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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1906)
THE OBEOOK DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVEWlNO. NOVEMBEK 27. 1808. . . ' DAY'S EVENTS 00 1 I I sass am m. m. an -r --v-.. LI1U! JUI Uls Two "Person Narrowly Escape Serious Injury on St. '- " Johns Cw Line. ; MANY SEEK OFFICES r v 'IN TOWN OF MILWAUK1E Piles Cured Suffering Joe Years, and Bed-Ridden From Piles, a ..Masiichuaetta . ' Man Is Cured by Pyramid ?1rr Pile Curs, - ' Schindler Denounces Convention for ' Refusing to Nominate Kim to Sue- ceed Himself a MayorOther Events on the East Side. , I; rnu rtoka nailed to An m . '. SJn4 Warn sat Addrtsa. - I tried th Mm pi of your our yea sent to ins.. I uaed It and then bought a IOo box. The rcsulta war Immtdl. at and aurprlatng to m. . I assure ru, I had been to a dosen of th best doc torn and Pld much money to them with no reaUlta whatever. I had- thla ffllotlon for it rears.. X waa in a hos pital for a long time, and I left It1 physically broken tJown. I have bean i ao bad for" months at a time as to be unable to walk. Having" friend who lost bis life by an operation, I desisted frera . ever having that experiment tried on the. I owe you a debt of grat itude. I believe that plies would be banished from humanity and . become an unknown thing; war every one af flicted with- them to but spend from too to $100 for Pyramid Pile Cure. Its speedy action also make tt extremely favorable for Impatient people. I am yours sincerely. Oeorg 11. Bartlett, Mattapan, Maas." . i East Side Department. . Two persona narrowly escaped aer- ; loua Injury on the Bt. Jonna car line V Sunday evening when a defective trol 1 1 i . .....i. mnnnA m.nA the looaa t nt crashed down ' fhrough-'th-roof-of 4 Instant relief. can ba rotten br nains- ,;th car barely missing two passengers, f th marvelous Pyramid Plla Cur.'If i a woman and a roan. . - immediately reouces an congestion ana Th pole Is heavy, and added to that swelling, heals all sores, ulcers and,' th trnllftV Wire trHt.lMl n ft. I ' to th big spring below th pole, which ' The moment you start to us It your two forces combined shot th Jaggad I suffering enda and th cur of your l I end or the oroaen roa mrougn me ruui orreaa a mease is in signc of th car aa It th roof had been so -The Pyramid Pile Cur . frequently -1 much paper. A woman sitting Just renders a surgical operation unneces- l under the place where the pole cam eery. Don't subject yourself to this t T throurh suffered Irreparable Injury to . eept as a very last resort. The Pyramid Pile Cur la put up In th form of "easy-to-use," especially mad suppositories. ' They ar aooth- r a big bat and narrowly escaped serious ' Injury, whlla a man pear her had hie I face painfully scratched, by th pole, J and his escape was even mora mlracu f loua than that of th woman. I All trafflo on th line waa suspended until a special 'could b. run to th Faon"of the' accident - near Piedmont junction and the passengers transferred to th city. ml .a . l V. Mtt. . ill! icciurni mmm (ptiu.. uuw .v, m flaw In th trolley rod. Th fact that ,' no one waa killed waa a singular feat. , ur .... .... I' .. '. Xany geekltLg Offtoeo. r 1 . .1.. l... ! ...It4 In t Jriilwaukle, where It bad been prevloua . Jy reported that no on could be found ! to accept a nomination for an office In ' th city administration it developed that there were more cltlsens looking for t ttfrcm than muM be. accommodated. . ' William Bchlndler. present mayor of Milwaukl. was refused renomlnatlon. Lti vote of 14 to 17 the convention nominated In his stead Ike MUIieJI Mr. Bchlndler in denouncing th peo- ' pi of the convention for abowlng In. i gratitude for what he had don for th city of MUwaukle.', personally attacked jhi resentment by making an attempt''0' u!"Jln cuhl, Th t"Tt?rU1 ' ... ,k. m..o-. h,, ... Mmn..uL , blockaded for awhile, which will mean t to drop tn matter oy in comDinM so- Ing, painless, instant and certain. ' ' A trial treatment wil be aent you at once by mall. In plain, sealed wrap, per, without a cent of expense to you. If you send your nam aad address to Pyramid Drug Co., -SO Pyramid Build ing, Marshall. Mich. . - After