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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1906)
THE OREGON 'DAILY . JOURNAL,' PORT3LAND, . TUESDAY EVENING.' NOVEMBER 27. 180g.V A ft --- MM IS CITED TOvAPPEAR STATE TEACHERS rTD FOIIfE COOVICTjr in QPQQinn - ysfTFKPolTT- nniiiin' niiFi? ' Must Show Causa Why Ho T-Shoutdn'tB " Punlshsd for Contempt. ORDER IS SJONED BY FOUR JUDGES Result of War of Words!" In Court room I Second Adjudgment of Contempt Against tht ' Attorney, Wh Remains Finn. A result of the war of words be .tween .Attorney Harry E. McOlnn and Freslding Judge Bears -in the atata cir cuit court yesterday morning, JMcdlnn haa been cited to appear before the court Saturday morning- at 19 o'clock annBhgy.cauac-jrtijt-itie-abould natjia, punished tor contempt of court While McGinn and Judge Seara were Tthe -only participant -nrthedt sen as Ion; ft occurred In the 'presence of all four Of the circuit Judges, sitting en banc. ' and the owhfiMciUta McGinn to ap pear Saturday was signed by Judges . eears, Eraser, Cleland and Oantenbeln. .. The order was made by the Judges after consideration., of the events of yeHteiaay- morning." which 'yesulled'1ft - McOlnn being - taken from the court room by Deputy Sheriff Penumbra Kel- , ly at the request of Judge Sears. A stenographic report of alt that was said wss made by the , official court : reporters, and this report ia made a part of the order. A return from the ' sheriff showa that the ctutlon to ap pear Saturday morning wss served on McGinn In person by Sheriff Stevens. .' The proceeding has grown out of the . attack made upon District Attorney Manning (Saturday morning by Attor ney McGinn., McGinn was adjudged in contempt for whet he aald then and was fined 125. When the fine was im posed-by Judge Seara, McGinn stated " that ha wanted to repeat what he had -said and the fine Was Increased to $100. further remarks by McGinn resulted in the One being Anally fixed at $160. Yes terday morning McGinn appeared tn court as usual, and Judge Bears refuaed to recognise him as an attorney. At thla McGinn stated" ' that ba meant . everything .ba had - said - to - he - eourt and would continue recalcitrant. Judge Sears asked McGinn to leave tha court room. McGinn refused to go. The sheriff was sent for and McOlnn finally consented to retire. , AMAZING DISCLOSURES III CARUSO SCANDAL 5 iahcvSflY eral Ministers and Many Others Accused of Similar Offenses.' - -f , ., ,""'' I Journal Special Berries.) .""New Tork, Nov. 17. Further amaslng ; disclosures have grown out of the .Carusq case, already one of tha moat scandalous sensations of tbe civilised world. Deputy Police Commissioner ' Mathot, who prosecuted tbe case In po- Hoe.eourt against Oaiuso and "I'd at . tha time of the trial blnted at more , revelations, declares that the police have on their records one bishop, sev- . oral ministers,' one priest, one branch secretary of the Young Men's Christian , association, lawyers, bualness men. phy slclsns, musicians, actora. managers and others, who have, been arrested for the same offense for which Caruso haa been convicted. .- The .Young Men's Christian ,' association secretary Jumped his ball. Tbe Journal is authority for tha - statement that Mathot will make pub--- Ho the names of these offenders when : Caruso's case cornea up for hearing on appeal. .It -la Interesting to note In this con--- nectlon that the dsy before Caruso's - arreat a musician of Conreld's orchestra . . at tha Metropolitan waa fined 1 for an offense similar to Caruso's. - Tha Central Park authorltlea are seriously considering the closing of the - monkey house. Mathot haa received several Black Hand letters from admirers of Caruso. .A specimen letter reads aa follows: . . "Produce Mrs. Graham or you will be , among the missing." It ia decorated --" with the. usual skull and cross-bones. - ' MONTANA EX-GOVERNOR DEAD AT LOS ANGELES ' (Special Dlapatrb te The Jearaal.) ' Helena, Mont., fJov. 17. Prlvato tale . grama received " here announce the , death thla morning at Los Angeles, - from heart failure, of