The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 27, 1906, Page 5, Image 5

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Tcivd Tcpics
ta.iiis-iux rim u 'to m Ww
Baker "A Teuperaare Town"
Empire.... .............."Uaci. JtMk Spracaby"
Lyrla..., .,...., "We'sne of Tiumm"
Pr..uiui.'A.Strur ia ttrun Land"
Anlnae mnn-mii tfVi .it V andarllla
' To obtain photographs for use la
moving- picture machines all vsr ths
country, ths O, R. 4 N. company bu
aent Ita corps of phetosraphlo axtlata
- out aftea soenlo atrlpa of Uis Columbia
river gorge. Tha pootographlo appar
tua la Installed on a flat car. puebed
ahead of an engine, which laft thla elty
t t:S0 o'clock thla morning In charge
of J. H. O'Neill, traveling passenger
CnL Tha photographs obtained will
bo worked into fllma that will become
a part of tha acenlo equipment of an
amusement company that la showing
views of 100 American oltlea and the
routes of travel, to them.
Interesting feature of tha history of
tha northweet will be gone into next
Friday and Saturday by tha Paclflo
ooaat branch of tha American Histori
cal aaeoclatlon, which will meet in the
assembly hail of the Portland high
achooL Tha beat Informed historians"
of . the . ooaat will be present, among
them being Henry Morse Stephens,!
neua or. tae msiory department ox tha
university of CalUornis, Friday evens
Ing there will be a reception and ban
quet at tha Portland hotel. .
Tha anniversary of tha evacuation of
New Tork by. the British off November
16, 1781, was celebrated last night by
- tha .New, Tork Bute aodety at Blagler'a
haJL Judge il. C George made the ad
, dresa of tha evening. Judge Qeorge H.
WUllama extended greeting in a happily
phrased little speech. Other contribu
tors to tha program were President R.
C. Wright, Mrs. I. li. Hose ac ran is. Mrs.
Byron A. Downey, and Mrs. Millie Per-
klne. . After tha program a. banquet was
... served. .
Portland Methodist ministers held
their regular weakly meeting at Grace
church yesterday morning. Rev. C M
Wlre read a paper on the problem of
' pain and suffering. General discussion
was taken op after the reading of the
paper, and occupied tha attention of tha
""ministers "until nearly "noon. T An ad
dress was delivered by Rev. J. M.
Weaver of Seattle, who occupied the
pulpit of tha Taylor street church Sun
day. Rev. Mr. Zimmerman of Ashland
waa also p resect.
1 arawAuxiz'i matob tvxvxs boot.
'At the old tows of Mllwaukie wild commotio
etalaa tbe etretu.
With the aajru a oolor-bearer, every feotmaa
taat it mean
la htfurawd thai "There's rebaUlea aiding all
around Uo Iowa."
Because taat albt'a coarestlea tamed kla gra-
cloua koDur sows.
Now if Mr. William Bchladier to just acklag for
a spat,
let aim amble sows te Fortlaae sad say,
"Haory, yoa'ra a rat,"
ana we n sans a muuoa sonars max eer ana-
kla Melius .
WttL-a"-!)""!"' trlttLllwaakta'i-irosa-Bie
hip joiats te bis ehia.
Ow Bear is s daisy If yoa kaad bba est a
Bat H'a wise set to approach sin. and the
wrong war brash ate tile.
Or yoa'll find uet ke is trottlag .sa ssasperat.
Ins clip, - "
and you'll aot be very loaeeosae wbue ha has
yoo os the kip. .
Just Ubetbe ttolo'a laundry, the great lawyer's
fall of eoap,
Aad la loaded ap wtth energy hsa heaps of
It oa tap
And if anyone ehoeld Bay te aim, "Dear atr,
yoa are a rati" i
Way, he'd poanee epos that fallow like friood
Casey at tbe bat
Tat Mala SSS. :. Second sad Oohunbla.
