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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1906)
. . r ' THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAt, PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENINQ, NOVEMBER 27. 1808. : . I lot 4. block 3. Schmeer's Addi tion" to Portland 1.14 Good In. P. C, and Palmar, Nettle L. South lot I. block 1L Bellwood , Lit . Wilson. R- W. Lot II. block 41. Bellwood 4.40 Johnson, Hannah A. Lot 4. block 47, Bellwood emwwotfr-ai 18. Bellwood . 101 Bellwood. ' Isabella J. Lot ' 14. block II, 8ellwood ;' 1.74 Hutching. Minnie Lot block 17, Bellwood . 1.14 - - ldarlay. p. H.-Lot 1L block II.'. Bellwood ....... .i 110 Americas Treat and Invest Co. Lot , block "N." Bell wood. .. "'tit i American Trust and Invest. Co. ; Lot 11, block "N." Bellwood. . 1.71 Caplea,- C. C. Beginning at a. ". point on the north Una of Wll son street it feet east of east - Una of Twentieth street; thenoa , north 44 feet to the southeast- ' ; ariy Una of Sherlock Addlttos; thence 14.10 degrees. 1 min utes west OS.SS feet to east Una 0 Twentieth street; thenoa . " south 41 feet to north Una of Wilson street; thanoa aaat 10 ' ' feet alone north line of Wilson street to beginning: block I. Sherlock's Addition to Portland 17.41 'Hoyt. R, W. and Louise Hoyt .,- Cook Com menclng at tba N. B. - ''' comer of block S, thence south . 10.70 feet, thence South 10 de ' trees and 08 minutes, west 12.1 -Teet, thenca north 40 degrees and 17 minutes, wast 01.14 feet ' ;'" thenoa east 41 feet te beginning, v Lot-0 -8hertoekg-Addition " to 4 - Portland i.. - l.l Knight, Mrs. M. I. Lots 1 and I Block Smith P. D. Addition to St, John's ........ . ' S1.S1 ; Knight. Zachwell M. Lots 1 snd ..i.4. block 4. Smith's. P. IX. Addl. ' tlon to St. Johns till yandea Busen. Louisa J. Lot II t Block 1 Smith's Subdivision and Addition to 'Eaat Port. land ...y..-rrr.... 11.11 Meyer. Carrie. Ubt Block ,' Smith's Subdivision and Addl "' tlon to East Portland. Oat- ' man's Subdivision ............. 4.14 Title Guarantee and Trust Co. - - Lot ( - Block I - South St, John's' ,1.10 Title Guarantee and Trust Co. " -U Lot 7. Block 8. South fit. John's ......v...:...-..,. 1.10 Title Guarantee and Trust Co. -. Lot I Block 4 , South St John's Title Guarantee and Trust Co. Lot c Block 1 South St ." John's . I SO Title Guarantee and Trust Co.. Lot 4 Block 4 South St John's . . ISO Title Guarantee and Trust Co. ' Lot 7 Block 0 South St John's 1.41 Johnstone. Jas. 8. Lots 10 and II Block II Southern Portland 1.(0 Bsldlns. Llssie. Lot 17 Block II , ...h... r"""nl , I lifi Beldlng, Llssls. Lots 14 and II Block II Southern Portland . Russell. C M. Undivided lot . I, block 17 Bi subdivision lot I. Southern Portland Adams . Street' M. B. Church North 10 fee of tha eaat H lot I, block 147. Stephens' Ad- ditto?, to East-Portland....... Paclflo ' Realty A Investment Company Lots I and 0, block '', Stewart Park i . Paclflo Realty A Investment Compsny Lot, 10, block 1. Stewart Park -JLBllgh. T. O, Lots 1 and 1. block 1. Straford Sidney Addition... . Goldberg. Annie Lot 1. -block 1, ; Strawberry Dale ............. - Trustees of Willamette unlveralty Lota I, 4. and . Mock I Strfwberry Dale . Willamette Unlverslty.trustees of Lot 0, block 10, Strawberry Sale Leltsel, Maud Lot 7, block .. Strube's Addition Byrne, Daniel J. Lota 1.1. I. 4, . I, 0, 7 and I. block I. Sullivan Addition to East Portland...'.. 101 1.00 111 1.70 1.77 11.40 1.10 111 1.81 1.11 10.81 Alliance "Trust - Company Lt4 - The Lot S, block I, Sullivan's -Addition . to East Portland.... Parting, William Lots 1 and block 1. Summit Addition to East Portlsnd ' unnyslde Land A Improvement 1 ' Company Lot 14, block 10, , 1 Sunnyslde E versa ul. Mints H Lot 10, block II, Sunnystde, east H Flshen Mary A Lot 1, block 10," Sunnyalda Second Addition.... ' i Title Guarantee A Trust Com pany Lota 17 and 18, block 01, Sunnyalde Third Addition.-. Title Guarantee A Trust Com pany Lot 11, block 00, Sun- ' nyslde Third Addition ... a: Hlghet, Robert Lots 11 and 11. block 1. Tabasco Addition to East Portland Arata, S A Lots -14 and 16, block 1. Tabasco Addition to East Portland Richardson, Anfelo R. Lots 10 and 17. block I, Tabasco Addi tion to Eaat Portland ' Clinton, Richard Lots 0 and 10, - block I, Tabasco Addition to ' East Portland - Wolff. H. B. Lots 10 and 10, . block B, Tabasco Addition to 1.14 1.01 7.01 7.01 11.14 t.70 440 1.70 10.11 1.(0 1.70 ' East Portland . Bom, Robert Lots - block 5. Tabasco 1.11 II and I. Addition to East Portland , .Weeks. Sylvanus (heirs) North 10 feet lot I, block Q, Tabor Heights . . ' Tomllnson; Newton P. All north .; of R. R- lot 4, block Q, Tabor Heights . . Title Guarantee A Trust Co. and Lamberson Buell (heirs) Lot . IB. block T, lot S, block V, - east H south -of Broughton eve., block Z, west H block Z. , Tabor Heights Bowman. B. H Lots I. 4. 