former Governor : B. T. Houser, who left here a week ago . en route to Japan, Mrs. Houser waa Miss Rllea Farrar. daughter of ia promi nent Bt. Louis physician. . t. ' -" A Tear of Blood. " The year lot will long be remem bered In the home of F. N. Tscket of r Aliianoe. Kjr., as a year of blood, which flowed eo copiously from Mr. Tscket's writes; "Severe bleedlng'from'' the lunrs and a frishtful couah had trov:tlt me at death's door, when-, be-4 ?an taking ur. Kings Mew Discovery or Consumption, wjth the astonishing result that sfter taking four bottles I was completely restored, and as time ' has proven permanently cured." Ouar 'anteed for Bore Lungs, Cougha snd ' Colds, at Red Cross Pharmacy. Price I loc arid fl.oo. Trial bottle free. , ; I Thanksgiving Appropriate silver, euner flat or hollow wars, gives a table decoration ef the hlgheet order. OUR 3TOCK . Is a complete realm of beauty, combined with that absolute "sterling"' .uallty. which must ba seen to ba appreciated. Prloea are right and Interesting. .-, Staanfaevartaa Jewelers, Oor. S4 aadWaalUag-toa Bts Slampnd Importers. Morning Session Is Devoted ""Largely to Departmental Work. MISS GERTRUDE METCALF " - GIVES INTERESTING TALK Deplores Slaughter of Oregon Native ' Birds for the Millinery Market and Pays Tribute tp William Finley for ' His Work. - V . The morning's session of tha State Teachers' aasoctatlon waa largely taken up with, departmental work, following some exercises of general Interest la the auditorium. Professor .Robert Krohn led classes in wand, drill, club s.wnlng. sjjdsjthenjck.jhe. snd perfect tlmexhlbitd winning merited applause, . f . Miss Qerts4e-MetLSlfe. ferwMBTlng tha State Audubon society, read an In teresting paper, and spoke strongly of the disgrace to Oregon of allowing na tive birds te be slaughtered - in -thou sands for tha aaa-randJzement of snlllt. nery dealers in other states. She spoke In commendation of the work of a Port land -man, - William- rtnleyrwho has won more than a -national reputation with Ma bird studies from life. Dr. E. C, Moore of Loa-Angeles closed the morning's session with an able and well considered address on "The Older and the Newer In Education." . At the afternoon session 'yesterday the nominations were. made. . Election takes place by ballot and the results will be made known on Wedneeday aft ernoon. For president. Miss Aphia L. Dlmlck and A. T. Moores of Balera; for first vice-president. Ft. P. Robinson second vice-president, J. H. Stanley and Yf. w. Wiley or Tillamook county; for secretary, the present ' incumbent. George W. Jones of Salem; for tree urer, the present incumbent. Miss Caro line Barnes. ' T. J. Newbil of the executive commit tee resigned and new members were nominated. To take tha place pf W. W. Wiley, whoae time haa expired. P. L. Campbell,' Superintendent v. L. Powers of Salem, and Superintendent Jackson of yubany. BUSINESS SUSPENDED . : DURING THE FUNERAL Business was suspended In St Johns yesterday In honor of a fellow-citisen. Jamea Crittenden Scott, whose funeral was being held from the family home. Mr. Scott, after a long Illness covering several months, died In Bt. Johns. Bun- day. November IS, Deceased wss born near Fort Wayne. Indiana, In IdSl, and came to Bt. Johna II years ago, where Ef-.:.- James Crittenden Scott. lve In promoting tbe welfare of that community, and haa been prominent In all movements for tbe bettermen of St Johns. -" Mr. Scott developed the wator system of St Johns from a mere private well to Its present large proportions. -He represented St Johna ' at - the cspltal when- they were asking the legislature for their charter,; and haa many times proved himself a useful citlsen to Pt Johns. He wss married, when quite young and moved to Nebraska, where much of his Ufa wss spent Ha wss early con verted to the Seventh Day Adventist faith, and waa thereby attracted to St Johna on account of the strong church at that piece. A widow two daughters and three sons survive him. POSTAL CLERKS FORM ; UNION FOR MORE PAY tJoarnal Soeelal hfilnl St. Louis. Nov.r M.Thlrty-flve clerks in