- Sara Fukuchl, the Japanese who came
to thla city some time ago with l-year-old
Florence WUllama, a white girl, and
was taken back to California to be tried
for abduction, will no longer receive at
tention from the Oregon authorities. At
the request of Deputy District Attorney
Oua C. Moser the charge of contribut
ing to tha delinquency of a minor which
bad been placed against Fukuchl here
was dismissed yesterday by Judge Sears
in the circuit court.
Pursuant to plans for placing lta
wlrea underground In the fire limits of
Portland, tha Portland General Electric
company haa aent ita general superin
tendent, F. G. Sykesv jtnd .his asaiatant,
H. 8.- Bladen, to lnapeot underground
wiring systems In
trge eastern ciuea
It is said that
upon their return to Portland the oon
pany will begin tha installation of wnat
evet system they recommend.
The most thrilling gams of tha season.
, Multnomah Club
Oregon Varsity.
, Thanksgiving Afternoon, :
Rata or Shin. '
Admission, 11.00. Grandstand Free.
The Best Dental
Work in the "
At-Cut Prices
Until Dec 15
Good Set of Teeth....... 4.0O
On Rubber Plates S8.00
Gold Crowns, per tooth.,. f3.0O
Brla ge Work, per tooth . . . . S3.00
Cement and. SUvar FU1-
Inga, each . 25?
-Gold -and Porcelain. Fill.
Inga. each fl.OO
Extracting free. -
Teeth cleaned free. , ,
Yale Dental Co.
Between Morrison and YamhllL
Phona Main 447.
t 1 - , . 1
China, addressed tha annual conven
tion of tha Christian and Missionary
alliance yesterday afternoon. The con
vention opened Saturday aftsrnoon and
will close tonight Thomas P. Wor
ship will address tha convention to
night .on his . axperlenca in China. . .
Articles -of Inoornoratlon of tha Caa-
tllloa Rub'ber plantation company were
filed In the office of tha county clerk
thia morning by W. H- Beharrel. H. O.
Colton, J. C. Roberta and C. V. Cooper.
a number ofthe lThyWlUculUYaU mhhor trees and
engage tri other agncultural puraults in
the state of Chiapas, Mexico. Capital
stock; 1100,000.
James Brooke, who suddenly beoama
violently Insane at Seventeenth and
Upshur streets yesterday afternoon,
waa overpowered and. bound to the
"sldewaik by a crowd of men led by F.
W. Iaherwood. H rooks had attracted
much attention- by screaming and ges
tlculstlng In a wild manner. When
placed in the polio patrol wagon Brooks
waa atlll violent and desperately fought
bis oaptora. : ;
Mr. J. H. Falrbrook, who waa for
some time in my employ, la no longer
connected with my office, and haa not
been for several weeks, although many
supposed that ha waa. Property owners
and real estate dealers are hereby noti
fied that Mr. J. H. Falrbrook baa no
connections wtth my office whatever.
Charles K. Henry, 12J Third street
Invitation programs have been Issued
for a recital at St David's Episcopal
church, Eaat Twelfth and Belmont
atreets, thla evening at t:lt o'clock. An
excellent program baa been prepared
and a large audience la expected. John
Claira-Montlrth will be vocallet Mor
daunt A. Gooflnough pianist, and Fred
erick W. Goodrich organist. , ,
' Thanksgiving services will be held
Thursday at the Church of the Naaa
rene, 421 Burnstda street Services at
10:10 and 2:19. Lunch will ba aerved at
noon. ... ..
Mrs. T. P. Worship, a missionary
from Wu Chow, in the southern part of
Multnomah Club.
Oregon Varsity, ',
- Thanksgiving Afternoon
Rain or Shine.
Admission 1X60. : Grandstand Free.
