The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 27, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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oldsmommm & mm
Fifth, Sixth and Washington Sts.
Not Open Evenings
Store Closes at 6 P.- M.
It Goes Without SayingOf Course This Store Will Be Closed Ml Day on Thanksgiving
Actually Marvelous. A waif the Eleventh
. Thanksgiving-Shopper Tomorrow! '
! Hurry for This Cut Glassl
' The redactions In tomorrow's Annual Thanksgiving 'Week Sale are well
worth the attention of connoisseurs in. beautiful Cut Glass. (Select a piece
or two or nor to brljhten up the sideboard on Thankglvln Day -the
more you buy the more you'll save at tnese prices. .
Take elevator to Third Floor Prices tnat ruie
... -aiLiwiiii mi
Annual Thanksgiving Sale
of Libbers Cut Glass
Uroistte Cat Qlaaa with the name of "Libber"
etched on every piece; Oltvea, Ice, Relish and
Cheese Plates, Bon Bon Dishes, etc.. In' round,
square, three-coraered, oval and heart shapes;
with, end without handles:
Our regular ti ts value. Bpecial at. each. SI. 80
nr regular II RO value.
Our regular value.
Our regular f value.
. Our regular II. 0 value.
Our regular 16.00 value.
Our regular 16. BO value,
j Our regular IT. 60 value.
Our regular 11.60 value.
Our regular 11.75 value.
Our regular 11.60 value.
Our regular 14.60 value.
Our regular K 0O value.
- Our regular $7.00 value.
. : IDWLb "
.Our.JTgulae-ii.60 value. KoMkl tt. wh.rrn,rr,ittvmnir. .llA.flA
Our regular 16.00 value. Special at. each......... 84.00
Special at. each. $4.40
Special at, each. . $5.40
Kpecial at, each.. SS.OO
Special at, each. $10.40
Special at, each .1114. 40
Special at. each, $17.60
Special at, each.) 11.95
Special at. each.ll2.20
Special at. each.) 12. 60
Special at, eaoh.lia.85
Special at. each.114.00
Special at. each.t5.2A
Special at, each.H6.00
Special at, each.f 6.80
Special at, each.C2.20
Special at each. 112.85
Special at, each.) 13. 60
Special at, each.) 14. 80
Special at, each.p5.tiO
Our regular is Kit voinn
Our regular? 14.76 value.
Our regular T7.60 value.
Our regular $13.00 value.
Our regular 118.00 value.
Our regular 122.00 value.
Our regular 15.50 value. Special at, each.....
Our regular 17.60 value. Special at. each.........
Our regular-1 11.00-fHuarBpeclal at, each. .........
Our regular 18.00 value,
Our regular 112.76 value.
Our regular 115.00 value.
Our regulur tl.60 value.
Our regular 122.00 value.
Our regular IJ0.00 value.
Our regular 14.60 value. Bpecial at, the pair. ....S3. 60
Our regular $5.60 value. Special at, the pair..... ..$4.40
.Our regular $7.00 value. Special at. the pair .........itt.OO
Our regular $11.00 value. Special at. the pair..,..-,...... S8.80
Special at, each...
Special at. each.
Special at, each.
Special at, the dozen...... .....S7.20
Special at, the dosen... $10.25
Special at, the dosen. S12.00
Special at, the dosen.. S13.20
Special at, the dosen..,., MlT.tiO
Special at. the dosen $24. OO
Our regular $4.00 value.
Our regular 15.50 value.
tular' 17 60 value.-
- Priced, at, each, up to
Jj9XltylsBjaYasea from-wblch-to-select.
Our regular IS. 00 value. Special at, each.
Our regular $3.60 value. Special at, each.
Our regulnr $7.36 valne.- Rpeolal t, each?
. salts aid rmiM- . ; -
gur .regular . J5o value. Special at, each. 254
ur regular. -60o value. Special at. each.. . .40
Our regular 60c value. Special at, each...... 4. .50)
Our regular 75a value. 'Special at, eaah.... ..,...... ............ . tiOe
Our regular 13.25 value. Special at, each t $1.80
Our regular $4.50 value. Bpecial at, each.. ...$3.60
Our regular $9.60 value. Sneclnj at. each 1 , 11 11 rT"TT
nrjij3fTfeRu1ltTrTrTWTaTue. Special at, each.
Our regular 116. 00 value. Special at, the dnien.,
Our regular $20.00 value. Special at, the dosen..,.....,.,..,.
Our regula $21.00 value. Special at, the doten.
Our regular $27.50 value. Special at. the dosen,..
