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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1906)
TZIZ OREGOH DAILY JOUENAi; PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 27. 1SC3. M SCHEDULES TO DLiCIIAflGEfl Time Card Manipulator Art In - S?ion Today Jn Office, of W.J. Buckley. . esaaBSsWessWBwsSSjaaaa THROUGH TRAINS TO ' BE SOMEWHAT SLOWER All Tracki In Northwest Have Been Repaired and S.'P, O. R. ft N. and N. P. Are AU Running aa Par ' 'Schedule.' . "-' ; Time ner Vf anlpulatora are In aeealoa t the offices ot Oeneral Superintendent M. J. Buckley, of the Harrlraan lines tn the Pacific northwest, and new ran nln( schedules for all O. R. N. main tin and branch Una train will ahortlr b announoed. . The new schedules for . through traina will be somewhat slower, jkir.. tiuciuer -ssMs The enures ara neceasttaied br tha extra heavy traina new operating ea tha through cards. It la unpoaalble to run theaa traina of 1 and II hear? eoachea aa faat aa wa fortnarly operated too vtraii passenger train of alx coaches. Tha Lewis and Clerk efcpe e4tlon brought with It tha heavy through train, which waa aeoesaarr to accom modate the -travel We expected that a ftar tha exposition tha irarns-woufat ' ba reduced In length, but travel haa kept tip and la steadily Increasing. Wa have become weary waiting, for tha shorten ing of trains, and wa ara now going to fit tha schedule to tha actual time these traina can make." ' Tha ft R N. haa had singular rood fortune to escape ajl trouble from floods. Its traina have operated regu larly, and In addition the O. R- 4 N. has furnlshod tha rails for operating all tha travel of the northern roada during tha week of flood troubles. After a tie-up lasting alnco Tuesday, November 19. the Northern Pacific : 1 : ""rrrr - y t : max nc '. ' ; The' Favorite Comedian, Who Is Playing en Engagement at the ; HeOlg Theatre, in the Delightful Comedy The Han on the Box." Railroad oonipany la again operating Ita overland trains from tha sound to BL Paul, and traina are -overloaded with traffic of all kinds. - Tha lino between Portland and Seattle la clearing away tares accumulations of freight and bag gage that were piled up in Portland, awaiting transportation to sound points. Tha Boathern Pacific company has re Stored Its Bant lam bridge, and repaired tracks 'at various points, and overland trains are now running regularly. The now overland train, No. XI, between Portland and Ban Frandseo etarted last evening, leaving Portland a o'clock. It was well patronised and la expected to prove - extremely popular. as Its time schedule cuts two hours from the old time card. It will arrive at Ban Francisco at t:tt ' tomorrow morning. . The Great Northern will on December put on an owl train between Vancou ver, B. C. and Seattle. It will prove a Convenience to Portland people travel' lng between this city and British Co lumbia points, Tho train will leave Vancouver at 11:3d p. m. and arrive at Seattle at T next morning. , -PI-A-fT. ITT-TTTiTT -II WW Think what a saving in house work the use ' of gas affords; no fires to build or, watch -no handling of coal or wood no' carrying away of ashes no dirt .or dust no waste of time. YourHjeUangroroihngT-roastmg -and toasting can b ter than in any wood or coal range. You can regulate the amount of heat to a nicety you can have enough to cook an" entire dinner or one? article. JThero is no worry about the oven being too hot or not hot enough. And the moment you're through; out goes the fire and the expense stops. ' . - We should be pleased to fully demonstrate any of our cooking or heating appliances, which are displayed in our salesrooms, and our. experts in charge will give you full and complete information as to cost of equipment and operating expense or we will send a man to talk the matter over with you at your residence, if;yourprefer,:and: will phone us Pri. Ex., 26. - '.-. ' r u Little Girls Remember the Prize Cooking" Contest December 21 and 22 . 