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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1906)
THE' OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. .WEDNESDAY ' EVENING; NOVEMBER 28, 1906. IS FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. At UN T B AITS just being platted, eloe to Mr, beet o gsnlea soil, rumilng tiw oa- part. If jhki want chkteii ranch, gardes home or eoinetulug thai will aoon doubt. In valus una la ii, ami mey win soon all lw sold. K. t . a . , 1 th, . m Th is elds of Woodstock, for 12,100; this will be warm $.1,000 In short time Foe bargains in nomas see tilKINMKTZ CO.. Tba-.tlumaaallrfa, IBS Montana at. Betwssn Oregon and Pacific u. sa 21st at Paclflc'-Invcstmcnt'-O),': intra itoor, niw, wssblhttnn conn Sixth, Phone Main 212. . Madera a. room ana, hath. tafia - ess. lsrgs kit, sst aid, close to carllne, on ley et.j poce t'.wuu; urma. u aesirsa. Flos new '4-room haaaa, 1 block from car Una, a anap; prka $1,150; part cssh, balance eio per monta. 'Mllc'tocstociit'Co.''; Third floor,' 623 St Washington, corner Sixth 300 CASH, $20 monthly, wlU bay a new mod , ara 6-room cottsgs oa East Tenth and Spring- neia eta., auoaru oar. aiata i-aos Co., laett First at. - BUST bay la Portland $10 dowa, $10 par moniu, mxm wrai, wsiw, xreuen streets, ', water la, 3 block, aoaib of Hawthorne ara., 1 on 44tb at.; awnar oo groands; price $330. COIT Uttla bo via. At condition, near cart alga. ', , pnif iruii, a nvrRim, aaa , Toasy. THB CONTINENTAL CO.. 343 Stark at. BBAND-NBW bouse, "select Mlgbbortiood. tnf , car; prices savsucuig all around; terms; par rtni iv yi'uraeii ae tola. TUB CONTINENTAL CO, Sal Stark at Sellwood t Morehouse French, MT0 B. lath. Pbona SVllwood 74. -,,.Clty Flew Park lota, $376 and op; Itoaa ' Addition lota, $100 and ap; $6 dowa and $6 a month. Heme, from $600 to $5,000. Lota $200 and ap, la all parts of Sellwood. . Lis, year - property with us; ws will aaU It. A FINB nsw koase on Mrh and mintno , hoaaa la naw and root Sl.SoO; lot la worth fuo: awnar la waving fh city and will aaU ior a,uo on easy tar ma. Mi a a, journal. TITBNEB A WALKER. Baal Estate, Farma and Stock Baaefcss. Exebangss. . : SOS VI Washington at, - ' A ri RJT-rr. AftM k ..-, TO l . South Portland; $760 dowa. ' balaaoa ' $2$ - asouiu. at-runer, room in urnta-iogs bldf. 1 OH S floa lota aa tlat at., mi OHntna. na Tiow of tha city, $3&0; oa aaay tarraa. an car oornaj. FOB 8ALB -room modern honaa, eloaa In, til.aoo; $300 down, balanca a, ma -a,"rant; a arvala. J. i. Oedar, 1 North Grand ara. 800 A PBW alghtly lota In aoath aad of town; hair eaab; laok thla ap. Ford, (01 McKay hldf. FOB Lot BOilOO fact on 224 and Cltstaa; pnea fWff,, nwna Baa IH9- FIS'B aaw -room honaa. $$.000. 1500 caaht -room hoaaa, $2,400, $400 caabi 5-room aoa taga, fi.ouu, juo emu. rboaa Kaat 075. FOR SALB CHEAP 200.000 feat of lamber, 0.000 feet 1x12. $ per 1,000. H. B. Stout, . tK Balelch. Pbuna Mala 280S. fl.oflo ACRES, with good 4-room honaa, bara, ehlckea-hoaaa; 4 acrea elaared. yonng orchard, aad other luproreroenta; aftnated oa tha Foa : ter road. Bear carllaa. . Bcgletar Co., 10744 Third at. SMALL- konaa, nice lot BOxlOO; twine; good 1 locatloa; aoar car aad eta tic. Pboaa Wood lawa 12. $1,100 TAKES S Terr dealrabla lota. In Pled . moat, on coraer. 3 blocha from car. Uegletec A Co., 107 H Third at. tJAVB good acreage oa earllaa, vronld trade for grocery a tore or otrmc buetneaa, 41T Ooav merciai oia. raona ataia aixu. $1, a 10 GOOD 4-room cottage with aaaement, v chlcaen.nonaat. S lota, atraet Unproved, ,Wle- walk lb; oa at, . B. Begiater M Co, 107V Third at.-, - f LOTS am St. Johns carllne; $1,000 takea the bunch; a bargain; tarma, J. 4. Oedar, 1 N. Grand are. - FOR SALB New two-etory, 7-rocm. modern boaaa, M -block, near carllne L J 1 ,000A300 eaab, $1!0 per month. J. I. Onirt, 1 M. - Grand ara. - .CAN yoa hr acreage a cheap and nicely lo cated at that S-acra tract oa 28th aad Knott ' atat Call on premiere and aee W. M Dry dea, owner. Take lretngtoa car. ACB ES Hoaao, good wall, aea car, - aa beat county road, flne place for atrawbar- ilea, cblckeaa and children; only $1,200. 1. i. Oedrr, 1 North Grand aea. BEAD THIS: Tllton addition la going at half value; lute aa aearny atreota aelllng at $1,000 - and np; In rest $M0 now aad doable your money. Pbona Tabor 248. FOR SAI.B BT OWNER Modern 7 -room konaa. No. Ml Broadway; choice locatloa. For par tlcalara Inquire at preoUaea. $J.7&0 AN 'elegant S-room honaa and block In Piedmont; thla la a fine home. Reg later A Co., 107 Third at. - $J.0oo MODERN 8-room honaa, rloae In en the eaat aide, walking dhnence, 'Begiater Ca - 1074 Third at. SOO FARMS, email tracta and lota; bargalna oa O. W. P. electric 11 ae. O. R. addltloa, Lenta, Oregon. Take Moent SeoM ear, fie. $1,7004 FINB lota oa Seventh at.. B.; Ilea , abont 4 feet a bo re etreet grade; all Improra menu paid, aldewalka down. Begiater C)o., 107 V, Third at. FOR SALE FARMS. Take a Smile at These, Then , - Make a Nclse $21,0001.040 acrea; SM acrea In coltlve tlon. RAO acrea aeeded to wheat, 600 acrea In meadow and anmmer fallow; place all fenced, good 4-room bouec, S large barna. Urine water, good orchard, good roade; place paid laat year ever $3,000 rent. l-( . $18.000 40-acre place, Bea Nawberft very tiandaotne building, rich aoll; Ju,t the place ' for apple-growing; m one of the beat adapted , placee for dairy, ateck or hope In the atate; It , a bargain; woald exchange la part for city property.. , $4.000 4S0-cre grain or atock farm, all fenced. 