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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 28, 1906)
.a. -vf THE ' OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 28, 1906. 12 -I , NEW TODAY. AH Are Good Buys . .. Acreage ITiarTVtirfDoabte Five acres, cloae to tb new Roe City car lln. Wi o no ":"", only at ,U.s06 n a-cr. . The P.1 highly Improved and htm a good house on It Is less than threa month time. -w?ien the eevr ar running. It can be Bold. In. lot and the owner will double lila money. ; ; At the Head of Washington "A aero and quarter, altuata on King' Heights, just 400 feet west of the Intersection of Klandera atreet and the -Cornell road. There lan't a finer - site on all the Hetghle for home, nor one having: a more lovely view north, south or east. Thla must ba aold to Satisfy a mortgage of $1,600. look at tbl tract and make an, offer on It, , ? I ; A Good Investment -1 '.Threa' hew house' renting, for- $74 a ' month i lot 60x108,- cloae In. Near enough but not too near tba new High . school, trie I .. , . New Modern Home West Side Almoat completed n Everett atreet. ' between list and 2d. Nothing- better for the price on thla aide of the river. ' Kaay walking distance of the business renter. Mow! desirable locatlpn. Only . I1.2&0; farms, ; -;- ; ; ; Beautiful Home East Side " ' ' ' ' New, modern dwelling, 1 rooms and large reception hail, on Eaat 18th street, corner Stark. Easy .walking dis tance of Third and Morrison. TWs la a perfect gem of a home at f(,2s0. ',. Choice Building Lot, $3,000 " ' Fine alta on West Park street, for a " home or apartmrrt house. Th best In " the city. Think C the great, broad para that Ilea in front of you, . never to ba built upon. Thla property wlU -. double la value aa th city grows. Six-Room House .at $2,400 - ' A. vry fin corner on Vancouver ave ' bus. In Central Alblna, with well built, modern house and well-kept yard, - with fruit and Bowers; lot 10x100. Only one block to the "IP car. City water -. and se-irer. Thla 1 a cash proposition, Eight-Room House at $1,800 located on Woodstock car Una. clooa In and convenient to two other lines. Klectrio lights, full lot, fall basement, . brick foundation, hot and cold water; easy terms. ,.--.., A Cottage at f 1,250 i s ' Here la a little bargain, a good four room cottage, on Brooklyn 'oar line, near a P. ear shops. Will sell thla to you on easy terma. Not far from good school. Th prlc la right. - . HARTMAN & THOMPSON or eointsBoa. '- Foreign Travel Neesesttate a ouu mlsit method of aarry- ' log toad. The Oldest Trust Company in Oregon r V : 'V . Israel . . . v V' Letters of Credit -.i,,m..r. Travelers' Checks Available. nr 'OKU ana . We alse Usee traveler fhrougbeat a vary favorable ; ..-Money Orders t reeeonabie rates, payable anywhere la buhofb. . . ... , .. ik business so ybabs Call er write foe free booklet of "XLLVITBarXOM." ", . -Portland TfHsf CompdDf of Orcsoa f a. . Oeraer Third sad Oak Its. w Phone Xacbaage TA v . BEN J- 1. COHEN.,..., President H. L. PITTOt K. .... .... Tics-President - B. LKB PAOET Secretary J. 0. OOLTRA Aselstaat Beeretary McCasker-Keady . Investment Company 307 FAILING BLDO. PHONE . " MAIN 1258 - Stocks. Bonds. Real Estate and Timber Lands If you want property, either for a home or a businesa inreatment, aee us about it. If we have not what you want we will get 'it fou you. If r you have anything to gell list it with ua lor quick action IRVINGTON PROPERTY 0WNEKS ' ' A-mT0N m 1 ' t: x , We can tell that house or that vacant lot for, you. '. , ; - Give ua a triaL ! We have-tnore customers than ve mn supply. yltetC-fiCrtHrlM COMPANY W rtJ 3M4. 24-25 Co totfy. AUCTION SAIE OF MILCH COWS On rombar S, 1I0. it'lt '". rubllo auction aala, ronalatlns of 41 nrst-claaa dnlrjr cowl (of which IS have freshened In tha Pt two months). 10 heifers to freshen soon, t good, horn, anllk wagon, aprlna; wagon, dairy, uten slls and fsrm machlnry. will n Coj lumbla olough road. i wile east af - wasiitsa mllea north of Montavllla. . f a. k sKntoacw NEW TODAY, J. V. Ogiibee Room 11 .145 First St. f 3,750 Quarter block, 100 by 100 feel,with .two cottage, in Steph en' addition. . - ", .,, f l,TBO 58 acres, small amount , slashed, lies nicely 1 on the main road between" Milwaukie and Da mascus, about II. miles from city, and is - a good, - solid, substantial offer. . Would take part cash. f T.OOO Good corner lot, with three cottages, rental, of $60 per month, finely located on Carutbexs street $700 Good building lot, cor. East . Fourteenth and Clinton streets. 