Mlnnaanotui. Dnlath sad all poinU Baat via Seattle..... S-SOeni T-0 am UiaSea wm Te asd front St. rani. Mlnneepolla, Ottlnth and ell aelsts Bast via Spokane S:tl eaa SmSeei mat Berthara Bteanuhrp Ok. Sailing from Seattle fa Japan sad Chins sorts sad Manila, carrying pea, seae-ers aad trewht. - a S. Minn aa eta. jaaaeiy S. . S. B. Dakota, rabniary IT; . Kirroir tusev xaibba. i Japan stall Steaaahl I'm.) , Kate Bare will anil fresn Seattle Sboat December - tt tea fanes aad cnlneee ports, earryug paenaagars aad fretaht. For tii-kets. entea rioea. 'eie.. eaU as ar m. B1CKSOB. O. . C. A. its tVrd a rertlaad. Orejea. Baeae avala Sea, Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. Dama Depet ' Lesva,' Aartte, ' roe ktarfera. Baialer, Plane kaale, Weatpert, CUftoa. A a- - torta. WarranW, f la vat. ' .. Hanamoad, Fort Steveea, eess . kart Park. BeaaUe...... l:0Ssa lltSSSSJ Aaterta asd Seeaaere. essrees eailr faHaa) S;S pa Au tralne dalljr. mtt f k Aetarta, Be. ' ft -."sTsVaBt! Vn aierrwIAgssl, TS Aide a treat. Phase Mala Sua ROUND TRIP DAILY Bxoept Boaday Tae fase TELECIIAPH Leaves foot Alder st ..." Arrive AstorU ll: m' LT c-aUander dock, Astoria I IS p. m. Arrive Portland ... Mania Served a la tterle, ' thou KaU III. S 8. SCOTT. Al'