100 acrea cultivated, email bnlldlnga, rich roll; the right place tor a euap-eeeker.. , T,B0-rl.)2Tcrada4ry--aBd alwk randt, " "'f nillaa from county aeat, eontbern Pacific llro4; eery excellent reeldeace, good etock and dairy barn, rich eotl; 4 acrea of timber that will pay for the land; la abaolntely one nf the beat bargalna la tha elate; only about - $7.60 per acre. ; $l.0ofl Rlgblr Improeed l0-acre place. Mo. Acer. Clarke county; thla la a eery excellent place, good bnlldlnga, rich aoll, choice frtilt, 411 Mocked with cow,, boreca, farm Imple meata, feed; a dead-aura anap. ; - $!l.nn0 A very delightful 20-acre highly Improved place; fine reaMenee, bara aad .other building; en Baee Line road; one ef . tlie grandeet placee In the county. ' $4.VM Splendid" pm-arre' atock ranch on the Colombia rlrer, t lataop connty; railroad . paaaea through place. ' SOME SPECIALLY ' ATTR ACT7TB BTJB WURBAN ACRKA0B UOME8. $vio for Vfc-acre place tm Wnodetork aea4 In full view of city, S blocka from cars. $11,200 for a S-ecre place en Fraada an., . walking dlatance to Madlaon or Morrlson-at. , bridge; Ma In the neighborhood ara worth from $2M to 400 each; all cleared; great . big snap. . . ti.ano Nice acre place, blocka from electric ears; small konae, good aoll,. The Dunn-Lawrence Co. " ' I4fVt ' First St., Portland, Oregon. FA MM 120 acres, 10 acres la orchard. It seres plow land, 3 miles from O. W. P. carllne, near OnrrlnaTllle; balance Mmher aad paetnre; a snap at 43.000. - Call or addrsas B. Batea, Eatacad. FOR SALB Oood proaperone wheat farma ta krorrow roantv. on railroad. $J0 per aerei ' aitgkt take aome trade. W. A. Letdia -1 onmerci,l bldsr, . Second And Waahlagtoav I 1 hone Mala SU0. FOR SALE FARMS. ; Choice Buys 31 $ srrss, a ail lee from Allany. county seat ef Una county, town of $.Oot population; . meota; tbls Is all flrat--lae laud; ruuuliig atreain thruugh ulaoa, aonia tlmher, and la one ef the be,t buya In the Willamette sal ley, price $J2.M pec acre. $.noo 70 acres, 4 miles from - railroad at a i Ion. In Linn coouty; MO acrea 1n fine I atate of cultlration, 1G.0O0.oo0 feet of good saw timber, balance open pasture, all fenced; running water; fair buildings; family or chard; R. F. D., 4 mile to school, 4 miles from a town of 3.600; beet of aoll; half caah. balance good terma. If yoa ars looking fur ' snap yon should Inresllgsts tbls before buying. , . .... $20 acrea level land. 19 mllee from Portland, SV mllee from railroad etatlno; half ef this lend la ash, eak and vine maple awale; 1.000,. 000 feet ef good aaw tlatlwr. s.OuO cords of hardwood; beet of soils guaranteed as adrsr ; tlaed; $l,0cio eaab. balanca years at per cent. Price only $12.60 per acre. ' $1,6000 acres, ht mils from electrte car; 12 seres ciesrvd, balance eaally cleared; small houee; beat ef soil, Thla ie a anap. $2,10020 acrea fronting en Columbia river; IS seres cleared, 8 acrea orchard; small bones and bare; fine view of tee Columbia river. $3,60080 acres, 11 y, miles from Van ' sourer, Clarke county, Waan. H5 acres cleared; 60.000 feet of good saw timber, aaw mill on blane. balance, paatnrs; creek through placet all fenced, all level; good S-room frame bouse, frame barn 4Ni60; on main eeuqiy road, B. F. D., telephone in bouae; H Sere variety, orcnara; tne ciearea tana was en led to grass last sprtuxi the land la mostly bottom land, beat of eull, but don't overflow creek bottom: Vfc caah, balance good terms. or will exchange for city property. $4,600105 acres. 30 mllte from Portland, . IV, miles from railroad eta t loo, mile ta school; 48 acrea la cultivation, T acres In green timber, 26 scree can be cleared for $10 per acre, balance fine ash and vine maple awaie; iwaere Bearing orensrdi good wen at door, creek Bear kouee and barn; land ee level; good IH -story frame bonae, good frame Dera ooxioo, ronthouae, enicxen-bouee, Iinpie plemsnt and woodbouae: on aula county road; fine team boreeo worth $300, one heavy wagon, one eprlng wagon, one baggy; 10 head cattle, T cows, 8 sheep, 12 hogs; mower snd rake, plows, harrows, cultivator, other small tools; 60 tons of hsy, 300 bushels oats, 100 bushels .wheat, 6 acrea apnds, 800 chickens, some geese; terma, $2,200 casta, balance years at per cent. , $3,00030 acrea, mllee from Fanranveet 11 acrea bcaverdsm, cleared, balaace slssned. seeded to grass; all fenced with good poet, and wire; land level, on main connty road, , mile to railroad eta Man, sear school, U. F. D.I S-room bouse, fslr barn, family orchard, Jood well; new wagon, top buggy, 3 sets arnsss, plow, harrow, other small tools, sll new; $60 range, ether furniture, aewlng ma chine, - Will take $1,2110 caah, be lance $ yeara at pet cent; will exchange fur city property. Washington and Oregon Realty Co. 800 Main BC, Tajucoaver, Washlngtoa. SS ACRES of firet-elMS Is ad; 28 or SO acres elesr, balance eaally cleared, ilea oa the Bandy road. 10 miles from Portland, ea rail road, eloae to rlrer; will soon be on a car line; geed buy; price $78 per acre; this la a ensp, ;r .. 81 acres and lies fine; 14 seres elesr. S Scree onion land, balaace brush snd soma Stumps; new 8-reom bones, fair barn, good well with pnnrp In It, running water the whole ysar through tha place; yoeng orchard, miles from the etty, R. F. D. mall; price $180 per acre; S2.&00 dowa. balance on time and te bear Interest ; close to schools, church ea, store and ell a proposed electric ' line from Hlllaboro te Portland. 120 acres miles from city ef Portland: 10- aeeae-naoer enltreeUon, good -10-ronm hones la good condition. 2 barna, a large granary and other outbuildings, 3 creeks ou tbs place, balance of the land In timber, good family orchard: there ceee with the ' , place a anaa of horeea, wagoa and harness snd a spring wagon and au kinds or farming tuaehlrwrv. 8 ennd eowa. bara fnll of bar. 21 tone; price $h& per acre; good graveled . road to the city; thla buy cannot be beatea - la Oregon. 180 acrea. aew ranch, ef which 100 acres ts rlvsr-bottom nnd grass land and tbs balance bench land, with hones, barn, oreherd snd s creek running across the place; within t mile of the depot. 88 mllee from the city: raa be bad for $.12.60 per acre If sold 80 days; after thai time price advances $A per auta nuill sold; thla is a snap buy for a men looking for -a dairy ranch. We bare T . ethee dairy ranches, with or Wlthes4ork.-Bt- fetr prices. - 20 seres Srst-clasa land Within a half er three qoartere of s mils ef the aew carllne being built from Snlem to Portlsud. 