550 Choice building lots in Tib betts homestead, on Gideon street. f 60O Choice lot, 50 by 100 feet, in . Albina Homestead. . , ' . .., V. f 17,500 20 acres, all in cultivation, near car line, and one of the choic- , est pieces of land adjoining the city limits for platting purposes, either in acres or lots; on the east side of the river; a fine investment-: BUY LOTS NOW! "ALONG. : HAWTHORNE AVENUE As prices will' more' than double by the time the avenue is macad- amued Beautiful Building Lots Only $300 to $800 Each Our terms within the reach of all. Will loan you money - to build a modern home. - M.ELEE Room 20 Raleigh Bldg 323' i . Washington St. Phone : Pacific 59 , JOHNS LOT ON JER8ET 8T S TOO 100x10 ON FILLMORE...... B1.250 JOOxlOO FACTOR T 8ITH f6,OUO PORTLAND RAILWAY BONDS Wanted in lots of 10,000 or more, Portland Railway Company's 5 per cent bonds due 1930. ilorthderi Gutee ( M (o 203 Lumber Exchange Building BEAUTIFUL QUARTER BLOCK Beautiful quarter block on 14th and Taylor; new modern 14-room housa, occuplaa $0x100, having 78x100 en th corner, an Ideal location for a large apartment housa. That Isn't all, either. Ton can't boat thla. GREGG BROS. rfcoa atala 30, S1T-1S Tsatom Bid. A SNAP WEST 8IDQ PliONT lTRt2l4T . 6soo : 'y Pull lot, with two houaea and store building, near Market. Splendid oppor tunity to invest your money. FRED C. KINO BOS Ooxamerolnl Building-, eoBa mat Waahtngtoa gtreets. FOR SALE PLAINFIELD ASJOIBTBO BIOaTVOBB Beautifully situated, overlooking th city 112 lots, each 0x100 feet. Prlc 117.60011,000 cash, 'bnlanoe In three year at per cent. This property Ac quired by trust estate on foreclosure of mortgage. For anl at cost. FREI ERICK H. STRONG, Trustee, at Ladd sV Tllton'a Bank. See US ait Once We hsvj a larc number of peopl wishing to buy homes; also a number who want furnished rooms for house keeping. Coma In and see us. Good treatment accorded you. BXLI.OBJIBV-BBTABT CO, - 729 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Jack King The hot-air merchant, cores RHKTTMA T18M. Nsver falls. f.'o cure no pay. Tha only complete hot-air plant oh th coast. xxra-s BATVB, IrmU Bad Wasalagoa IrU. NEW TODAY. An Investment of $13,000 Will vet shlncle roUl,. well "stocked and 4tabUlMMl4n a, 150-cr tract -of land. miruw ana river connection. Dooms sufficient for JB.000 cord of shlnsle bolts, eontalnlnc also 120 - acres of tributary timber, land, with over- , corda of bolt timber and a Urge amount of fir saw timber. The estab- flooda, and la In operating condition. Terma can be had on a portion of tha prlc. ' The Dunn-Lawrence Company U9, TOST BTaVIiaT. ' WEST SIDE Fine Corner; Two Houses; Good - Rental IIENKLE & HARRISON 217 ABINGTON BLDG. A CRACK BUY Elchtvrrea..lvln within two mllea of city limits, on West Bide, south, suit able for platting- into small acreage: only 86 per acre. Thla la fine wood land. ..... . 1 C. U PARR1SH & CO. 421 Lumbar Exchange. Pon Main ISIS. A FINE M BLOCK Between ateel bridge and Burnsld bridge, near Union avenue $5,009 will buy It this week. - D. S. GEOROB , ' aaH Third Bt, Vnoa Mala aaSO. Nothing Better ror the Money In the City I1S.600 will buy ona of th beat 11 room, modern, up-to-date houaea, new, on Irving street; terms, - $8.800 Double flats on Park street, nearly new. . OTlV CROCKETT HARKSON REALTY CO., I4IH Washington BL WEATHER REPORT.- The western high. preMore sree aow ever llra the aiiddle portlo of the InltKl gtites. The low prcmoM ares yesterday over soathera OaUfornla his devplopwl Into a storai ef de rided rhvsrtn, which bu stored north te the GrutiSalt lake buln and ceased- mod erttely eeV snow In KeTids. Utah and north ern Anviu. ABOtner aiaiurDance oaa mmam Its appearance la the tar north, which Is ert dentljr rvntral over northern- Alberta. The barometer continues relatively low ever New Bwrlnnd. Uaht rain baa lailea in extreme outliers California and heavy frosts are re ported north of the Trharbapl. It contlnsee abnormallr cold In the north Tactile states, ex cept In sontbeantern laano, wnere ine tempera ture baa rlaen 2 degrees In the laat S4 boars. The Indications sre for generally fair weather in thla dlatrlct tonight and Thursday, except is southern Idaho, where enow will fall. Tempera tures wtl ne In Oregon sno in we- nortMrn Waahtngton, snd -in sontheaatern Idaho It will be mnch colder, with a students cold wave.-- - Ubenvstloai takea at . a.. Pacific tintl , Tamp. - - Btatlom - r. 'Max. Baker Cltr. Oreeoa la . Mln. Freeln, 10 " . '.01 S4 .0 24 .0 32 .0 RN .01 M .0 8 - I .0 26 .0 SO .0 2 J4 42 .0" 24 .0 - 44 - .0 Boston, Mamachnsetxt BO Chicago. Illlnole , JJ Denver, Colorado..... 3B Kanaaa Clt, Mlasourl Los Angaiea, CallforuU.... 54 New Orleans. Lontalana.... 74 New Kora, New York...... to Portland. Oregon 1 Boaesorg. Oregon Kt. Loula, MIourl. ........ M k,ll I tab 50 ; I pun Franrlaco, California... M Kttoaane, nm",,. Tacoma. WaahlngU 40 , Walla WaiU, Waahlngtoa. . M WaahlngNis. I. O MARRIAOE LICENSES.- B. Lee Barnes, Bllensborg, Wssblngtoa, 27 1 Mlnerra A. "leta. u. BadolDb Cbrtatmas, 68 Kortb Park street. (4; rraneee Kbllnger, 1. i ur.ik a7 Uarv X lonea. 2. John T. Htratton. WiUapa, Waahlngtoa, Mt Ferns B. Hooker. . M . E. T. Bnekler, 40; Msno geyer. so. Angnat K. Oaranson. 431 Mala street, ' 27 1 Josephine B. Crowe, 2S. Charles J. Cbnreh. 1171 MtnsesoU avease. 24; Effte B. Tltna, JO. , . I. M. Oormaa, Aaterla, Orsgoa, 28; Oora S. Oomatoek. 2. Brathertoa W. Grant, 21; Janet B. sfae Kav, 21. . t red J. Keller, North Tenth street, 27; Antonls rapecb. 