A meet In grn prntg wfll M h'-1
by tha Home Training association In
the committee room at the city hall at
8 o'clock tonight Mra. W. J. Hawkins
and Rev. George B. Van Waters will
debate. a resolution that"Punlshmant
Is Not Necessary in the Development
of Children. " General discussion will
follow tha debate.
A special Thanksgiving program will
ba rendered by the Central W. C T. U.
at their headquarters In the Goodnough
building. Fifth and Yamhill atreets. at
2:10 o'clock .tomorrow afternoon. Mra
Wlnoh, will have charge of tha meeting.
At tha close of the program refresh
ments will be served.
. Silver-Plated Flatware
solid and hollow handle."
. Pearl, Horn, Ivory Handle
Table Cutlery.
Pearl and Silver Handle
Pocket Knives. -
. Pearl. Stag, Horn Handle
Carvers. -
Gold, Silver, Old Gold
Handle Scissors. '
'Opldjl Ounmetil, Silver
Scissors and Sewing Sets.
Pearl and Gold Handle
Manicure Sets.
Razors, Shears, etc., every
piece guaranteed.
Bassett & Preer
343 Washington St.
Between Seventh and Park
Thanksgiving services will ba held la
the Flret United Brethren church. Best
Fifteenth and Morrison streets, Thurs
day evening. There will be special
music, an address, a praise service and
a social session.
The car of applea donated by tha
Hood River Commercial club to tha va
rious cbarltlea of this city 'win arrive
today. The distribution of the fruit
will be directed by Secretary Laberof
of. the board trade.
Tour eyes examined Free. Wa era
atill selling eyeglasses at $1.00. A per
fect fit guaranteed. Metsger Co..
Jewelers and opticians. 111 Sixth street
Steamer Jessie Hsrkins for Camae,
Washougal and way landings dally ex
cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street
dock at 2 p- m. '
Woman'e Exchange, 121 Tenth atreet,
lunch 11:20 to 2; bualnese men'a lunch.
Dr. O. M. Well a, residence lit Eaat
Burnslde direct Phone Eaat lift.
Aome Oil Co. sella the best safety coal
oil and fine gasoline, phone Eaat 780.
For Quality, Quantity and Qulcknees,
go to Morris" restaurant , j
Dr. B. CL Brown, Eye-Ear. Marqnam.
More Will Do Closed All Dav Thursday Credit Purchcscs T.lado Todav. Toirxrrciv cr
, -, , r ef v - - -
Friday Will Co on Your December Account
Mt. Tabor and Snnnytlda i Cart Are Now Operated U Morrison StreetTrQcr.EastdarisadaV-Cca-Reacli
Ed L. Oaffney, Junior clerk ' In tha
office of General Manager J. P. O'Brien
of the O. R. A N. company, will on De
cember 1 enter tha service of General
Manager Ed Budd, of the Ilwaco Rail
road At Navigation company. . ills head
quarters wlU be at Ilwaco. ,v. -
Flowering Bulbe. Hyacinths, tnltps,
narcissus, crocus and all Holland bulbs
ahould be planted at once. Do you
reall i how easily thay eaa be grown T
Send, for our Illustrated and descriptive
catalogue or phona Mala 478. Portland
Seed Co. Front and Xantblll streets.
Articles of Incorporation of -tha
Washington Realty company were filed
In the office of the county clerk this
morning by W. B. Simons, Joseph
Meyers and William McQUchiist Capi
tal stock 8100,000. '
Articles of . Incroporatlon of tha Fir
and Spruoo Lumber company were filed
in the office of .the county clerk this
morning by Roger B. Slnnott, Edmond
C. OUtner and George M. McBride.
Capital stock 80,000 '
Change of Route Broadway Cars
Commencing . December 1, 1806, the
Broadway cars will eroaa the river
easterly anL westerly fiver tb Bnxnaldal.
linage ana rouna in ruin, vvosning-
ton and Second street loop.
