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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1906)
Y.." IS THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 27. 1906. BOY EIREBUG SET ---BUILDINGS ABLAZE j I I 4T"flR I wmm 1 yo "ftE&T 6QmST. DIRECTION TAKEN Bf FIREBUG I , ' 1 Frank Morris, 14-Year-Old Flrefag, Which Apartment Houses Were y Caused Fires in Five Buildings. . New Tork. Nor. II. "Tern. I told yon1 ; folia not to go away for awhile, aa there 1 would be more fun, but .1 didn't know ' there was solns to be- any mora fires 1 in the neighborhood. I wanted you to aee bow alow these New Tork. engines were In reaching a tire." i That was the way Prank Morris, a ' elsarette-erased youth, spoke to thoee " who caled at the west side prteon and positively Identified him as the person who called at the west aide prtaon and which 1000 peraons were aroused from their slumbers, an aged, woman fright ened to death and several other people slightly Injured. The property loss will exceed $24,000 and the young- feHow, who has hlstrl- onlo ambitions, was committed on a charge of arson in default of COCO ball for examination. ' The principal witness against Morris Is James Shields, It years of age, of XLS HYOMEI CURES CATARRH & Costs Nothing Unless It Gives Relief Sold Under Guarantee. No matter how severs or chronlo a 1 ease of catarrh you may have, consult Woodard, Clarke 4c Co. about the use of Hyomei. they have so much faith In the efficacy of this treatment : that they " give their personal guarantee with 'every , outfit they sell that It will effect a euro. or the money will be refunded. ' In many Instances Hromel has 'cured catarrh when the patient has suffered from childhood. - Quite a few people In Portland who -have been unable-for yeara to get a good night's sleep on ao count of the dlaagreeable tickling and dropping at the back of the throat, have obtained quick relief from a few treat ments with Hyomei, and the continued use has - made .a . complete and lasting core. There is ao stomach dosing when one uses HyomeL Simply breaths Its medi cated healing through the pocket In haler that comes with every outfit, and all catarrhal germs will be killed and the mucous membrane will be healed. A ootnplete Hromel outfit costs but II, sufficient for at least two weeks' treatment, making It one of the moet economical methoda of curing catarrh. If the outfit doee not complete a cure, extra bottles of Hyomei, If needed, can be bought for 60 eenta. Remember that there la no risk In buying HyomeL It costs nothing unleaa it cures. Great Auction-Sale Of Japanese and Chinese curios, consisting of old Bronze, , Sil ver, Cloisonne, new Brass, Sat suma, fine decorated Tea Sets, Lacquered Ware, Ebony Carved Furniture, Embroidered Screens, Oriental Runs, etc Owing to the overcrowded con dition of our small store, we are compelled to dispose of our great stock at suction. -The public is cordially invited to at tend this sale. ' Unprecedented bargains are certain to be had. SALE AT 2-36 AND 7:30 P. M. DAILY. Andrew Kan & Co. . . 2S7 MORRISON ST. ' OAKS RINK Thanksgiving Masquerade mxo rxuma sociax Our Mew 'skates are here, right ele gant (rises f ei eosiumee. 7 "ar-, I 3 a and Diagram Showing the Section In Set Ablaxe. Morris Is Said to Have West Blxty-flrst street. The boy said he was standing In a crowd watching a fire In West Slxty-ffrst street, which was the first of the series, when he did not know. The . boy. said . that, as the tire waa In a fair way of being extinguished he atarted to walk away, when Moms said to him: "Don't go away yet. kid. Tou will see some more fun; there are going to be some more fires after this one la out.' Morris, ths police Bay, la Irresponsible, but that If he Is a pyromanlao and does not place any value on life, be le poe aeeaed of enough Intelligence to under stand ths position he la In. The five fires were started at an hour when the occupants of the various apart ment houses were In bed. The first blase broke out at midnight In No. 106 West SlxtletA street, where the damsgs amounted to 18,000. Ten min utes later, another fire broke out at No. was smaH. Half an hour later, another firs broke out at No. 215 West Six tieth Street, where damage to the ex tent of 12,000 was done. . . Aged Veople Die, It was 1:10 o'clock yesterday morn ing when the fourth - firs broke out at No. is) West Sixty-first street, and ths last and worst fire of all five, waa discovered at