18. . H. r. Ong, S3; Carrie hf. Fnrd. 22. . Alfred . MoCo. 21; Ida H. Nnml, 24. Coward Bensoa, W4 Corbett street, M; LMs '"waiter B.'Oray, 4SS Alder street, 28; Tlda 0. Moore, 25. ling C bldg.. W. O. Smith A Os., Wish. Fourth ssd Wssblngtoa eta. Ingtoa Wedding end calling cards sograved er printed. E. T. Bush toe.. 222V Washington at. TOKSETH A CO.. FLORISTS, FOB FLOWERS OF ALL KINDS. 12 H1XTH ST. Full drees salts for rent, sll at sea. C si qui Tailor rug Co.. BUrk St. BIRTHS. POTTS N'ovembsr 18, to Mr. and Mrs. Q. S. Potts. 820 Ralalgb, a bey. XOCMs November 18. te Mr. sad Mrs. Ernest Vonng. tna Twenty-fourth, s girl. PUOOAN November 2a, to Mr. and Mrs. Oeorge B. Dnggaa, dot Ovsrtoa, boy , and ST! ckkY November 22. to Mr. and Mrs. J. M. tockey. Mllwsokle, s girl. -JO N EH November 26. to Mr. snd Mrs. Csrl K. Jones. Portlsnd Maternity hospital, s boy. JOHNSTONE November 24. te Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Johnstone, Portland Maternity hos pital, a giri. t DEATHS.- HOLMES November aft: Msry F. Holmes, 88 years, 800 Eaat Morrison. HARDY November 19. Enblns K. Hardy, 80 year,. 82 Salem, pulmonary tuberculnate. OOITOH Nnvemlter 26. Mary A. Uougb, 8T years, 1D82 Eaat Olleaa. pleurisy. WKBSTRR November T, Annlce J. W abater, 8 months. 002 Eaat Pine, pneumonia. UNDERTAKERS. Floral designs snd eat Bowers esa be pre csmd from us st any hoar of sight or day. Phone Mala 1A4S. Hoffman Bros., 768 Gllaan. Donning. McEntee A ailbsngh. sndertakera and embslmera; modern Is every detail. Seventh and Una. Mala 430- Lsd saalataat. A. B. Remstock. andertaker ssd embalmer. Jtaat Thtrteealk snd LmstlUs are. Phooa SeU- woot 71. Erlrkaoa Undertaking Co, sad embalming. 408 Alder at. Phone Mais 813A Lady aaalatant. ' J. P. Flnley A Sons, Third snd Madlaoa eta. Of nee of county coroner. Pboae Msls A Claris Bros., Floriata Fins Sorsl assigns. 288 Morrison at. Sowers a ad Edward Holmss. sadartaker, 220 Third at. BJTXa TIEW CEMETEAT. Single graves. 10. Family lots, f 100 Is 21,000. The only cemetery Is Portland which per Betsally malnlalna and-cares for Iota. Fsr full liitnrmatlnn aoolr to . W . B. Mackenste. Woe. evatav block, city. W. M. Ladd. Brest del t. ' REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. B. W. Qnlmhf ta Aims Hall. Berth 11 ,feet of lot 8, block 1. Sprluf water acreage Is sectkar 28, tawnablp I saaita, rsags S seat IS REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS liear C. Hodges and wife te Anna Her- , sug. kits aud a, blork 13. Central Alblna i M T. al. Ward, aberlff. to Allan H. Jor, east H of nartbireat H aud eaat H of eoulbweat W ef aeetkm 4. tmra. . 4- w"?.s"uT-H4M'll-il "LLJilaQUial San i, wn a o weal or aectlou i Ijli.g aoutk of Brower'a Mill mad. eontaiulns 70 a eras ' 10 Ban C. Brunaagb aud wife to W. Frank ' Wstiljia. lots l and a. block- t, lro. - Hk a edoltion -r. i-.-, , . n .......... .-. . 1,700 Jeaala 1 and Vrtrj Paget AUama to Jobs B. Mattbews. lot 4 and aouib k ef lot A bluek A HlahUnri . . ill Ckarlaa O. and Mary ttcneon te Ainoroea E. uantaubetn. nor lb t, of lut , s - block 1H, tmirh'a addition .". T William B. Blraetee and wife to He- , . raritr Bavlnga A Traat companv, land beginning at lnt on aoolh line of , Waablngtaa atreet 24V82 tert aaaterly . from Internet-Una arltb eaat line -of : North TweiiU'-flrat atreet . '.'Ill Uarleajr Ketate company to Frank H. Kansum, OWxino feet beglusing l point In eatt Una of Ardmore avenue at In- ' teraeetlon with tba dividing line be- , twevu Ui 1I and 11, blork 1. la- ' amended nlat of'Ardinore ' in Haua I'aulaea and wife lu Jnllua Paulaen,' ' "' min h or w l. Mwk 4. Eaat Tort- ' 1 land lllsbta ......... ano Set I wood Keal Gatale eompanr to . t ' Klug. lot a, bio. a 42. Hellwuod .' ISO Heal Eatate ' Inieatment aaaoclatkm to O. B. I'uderwood aud J. King, loteit,,' -: Mark 8, BvUwood 1M . C. and 9taeohliia R. Breeden to Jnbn O. Kdwarda. river Iota 12 to 12. In rlualrv, am aoutb 27 feet of lot 1. In South i'nrtland ,. . - 10 H.'l.-n D. and A, B. Manley to A. A. Llijillaey. avrea lu section ia. tnwnablji 1 aoutb, range I eaat. tba Edwin Long donation land claim, con taining SrlW arf.a IXSSO Jobtt' O. Kdwarda to Rllaabetb J. B. Kdwarda. andlvld'd 10-4O Int.reat In , . 2 acres, bounded en east bv Wlllaniette ,' river, ob weat by renter ef Macadam road, os north tiy boundary Hoe of Hector B. Campbell donation laud rlalia, on south by an eaet-iauul aeat line parallel to said north bousdary 11ns ssd 1AO feet ther-froni 1.000 Alice Eachrti-bt to William 1, I'alton, lot 8. tract II. (irceuwar addition ..... 1 Oak Park I-a&d eompany, trualra. In F. - uicmiano, lot yj. hiak SJ, w II. tamalte ilelahta addition 1 Herman Mrtiger, trustee, to Jobs John son, iota lo and Id. block II. Keevr- voir Park " 828 William M. Ladd et al. to K. McLennan. ' kt . block 2. Streng'a addition I.6O0 William J. Pattoa at al. to Alice Kacbrlcbt, lot t. tract H. Greenwaj. 1,814 Alice C. Uove. trustee, to Helen T. Snanldlna, truatee, blork 12, Central . Alblna addition n A llilna . . . ... . . ' 1 Clark Taber to Mary B. Know lea, weat . H Ml T snd a, block 85, Esat Pert land .7. 