7. I ' - and t, block I. Taborelde. . . .rr Harold Aloys Lot It and west ,10 feat lot 11. block 11, Tabor- 1.70 Ml 1.14 T.I7 111 Ida 1.10 Covle. llisle Lots 1 and 1. block 7, Terminus Addition 4.71 rarwUllger Land Co. Lot L blook t lot 0, block 17, Terwilllger Homestead 11.11 ' Hunt. Robt U East 118.1 feet lot L block 8. and east 128.1 feet of and west 08.1 feet of south 80 feet ' . ; lot t. block I. Third Electrlo Ad- v dition lu Beott, J. B. Lot S, block 1 Third Electric Addition s 177 Soott, Henry W. Lot 7, block t, ". Id Electric Addition 8.77 Bregglns, Wilbur F. Lots waM' 77H feet lots t, I and 10, block . Third Electrlo Addition 8.77 Preston. P. A. Lot 4, block M, Tlbbett's addition to East Port- land I.r Kennedy, Harriett Tract adjoin- . '. , - lng block 10 on south, Tlbbett's - addition to Eaat Portland . . . 11.40 Klcbay, Jamre Ixjt 4. block 1. Tom-' - " Union's addition to Portland. .. Holland, Charles C. (heirs). Lots . - 8. 8, 0, 10, 11. 11 and 11, block 80, Tremont -. ll.U Nash, Joseph Lot 4. block 10, Tre mont 1.01 ; rhompson, P. B. Lots 7 and 8, block 80, Tremont 1.11 Iherman. Charlea C Lots 20 and 80, block 7. Tremont Park IK .. Itraub, 1. C.-lx)ts 20 and 11. : block 18. Tremont Park 1.1 atathew, Caroline 8. Lots 14 and 1 . 11, block II,. Tremont Placa .. 104 Price, J. C Lots It and II. " " block 10, Tremont Plaos 1-H Johnson, Nets A. Lots 1 and -ly, block 17, Tremont -Piece. ...... . 1-74 Hopkins, WUllaas H. Lots 10. t. 17 and 1. block 21, Tremont Place , 1.01 Dills. J. H Lots 10 and IL Mockl6.TremQnt-Pla.C4 ScotL J. .Lota 4 and 6. blook 17. Tremont Place 1.70 riltser Samuel Lots 4 and 6, ' block 18, Tremont - Place .,. - 1.74 Portland Trust Company of Ore gonLots to and 10, block It; r loU I and 0, block II; lots 10 Y: snd 10, block .. 14, Tremont Place .... i . . . .-" a ft . ... r- -1.04 Foard. Peter Lots 0 and" 10, block 14. Tremont Place . .. .. '1.11 University- Land Company Lots 11 and II. block 10; lot 14, block 41; lots 86 and 10. block 114: lota II and 10, block 111,- '" University Psrk . 1-40 Humphrey. Battle E. Lots 1.1 and I. block it, University . Park .' Ill Lane, Delia B Lots 17 and 11, -block 111, University Park.... 17.l Wakefield. ChrtsUna Lots II. 14 ' Snd It, block 114, University', -Park B-ll Portland University Portlsnd v. Guaranty Co. Lots 11, 11. 11, ' , : .14. 16, 18, 17, II. 10 and 10, V block 177. University Park..., 4.40 DlBbrow, a 8 Lots 11. 11, 11 ' and 14. block 114. University Park MM Tompkins, W. A and Lena Lot . -T l. block 1, Vanschoik a Add. to- Mt Tabor Ill Simon. Joseph, Samuel, Selling, Ben Lets 11. II and 14, block -10, Vernon '. - 111 Paclflo Trust Co. Lot 0, block 01. Vernon 1.76 SchnabeL B. A Lot t, I, 4, I and 0, block 4, Vers teegs Add. to Portland .................. 17.71 Dunbar. Emma Lot 4, N. 10 feet tot- 4. block 6. VerstMS's Add. to PortUnd 1.48 Merchants, Warren and W. H. H. Morgan North of Blacklstona -. claim, block 10, Watson's Addl- ' tlon to PorUand .' 11.16 Hawthorne, Rachel; Graver, Lay- - -. fayette: Klneth, J. M. Lots 1. , 1, i. , T and I, block 16; " - ' lots 1, X. S. 4. C, 0. 7 and I, block 10 wast and 1116 Title Guarantee A Trust Co. Lot 0. block I; lots 16 and 10. block 10; lot 7, block It, West Pled-c - mont . t.I6 Fllslnger, Thomas Lots 1, 1, I 4,. -" 6, 0. 7. I, I, 10. 11. 11, It, 14. ; -"11, 10, 17. It. II, 10, 11, . 11 - - and 14. block I. West Portland . Center t . ' Bobbins, E. H. Lot 14. block 6. WUlajnetta AddlUoa to Portland 1.11 Woedlock, James Lots 18 and 10. block 11, Willamette Add... .111 Oak Lumber Co. Ezeept right of way lots 11. II, 14 and T5, block Il.WUlametteAddition ...... 14 1 Harold. AloysLots, 11. II It, ' . 14. II and 16. block 17, Wll- t lamette Addition to Eaat Port-. land ........ 1.70 Colton, H. O. Lot 11, block 4. Willamette Heights Addition to - Portland .. . . . . . . r. . . . . . . . ; 1.11 Security Savings and Trust Co. Lot 11, blook A. WUlametta Heights Addition to Portland.. 1111 Maler. Henry North II feet of eaat 10 feet ef lot 16, block 16, Williams Avenue addition...... 6.21 Miller, Elmer B., Trustee All of. lot I end except south 40 feet - or lots 4 and i, block 10. Wood- lawn 1-61 Webb. Emily J. Lots . 7 and I. block 10, WoodUwn..... 4.40 Wisdom. L. Lavton Lots 1. block 110. Woodstock Lit Woodward, Tyler and Mary J. Lot 4, block -1, Woodward's . subdivision of lot L Riverside Homestead ef Portland 6.28 Hoffman. Irving and Annie Belle Lot 10. block 1. Wyn- koop Villa 14.10 Hawthorne Estate, The Lots 8. .-10i-ltrli. II,-14. 18 and 10. block I: lot 0. block 4: lot 8. .. block I, TorktJJ,, .. . ... . ...iJL.1i!lJI Oregon Company Undivided H of sections I and 4. township south, rang 1 aaat lot 4, 4 seres. Belmont Park 16.11 Merchants Investment and Trust Company. Lot 1, 6 acres. Lax-, margent Heights 1.00 Buchman, Jane G- Lot 14. 