Rare Values in Neckwear and Ribbons
Ladies Windsor Ties for 25c Ladies' Peau de Soie Windsor Ties,
prettily embroidered, in black, white and colon; also some in dot
ted effects, black onjred, whiteor, navy, etc; our 50c value pe
dal sale price ..................... 25
All-Silk Cushion Ribbons 25c Handsome All-Silk Cushion Ribbons,
5 inches wide, in shaded effects of red, old rose, (rreen, brown and
Dainty Lace Curtains : a Sale
Fourth Floor Homefitfing Shops.
Brighten uo the living-rooms a bit with
'L3rtmWmfJefi . Curtains , at
r7the windows. They 11 add to the cheerfulness
f Bill I S I
4 A. 11
of the Thanksgiving surroundings and enhance
festivities a Iot. Try . Note tne special
prices for Wednesday:
White Lace Curtains, Brussels and Renais
sance effe one, two and three-pair lots
Regular 85c value; special, pair...... TO
Regular $1.25 value; special, pair....r 95
Regular $175 value; special, pair. fl.SO
Regular $2.25 value; special, pair. .....$1.65
Resrular $275 value: special, pair.. .. ..$2.05
VUi',rjf -Regular $3.75-value;-spccialr-pairrrm,92&.
ir Regular $4.00 value: special, pair $2.95
Regular $4.25 value; special, pair . ,..$3.20
Regular $4.50 value; special, pair ................. .....vf 385
Embroideries and Insertions
' First Floor.
Thousands of yards of Handsome Embroideries and Insertions, con
sisting of Fine Swiss Edges, from 1 to 12 inches wide, and worth
$1.85 the yard; Fine Nainsook and Insertions, in very desirable pat
terns and very serviceable, worth to $1.50 yard; also some Colored
. Embroideries, in pink, navy, baby blue, red, lavender and black.
They are divided into five lots, as follows:.
LOT NO. 1 Values from 18c to 20c; special at, yard '....12
LOT NO. 2 Values from 35c to 45c; special at, yard 254
LOT NO. 3 Values from 50c to 75c; special at, yard..;. Se
lLQT-NO. 4 Values to f kOOj-apwal at. yard 3e
LOT NU. 5 Values trom to ?iJi; special at, yara.. .. ,
Ladies' $U0 to $3.00 Belts for 98c Ladies' Silk Bayadere Striped
Belts, with large gilt buckles, in light and dark color assortment:
also Ladies' Fine All-Silk Crush and Shirred Belts, with assorted
buckles, in white, black and evening shades, values $1.50 to $3.00;
special, while they last, at, each............... .........98f
Sale of Table Linens for 1906
$3.25 m .
S4.40 I .e,., i 1
se.ool ' .
Tlrrt Vloo. -
Reg. $1.00 values..
Reg. $2.00 values.
Special.. . .T59'
Special, f 1.50
- tk women s mm
A Fourth Off on Women's Smartly Tailored Street Suits
LipLDS, WORTMAN & KING styles are accepted everywhere as correct, and we show the greatest variety of models
3'nctively different, One from the other. We have proven to thousands of women that best values and newest styles
are ALWAYS here and tomorrow the reductions maker the bargains almost within the realm of marvelous. Read:
evening uowns
Values from $40 to $450; largest, choicest and most elegant line in
the city; superb models, magnificent creations. This week, for the
Thanksgiving functions, special at , THIRD OFF
Evening Waists
Charming conceptions of fashion conjurers; values from- $20.00 and
t upward. Special this week at THIRD OFF
Don't delay - longer! Stock up the
linen closets for a twelvemonth. The
sale.' ends Wednesday at the closing
hour. The Table Linens In the sale
consist of the finer grades of the
Richardson - Ltneae, - the beautiful
hand-made and Embroidered Scarfs,
Te Cloths, DoUlea, Dresser Cloths,
Table Tops, eta, products of the ex
pert Irish needlewomen's Winter
handiwork, made at a time when
thir labor costs but little, thus
making the goods to cost us and
you less. In the line aye the fine
Irish Satin Damask Table Cloths and
Napkins, the balance of our immense
purchase of the -overs' of the Rich
ardson factory. The tablecloth slses
Include the - following: - 2x3 yards,
3x3 H yards, 3x3 yards, 1x3 H yards,
3x4 yards. 3ttx24 yards, 3Vix3
yards. 3Ax3tt yards, 3Hx4H yards.
Napkins are in both breakfast slses.
The beautiful Band-Embroidered
Dollies, Tray Cloths, Dresser Cloths
and Table Tops, all with spoke-hemstitched
bordersat drastic reduc
tions. Examples:
Rg. $6o-values. Special ,...50
"Reg. $3.00 values. Special. $2.25
Reg. $4.00 values. Bpecial. $3.00
Reg. too values.
Special ..70
Reg. $1.60 values.
Special ..$1.10
Reg. $2.60 values.
Special ..$1.90
Reg. $3.60 values.'
Bpecial ..$2.50
Reg. $6.00 values.
Special $3.75
Reg. $8.76 values.