you ' reserve th sample, - you can get a regular-als package of Pyr amid Pile Cur at your druggist's for 0 cents, or tf be hasn't It, send us th money and wa will send It to you. A NEW YORK CL0TQ I1VG MANUFACTURER'S RIGHT HERE YOUR VERY DOOR silt m PTT'OF T.IEFTS SlliTSAKD vbM OVERCOATS cl RETAIL The RED FRONT'S Marvelous Thanksgiving Offering! The Most Stupendous Sale of Men's, Boys and : Children's Clothing Portland" Ever Knew. We Are at It!Values Piled Higher, Prices Cut Deeper. , : The people are flocking in from all directions to share in the stupendous vslues. . All are welcome to come and Inves - tigate our prices and. look at our fine stock at such low prices as wars nsvsr given to the. people of Portland or the .1 northwest in the history of the clothing business. . ' ' ' A . $50,000 WQRTH OF CHOICEST APPAREL For man and boy ever made in American factories bjr skilled and expert tailors,' at less than actual cost of production. A daring stroke of merchandising by Portland's progressive merchants. The quick manipulation of a goodly amount of "cash on the nail" keeps a manufacturer's entire monster stock of clothing-$50,000 worth to be distributed among . the clothing-wearers of our own city. As soon as the announcement waa made public that the entire stock of tht wholesale clothing house of the NATHAN & WERTHEIMER COMPANY of this city was to be shipped to Oakland and Los Angeles, and a later report leaked out that a hitch, had occurred at the California end oo available stora large enough- to,ccommodate the immense stock being found ready for occupancy the management of " , , ' The Front Clothing House, Corner. First and Taylor Sts. ouick inventory of the stock was taken, and a spot cash offer for the entire property lines embracing Men's, Youths' and Boys' Clothing rmer arrangements were canceled and negotiations stopped with all prospective buyers. The "RED FRONiO oiler of Cot busy." wss made. A Fo 4TA CENTS ON THE DOLLAR WAS ACCEPTED The'remainder of the storylsQuickly-told As we bought, so. well selL Arid tomorrow morning n 'o'clock wewlllopen to- the man of Portland a Wholesale stock of clothing at retail, and at less than the actual firat cost of making shsll offer these magnificent new, correct and down-to-dat garments from America's foremost tailors at nrtees-that represent values unheard of in the annals of Portland's - clothing trade. What Jbissalemeanai The utter annihilation of regular clothing price trie sinking ot costs snd prom - tig ' . mltte on lights' reported "laaF night at th meeting-of th Mount Scott Im provement association that Manager Puller had promised that It elusters of lights were to be placed along th line from Anabel to . Lents. The annual election of officers of the association waa held last night and : th following officer elected: President, C. F. Clapp; vlce-prgstdeiit, J. W. Dun lop j sucretnryJ and treasurer, B. B. Corvig. - Seat Mda sToSea. . Trestles ax bslng laid on East Oak street,, on each aid of Qrand avanu. licltation of several good-slsed men. . The MUwaukle election ooeura nast Monday, December (. Thj other offl- cera nominated by th convention were ; as follows: Councilman, Dr. W. T. Houser and r Grant Barker; recorder. i Fred Lehman: treasurer, EL T. Elmer ! known aa th Cttlaens ticket, while , Mayor Bchlndler will run alon aa aa Independent. : ' sjokool aleady 1m rahrnary. M. K. Freeman, contractor of th i East Bide . HlKh school, last night statea to tn scnooi ooara Tnai aitnotign ,ott . rlTlnr(1 th, hi.tory of th I 1"! L. nno,M Z 1'W r. organisation through all It vicissitudes soma inconvenience to th central east slda. Union avenu also being blocked rendera th altuatlon more lnconvenleat atllL At th Exposition rink yesterday aft ernoon Loula Cele Fearey of Mount Ta bor, won th race for boys under II years of age. Th rao wa vary exclt marshal. Ed wara-pats. rL Tills will hi A" 1o!