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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1906)
THE OREGON . DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY ' EVENING, NOVEMBER 3, It TODAY'S MARKETS COAST SUGAR LOW : SAY DEALERS Price Hare Fjve Cents Under New V York and Trade Is Get- ting Bullish. . i i GENERALLY HIGHER HERE THAN EAST OF ROCKIES k Turkey Market Is Cleaned Up With I'-.-. Prices Hanging at the Top Sweet Potatoes Arrive and Relieve Famine v ' Io Cranberries Offered by Trade. .Principal market features today: , , ' , Coant sugar I lowrat. '4 v Turkey market cleaned up. . f t'htckea muM la good snaps. ' Never such denisnd. for oyeters. : tTanherrles are cleaned up. . ' "' ' -ar sweet potatoes lifts fsinlns. ' Hop market la very alow. Salmon supplies much more liberal. ' Ceaet Bugs Market la Xewsst. - , II Ibr prices bow ruling la lb Farifia cosst uir iserkets values bore ara lower than IIkm . rutins la Maw. l urk, wbUa under normal eonui. tmn tbe Rnm la tbe case. Today to sat . trie of granulated sugar tn New York la $4 no per 100 pound, wtalla In tb' rtty the price less discounts la $4.73.. As a uaual rule lb l'arlflc ; roast sugar price la tba iew Yurk price added !' ttie freight charge that would rule providing the supplies were brougbt out from, tba esse. Tbla would mn to mo. a that the present price of sugar oa tba Pacific cnaat la fully toe under wbat It should be providsig normal conditions - war mint bar. . IX tba warring rrrinerles gat together acalu on a price It would. likely Beau r that values bora bar already touched the bot tom, uti tbb) account even the Jobber who have already purcbaaed bear auppllea arc again la tbe market. Refinery representative ara rather bulliah on the future of the market and aa that tba chance are 10 to 1 ta favor f aa advance at tbla time. Tbey cite the New Xork aiarket aa a besie for their predle . Uoua. . i Turkey Market Cleaned Vs. ' All turkey snppllse ara eleaaed ap oa Front atraet today and the Taluea were maintained te the end. Price on faacy birds ruled between T lie and. Sic. with aa oecaalooal sale a fraction higher. Demand today waa better than sup ' pile. Tba chirk en market la la good shape aad price rale firm at tbe advance made yes terday, la tbla eonnectiou It abould be aald that tba price liated m tbla report yeaterday ware in error a mlataha being made la placing ' tba market fully le a pound aver what It abould bare been. - Todey ehlckeaa ara aelUag oa tba Mraet at 12c ta Ut't pound, with practi cally all 4ba bualneaa at 12c and 12ttc Theae era the prices that abould bare seen quoted t yesterday. , pucka .and. geese firm at former i gustatlona. Hop Market la Vary Slaw. l !-Th asaal -holiday -quiet la -talgalag ta-tba hop market. Conditions are very dull, tba ' tranaacUoae lately reported being for aomtnal amounts. The car abortage continues tba prln- rlpal thing" agalnat tba market. Growere do not tare to eeH because tbey cannot obtain their money until can ara secured aad 'bill of . lading la furnished. aTsve Bueh aa ' Oyttar Demand. - Demand far eyeters during the past tew day haa broksa aU records, according ro uie iruue. 'We bare auld mora oysters during the past ' week," Bays C. J. B. alalarkey. a wboleealer. 'thaa w have ever betora aold In e like period. Demand at ao great t.hat the trade U unable ta secure a sufficient amount at opened etock to fill U orders." Halmon auppllea ara much mora liberal today, frlcea tba same. AU flak la good supply. -aet,totata Tamkia at Znd. ' The arrlral of a carof eweefTlotilueu fioui : tba seath this moralng urteo u lamioo haa ruled ta this market roe toe peat few day. Tbe price m firm at 11e a pound tlrenbemee ara entirely " 'r kt the i front a treat market.- -.. . - i. nuit la aatte good at former pricee. Plenty of grapes to fill all oemana. - Psutaes are Just boldlng eteady. Brief te af the Trade. Egg era very firm, eepecfally fee' local -"tjJily with seeaipt liberal aad " demand fair, former prleee, M No walnut at all are being offered at pree- eat by the meal trade, Prloe m a object. Tbe trade pay b following price ta Front .creet. Prleee paid ablppera are .leas regular commuuiloaa: M . 4 ' Crnala. Tua and I1. 'flKAIN BAOB Calcatta, buying priee; wniA'-0N.wTh. 04c, tod Baamaa, me; k,BTEmiyewUd! .Ol ralUd. 