5th & Yam o hill Streets am r sv tt us im (Gas Co SAVED BY ; quick womi BY MEANS OF DESPERATE FIRE . FIOHTINO AND PER FECT GENERALSHIP WARE- -HOUSE IS SAVED. v "7" The Hairbreadth Escape of the Mag nificent Stock Now Stored et Our Wholesale Warehouse, 13th and , Northrop Sta, Makes Us AH the More Anxious to Dispose of It Over 1140.000.00 Worth Must Go, and That Quickly, In This Emer- ;. gency Sale. ; Those were anxious moments around the retail eatabllahment yesterday even ing when word come up from our whole sale department of the Hotel Northern fire, which la on the same block with our piano shops, stablea, and piano atorege depot. Only the most efficient fire-fighting and managing, and he mighty solid easterly Are wail of the piano warehouse saved the stock. But we don't need an other warning! To carry so tremendous a stock, and tha most costly kind of pianos at that, intended for the great reopening In October of our Portland establishment,- uu wise,-and no- mUe bow much upalde down we may And our aelvea In the new retail quarters that are now being gotten under way, we are j going to commence piano aelllng. big i entnusissuo, douDje-quics: piano-aeuing, right away. The prlcea at which we have advertised these Instruments for sale will, we are sure, socompllah the object. As stated In our previous an nouncement. It Is not a question of profit now. We have the pianos, for ihey have been accumulating alnce Sep tember and October, when we" had "every right to expect poaaeaslon of thia build ing, and they muat And buyers quickly how. sTOTAUZS 5 sJis fl IbaV1-" '" ---- m " - i-a. e i 21 ' ''Mf n ' . tern vi ll PERFECT 8ATISPACTI0N la enjoyed et ill THAJKSGIVINCr PINNERS when Iuie xuiui-ci is Daaeame oiEAT majestic vanse. uau and we wiutuiow yoa why all who nee Mevjestio raug ar perfectly gatiafled. WILLIAM GADSBY & SONS, Cor, Washington and First Sts. We present tonight and tomorrow the very flneat of high-grade tnatrumenta. Beautiful Webers and Hasltons of New Xork. The now famous Kimball, Chi cago' a greatest piano, andthen the fin est and moat glorious of them all, the Chlcaering of Boston, and there are also beautiful Hobart M. Cnblea and Crown Orchestral pianos snd Marshall A Wen dells and dosens of others, each make the very finest In )ta respective claas. And all of theae pianoa were specially selected for display during the opening week of the bigger and the better and the busier Ellera Piano-House. Wsl CUT m rM01.'T " But that Is not all. We not only pre sent the very choicest of instruments, but we are offering them at a price far below the usual retail selling price and at a figure that will barely cover the factory cost and -freight. It Is not a question of pron Umakfag-with us nOW.J v, e must et rid or the goods. Then, again, we shall be glad to have you arrange the matter of payments to suit yourself. Everything will be marked at the actual raah coat. But any piano will be obtainable at the cash figure plus simple Intereet on terms of payment to suit any reaaonabla buyer. - If you cannot psy sll cash, pay a little now and a few dollars every month. If vou are not prepsred to pay I any money now, coma in any way. we wilt-aend you a piano ana you can pay when "ready. mmwg xr tou ooenr svr. If you are not In a position to buy a piano at all, come in and rent one. - We anaii cnarse no cau. iv an uuw imm-1 lng a piano alx months or longer. If you wm rent a piano tnree monins we will ask you to pay but one half of the cartage charges. We muat get rid of a lot of pianos quickly, and It Is not going to be our-fault lr we don t. in spue of the wonderfully heavy salss In the Interior, our big wholesale warehouse, corner Thirteenth snd Northmp streets. Is full to overflowing. As stated before, the many beautiful pianoa Intended for our October reopening are In, the No vember shipments are soon due to ar rive, of senulne Chickerinc plsnos alons there are-four monster rarloada. pvgT--t,88e werthi eowtlnn tailay and , tomorrow, and there are Just as many .r 1 M .ill .. tlV.w-k T l. Flanoa, and carloads upon carloads of every other kind of high-class Instru ments on the way. : A BXAVOETXm ZS ZnTZTABZJk Tou see the Bs we are In. - Bo, even though It will very much upset plana conditions temporarily, we are going to almpiy slaughter our pianos until our store Is definitely In shape - and re opened. We hope It will be but a short time. We surely will termlnste the sale the moment matters are arranged. The upstairs is to be srranged first, while we are selling pianos in the un completed downntalrs: Then the down atalra will be finished and we'll sell Upstairs. And the work of reconstruct ing and rebuilding will be rushed for ward now with all possible hasts. mxmm Ann oum rmicie. ; If you are thinking of getting a piano come in tonight or tomorrow. We had occasion once to escrtnee a lot or reg ular 1271 pianos for 18. We said we thought they never could again be ob tained st such a low figure. But ia our present predicament we are gnlnc to aell forty-seven' of these now for tlTT cash, say,-17 or less down, and K, yes, ven 15. a month. All of our standard t5S and I4S pi anos are going to go for S2fct and $24 and some of the plainer cases can be had for 1242. Kama terms as the above, If you like. We will take actual factory cost and frelgnt for some very funcy and moat costly highest grsds uprights that ware ordered especially tor an exclusive fort land trade. There are eome choice pi anos In mission design eaaes smong them.