Special ..$3.00
Reg. $5.60 values.
Special ..$4.45
Reg.-$S.OO values.
Special ..$6.50
Reg. $10.00 valuna.
Special ..$8.00
Reg. $4.60 values.
Special ..$3.60
Reg. $7.00 vnluea.
Special ..$5.75
Reg. 19 00 valus.
Special .'$7.25
Reg. $13.00 values.
Speo'l t.10.00
"HHandsome tvenihgCoats
Va4ttes-$20?-to-$125: a wonderful assortment of beautiful uarnrms.
Special this week at... ,, THIRD OFF
Specials in Fur Neckscarfs
Rich, warm, handsome Neckpieces those you'll need for the Thanks
giving football game on Multnomah Field." Very smart and season
, able for 'tis fur weather. This week at worth-while reduction-
examples: ' ,J
Brook Mink Scarfs. $5.00 value $3.95
Blended bqturrel beam, $8.50 value t
Isabella rox Scarf 1Q.OO value.
Sale, of a Specia.1 Lot of Women's Smartly Tailored
Street Suits Continues Until Thanksgiving
Share in the feast of remarkable values, All latest models, embracing the "Prince Chaps," Pony, Eton, Norfolk,' box
front with fitted back jacket style, ranging from the jaunty 24-inch lengths to the more stately 48-inch coat. Backs
'tight or half-fitted. Materials oLcheJUOt, hroadcloth, serge or the stunning fancy mixed fabrics in mannish styles;
rich cheviots in either the plain, wide ivale, blind or diagonal weaves. Plain colors and smart mixtures in a won
derful variety of patterns, including beautiful plaid checks, hairlines, broken plaids, stripes and figured effects. Every
color combination is.expressed. Plain tailored models and trimmed. All products of superior workmanship and mas
ter tailoring. The trimming schemes are worked out with rich velvets, handsome braids, fancy and plain buttons, etc
The skirts are-both plain or plaited; choose as your taste dictates. Values range from the best $18.50 suits in the city
to those that are remarkable values at $38.50. Voti may choose from the great convention of Tailored Street Suits at
ONE FOURTH REDUCTION from regular jriccv .1
$18.50 Suits for. ,.$13.87 ,$.10.00 Suits for ,..$22.50 S.12.50 Suits for. .$24.37
$20.00 Suits for ,........$15.00 $25.00 Suits for.. .,.,$18.75 $.15.00 .Suits for ..,riis. -.$20.25
$22.50 Suitjj for,.,....
,.flQ..8T, $28.50 Suits for...
$21.37 $J8,50 Suits for,.
IN PROGRESS- Another of Those
"Satisfactory Sales-of Good Shoes
It will be remembered by many of the store's shoe patrons that some few weeks ago we intro
duced an innovation in Shoe Sales, calculated to do away with the dissatisfaction usually encountered
m the ordinary sale. We told you how difficult
it is to advertise a sale without disappointment to
some one-who-comes in response to the adver
tisement, only to find that their size is not to be
had in the collection advertised. - The OLDS,
WOUTMAN" & KING store will not disappoint
if 'tis possible to avoid doing so. We demon
strated how our clever shoe chief had solved the
problem of how to conduct t sale and eliminate
the "disappointment" feature. So successful was
that "Satisfactory Sale," and so many were the .
encomiums bestowed upon us in the originating
of the same, that we resolved in the future, in all
similar sales, we would follow out the plan. In -the
diagram below one may see at glance just
exactly what the stock consists of which goes to
make up this great Shoe Sale now .oiu. Read the
sizes from the top line, the widths from the let
ters at the left: follow down the column which is
designated by the numeral representing your size until your tyt reaches the line on which your width oiwot Is
shown. The number of dots in the intersecting square shows you the exact number of styles in shoes in the sale
which will fit your, foot You will easily get a perfect understanding of the exact sizes in the sale in this way, and
if your size is not shown youH know it isn't here. If there are a large number of shoes in the size worn by yem,
as shown by numerous dots, then you'll know you needn't hurry to the sale there's plenty to pick from. If. on the
other hand, the dots be few, it behooves you to hurry or all may be sold out ere you reach the store. Most stores
would say "That's foolish; let em come. What do you care if some people are disappointed f Chances are theyTi
"fciTanmetninir eTae-anvhowl tTef'enrlff: What do vuu we? -but this is a "DiffcrejitlSlQre.'' And this is a "Sat
isfactory Sale of good shoes. Look af the diagram carefully, see if your size is there see how many pairs r their
get to the store soon as possible to share in the wonderful bargains.
DRASTIC CUTTING AMONG THE MEN'S SHOES! High-grade makes including the products of Edwin
Clapp & Son, Hurley Bros, MacDonald & Kiley, Slater & Morril, Florsheim & Co. all among the world's greatest
and best shoemakers manufacturers who make and sell oply high-grade footwear. These fine, aristocratic shoes will
be offered this week at the prices of the medium, ordinary grades.