9 miles from the dtr; shout half Is besverdem land sad about 400 cords of wood on the same; land Is not cleared; floe Bowing spring ths wbols year through tbs placet price ll.9"0, part trade, balanca cash. If sold within Us. , next 80. days. 120 acres ef land, ta Multnomah, connty, Bear the railroad. V4 mile from ths school, 2 cree merles closs by; CO scree In high ststs ef cultivation, 60 acres In psaturs. 8ret-claas fences, soms timber, good family orchard; bones and 8 barns, all new, 42xkA. eeocrete foundations; chicken bouse, granary, etc.; 3 horses, hsruees sod wsgoss, 18 mllck cows snd some young stock, mower, rakes, self hinder, plows, disc, snd sll- kinds ef farra Implements necessary on the place; thla Is good onion land; will raise anything, no bet ter land la America) aa good a market as there at en ths coast St borne; fme road te Portland and close In; price $8,800 on easy - tenner any one that buys thai place can pay for It tn three yeara off the place. Boom 81 Commercial bldg., Coraer Second nnd Waablngtoe. CH0ICB FABM AT A BARGAIN. 100 acrea of good land, S miles from New berg; 60 acres In cultivation. 26 acrea stump snd psaturs, 7 acres In bops, 3 seres In strawberries; 1,800 fruit trees, one half bear ing; 60 cords of dry fir wood; farm tools, 60 boxes apples, etc. S-room bouse, fsir barn; pises Is watered by 8 springs snd smsll stresra; M nille to school, it. F. D. mall, phone; situated IS miles from Portland; only $4,600. . - J. FRANK PORTER. 323 Washington at., corner First, apltalrs. 13 MILES wsst ef Portland, near Reedvtlle, - Washington connty, tor caaa oniy; oa seres, 38 elesr, well cultivated, on creek; good well, spring, .fine fruit, new wire fences, good -room house, barn, household foods, chickens, beas, tools, etc.; m miles from railroad, school snd church; telephone line, milk route, B. F. D.l $4,600. Mrs. . A. X. Lnstschsr. . Beavsrton, Oregon. ' BQ ACRES. 1 mile railroad, 3 miles Forest Grovs; gooa nines son, running stream, goon ssw timber, piling snd cord wood on place; make floe dairy ranch; fl acres clearedf $l.tOi or sxchsnxs for bouee and lot In city or good suburb. W. J. Day Os 166 Vk 4th at. 40 ACRES good land, 1814 miles to city, en county maa; new nouae; acres Cleared; only $1,200: terms; rordwoed. ties er piling will psy tot place. W. 1. Day at Co., loss Fourth st. ON B scrs .on St. Johns carllne. $1,000; terms oa pari. Din. wuu w , ua - " - - w For Sale' ISO acres, 38 bottom land, 41 mfVs from Ths Dalles, suitable for stock; partly Im proved, be lanes eaally cleared; creek on bot tom; $1,000 worth of timber; near market, on connty road. Owner, I'nton bouse, fcl North Sixth sL Price $1,800.- , - - - . WILL sell very cheep for eaah 208 acrea on Willamette river, an arvsi, inn in cultiva tion; good orchard, lots of wook and Improve ments; No. 1 snU; no agent. T. t. Jackson, loo Fifth st. . HORSES. VEHICLES, HARNESS B0RSES snd buggies for rent y 8ay. -ee and BOOIS; epeoiai i- iMunrnina Sixth aad Hawthorne. Kaat 72. WB boy. sell. rent, exchange horses, wagons seddles. barnesa. Hubert A Ball. 2H 4th at, MINES AND INVESTMENTS. BUT BURST SWITCH STOTK Snccessfnl teats st Halt uu iiiy prove usv mis atoca will yield larger returns than sny mining stork Hated. Portland offlce J. F. Burst A Co., 2ai McKay bldg. CUEIR D'ALENB MINING STOCK I am slwsys In tn msrset eitser ro rmy ae sell sny active mining stock; loaas made oa any listed ascuxlUse. X. r, BB0WM, , e01 McKay bldg. TIMBER. 10 OWNERS OP TIMHKB. CLAIMS AND . We will buy for raeh any good timber irimnar? iu rteuaiem river; will deal wlta ewnera only; no nib.ta a. aaawse. WHie, giving fuU partlrulara, to lux a, U. P, eta tkm, Portlaud, Oregua. A Snap . 880 acrea ef timber In Carry meaty. Or. - WlU be told cheap If taken at once. - , BOOM Hi. LABUE BUKJ. ' : CERTIFIED scrip, say rtae plseest lowest , pnees. n. u. uoweu, 4 L seal bee ef TIMBER lands wanted, either Oregon er " "'"B w. dvuih, .fru,;, ewa mlMrm St. 1.VMO ACKEn (yellow pine, well sltusted. e,y sccees, high crulae. . Zowasead LeLssh- mutt. Soft Alder et. ' FOR SALE LIVESTOCK. FOR SALE rrwe fresh eews, part fsrasy. $78H East 11th St. BARTER AND EXCHANGE. TO ETSCUANGB for smsll farm or residence property In Willamette valley: Brick hotel, f8ttt, all furalabed, only 1 block from rail road depot. In progressive )owa town. What bare you to trade 1 Kor further particulars sddrsas I. D. Winn. Buena VI, ta Oregon. EXCHANGR. Nice modern room house, ekiss In en east aide, walking distance; wlU Uade for good acreage on esrllne. . v .UBNKLIS A HARRISON. , . " .V. - 211 Ablngtoa Udg. TO EXCHANGE 20 acrea fruit land la Marlon connty fur suburban lots or acreage. P. O. ' Box 400, city. , ' 180 ACRES exceptionally toe lead, Berth weat of town, Multnomah county; will excheage ' for Portlaud property; worth looking Into. Ford, 601 McKay bldg. . FOB EXCHANGE, ffl. 000 100-room hotel In Portland clearing $600 a month te exchange for a good farm or CIW property. F. rlcHS, S21H Morrison at. IN TUB 8UNNI SOUTH. Wm exchange my home and three lata for Oregon propertyr farm -preferred. A. B. ROBINSON, Albuquerque, N. at. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. IF TOO WANT A new atovs, go te the S. , A new range, go to the e- Te trade atovee, go U the $. . A water-back put In. ro te the $. . Furulture. go to the $. , 233 Flrat St. Mala 8874. FOR SALB Foxterrle pupa. 44 Xbv St.. Monuviua. Phone Ksst 13, ask for kvaaa. SEWING MACHINES bought, sold and ex changed. $3 and np. Western Salvage Co., 27 Washlngtoa at. BOOKS Bought, sold sad the Old R..k Kt,.r &2U Yamhill at- WE print your nsme en 60 calling cards, proper slss sad style, S5c; SflO buslnss cards, $L A. W. Hen male Co, 22a First, Portland, or. SHOWCASES, counters, fixtures, bought, sold sr exchanged. Westers Salvags Cow, 2l Washington St. Pacific T3. I ARTISTS' materia Is. plrturea and frsmlag. B, a. awnH m va,., a ' m turn w to SLIGHTLY damaged' sewlna marhlses st very low price ; fcUuger, Wbeelat A WUson, Domestic, Wbllte, Household, Dsvls snd ethers; to make room fur new stork Wheeler - A WUsea snd Singers. S, 8. Blgsl, S8S Mur rleoa aL, Aiarqnam bldg. SHOWCASES and fixtures, new snd second, sand. Carlson A Kails t rocs. 2X0 Conch at. BILLIARD AND POOL Ublaa for rant er for sale on esay payments, TUB BRLNSWli K-BALKS COLLENDBB CO. da Third sCr-PertUad, BOLDEN'S RHECMATI0 CURB Sure ears for rheumatism. Sold by all drugglats. limvn.niiL'rt t.. . n,i... -i ki. tablea. ebalrs. Western Salvage Ce egf vtaaoiugton ou CHERRT TRBRS of the only original parent tree, the new cherry, the Giant; flrst-clnas trees, juiius iLaiiicn. wood lawn. Oregon. 