o'ctock, at No. 110 West Blxty-flrst street, where the damage exceeded 112.000. Each firs was started la ths alrahafts. which fact la regarded as significant by the police. They elalm to have several wltneaaea whose names they will not now give out and who say tbey saw young Morns st all of the five fires. In ths first fire, Mrs. Caroline Swain, TO yeara of age died from heart failure. In the second fire, Adrian Tompkins, 40 yeara of age, was burned about the face and hands and is now In a pre carious condition at ths Roosevelt hos pital. The police and firemen repeatedly mads tnmiing rescue. SUN BROTHERS ECLIPSED Ths Sun Brothers have suffered a total eclipse. The Island of Kabakon again Is inhabited only by aborigines, while the erstwhile cooperative oolonlsts movs ssdly bsck to the competitive sor rows of civilisation, says a writer In ths New Tork MalL The simple life proves to be too strenuous. Ones mors brutal experience nas caused a beeuti ful theory to slump. Ths Sun Brothera were aTeutonio blend of Brook Farm, Upton Sinclair and Bernard MoFsddenlsm. A group of writers, painters and philosophers. In Berlin grew weary of the trammels of modernity. Among the worst of these trammels they considered clothes. Ths only simple life to them worth living wss ths life of pre-Adamlte man, in the ante-f la-leaf period. ."Back to nature" waa not a sufficiently extensive motto. Wotths-Hack" alone, :"t)uf-thelr"Btlf body corporate and - Individual must revel In continuous sun baths. Both the climate and ths polios regu latlona In Berlin being unsulted to their plsns, they bought the eoral is land of Kabakon, and In ths balmy atmosphere of the South seas they be gan their unclad cooperative career. There was to bs no food savs nuts and fruits; no 'labor save tilling the land and tending the herds. Birds of bril liant plumage sang to them; flowers filled the air with fragrance, and on ths corsl strand at eventide blond poets and dark, grave philosophers, unadorn ed save by their beards and speotacles, sought tinted shells wherewith to crack their nuts snd chanted ths praise of ths Sternal verities of solentlflo socialism. It la to bs hoped thst ths painters of the oolony preserved the picture. ' It laated but a little while. The correct ness of ths nudity theory did not keep one of the authors from dying of ex posure. A philosopher, firm to ths last In believing nuts and fruit ths only food fit for men. died of ths Insuffic ient diet Another of the chief apostles of universal brotherhood fought with the natives and was killed. Now Kabakon IS deserted and the ery Is "Back to Berlin!" by ths reclothed reform era Soon they will be sitting with porcelain pipes by porcelain stoves, la slippers and smoking Jackets, with foamy steins st hand and .the savor of sausage, erhnltsel Slid gansnbratten rich upon their pels tea. Rut the Ka bakonlahs never, will admit "that there was anything wrong with tbolr theory. They ars true socialists. . SHERIFFS SALE By virtu of a warrant to no directed, laaued by the County Clerk: command- 1" ..lneJ3-flItlia-javexal srtlclaa nf, personal property and parcels of real property upon which the taxes are lev- lea and unpaid, as shown by tax Hat accompanying such warrant. of - the state, county,, school, and other - taxes ror the year 1906. and City of Portland taxes for the year 1806." I Will.- begin ning at 10 o'clock in the forenoon on Wednesday, the 2th day of December, 1(0. and continuing from day to day thereafter until ths list is exhausted, offer foik aals at public auction and sell to the best bidder the real property situated In .Multnomah. County. Oregon, particularly described In the following list! Olhus, Mrs. Nettle Lot T. block 1. Adams Addition to Bt, Johna .I....... ' 4.11 Hurlburt, Edward C. and Tufts. Moses F. Lot I. block t. Ad ams" Addition to St. Johns.... -1.75 Adams. Henrietta Lota 1 and t, block 4, Adams' Addition to St. .. V- Johns' (.61 Robblna. E. H. Lot I, block 1. . Alblna .1.11 Montgomery, Jaa4. B. (Heirs) Lot t, block 41, Alblna........ t.Sl 'Montgomery, Jaa. B.' (Heirs') . . Lot IS, block 47. Alblna...... . 1.74 Benael, Henry Lota and. 10, block 3. Alblna Heights...... 1.1 1 Alblna Heights 1.S0 Senael, Henry Lots 8, and 11, block (. Alblna Helchta B.ll Hoffman, W. H. and Llllie M. Lot 1 4, block 1, Alblna Home stead . 8.S1 Goodenough, Mandanna Lota 1 and 2, block 1, Alblna Home stead II. to Debuhr. R. Lots 1 and 2. block ' Zl. Alblna Homestead 11.11 Marx, DanielLot 14. block 11, Aioina. Homestead ............. Robblna. E. H. Lot 24. block 1, Albion Add. to Alblna. 