The Meier. Frank: Store
1 6-Button Glace Gloves
$4.00 Values $2.98
The Thanksgiving Sale of
long glace Kid Gloves at
tracted hundreds of Port
land's best buyers all day
yesterday The day's busi
ness was the greatest ever
recorded in our glove de
- partmenw-even local -merchants
bought liberally of
them Enough Temain for
today and tomorrow Just
the Gloves fashion demands
can be purchased at a saving
" on each pair Look
to your needs and profit by
this grand offering All are
perfect goods, fine French Glace Kid Gloves, full 16-button
length and all sizes in black, red, gray, green and navy; Gloves
that find ready sale nowadays at $4.00 a pair
We will fit and guarantee every pair
Your choice at the very low price of, per pair
Women's KnirUnderwear Specials
Women's fine silk and wool Vests; high neck and long sleeves,
knitted cuff, cream color; regular , $1.75 value, fl 1Q
on sale at the phenomenally low price of, each. V f
Women's mixed wool Vests and Pants; high neck and long
1 sleeves, ankle -lengths-winter-weight,-nicely-finished i'KfFji
regular 75c value, on sale at this low price, each...... J C
Women's fine ribbed cotton Union ' Suits; medium
weight, all siics, cream color; best 75c vals., sale price.
Women's Swiss ribbed cotton Gsrset Cbvers; medium o
'weight; best $1.00 value, in all sizes, at, each. . . . ... . . OC
Women's silk and lisle ribbed Vests, in pink, blue and cream,
high neck and long sleeves, all sizes; best $1.60 CI 1 9
values on sale at, each.;... ..........V I 1
2000 Felt Pennants
M. A. A. C. and U. of O.
50c Values for 25c Ea.
On sale tomorrow in the Toy Department, Third Floor, 2000 Felt
Pennants M. A. A. C and U. of O. colors Everybody wants
one tor-Thursday's Football Game You can tie Ithe Pennant to
r umbrella or cane Felt material and felt let-
ters Can be used for decorating purposes after the
game Great special value at this low price, each
2000 Megaphones
-TP-Purchasers of -Pennants
With "every purchase of aTschool or college pennant tomorrow
we will givfe away free a cardboard megaphone with wood
mouthpiece, made in your favorite colors. Everybody wants one
to help cheer the boys Thursday. See big 6th St. window display
Favors for Thanksgiving Parties
Dinner Favors Thanksgiving Turkeys......... 8, 10, 28
Thanksgiving. Dinner Xards, beautiful assortments, 60c values,
39a? dozen ; 75c values at. 50 dozen
Fancy, Paper Napkins for table decoration, per hundred... 28f
Photo Mailers in large assortment, each. ... ........2 to 10
Christmas Post Cards, two for ............ . ..... ... .... . . .5
Christmas Coat Hangers to cover, each. . .... i . ........ . .4f
Portland Agents for Butts rick Patterns. Colombia Yarns, Perrtn's French Kid Cloves
Artistic Picture Framing to Your Order Brii g Your Christmas Work tn at Once
The Meier Frank Store
Men's Thanksgiving Neckwear Sals
50c White and Black 4-in Hands 2 9c
. In the Men's Furnishing Goods Section today and tomorrow we
place on sale 5000 Men's white and black Silk four-in-hand Ties
A Thanksgiving offering of the greatest importance to well
dressed men Beautiful silks and great assortment, to select, from.,
'-Brocaded "novelties,, fancy corded effects, self, figures, dotted
and floral designs, black and white only Swell TiesK ffL
for dress wear Every Scarf in the lot regular "-V
value Your choice today and tomorrow at, the tie
i " ' 1 f " 111 ' ' ' 11
See Morrison Street Window Display
Men's Dress Kid Gloves $1,15
Men's Dress Kid Gloves for Thanksgiving Glace Kid and Plain
Mochas Browns and Tans in the very best shades, all sizes;
a. style and quality, glove other. stores ask $1,60 j a c
; for. Your choice, per pair ;.,,yll J
Men's corded sheer linen Handkerchiefs, very newest
styles, fine quality and exceptional values at, each.....vjC
Men's white pleated shirts all width pleats, attached y q
cuffs, all sizes, great special value '. .... 7C
' TIonarch',""fuII3ress8hirts, made coat style; attachedor
l Shirt S detached cuffs ; best dress shirt on the market at this price v
"E. & W,", "Manhattan," Quett dress shirts 91.50 to $3.50
Men's White
Great-Thanksgiving Bargains in
Women's Ready-to-Wear Apparel
Women's Tailored SulU, regular $32.00 va 1 n e s
at $16.65, the banner suit bargain of the season The
very newest models and matsrials, tight. fitting or
semi-fitting jackets, pony coats or. blouse with Peyw
"iian or ve lvet trimming, a very large variety to select
from The best product of two of New York's leading
nit manufacturers Every garment well made and
finished and perfect fl ting Mannish mixfnreafTweedat
chev.ots and homespuns, in plain color or fancy pat
terns Suits that we have sold hundreds of at
$32.00 each Your choice.