4-T BAR-OLD Eanltable Savings A Lean ss soclstlunv stock, with sccrued Interest, for ssis; gooa investment, gt 7S, care sonrnsL MOTION-PIOTURB machine. $26; J. 000-foot slldes?t$2.60 per" set'vlewa loc'1,!!'1' lli'il Sixth St., room 8. - $400 CASH buys an aatomobtla In tlon; carries 6. Phone Mala 81.- Bdl- FOR SALB 1-13-Inch apsed Is ths, portabls forge, core machine and steam generator, W North Second st. FOR BALE Six purs-bred Cocker Spaniel pup pies; prices according to quality. Addrssa IM1I OS, ghedd. Or. PERSONAL. DETECTIVE AGENCY Confidential Investiga tions; reports, furnished oa Indlvldnila, their character, responsibility, etc; bad debts col lected; missing relatives located; ebsrges risaonabls; correspondence solicited, Oregoa Detective- Service, of6res 28-2o4 FUedner bldg 10th and Waahlnfton ate. phone Main MIA. TURKISH BATHS, 800 Oreronlan bldg.; ladles dsys, gentlemen nlghta. Mala 1888. V1AVI CO., Lewis bldg., SOOU Worrlaoa; hsallh talka to women Tbnradaya, 3:80 p. as. WEBFOOT Oil Blacking savss ths lestber; aa eulutely wstsrproof. - MANICURING, halrdresalne. apsclal $8 coura rss, and one wees oniy; trsas school tor wi girls. 864 Alder. The Monlgomery, ZES, Palme Tablets make yon slsep psrfsctly; they cur. asrvoaaness sod mass yoa strong; price Aoc a boa, boxes $2.60; guaranteed. All drugs-lets, er sddreas BrotAs Drug Oa., ST North third at., Portland, Or. CALL Pacific 279, Ben Frendsce Tailoring Co, Ws do repairing, pressing, cleaning and dye lugs ladl-e' gsrmsuts s spsclslt; at lowest price. 271 Vk Taylor St.,.. MANLY vigor issluisd by Dr. Roberts Nerve Glob ties. One month's treatment, $8: S asontba, $6; sent securely scaled by mall. Agants, Wood ars. Clarke at Cen Portia sd. Or. SUltS pressed whllS yon wait, 80c Ledlss sklrU pressed, 60c. Gilbert, 10A14 Sixth St., next to guslis. Pbons Main tObS. BEST msgsslns clubs ever offered l send for rices; sgeuta wanted. Jones' Hook rltors, H Alder St., Portland. Or. MOLES, wrlotlea, snpsrflnoss hair removed. No eharee to talk It over. Mrs. M. D. Hill. Boom ajo Fllednsr JUOg Phona-Psclae IM. I PHYSICAL culture, all branches, sad massage; -Individual and class Instructloni private home treatment If desired. The R Ingles Scbeel, 800 Alder at. Phone Mala 1841. DISEASES OF WOMEN Private maternity hos pital, qnlet location; speclsl cars. Dr. At Wood, room 6. 860 Vs Morrison. TsL Pae. 1783, BOLD ON-i-Tbare Is one thing that will cs-e rheumatism. Ask yooc drsgglst for berk : tonic er address er csll J. G. Clsmenaea, druggist, Portland, Or. GERMAN books, magaslnes, novsls, etc. I Oer men, English, French, Bpanrah, Swadlsn and Itsllaa dlrtlonarlea; forelsa hooka et all kinds. Rclm-ale to., 22 First st, . M1KS K. PORTER R0RB, electrical massenss. nervous troubles snd rbenmstlsm a specialty. Phone Main 4178. 1W Seventh st. BOLDEN'S RUEI'MATIO CURB Sure care to rkeamatlsm. Sold by all druggists. RECENTLY onsnsd manicuring psrkirs; ladles . sad gentlemen. $61 Va Morrison iL, room 13. A. REINER, PRACTICAL FURRIER. Rxpert fitter, furs remodeled, repaired snd red red:' 80 yeara' siperlesce Insures sntlrs satisfaction. Phone Paclfle 2487. Lewis bldg. SEXINR PILLS rurs all terma ef bsmous s muecnler . weakness. For men or women. ' Price $1 a box. boxes 18, wltb full g eat so res. Address or csll J. 0. Clcmensoa, drug gist. Second and lamhtll ata., Portland, Or. DR. RING CHOONO, Importer Chlaess root medicines; sells Chinese tea, eertala cues for sll diseases. 11)1 3d. bet. Ysmblll and Taylor. DR. O, T. KKTCHUM en res promptly prtvsts diseases, kldnsy, aervous, skla snd special . female troubles. Csll or writs. Office 1701, Third St., cor. TamhllL Pbons Pastas 822W. SWEDISH trained anree. Helslngfors graduate, poeltlvely rnres rheursetlsm, etoniscb troubles sad aervons disorders by hand-ruhhing, steam, aweat and tub baths; both ssxes. No. T Fast llth at. Take East Aoksay car 1'hens test 240, . PERSONAL. ANT sua er women csa be stroog snd kaniy by nslag Beilne I'llls. tbs grset tonlcl pries 81 S tux. hoxea 1A. with full euacanleM. Addieas or call i, A. Clsmsasoo, druyglat. XOI.'NG scientific, aissssnse glvse electrical. alcohol and medicated treatments; chiropodist - snd msntrurlng. 41 Raleigh bldg., nUth and ' Wsshtngtoa sts. MARKY Only Incorporated matrimonial pa . per pabllahed; 10c. asaled; no $6 fee; many wealthy. L. L. Lovs. Box lia, Denver, Col. BALM OF FIGS for all female dl: 28 Esst Belmoat. Phone Eaat 4084. BEFINED young lady )u,t arrived from New York; message. Ruom , 2lta Aider st. DR. SAWYERS' Sonsw Root; guaranteed tor ladle. 461 Goluaulth at. East 44H1. MISS GHISON gives scalp treatment; masssge. . 2osH Morrlsoa at., room 62. REFINED Udy gives tosses re" 'treatments for rheumstlsu aind all elirunle sllmsnts. slss chiropody. 801 H Third at, corner Taylor. . LADY, 48, t wltb nice borne, wishes to -meet good man; object, .matrimony. Address L 61, . csre Journal. . . LADIES: - I'ss Antlaeplle Cnplds tor monthly t Irregulsrltles; ssfest, sursst, most convenient; need lucslly; no dsngerotia drugs to swsllowi lsrgs box $1.60. Mrs. Carrie Xosng, Adrian. Mlonasots; Bug 08. -. CROCKWELL'S Psyche Magnetic Senttorlntn; , all chronic complaints trested; our specie I - ties atomacb trouble, dlecssss of wouisa) aad rhsumatlsa. 