1.42 Scott. J. E. Lots 7. S and I. block 27. Arbor Lodge 1.1 Brown. Oeo. W Lots 14. 15, 14 snd 17.-block s. A r lets Park s -' No. 1 Ill Arleta Land Co. Lots II and 21, block S. Arleta Park No. 2 1.20 Brown Oeo. W. Lots I and 0. block 7. Arleta Park No. I.... 1.44 Brown, Oeo. W, Lot 26, block I, Arleta Park no. I Brown. Oeo. W. Lots and T., block 11. Arleta Park No, 2... 1.71 Brown, Oeo. W. Lot 14, block 14. Arleta Park No. M :.. 1.10 Hoyt, - Ralph -W- Mary L.. and Cook. Louise Hoyt Lot 24. block 2. Arleta Park No. I.... 1.21 Arleta Land Co. Lots 1 snd 20. . block 4. Arleta Park No. !..... 2.11 Arleta Land Co. Lot 18, block.. Arleta Park No. 2 1.45 Arleta Land Co. LotTnaTock 10, Arleta Park No. 2 1.(0 Bpuhn. Carl Lots 21 and . 24, . block 5. Arleta Park No. 4... 1.75 Spuhn. Carl Lots 27 and 28, block 5, Arleta Park No. 4.... 2.17 Spuhn, Carl Lota 21 snd 10, . block 5. Arleta Park No. .... 1.17 8puhn. Carl Lots 1. 17 and II, block Arleta Park No. 4.... 1.17 Spuhn. Carl Lots 22 and 24, block f. Arleta Park No. 4.... 1.80 Reed. Chae. J. Lot 1," block ," t. Auburn Park; a sub. of lots 1 to 10, Mount Tsbor Park: 1,05 Riley, Emma R. Lot 8, block 1, 1 I Beacon-Heights .....i... I.T1 Hammer, T. J. West 60 feet of i lots 1 and 1; block 8, Bern-' hardt Park 1.67 Mohr. Elisabeth Lota 11 and 11,. Bernhardt Park No. 1.11 Investment Co. Lots 6 and 10, block 1, Beverly 1.41 Blrkford. R H. Lot 16, block 1, ' Bickford Park 1.76 Scott Annie Lot 17. block 2. Bickford Park 6.65 Bowman, B. H. Lota 11 and It, block 11, Boise's Addition to Scott J. E. Lots 45 and 46. block 1, Bralnard t.ll Hamilton, J. W. Lot 15. "block 4r Bralnard Maurln. Martin Lota 18, 10, 11 and 22, block 12, Bralnard Llndstrom, A. Lot 6, block 2, Bralnard Tract Nadir Land Co. Lots 22 and 24. block 2, Bralnard Tract Bronaugh. Earl C. Lot "C," Bro naugh Addition Brobaugh, Karl C Lot "B," Bro naugh Addition ' Bronaugh. Earl C Lot "A," Bro naugh Addition ............. r Relnhardt, M. F. Undivided 2-1 " lot I, block 6, Brown's tract . . Relnhardt M. F. Undivided 2-8 Lot 4. block 5, Brown's tract. Smith, Anna C East 16 feet lot ' 7. block 1, Buckman's Add. to East Portlsnd Reed, Agnes H. Lot 4, block 2. Caplee Addition to St Johns.. - Reed. Agnes H. Lots'' and 6, block 6, Caples addition to 8t Johns Reed, Agnes H. Lot 16, block (, Caplea Addition to St Johna.. Reed. Agnes H. Lot 11, block 6. Caplea Addition to St. Johns. . Reed. Agnes H. Lot 17. block 6, Caples Addition to St. Johns.. Poller, Peter Lot 8. block 22, Carson Heights - Tlerney, Michael. Undivided H Lot 4, block 1, Carter's Addi tion to Portlsnd Tlerney, Joseph J. Lot 6, block ' 1, Carter's Addition to Portland Tlerney, Joseph J. Lots 1, I and 1. block 11. Carter's .addition to Portland , Roberts, Laura, August . Miller, . Undivided 1-1 Bub-lot 6. block D, Carter's Addition to Port land i Allen, Wiley B. South V, lot 6, block 16, Caruthera Addition to Portland - 6.11 L41 181 8.61 1.86 1.86 1.21 6.16 T.T6 11.66 4.18 14.10 I Cohen. D. Soils Btrlp 20.5 feet Wlae oouin ox ana aajoining ioi 4. block 61, Caruthera Addi tion' to Caruthera' Addition to Portland 1.76 Dllley, Abram East lot 1, -block 148, except 8. P. R. R. , right Of way. Caruthera Addl - tlon to Portland by South Port- w. land Real Eatate Aasn 1.61 Title- Guarantee and Trust Co. Lots 6 snd 6. block 162, Cap. uthers Addition to Portland by South Portland . Real Estate Asen . 12.24 Stryker, S. W. South 10 feet of lot 2. east of railroad and north 16 feet of lot 2, east of rail road, block 166. Caruthera' Ad- ' dltlon to Portland by South -' Portland Real Estats Assn.... 1.76 Unknown Owner Lot 1, block . 180. ast of O. 4V C. right of way. Caruthera Addition to Portland by South Portland Real Estate Asan . .- '. .. 1.76 Bchmeer, ' Anna r Lot 1, block , Castle Ann 6.T0 Green, Charlotte, et al. Undivid ed 2-6 of lots 17, 18, 18, 20 and 11, Cedar Hill 46.11 Green, Charlotte, et si. Undivid ed 1-6 of lot 26, all except a strip owned by H. Blnehetmer on the north. Cedar Hill 16.87 Green, Charlotte, et al. Undlvld- -ed 2-6 lots 18, 88, 10 and 11. Cedar Hill 51.81 Green, Charlotte, et si. Undlvld- . ed 1-1 of lots 11 snd 14, Cedar Hill ...'.;..... 46.11 Gren, Charlotte, et'SL UndMd- l 1 S4 1 of lets IS, 16, 17, 11 and I. Ceder HU1 118.01 Green. Charlotte, et al. Undivid ed 1-5 of lota 44. 48. 