2.Wi M OQ, T" V.T-' TaTl- aWT OOi orekL (28.00 mi .. - ,- W " a ' , ... .r.i.m V.. 13.60: whole wheat. O-l: rye, bm. 5.00; belea. To. rMlLWTry K8 Branv 1 P si mid- (1'4U0; shorts,' country, 117-90; city. ...ViZ. Il aliuot21.09, taVT-:irodBcera- orlce Tlmotbr, Willamette . fancr. Il).wa-w( ""'""'i 9' ieoo' eaatera Oregon. ln.otHio.ui; mixed. i?6ffll0W: elowr. TOOtfAOO; grala. Butter, lit s4 Egg aad Poultry, N aTTTTV.a PATr. . h. Portlaad Sweet cream, Bie; soar, TTTKK-nty creamery. 2H: utelde faa canilled. 27ValB7Vbci le- 2c. IWl.dttc.V1ens. ! per b; . ..ulih.. nor Ibi rouatere. old. ( I lb: frreraT 12HC lb: broiler. i2e per pigeons, 2.00 per1 doaea. Heps, wsot ana ammo. nnn-ll repr- rbolce, ISVir: medium te prime, 11QL2M0; ne wIim'V. 2a.r ta BHKRl nKINa brrng, ISO eaehi abort -Ji, grate; medium wuci aoa75e each; tone wwi. , ... -- - TAUX)W .Prime, per lb. tViOc No. t aad UIPKS Dry. No. a. M lbs aad ap, MQ HU. per lb dry kip. He, 1. to 15 lba. leoj irr calf. Ho. 1, UfHler lba, 13c: aal ted kldra, itira. sound, en and oTor.ldeJlle; sows, aidl"ic; stags and balm, soaad, a7c; kip. "to SO lb. c; calf, aaund. uader lb lha, lie; mn, anaalted. le lea.; culm, le per m lesa; torae bWee, salted, each. 1 1 2.- l.T; dry, each, ai on 1.60; colt bloea, SBUMm: goat cklna, remmea. each, 10HUk Aagora. each, aficJ ..,U!" ' Fralt aa TegeUUaa. .. POTATOKII Buying prlc. e. fit em Multno mah end Clackamas, 7&lwoc; ordinary, HU7ic; SU-eet. 2i. , ' f . nwinKi-Jobbtna Brlre .New Oreaon. SOrSB I1XX); buying price, J03TiV; garlic, iae lb. APPI-K! rsncy Hood Hirer Hpltaenherg end ALL MARKETS WILL BE CLOSED THANKSGIVlMG Tomorrow is Thankaglvln d a rt all markets will be closed, d) 4 A few of tbe local firms will re. main open during the morning; d a. ta uvaiira a-tSrMla and maka ship d ments, but that la all. AU flnan- 4 e elal eaehanaes will be .closed for e ths nr. . . WHAT DEALERS SAY ; . OF LOCAL: MARKETS 4444 . By Sher It, Gaia & Graham. ' ' Receipt nt tiirkeya for ttia Thankaglvlng trade .have baen . about equal to tho demand, with : prirca ranging all the way from IS cent per pound for culla to. 23 cent for fancy young Mrila. . The .average prlcae were about.. IS. cents for live and 21 cents tor "dreaaed. v -'The demand for geese and ducks hna been very good tbla week, and top price have been received - (or all ar- ' 4 rival. ...'... ' 4 .' Owing to the slump last woek In the price of chk'kene shtppera d were gcncrnlly advlaed ; to "go 4 -slow unit thjs week there hna 4 been hotter demand than was ' a-nUcipated and the supply hna not .been snfllclent to meet It, 4 thia cuBlng the price to advance d) everul point over a 9ek ago. All poultry, however, will, prob- d ably be slow after Thankagivlna and this, advance may uot be d maintained. ' The market on Mock hog and fancy veal la particularly strong 4 with recolpta light. -'.-. ' Yellow - Kawtowas. 1 30: fancy - Willamette ealiey and awiiuern Oregon, sl.BO; ordinary stork, TOcCfft.liS. KKKSH nil l ift Oranaoa. aew aaeel. 13. W; Valencia, l 1fiu; ban an. a, be per lb; lemons, eaHitio. .:l IS per bos: faucy, T.uu per box; nmea, tli-ili-an, fi.zn per 1; pineaprries, 4 .(( :,.( nor : arauee. (1.2&H12.U0: pears. I.OU'dl.iS; huckleberries, lie: plurapples, $o.00 per aoaen; nvtTnCKanatee, f i.xonni.w ter oox. VKUK I AKI KS Turaipa, new. vOctlel sackt carrola, 75c 1 per aack; beet a, $.i5 per eari; Oregon radli-beR, 30c per doa; cabbage, ore goa, H.fKiUlM): -bell peppers. (1 per lb: to matoes, 76c40$l.OO per crate; psranlne. 90c't$l ; utrlng beans. So per lb; canllflowsr, tl.ttO ier ooaen; peaa, ec: boraaradlab, per lb; artli'bokea. Too per doses; squaah. 7.VC per box; etc plant, (1. 50 per doaeu bunebmt: relery. TKaH.'ic per doaen; green corn, (1.S0 per sack; ecsplant, $1.7 per erale; puinpklna, lc; craaberrles, local. $10.00 per bbl: Jereer. 113.00. DBIEO e'RlJITS Apples, era nor a led dHOTe per in; apricota, lsyioe per jni peaenee. 80 te 40, Cioc; He drop on each 1-18 emaller sine; ngs, ,.nnrornta ataca, eaxne per id; California white, S'dd'ie per lb; dates, golden, td.C0 per box; forua, 1.401.50 per 13-ib box. Oreeeiie. Vuts. Ets. BUOAB California ds Hawaiian Cube, 45.S0; powdered. $3.10; berry, A.0O; C. '.. J dry granulated, $5.00; mar, $4.T0; eonr. A. W.uu; extra B. $4. SO; goldea 0. $4.40; I, yellow, $4.60; beet granulated, $4.70. Weatern Cube. $S.40; powdered. $310: dry granulated, $.t.00; P. C. $; conf. A, $11.00; eitra O. S4.