4.41 acres. Larmsrgnt Park No. 1 6.41 Victor Land Company and Willis, Guy O. Undivided H section 1, . township 1 south, range 1 aaat lot 17, 6 acres. Little Homes , -No. 1, De Lashmutt and Oat man's subdivision . 140 batman. Nannie T. et al. Und1- . vlded U of section 10, town ship 1 south, range 1 east lot I, t acres. Little Homes No. 4, De Lashmutt and Oatman's subdivision 117 Fllslnger. Thomas. Section I, township 1, south rang I east, lot 11, Mt Tabor Park 1.41 Merrick, W. H Allen. B. T. and Kennedy, Charles (heirs). Un- divided 10.76 acres of 171 acres described as follows: Lots 14 to 40, lot 60 except 4t acres In northwest corner, slso all of lot 61 lying east of following . described line: Beginning on -west Una of lot 60 III feet south of northwestcornsr of said lot thence south 10K degrees west 1114 feet to center of Cornell road, lots A and C, , Mountain View Park addition No. 1 11.07 Stryker, S. W. Pec tlon 1, town- ... hip 1 south, range I east block 17, 4.41 acres, Newhurst Park.. 117 Patton, Robert (heirs) Strip It feet west of and adjoining sec tion II, township 1 north, rang ' 1 east lot J, 0.11 acres; strip .t! feet east of and adjoining . section 11, township 1 north, range I east, lot J, 0.16 seres: strip 11 11-100 feet wast of and r adjolnlng section tl, township . 1 north, range 1 east, lot O, -0.48-100 acrea; atrip II feet , ' east of and adjoining section II, township 1 north, rang 1 - . east lot O, 0.61 acres, Patton" a ' ' M tract . 1111 Force. J. W. Undivided 11.10 acres of 040. acres described as follows: All of tbs O. W. rorce D. L. C lying north of -. Columbia Slouch and Rankin's Lake, sections t, 4, 0, 1 north, 1 east, 1 10 sores 7.11 Johnson. . Emma C Beginning 1.144.11 feet north 71 degrees west and 660.6 feet -north 10 degrees esst of southeast corner of Southmayd D. L. C, thence north 10 degrses esst 117.1 feet, thence north 71 degrees west 140 feet thence south. 10 de grses west 147.1 feet, thence . south 71 degrees esst 110 feet te beginning, section 4, 1 north. 1 eaat, 1 sore 41 Mock, John Part of lot 0. lying south ef portlsnd consolidated Railway Co., section lr 1 north, 1 east; i t acres 40.14 Reed. Clarence Beginniag 10 chains north ana chains wast of southeast comer sec tion 10, thence west I chains, thence south I chslns, thence east t chains, thence north I chains to beginning, section 10, 1 north. 1 eaat 1 sere f.01 Safsty Nitre Powder Co. Begln- alng 1111 feet north and 711. feet west of center of section 11. 'thence north 70 degrees eaat 10 feet theooe north 10 de- v Trees west 11.44 feet, thenoa south 70 degrees ' west 14.14 feet to northeast corner of Vulcan Powder Co, "a lot, thence south 11 degrees esst 10 feet - - la beginning, Lonlsrnlug '1,407 1 ' ' square feet and right or way . extending in one direction to county road and in the other to -; weat end of Joseph Delsysv V wharf, section 1, 1 north, 1, east. 1 acre .................. 10.61 Vlgorlte Powder Co. All that piece Pt land situated between the county Toad runnlnr from Alblna ' and the private road of Joseph - :' Delay leading from county road " to wharf. SecUoa C. 1 north, 1 . east l acre Wilcox. John D. and Lombard. B. M. Beginlnng 8.01 chains north, ' 46 minutes east from southeast comer M. Neff donation land claim; thane north 46 minutes east lH chains; thsnos west 141 chains; thence south 1.10 chains; thsnos south 1 degree west 1-08 . chains; thenoa eaat 171 chains to beginning. Section 10, 1 north, 1 east 1.11 acres Robinson. W. K. Beginning 104 10 68 10.U chains east of southwest corner,, , Margaret J. Neff. 17.1 acre tract; .thenca northerly 177 1-1 chains; thenca east 6.44 chains; thence south L77 l-l chains; thence 'west ' to beginning.- .Section 00, 1 north, - 1 east 1 acre . Unknown Owner Beginning at southeast corner of Manning' Addition, thence easterly It feet to west line of block 6, "Mayor Gates' Addition; thsno . , north along west line of Mayor , Gatea' Addition to south 11ns of Eaat. Bnrnslds streetr thenoe --7 'westerly along south Una of. 114 ttast Burnsiaa street !. reel to east line of Manning's Addl- - I Uon: tbnncs southerly 011-fsst- alone said oast Una to begin ning, except part taken by Bast Ash and East Ankeny streets; j seotlon 34, 1 north. 1 east, 0.14 acre.', Seymour. Harriet A. West half of northeast quarter of south- , wsst quarter of southwest quar ter, section 17, 1 north, I east, acres Watson, J. Frank Beginning at .' intersection of center Una ef , Base Line road - and Gil ham ' avenue, thence north 170.76 feet; thence west 111 feet; . thence south 170.71 feet; thenoa esst 111 feet. to-beginning; section 11, 1 north, t east, O.tO acre: . Meyer. Emanuel, Heirs East half of aoutheast quarter, section . 