41 and 47. Cedar 11111 141.01 Green, Charlotte, et al. Undivid ed 1-5 of lota 64, 65. Is. 67. 18 end . Pertsr Hill , tlgtt Green. Charlotte, et al. Undivid ed 1-1 of lota II, 81. 61. 64. 66. 4 41. 67 and 68, Cedar Hill 111.66 Areen. Charlotte, st al.--UndlvloV ed 8-6 of lota 71 and 72. Cedar 11.14 . j i . Scott. J. E. Lot T. block 6. Cen : ter Addition to East Portlsnd.. Reeves.. Arthur Lot . block 6, Center Addition to Portland.. Grlffla. J. H. Lots T and (, block 1. Central Alblna.. lit 14.17 Davis. N. M. Lot II,' block t. Central -Alblna Lauthers, Win. 8. Lots 8 and 6, block 7, Central Alblna..; Hoepcka, Emma Lot 14, block 27. Central Alblna.,.. Thayer, Mrs; L. A. North 86 feet lot 7. block 11. Central Al blna Zeek, Orland and May Belle Lot 1. block I, Chase's Addition to Pleasant' Home ........ v ...... . McOu Ire, Joseph Lots 9 and 10, block 4, Chicago Land Company of Oregon Lot 13, block 14. City View Park.. DeLashmutt, Ines Lot 11. block . City View Psrk Addition to East Portland Kphsrt. Mary A. Lot 11. block 7, Clnverdale Extension ...... 1.81 1.11 5.11 T.l :i.7I 1.74 1.16 1.01 1.76 Blr Oi tiee-T; Cloverdale Extension ......... Millard. Julia R Lot 1. block 10, Cloverdale Extension Newton, Jasper Lots IS and 20, block 14, Clovedale Extension No. 2 Wait. A. E Lot 2, block 12. Cole's Addition to East Port land ......... Walt A. E. Lots A. B and C, 11.76 8.81 2.81 1.61 block 12. Cole's Addition to EastPortland Greene, L. Lots IS and267 block 6. Columbia Heights. , .. Taylor, Thos. J. Lots 16 and 16, . block 23, Columbia Heights. . . . Boott, J. E. Lots 16 andlT. . block 1. Corona Park t.ll 1.11 1.14 1.16 Kalus, Marie Lot 8. block 84, Couch'a Addition to Portland. 74.01 German Savings and Loan So ciety, San Francisco Lot 6, block 148, Couch's Addition to Portland . ....... . ......... ... . ... .... . German Savings and Loan So 14.60 ciety. San Franolseo Lot . 8, . block 148, Couch's Addition to -Portland 110.01 Batley, Augusta, and Balleray. J. J. T. Lots 1, I. 1 and 4. Mock 188, Couch's Addition to - Portland 114.17 Trinity Parish Lot 1. block 277. - Couch's Addition to Portland.. 16.46 Trinity Parish Lot 18. block 2T7, Couch's Addition to Port-land-, ' . 2U. Trinity Parish Lots 1, I. 1. 4. 6, 4, 7. 8, 8 snd 10, block 176. Couch's Addition to Portland.. Couch. Mary II. Lots l and 2. block 290, Couch's Addition to Portland Hall. Delilah White Lot 7. block 600, Couch's Addition to Port lsnd Hunter. M. M. Lot F. block 1. - Crystal Springs . Addition to "East Portland 168.22 28.65 C8.17 1.64 1.62 Wlk. Erik South 10 feet of ths west H lot 6. block 8, Doschers ' Second Addition to Portland . . Peterson. Carl South 80 feet of the east M lot Of olockT's, . Doscher's Second Addition to Portland Sterling Land Co.-rLot It. block 11, Doscher's Beoond Addition to Portland Jones. Silas Lot 4, block 7. Dunn's Addition to East Port land Dryden, Mary E. Lot 4, block 4, East Irvlngton Noble, H. E. Lot 4. block 2, East Portland 8.16 ; TL76 16.75 1.87 66.68 O-.ts- Weir. C. W. Lot 14. block 2, Goodsell. David (undivided i. McDanlel, T. 8. (unllvlded S4L Lots J. K. L. M. N, O. P, Q, . R, 8. East Portland Heights.. Calvary Presbyterian Church Lot 6. block It East View.... Wolfe. Dora Lots 2, t and 10. block 1. Ethel Lynn Addition to Portland Brown, Geo. W. Lot 28, block 8; lots 7 and 8, block 4; Evelyn. Smalley. S. D. Lots S and 7. block 1. Evelyn Park Hanson. Frank. Mrs. Lots 6 and 4. block 2. Fsrrell's Addition.. Walt Aaron All west of Macad am Road, block 3, Fulton . . . . Tobln, A. W. 8outh 65 feet of lots 18 and 14, block 25, Ful- Taylor. Robt A. Lot it block 3. Evelyn Holmes. Horatio R. Lots 11 and 12, block 68, Fulton Park .... Bent, Joseph Lot 18. block 61, Fulton Park Balrd. A. W. Lot 22, block 68. Fulton Park Portland Consolidated Railway Co. North 110 Teet block 106. Fulton Park Neppach. Anthony Lot 6. block I. Fulton Park Pollock. Robt L. Lots 6 and 6, block 6. Germanla Davey. Llllie B Lot 6, block 11, Glencoe Park Baumgarte, Elisabeth Lot 1, block 18, Glenpoe Park Goldsmith. Louis Lot 14, block 16. Goldsmith's Addition to Portland , Scott, J. E. Lots 1 and 1. block 12, Good Morning Addition to East Portland ............... Olsen, Arthur Lots 1. 1 and 1, block 16, Good Morning Addi tion to East Portland Selberg. John R Lots 11 snd 11, block 1. C H. Goaaett Sub. lot . 1. Glenwood Park 17.61 1.00 11.14 16.04 1T.66 QrayJ,. Wan4..jauie jj.-rraoa tlon of lot 1 and ail of lots 8 snd 1: lots 6, 7, 6, 6, snd frac tion of lot 12, also all of lot 13. Gray's Tract j. ... Stuart, C. A. Lots 1. 