77. W.508 Aloya Harold to J. H. Rcott, lot 21. block 8. Capitaa addition to Baat Portland.. I Madlaon U and Nellie E. Keed te Ul- - lie McConnetl. lot T. block I, Mil- " ler-k addition to BeUwond 1 808 William M. Ladd et al. to Jamee Barker. south 84 feet of lots a. 27. 2H. 20. Bodlrr's addition to Eaat Portland.... 408 Otlmar Zlmmernians and wife to Dtepbea Vinson, lot lo. block 4, Crystal Barings -addition to Sallwood 290 Stephen Vlsaon to H. W. Landfare. lot 16, blork 4, Crystal Springs addition . tu Bellwood 10 Lewis Ruaaell and wife to Charles F. snd 8lgnev A. Alexander, lot 12. block ' C. Willamette lielxhta addition 1.400 Beal Eatate Inveotora' easoetatloa te EUie U ntman, lot 4. blork !, Sell wood ITS Mary B. Wndgenakl to J. 8. glosa, lots -T and 8. block 17, Klnsal Park ........ TOO Lewis Ruaaell snd wife to Flora Hubert, lot 17. block 28, Willamette Heights addition A 000 Henry W. Fries ssd wlfs to Minnie . . . Carey, lets T an a, Blocs s. ram ad dition to Alblna .......v.... - 2S0 Sunnyalds Land A Improvement com- ' 8 any to J. al. Fischer, lot S, bkM as, nnnyaide ' 400 Multnomah Beal Katate association to 2rrllda J. Oossett. lots 20, 21. block . Willamette toirnalta i... 409 Multnomah Real Eatate association to" Martha Boat, lot 4, block 18, Wil lamette townalts 200 Eerrllda J. Ooaartt to John B. Dean, lots 20, 21, block s, willamstte To W. H. snd Alice B. Nunn te T, 0. Wis. . lot A Mock 1. Worth Trvlngtoa :. . .r"2M J. H. and Alice B. Nunn to T. O. Wise, lot 8. block 18. North imngton zoo J. H. snd Msry 8. Huddleaoa to Dale V. Harrison, lot 0. Block 1, ftoor neigois Anguat and Ellsakath Dell te Alms H. 1.MO Kd mandaoo. lot A Trontdsls Park. - snd weat Una H ef -lot 1. . Trwntdala Park .... A. . . . 00 George W. snd Annie E. Force to Delia and August Uoemhlld. lots IS. 1A 23, 26, block 7. College Piece Ada F, sad M. B. Heatk to John snd Christina M. Benake, lot A block 28, . Alblns Homestead S. W. and Elisabeth D. King snd lis- l.TOO A2S0 Bnda E. Morgaa to James u. Anaersoa snd Carl A. Johnson, lot A block 13, men's addition , W. 11. and Clara E. Markall to T. J. Sow.. sat U. at lota T and 8. block in.2, Eaat Portland 2.280 Beheeea A. Morrison to Edwin B. Con- alff. lot IS. block II. Weat Piedmont:. , 680 ssA Emma Flugarald to Martha. Groeoar. lot 26, block 28, Mount Tabor VlUa Edit M. snd J. Newt Graham te James B. Tste, lot 1. block 10, Kasworthy's addition te Best Portlsnd; alao a atrip commencing st northwest corner of lot 18. block 2, Salisbury Hill: thence southerly 80 feet, thence west S feet, tk.M .wfh so . thence esat 8 feet to Die re ef beginning 1.880 Cbsrlee W. and LI I lis A. Knll to Mary i,.knu. lut a blork IX- Central At- ' btna Fulton Park Land company to Frank Palmer, blork A Fulton Park ...... 1 Flrlssd compear to R. B. Cowls, lots 11 snd 12, block A Flrlan S80 Ella U snd Charles H. Woodsrd to Al bert snd Myrtle Cleveland loM 8 snd 8. block 8. Carter's sdditlon ... 1.S0O Lory A. 8hsttnck to Chrla Ladlgea. lots 1. 2, . 4. 8. A t, A block J. Simon's addition t.M For sbstrsets, fltts Insurance er aaortgags , . n M p.ttr Title A Trust aomoanv. 204-8-A7 Falling building. Oet yoar Insnrancs snd ana tracts ro rest from the Title flsarantee A Tmst enm- sany. 240 Waabingtea street, corner Second. NOTICE. tones OF DISBOI.tmOrf OF FABTNER SHIP Notice le hereby give tbst the pert- ..Nhln heretAfnce ailatlnS between H. H. Hlrarhberger and J. W. Sweeney, nader ths firm sams of Hlrerhberger A Sweeney, doing business at Zhs Kurnstoa at roriiauo. Ore gon, la liereby dissolved by mutual consent, sit o,,nts rfne tha said firm era te be paid by the aald H. H. Hirachbergev. who will eontlone the baelneaa, and all debts ssd lia bilities of the aald firm will be paid by ths aald H. H. Hlrachberger. .'... . Dated at Portland. Oregon, this Sd day of November, next. . H. H. rTIRSOHBF.ROBB, J. W. SWEENEY. WANTED The name ssd address of the per sona who aaW tb streetcar collide with the " msll wafoa st Stttk snd Merrisoa sts. Sep tember HO, whes ths driver wss hurt. Ad dress to i. A. Johnson, 442 Lso svs.. elty. anm "BIT.rrSe-hslT tr ahTOtot dress of Mrs. Mand M. Mitchell, daurhtet of D. and MattMa Waanon. to 1. B. Vltt, ad ulnUtrstor of II. J. Vltt. of Boles. Idaho. THS new City Directory Is now ready t copies rae be eeenred at the office. 820 Marquam bids.. If seeded, before rrgnlsr delivery le made. HEATERS repaired ea short notice at Atr-Tlght Stove Oo 271 First. I'hnae Pseifle 111A EXCAVATING snd grading. C. B. Pottsgs, 4 Commercial St. I'none a eiaw. MEETING NOTICES. ATTENTION NEIGHBOR SometMnj Dola? I&07: JRUarAO "TOWGHT! lArir al 'VV.O.W- BETTER COME M W. A. ETEROKEK Came. 8.