- We don't want to take chances carrying any of these over the holidays Into ths next year. Terms of 115 a month, yea, IIS a month, or say MS or $10 every three months, buys them. Besr In mind thst everything sold by El ere Flano House is positively war ranted, no matter what the price paid. The store will bs kept open tonight to accommodate tnoes wishing to select a piano for Thanksgiving. Remember the new number. Ellers Flano House, tai ls Washington street, or SKI for short, corner "ara. fnone frivate exchange 21, all departments. . CORVALLIS CITIZEN . DIES OF LOCKJAW Corvallls. Or., Kov. 27. A. J. U Cator, who had his ankle shattered by ths ' accidental discharge of a rifle, la dead, of lockjaw. Cator was II years old. a nativs or England- and cam -to Oregon In 1112. One Ceateaarla la 1ST4O0. The labors of "lr Oeorge Murray Humphry proved that there Is about one centenarian to every 127,100 people, and that of TS authenticated eases a4 no reached 11S years, three only are aavld to. have been 101 and one 101. The full exercise et the various pow ers, mental and bodily.' is conducive to great age, so that there need be no fear of entering heartily, actively and with full Interest and energy Into the as signed work of Ufa, physical or mental. The Inhabitants of any countryside. as Is Delabole In North Cornwall, point with pride to the number or hale and hearty ootogenarlana, nonagenarians and centenarian a living among thorn as evidence of their healthy environment and hygisnlo lives. So la Paris, ' with Ita lO.toi octogenarians and (20 non agenarian a, it of whose are approaching tbalr hundredth year, nix inhabitants Do Tour row yO Store clazzX rV"l f I jl I Thursday. The Following List of Speoialo for Wednesday Selling UnmatcMaBle Coat ami. Suit Values : Clever Ideas in Tailored Suits at $25.00 . Tailored S&its' in new models tf Jackets,' In Btmi-fitting and fitted styles and Eton blouse ffwtof -plain-broadcloth atrd eheviot j-also-"iriany ortnescas6h'sTi0icest'rhtxturcs in gdft shades of 'gray, greenj brown, etc All are beautifully lined with guaranteed silks and satins, and the skirts are new cluster pleated models. -- ------ Dressy Eton Blouse Suits 817.50 ' - Of broadcloth and pretty mixtures' just re ceived; also natty snort coat suits in fitted and half-Titled modehTof fine cheviotsand mixtures, in all of the newest colorings, lined with taffeta or satin which is guaranteed, with full jileated skirts all are splendid values. Other New Suits at $15.00 and 812.50 :- A grand showing at these popular prices. Ex clusive tailor-made models in the pest styles comprise this lot all length coats, are rep resented. "The" materials are fine Scotch and English mixtures, plain and checked broad cloths, and all wool cheviot serges all coats are lined with good satin ; the skirts are beau tiful pleated models. Women's and Misses Winter ;. Coats , Made of stylish dark mixtures' and plaids, 46 to 50 inches long, trimmed with velvet, braid and buttons in attractive designs. 010.00 Values for 7.50 Best Styles & Fall Value In Women's 0 (Uoalc Year by year , we have fUshed this department urther into your favor. Our showing of winter, coats is an extensive one, containing, all the best . and latest models, AH through this big garment, stock you will, find values that are rem ark able enough to be called bar gains,, and for this week you will find eome very 1 extraordinary offerings. Extra Special Coat Values $12.50 We offer the prettiest coats you have seen thia season in new dark mixtures, plaids and stripes, jwith loose or fitted backs; also broad- cloths and lightweight kerseys in blackrnavy. brown and the fashionable red, some are aatin : lined yoke, others full satin lined; they are 48 to 62 inches long, handsomely tailored and . very latest models. Not a coat in this lot I worth lesi than'$18. ;!' : ; ' Handsome Coats at $17.50 and $25.00 You can choose from a great variety