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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1906)
' THE OREGON ' DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING. -NOVEMBER ' 27. 1801 Columbia Phonograph Co. 3 71-Washington Strcctoitland Oregon. :: T()rt ataaafactarer tm WasM of 81m eadCyUadf Machine IJniaiie Ghristmas Gifts j-trXT TTIVT'DT A Half-foot Gr aphopho Manrdel nes f .Type Peerless . .'. ; $40 , Type Sovereign , . $3 0 Satire oaa aa la '7,:v .V"' ' V7. rrr ttvctjt a""'- Half-Foot Records : COLUMBIA BUILDING. embe , -for Purpose of Observing St. Andrews' Day j ; i With Appropriate Program. ; , V: ; MARMM ORI GBENT Cash Rich or poor. If .your inten- tions are good, you can buy . Diamonds, Watches or Jewelry j .frorfl us and pay convenient sums weekly or monthly while : 7 wearing it.7 Simply select' any article you would like for ( " yourself or as a gift to a loved one, pay a small amount down . when making your purchase, the balance you can pay us on ' Weekly or nionlhly Installments " NO. INTEREST CHARGED NO SECURITY ' ,: f; 1 ; REQUIRED j V 7,;:.; . 77-7 " MARX & BLOCK Largest Diamond Dealers in Oregon ; 74 THIRD ST. r-t "7? 7 .7- :-i'7:V V V'7: There is but One Real Soda Cracker, because there is but one that comesLtoyoui just as it comes from the oven. Others lose their value r by being exposed to the air, absorbing moisture and collecting dust. - 'yTke'x!3 soda cracker i3 Unccda Discuit keptl fresh and clean by the '; protecting package I nrt 3 ST. AHDREWS SOCIETY PREPARES FOR AHHUAt CELEBRATIOH - ' ! ; 7 V 1- Tb blow which knocked ou Corbetl u a reveUtlon to th prlz flghtor. From th crlle8t dtjs of tb ring th knock-out ilow tu timed for the Jw, the Umple or the Jugular rein. Stomach puDchee were throws In to worry and war? the fighter, hot If eeleatifle man had told one of the old fighter that the moet vulnerable I Dot was the rerion of rthe atomah, he'd haVe' laughed at him for an Ignoramus. Dr. Pierce ta bringing homto the public K parallel fact; that th nomackja the moat vulnerable organ out of he pnu ring u well u la It. We protect bur fH5, throata, feet and lung, but theeWbiihhNve are nttertjr ladtffer nt to, sntll dlteaAflnia the aolar plexui and knock uiouC Make vourttomarh i?ujd ,ana rQny.teji'yuH of ti-ryejial-ipiL MrFrDigcovejj.TL I K. N. Baxter, Treasurer. . Membera of the St Andrewe eociety are preparing (or their annual celebra tion Friday evening which will take the form of a smoker and concert at the Kalghte of Fythlae hall. Nearly every one of the 1B0 members of' the great Bcotoh society will be present and a royal time IS anticipated. The society, which was ergaaea in 1I7S, Is one of the' representative or sranlsatlona of the city and has been Identified with the growth of Portland. Its object Is charitable and la bounty Is aiven to natives of Scotland, or thaJ wives, widows, children or grandchildren of sons of Scotland. 8t Andrew's day la to the Boots what St. Patrick's' day Is to the Irish. St Andrew-Is the patron saint of the land of Bobby . Burn. Robert Bruce, Wallace and other heroes who helped to make the country north of England famous In history. The day baa become a 'great one to Scota In. America and plays , a more' Important part In their life than It does In the lives or residents ot Scotland. Each year It becomes more significant , to the expatriates who find James Connack, Secretary. In Its celebration a revival of old cus toms, remembrances of younger days and a Joy In singing the old songs of the land of "bonnie brier." Among those who will be ' present Friday evening will be Peter Taylor, the first president of the society. Al though more than SO years of age, Mr. Taylor has taken an aotlve part in the oolety's affairs since its beginning In J87S. Five of the charter members are still living