-4BS. meets Wednesdsy evening. Allssy bldg.. Third and Morrlaoa ate. PORTLAND OBCHRSTRA Mnale for ell ee. eaaloss; raasonsbls. Mais 5iAar 4 Locrstls. M. W. A, Oregon Oraps Camp. Ns. 6.878. Mn. days. 17th snd Marshall: visitors welcome. LOST AND POUND. FOUND A place rn have halt msttraseea reno. vated and returned aame day.' SVS Frent at. Mala 474. Portland Curled 11 ah rectory. H. Matsgar, proprietor. FOl'ND "A small lannch." Usuck Bv, foot Stark at, See C. Amos, LOST AND FOUND. FOl'ND cker spaniel bltrb. Owner can have nm by paying for thla advertisement. Pboae Pacific lb. M) LOST Scotch eoUle pup. aabls snd white. white atrtiie m fact, white feet and white l)L imtall, ..''! nxMlhs old: reward. Jiesry berger, 3iH9 heeler. -e KELP WANTEDMALE. WANTED AT ONCE COO sound yonn msa. age M to ;io, (or flrtmen and brakeman ea leadiug e'eatarn railruada and for new roads sow bring completed; experience ssnecesaary; firemen 1 100 per luouta; bra times fis; tlooa now opent writs st once tor partlca- lrs- National Railway ray 1 Training Association. 780 Paxtoa block, Ouiahn, heb, er bim suugs bldg.. Kansas Llty, Mu. WANTED et ence Stave-bolt (attars, - wages $1.40 par cord; eteady work. Apply west ern Cooperage Co., Dtearns Bldg.. Portland, or liouiton, or. , ! , . AU K NTS WANTED To sell superior, htgh-grsde nureerv atock: cotnulate outfit rurnianea ires caeb weekly; write today for choice of terrl- t Jry. Capital City Kuraary compaor, asism, WANTED Vonng Bea te preps re for railway telegraph aerates: wsgrs g5 to $V0 per niBoth when ouallfled. Expert College ef Telegraphy, IlfUi flour Commonwealth bldg. WANTED Twe or three Mrst-clsss, all around macalne men; serejunent pjsltlos. good wagaa, orecoo Fnrulture Mfg. Co., Macsdam road. K get work tor ear members: sptctst nism hers. IA Y.,M. C. A, Fuarth aad Yamhill. . DON'T work' for g small -salary; sss or write radar Ala association lor a goo proposi lion. 24 Loaber Excbsnge. 5? In Pcrdaud; men are making after noon. 2911, BUrk at. 15 osli caU Union EuteL . ' 81 NORTH SIXTH ST. Free employment te our pstrona. Weekly rstvs: Boom, $1.28 apt room aad board. 84.60 op. Andarsoo. propria toe. MEN AND WOMEN te lean barber trade In eight weeka; graduates aara from 818 to $23 weekly; expert Inatructore; -catalogue free. ' Moler System ef Colleges, 88 North Fparth si. PertlasA - , . . ONE ef the fastest selling propositions In . Asiatics; men of good reputation relit -ex- frnsra guaranteed. Conserve tlva Matual Ufa uaursnce Co., Elks' bldg. WANTED S.tleamen; many mass 100 to I IV) per month;- aotne even jnora; stock eleaa: grows oa reservation, far from old ercbsrda, ; eaab sdvsncej areekly; choice ef territory. ., Address Washington Nursery com pa ay, Toa Benisa, Waahlngtoa. BNTKRPR1PB HOTEL, 523 SAVIEK. OKNKR ISTH. ' ' Ws are lu ths factory aad ml 11a district: corns la sod have- s talk with as; good board aad good rooen, 84.00 per week, . WANTED Competent girl for general bones- work, good wages, land Heights. Apply 408 20th st Port. MEN to learn to operate moOoB-ptrrnrs tns- eblnea; good, esay profession: short hoars: yea cea make 825 weekly. For terma and Cirtirnlars call st Newman's Motlon-Plctura s chine Co.. 14fi Sixth et. WANTED A young ana te learn drug host- tees. Address X 85. cars Journal. TWO good Bollrlfers; At proposition for men was saa remiss good raferencee. w atark. WANTED Competent yoang msa staaogrspher; gooa re reran cea; position eat of trwn j state ege aad ax per lance. Address N 8A Journal, WANTED A glaaler. . Apply -Orsgoa P Using hub, ivts an vsogsa. . TWO solicitors, household anedsltlea; . abort hours, good retnrns. 202 Third st. BOYS wasted with wheel; wares 30 per month. Apply to manager, 262 Stark st. . HELP WANTED FEMALE. IF TOO WORK, why not aara mora thaa living t Be Indei Dei do good. The Vlavl Co. already employs 12.000 womsai the work covers 28 eouutrlee of the world; we will sntsrtala appllcstloBS trow capable wemea; : no canvassing, bat helpful, dignified work. e Address by msll only. The Vlavl Co.. rooms 2Q4-8-S-T Tllford bldg.. loth and Wssblngtoa. HOME LADIES' AOBNCY. -IS8H Fourth St., sorner Morrlaoa, apsutra. Phone Msla 6H2A Atoagslda-4he M. U.AtldaV- OIBLS WANTED Opers tore u work ea shirts ssd overalls. Leasoos gives te tsexperlsaeed. ' Apply st Stssdard factory Ms. A Ursad av. and Bsst Taylor st. , SERVANT girl Tor hnnaework aad cooking; 830 to . 14th st. HANSEN'S LADIES' AOEXCY, Suit Wssh Ingtoa at., . cor. Seventh, spstalra, pkens Main 2P6X Female help wanted. FEW ladles wasted te assist making easy fancy work epare time et home; good steady pay; no experience required. 22 FleidBer bldg., 407 Waahlngtoa st. " WANTED Young lsdles to Jola our Universal Shorthand class; writ ting letters the second . lesson: on month free tuition; clssa sow forming st E. B. II. tier leal offices, 435 Worcester blk. WANTED Young girl to help do light house work; go homo night. BOO Conch st. COMFORT A BLR horns snd pleasant room for reliable woman who will assist with house work ssd care for child. V 80, care Journal. VOM'KTEEItB OF AMERICA Working Olrk,' Home, 2 Cast Sixth at., N.; board sad room reasonable. Phone Baat SHI. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. WANTED Young people to Join ear classes ta , shorthssd snd bookkeeping by nor Declm plsn, which places Too la position In very abort time. Rates tow. B. B. I. Clerical Offices, 4.15-8 Worcester blk. r HELP wsntsd ssd supplied, msls er female. A O. Drake, au6 Waeblagtsn st, Psdfie 1170. WANTED Aaatenr actors for dramatic etage, etc.; good onorturrity to leara Ibe boatnesa. Thestrlcal Isformatloa Boreas. 148 hi Sixth St., room X SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. PRINTER Experienced printer desires sttus tloa la country: Cons bay preferred. Address W 85, cars Journal. BOOKKEEPER, employed st p r position fa city: first -eleee reft tare JouraaL desires -U T, XPERIENCED atenogrsp - work-sveslngs; good rsi hrr daalres ear aces. care journal. SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE LADY with S girls, T and S, would like keeping place; will glvs mother's aara your children. H 87, care Journal. - AN? all-around nurse lady doe cooking snd washing $i a day, er $6 by Mala 5817. , " - sek. Phone AN EXPERIENCED surse would like eonflne ment eesee. Address X 24. care Journal. EMPLOYMENT AOENCIES. METROPOLITAN Bralty and Employment Bu reau. Department 1, real eatate, loana, col lections; department A reliable help tar nished, sltuatlone aecortd. 252 Alder St., room IA Mais 8700. ' BHD CROSS-FMPLOYMNT CO. Logglsg essip snd farm kelp a specialty. 20 North Second at. Phone Msla CXU6. we pay all Islegrsph cbsrgss. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICB FOB MEN. SB Worth Second at. , Phone Mala IB2A PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. SnftiA Morrlaoa St.... Phone Parrfle JT 27 North Second at rbons Iscl8e 13U0 ALPINB Emptoyment Ce., 2nStt Morrlaoa St. ' Mala and female help. Pbons Msla lIT. WANTED REAL ESTATE, I wnns "o wmw eeie, wu, par , caah, balance moslhly Installments; If yovtr price Is right snd local loo suits will buy, ' Address M 79, ear JouraaL , , ,. ' WANTED AGENTS. AOCNTB. neddlers. esavaaaars and street work ers, set your supplies from H. M. Hummer, I your supplies from K. u. Flummi hire at-; sew goods, bottom prieea. 80 WB can offer extraordinary Inducements to several Intelligent and eiperlenred lady can- i , vaaaara; kouaebold necessity. Call I1 Fifth 1 A it E NTS ra, silvers, peddlera, solici tors, msll order people, sic., alMild bay Kramer 'a Book of Trade Decretal regular price - ., bt balance et laar ediitna fur 21. 25 as long as they last: guaranteed: order quick Sioux Pub. Co., Sutherland, lows. AO NTS WANTED to ssll ear complete Una . of high-grade nursery stock: out SI frtea cash weekly. Address Capital City liursery Co., natem. uregon. e WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO BENT Houaea. cottage, flats, , stores, offices, roomiug-booees. ate. , Land lords will o well to rail oa 1 , PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. Phone St, 7A S. K. Cor.-ad scd Oak. . . WANTED to rent; a well-stocked dairy ranch. 88 hsvwnlh st. WANTED A furulshed farm; wilt run It oa ebsres.. .address N wo, care Journal. WANTED House, 10 or 18 rooms: must ba central. Address X T4, care Journal. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. : SECOND-HAND GOODS WANTED I am In structed by one sf the largest Arms In Sin . Frsnchuo to buy, for snot eaab, tlO.Otai worth of second-hand household goods of all dcacrlption; highest eaab pries will ba paid fur earns; orders promptly' attended to. . lamporary . quarters INS . Front -at, - Phc Main 4773. J. KOSENCRANTA Manager SKATING Privets school ef skating, special every Tuesday and Friday; private leasons for heglnnera dally sxcept Sunday auder ths sperlsl direction of Instructor J. O. Botala. CaU up pboue Mala 5140. lii po sition Rink. . WANTED Private lady teacher capsbla of teaching Instruments! snd vocal music and English branches; reasonable aalsry snd board In plrssant home; state salary dealred ami we will cell oC write. V 24, cere Journal.. WANTED English pit hull l op under 8 months I Orsst-st. Main ota. k. . Jtateuisa, B'JOl. all In English after 7 61), care Journal. p, ai. state price. . X HIGHEST price paid' for men's cast-off cloth log. Phono Pacific '46. Uncle Joe, 02 Third. WE WILL BUY, SKI A OR TllADS ANY OLD THINU. WESTERN SALVAOF CO . S2t 2 WASHINGTON. PACIFIC T8A - HIGHEST cash price paid for sll kinds sec- hand goods. Pbons Main 81 1L 83 N. Third, -i. WANTED. - . . -Furniture - i For , Furniture I Spot , , ' ; Furniture Csah. '' PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS. 111' First st, Phoae Msla SSSA WANTED TO Bl Y Second-hand piano; most be In goad condition gad cheap - Address . a TA care Journal. - v. , EXCAVATING snd grading. C. B. PotUgs, estt Commerctsl st. Pbons Bsst B19A I PAY csah for household goods. W. W. savage. so-ssi rural si. r mourn rscue son. HOMESTEADS FBEB Fins lsnd, very valuable. so sast Morrlaoa at. j. H. Foreman. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT 8TKAM-H BATED rooms st reasonable rate. Hotel Royal, lOSVs Fourth at., between Wash ington sad Stark ata. .Paooe Mala AS34. THB RICHELIEU, 88 u North Sixth et. Ele gantly furnlahad; a team heat ssd baths. THB roosi HUB," B8 Blsvsatb st Stsrh; i silk staam Aest sad hath. FUBN1SMED looms and furnished housekeeping rooms tor rent st 762 Vsseaaver eve. THB GBAND, 4BVi North Third et I fat genttemes per week an up. LINDA- VISTA, 247 H Fifth Houaekeeplng. rooms with by windows, sad sloeplngoosna. FUBNISHFD room, private residence; gentle mas preferred; references required. 4S8 Wil liams avs. THB WILLAMETTE Under new management: permanent sua transient. 144Wj . nix to St. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. 11.28 WEEK CP, clean, fumlahsd hosnekeea- ing roomsi parior, net, laasary. best, yard. BUSH BP I tan ton, U ear. 11.60 WEEK as, large, eleaa, furnished housa. keeping roome, laundry and nets, is aner mas sooth. PortlaaA THE MITCHELL Houaekeeplng aad transient reasonaoie. aeventn saa risnasre. 8 GOOD anfurntahed housekeeping -rooms; both snd water; 812. 00 Water at. TWO furnished rooms for housekeeping; bath. phone, gas.. 484 College et. Mala 6714. OB 8 furnished or unfurnlahed houeeiceeul rnume; modern, gna range, water. phone. 835 Went Lincoln at. THREB furnished housekeeping -roneae, $13. 90S I'srk st. ROOMS AND BOARD. FOR 2 employed people; also roommate for quiet reOned young man; walking dlslsnce; modern. 6x4 Esst Morrison. A FIRST-CLASS suite ef moms for gent I ernes. call at Z9o lata sc. rnooe stain 10. so. 85 TWELFTH 1 to 8 nice moms with closets; borne cooking; private family; gas, rurnace, bath, phone. ROOM AND BOARD. SM William are. FOR RENT HOUSES. FOR BBNT OB SALB New 5-mosa gesdsr bouss en B4th St.. esst., only gin: also 4 rooms, 7. Phone Union 414A Address 46 84th St.. east. FOB BBNT Brand-sew 8-mem eettage aad a trie. Just aolahe. wail tinted, ea canine. IIS. Including water. Bella m, Oraeat A Hlg ly, 128 Third St. MODERN 6 room kooaa. walls tinted, porcelain bath: 14th St., sesr Montgomery, , Isqslre 864 14th at. ' T-BOOM kooaa ea earllne. 81 A C. H. Flggett, I owner, lawyer, oom Mulksy blag. t-BOOM. sottase. IM Grover between snd water sts. Inquire room oaa clamper ex commerce, FOB BENT AITOmTinn-s-1TOfro line, $10. Inquire 84 GastsBbela svs. A BOOM cottage, gaa. hath. basement. Apply next door, 428 uarrieoa et. 1S PER MONTH-LT-room hones with beth. No. iou rtenrsaaa at., cm toe asiioat una. auairv 165 North 12th at. - A WELL-Ft'BNISHED home, T rooms, wit nlsno, in aoutb rortisna. ' tjaa nt eiv vor hett at. between S and 12 a. m. B. O. Bow en. FOR RENT Arnom ' oottaga. modern. Inquire 261 Norm inth at. FOR RENT Two son sea; good yard back end front: one su and tss otner ess. inquirs 70S Fourth st. ONE I room eottaga, 470 Bsst Belmont t rnone Raai iziu, FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. OFFICE-ROOMS, unturnlsbed roome- as earn- pie-rooms lor rsnL Ueodnoug Bug. apply tlevator. DESIRABLB ofSces. Including shvctrl lights, hot ssd sold water, janitor aso sisvaior service, la the bsw, slrr Oommonweslth bldg., aid BostofOcs sits. Sixth ssd Burnsids ' su. , Ageot room 41L FOR BENT Store, Fifthmt. etde Ooodaeugh bldg. Iniiulrs slavator in 00 u ding. FOR BENT Store Flftht. stdr Ooodnough mug. . inquire si eievewv , FOR RENT Marguerite ball, corner Hawthorn snd Margnerlis avea., ror social ana rrsteraai pnrpoeea; new and up te dsts. W. L. Nssb, 10.18 Hawthorn av. ,, FOB RENT Nev 1048 Hawthorne are., rotner Marguerite Hawthorne kve. , L, Bash., 10-18 SB Mai ia r l f. 5 ' l I ,'lt II r- l X -sse- -ar . , ' ' ilTZAiNl,,!. ' - - A vM I 5h- HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI. , , TURK FOR SALE. FOR SALSFurutturs of Aroam aesCsrs house, nearly- i ll new; rent reasonable; two block from postofnee; gu.)d tranalent house: will sell it i bsrsaln If taksa by the aret U December, aufi llfth at. . . - FOE RENT MISCELLANEOUS, HALL and ballroom, sens rats or tagetberi sew snd with sll esaventeaose. pusns Msla- le. ,. BUSINESS CHANCES. " WR sre bnylug Ivnrat Automatic Switch stock," - Wbst hsvs you got to offer?, J. F. Uuraf ' A Oe., 2u Mrhsy bldg. SAVE MONEY Anything )a printing see Mid. des. Odd Fellows' Temp Is. First snd Alder - sta; BiwtaUa. . ,- FOB SALK Aparlmrntmuaa er IA room; all . newly furnlahad; raey terma If nereeaaryi In rams (100: rent 83o; located as Montana st," Apply Cobs Bros.' Furniture Co., lu First. HAVE party who w lanes te bay Into baalncss or vsitis snout gio.ra-p or lets. 51T Cowaner- rial blk. . Phone Msla 61 MX HOTEL far allure for sale; long lease end low rent; elty. V. H. l lggott, swusr.. lawyer, ruoa 4 aluikcy bldg. STOCK eotnpsnles Incorporated. If you bars steaks sr bonds for ssle, let me try to' sell thru tor you. C orge 11, Ksllogg, broker, 340 aUlloott Square. Buffalo. BAB RE II -SHOP tor sale; 2 ehalra. t luus; west side; urlce 1330. Addrcta B 4S. care ' Jonnisl, , .. . .- . II ' ROOMS, near Portland Hotel; rent 80O; furulture fur sale reaaouable; terns. , nuti( , Mala 21.-. . , . HOoMlNll-HOrsES and botes. ' retiring fnna lu to Ua too me. wall famished; best htrs tiuns la clt; leasee; terms; all good laveaUe menta. . Pbons Main 81. S BOOMS. 