80S Lincoln. M1P" GinSON gives scalp treatment; massage. - SJWU. UnrvtaoB at Man, U.. AN elegant turkey dinner will be served In courses, , hnms-msde mines piss, all hems cooking, from 3 to 6. for 60 cea,ts,st the Chrysler, 8 Taylor St. . . . MIKS RAYMOND gives msssaga trsatmants, 2tl84 Morrison St.. room 14. DOLLS' HOSPITAL Repairing and drssatng. Room 8, 848H wssblngton at ATTORNEYS. C. B. PIGG0TT AND J. A. FINCH Attorneys-st-Law. Practice la sll eenrta. Mulkey bldg.. corned Second snd Morrieun- ART. FREB . LESSONS ta embroidery every dsy - new stamped sblrtwslata, eorsst-eovers, re. Wo jackets, bats, asibrsllss, eta. Tbs . Ksedlecrsft Shop. 8K2 "Wsshlugtoa st, be tween Wsst Psrk snd Tenth sts. PROFESSOR R, MAX METER, 848 Aider. Portrait aad landscape srtlst sad teacher. ASSAYERS. SARYIN CYANIDB EXTRACTION CO., end Montana Aaaay Office, led Morrison at. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWB. DAVIS A KILHAM. loa-lll Second at. Blank books manufactured: agents for Jones Improved Loose-Leaf ledgera; see the aew Eureka leaf, the beet oa the market. BUTCHERS SUPPLIES. BUTCHER SUPPLIES a. Blrkrnwald Co.. 804 80 Kverstt St.; lsrgest butcher supply hsnse on the sosst. Writs for catalogue. BUTCHERS' BI,PPLIE8 AdoVnh A. Deknm. 181-188 First St., csrrles a full line snd com plete sssurtmsnt st lowest -market prices. CHIROPODISTS. CHIROPODY snd Pedlcnrtng. Mrs. M. D. Bill, Room 830 riled ner Bldg. Pbons Pss. 186. CAFES. THE OFFICE 2H6 Washlngtoa ex., phone Mala T71. Samuel Vlgneux. CARPET CLEANINO. STANDARD Carpet Cleaning Co., lsrgest pUnt on tbs coast. Lorlng sod Harding sts., tele ' phone Eaat 2HO. Carpets clesned. refitted, : sewed sud laid: both steam snd latest com pressed sir process; ronovsring msttrsssss ' snd feathers a specialty. SANITARY carpet cleaning, suction snd com pressed sir combined ; esrpets cleened on Door without removaL Mala 6684. Msla 8200. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. 1. A. MELTON, tbs carpenter, 304 Fonrta 8 tore sud offlce work. Main 1787. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST St. George ; St. George CAN TKU. ZOUR FULL' NAME, AGE, OC CUPATION. 810.000 Challenge for His Equal $10,000 Commanda by education and la endowed with ths mysterious powers st tbs Eastern - Magi to heal the 111, weak, sick, stfllcud; esn Bee tbs paet and futurs of your sf fslrs erystsl clssr; creates a divine Influ ence to overcome domestic, tovs or bast Bees failures; makes plain to yoa all things bidden, doubtful, deceptive: that annoy, perplex or prevent 'success; ths enlr Yoghl mediator of secret Influence In America; Implants In your llfs snd being n marvelous force to gsln your wish In mar rlags, lovs, mlblng, monsy, bualneea, win ' rlnf luck: removes sell, cores drink hab its, sll weaknesses which depress yoa sr coerce ths will, restores lost vitality, Snda treasures, mines, missing ones, papers; Egyptian natral deed-trancs medium, psy chic pslnrlst. mystic healer, complete Oriental U rereading clairvoyant; poeltlvely Cuarantsee tbs beat seance yoa bars seer ad simply by tsklng your hand and look ing at yoa; tells everything with names, dstes, facta and fgores; always reliable; eldest, most sxperteneed la sll occult snd special work; euggeetions, success vibra tions, mental telepstby; hastens man-is re, rsstoPtf lost lovs, reunites ths sepsrated, sutwlts rivals, essmles, open Sundays, HOVk FOURTH ST., COR. WASHINGTON IT. Walk right np, corner rooms. Don't nilatsks asms snd plsrs. A SPECIAL $6.00 READING FOB $1.00, Read! lead! Read! THIS 18 FOR YOn RBAD CAREFULLY THE FOLLOWING WORDS! Madam Eartn I permanently located In her own home, 428 STARK ST. Tbls wonderful woman, ac knowledged by the world te be the greatest clairvoyant stirs, without yon writing s quss tlon er altering one word, aha tells yoa lust what von earns for. bow many In your fam ily and all gbont them. Tells aamea, dates snd 'sets. TelIgYeurof tove. maiilages, desths. business aoeculstloaa, laveetmeots. etc.; locates oU, gas snd mlaeralsef all kinds, remove evil Influences snd 'teaches Son Bow to control ths one yoaj lovs, nnltes lis separated snd censes speedy and con venial marriages. No matter what your con dition may be. MADAM BARTfl WILL HELP YOU, 428 STARK, COR. 12TH. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. FEB Wit HI REACH OF ALL. HOURS 10 A. M. TILL IP, M. KNGL1HH AND GERMAN SPOKEN. FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY. A SI'KCIAL $6 READING FOR $L ALWAYS CONSULT THS BEST. ' ' PROF. B. KH1MO. Greatest living astral deed-trance clair voyant of tbs age! ADVISER ON Bl SINE8S AND ALL AFFAIRS OF LIFK; whom yoa will msrrv. how to control tbs one yon love, even though miles swsy; reunites tbs sep arated; glvee secret pswsrs to controL I will do all othsrs advertise to do, and a greet deal mors. THB ENTIRE WORLD HAS BEEN STARTLED WITH THB POW EliS OP THS UNSEEN FORCES I HAVE AT MY COMMAND, snd I prove II te yea with out price by giving yon a -FREE TEST FREE. By having your NAME TOLD (IN FULL), JUST WHAT YOU CAME FOR, and glvs yoa advice ehsolutely FKF.k: before yoa decide to have a reading. WHO CAN t)RWILL DO MORB TO CONVINCE THE SKEPTIC? I0 NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY. AS IT WILL NOT BR OKFERKD TO YOU AGAIN. PROF. E. KRIMO, Psrmanstly located tn Ilia Own Horn. BOl'RS, 10 TO 8. -DAILY AND SUNDAY. Na. 368 Fifth at., corner. Msdtsoa St. KcITOB TRAVIS CTatreoyant and palmist: tell when and whom you will marry; tail aa te changes, travel, safe snd paving Investments; In fact, svery thlnf. $41 4 Morrison St. Low fee 60c PROFESSOR WAl.t ACB, palmist, clairvoyant and medium; reading 80e. Parlors 4 sod 6, aba Cosmos, So Morrison aL CLEANING AND DYEINQ. hportland Steam Cleaning A Dvelng Worts; prac tlcal baiter la coanectloa. 