16, 1 north, I east 10 acres.,.. Cone, George P. Beginning . at " . southwest corner ef a 0-foot right of way deeded, to Graham - B. Ooodell, thence south 10 de- irees4I wlnutseasr JITTeet, thence north 60 degrees 4 mln ; utes east 710 feet to the Sandy river, thence north to degress 10 minutes west along low water mark In Sandy river to a point of intersection of west - bapk with north line of -Colum- -bla street extended easterly in Troutdale, thenoa north 80 de- ' "grees lo minutes .west along , eastsrly extension lll.t feet to east slds of aforesaid right of ' way as follows: South 10 mln- - utes west tlt.l - feef thence ' south 17 degrees 67 minutes east 1616 feet, thence- south 10 J degrees 41 minutes east 811.7 feet to southeast corner of said right of way, thence south 60 .- .' degrees 4 minutes west slong ' south line of right of way to ' beginning, section 26, 1 north. -I oast 0.80 acres..,.. Koch and Schulmerick. J. North ' M of southeast K of southwest 14 of section 81, 1 . north, 4 east 10 acres. . ...... .'. Patton. F. P. North H of south west U of southwest of seo- 111 110 111 17.07 1.11 100 tles 841- northr4 a Felt, Paul South of south Vfc of southwest hi of. section It. 1 north, 4 east, 40 sores....... Flegel. Austin F. Lot I. section 10, 1 north, t east, 11.11 acres. Columbia Land Company Lot 1. section 4, 1 north, 6 east, 11.11 acres Alnsworth National Bank North west M of section 14, 1 north, eaat 140 acres... Robertson, James - H. South- west 14 of section 14, 1 north, eaat 100 acres. Alnsworth National Bankv N. B. and N. B. H of N. W. and S. E. of N. W. 14 Section 16, IN, IC 110 acres Hasan, Geo, W. Ree. N. E. 14 of N. E. H Section 10. I N, 0 K, 40 aoree Watson. Charles H. N. W. ef N. E. 14 Section II. 1 N. 4 E. 40 acrea Town send. Caroline S. heirs. W H of N. W. and N. W. . of a w. H SecUon II. 1 N. 4 E. 110 aoree Haggerty. C. if N. E. 14 Section a 1 R I E, 140 acres.. Hasen, Geo. W., Rec N. E. 14 of 8. E, 14 and S. B 14 of K. B. 14 Section 14. 1 N. B. 00 acres - . .. .' Townsend, Caroline S, heirs. N 14 of N. E. 14 Section It, 1 N, '4 E. SO acres Townsend, Carolina S.. heirs. N. 14 of 8. W. 14 Section 18. 1 N, B. to aerss 4.IS 160 111 71 .7I 1 ' '. 171 1.10 1.10 100 1100 100 100 1.00 Smith,- Mary J. and Maorum, J. A heirs. Swamp land de scribed in Book 101 page 46, -Section II, 1 N, 1 E. 140 acres 10.11 Moffett, Laura A. Lots I. I. 4. , except W. 181 seres Of Lot 4. N. of R. R. and exeept tract described In Book 811 page 818. ' Section 10. I N. 7 B. 00.17 '" acres ;'. . ; r; : . ; ; .-; v: 1100 Moffett tAura A. Lots 1 and I. 8.-nf R.-R." Tilth t Hit way. Sec- -- tlon 10, I N. 7 B, 16.01 acres.. 100 Shepperd, Gee. 8. N. B. 14 Sec tion 81. section 11, 1 n, t e, 140 seres 1100 Loller. Eltsa (heirs) Lota 4 and t. section 1, T. 1 N., R. 1 W., 41.11 acres Till Loller. Alexander (heirs) Eaat 14 of northeast 14. section 4, T. 1 N., R. 1 W., 70.14 acres... 171 Turner, John - J. Beginning at northwest corner or triangular ' piece of ground lying aaat of block 40. Miner's Addition, thence southerly parallel with east line of block 40. 144 feet for a point of beginning; thence northerly parallel with eaat line of block 40, 144 feet; thence easterly along prolongation of 'north tins of block 44, 60 feet; thence southerly parallel with east Un of block, 40, 110 feet) . thence to besjfnnlng; Seotlon 11. T. 1 N., R. 1 W., 0.11 acre. . Lit Gardner, Catherine, Chaa. Ed- mond Eaat H or southeast 14 and southwest 14 of southeeet 14, and lot 0. section 4, T. I N., R. 1 W.. 118.1 acres 21.11 Gardner. Catherine. E. B. Charles Northeast 14. section 0, T. I N.. R. 1 W. 140 acres 11.11 Lambert A. W Trustee Undi vided 177 acres or 101 acres, described as follows: Begin ning 1141 Chains north of southeast comer of section II. thence north It degrees- west 4.10 chains; thence north tt de gree west 1160 chains 1 thsnoe south tl degrees west , II chains; thenoe south 70 de , grees west 17.60 - chains 1 thenca south 61 degrees west 14.64 chains; thenoe south 87 degrees SO minutes west -180 chains; thence south 86 degrees " 10 minutes west II chains; thence south It degrees weet 17.60 chains; thence south II r degrees, . steal. 1171 . chains;'.. . thence south II degrees west 1.14 chains; thence south de- grees eaat 11.10 chains; thsnce :. south 16 degrees, east 10 chains, south II degrees east - 11.80 ' chains to northeast corner lot , .. L section II; thenoe east te 'northwest corner lot 7, section 14; thsnce north 00 degrees east '' 1 II chains; thence north 77 de- ' ' grees . east it chains; thenoe . north II degrees 10 minute eaat IS chains; thsnce north It ' degree west 10.10 chains; ' thsnos north 40 degrees east - I. 10 chains; thence north 44 degrees 10 minutes oast' 0 chains; thsnce north 17 degrees ' .' east 110 chains: thsncs north ' 0 dsgfses weat I chains; . thsnce north 14 degrees west t chains; thsnos north 40 de ' grees, wsst 4.40 chains; thence north 11 degrees east 4.10 ehalnst' v. , thsnce north 40 degrees east . 