&0: colden O. $4.40: D. yellow. 14.60; beet grtaulated. $4.70 bbla, 10c; H aula, xoe; boxes, sue adesnce oa encs nasu. lAboee nrlcaa are $0 dajn) -Bet caab Quota tion..) HONEY $8. an per erst. -c.."-- OOKKKB fackara brands, $1S.28J1-TS. -SALT Coaraa Half around. 100a. $8.00 per ton; 60a, $S.M; table, dairy, 60a, $18,001 lone, 12.78; balea. I1.H5; Imported trrerpool, ftos, 1H.00; 100a. $17.00; K!4a, $16.00; extra fine, bbla, 2s. 5a, lus, $4.6ul8.b0; Urerpool lump rock, $1S.$0 per tun; .bu-lb rack, $U.00 luua, tu.vo. . - Abere-prices apply "16'aalea leas this car lots, tar Iota at special prices subject to Suetoatleus.) . . KICK imprnai japan, no. t, eei . na. a. $Uc; Mew Orleans, bead, . To; . 1 treoie, ev,e. BEANft itr,.n " white,- $.nj Urge wblta, .iJ; pink, $2.0; bayou, $3.75; Uiaaa., He; Mexican reds, 4c. N UTS Peanuts. Jambo, 8e par lb; Tlrrlnla, IOic per lb; -roasted, 88le per lb; Jap, eaa, teSHc; roaated. Tj7He per lb: eoooa. nuts, otlMlo per doe; walnuta, 17 per In; plnanuts. 10if12Me per lb: hickory Buts, lOe per lh ebeetunta, eeeteru. Isolde per lb; Ureal! nntn- lfie nar lb: Albert a. 14etlne DOT lb; fancy pecans. 15c; almonds, . IHWOlSa, afaata, Ylah and Provisions. FRIT. KB AIKATS rront Street Una. lancT. TV4ibc ner lb: real, extra. c per lb: ordinary. eg 7 per lb; poor, 4if3c per lb; mutwa. fancy. bwtnHc per in; lamtia, bum. - W AktH.-IAONr-i !. Vmi ha ma. M to 14 lbs. lae per lb; 14 to 1 lbs. loe par in; oraasia.t oacou, aouxio per o; nlcules. lOWe ner lb: cottage. 13e ner . lb: regular nliort clears, ansmokad, U per lb; smoked, 13e per lb; ear backs, ansuioked, lie per lb smoked. 18s par lb; Ualoa butts, 10 to IS lbs. nnsmoksd. Be per lb! suvwed, per lb; clear bellle. anamoked, 14a wr lb; smoked, lAe per lb; shoulders, 12 pee lb; pickled tonauea. $ 00 Quarter bbL . i,, ry, Ai l. a n l 1 ntn tamu iw. i.a em lb, as. 18Hc per lb; 60-lb Una, lzfce per lb; eteem rendered, lue, lx ys Ibi 6s, 12 per lb; compound, 10s, 1st. CANNED SALMON Columbia riser. 1-th tails. $1.0; t-lb talU, 2 7; fancy, l ib flats, S1.P0; H IS lancy Beta,; isncy i-w OT.ia, .ts: Alaaka Ulla. pink, aDttDOei red, $140; nominal 2s. tall, $2.00. rmil Bock coo. Te per mi aounnera, n par Ibi halibut. Ta naC lb: crabs. Sl.00all.60 aer doa: striped baas. 12VC per lb; cstflea. 10 par lb; sahnoe.-Columbia rlrer elleerelde, Sc; eteelbead, 10c per lb: herring. So per lb; aolaa. uc per w; aanmpa. ivc per to; perra. so per lb; black cod, Te per lb; tomeod. Te per in;, aurer .men. ov per hi; loosteps, ion per lb; freah marksreL Sc per lb: erawnaa, Site per da; sturgeon. 10 per lb; black baas. JOc per lb. . - OYSTERS rTnoaiwater bey, pa gal, $2.19: per 115-lb sack, $4.zO; uijmpla. per gallon, 2.; per 116-lb sack, $3 00 to $8.80. CLAMS Hardshell, par . box, $2.00; rasnr els m. $2.00 per boa. - Paint, OeeJ 00. Zta. B0PB Pore Manila. IBUe; atandard. 18 He: leiL lie. - COAL OltA-Pearl or Astral Caaea 1H per gal; water white, Iroa bbls 14a per gal, woodea 17c Be aal: beadllabt. 170-deg. esses SlVse no uaouuna eo-oeg, bbla lKc per s.L eaaea S4e per gaL Iroa BKNZINK a-deg. eases SB per gel. Iroa bbla UtVue per gal. tum raitiifl xi eaaea see per gat, waoaea bbla, He per gal. WHITR LEAD Ta lotr, TJ per lot.. 8c per lb; lees lota, 8 sic par lb. ' Ibi SOS-Bt WIltK NAM Present basis st 82.88.' ' LINHRED OIL Pars raw, la 6-bbl lota. B0l l-bbl lot, B3c; eaaea, 8e per gal; gesulne kettle-boiled, caaee. Sue per gat; a-bbl lota, 64c I l-bbl bit, 6Se per gal: ground cake, ear lota, $2o.0 per ton; leas thaa ear lota, $40.00 pel WASHINGTON HOPS IN .. .VERY SLOW DEMAND Tscouia. Nor. 28. Honrrowers of Wsahlnarns are decidedly blue orer the off eondltloa of tha market, w niie tnere are many producers will ing to sell there are Be buyers, and a erer be fore la the hlatory of tbe bop bualneaa tn tbla state bss the aiarket bees so quiet. 80ms dealers here aellere that hope, which are now a noted st 18c snd 14c, will go still lower dor mi the winter aoonths, with a strong probability of a tks la prices In tle spring. There la a little awMTlty ta the Vaklma country, where bone hare bees sold for 12Hc According 10 local reporta mark of the hops grown on the Pacific meet tM aeaaon are ton -poor tor ex. port, while brewers of this country sre es.y, having siiplles of 1004 hops still 00 their hands. rjne bnpyaroe 01 into state enrrered much front the floods, the yerde along the ('ow)tts rlrer enetalnlng the heaviest loaaee. If the rennrta next apring Indicate a poor crop, dealers here say mere win n s power rui resctloa from the present eery low prices. EXITED STATES OOTXK1TMIXT 0TMl New York. Nor.