tha postofflre here have orgsnlsed a union- affiliated with the- Federation -of LelMTB tft-ssatiro n higher waeee Hun dreds of other clerks are said to be re fraining only because they fear the government's dUpleaaure. sVoarwortha at Capital. ' imperial DUpatcft te The Joaraal.) Washington, Nov, 27. Mr. snd Mrs. Nlcholaa Long-worth arrived thla morn ing to remain through contrrees. They drove immediately to the White House. ! ....J . I 9 T7 TT-w-w? e 77r-i jav-V i-aav ' APsoIuti A wholesome cream of tartar baLldiig powder. . Makes the finest, lightest, best flavored biscuit, hot breads, calce and pastry. v i Alum and alum-phosphate ' : - powders are injurious. Do not ' use them. Examine the labeL ' ; BOVAt SAKINO FOWDCR CO., NSW VORIb LEONCAVALLO IN CON CERT AT HEILIG : , Leoncavallo la a "composer, not a con ductor. He can retain his place at the muslo desk with undisputed honors, but behind tbe conductor's baton ha is not a Startling success. - To be sure, be la not tha first bril liant composer who has thua failed te conduct an orchestra. Witness Richard Wagner. So no actual atlgma attaches Itself to thla failure. But let us re member him . as tha composer of the greet. 'Tagllacoi," "Zasa." "Medici" and "Boheme," but not as a conductor. And let ua deal lightly with his alna and for give bim 'the "Vive r America March.' Every great man haa hla falls from a race But though Leoncavallo 4oea not have the necessary fire and magnetism to make a good conductor which does not mean that be ahould awing hla arma and do tha monkey-on-the-string act- though his orchestra Is quite mediocre, evn though It is from La Scala, there la still much to grow enthusiastio over in the concerts yesterday. Tbe matinee performance lacked life, and, though the audience applauded rhythmically and in good time, it waa with about the earn amount of spontaneity showa by the performers. There were some excellent numbers, but the best of these were re peated at the night performance. In the evening the crowded bouse, the Increased enthusiasm, and perhaps tha feeling that their evening drees was no longer out of place, reacted favor ably - on - the performers -and Italian fire was present In what they did. The fasilacct cheers well deserved, .perhaps because It- la best Known. The prologue wss sung Indifferently well by Bellattl, but lta favoritism created applause worthy of a better rendition. Rlsslnl's singing of tha bird song of Nedda, the fsKh- less wife, wss delightful; and Calvl's and de Ferran a rendition or the pas sionate love acene between Sylvlo and Nedda ' waa excellent . Rlsxlnl has a delightful bell canto Voice and though her low notes are not up to the stand ard of her open, high notea, ahe la a singer of- merit, and waa gcecUd S such. Bsrbslnl popularised himself with his ability to act When his reps tltlon of the afternoon's wslts number from "Zasa" brought him back with tha "Arioso." from Pagltaccl. the dra matic aong of Nedda's husband. Canto with its sarcasm fsdlng into heart broken sobs, the enthusiasm broke' bounds." for there waa shown real head work. Tbe seven-voice number from . tha "Medici," aa Immense work, Leonca vallo's first opera which waa not ac cepted for many years after writing and after the Pagllacci had popularised him, was good music and . the two clear women's voices balanced well against the orchestra and the five men's voices. It was repeated. Ferrablnl'a last Musette- number was delight ful. ss were all her numbers. But the whole program, cannot well be reviewed In detail. Leoncavallo's pro ductions took on added Interest because of his presence; the singers all were of good voice and some exceptionally so; Blgnor Barbalnl la a dramatio alnger with rather . good voice and excellent head, Slgnora Rlnlnl haa an exception ally clear bell canto tone, Slgnor For rablnl would not have to sing a. note because her beauty alone - would . win her applause, Slgnor Perya waa delight fully funny In his one solo, a Roland number replacing tha harlequin's song of '"Ragllaccl"; Leoncavallo's province Is opera even though his "Suite