2 and 1, block 11. Griswold Tract Markle, Clara Beginning at ths N. W. corner of block 106; f thence E. 80.68 feet; thnoe 8. 4 degreea. 11' "minutes W. 44.1 feet; thence N. 81 degreea. 81 mlnutea W. 50.11 feet;, thenos 8. 61 degreea, 26 mln utea W. 44 feet; thence N. 40 degrees, 36 minutes W. 60 feet; thence northeasterly ill feet to place of beginning; block 108, Orovsr's Addition to Portland. Delano, Harvey H. Lot 8, block I, Orovsr's Addition to Port land , Roberta, J. C. and Ida B. Lot T, block 16, Hanson's Second Ad dition to East Portlsnd ....... Roberts, J. C Lots'l, 8, 8, 4, 6, 4, 7 and 8, block 17; lots 1, 1. 8. 4, 6, 6, 7 and 6, block 30; east H lots 1 and 2, block 26; Hansen's Second Addition to - East Portland '. Roberts, Ida E. East H lots I snd 4. block 11, Hanson's Sec ond Addition to East Portland. Kerr, John B. Lot 1. block 1 Hart's Addition to East Port lsnd - Hawthorne Estate. The Lot 1,. block 17; lot 10, block II; lot 6, block II; Hawthorne's First Addition to East Portland...... Boise, Louise H., snd Reck. Csth erins IL Lot f, block 117, 18.58 1.18 17.65 1.60 ' 4.40 164.81 16.08 T.OS 44.16 Hawthorne Park 15.87 Oradon, Nettle O. North H lots 6 snd 6, block 388. Hawthorns Park 18.87 Boise, L. H.. and Beck. C H. West H lota 6 and 6. block 288. Hawthorne Park j.. 15.87 nawm6riisEatatS. Tin went H lota 7 and 8, block lit, Haw thorne Park .................. Moreland. . Harvey L. West H . lota 1 and I. block 2)4, Haw . thorne Park -. . ( , ....... . Kern. "Daniel Soufli -48 -feet- lot" - 2, block 226. Hawthorne Park.- Helple, Baml. (Heirs) Lot 4, . block 6. Helple's Addition to East Portland Lindsay. Merrltt Lot 12. block 17. Highland ,..; Miller, Elmer ' E. Lots 6, 7, 6, 11 snd 12, block 1, Highland Park Scott J. E. Lot 8, block. 1, High land Park Alexander, A. F. Lots 15 and 17, block 4. Highland Park 11.87 62.00 12.66 1.11 1.42 6.18 1.65 15.70 124 Nadir Land Co. Lot 26. block 4. Highland Park Miller, Elmer HL Lots 15, 17, II ana zi, Diock 7; lots 8, 10, 11 and 14. blocker lot 21, block I; Highland Park T.ll Miller, Charles W. and Elmer E. Lots F, O and H. block 10. Highland Park 1.10 Nadir Land Co. Lot 10. block 14; lota 1 and 4. block "D"; lot 1. block- "E": Highland Park.. 5.26 Halght Edna B -East H lots 4 and. 7 fraction of lot 8, block 6, Highland Place .'. . 1 l. Goodman. Maurice Lot 7. block 1. Highland Place 1.60 American Inv. Co, Private Lane 18 feet wide, HU1 View...... , 8.81 Portland Trust Co. of Oregon . Lots .. 2, 3. 4. 6. 6. 7, 8 8. 10. 11, 12, IS, 14. '16, 16. 17, 18, II, 20. 21. 22. 21 and 24, block 1. Hlllton 4.74 Portland Trust Ca of Oregon- North 80 feet of lots 28, 24. 25, 2. 27.8.7287 1 0, imiTll. 14 snd 16. block 1. Hilton 1.20 Lehigh, Wm. J. and M. A. (Heirs) Lots 1. 2, 1. 4, 6, 6, 7, 8, 8. 10, 11. 11, 11. 14. 15. 14. 17, 18, II. 10, 11. 12, 11, 14. 25. . 28. 27. 28, 38, 80, 81.-82 and 88. block 3. Hilton T.40 Portland Troat Ca of Oregon- North 80 feet lots 86, 87. 88. jjf. 40 and 42, block 2. Hilton.. 1.24 Lehigh. Wm. J. and M. A. (Heirs) Lots 26, II, 37. 38, 36. 40, 41 and 43, block 2. Hil ton 1.84 Portland Trust Co. of Oregon North 80 feet of lots 22, 23, 24, -K f ll 10. 11. II. 14.- - 1. l78.'and 40. block 8.'Hllton. S01 Lehigh, Wm. J. snd M. A. (Heirs) Lots 1. 1. 8. 4. 5, 13, IS. . 14. 15, 17. 18. 16. 20, 21. 22, 23. 24. 26. 26, 27. 28. 28. 30 snd 81. 84. 15, .86, 37 and 38, block 6, r -Hilton 6.72 Derby. RTchaTaCPt 7. Muufc 161;- Holladays Addition to- East Portland t..,L 1.64 Oak Park Land Co. East lota 8 snd 4. block 212, Holladays Addition to East Portland .... 22.48 Dunnlway. Willis 8. Lot 14, block 8. Hollsday Para ....... , Title Guarantee 4V Trust Co. Lot 1. block 16. Holladay Park, Rice, R. B. and Mary M. Lot 2, block 15. Holladay park.... ii Wolf, August Lot 4. block 1. Home Addition to East Port land S.1T Coet, J. H. Lots 1. 1. and 10. block 2, Himri Mmo.. imi Calkins, Louis V. Lot 8. block , 1. Hunter's Addition to bssi fnrtland 1 6.81 Hall, A. Lots 15 and 16. block 1. Elisabeth living's Addition .. se.xs Clsyson. Wm. Lot 1.. block 1. Elisabeth living's second a dltlon sl.T6 Miller. C A. Lots 41. 41, 45 snd it. block II. Irvlngton Park..' 2.11 Arata, O. Lots 1, 1. 6 snd 7. Mock 14. Irylngton Park 1.11 Arata, 8. A. Lota 1 ana I, block IT ...l.. I r 1. 13 Donaldson. 8. C Lota 40, 42, 44 and 44, block 8, irvmgton ' Park Fllslnger. Thomas Lots 18. 41. - 48 snd 46. block 60, Irvlngton Psrk 1.40 1.60 Union Trust A Inv. Co. Lots 6 snd 13. block. 