- 2. OffIHa prices: iHtt. Bid. Ask. Twos, reglstftred Opt. lorn, MHi do coupon... upt. 104 . km U Threes, registered. .... li'24 do coupon in e 102 10S14 8mall bonds '. KiZ ..... rours, registered............ 1IVT H'l ' n2 - COUVOB 1!-T Ponre, retflatered.,.. do eouM,s... Pauama 2a do coupon. ,.. Dl.trlrt ef Columbia, Pbllippla a . 1H2A ID2H- l.lrtll 1..1 i;V ii l4 . 1"!H4 m2 .!) iu ..... 1024 POITLAUD BANK STATIJIErT. rieerlnga today.,... Clearings yesr sge. . Osla today........ $WM.0I8.28 ,. 7tM.2..0.f8 ..$141,888.0$ tterlinaT lauhange Batos. V - ew tort, rtori aoWOetaaa, sterlicg $86.70, A FEW ORDERS IH . FOR FLOUR : Small Volume of Business Re ported With Orient, Japan Be- ; ; -' Ing Principal Buyer. . '...' : - .'" LOCAL WHEAT TRADE GAGGED BY RAILROADS Chicago Market Dull, Slow,and Weak With All Price Lower Liverpool , Is the Same aa tha Opening' nd i Close.- -.'' :!: ';, 1 '.; ; '; j; ",' RELATIVB WHEAT VALTJT58. Hot. M. No. ST. ta. IDTtK December ....$ . 72 A $ .7 $ .urn. $ .H4V4 Mae .7A .TNUB .Otni Jt7V .1-4 7 .in .w.n Pome few email erdera for flour are renorted eported if buy ouflrmed by loaal millers. Of tba am. ing practically all th business la for Japanese account, aalea to t'hlna being nominal.. Ths car ahortage conttnuea to rag tha wheat mar ket and prices are nominally unchanged. Chirac was -slow.-dull and lower owing to tbe holiday tomorrow. I'rtcea there were eC to 'e tower. Mrerpoot wns alow, opening and rtoalna the same aa yssisrosy rnr ail wheat options. official Chicago price by or er beck. Star 4 Ceoke company: . WHEAT. " " Open. Hlith. Iwe. 72 T floaa. T2,A TA TT. 48 ' December . , ,. May 7RV4 !?1 73 u 7'4 July ; 775. CO KM. 42 41t 3 a4 d4 44 OATS. 88 88 rrMnb$jf May . 42T4 - 431; d4 88 Mi 84i July ........... Tleeembar ... 8.1A 84 - ' U 148T ; 146S May 9414 no - S2 83 July WE83 POR1U-:-.-1300 . 1IU2 I4WI 163 -? 14S c --less January v,. May ........ DsccmbAaF a a a 1RJ). .87n- 78 . January m. May 860 ' , aa $45 848 ' 8.V 844' 848 843 SH0BT BIBS. . TnS T2 TTB 710 70 TM - January TTB -W0A- Ma .... Lrrntyoox. emjjat -XA&m. Urerpenl, Nor. 28, Official prleasi WHEAT. . ".. Omn. Close. Not. ST. Oaln, Peoamber , 8d 8a 8d II arch ft ti Oa 6d "S Bd ... e fi d ... CORN. . December ... da 4Hd 4e 4d 4s dtad Mi January 4S lfcd 4s lSd 4s ld - Ohleag Cash Wheat rTiTcaro. "Tfor. 28. Cih 'whent:"-Tfe.TrS' T4W74He; No, S red. 781740; No, S hard. fi74He; 74Uo: a a oaru, i2'aic; no. 1 nortnern. 81"'; wv; No. 2 northern, Jb(i4c,- No, S spring. lom.oibd. . - ; YEStERDAY'S ADVANCES IN ; LIVESTOCK HOLD 'MBSaaaauauammuauamasaam " Ali Values Are : Firm but Un changed Today Railroads -XongMted-Agaljv- Portland Vntoa aWuckards, Nor. 28 etock reoelpto: 1 Hog. Cattle. Sheep, Today To 60 , 12$ Week ago..... 1ST SSI ' ... Mouth ao... ... ' . ... Hear ago................ ana ov - sin flunday. " All nri.ea sre Sraa ta tha livestock market rodsy, Becelota sre small but It Is hard to ahlp to' tha north again.- The advance ef Uc In cattle and 23a la mixed eheep quoted ex eluatvely hy The Journal yesterday were analn- taineou Condltlona a year ago; Hogs, weak; cattle, firm 1 ahsep, Brut. Values unchanged. Official iiveatorn prices: , Ttm RmF aaatarn Oreaon. St.TS: stoekats and fssders, $8.00: Chins fan. $d.86Qa.0. tattla Beat aaatarn Oregon steers, ss.ouei aTfti-best eowe and heifers, $Z0;. stackers aad feeders. $3.75; bulls. $LBO. . Bbeep siixea, ee; wmus, svts. EASTERN MARKETS STEADY Kara, Cattle aa4 Bhawp Art Ctoo4 U . '. Obloafo Mark at Today. Ohleaao, Her,. 28. TJveetock 'receipts: Hos. Cattle. Ptieep. Chleage 2o,oio I8.0110 ' 22.0io Kanaae City 8.000 ' 10.000 . 8,0110 Omaba S.ftno 4.M1O 8.0UO Hogs steady at yesternsy-s cioaing prices with dl.flx) left ever. Receipts a year ago were 86,011. Cattle Mtesdy. , Bbeep Steady. ' PRICE OF NEVADA - STOCKS IN FRISCO Ssa Francbre. Nov. Cash Boy I .11 Ooldea Anchor.. .88 Jim Butler .... 1-45 Midway ........ 8 40 Montana $ 88 North Star ..... .40 Onto 25 Tonopah. Extra. .T.r.0 Nevada M West Bad ..... 