An clenne" was dainty and pretty; the Ital ians are exceedingly courteous though often awkward 'In their excessive po liteness and each waa modest in dis claiming responsibility for his triumph; these were only a few of the facta that percolated through the minds of the ob servant And altogether the audience remembered the presence of a great composer and so did homage forgetting the lesser errors of the program. And It . is only fair to say that the great Leoncavallo deserves all the praise ha gets and much more In some cases. THAN KSti I VI N G"W0 R BY-THE VOLUNTEERS The poor will be fed snd clothed by the Volunteers of America thla Thanks giving, aa usual, and donations of food. clothing and money are solicited. Cap tain Arents and hla wife are again at the head of the spiritual and phllan throplo work of the movement and ask the aid of tha friends who have stood by them In the past The worktng-glrla' home of the Volunteers of America has been moved to No. 10 EaVt Blxth street north, where the headquarters of the or ganisation is also located.. Send dona tions to headquarters or telephone to East fl. - . .... SEGAL INDICTED FOR LOOTING BIG BANK (Special Dtapateh tn The Jonraal.1 Philadelphia, Nov. IT. Adornh Segal. W. XV . North and M a rnlllnawvul were indicted today, charged with loot ing the Real Kstste Trust company, the president of which, Frank Hippie, committed suicide. ' Watered Tbets Stock. Indianapolis IniJ., Nov. 27 The state railroad commission in lta first report to the governor states that It railroads have Issued bonds and Stocks In excess f tha value pf the reads snd equip- tnonb - ' NO EFFORT MADE TO MOB TILLMAN AT .CHICAGO - Senator Surprised That an At tempt -Should Be Made to Gag Him in Northern City. .1 . (Journal BDeclal Srvlce) Chicago. Nov. 1 7. Senator B. R. Tillman arrived here this morning and waa met by a guard of police. Hun dreds of curtoua cltlsens thronged the vicinity of tbe station. To Mrs. Keller tha senator remarked: "I would like to hire you tor press agent" Mrs. Keller assented and Mr. Tillman said: "But you are too much of a genlua." Tha crowd good-naturedly cheered bltn. No nerroes were present - The senator In a Drier apeecn at tha Iroquois said: "I am aurprlaed at sucn a hullabaloo In a northern city. I am mora aurprlaed at tha attempt to curtail free speech. A previous attempt caused a war ana It is remarkable that an attempt ahould be made to musala a United states sena tor. shall apeak along lines pertinent to the. welfare of the people and you will - bear nothing undemocratic and plenty that la white." BISHOP POTTER REBUKED FOR HIS HIGH LIVING (Joernal Special rrlr.J New York, Nov. 3 It Jd ward M. Shepard, counsel for Dr. A. B. Crapsey, the Rochester elergyman who haa re signed from the Episcopal church after being convicted of heresy, states that the resignation was sgalnst hla own ad vice, aa civil courts would hold void the ecclesiastical triDunai aeeisions. In reply to Bishop Potter's remarka Mr. Shepard aays: '439 Dr Crapaey has not, ever since be entered - the " ministry. lived with the rich: ha ia not served today by a butler and a 'second man,' and a footman and a coachman; he la not one of the chief figures at tha dinner tables ef the prlv- ale palaoesojn)tcityi ne is neuner used to nor fond of sybaritic-TttcTuT ftence. But altnougn ur. wrapsey is -deficient in these, he baa given his en tire life to the carrying of Christianity to tbe Induatrloua poor of tha city in which be lives." THANKSGIVING SERVICE OF THE SALVATION ARMY The usual Thanksgiving service of the Salvation-army wlU be held Thurs day morning at le Fourth atreet The subject df tba meeting will bs "A Cheer ful Oiver." In the evening 'Tears on the Snow Ptd It" will be tha title of m service of song. The army -workera will not aerve a Thanksgiving dinner Thursd-.y. having decided' to reserve aU their energies and resources or this character for their annual Christmas dinner for the poor. A PERFECT DSESD " Mrs. " Bessie Spencer," completely used up, tried doctors and medicine without good results. ) - u tUS. SEMIS SFEXCZm. 