8; lots 1 and 2, block 6; Ivanhos ....I ,10.10 TTntnti Trust Inv. Co. Lot 6..' block"" 10. Tvsnhos v ..e.ti 16. Hawthorne Estate and Rehorst, Fred. Estate (Heirs) Undivid ed H lots 16. 17. 18. 13. 20. 21, 22, 22. 24. 26, 24, 27. 28. 2. -80. 81. 33. 88. 84. 85. 86. 37. 88. 3. 40, 41. 43. 43. 44. 46, 44. 47. V 48 snd 48, block 1. Jefferson Street Addition to Portland.'... Hawthorne Estate and Rehorst. Fred, Estate Undivided H lotsJ7, 18. 16. 20. 21. 22. 22, 24. 26, 24, 27, 28. 28. 10. 81. 83. 33, 84, 85 snd 36. block 3. Jeffer son Street Addition to Portland Hughes. C. D. Beginning on the S. sr W. line of Crawford street 200 feet southeaster ly from ths E. 11ns of Salem street; thence southwesterly snd parallel with Salem street 61.76 feet; thence southeasterly and parallel with Crawford street to ths Intersection with ,W. line of Burlington street; ' thence northeaaterly on W. line of Burlington street to the S. line of Crawford street; thence W. to beginning; fraction of block 6, John James Addition. Mclntyrs. Hugh, st al. All of block It. John Jamss Addition to- 8t. Johns ...a.fnnn... Rogera, D. C, snd Burton, L. H. Lot 1, block 17, John James Addition to Bt Johns V- 6.00 1.61 7.66 84.14 -1040 Mclntyre, Hugh, et al. Lots 8 ' and 10, River lots, John James Addition to St. Johns 140.26 Calkin, W. 8. Southwesterly 1-3 of lots 6 and 6, block 31, John awes Beeond Addition to Bt Johna ...-. 1:86 Compton, Sarah Lota 1 snd 1, block It; Kenll worth Selling, Ben (Trustee) Lots I snd 4, lots 11 and 14. block 1; lots 8, snd 10, It. 14. 16 and 16. block 1; lota 16 snd 10, It snd 24. block 2 ; lots 1, 4, 1 and 6, 16, 16. 17. 16, 16, 30 and 11. block 4: lots 7 and 8, 81 and 31, block 6; lots 88 ran 86. , block 7; lots 13. 81, It, 14 snd 14, block 1; lots 7 snd 8, 88, 84. block 6; lots 5, IS snd 11. block lb; Kern Park Warner, John L. Lots 6 snd 16, block 6, Kern Park McOrew, J. C. Lots 1, 1, 4, 1, 6, 10, 11, 13 snd 18, 16, 16, block 11; lots 6, 7. 8. 6 and 10, block 11; lots S snd 4, block 18; lots 3, 8. 4, 6 snd 6, block 14; lots 4 and 8, 7, 8, block 16; lots 4, 5 and 6. block 16; Kern Park Reed, Margaret G.. snd Burr, Catherine O. East 60 feet lot 6, block 18, King's Second Ad dition to Portland Wallace. W. R North 10 feet of the east 10 feet lot 6, block 31. and east 10 feet of lot 10, block. 21. King's Second Addi tion to Portland .............. F. RItzlnger Lot 14, . block I, Klnsel Park Hughes, Melvlna Lots 10 and 11. block 4, Klnsel Psrk Renken, John Lot 22. block 14, Ladd's Addition to. Portland. . . Stems. Genie Lots 11 and , 11, block 2, Laursl Park.... ... 11.47 55.41 1.11 U.ES 15.15 163 t.ll 11.01 till 1.11 I Fimhiv. Louise J. Lota f and .8. block 6, laurel Park ....... v. .i w lir Y ma t.liu.b Drvwn, WW .,. uv. 1; lot 11 block 6. lota 7 and 6. block 6; Laurelwood ......... Oregon Home Missionary Booty. Lota 14 and 16, block 7. XaumvOQ ... . '' i . f ,.TT1 5.1 1 .Jlifl , nvuv. J.. . . , i". 2, Laurel wood Annex. MoArthur, Oeo. W. Lots 8. 6. 10 1 and-lL Hlock 1: lots 1, 2. 8, . snd 4. block 2: Lsurelwood ' No. 1 16.5 Selling, Ben (Trustee) Ixt - I, block 1; lot 24, block 8: lots I. 7 snd 8. block 6; lot I. block 8; Laurelwood Park 8.84 Merchanta' Investment, and Trust - Co. Lots 10, 11. 11, 11 and 14. block 2. Lenta Addition to Port- . ' land 1.74 Berggren, Herman Lot 11, block ' - 18, Lincoln Park - 6.64 Ward. Catherine E. Lot v 10. block 1, Lincoln Park Annex... 1. 61 Shadlnger, Galea O. Lot 4. block 15, -Lincoln Park Annex 11.46 Chancy, Joseph Lot 1, block 23, Lincoln Park Annex s - Hall. Charles Lot 6, block ' 1. . Lin wood, 8.71 Cshalin, J. J. East H of lot 2, block 2.. Madeline ............ '1.01 Jester, Amelia Lot 12, block 6, Maegley Highlands ' 2.20 Manning, 8. A. and Lillian Lot , - 6, block 2. Manning's Addition . to Portlsnd . ' 8.81 Sloop, H. Lot 13, block 2, Mans field Addition ; Sahlstrom, H. O. snd Wife Lot " IT. DIOCK ; 101 10, DtOCK V Maple wood 4.18 Hahn, John, and Closseit Joseph Undivided W lots 11. 11. 18. 14. 15, 16, 17. 18. block 3. Marchmont Addition to East Portland .'. 1.61 Morgan. Mellnda E.. and Stowell. " Alfred W. Undivided . M lots 3 and 4 block B. Martin P, J. Tract ' .....,'.. 1.74 TPS V Benton L. Lots iQ.Ml. 12. 13. 14 snd 16. block 2, Masters' Addition to Portland ......... 4.84 Harris, Esther West 66.14 feet of block 1, Mead's Addition to Portland ......... 7.05 Hunt ' Lenora Gaylord All ex- oept north 100 feet block A. Mead's Addition to Portland... 