2.2.1 28. Official bid nrlce Opblr $2.78 Mexlcsa 1.05 I'alednnlsa .81 Excbeiuer ....u M Norcna 1.10 tlold Crow .... .21 (treat Bend I... 1.35 Resell 77 3Si Hiack Butte Ex. .20 - Hold. Belmont .. 1.00 l Bluebell .. .40 ... 1.20 .. 1 85 Ji8 .. .4 .. .! 127 4.09 .. 16 .. .71 .. 1.70 ,, .40 ..18.28 a-OS ..' .80 I 12'4 , 100 .. . I'i .. 1 5 .. 1.T0 .. .25 ..'1.25 Munuattts .... , .04 , .18 , .14 . .t . .28 .87 . .82 . . .17 . .It , J8 .'' .11 Booth Columbia Mt.. Cob. Woarry , Dlanwndflsld Dixie BoMfleld .... Jumbo do Ex tea... Kendall Laguna ...... May Queen .. Mnbswk ..... Bed Top ...r. Pentlsrorm . 1 . (Mirer Pick 8t. Ives NkttiTisT'Bsnk Denver Ecllnes ...... Gold Bar O. Bull Prog. Cob. t'sl-Va., 8s y. Ilumpray. Heater ........ Orauny Gold Wedge ... I .one star . .... Oi. Bend Eg... ao Annex ... Crescent ....... Coweoy Denver annex . Hck Bock ... N. Y. Ooneoi... .25 Manhattan Con.. 1.05 - Mills Jo .08 P2 .84 - M Mayflower ... Jumping Jack Ked lop S.X.. Mtiatanev Trlanirl Ixm Dtllon ,.4fl . .88 -2 Pine Nut Vernal ....... BOSTOV COWEt MAKXEl'. Bostoa. Nor. 28. OffKlal hlY prlreat As ventnre, $.1.80; Alloue $48.87; Arcadian. $18.25: Atlantic $14.50; KHigbam. $WI; Calu met. $8b(l; Centennial, $.11; Copper Kanre, tKl.nO; rranklln, PH7H; Greene Con., $28.2A; Oramhy. $18 37 '4; Nevada' Con.. $18.78; Old ItomlnloB. J7.25; Oaeeola, $184; Phoenix, fl 12; Qnlncy $108.51); rThsanon, $I837; Trinity, $17,501 l'nlte.1 Copier. $78;- Winona, 110.75: Wolverine. $lv; r. ". Mining. $2.7S; Butte Oosla.. $S.8yS: B-Mitsa CoB.,r$32.02V(1l Calumet a Arlsona. $102.60. . irzW TOKK " BOND XAJUCXT. Nsw lock. Nirr.a.-OfflcUl pr1e: - , Pin. Ak. Burling! Wnt 4s 4 J J"t.v4 L. N. anlu.d 4a ,.11H. loiJ N. a W, rone, da V'";-.....-' 'New Tark Osttoa afarhat. ' 'New tork, Nov. 2$, Cottoa futor Slosed S ta pout lewsp, , '.)' Floods Do Considerable Damage to Hopyards of Washington and Growers of That State vAre Discouraged Holiday Quiet Prevails. TELEPHOHE STOCK IS 51 LOWER : Pacific States Issue Sells Today on Portland Exchange at ' - Hundred and Eteven. . NO SESSION WILL : BE HELD TOMORROW Total Sales for Day Are Seven Thou sand and Ten Shares Five Thou . aand Burke Changes Hands at ', Other Transactions. '. , PaowW Jltate Tslephone lost $1 a share today from tba bid prlco of yesterday oa tbe Port land atork sxrbangs. During tbs dsy 10 share were a. -Id st 111. Other transaction, were l,iK (iallaher at 44, $,0i0 Burks st 21 snd 1.000 . Bulltcu st lie a share. There will be ao session of tha eachanse tomorrow Thanka giving. ... ... Official prices: r ,v bans: STOCKS. Bid. . Ask. 8T11 18,. Bank of California..... ...... Banker.' a Lumbermen's .... F.aulwbls Ssvlnas A Loss.... -T Merchants' National 165V Oregon Trust Savings. ......... ... 148 Portland Truat Co ; . 120 inlted BUtea National 200 ... v BONDS. . . Aaaodsted Oil As 88 I I . m. it. , ' . uwu. ' u a ............. ... (Xlamlla southern Irrigation .. ... Journal PubUehlng Co. a Ta , ' M . PT MS 101 iH 101 O. K. a Br. O.- W. p. AT By 101 Portlaad Hy MI8CELLANBOUS STOCKS. Associated Oil '.. 62 It Cement products ... ' 80 ' 42 lift .60 111 -S2H IT lift 40 v '08 08 Home Telenhoua 20 J. C. Lee Co ... Oregon t Itr If 111 Lumber Co., S Parlne Ktatea Telephone ,. Ill Puget flound Telephone v. ... . Yaqulos Bay Telcubooa ........ . StA Purlisnd Heights Improvement O ur - ailNlNw STOCKS. ' --' Alaaka Petroleum 12 Hrltlab Columbia Amauramated ..- 04 - Caacadla 80 Dixie Meadow 24 Gallaher 044 Golcomla Lees Creek Gold 77. 0H ru Lurky Boy .,.' in aiam toot n ... ...A.... 08 Vi ) .orca aairvtew ... . iA 2 4 18 tl id. 29 14 : 2 4 40 21 aa 82. " W 10 ' 14 -lofl 428 . 05' 1 14 Oregon Hecurltlae 01 Standard ronsolldsted 10V Star Oonsulldsted ... Taooma Bteel lSVk Uoldneld lYotter ... COBUB D-ALXNI DISTBICT. A lax 10 jB . 10 )K - 88 1H 08 IBVi 10 2S 25H 10 S 41 04 1 ia Aismenda . Bullion .... Burks ..... Copper King Gertie"... ... im.'.'t.ntin Ilanpy Dsy Idaho Giant Park Copper Rambler-Cartboe Kex Beltdser Ruth Consolidated Knovraboe ....... Huowstona ............... Tarbox lloldea Xotsl aalea. 7.010 shares. VERY DULL IN NEW YORK. Btoek Market Is ntoirlaa; a rre-HoU-... flay Character. .' ' ; .. NET LOSSES. '. .. A ' rm.1j)f.f HjP.nMylfi'' Sux.r Reading Smelter Colorado Puel ... Illuiole Central ,. Nortbera Paclfle. ktontbarn Paclfle .. V Tease at Paclfle... lViUnlon Paclfle . .... 