211 4th. Peclfls 8u7. CLOTH KIT-cleaned and pressed $1 per month. vouiue -laiiansg ia, aim Blarh St. H. W. TURNER, profeaslonsl dysr and sis ner. BOB leffersoo st Phoss Main 3618. EDUCATIONAL. HlvATING Private 1 school of skating, speclsl claases svery Tueeday and Friday; private Iraaous fur beslnners dally etcept Sunday under the special direct Ion ef Instructor . - ; .hatll?. "u V"iU Hsln K i po sition Rink. MART DAVIS MAGINNIS, teacher st eonven tlonaT aad naturullatlc china; watsr-colur hsads a Spedalty. Studle 821B. Sth at., N. WANTED Amateur talent for drama tie so ciety; eplendtd opportunities, CsU evenings Sao Fifth St. . COAL AND WOOD. WB have 1,000 cords et 18-Inch dry slsbwood that must U sold before January 1, at $2.26 . to $3 per load. - PORTLAND -WOOD A COAL CO., ' Oor. loth sud Irving. 1'bons Main 4875. TUB PORTLAND FUEL CO., ' ' Successors to j C. R. DAVIS H'EL CO.. Pboaa Eaab 20. 287 East M Morrison st. ALBINA FUKL CO. Dealers In eordwood. coal and grssn sod dry slabwood. R. U. and AlUlu sve., 8 Mocks euat of ferry. East 674. BTKKL BRIDGB FUEL CO. Dealers la eosl, eordwood sud dry slsbaroud. Pbous Bast 424. OREGON FUEL CO. All kinds of eosl snd wood. 834 Alder st. Pbons M sin 86. WESTERN FEED ft FUEL CO House and blsrksmlth cos Is, . Phoos Mslu Wis. STAR BOXWOOD CO. Phone Mala 8148 tor box. block sud slabwood. DANCING. DANCING lesson. 2fle classes or private; walls Ing, two-step, three-step, etc.; stsgs dancing, buck snd wing, clog, reel, skirt, Susalsh, lllxhlaod fllux. etc. Prof. Wsl Wlllson. old. est recognized teacher, Allsky bldg.. Third ana Morrison sts. . WOODWARD DANCING SCHOOL Class Moo Thursday snd Saturday svs.J social, fancy and step dancing taught; fencing tangbt; priests lessons dally. Western Academy ball, Second snd Morrison. Pacloe 16311. PORTLAND Dancing Academy, lesdlns school! ballroom etiquette, correct social snd classic dsoelng; both asxss; young folks, adults; In struction flsiiy. so Alder. - ieL M, 1U61. prof. Rtnglrr. dancing master. PROF. BATON Dancing school; class for ladles and gents Monday and Tbsrsday Bvsaiugs, Arloa kalL Pbona Eaat taut. BROWN'S Dancing Academy, Burkhsrd ball, . 87 H Esst Buruslds, Phone Main 8718. Dance Tueedsys. DRESSMAKINO. MY SPECIAL CHRISTMAS OFFBR I will maks a regular $12 suit for $10 between tills snd tbs 26th of December. Mme. Bsld ' win. 128 Grand are., city. TBY Angeles Drcsmsklng Parlors,-343 Fifth aad Main. , Kecine iihz. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. Engineers, contrac tors, repairers, electric wiring, supplies. 84 First, oor. Stsrk. Msln dsa. R. B. Tata, mgr. WESTERN ELBCTRI0 WORKS, 1 Slxtk at Contractors. - electric supplies, .motors snd dynamos: we Install light and power plants. FURNACES." BOYNTON farm-sir fumscea ssvs fust. J. C Beyer furnace Co., 2H8 Second. Main 461. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. - PORTLAND W1BB A IRON WORKS ea Flanders St., cor. Third, rpons Main boou. GASOLINE ENGINES. V-' GASOI.INB snglnes, sU alass and atyws, at lowest pries. Rslrsoa Mscblnery Co.. 183-4- Morrlsoa st. ----- HOTELS. XHB BELLKYUB. Fourth snd Bslmon sts. ttooms ooc up; ratea oy weex or nvor eot-of-town trade solicited. Pacific 3106. HOTEL Portlsad, American plan; $8, $6 pes day. BELVEDERE; Eoropeaa plan; 4th snd Alder sta. HARDWARE. PORTLAND Hard wars On. solicits onportnnlty ta qoots prices. 74 Mixta St.-. rsetnc ene. INSURANCE. ISAAC L. WHITS, Are Insurance, lock bldg. 844 Baer- JA8. Mrl. WOOD, employers' liability snd tn dlvldnsl accident security bonds ef all kinds. Pbons 47. 802 McKay bldg. MONEY-TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN . On Improved city property er for building purposes, for from 8 to 10 year,' rims, with frlvUege to repsy sll er psrt of loss sftee wo years. Losus spprovrd from plans snd money sdvsncsd as building progresses; . mortgsres taken up snd replaced FRED B. STRONG, Finn sola I Agent. 142 Stark sU THB STAR LOAN CO Any salaried employs, wage-earner, can get sa his Bote, without mortgage- Month. H Moath Week. Rensr to as 618 38 or $4 60 ot $5 $26.00 Repay to aa $ 8.86 sr 3 33 or $1.86 $16.00 Uspsy to os f 4.00 or $2.00 er $1.0 310 McKay bldg. CONFIDENTIAL-LOANS oa aalarlee. insurance policies, pis noe, furniture, warehouse re ceipts, etc.; sny deserving person msy secure n liberal advance, repaying by essy wsekly er uouthly Installments. NEW ERA LOAN ft TRUST COMPANY. Ablngtoa bldg. MONSY LOANED-TO SALARIED PEOPLR Juat ea your owa name no other security; eVra't borrow until yoa see me; my eretem Is the best for rellroed men. clerks, bookkeepers, stieetrer men sod sll other employes; bust Bras strictly coufldsatlal, F. A. Nswloa, 424 Ablngton bldg. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLR And others upon their own nsmes without Security: cheapeet rates, eaalsst psymente: offices Tn0 l.rimtT,r ctTtesr-avvs uaiselt money by getting our terms Srst. ToLMAN, 228 Ablngtoa bldg., ludVi Third st WANTED Notee, mortgages or contracts es sny kind ef real estate In Oregon snd Wseblng Ion; second mnrtgsgss purchased If well se cured. . U. E. Noble. 813 Commercial blk. MONEY to loan In sums te suit, 3 and yeara, aa low aa 8 per rent, on Improved city prop erty. Mnuttoa ft Scobsy, 601 Columbia bidg., 886 Washington at, DON'T borrow money en asfary until yon see Huttcn Credit Co. . .612 Dekum bldg. MONEY loaned oa fornlture. planoa aad ether securities. W. A. Hathaway, room 10, ' Washlngtoa Hldg. Pbons PsclB 1832. WANTED Appllcstlons for mortgags loans, direct from owner, from $610 to $1,600, for .term of years, low rates moderate char cos. )W. a Wsrd. Attornsy-st Lsw, AUskr W. MONEY to loss; lsrgs loan a specially; slse building losna; lowest rates fire Insurance. William O. Keck. $12 Falling bldg. CRESCENT LOAN CO., 428 -Mohawk bldg. Money te lend on eaay-paymeat plan to wage-earners; strictly conadeutlsL MONEY to Inn H sll kinds of sernrlty, Wllllsm Bull, room . Washlngtoa bldg. QUICK loauis sn smascnntlcs, 8. W. King, 46 Wsstitngton bldg. l'hons Mala 8100. WILL ksa $3.nno or leas, reel eetate astuilty, per cent. Fsrrlngton, Fsnton bldg. TO LOAN Sums, te suit sa ebettel sscarity. B. A. Frama, 614 the Msrqasm. A LOAN for the Baking Salary er chattel, The tganCo.. 