Shoes Worth to $7.00 at $3.89
MEN'S SHOE VALUES TO $6.00 FQR $3.89 Men's
Shoes, made by Florsheim & Co., an immense. -assort
, ment in patent and dull leathers, button or Rice, Blucher
or regular cut, swing or straight lasts, plain or tip toe,
: both black and tan shoes in the showing; your choice of
any style, value to $6.00 special sale price, pair.. $3.89
1,800 pairs of Women's Shoes, made by Laird, Schober
& Co., Wright Peters, Hallahan & Sons. Duttenhofer &
Sons and others equally as well known and popular.
These shoes are all new, stylish goods, made in all leath
ers, Blucher or regular cut, button or lace,' lasts of all
kinds, high, medium or low heels, all sizes; values to
$6.00 special sale price, the pair $3.89
MEN'S $5.00 AND $6.00 SHOES FOR $3.89 About 4,000
- pairs of Men's Shoes, made by Hurley Bros.; splendid
shoes, all of them, made in patent leathers, either button
- or lace, dress or street styles, a most complete assort-
ment, including 20 different style lasts and patterns; our
$5.00 and $6.00 values special sale price, the pair. $3.89
MEN'S SHOE VALUES TO $7.00 FOR $3.89 3,500 pairs
of Men's Fine Shoes, in patent and dull leathers, with light
or heavy, soles; an assortment of all kinds of shoes, in
cluding regular and broken lines, all so good that you
will have no doubt of their splendid value and down-to
dateness; values in the lot to $7.00 -special sale price,
the pair.... ....$3.89
Underwear Underpriced
- Knitwear Shops First Floor.
, Women's 50c Vests or Pants 39c---Creant Color
Cotton Merode Vests, medium weight, long
sleeves, ankle and knee-length tights to match,
regular value 50c; special, each ,.39
Women's $1.75 Tights $1.19 White Silk and
Wool "Merode" Tights, ankle length, winter
weight, regular value $1.75; special $1.19
Women's White and Natural Fine-Ribbed Cash-
' mere Vests and Pants at, each $1.25
Women's $1.75 Vests $1.19 Natural Silk and
Wool "Merode' Vests, long sleeves, winter
weight, regular, value $1.75; special. .. .$1.19
Women's White and Natural ' Merino "Stuttgart
er" Vests and Pants, medium-weight shaped
vests, French-band pants, constructed like the
"Deimel" linen mesli, made of selected long
yarn, very soft and pleasant to the skin: spe
cial at, each ,.$2.50
Union Suits, same as above, special at $ i.OO
Women's Swiss-Ribbed Silk and Wool Vests, in
- cream, pink and blue; special at $1.75
Tights to match the ahove at, pair. $2.0Q
Children's Waists
Second Floor Thoroughfare Aisle. ,
CHILDREN'S 60c WAISTS 37 CENTS. -Children's
Fine Cambric Waists, wide waistband of heavy - drill,
trimmed with embroidery at neck and armholes, sizes from 4 to
14 years, regular price 60c; special , ,.. ............ i ...87
Silks and Dress Goods
Annex Fifth Street First Floor Wednesday Only.
Bonnets Chiffon
Taffetas ,
Tomorrow's shoppers will find
' on sale our line of the Famous
Bonnet's Chiffon Taffetas, in
changeable weaves, and colors:
Regular $1.00 grade; special,
yard ... ...74
Regular $1.25 grade; special,
yard . 81t
New Novelty Crepe de Chines,
in all the new colors and de
signs, for dressy afternoon and
evening gowns, at,
yard $1.00 $1.25 $1.50
Dress Goods
Reg. $175, $2.00 and $2.50 grade;
special at, yard $1.19
Reg. $1.50 and $1.25 grade; ape
cial at, yard.. ........... .81
Regular $1.00 grade; special at,
yard ...69e
$1.25 Black Dress Goods $1.05
New High-Grade Black Dress
Goods, Imported Armure, Pop
lins and Satin-Finished Pru
nellas just the thing for shirt
waist suits; for Wednesday
regular value $1.25 speci.l.
yard . . . $1.05
Wednesday Bargains in Annex Art Shop
Second Floor.
Swiss Shopping Baskets of heavy reed, one row of fancy insertion
snd double handles, regular price 35c; special...,..,... 2
Round Doilies and Centerpieces,- in all sizes from 6-inch to '.' ,
inches, and Scarfs 20x45 snd 20x54, all of sine I nh lirten, v
fillet lace insertions and deep' edgings, at one fourth oif,
from 20c to $7 JO; special price ........If 1 t .
5fe6 .lefcly lyjgla 8kd shW lot u ;
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