4-10 chains; thence north 10 de- ' ' ' grees east I chains; thenoe . north 10 degrees east 110 " chains; thenoe north 0.70 chains; " thence north 10 degrees west I ': chains; thane north It de-' gree wast chains; thsnce . north 41 ' degrees west 171 ' chains to beginning, sections II, 14, It and II. I north. 1 '' west. 177 aores........... - - 7.47 Munley, Bridget North half of northwest quarter of northwest quarter, section II. I north. 1 wet IMS. acrea .;... .101 Wood. Charles B. S. Undivided half lot I. section 14. I north. 1 west, 1101 acres 177 Fools, Cora C Undivided 10 acres of 110 acres described as follows: Beginning at southwest corner section 14, thenos east 1.KS feet, thence north 1170 feet thenca eaat 1871 feet, thence north LtTO feet " thence - west 1,640 feet, thence south 1640 feet to beginning. Seo tlon 14, t north, t west 80 acres.. 7.41 ElllottThoa. H. W. H of W. Vk of : , northwest 14 of northeast 14, See. 14, I N-, I W-10 acres... 114 Leonard. Andrew Lot 6. Sea. tX, - 1 1 W.-atJ acres 100 . ACREAGE SOUTH. Harold. Aloys Beginning 10 feat W. of the NW. comer block ' 4, Do Urn's Addition, thsnce W. It feet thence a 70 . feet " thence E. It feet, thenos N. 70 feet to beginning, seotlon 1, township !, south range 1 east. 0.0lacr ';. Poppleton, I. Beginning at pipe marked "Z at SB. corner Cat lln Tract; thence N. 61' deg. -11 mln. B. 170.14 feet; thence S. 10 deg. 10 mln. E. 11.44 feet; thence S. 47 deg. and tO mln. - W. 10174 feet; thence a 14 deg. 0 mln. W. 17 Teet; thence W. along N. line of Sisters Tract . 164.11 feet; thenca N. 40 deg. , E. 86.08 feet; thence N. 47 deg. 10 mln., E. 1167 feet; thence a II deg, B. 111.11 feet to be ginning, containing 0.11 acre. Also commencing 147.10 feet 0 ' deg. 17 min.. B. and 44.14 feet -N. 41 deg. If mln. E. from the ' Intersection of the N. line of . the Donner claim with E. line " of the Robinson claim ; thence ' N. 41 deg. II mln. B. 7.10 feet; ' thenoe N. 00 deg. B. Ill feet; thenca N. II deg. II mln. B. . 117.44 feet; thence a 10 deg. 41 mln. B. 04.60 feet; thence a It deg. -10 mln. & 146 feet more or leas to ths N. line of the Seventh-street Terrace; thence W. 400 feet more or less r.rr a Terrace to beginning, subject to right oxjway 18 feet Jwlde along the N. line of - the Seventh-atreet Terrace, con taining 170 acre, section 4. township 1, south rang 1 eaat 1187 Kenneth, Jane, and G rover, L. F. . Undivided 14 S. 14 of N. H of .W. H of Thomas and Mi nerva Carter D. L. C exeept . part pUtted as "West End." ' section f, township 1, south range 1 east, 61 acres ........ 111.10 McLaughlin, Ann (heirs) Be ginning 1100 chains N. and 1.60 chains W. of 14 post on 8. t llns of section 0, thence W. , 181' chains; thence N. (.16 - ; chains; thene B. to a point 7.11 H chains W of B. line of Jones' D. L. C. thence south- ' eastsrly to beginning, section I. township 1. south range 1 . east. I ll acres - 111 Jones, Mrs. Mary Beginning at NW. corner block I, Zlon, thence W. 414 feet; thence N. 40 feet; thence K. ISO feet; thenca N. to a line of Barnes road; thence easterly along aid road to a point N. of beginning; thence 8. to begin ning, section . I. ' township 1. south range 1 east 1 acre.... Ill Jones, Julia C Beginning at In- ' tersectlon of W. line of Jones eve. and N. line of First are., thence N. 200 feet to a line of Second a vs.; thence W. 200 feet to E. line of State at; thence 8. 200 feet to N. line of First sve; thence E. 100 feet to begin ning; section 0, T. 16,11 B., 1 sere . 1.28 Klrkman, Wm Undivided 1-11 f 110 acres, described as fnl- ' lows; E. 14 of 8.W. '4 and W 14 of W. 14 of 8.B 14. and E. H of N. 14 of 8.W. 14, section 8. T. I 8..- R. 1 E., 11 l-t acres.ll.TI Idleman. Cicero M. Beginning " 444.7 rest n. and 16 reet B. of aw. comer of Caruthera D. L. C. thenca W. along road 866 feet; thenos 8. 1718 feet to road -- thence B. along road to a point 8. of beginning; thenos N. to beginning; section 0, T. 1 8., R. 1 B. 0.60 acre 4.40 Unknown owner Beginning 40 feet B. of N.E. corner block K, Kern's Addition, thenca E. 100 feet; thence N. to S. Una of -property owned by W. a Ladd, heirs; , thenca W. 100 feet; thence a to beginning; section 11. T. 1 a. R. 1 E.. 0.07 acres.. 4.14 Bsker, Henry Clay Beginning on E. line of E. 7th st, 20 feet 8. ' of a line of Shaver tract des. . In Book II, pag 111; thence 8. 120 feet; thenca W. 00 feet; : thenoe N. 120 feet; thenoe B. 10 j feet to beginning; section IL 1 T. 1 a. R. 1 E., 0.44 seres 1117 Halfpenny. Wm. L. Beginning 1144 chaina 8. and 10.11 chains ! W. of 14 section corner In N. line of section 11: thenoe E. 1 1181 feet; thenee 8. 