1 U. a. Steel, pfd... Katy... NET OAINS. ,. 4iEr1e .. 1 iMexIcaa Central .. .. atiKaty, preferred ., .. N. T. Central Atchison ......... Brooklyn St. Paul Cbsespeaks ...... !enver - ....... People' Gss ..... Pressed Steel Car. Republic Steel .... Bock Island r.eiflc Mall Hi Southern Ballwsy. A (1. S. Steal V, 1 Wabash I ( oe praf erred.... Today stock market la New York waa vary qnlet aad all money ratea were ara la tbe dis turbing element, cells opening at 5 per cent snd advancing to. 7 per cent. There. whU be no eeaeloB In New York tomorrow. Official quotations by Overbook, Start A Cooke .cumpany: - " - -. .. Charing , Open. BUT Amalgamated Copper Company ....112 112 American Car A Foundry, common. 44 44 American Car at foundry, preferred .... Americas Cotton Oil, common .... 88 American Locomotive, eoaunoa American 8ugar, common . . 8SH American Binalter, common ,..i....lo4)4 American Smelter, preferred Anaconda Mining Company , 280 American Woolen, common ....... 8ft Atchison, common ... .10$ ( Atchtaon. preferred .... Baltimore Ohio, eomrooa ....... .11$ Baltimore Ohio, preferred ...... .... Brooklyn Bapld .. Tnst Canadian Parlne, common .........182 Central Leather, common .... Central Leather, prsferrea ....... .... Chicago A Orsat Weatern, eosa.,..18U Chicago, Milwaukee St. Paul ....188 Chlcau-o A Northwestern, common. .208 Chesspeske Ohio oa Colorado Puel A Iron, common 88 Colorado Southern, common 88 CoHrsrio Srathera 2d preferred ... $7 Colorado Southern. 1st preferred.. Delewere A Uudson .... Denver A Klo Grand, eommoa .... 48 H Dearer A Bio lira ad a, prat erred... .... Erie, eommoa ' 45 Erie, second preferred- Erie, first preferred .............. .... Illinois Central ,.: ...,r..,.17- Loulavllls A NsshvUle 146 Manhattan Railway Mexican . Central Railway .. ....... Mlaaouri, Kansas A Texas, com Ml.aonrl, Kanaas A Texas, pfd p.uefai rliBeT IMstlllers 1..., Mltsonrl Paclfle Nsw Tork Central mi New York. Ontario A Western ....'48 ... . 48 Norfolk A Weatern, common Knrfnik A Western, n referred 88 North American Northern PsclBc, common ....... .224 Paclfle Mall Steamahln Company... 40 Pennaylvsnls Railway 1X-JW Psoples Oss, Ught A Coke On... M P2 Pressed Steel Csr, eommoa $4 64 Pressed Steal Car. preferred .........'- Heaillnr. eommoa .....148 147 Reading, eeeond preferred Heading, Srst preferred Republic Iroa A 8teel, eommoa ..88 Republic Iron A Steel, preferred... .... Bock Ialand, common $1 Rock Island preferred St. Louie A 8aa rrandsce, 2d pfd. .... 8t. Lonls A 8.0 rranctaco, 1st pfd .... at. Louis A Southwestern, com .... .... St. Louis A Southwestern, pfd .... .... Mouthers Paclfle. common PS Southern Psclflc, preferred Southern era Railway, common 28 . 84 1 A Paclfle 38 Jjtf n, St. Iula A Weatern, com 88 Texss T..1 .. a, lMiu a Western, pfd 88 CnlonTsciBc, common 188 187 I'nlon Paelttc, preferred 2 Cnlted HtatM RoMier, common ., .... - 81 I'nlted States Rubber, preferred .. l(7Vj rnKed Rtates Ste.1 Cnmpsny, com. 48 . 47 I nlled.SUtes Steel Company, pfd.. 108 104 Wabsah, eommoa " Waba.h, preferred .,,.,,.....,.. 48 41 Weatara C'nlon Telegrsph 87 87 Wlaconaln Central, common ....... .... X 2B Wlaoonaln Central, preferred ...... ..v. 81 Vlrglnls Chomlcsi ,- ' a. atsaWly OallauT. m He I rather prids' myself en always being oorreet. Phe Yea. alphabetically at least: He Please explain. ', , fibs Well, aXter taa It's alwafs etM -H OnETRAIfl EVERY 'A ilu'UIES Official Statement of Jorthern Pacific Shows Immense Traf fic Over Road. . ' TRAINS SELDOM OUT , OF STAMPEDE TUNNEL F. H. Forgsrty Excuses Shortage of . Caret and Says No Man Could Have Foreseen Unprecedented Business of Year 1906. ' A. hint of 'the enormous business that Is. being1 done by the railroads in" tbs pacific northwest Is sained from' an Of ficial statement . to the effect that a train passes through Stampede tunnel on tbe Northern Paclflo railroad awry 40 minutes, 'averaged ' the' year round. Ths company expects no relief from tha car shortage until Immense, orders for new roninsr' stock snd locomotives are filled and the north-bank line la com pleted, . ;, . "No man could have foreseen tbs enormous Increase of business that would be offered this year, and -the transportation lines are simply power, less to