and of . these . John Cran, William Reld, James Laldlaw and Wil liam Macbeth will be present at Fri day's entertainment. . v The present officers of the society are: 'A. It-Blrrell,- presidents-George Black, vice-president; K. K. Baxter, treasurer; -Barnes Connack, ' - secretary; WW. M- LauKhton, assistant secretary; Rev. T. N. Wilson, chaplain; Dr. ft A. J. Mackenxle, Dr. J. F. Bell, physicians; William Reld, C E. 8. Wood, O. J. Cameron, counsellors; Robert Living, stone, W. R. Mackensle, William Mackenxle, relief eommittee; D. Alex ander, J. Barker, J. M. Wallace, ' man agement committee. The Knock-out Elow. f!-rye j Qi-tfiL aiedicai igcovejv. an TQU DrulL-ct voitjnn vpur mn-.i.-vulnr cures "welic stomach," indigestion, or dyspepsia, torpid liver, bad, thin and Im pure blood and other diseases of the or gans of digestion and nutrition. The "Golden Medical Discovery has a peclQo curative effect upon all mucous surfaces and hence cores catarrh, no matter where located or what stage It may have machod. In Nasal Catarrh It Is well to eleanse the passage with Dr. Sage's Catarrh "Remedy fluid while nalng the 'Discovery "as a constitutional rem edy. Why the "Golden Medical Discov ery cures catarrhal diseases, as of the Stomach, bowels, bladder and other pelvlo organs will be plain to 70a If you will read a booklet of extracts from the writ ings of eminent medical authorities, en dorsing Its Ingredients and ' explaining their curative properties. It Is mailed re on request. Address Dr. R.V. Pierce, buffalo, N. Y. This booklet gives aU the Ingredients entering into Dr. Pierce's medicines from which It will be seen that they contain not a drop ot alcohol, pure, triple-refined glycerine being used Instead. Dr. Pierce's great thousand-page Illus trated Common Sens Medical Adviser will be sent Ire, paper-bound, tor fil one cent (tamps, or cloth-bound for si stamps ddrosa Dr. Pierce aa above. A. H. BirreD, President AJex Gavin, Vice-President. TS, : OltEGON DAILY JOURNAL A NlWtrAfU rOI. AU THI rtOHl A NEW DEPARTURE fU Oou of Zatmaeats JKaa Beam qrea. ' ly Bedneed by the Xolaaaa Va4s . taklag Oeaapaay. " - Heretofore It has been the eustom f funeral directors to make charges for U Incidental connected with a funeral. The Edward Holman Undertaking com- Kny. the leading funeral directors of rtland. beginning July 1, ISO, will depart from this old eustom. When the casket is furnished by ns Its cost will Include all charges, each as eonvajrlng the remains to our chapel, outside box, embalming, hoarse 'to cemetery and all services which may- be required of us except clothing, cemetery and eariiagaa thus effecting a earing of tag to 7f oa each funeral. THE EDWARD HOLMAN UNDERTAK . INO COMPANY. 110 Third street corner Salmon. FRANK L. .SMITH MEAT COMPANY :- ' - .7 : 226-228 Alder Street, Between First and second Street - ' "FIGHTING THE BEEF TRUST Prime Rib Roast Beef, per lb... ..;.s.. .,.10 Rolled Roast Beef, per lb...:,.7.Vi;V...10fi; Porterhouse Steak, per lb....,..w...'..12 "T"-Bone Steak, per lb.. .....12V$e Tenderloin Steak, per lb iOe '' Sirloin Steak, per lb . I ,........,;'.. lOe Round Steak, per lb ..........10f I larnburg; Steak, per lb ....... . . ........ 10e) Rump Roast Beef, per lb".. ....8 Pot Roast Beef, per lb i . 8f Orned Beef, per lb...rt.................6 Boiling Beef, per IblSeJ ' Beef Stew, per lb.5e Liver, per lb. .... . .5) Beef Suet, per lb. 5 Mutton Loin Roast, per lb.. ....... VZ6 Mutton Loin Chops, per lb.. . ...... ,..12ytt Mutton Shoulder Chops, per lb '.... lOe Mutton Shoulder Roast, per lb. .......... .8 Mutton Stew, per lb. ....... ,Sf Leg Pork, per lb....,....V::.........12j4f .Pork Shoulder Roast, per lb..........l2e: 'Pork Shoulder Chops, per lb.......... 12 Leaf Lard, per lb. .,.,..... ,12, Salt Pork, per1 lb .......... , . . . . . ..... 