410 Deknm bldg. ' MONUMENTS. NEU ft KING8LEY, 368 First St.. Portlsad 4 Isadlsf, marble and gtaolie wotka, FINANCIAL I ADO TrfTOB. BAaTXIRS fEaiabllated rA 1886.1 ' . ' Trees, sta a Oessemi luin. n..i... r.iuiin. nae at a" sct-vre be . "i' Utters e credit leeasd svsll.hU la Ksrope snd all points ea IMr"' States. - sight Rsefcsnge snd Telrraphl Trasefers aiOd so New York. Washington. "". It. Loots. LB,- llttah. Baa r...!. , u .... . a k.i.i.k t'.lnmMl. KaeBSSSTS SSIB ussnar rsns. Bsrna.-Trsu MntlROHAKTS' NATIONAL BAX. PORTLAND. 0BIOON. . i 'RANK WATSON. ...... Prealdest R. L. DURHAM. . . , i . . - .. . m. w,. owl s ....CasBlas nnaanets a Ge serai Banking Business; Drsfte , u farts et the World. u NITIB STATES NATIONAL BANK OF ,,wr. ,wn-r i.if. . - tae raited Slates aue Rnrope. Hosgkiog earl r!?,2'0,.J--. t. C. AINBVSOKTH I Vlce-Pesaidsat.. R. RARNB8 1 Asslataat Cashier. B ANKERS' ft LUMSERkfEN'S BANK PsrUsng. ... rrM a.S mm -Mar atissts. . Commsrelal snd sselugs denertment. ft O Bsi -eVTJ ' euin in i w-r ETi J,t.T?1.,.J..t FWdest I vnm nr jit , a , n. . i. . ,, inii'i V' ""THCHILD... First VIcs-Presldent m. KSSll.lli HeeonS Vlre-fraatdenfl nrBB BANK OF CALIFORNIA Zrtshllshsd IS R - ""V" Peia ap..., $4.noont I ... "" "veh.mre Business Trsnascted. Interest On Tims Deposits. . ' , SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Accounts may be opened of $10 sad Bpward, Portland Braarb Chamber sf Cow merer ButldUuj. - - . ' r,--. CR AB.... ....Msasgee I f.. T. BCRTrHAELL.....Asststss kfansrer FIRST NATIONAL BANK F PORTLAND. 0BE00N. . Designated Dsposltnre end Flnanrtsl Agent sf the ratted Btavea, A. L. MIIIJI I Cisbler . W. rTemfrrsjsl Asststsnt Cssblse.... ...w. C. ALVOKD Second Aselstsnt Cashier B. F. STBVRNS ' ' Letters of Credit AvnllnM. la Rnrops and the Eastern States ' as JT Beehange snd Telegrspble Trsnsfers sold os New York. Boetos. Ckleegev St. Lsew. Sr.! Omsha. Sen Fraadsee and the principal nolnta le the Northwest. n'l" kd tlms bills drsws la sums to suit sa London, Paris. Berlin. Frank foe t-an ths-sf sra, rioagkosg. Yokohama.- Copeohsgen. Chrletlsnts. Stockholm. St. Petersburg. Moscow. Saeich. YRyST, COMPANIES PORTLAND TRDST COMPANY OF 0REO0N Ths Oldest Trust Osmpaay ta Orecsw. RrJeoiTRrFS OVER 81 760.OOO. Oeneral banking.. 2 per cent lnrest ew Swe sss sears ' evn hundreds) em dalle bslsneee sf vor over. T-ettere of credit snd ex ch save m all . bs world. - Ssvlnrs accounts. Tims eertllcstes. 8 te 4 per cent: eWt call special eertlflratee too nr over. 2 to 4 per cent. Csll for Rook of "ILLUSTRATIONS. , . . "ootnenet Corner Third and Oak Streets. Pbons Privets Kick ears T3. '."!"'... , President I H. L. PITTOCK Vies-Prealdest . i-nii tagbt Becretsrv I J SECTJRrrr BATTNOS ft TRUST COMPANY Trsnaaets a Ortsisl W. n k W.. . ea Tims sad Ssvlnrs Accounts. Acts m Credit Aesllable Is v. F. ADAMS Om-is a - M.i.iiutu,,n-om iirt-rrminw - GEO. F. RUSSELL.. T8 M0RTPAOX GUARANTEE ft TRUST T'sasseu s General Banking Bealness. atepsrtiBsBt; s pee cent Interest allowed, compounded rmsrterly. -. CAPITAL; ,. ,...$100,000.08 - O- w- WATRRBURT President C W. WlLI.ER vies-President LOGAN HAYS. slstant Seevetsrr Flks- Tempts, Seventb snd Etark Streets, Pt. ins 164. Opea Saturday Bveatasr 8 te S. N31TBTWT8TXRN OtTABANTIK ft TRUST COMPANY Portland. Orarssv . Lamber Rxehaag. aj. B. Corner Sseond and Stnrb Str-ets (sseoad Sosrk, m FISCAL AGENT FOR CORPORATIONS. . State, fkraaty. Manlctpsl snd Corporation Ron, la Ronrht and Sold. Nsw rales Ul less eswandard) sad Snanced. Storks tad bonds guaranteed. - TITLE OVAR ANTES' ft TRUST COMPANY 840 WASHINGTON STREET. i MORTGAGE LOANS ea Portland Real Estate at Lowest Rates. Titles tasarcd. Abstracts Faratabed. I TTtORBURN RD88 ...President JNO. K. AITCHISON..,..i........i.Ssertsr ' GEORGE a. BILL Vice-President I T. T. BURKHART Trsesnrer BQNDSIAND M 0BBIS BROTHERS Casmbse sf Oomma MonMpal. railroad snd D OWNrNgwopXTNS COirPANY Kstshllabsd STOCKS, BONDS. GRAIN Bought Prtvsts Wires. ROOM 4 CHAMBBR "KB e. 0. LEX COMPANY Common wealth Bldg., Slxtk and Ankeny ata., Portlsad, Orsarsn. Brokersgs Department H. W. Dooshse. Manager. . v See Us Before Buying ov Selling Stocks sr Bonds. Caar Always Ssvs Tea Mosey. " 0UIS J. WTXDE H0MX TXLEPH0NX BONDS BANK STOCKS., Member Portland Stork Exchange. Corner1 Blith snd Wsehlngtua Streets, Portland. Oregon. OYerbeck, Starr & Cooke Co. -5-, BAIN, PROVISIONS. COTTON. STOCKS AND BONDS. - " t WE DO A STRICTLY COMMISSION BUSINESS. , OostlBBOWa Markets by Prtvsts Wire. Quick Servtcs. REFERENCES Ladd ft Til ton. Bash- srs. and United States Nstlooal Bssk sf PsrtUad.. , LAND SCRIP. WANTED AND FOR SALE Lsnd scrip, sll kinds, including spproven forest rvewrvw iov surveyed, nnsurvsyed, timnsreo son prairis 1 gvvsrnrMent In nit. . H, M. HsmUton, The Port- land. Portland, irr. MACHINERY. B. TRESKMAN ft CO. Mining, sawmill, be . glng mscblnery; hydraulic pipes, easting; sll ainas repsircu, , soe i-'" 1- u- ... m v, n ' . T it V W CO. Second-band . 818 Grand sis, hluery. ggwuillls. st A. J. PAUL, 102 Flntt St.. engines, boilers, ease. mtll machinery;, wicxt croa. noormg MUSICAL. THB WEBBER STUDIO Mandolin, banjo, gnl tar Instruction; Gibson mssdollns. 878 Alder. PIANO, rtolln, piano, trombone, clarinet. Pre. fsssor B A.' Smith. 264 12th. Main 470S. LEVY'S MUSIC HOUSE, 171 Fourth at Larg est stock sheet music la the city. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DRS. ADIX ft N0RTHRUP. 418-1-1T Dekum bldg.. Third aad Washington sta, Phoae Mala 848. ExamlnattoB free. 1 OPTICIANS. DR. B. 2. MII.I Optometrist snd Byeelght Spectanat. Booms 36-rr. 823 Waahlngtos Street. PRINTING. THB MODERN PRINTER Y Artistic printing. 24 Russel bldg.. Fourth and Morrlsoa. Pheoe pacific 162a. EVERYTHING-IN PRINTING From circulars to catalogues and new. papers. Metropolitan Printing Co., ,147 Front St. 0GILBEE BKOB.. pointers Cards billheads, stc. l'hons Msla lHAs. 146 t First st. PLUMBERS. POX ft CO. sanitary plumbers, 331 Second, bet, Msln snd Salmon. Oregon Phon Mala 3001. DONNERBERG ft RADEMACHER, removed, te No. 808 Buroslds st. PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS. r. E. BE ACB ft CO. The Pioneer Paint C-l window glass snd glaalng. . 