1114 feet; thence W. Hit feet; thenca N. , 1111 feet to beginning; section 11. T. I 1 III E., 0.60 acre.. 11.71 Williams, Richard Undivided 114 acrea of 10.11 acrea do scribed ss follows: Beginning 4 at a point In center of Powell . Valley road 1.014.1 feet east- :, srly from west line of south- wsst 14 Of seotlon 11, theno . . northerly to north line of said southwest . 14, theno easterly along said north Una ef south- west quarter to its Intersection - with east line Of Clinton Kelly V D. L. C thenos southerly slong ' said seat tins of Clinton Kelly . IX L. C to south' llns of , Francis street If extended, thence westerly to center of '' nor avenue, insnc norm v feet thenoe weet 10 feet .' " thence north 117 feet. , thence west 400 feet -thenc'. south. . 117 feet "thenca easterly to 1 point -1.114 feet eaat of west - line - ef - southwest 14r thenee - r northerly 711.11 feet to center ' .of Powell Valley road, thenca westerly to point of beginning. . section 11 1 south, 1 east I acres .......... 17.01 Robertson, Margaret Beginning . 100 feet eaat and . Ill feet . north of aouthwest cornen of ' ' tbs A. C. Kelly D. L. C. theno . ' south 171 feet, thence west 111 fset thenos north 171 feet tbence east to beginning, seo tlon II. 1 south, 1 east, 0.40 -acre ' 1-61 fhomaa, O. H. and Percy. B H . of a b. 14 of a w. 14 of a W, 14, exeept 1 acre described lit Book 111 page 141 Section 10, 1 a 1 B, 4 acres Ml primrose, Geo. H.and Emma J. -a W. 14 of a B. 14 Beo. 10, 1 S. I E. 40 acres . 10 40 Cardwell. J. R. Undivided II acres of W. H a w. m tlon tl. 1 a 1 E. 16 acres .... 1111 Carter, Jane. Undivided 0.1 ox 0.1 acrss. described as follows: Beginning 14.71 feet'E. Of a W. corner of Jscob Will's D. L. C, thsnos N. 100.14 feet thenca N. : 88 degrees E. 131 6 feet thenoe 8. 100.00 leet, thenca W. 110 feet to beginning. Section II, -m iai si j 11.10 Strong. Caroline Undivided Mil ra of 84 acres described as fallows: Beginning at a point on E. line of Maple Street, ex tended UO " feet N. of N. W. corner of Block f Rlverdale, thanes a along said B. line to N. line of Rivardale, thenee W. to B. Una of Lot 11 Rlverdale, thence N. 140 chains to N. E. comer of said Lot II. tbsnos B. , s along Hector B. Campbell s D. L. C lit leet tbenc N. 10 chains, thenoe B. 10 cnalne, thenc N. tl degree B. I . chains to Willamette River, thenc southsrly along said , tn m. nolnt K. of beginning, ..... thenoe W. to beginning, except p. snd W. V. R. R. 'right of Bantinn 17. 1 a 1 B.... lit! Howe, Jama B, Heirs Beginning 10. chslns N. or m. w. wnwr Section 0. thenc B. I chains, thene N. 110 chains, thenee W. I chains, thenoe a 1.60 chaina to beginning. lection 4. . 1 m s.TK acres Lovc'LewU (heirs) Beginning at... u Bee. nost between secuone v- ".n H 'WT I chatns.-thene i.k to ehalna. - thenee east I chains, thence north to beginning. a. s. 1 south. S eastr- acres.... 1161 pike, W. L. Jr. and Estsiia e- ginning 60. 0 chains n. m . r. comer of Bar Johnson D. I C.. thence north 107.60 feet thence east LS3I.0O feet thenoe south 107.61 feet thenc WV 1430-6O feet to beginning. Sec 14. 1 south, I east 118 acres ......... McCullan. L. B. Begtnlng W4 feet a and 4817 feet W. of S. B. corn er of Sec 11 thence W. 444.10 feet thence a M feet thene B. 444.44 fset thene N. 0t feef begin-, nlng. Bee. 18, 1 .. I Ev 1 acre.... Mkirphy, Matilda D-Und, 0 acres of 7 acrea described as follows: Beginning at center of Sec W. thence B. 884.77 feet, thence N. 491.11 feet thene W. 884.77 feet, thenoe 8. 4H1S feet to beginning, Sec to. 1 a, I E. I aeres ... Cavanaugh. Andrew (belrsy B. 14 of K. H t N. B. 14 of N. W. 14 south of county road. See, O, I. 8.. I B. 4.60 acres.. 4.48 M.tS 111 10.00 Taylor. Mrs. H. M N. B. 14 or B. a B. 14 of a W. 14 of N. w. 14. Sec. U, 1 S., I B. It acres ....... 14. Kenney, Calla Beginning lis . teet north and 014.8 feet west of northwest corner of Mount Hood Addition;, thence south 817.6 ' feet; thenc east 110.7 feet; thence north 168.1 feet to Section Line road; theno northwesterly along said road to beginning, seotlon 10, 1 south. I east HI acres... 161 Jenne, P. B. Undivided T aeres of 80 acres, dsscrineq as ' 101- -lows: Beginning lOll.t feet east of northwest comer of section 11; theno aat 147.1 feet; thenoe south 1110 feet; thence west 118.41 feet; thenee south 110 feet; thenee west 847.6 feet; thenc north 1664 feet to beginning, section 10, 1 south. I eaat 140 LuglluhL Christian Boutneaot , quarter or northeast quarter, section I. 1 south. 4 east, 40 acrea . . ' 160 O. A C R. R- Co. (Bollck. B. H.) Northeast quarter or soutn- , wsst quartsr, section IS. 1 south. 