- Th pr" w hand" Th mortgag on th hall of th Co lumbia grange, east of th Sandy river, waa burned Saturday with appropriate ceremonies. C J. Llttlepag mad a snort addrssa Just before th ceremony. representing th clearing away of th 2000 Men's Fine Suits . Consisting of double and single-breasted sacks; black, blue, gray, brown, oxfords and fashionable plaids, checks and silk mixtures. These lots consist of all colors and kinds at each price. Owing to im mense quantities,- we -cannot describceach . lot separately. The prices quoted repre sent actual manufacturing cost and are one half regular retail prices or less. f 4.50 Lot No. I Big showing, $10 re tail values. fT.OO Lot No. 2 Extensive display of $15 retail values. S - f 9.00 Lot 'No. J Business and dressy suits to- $18 retail values, f 10.60 Lot No. 4-laborate line at val , uea to $30; some are even sold suits to $20 retail values. fU.SO-r-Lot No. 5 Gigantic assortment to $25 retail values. . ' f 14.0--Lot No. 6 Over 1.000 Suits, val. to $30: some are even sold higher at retail. Fall and Winter Overcoats and Cravenettes This stock is in excess f 1,500 garmenta. We manufacture only the best and finest grades. Careful dressers will really appre ciate the correctness -of styles,- workman ship and the richness of materials. 4.50 Lot No. 7 Medium heavy up to $10 Overcoats. ." f 7.50 Lot No. 8 Overcoats and Craven ettes to $16 retsil values. These gar ments are hand-tailored. ' f 0.T5 Lot No. 9 Silk Serge and Vene tian Lined Overcoats snd all colors and kinds of Cravenettes to $20 values. fll.50 Lot No. -10 Select "garmenta: Paddock Overcoats, 1 French back and extra fine Cravenettes to $25 value, f 13.85 Lot No. 11 The highest class of materials and finest styles and workman- ship to $30 values. .. . 4800 Pairs Pants "... 7 ''..- , , ... Embracing th leading fabrics aad striae of this year's pantsdom. Prices quoted arc less than one half actual retail values. Sizes from 27 to 3d inseam, 28 to 50 waist 95f Hundreds splendid to $2.50 Pants. . f 1.50 Vast display of np to $3,50 Pants, f 2.00 Extra good to $4 JO values at re- taik ' . . ' , , ' " ; ,; 1 f ?.85 Best qualities average our $6.00 re tail value. ' ' '' ' ' : Ch Idren's Suits & Overcoats Parcnta can only fully appreciate the ele gance of these Children's Suits and Over coats by seeing them. Th elegance of Styles snd high quality of materiala and workmanship, the low prices quoted for this, the last week of the sale. A LOSS 0.1 ACTUAL FACTORY COST Bringing the price far below the ordinary or trashy kind at retail stores. Double-sewed taped seams, guaranteed not to Tip. l.OO Represents Suits to $2 retail value. fl.SO Represents elegant - Suits to fully $3 value. . : f 2.50 Elaborate to $5 or even better values. $ 3.25 Tremendous display to $7.50 values. 9 4.35 Silk velvets, etc., easily $10 values. Bid building would hardly be com- pleted by February 1, th building ' would be In a condition ao that It j eould be occupied on that data. Th '. additions to Bunnrsld and th Holmsn XT H.nrln. will ltm aTlnwaA at tha f high schooi Th school board haa de !, elded - that dancing can be dispensed '' with without seriously damaging the ' Interests of education. Th salarlss of th manual training Instructors will be I placed on an advancing seal. They formerly received but tSOO a year but now th second year they will receive t aa ravine ox ov kin ma uiira " r they will be advanced to 1100. Y Tb purchase of a master clock and i II smaller clocks waa ordered at a cost I of SST0. Th Mothers club was per j mltted to Install a kindergarten In on !' of tb rooms in th basement of th ; Brooklyn school. Th members of th club will psy expenses of th new de- partment " " ?- t I , Club Oeta Booms. ' Th quarters of tb East Bid Bust ; ness club ar being fitted up tn th '. nnii hnt.l Ttalf tha anaoa of tha ton ; floor will be used. It Is expected that i th whole top floor will be needed later, f but th club doe not propoee to over ) reach Itself. The rooms will b well - fitted tip and a est will be put In on th first floor. Th club baa an avall ' able working capital of lt.00 and . monthly dues amounting to over 1200. Lights are to b placed along - th Mount Bcott car line at one. The otra. until. the present time, when they were possessed of a 12,000 hall and Independ ent of any obligations.. Mayor Lane has been Invited to do- at noon and In th evening a program will be rendered tn th church. Th charge f assault brought against Charles Whitehead of