138 First St. pbons I3S4. PAINTING AND PAPEHlN( FOR retlahle Work, reasonabls prices, Sheehy Bros., 2h21 Yamhill, near 4th. Mais 8072." aaasa t r. - ii' r 'n RUBBER STAMPS. F. C. STAMP WORKS. 248 Alder St.. phone Main T10: rubber etaaint scale, stencils; bag. gags, trade checks; brass signs snd pistes. REAL ESTATE. PARRISH. W ATKINS ft CO., Baal estate. Insurance, rental ' aad maa agenta. 2.W Alder sa. J. W. OOII.BEK. reel satsts sad losna; sstab Ushsd IS 146V, First St., room 1L A. B. RICHARDSON REAL ESTATR AND MORTOAGB LOANS. Pbons Msln 63IHS. 622 Chamber ef Commerce. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES ef svery desrttrnn; bank, bar and store flitoree msds to order. Tbs Latks Manufacturing Co., Portland, R, B. BIRDBALL designer; agent M. Winter Lumber Co., 7 Hamilton bldg. Main 8680, SAFES. PORTLAND SAFE CO., aids sgents for Herring. Hell aJarvta aatea and Msnxansss Slssl Set Co.'s bank as fee. Tbs largeet -aaatetment ot klgb-grade Ars sud- burglar-proof sales la lbs sorlbwsst. 82 Seventh at. DIBR'tl.D manganese and 8re-pronf safe: loch, euta 1 opened; metal flltnreS; vault and )sl work: Jacks, i. E. Davis. 44 8d, Mala 1808. EIGHT seersid-band re-proof safis and two second band bank ssrea fee sale cheap, at 10 . Sixth St., Pertlaad, Ot, - , I TT1 T c 1 1. BANKS." - atewtle- d liuanlnlBj,, G SO RGB W. HOYT Assseissv snd Litters et Credit ta Colleettas s Siwdslty PORTLAND, OREGON. -- man ifav arrvev. . , a isiiiKe eivaifapv iw Manila. Collsetlsaa Msde oa Fseorsbrs Terms. Cashier....,...,, R, W. SCBMFIR Aavlstaet Ca.hter W. A. stOLJ AssUtsnt Cashier A. M. WRIGHT lutsrest said oa esvtage aissnass. , Drafts aad , .. . . ui. woriu. S. C, efCAKK. CeeStWe It. D STOREY .Asstsssat Ceehter PLATT ft PLATT. ... aeeasral Ooea snset 44. . Raed - Offtss. Baa Frasetee. Csltfovela. Sornlus and undivided proBrs. $10.nea.4rxsi , ti. finr.TBA Aselstsnt Secrstsry tea Morrison Street, Portland. Orsren. sirraos nvsiDvurNV t.tMt Alias ss Trustee for Estates. Drafts sad Lettcre ef All Parta of tb. World, . t V a t veeto Mm Wt.Pesf gent si,-u. srmiB.. a,,..........- Aselstsnt Secretary COMPART BANK. Interest - Paid oa Tim, Deposits. aettf ' INVESTMENTS. roe Bldg. public eervles corporatloa bonds. 1188 BROKERS. sad Sold for Cask. sad ea farais. Phone Msln St. ef COMMERCE. (Members Oilesgo Board sf Trad.) 103 Third it,. McKay Bldg.. Portland. Oregoa. ROOFING- 1 TIN ROOFING, guttering, twnelrlng and gsaersl i joooing. a. ijoan, 211 jrtrersoa st pse 142. SEWING MACHINES. PHONB Pacific ' 2738 aad I peraooslly- win call snd repair yosr sewlng-mscblne; work guaranteed. S. Sams, sdjuatsr, 881 Third at. STREET PA VINO. WARREN Construction Co., street paving, alds wsISs sad ssieslags. 814 Isimhsr Eicblnga, THE Berber Asphalt Paving Co. ef Portland. - Office 856 Wareeater blk. SIGN PAINTERS. FOSTER ft KLEISRR 8IONS. We Save built np the largest alga kaahnsa ta ths city by flrat-elaae work sad keeping oar promises. Our prices are right. Fifth Bad Everett sta. Phoae Bx. 64. W. P. BERGER ft SON. 84 Yamhill at. of sU kinds. Pbons Pscioe 3282. Signs "SIGNS THAT ATTRACT" A. H. Beat Oo 8T Stark st. Pbons PadBc 1680. TYPEWRITERS. UKAIMUARTEKS for sew snd rebuilt type- writcre or sn msass; see ear wieeow; tr yon . are going to buy a aew typewrites sse ae he- tors buying; ws cso ears yoa money) we hsvs farts for repairing sll machine; state agents for tbs Vlslhls Fox; ws buy sll kinds , of typewriters. The Typewriter Exchange, Inc.. H. J. xUliaon. msnagsr. 84 Third St. - WE sell Remingtons, Bmlth-Prsmlersv Dsns- mores, stc, swer man any otaer eompssy; Inveatlgste. Underwood Typewriter Ca..W ash. TYPEWRITER repair snd supply Co., . ets ssnington st. t'uKans stain coos. BLICK'NKDF.RFFR typewriter. $-te sad $60 '. euppuee, rvpeiring. none a, aiues, as, vs atsra, TRANSFER AND HAULING. THR BAGGAGR ft OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO , cor. Slith snd Oak sts. I bsggags checked from hotel or residence direct to destination; passengers therefore avoid rush snd snaey- . ance at depute. Private exchange C8L SAFES plasos snd furniture moved, parked . . , .hlnulna . ml .Klnurf - .11 - guaranteed; large, 8-story brick. Srs-prsog warehouse fur storage. Office fcOS Oak au Olaau ft Bos. Phone Mala 64T. C. O. PICK, office 88 First St., between Stsrk snd oag srs., pnone ova; pienns ana rural tar moved snd packed f shipping; com aod lows brick werebouse with separata Iroa reassa. Front and Clay sts. CUT rates on household gnosis -ea aH aetata esst: we maa of varsmus; apeciai room roe - tewehs while naiuiiav. Ureiran uAutarDaspst' 18 klrsl st. 1'hans Main IIS. BOSH CITY VAN CO.. offlce 141 First St.. pbons Main e-.o. rurnitnre ana pisas smnlna s specialty; ws guarantee sag work. NATIONAL TRANSFER ft STORAGR CO. 270 use st. leiepnooe mam eseu, ir a use er ring snd storing. OREGON TRANSFER CO., 184 North Stub. i'hous Main SH. ueavy aauilng sad stsrsge,. INDEPENDENT BAGOAGB ft TRANS SB CO. Storagev 4J cwark st. Mata 40L - POST SPECIAL DELIVERY, Na. SoOri Waakv ington at. fnons aiaia vex. WHOLESALE JOBBERS. THE BREYMAN LEATHER CO., bitskera sd saddlery hardware, aoea geoda leslhsr, BwaV - Ings snd shoe stors sappllss. Fifth sad Osa. . . GUNST A CO DISTHini T0HS OP FINK CIO ARS. PORTLAND, OREGON. SHF.HK, GAtB ft GRAHAM (lac enamlssVs meri-nsnts. joners ear rruira, proowce. i eonalgnmeats. aolldtsd. 126 Froal St., . BVCUIMNG ft FARRRLL, pewtaee ssd eeej- snlaaloe msrehssts. 140 Ftusn St.. revues. Oy. Phone Msln IT,' 1 . . 0RKOON Furnltnss Manafaeterlng Cesipese Mannrsetarera f farallsrs ta she' ieada. , Portland. Oregoa. WADIIAMS ft CO., vrswlwsslsi jera, tsssj. taeturers snd summlsslen axsrekssts, Frrn - and Oek eta. - r,L8Ro?.Lvr;, Al I HN A I EWIS. cowaaleear-B ssd pearfawe rksntsT vrool ssd Uavls sis.. PerH.t. Or Wllo.rSAI. srerksey sod klasswsrs Pr.-t, sleels ft ie,. 1 te FWtft, mar, Mas aa, .r -