4 ssst 40 acrss 1.10 Cunningham, Clara Southeast quarter of northeast quarter or northeast quarter, section It. 1 south, 4 east 10 aeres 161 SHERIFF'S ASSESSMENTS. Unknown Owner Beginning at a point where the nortn line or Caruthera street produced. In tersects the saat Una of the patton county road; thenoe southerly along the east line of ssld county road to point 10 feet north of the center line of Caruthera atreet produced; thenos easterly parallel with the east llns of Patton county road to a point In the eentar llns of.Csruthsrs street . pro- duced; thenca easterly along th rental line- of Carat street produced 40 feet; thence 'north parallel, with the weat line of Sixth atreet feet; 'thence east parallel with the center line ef Caruthera street produced 40 feet to a point 100 feet west , , of the west llns of Sixth street; thence north parallel with the weet line of Sixth strset to a ' point In the north line of Ca ruthera atreet produced, to the place of beginning, all In Ca- ' ruthers Addition to Caruthers Addition I DS The amount of taxes. Interest to dsts of sale and penalties due upon each par cel Is set ODDostte ths same and also ths name of the person to whom such I parcel Is taxsd, which la also tha name OK ma owner wnen .nu.u. . amiv 111 be held at ths front door of ths courthouse la said eounty, la manner and form as upon sale of real property under execution, except as by law other wise especially provided. Each parcel will be sold to the per son who offers to psy ths taxes, cost I and accruing penalties thereon, and take a certificate at ths lowest rats of Interest; provided, however, the maxi mum rats shall not exceed 10 per eent. The sals will be made subject te re demption as -provided by law and la for the purpos or satisfying the said war rant with lawful charges. Sheriff r"non,ah CouM,. Ore.on.J R. L. STEVENS, Portland. Oregon, November II, 1104, TRANSPORTATION. Upper Columbia River STEAMER Leaves Oak street dock every Monday. Wednesday and Friday at 7 a. m. taw TU BAUXI and gTATH POBTAOB, eineoUna with the Oeea JUvee Tms- portatloa dompaay's steamers for points aa far eaat aa VMATIUA. Return ing, arrives roriuno, luesoar, inure. day and Saturday at t p. m. Low rates snd excellent service. . fnones 1040 and 120L S S. P. A. Kllburn Far Oats Day. Baraks sad tea OVeeiteea,. Next MlUng from rsrtlaaa. rrtdr, Mev. 14. Hex sal ling frost sea Iraacisce, laar.. Key. 84. CBAS, a 8TCELSMITB. Ageat Oak Street Dock, Pbone Main 2960 The Portland . . p6Rf ujjtj; ORBOOlt, '. i EUROPEAN PLAN ONLY HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS . AND COMMERCIAL TRAVA1LBRS. Everything to eat and drink, and It costs no more in the . - Portland Hotel RsthsksDer. , then elsewhere In the city. Every weekday night from 0:10 to 11 at a bo' HOTEL EATON oos. xouisos Aim win ius it. -NEW...:... . Baadsosiely furalahed. elegaatll eqalppeO, flrepreof, Bleatee walk froei heart et ahoppuig aod sualaeas eUtrtet, all Urge, airy, onteioa roeaie, 1Mb kaatad, electric lit htm, telepboae la each apart maat. eta. Large etSeea, laaadns, smoklog, .wrltlas ladles' reeeptioa parloas. BeaaM teeel ill ay suil er teUsaese, ... lrivateeaulsas amta talas aa4 btaaaian. Rooms $1.00 to $5.00 m Day kataa te AUtaTBOXO, rreprlele. WO Portlsnd's Widely Knows and' Successful r.Cliineia MetUdnat, . Root and Herb Doctor Bis fiaxMM reewdlea, the tnereeleata el aralck we Impart Street frvai toe Orleat as large ajoaatltlee aa4 prapare sad pet sp fat See IS feat- ap-ce-4ate labelory. He aiuat, polaeoa erjMBsegBrAlaeL-Baaeji Terete. Dorter treats soeraaarany ead gaaraeteas te cere all- tonark trnattlea. ratarrk, aetbew, tmg. tkreat. rkeeaMrlaai. imiaaaaaa. , llaes, kldavy a ad hat SMasead. rXMAU TB0VBLX8 ABB AU WTATB ' BIB BASIS. Be fan er atoloedliw stareeaests e rae flirted. A a, fa a ad laatlns rare la tfee ealrk est poaalbte time sad at tke la aaat aaat pas. Stble for seaeat treataMat, If roe ran act cell, write rie arwplnai Mask aad elrralar. tsrlnee 4 eeate ta staaaaa. ... OOBBTTLIATIOB nZff. v the 0. Bee We Ohiaaee KaSlelae Oa., 1081 Bin St., Oar. MirTlaia, Bartlaaa, 0s n Every Woman ai rkonl EhaB sbiiiiiIsbi fill MARVEL Bthlrlis Sorav I The aw Vaalaal )iaaja. 'jmjra. werMi, Haw sat Aateaar If ba (nnot aapoly the SiaviL, aouapt no euiar. not aana aiame ear llluatratad boob lie. Tt i full nertlcalara and 1lrrtnra In. Taluablatnla.1lfa. Ntai'rt COX. WOOUAaVU, CLAo, CU, AND LAUX-DATIS DBUO 004 BTOBEB. Scott's Santal-Pepsin capsulss A POSITIVE CURE For Infleaiantloa orCatarrtiof the Bladrfarend Mieaaad BI4 eya. SSOOSISOrAf. Carae Quickly aa4 nennaaantir the weraa eaaae or weaeiiaiee aod leaee, ae sieitar of kow rag etaadias. Abaoieteiy irmlna. gold k draaalata. THE SAnTAL-PEPSIX CU Belloi estates, OSes. Weadard. Clarao Oa, OU tewmtdy. JtrwArev vbb) BWswB ran Tarraat's gntree el Gaaeba aad Ooaat bo la t OAPIULES. Tkalao,ilMotii'adoojaaeala gialiaaaa.tloe0.wbton, eon. Boaa; to toko, eooxooioat te oarer, tilu oare ae tot aaa. Bilae SL a aw noore Mania a. aol Waaeisartoe et, tortlaad Orri or ky mall fraaa Zae tornnl Co., ee Baonoe a. Mew York. Pure, Safe, 5ure .)r. Sanderson's Compound PhvIb and Cotton Root I'llla The heat snd only rollahls romerlv for DKL.ATKI) HC RIUUS. Cure the most pb- etlnkta caeea In 1 to 10 dHys. Price It Tcfl. U'Tlf Tutl street, Portland, Oregoet, ChasrurSocnccr . .