'I f ' -.V' J 1 I I is? , I v r Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey la sa ebaolnuly pare, leatle snd taviserattsf atlmnUnt aad tonic, baltda Bp the' nerve tlaauM, tonea up tba heart, slrea power to the brain, strength and elaatlclty te the mna elea, aad rlehaeaa to the bkwd. It brlnsa la to act loo all tbe vital forree, It make dle-a. ttna perfect, aad enables yoe te set from the food yes eat all the soarlabmaat It cos-- talna. It M Inramabi -lor orerworked mm,, delicate womea sd alckly eklldres. It etrenath--en end anatalna tbe ayatem, hi a peaemtar of good baa lib and kagevliy, makea the eld 'oung and keep tba younir atmnf. rmffy la the enlr whlakey that baa sees recoentaed s medli-ln snd la SDaraateed abeointaly frae from fuael ell. SaT.n tbouaind doctor prearrll-e and 3.000 hoapltals sae tmffy'a Malt Whlakey eirlnalvely. , ' . I ' " Us111 of dengerone Imrtatloas and substitutes. ' They are positively barmfal and are sold for profit only fey aaacrnpnlona dsalera. book fot tan) trade-mark, tha "Old Chemist," aa tha label, and fee certain tha aeal eve tha eork la unbroken.. Alt druggists aad grooera, or alreot, SI. 00 a bottle. Doe. tor'e advice and medjoa! booklet free. Daffy Malt Whiskey . Co aWehestet sTrw Tors. : Chick Houghton It Held to Cir- Lv.cuit Court on jRob- . ' ( ' bery Charge. , DECLARE THAT POLICE r T ARE PERSECUTING HIM - ,f ----- -.s -. . Attorney for the Defense Says Of ficers Art Worrying; Ex-Convict Because He Has . Dons Time , Evans Has Hearing. "Chick" Houghton, ex-con vlot charged with having robbed F. IX Lloyd, a barber,- on Second and Main' streets about It days ago, waa bound over to the olrcult court thla morning by Judge Cameron. Bonds were fixed at $1,000. Houghton Is now awaiting trial tn the upper court on a larceny charge and un til the time-of bla arrest on the robbery charge had bla liberty on 11.600 bonds. - Houghton endeavored to prove an alibi by caHlnr 'Oeorge Walton s.nd-J. Raudenbaugh to testify that ha did not leave tha Wigwam saloon when Lloyd left the place, but was busily engaged In a pool game at tha time tha robbery la alleged to have occurred. -Two of the witnesses subpoenaed, Morris Simon and J. J. Smith, failed to materialise. Simon was taken Into custody after the crime on suspicion of being Implicated in tbe robbery, bat could apt be Identi fied by Lloyd. Houghton "was placed on tha atand to make a statement He- strenuously de nted having robbed Lloyd and claimed that tha police were trying to "Job" blm. He Indulged In aoma choice un printable explltivea Stod waa admonished by Judge Csmeron to be more select in his language. Attorney MoMahon. counsel for the defense, In summing up the case, took occasion to state that Lloyd was pre varicating about the manner In which he loet his property. The attorney de clared that the complaining witness was not robbed In the street but In tba saloon and that the atolen articles were now - in Vancouver. - tie enaraciensea his client's arrest aa an outrage and acoused the police of hounding Houghs- ton simply .because ne waa an ex- convtet vaas Olvea Searing. Carl Evans, former-member-of -the" fire department and now an expressman, waa, given a .trial prior to the prelimi nary bearing -of Houghton, on ino charge of contempt of court In endeav oring to Induce Lloyd to leave ino city. Lloyd testified that Evans had ap proached him with a statement that an unknown .man . had Jumped In bla wagon and told htm that the articles stolen from the complainant would be returned In addition to two weeks' sal ary, If be would leave town. .ioya ap parently7 a greed ana immeaiaieiy noti fied a patrolman to be on hand when Evans and the stranger returned. Ev ans "put in anappsara(ice alone, how aver, and stated that the deal would not -take place. The witness stated that Evans had advised blm to accept tbe offer. - d Loin, a barber, corroborated Lloyd as to Evans' visits. - Tba ex-fireman In bis own behalf de clared that he wss actuated aolely by a desire- to warn - l,loydand -approached him the second time out of curiosity to see If the transaction had taken place. He testified that he did not know the name of the man who had Jumped Into his wagon and broached the matter te h ImTDut would arniw ma iaew egnin He dented SkdvlBlng Lloyd to leave the clty - Judge Cameron look, the case under advisement and will render a decision next week. In the meantime Evans is out on 1250 bonds. - , , DRUNKEN CHILDREN : . IN GOTHAM SCHOOLS (Journal Speelal Berrlrt.)' ", New-ork, Nov. 27. Rev. Dudley Oliver Osterheld of the Osone Park Methodist church of Brooklyn.!