Baker City In th munloipal court of St. John last Sat urday haa been recalled and a charge of disorderly - conduct . substituted. Whitehead yesterday paid a small On and waa released. Milwaukfs) Country Club. . Csstera and California races. Take 'Sellwood and Oregon City ears at First and Alder. c i- 1 Whatever you wish Beason it with good . dressing. , . If there is any compe tition the well -dressed man stands the best show. , i' An investment here of $15, $20 or $25 in a stylish Suit or Overcoat will make a man's ap pearance a strong argu ment.', ,' :t&. LION ClotliinsCo CusKuhnFrorjV Men's and Boye Outfitters, - . - 166 and 168 Third Street, ' ' Mohawk Building. , HEKEFEE SAYS - LET FRED SHEPHERD BE HANGED Prosecutor Decline to Join Movement to Secure Pardon -No Decision Yet. BUY YOUR THANKSG1VINQ SUIT AND OVERCOAT AT ED FRONT CLOTHING HOUSE FIRST-AJNDTVUORSXRE5l3TS. Merchants Wishlog to Buy Will Please Call Before 10 A.M. No Discounts From Marked Prices. All Wertised Prices Are Net .Mail OrdenFOIed t (Speelil D1tpte t Tse Sesrael.) Salem, Nov. .17. Governor Chamber lain has received an anawer from Fred Menefe of The Pallea, who waa pros outing attorney la th case of Fred A. Shepherd, who Is sentenced to be banged at th state prison, November 10. for the murder of Benjamin ZelL "I cannot see any reaaon why the death sentence should be commuted, ss he was certainly responsible for bis ac tion and the killing was without doubt done' after deliberation," Menefee ears. Three physicians examined Shepherd at th trial and pronounced him sane, although a man of rather low lntelll. rence. - Th teatlmonv ahowed he had j. worked eight years In Crook county and Waa considered sane. 1 1 Governor Chamberlain will have Shep herd examined, but has not yet decided to commut bis sentence. . CHARITY BOARD CHANGES NAME Will Be Known Hereafter as the Associated Charities of - - This City, Hereafter the city board of charities will be known aa the associated chart ties. Th old nsme alwaya carried the 1 suggestion of connection with th city government.' The change was deter mined upon at th annual meeting of tb board laat ovanlng. Circuit Judge. Freer,,v". T. Gardiner and Mrs. K B. Colwell were appointed a commute to art ..with County Judg Webster In drawing up a bill punish lnhlny men who desert their wives and families. It hss been suggested thnt a wife- desnrter be put on th rock pile and th equivalent of his, earnings be psld the 1 wife for her support. Other changes ' In legislation concurnlng the pnle tli j board comes In contact with Will slso be drafted at the name-time. 1 During the past year IVI4J tins been 1 s)jent by tbs board In aiding destitute t per.?". . . . ' The - Best- leatmnig Steve- "There's a Reason" aV m a sjsjg B ilu . t . . . V S I If. a IX. Jtm J nT-f Wiriia sa - &STW5Z-' IT I I br-ta .r-.-? ' ". .' L Ti - . , . la , . evurtz Why the Prize Eclipse Is a superior Alr-Tlght Wood Heater. It's all in the construction. We do not deal in boastful assertions with merely "hot air" as a basis. AH our claims for superiority for' the 'Prize Eclipse" are founded upon substantial factswhich you are In vited to, verify.-- -: ------- . .. You will find that the "Prize is the best constructed heater on the market. Made with a rolled steel body which will last for years, it is further perfected by a cast-iron ventilated lining made of the toughest gray iron, which acts as a protection to the steel walls prevents burning or warping. The bottom is also made of the same tough material. Such a stove will' last several years manufacturer warrants it for five. - i .. ' ..- You will notice, too, that "Oevurtz advertises the price." There CXST s a reason herc t0- Gevurtz price is lower for the same class of JDnM Soods than the other fellows'. They know it, Gevurtz knows it, and f KvJP he wanti vou to know it- . ' - LINING --r-r .- 'X. The Price of-'Prize t t II M 7 ILfli I ...LA Heater, Smallest Size, i Only . . . ,. $1.00 DOWN, $1.00 A WEEK. .'Ask for the FREE Stove Board given with every stove sold thla month. -. - ' We have combination wood and coal heaters, sheet-Iron heaters, etc., as low as $3.50. ' 173-175 (T First Street JX 219-227 " OMU Yamhill St r.