12 Pork Loin Roast, per lb.. .............. 15 Pork Loin Chops, per lb .15c? Our Own Lard, 5 lbs. for .GO Our Own Bacon, per Ib...............l7f4t Hams, per lb .17) Veal Breast, per lb .............'.8 Veal Stew, per lb. 6 Veal Shoulder Roast, per lb 10 Veal Shoulder Cutlets, per lb..... 10 Veal Leg, per lb...... 12e Veal Rump Roast, per lb... 12 Veal Loin Roast, per lb...,..........12 Pressed Turkeys, per lb. 22Mc , Choicest Oregon grain-fed turkeys. Each a perfect bird. . Buy today, i : ; r-rBuy now. Not a cold-storage bird In our establishment. (: , WOULD WATCH ALL CAKII FUNDS Portland Republlcari; Club Has Proposed , Bill vto Insurer Clean Elections. MAY' BE PRESENTED TO THE LEGISLATURE ... , Would Force All Candidates to Make Itemised .Report of All Money Ex pended During Race for Office ,to - Dine vommuiion, r SOLOHS TO MEET WEDnESDAY Multnomah County Legislators to Hold Preliminary 7JC7 , , Discussion. """" " SERIES OF MEETINGS HAVE BEEN PLANNED SMART SNAPPY BOB - V -- STYLES: NECKWEAR. GLOVES Etc., Etc. i hanks glVHiig i :-f ! Portland Agenti for - f- .-- ,i- ' . v, f s 'v .:, - v ..... .v. r Knox Hiits and Denjamin's IjZ y Correct Clothes L-1 T , f I M . . 311 MORRISON ST. 0pp. Postofncc As to Volut None Can Give Better Impending Legislation to Be Dis cussed and Plana Formulated for the Work of the Delegation When the Legislature ConTeneaT ' Vtnltrvomah legislators are beglnnln; to cram like school boys (or aa expected examination, and la furtherance of their March for knowledge a meeting has been called for tomorrow . ermine at the of fioe of Frank F. Freemaa la the Fenton bulldlnc, at which tiro matter of leg islative Interest will be discussed. 1 . It I expected that this will be the first of a eerie of meeting to be held by I the w.mbT of the. Jtousa-Ofreireear J tatlves (or this county. : At these gath ering vianned to fill In between the present and the 41ne f.r the meeting of the legislature all bills which hare been drafted, and ail' leglslatloa whtoa te proposed will be discussed In order that the MXiltnomah delegation at least will hare a fair understanding of the que, tlons which will hare to be settled dur ing the session. Th. present meeting ha nothing to do with th question of the speakership, o the member of th delegation say, but It la admitted by them that before the aeries ha ended and the course of tudy ha been conquered, the speaker ship question may be brought up and discussed la all Its bearing. It will doubt less be toe case that legislation will hare : some matertal bearing upon the attitude of Multnomah county on the speakership question. It la aafe to pre sume that Multnomah'a support will go In th direction which will lead to a beneficial return of legtalattr farors. Tbla same condition will also prevail In th other counties, so that th delega tion of this oounty will, perhaps, be called upon to decide It candidate with legislation aa a bast (or support. It Is possible that the member of th enat may meet with th representa tives before the legislature convenes in order that all matter of legislation af fecting the oounty may-be discussed by the full delegation and aom harmoni ous course of action agreed upon. The call fer the meeting tomorrow waa Is sued by Retreaentatlr Wlllard H. Chapln, Multnomah'. candidate (or speaker, who la expected to preside at th discussion. ClarkcWoodward 111 11V 141. Whol.sala, KaBafaetai-ras; aad Sjaporaaa Sruggurta, , Announce th completion of their Analytical Laboratory, completely equipped Inevery detail (or the analysis of foods, rock, oil, fuels, fertilisers, drug. mineral - Our establishment, eorae JIlBta) aad moyt, snd conveniently io cated near Union Depot and Ter minal Orounde, la the largest la the BOTtnwsst. ; r Vsalre ta Oaeeara Bat. Bat aaaa Ft aad arade dnae ( tae aortkwaenV - ... 