1.20 Zilly. C K. Lots 1. . 3 snd 4. block 6; lots 7, 8. 8, 10. 11. 11. 13. 14. 15, 16. 17. 18. 1 snd 10, block 6, Meadow Park Ad dition '. ... 1.87 Zilly, C K. Lots 25, 26. 27. "28,, 28. 80, 31 and 33. block 3, Meadow Park Addition No, I 8.43 Roberts, James, and Mason, W, 8. (Heirs) Undivided H lots 1.' ll I. 4t -6, 6, 8,- 10, H, 12,. 13, 14,-. 15, 14, 17 and 13. block 1. Mendon Park 42.10 1.01 1.50 Psrker, W, W., end Lewis. How ell Lot 12, block 1. Midway.. Ramsby, C. E. Lots 1 snd I, block 1, Midway - Annas. ...... TTJT17 WmTXhdmoTTtotrir block-1. Midway Annex....... 1.61 Wilson. .Geo. M. Lot . 15. - block - at. Midway Annex 1.08 Tiffany, Walter H. Lot 8. block 8. Miller's Addition to Ben wood . Smith. Harry Lot 17. block 8. Miller's Addition to Bell wood . Gulor, J. E snd Hest D. H.. and - - - Iverson. Ive-r-Lots 1 snd 4. block 88. Miner's A. L. Addition . to Bt JVins 10.85 Herman, Jno. L.. an Thompson. Edw. L and Powers, Hsrry u. . Blocks D. K. F. O. -M. I snd J. Miner's A. L. Addition to St vim-r w R. Lots 6 and 4. block 1. Miriam 7.48 Ti...n.n nfn.rrU-.Tti- 7 .and . .1 block 1. Miriam 7.18 TMchle. Robert J. Lota 8 and 10, hlnrlc 1, Miriam ....'. .6.58 Wm Lota 11 and 11. Mock 1. Miriam .............. 6.82 vk?ii. James TT and Pauline L. " Lot 1 block 2. Miriam...... ' 12.45 . riM .T-fits S snd 10. block , Miriam Johnson. J. F. Lots 2 snd , hlwh i. Mietletoe McCoy. Oeo. W. Lots 4, 5, 6 and , If 4.02 I . UltKK A. winntiu,, - - i-XTvnrd C. A. HtocK S, M e Freeborauffh. H.. and Phillip. K. J Lot 12. block 6, MontavHla. 1.64 Dennlck. little A. Lot 2,.bl?ck 4. Mount Scott Park Welle, M. J. Lot 5, block 4, Mount Scott Park ... Rathbun. E. Judge Iota 47 and 1.74 1.74 48. block I, Mount TSDor riace Addition to East foniana Kyle. B. F. Lot 1. block 6, Mount Tsbor -Villa Lewis. Leander Lot 2. block 6, Mount Tabor Villa PauL J. 8. Lot 8. block 20, Mount Tabor Villa Scott, J. E. Lot 20, block 15. Mount Tabor Villa Annex McNlcholas, M. Lot 1, block 1. Multnomah Tract Addition. O. R. Lot 1. block 2, Mount, Scott Psrk ... Jncobsen, J. P. Lot 1, block .4, Multnomah Tract i...; Arsta, F. O.- and 8. A. Lot 2, block 4 Multnomah Tract..... Rlggs. Pierce Lot 12, block 7. Multnomah Tract H'lman. A. L, Lot 16. block 6, Multnomah t Steams, Theodora F. Lot 4, block 10, Multnomah Conrad. Anna B. Lot 18, block 31 Multnomah Phelps, Nsoml McD. Lot 22, block 33. Multnomsh Dunlwsy, Ralph R. East 24.26 feet lot 1 block 1, Murphy,.El1sa J., Addition to East Portland.. Keenan, C A. Lots 3 snd 4, block 1, Murphy. Ellsa J Ad dition to East Portland....... Murphyv Ellsa J. (Heirs), snd J. M. South half lot 6. block 6, Murphy, Ellsa J., Addition to East Portland Nash, J. H. Lot 3. block J., Nash's First Addition ...r.... Blair. 8arsh A. Lot 8, block 3, Nash's First Addition J. 11.21 14.12 14.10 7.8! 34.61 S.28 11.88 .Ml Nash. X TT. Lot trblock-vrl 10, 11 and 12, blocx 4; Nash's First Addition ' Commercial Trust Co. Lot 1, Newton ,...r;.. .t Ennert, J J. Lots 11 and 14, block 1, Normandale .......... Nobis, H. E. Lot 1, block 15, . North Albtna , Title Guarantee A Trust Co. Lot 10, block 6; lots 8 snd 10, block 6; North Irvlngton Simon, Oliver Lots 8 and 1, block 10, North Irvlngton..... . Title Guarantee Trust Co. Lot 11. block It; lot 4, block 14; North Irvlngton : Beard, Jno. A. Lot 1, block I. . North Irvlngton . ... ., Harrington, Joseph M. Lot 4, block 1, North Ivanhoe. . Title Guarantee ft Trust ; Co. Sub. of lots I, 1, 7, 8, 8 and 10; lot 6. block 1; lot 17, block I; lot 11, block 14; Thurlow's Subdivision of lot 14; North St Johns - Mason, Mathleu West 10 feet lots 22 snd 24, block 1. North , - Villa v Nichols, Peart Lot 7, block 4, North Villa Pratt Esther A.-Lo& 4 and 7, block 6, North Villa.. y 6 01 1.61 4.46 1.76 111 111 III 1.12 1.Z2 1.14 III 111 1.47 May been, j. v. ixts b, s and 7, ... block 2. Northern Hill Addi tion to Portland 11.64 Title Guarantee Trust Co. Lots 14. 17, 28 snd 28. block v ' It. Northern Hill Addition, to Portland '... 1.74 Enrlght, A. Easterly H . H northerly lot 2. blqok 6, Oak' Park Addition to St. Johns... Oak Park Land Co. Northerly tt and southeasterly H lot 6, block 6. Oak Park Addition to 8t Johna .r. .'..... Oak Park Land Co. Lot I. block J. Oak Park Addition to St' 114 6.(6 1.61 11 r jonns Oak Park Land Co. Lots 6 snd 8. 14 snd 16.. block 8, Oak Park Addition No. 3 to Bt Johns... Oak Park Land Co. Lota 6 and 7. block 7; lot 3, block 10: lot 13, block -12; Oak Park Addi tion No. 8 to St Johns Plenard, Victor, and BoreL'Lu cien Lots 1. 