meet their Implied responsibil ities until rhey can tret the necessary ears and. motive power from tba tnanu faoturera," said F. K. Fog-arty." assist ant general freight agent of the North ern Pacific Railroad company, ' Xany Cars Ordered. : "The Northern Paclflo baa orders tn for 1.000 new freight cars, and 1(1 of ths largest locomotives for handling the business on the western divisions. -The nsw equipment Is -toeing made as fast as possible. AU car-bulldlng concerns tarn loaded up with orders, and ara unable to accept any more work at tha pres ent time. There will be no permanent relief from the car shortage troubles until the new equipment can be gotten out and the north-bank Una Is complet ed. After that we will be Jn a posi tion to handle many times the bualneaa. The flrht relief -will come from tha ability to handle more cars in a train. At the present time the shortage of mo tiva power la aa serious aa that of cars." . - The Northern Paclflo railroad is said to be hauling today more tonnage over its aingle main Una track between Port land and St. Paul thaa ia being handled hy tha double track road a in Iowa and Illinois. The Stampede tunnel offers a fair illustration. Thia tunnel is two miles long. The time card provides IS minutes for a freight train and 10 min utes for a passenger train tov pass through Jt,.- Averaged every day for a year,- it ia found that a train pasees through this tunnel svery 40 minutes. Counting" the" time necessary for a' train 'to go through, it la seen that a train la but little mora than In tha clear ax. one snd before another train . ap proaches tha other end of tha tunneL All ta Same Boa. . "The Northern Pacific railroad may have been put bhlnd tha times by th rapid Increase 'of tha last two yeara, but all other rallroada, and nearly every other Una of ouslness the country over, 1 is In tbe name boat," ' said tha offlclaL I "The managers of other lines of bual-l THE ' Ttn vW$ FORTY f, 1 ilpswnsK&s M&rWQjjr - u i -Vwf my CwuXt-p all coMt down ome Caw i" "2. 'JJZ)3!? Tsr t S J tiATWO-r tVtNINOi.ILL SHOW YOU 1 (fT HEAVENS FEROltt YOUtNTrAf ' f I 3 FATHER.HEr-', A RARE 0L& FAINTING OFe- U IJ WORSE THAN AM OLD er U ' . f ' i 1 Jft$MK-f(LK('GnLKt r7 r, VKfN WITH YOUR r ,7 flf : i t (tOj BBBBhaaaaaaB ' tli'MlllVpT". I I rZ.;nr,-Z, tY0Ur A CLEVER It f ' 1 FRAME FOR, .f I Li 11 it n 1 t Sr rr t irt'L70'! I BY ALL rIG,HT J 504 EXTRA. LTt UKEiT. aLTAKE IT JUST ; taYI RCm-T-- t 1 . : x i lm 1 AH I PERCY WASN'T FOOLING. US CHROMO ftCO. f S3 A a' I THE PEDIGREE ON MY M0TCR SlDEy I 1 T T M'rTO - ' 88 t WISH YpUCOULDSTE THE UUZVPrfL. . , ) cJ I 8A OOZENr- : yt : loss t vl8 1 (ooo lv) jtfat j&f Tcvl. (fClhT . us 1 - n. v v 1 tuimc v."w- 1 11- 1 . ,1 nwi, 1 , ifi s r. 1 ia . 1 1 ness did not foresee tha tremendous de mands that would be made upon their equipment . The factories, the ware houses, . transfer cotnpanlea and ' others ara also unable to handle their busi news promptly." ' ' ".Today the Northern Paclfle is declin ing to receive trelghtttti Portland frelghthouae. . The hotia is piled to the roof with freight and there are 150 to aOQ cars of freight in the yards wait ing to be unloaded. Tha i large accu mulation ef freight here on account of the floods Is partly- the -ewuee. -It is thought the congestion will be relieved tbe Utter part of this week and freight will again be received by tha company, Contracts , are pearly - ready to be let for the building of two new .freight houses, each 1,000 feet long by SO .feet wide. - This vlll multiply four, tiroes the presentapaclty'.of .Northern. Pacific freight room In this city. etr. Fognrty said It will not be five yeara until the new frelgbthnuses will be inadequate to handle ths Increasing business at tbla point, , ? , . '. .. .. ;,;'.!.' " FIRST SAID HE ROBBED A SAFE AT .RIDGEFIEID James Brook ' Later ' Said He Didn't but Knew Who Did 3 Probably Insane. - " '(Special Dispatch te The Journal.) Vancouver.. Wash., Nov... 28. A. man giving tha name ef James Brooks and who Is believed to ba insane waa picked up by the police of Portland yesterday on. suspicion of being connected with ths robbery of the store of Blackburn A Burrow at.nidgefleld last Thursday. Sheriff Blesscker went "to Portland and talked with Brooks, but is of .the opin ion -that ha ts not- ona' of the men who rolled . ilia big safe down, an embank ment and then blew it orn with dyna mite, securing S00 In cash. - Vr-. When first arrested Brooks acknowl edged to the Portland police that he waa one of tba men who robbed - the JUdgefleld store, but before Sheriff Ble secker reached the Portland Jail Brooke changed his mind and stated that he knew a great deal about tha anair, out was not .a party to it. Brooks will probably ba held for In sanity, but tba charge of robbery will be dropped. . SENTENCE PASSED U ON COYOTE BILL 1 (Spetlsl -Dlepsteh te The lonrasl.l .. . Helena, Mont-, Nov. 1$. Judge Smith of . the dlatrict court here today sen tenced F. W. K. BeesTtove, known a "Coyote Bill.' a noted character who killed a neighboring rancher In Mis soula county last Jlune, ana wno was convicted on a charge ef manslaughter. ta tha penitentiary . to 10 yeara, ths maximum punishment. . DEATH OF MRS. BUNTON A JOHN DAY PIONEER (Special ' Dispatch te The Journal.) '' Canyon City. Or, Nov. 2$. Mrs. Julia Bunton,- ona of tha earliest pioneers of the John Day valley. Is dead. Tho de ceased, with her husband, who . con structed ths wagon road to isea after busing ths trail, waa one of the build-4 era of bualneaa and social institutions. In this part of tha Inland empire. - She) leaves aeveral children. - HALL - ROOM - av Do It on iBQ.SO ttBttVV040tTT4 TOWEL SUPPLY. CLKAN TOWKLS D.tlLV Comb, arm, esse. 11 per mouth. Purtlasd Laundry aad Towel Snppl.V Co., Ninth ami I'eorb. Phone 4ia TELE. WES.. THK only eiclu.lve ii'IovBoue boufe.' B.-B.-" lClectrle A lolepbeee Ussufssturlag sum pear. 113 Fifth st. - in mummmma B-wjaapaau'lii wi arsasasan , WINES AND LIQUORS. T 7 " liOLt'MDIIH,- California wtus depot t all kls-st-af wine, 8e a glaaa. Cuoka' and tiaoke' Usln ers Ueahiuartrs. U9 e'uurtb st, Pbon 1'S- . etfl 2UUI. P. Ijratl. r.'ORTGAGE BUSSED JIT THE RODNEY AVEtl GiSCH Year of Prosperity Has ItsCtimax 7 in Freedom ' From .'.-! Debt Th climax of th most' prosperous year in the history of tba Rodney Ave nue Christian ' church, ws s reached last night wh.-.. tba mortgage on the church ' waa bttrr.bu In the presence' of a large congregate ti. . . ' .. .. . ' . .. - Last Jnntiary Rev.-. Elmo Robinson, the jTesont minister, --was called ts serve the ' church. ' At that ' time the' congregation waa not only in debt but the building waa badly tn- need of ex tensive repairs. The church was de pendent upon tha aid of missionary so cieties to sustain , a minister an the field. During the year, there, baa been -a substantial growth In all departments of the work.,- Nearly SO names have been' added to the membership of .the congregation, more than half fhf in debtsdness haa- been pledged, eolleoted and paid,' and many important improve ments bays been made upon the build ing. '', - '-....'" M i- -1 Mr. Robinson has been unanimously called to serve the church another year at-a substantially Increased ' salary' which the church will pay without tha aid of the, missionary boards. Tho steadily growing audiences indicate that a. more commodious building will soon ba required. ; -. . . , NOT MUCH HOPE LEFT ' . - FOR FRED SHEPHERD Salem, Or., Nov. 1$. Following tha letter of Fred Menefee, who proaeouted Fred A. Shepherd, the murderer of Ben Zell - In Crook county, comes ona to Govsrnor Chamberlain from Judge A. !. Fraser, who tried the case. Uke . Menefee, tha Judge opposes In tha very atrongest terms any mitigation of the extreme penalty. Jiidga Fraxef avrt 1 goea to tha extreme length of wonder. Ing how It occurred that the men who apprehended Shepherd did not lynch him on tha spot. Hln aetter all tnroajgn te an arraignment aa na prosecutor could surpass. It is thought that-Shepherd will sure-. . ly ba led to his decreed doom next Fri day at noon. i--: -'-'- - JTlWTpa?i; OOTTOW BLABItT. Kw Tork. rtev. futurae closed I to $ points Bp. orncisi aootatione y Ovarbeek. Starr A Cook company: - . Jf. Inr. - xa. 1080 1041 .... 1048 104 loan , in8 lo8 1000 1071 .... 107$ 1080 1078 1028 1180 1018 . 1081 Jtovi t7. - 108$ lmr loftd lf8J 10BS , 1070 1 10TS ' 10J8 ' 103S Open. Hiah. ' 1048 ioai 18 107 " io?, : i"2 1082 January ..... 1030 Pebrusry Mares ....... 1088 April ........ low Mar 1070 June July ......... 1AT8 November ..,1018 December .... 1038 BOYS. Per. 4 . '. ...... .- . h "v. '. - f X. '....'. (.'.. 4 i