today and tomorrow at the
very low price of, the suite...
$ 1 8.00 Suits at $ 1 245
Women's and Misses' Tailored Suits, In Pony Jacket, Prince Chap
and Blouse styles; checks, plaids and mixtures in great variety 1
Jackets single or double-breasted and lined throughout! pleated
skirts, solid colors and fancy mixed materials, all C I T tC
sizes; best $18.00 Suits in town, on sale at V eVarf
Greet Thanksgtvtna; Sata of gyenhig Coat arm es and Wraps, Imported
and domestic models in silks, lac) and wool materials Eadiialy
styles, values up to $3QO each, at on thira off regular prkaa
Fine Lingerie Waists eAre eAll Greatly Reduced
Our $5.00 Lingerie Waists" now $3.3 S-Oar $11 Lingerie Waists now $ 6.93
Our $6.50 Lingerie Waists now $4.25-Onr $14 Linger e Waists now $6.95
Our $8.00 Lingerie Waists now $5.50-Our $16 Lingerie W. ists now $11.45
Our $9.50 Lingerie Waists now $3 95-Our $23 Lingerie Waists now $16.45
Great Thanksgiving Sale of Women's Fine Lingerie Waists Linens, Batistes snd Malls beauti
ful sheer miteriili, trimmed in two-thread VaL laces, Maltese, round mesh. Plat VaL and baby cro
chet laces; round and square yokes and lace yokes; handsomi styles in great assortment; all sites;
eight lots re select from; all this season's newest snd prettiest ctfects in Painty Cress and Evening
Waists. Grandest values in the city. Set them.. Second Floor.
WomeiVs Coats at $11.85 and $14.45 ;
Women's length tight-fitting Tweed Coats, in light and medium gray shadow plaids
and striped novelties, trimmed in velvet and contrasting shades of broad- C 1 1 QC
. cloth and fancy buttons; all sizes; great bargain; $16.50 values, on sale at.v Oj
Women's gray mixed M Coats; full back, black velvet collar j'also gray and black and
I. striped materials of the best patterns and styles; box back, Y length; a AK
t coats others are asking from $20.00 to $22.60 for, on sale at low price of .V "e J
i - '
1K1 y(33HIIiil
DATs xotra soni
And wear ths roods while pavlnf
for them.. A Vetch or- diamond
Investment Is a sensible one, be-
rause you can turn A DIAMOND
.JINTO MONET any old time.
$20 at 50c a week
- $50 at $1.00 a week
$100 at S2 a wetk. aad so on
Metzger & Co.
' 4welers sad OptlaUna.
Vow la tBs tlma to fcay jrn
Olunstmaa rreseata. r
Tear eyee SMei far eratleaaat U
Opern Bveninss Until O'clock.
Weak ef Veveatar Sa, . Pbeoe Mils SMS.