-the course of an antl-llquor sermon replete with facta and figures, caused a sensa tion among his auditora whsn be as serted that It lisd been brought to bis attention that In tha schools of Wood havsn children between the agea of and 10 years are frequently turned out She states that Duffy's Pure Malt wniskey nelped ner trom tne start and restored her to the best of health in a short time. ' , , , .. Mrar Spencerrfilled wiih grati tude, writes: ' ; '" .. h' . t kaee bees ealag Daffy's Pare Malt for four months and 1 am to flid aa It haa done nje more good toan all the doctors' medicine I have takes. 1 know that 1 worked eery bard and waa falling fast 'every day until I beraa 1o take this wesderriil rare Malt Wblske, asd I aerely ras urates It anirarhere In tiie wide world, and am not aibamed to prala It . amidt-thoutanda of people. I koow that It - hBotivht mat nut of hard anffeHne. t haS to sa apatalra oo foot it i time." lnd WnB 1 ytr np la we morales' i eoaiu no stanu ea my feet (or some tlcne, my limb would tremble ao snder me, and wbea Dnffy's wis recom mended te me I seat and got It aa soon aa t eooJd, and Defers I bad takn on bottle of Inffy' Malt 1 eonld walk and an npatalr very wall. Thla medicine waa a perfect aodaend te me. and I expect to pretae H aa long aa I live, and I de hope that yoa may sell more ef it all ever the land and that It mar rsach many a anffrrar, a It wmiM pmloar thalr lire for . many yaara. 4Hi(nd MRU. BKSMI HI'S.N TICK. Kaaton, Talbot Co., UokUboroUfb St., Hi., ap'l 11, 'OS. ; ..' ' a.'Ts.-a-as . . For all occasions everything necessary for the , . gentleman whoi wishes to dress correctly. ' ; Manhattan ; and our special v custom-made shirts, the most perfect fitting shirts made $1.50 ; 1 to $4.00. t t ;;' ---:;;;;-r;' rNecwear. new dainjy effects in the very rich-estilks71atestshapes"and"colors--506 to $3.00. " Full imported and domestic underwear, fall and winter weights, the suit $2.00 to $15.00. We ilre well posted on what is correct for . evening dress and you will find our line of fur-7 bushings for full dress occasions the largest and: finest in Portland. v J ' v - 269-271 Hlorrison Street CI 5 f , ,: ' t s . - i y'-.-i of elaseroome by teachers because they are under tba" fofluence of liquor. In one Instance, ba declared, ha waa told A Word About Dreher Piano. 5 The Reed-French Co. Claim for it Extraordinary Merit. We opened our warerooms, Sixth and Burn side streets, about three months ago; and we Jiavfialways been mindful of the impressions people have of a business by the style of its ad vertising -we admit ours hasn't been very elegant, but we have tried t6 make it truthful -we are anxious to gt off on the right foot in Portland. v J , , Jt doesn't pay to overestimate it is a. one sTdeTpoircy and fir viewof these observations of ours we want to say the STEINBACH & DREHER PIANO is an excellent instrument it is intelligently made it is made with the - idea of meeting every requirement of ' the' northwestit is made durable and yet with a plainness about it which makes it Ideally. ; suited to the man of ordinary income thV tone is a five hundred dollar'tone. We invite you to try a STEINBACH :& DREHER PIANO for "a week of ten days and if satisfactory we will make the price right. see us tonight. R'eedFrench Piano Mfg. Co. "Fr0mM4rtoPlaycr."& SIXTH AND BURNSIDB STREETS. Uia 'Crahllo - 4 -if,. , . A'-. .?',.. i P . Pl.-' If. - that a ehDd was sa Into xloa tad that It fell down aa satire flight of etalra sa lta way out of tha schoolhouse. the Steinbach & . . ti 5