1, The Intent of the bill la to furnish added facilities for elections, particularly In th larger districts of th state, where the counting of the election return en tails long and hard work by th judge and clerks. It 1 expected by the au thor of tb bill that should it become aJewH-would -be eepedally oereniot in Multnomah county at this time. - General measure affecting the elec tion law and th conduct of election are under discussion by tb committee which will perfect several measure be fore the opening of the legislature and present them to the session through members of the Multnomah delegation. Professor Eaton Dancing School Class (or ' ladle and rent ' Monday and Thursday evening at Arloa hall Phone East ISO. ... -Future of f fee-seekers"" ln"Oregon will hate to submit their list of campaign ex penses to a commission empowered by the taw to regulate all election expendi ture and campaign expenses If the leg islative oommlttee of tha. Portland Re publican club ha It plan enacted Into law. . . The . legislative committee qf the cluhl composed of Btate Senator B. C. Beach, Representative John B. Coffey, A. J. Capron, W. p. Keady and Charles F. Lock wood la at work on several pro posed measure for submission to th coming session of -the legislature. The draft of a bill which will .be entitled a corrupt practice act has been mad by th committee. Thl bill In general wtH provide that all candldatea for office coming before th people for selection must keep a true account of their ex penses, which account must be at all times open to the Inspection of a com mission also provided for in the act. The purpose of th bill I to secure freodom In the future from a! form of corruption in election. A bill la also being drafted providing for the use of voting machines la state, county and city election at the option of the different part of th state. If wilt be provided In the bill that a com mission be appointed to consist of th governor, secretary of stat and state treasurer, - the duty of the commlseloa being te Investigate the practicability of different kinds of rottng machines, m r A fmrn .K 11m .a mia Irln.. . n th use of the stat. It I than mad LtrOC SIC DotllCS fOT Setlc optional with the clUee and wonUeij -w . r-i s. r whether th machines or not. I U POtUutL tleuKC ft L. 7 .7 , . ., . ' '. , , 'i-i r-LTui Lru ooffHSd NEVER 'FAILS TO STCP YOUR r HAIR FROM FALLING CUT "About I months ag I had aa attack f measle aad about half of my half earn out. . I bought a bottle e( HAIH HXALTU, and after ene application my hair stopped failing aad Is now la fine conditio HAIR HEALTH te th finest HAIR TONIC I ever heard of." ANNA MILLER, Clayton, Wis. - v" -' '. T ; ' r ; ,.- , ll ThankSfil Vt ; Nugget Sauce ing Specials id , y . The. Most 'Dallcloa Io Cream Production It Have Bvr 0((r4. ' , Nothing that you could provtd for th dessert (or your Thanke giving dinner couta surpass this splendidly rich, delicately flavored, perfectly (rocen cream; It Is our highest attainment la thl Una. Thursday, price special: : " 7 . ', . .. . . ' ' 4-Quart Brick, Regular $3.50; Special. .............. ....J2.BO 2-Quart Brick, Regular $2.00; Special f1- , 1-Quart .Brick, Regular $1.00; Special......... T5 TCarefuHy packed to arrive in perfect condition, with Mnee-7 in m separate container, and delivered without extra charge. . - . k 1 CRANBERRY . SHLRBLT. A New and Daintier Way ot Serving the Cranberry Bauce. Serve your Cranberries (rosea thl year th turkey will tasta again aa good. This Sherbet, la made of th finest berries In the market; and you'll find ' it Just sweet, Just tart enough. , Delivered In bulk, carefully packed 1 Per gallon., .1.50 -Half gallon.. f 1.00 Quart.. 60) Thanksgiving deliveries will be made at It a. m. and I p. m. Order early, aa these costly special must be mad la advance.