- 1 C. GEE m V i sirl - naae swaoa ibis seaar. - mm . - X aat wnw "T. IV r An I agW -t- I J?Yk Be Sole ay -9 THAKsrcrTATrr:!. 3 Traias to the East Daily 3 Thi-fc rvUirua KamA! mm4 Is-tihl itm !M-rm ataaUas eW ra.. afaa. . - - Chleaco. Beohaeet - Byawwuagisr'qn Tart wliTag a aat Sally. 'plasters SaUy .la aaasae Ct. esawcajra tseeai liaaa . s y"ai uan O-pot " .leave, Aarsre, , 'ertlana Hneelal Oaf- imcaro-ri the tut Vlrr fn, g.ataraV Wartlngtea. Welle Walla. ; Jloti. Ceew 4'Aleeje aad ' UKslt W - - - u-a.. a.ll- a.lgaaa BesfA Baastl p.. T.?.1"00" ., BilSeas fussa ffwt.aad-Hlaw toot'., for ad , eesira berwrea Bless 'saJ Pertlaad. IU...7r:'. Ohotsea ' . OOtOainrA SITIB DITWIOI. taaaier tor Ilweee aod Vorte Baeea7toeeaq So-aht. Seek, faevee S s. afc,. P."Url satarday. 10 g. aa. eVSTeeg abeat S - - - . r -. - ii i u . myi TAMHILt, BTVBH SOCT. . r . wrapa vaiy eaaj aaaiaaia fXeta, steaBMrs Rath aad MoSoe. Aab-at, Oaeka Jf e T a. St. dally, eioest Saa47 e far; gJi Antn eV eaOy. eaa4 snaki srrn botjt. . " . rer Lawtatne, laabev aos way aorata teeaa Blparle. Waab, ttsaaMrs gpakaae aad Lewtaa toe have 8:40 a. ee spa arvrral trat Na 4. eally enevt sstarear. Am i ft. am Ilea at Office. Thlral n4 O. W. STINOint. city TitteO Ageat. aa ni Wa. MfMUgRAT. Oaearai EASTvu SOUTH Oala PesaO . Portlaod and Baa elace KBtaa - glees ealy et BMat Importaat etatloe batweaa Portlaa aad Be rraarleoot eaanaatloe at saa Crandaoe fog all paaata Baet aa4 Baoth .VTT.. 11 ISO (SB UBi Overland rrrpraaa Trains aU awal aolata Boata. - . Baeraaeat Baa Franc lees and votnts Bast and BoutS. Ti4B Morales traia eaaaiwa at Woodbura aaUy eient ' Baoaay with Mount Agel and Bllverte kaaai Oattase Orove ii i laasg ai eoaaace ' at Weedbora a a Albaay Sally, except On a ear, wttk tralaa tor palate Weoteoaa-Herlaaaekl end - a loaav -Laaiiai 1 11 niMsaB 7:80 ea p-4 Cervallls paaai Sheridaa riaaaaii,ai roraat Orove paaaaasar.,..lllM) aaa I OOaaa . rww. wave paaaeasar.... new pas pwaoi Daily. 1 1 Dally eieept Baaday. BrrsBsoM-STKEarr statiow. - For Dallas aad hUenaeState petots Sally, T) a. m. and 4:10 p. m, Atrn rartawd afttte a. as. ana e:xe a. bv Bet tlaae aad rare et Cesese i apply at Otty Ticket Offlre, er etatlea. Tickets te Baatars setats sad Beaw Japea. China. Honolata aad Anetralie. City Ticket Offtea eereer Third ead mgtnei erreeta. raaa Mala Tlx. 0. W. gTINOBB. Wet. ataaftngBAT. Otty Ttckatlgeat. Oea. Paaa. A read. time card traIns Portion dj reUewetea Part-Baaaae Ctty It. Loala Special for Cfeefeelia. Cearraila, Olynpia. Cray's Harbor. Beetb Bead. Taeoma. 'le.m Hae, Ibjtoev. Butte. BOliDxe. Deayer. Ota a- . be. Kaoaaa City. St. Loale end Bonibeaat, aatly.. ortn Ooaat LtwIteA eleetrte I BSaas stgfssl lira ted. for Taeseia. Seattle. vpvkane. tnirta, Minaaepoiia. BAM ec. real ana ut awac dally. SiOOptB fseaf Paeet SueaS Ural Clarrawet. Oheaalla, Ceo- . . traUa, Taeoaas aad Seattle - eoly, dally., 4:00 fas ftSt peg iwis uity srnreas nrTaee - a. Seattle. Spokane, Iteleaa. . . Bntte. StTPaal. Mlaaeapolle, tlnaaln, St. Joseph. Kaaeaa . , ' - City, Ontaha. St. LeaK arlta- eat ebaage et earn. Dtreet eeeaeptloDe far all Rotate Bast ' aad Seatfe oast, dally..... ....UieBsaS 2 Overland Trs!ssCsllt2 Am Oriental UaUtad. the Baet UmMT VIA SBATTLB ABB BBOKAMBa BerOaad tUaa Dan. Laateo. T ead fro) St. peal, atinaaapoiie. - . i- rmieta aad au feasts Bom n. S-t..,.JBs- To and froei St, Beat. . lflnaeepolle, Dalotk and ell petate Best ' ''' via Bpokaae 0:18 ess Bio sat B a. nine from BmKIo aw ii Cklaa parts aad llaaBa, Ssrryang Se eansere end frelgwt. A A Dakota, BovoeiW SO. A B. tomoeetai twif 0, , ' - BIT FOB TVSXB BlrgjtA, '(Japan Mall Steawabla flev) B. . AU Btera wlU ana from Seattle about BoreaiBor tT tar Jape and CMneee sorts, eoirytag pa aad freigbt. . . -Bona,etCf ratToe a addrenr" x. sicxsov, a . t. a. log rM St., BorCoad, Oragea. Bheas kats Oos. Astoria Si Columbia River Railroad Ca rjatoe Daeot . Leave. AJtree. for Mar tare. Balalar, Olata. kaakt, Wrrtport, Cllttoa, Ae. ' , , turta. - warroatoa, rlarot, , Haimwad. fort Kliiai. Ooar- . ' ' ban Park, geealde 1:00 est 11:01 eel Aetorla sad Otaakore, eapreas dally tidSeat Oil pas An m ho dafl C e..MSTlk ART wvoreValA'lvraaa,4B Alder atreet. Fkoae Mala OOS. POR.TLAND-ASTC7JA ROUND TRIP DJLV Bzeeyt Basdey' -Ths 'Taa Ctewemri - Leaves foot Alder St. at...... f Arrive Astoria . 1 Laav Csllsnder dock, Aatn: . I Arrive PorUand . , ! raeoe Mala III. Uawi,' liBBiJ rraa. i 1 TttcomromAMVtwBt. - f . m