1 block from Hotel Hnrtleed. for ssls 22.00A: flns leaas; terma. Main HI. FOR SALE Haruees snd anddlery bualness; In voice at about 81 ; boat rsllmad town la eastern Oregon. Further particulars address ' . B 43, cars Journal. SM.lcri n.-iMtau e-usini: rn-t poar' r roomsrcehtral. -Oivgau-Alberta Ueaity Co., nixta sua wssuinrton. ever nana. Main Illtl. FOR SALE Cigar and Phone Psclfte 174A confertloaevy at are. 8325 BUYS nice well sieelad corner icotlare stylet, 11 -room roounng uoucc. em-s in: gd transient location. Portland Buslttcse tassc Agency, 148 First st. ' WANTElk Party with 11.000 te take one third - interest k) eatabllFlie,! bss-evsn; e iKmllcil , field for profit. Address L SO, care JoamaL FOR BALK Bsstsorsnt doing a goml busluees; price l.etX luuulru 2" laylor at. l..Vfl FOB a tnan In a merrhsndlea a tors; long a ee, gotal - niminssar nos- socatws,.-'- eteiB" land Co.. I.I314 First at. ' A SNAP Flrat-elnas paring boneea; esse money; s bnnsnts for a hastier, ires or woman. Adilress at once. N as. oars Juunuil. FINE T-room htsaia, modern: will rent for 873; In lienor. Alblna. .-Saa Rafael at .. walMng distance: thla pmpeetr " worth fS.taat, ot will be sold for 29iam only X down. Tbla , h genuine hsrgslu, Alvord A Alwrd, 183 Morrlaoa st. , ... . FOB SALB Fnrnltnre of in-room house: 11 ef roomers. Seventh St. NICE new reatsursnt or bntrl dintnr-ron-a red kltrbsa eutflt; new French rrnte; rveryining first -el S ! vui fit. ..sail sbsap -mprtr 2V1 Stark at. FORST-CLAS8 8-chle barh.r-ebcp. bargain; ahootlng-gallerr. good mration, rkraw; must sell. L C. Belt Everett st. FOB SALB OR RENT Rooming-house of 14 with a nod lease: will sell very rvsso'H able on account Of leaving ally, of rtmt for long terma to reaponalble party, tall Bo North Ninth at., or phuno -pacific 251A , 5 OR 10-ACRE eblcken-ranch. with buildings. for ssle or trade. Whi I have ynT 320 Mtrm ISth St. HALF - INTEREST la reel eatste hnslnrse; rarty gdng swsy. Beck tier smita znt -First st. FOR BALBwPniaparoaa grocery store at luta, . or would exchanre tor eaat alue ret wenr property. Tel. Scott 22H4. ssi. 1 j. as-i" ) a 1 1. . n a 1 "l 1 . m ,. - FOR SALE REAL ESTATE." WB kave 1 any things te be thankful fee and here are few of them: - Choice-level lots rj(si l-Mlr local mo. WW) each; lo-mlnute cvr servlee. Hull Hnn wsteri. esay terpw. A It-roota vrell-bllllt enltSge; choice frrilt snd flowers. 22d snd Powell sts. ll.AVl; 86o rash, balance I yar. per cent. As elegaat modera 8-room house la Irving, ton. " opo. 26,0ut will buy a choice corner 50x100; S hooe s, on Fifth st. 8 blocks trsm Morrison. vah.OOO will buy a choice corner ua Fifth St., 4 blocks from Morrlaoa. 140,000 will bny new modern a;srtment bonae that la paring over in par rent. Iin.nro wilt hnv rin choice Iota SOiim. all ta fruit, perfectly lveU 1 large kouea ami bsrui In-mlnnls car service; Inside clljr limits; cbolre location. $18,000 will hoy 40 lot I block from Haw. thorns eve., rkaea In. Aval will bay a chlckea reach, very sight If lor st Ion; terms essy. UKAN IeAND I.VTgrlTMr.VT CO.. 10 1 nr., t v. v . , 888 Sherlock bid. Phone t4 IO. 11.100 ELEGANT -romxi honse. Sreplaoe. lot fancsd. painted. Mount Beoti car; 14 cash, xlance payments; very choice. . I2.2AO Modern A room bouse, Borrhwick at., near Beech: full lot: good bsrgaln. 84. loo Eaat Ankeny, close In, 8 soosss, fall lot, waixing aiataace, Modera, rooms, full lot. Eaat TsvVir ylnr. cloae In: mnet be snis; see ir. II, son Soap; beos sad lot, Borthwlrk sad good specula Hon. . 160.000 Cbolc corner. Alder st tots In sll pans of city. THB WASHINGTON ft OREGON . - COMPANY, ' . ' - 108 hecoad t. B SALTY SMALL FARMS ON GOOD TERMS. $1,700 2-story T-room keuss, large hat, splendid houss. . . ITfto room houss, fiiD let. $00 8-room houss, full lot. 81,000 6-room cottage, well located. , . l,4BO Nlcs little horns.. All close to streetcar and very food terms. OTTO, CROCKETT ft HARKSON REALTY . , COMPANY, , . StAtk Waahlngtoa t- ' DO Y0D want real chlckea ranch t Hera It la: k acres, right on O. W. P. electric line, 8 miles from the renter ef the elty; good hones, good barn, sll tensed, nearly half, clear, fine soil, good spring, no rock or ? ravel 1 prion 1,800: esa glvs tints ea part, his Is jutt what you have he looking for. Address W aa. aara JourasL LOTS, LOTS, LOTS Wet ice Ibe alee, nOi2n(l , only a few for ssle, $800; 820 down, balance 810 month; near Mt. Scott earllne. National ' Trust A Investment Co., 851 Worcester bldg. $2,200 Good Aroma housa and nOxlOO-foot lot, la Sno ny aide. Register ft Oe., 107 H Third at. LOT a SAxlOO. with a 10-room, house, fan basement. 8 mine tee' car eervtee. for 14.500. terma; sold ea account ot settling up aa ' state) ws alao bars shout 100 lots Imme- ' dlataly joining Irvlngton, and only 88 mkf stes' walk o lb steel bridgs, for 1260 upt . wDl glvs terms. h leader A McAuley, re-nui 0t, Allsky bldg. ' . . . . THESE ABB DONATIONS eO-ronm henee. Wit lot 100, price $7,000. Cersev, 108x1:17, bust. , aess property, worth $40 a frost font: S-nxsa ' house, office building, bsrn. I4.2A0. Over I scree, ;ay Addrras u 4S, car oja rare ojuruai,