of fash ionable coats half-fitted, box and loose back models, full and half satin lined, tailor strapped or braid trimmed, medium weight kerseys, in black, navy, brown and red. They are the best .values shown- anywhere at above prices. Winter Hosiery for W sbeat sale Qhildren GREAT SALE A rrcst,aale, because the quantity involved is enormous L the qualities and styles tha very best: the prices decidedly in your favor. Therefore this event should and will prove of absorbing Interest to all knowinf, economical and particular women. "Price-lowness" is a meaningless term, unless associated with It la "un questioned quality." The two go hsnd in hand here, making a combination that must prove a trade mag. net. This sale of Hosiery opens with tha most complete and attractive lines that intelligent, careful selec- -ti- alrHla-il anI MTprnr?f bUViPg COfll'Lrgf 'frjjLf WW HWJ "" Women's All-Wool Cashmere Stocking 50o A sale tomorrow of our best qualities in Women's All-Wool Cashmere Stockings, extrs fine imported woolen hosiery, plain black, black with natursl wool soles, out sizes in black or nstursl my; best 75c and 85c qualities, . EjQf ? ... . . . . .... ..- . . - W omen's Fleece-Lined , -T- stocldngsi , . "Wsyne Knit" Silk-Fleeced, Hosiery Full-Fahioned Silk Fleece-Lined Stock ings for women, double soles, elas-v tic tops, best 50c quality ,.Ll Children's Fleece-Lined ' - Stocking's Two of our. best 25c sellers, in extrs fine or heavy ribbed, long silk fleece lined, elastic and splendid for wear; the best 25c quality, all sizes, on l"7s sale at ....If C ' - Vm W ' t Women's All-Wool Cashmere Stockings 25o Black. Natural or Oxford ' Orsy 200 doxen, all weights, in plsln cashmere et, wool ribbed, splendid 40e values, JfJ sll sixes or weights; hers........ aCOC Crhildren's All-Wool 7 'iirSU)ckings . .. , " SOe Quality S3 l-3e Extra Fine ' Wool Cashmere Stockings for boys or girla, our 50c quslity; three pairs for 31 the regulsr price ef two........ 33!c Infants' Wool-Cashmere i .- Stocldngrs All sizes in Infants' Winter-Weight Stockings, fast black cashmere with grsy heels snd toes; the regul ihmere wit 11 grsy neeis ana toes; v. s m . ar 25c grade at ,...4.,. ...... 10C The Main Floor Shoe Department Is Offering Some Bargains That Are Worth Considering ; The Shoe Bargains in the Main Floor Shoe Depart ment are of the best quality snd best makes, such ss Duttcnhofer, Ford, Milliard, John H. Cross and E. P. Reed & Co. Every pair of the $3.00 snd $3.50 grades thrown into a one-day ThsnksgivingflJ I Q"T feast at the very low price of ..ePIey . They are in patent leather, vie) kid, gunmetal calf and velour calf, Blucher and lace. Remember, they are our regular $3.00 and $3.50 lines, re- Q"7 -duced for Wednesday - to -"Tr"rT rin e-w--T V Women's Felt Fur-Tribbed Hand-Made Juliets, 3,000 pairs sll told of the famous Dolgs make; QOe Wednesday. . 77 Misses' Vici Kid and Chrome Box Lace Shoes, with patent leather tips, that are beauties snd worth much more thsn we ask; for Wednes- Q Men's Fine Slippers, in all ths newTQ-, 4 7 J atylev shades and leathers, from,. U-'t' to ejlef O Women's Silk and Wool Vesto . ' and Tights ' . . ' Ordinary and Extra Large Sizes. Best 81.75 Quality. Tomorrow $1.00 " A,belated shipment just arriveJ,consisting of .50 dozen fine wool and silk mixed Underwear, originally purchased to retail at $1.73 per garment. Owing to the lateness in deliyering these poods we received a' concession from the manufacturer enabling us to offer you, right at the height of the season, one of the best bargains of the year. If you are in need of underwear you can purchase this splendid quality tomorrow at less than regular cost. Garments come in cream color, are non-irritating and enough silk in them to prevent shrinkage, all Qt tC sizes. Tomorrow only at, each...,... .. ...... .......,vle)iJ Special Values in NOTIONS for Wednesday's Trading ------ ; The Popular Hand Bag: Splendid line of Portemonnaie, the most practical novelty of ths season; large assortment C r- 1 T" to choose from; our regulsr selling prices 75c snd $1.00; special prices for Wednesday..,. w v w I Jiv -Nwer TTIrl Tlolf. aW vw aw ewva rav In the latest shades of red, blue, green, black snd , white; large fancy buckles, 75c values; Rflr special Wednesday. T ,.JvL Best Pcriiimca Lightner's and Siley' Triple Etr-t in Carr" Fink, Knelish Violet, White Rose, .- ; Crab Apple and Lilac; special at.. I w; at farts are a ore Uiae 19a ears of age.