"A Stranger in a
Strange Land ' .
Hatlnaea Toeadara. Tkarwlajra; SatnrAar. and
SnailaTa at 1 30 p. . Prlcea 10 aaS 30 eeata.
every erealns at S:IS s. m.t price, 10, SO aad
SO centa.
The Hew Football Kales. .
From tha Cleveland Plain Dealer.
alow do . these new football rules
oompare with tha old'oneeT" - -
TVell, Ust season at this time my
soy had a stiff naok, bruised head aad
': x - .
FREE! Moving Pictures
RACG for a wife
Busfnees' Boomer, Oenaral Advertlsec.
Phone Main 181 f td Morrison.
t:S0 to 1:1 Every Evenlnc -
nruxaoAY nan
Thanksgiving Masquerade
Our pew skates are here. Eight ele-
fant pnsea ror oeet eoaiomea.
!.. . -- L LJ 1
a twisted ankle.- Thla year ha has a
sprained wrlet, a broken rib and a lot
of wrenched tendons. .1 fuess tha rales
are about tha same."
BaKer Theatre or.rT'u
Tbe Widely Rramrned BAKKB STOCK CO.
Tonlfht. All Till. Weak, Matlneea Th.nk.ftTtaf
Day and Matanlay, Ho.t'a Cletereat
Hatlre on Prohlhltlon.
Ptreetloa Mr. John nalnpnlla. Brery Aat a
Scream ef Laughter.
Vrealnt FYtrwe 3ne, SA, tor: Mat, 18c, tde.
eat Waea 'A Soetal Hlshwayataa.1
The Grand
Weak t Vov. SS, ISO.
"dolly in raoo
Fref. Clark's Sot,
Cat aad Moakay
ITr. aad Mra.
Hareld Xelly.
Artkvr H. Zaeraa.
The Tame Beat.
XareU Hoff ' ood
tk. raadiaeepe.
wnx Bxomnia xovxusra s.
"Wc'uns of Tennessee"
Bel offioe open tram 10 a. eh te It p. m.
Seata eaa be marred by ptoom. Mais etMo.
., Tout man oansht 1.C0 eatflsh ta a
pond Bear CorroiUs durlns an Bight,
14fh and..
The Heill Theatre
TeaUkt, S:lt
aveoUI-rrlee I
nfatiBee Tomerrewl
In tbe Delfchtrol 'onedy,
Breams Prlrea Lower floor, Jl.SO, fL00
einvr, ai.uu, iDc. ouci sauery, su, aoe.
Manner rrirea unrer xioor,,
tire balcoay, BOet entire fallery, BSe.
Seeta sew mUIdc at Hallls theatre.
TSei es
Mala I
w'SbS!.' HeUig Thettro
t TRAxxsomxa xioht.
Tkunder. BoremVar SS.
Tbe Jolly Onmedlaa.
In tbe Funny Oooiedy,
PBIOBS Battra Lower rkmr, 1; Baleasav TSe.
K! oellery. See. SSe.
ad Moltaoaitb FeatbaU Taaaw WUI
Mala I IT. Mlltea W. Smbm. Maaacey,
I'Urtrij Only Baatera. Buad Atlraetkna.
Mitlneae Ale wet Wadneaeay, Tharaday ssd
Oreat Taanktelrlna Orf-rlnf,
"vmclx josa spncisr.w
TVs Oreat Boral Serene. All New Tfck) Teas.
Be the ramone Sawmill Sreas.
lUtol.r Bmptr Prteaa.
Vac Weak "aalaoy Sdima, Sawyer."
Tref erred Bboek dasjaad Croeda.
AUea Lewis' kest Aroad, .
5c. 10cf'15c, 25c .
Wa sew epea VlubmBtvtaef BHiBtasv Xre
yew, MH flosses v. ahaa (oar
J. ' D. DICACK,, OptCKttf
270 kXit St. Bwtwwa Sr4 &