1 and 8. block 1. Orchard Place Beott. J. E. Lots 17 and 18. block 5. Park Addition to Al blna,. ''...;..., Leltsel, C. K. Lot 2, block 4. Parkview .. Wunn,' W. H. Lota 6. X and 1. block 1, Patton M. Tract Bub. C Darrs, Adam East lot 18 and east H lot 10, block 1, Patton M, Tract Sub. C. 1 1 ... . Wygant, Theodore Lots 6 and - M). block 1. Pat ton's M. Tract , Sub. W. Ml : Gravel. Matilda Lots 8 and 10, block 1, Peck's Addition . to East Portland St. John Evangelical Lutheran Church Lot 4, block 1, Penin sula Addition to East Portland Scott J; E. Lots 23, 24 and 26, block II. Peninsula. Addition to East -Portland Scott Susan J. Lota It, 14 and 26,-tJlocK -i tr Peninsula -Addl." tion No. 1 to East Portland... Hobbs, Arthur Lots s, 7, 8 and 6, block 18. Peninsula' Addition No. 2 to East PortlanI ' oi .IS Carlson, H. M. Lots 1..I, . 4, V,- s. snd T, block 28, Peninsula Addition No. 1 to TT p.m..j Bond, Robert H. Lots 6 log' 10, block 16. Piedmont .. 4 . McOraw. Llllie Lot 11, block If. Paradlae finrinn Tr..t Griffen Estate and Maggie Mitch- en uots 6 and 6. block 18. and lota 6 and 7, block 39, Pied mont . Allison, Thomas A. Lot 11. block 1. Plttlnger-s Addition to' Al- . bins .............. Plalnfleld . Land Co. Lots , 10. 11. It mil 11. tilnw s Swanson. Otto Lot 3, block 11," Pleaaant Home Addition to East Portland . Crouch. O. M. Lot 1. block II Pleasant Horns Addition . to . East PnrfUnrt ... Point View R. E. Co.-Lots 1 and ' 1, block 8, Point View.'. Bredaon, Bertha V. Lots 11, 24 snd 25, block 4; Point View.... 8chrlner, J. J. Lots 'it and 14. block 14. Point View Point View R. E." Co. Lota 11, 14, 15. 14 snd fractional lot 17. block 10. Point View Ellla. D. D. Lot 10. block 10. rmin1 view 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Morton, Olef Lota 11. 18 and 10. block 28. Point View... . Day, Sadie B. Lots 1 and .2, block 110. Portlsnd 111.40 Smith. O. M. Lots 1 snd 2. block . 188: lota 7 and 8, block 188; Portlsnd .....111.91. Marlarkey. Ellen Lots 8 and 4,- block 828, Portland .;.;.;.. . African Mt Zlon M. E. East 38 foet of west 76. Jot 5, block F, Portland v'. i.. ...... . Scott, J. E. Lots 6 snd 6, block 18. Portland CltaHoranstead. . Rirger. Rose LotV and I. block itTSTXlntii CHi Homestead ., Jones. Alt R. W-Lot -8. block 66, Portlasd CHjk Homestead. . Patterson. Wm. II. Lot 7, block 81, Portland City Homestesd., Tocum, Emma J. West 1214 feef of the E. 45 feet of the N. 45 feet of the north of lot I, block 6. Portland .Homestead...: Inman. Poiilsen Co. Nerth H-. 8. of R. R. lot-1. block 18. Port land Homestead .... 1 Marlay. J. K. South H 8. of' R. R. lot 1, block 15. Portland T Homestead Aina worth Na JJOt block 18, Portland Homestead.. ,24.61 t 8 Mfwk 1S Portland .Homestead 10.51 Csvanaugh. Andrew Lots 11, 11 snd IS, block 7 .v Portsmouth. . . 1.86 Tost, W. H. East H lot 6 snd lot 6, block 10, Portsmouth.... 7.06 Moore, Mollle Lyman Lots 4 . and 5. block 11. Portsmouth..-. ,1.89 Muhn. Peter Lota 18. 18 and 20, block 14. Portsmouth...... 8.81 - Wakefield. Christina Lota 6 and vr block 26. Portsmouth 2.10 Harold, Aloys Lots 11 and 14,'; block 17, Portsmouth Villa An. ' . nex No. 6.... 1.41- Peterson, Martin Ixit 15. y block H. Portsmouth Villa Extended. 2.04 r Chalmers. James Lot 4. block - N, Portsmouth Villa Extended. 1.01 Conner. A. F. Lot 12. block O, Portsmouth Villa Extended... 1.76 Bralnard. - Sherman H. Lot 2. ! block 1 Prettyman's W. D. Buh 1.21 . -Sar4fleld. . Jamea North 2844 , feet of the N. 15 feet lot 14, , block 6, Proehatel's Sub 1.51 Anderson. Jaa Lot I. fractional lot 4. blnok t. Raffertys Addi tion to East Portlsnd 11.11 Reed. O. F. Lot 6, block 7, Raf- s , ferty's Addition to East" Port- ' land 7.60 Scott. J. E. Lot 11, block 1... Redllchten 1.14 Munly. Elisabeth-Lots I and 4, block 6, Richmond Addition to . East Portland 18.14 - Nsdlr Land Co. Lots 18, 16 snd 20, block 2, Riverside Addition. 4.14 Johnson, Annie Lot 22, block I, Riverside Addition .....1.41 Methodist Eplecopal Church Lot It block 16, Rlvervlew Sub ' division 11.69 Blsch. Philippe (Heirs) Lot 10, block 8. Rosedala Annex...... 1.60 Marlay, P. H. Lot 8. block 11. ,, , Rosedale Annex 1.10 Sahlstrom, H. O. Lots 11 and ll? block I. Roselawn Annex Annex. . . . , Hs'VJVJV 'Snhlsl 1 on, H; block I, Roselawn Annex...... 8.11 Portland Steelshlp Bldg. and General Repair Co. Southwest H lots 7 and I, block 8, St- ' Johns I.lf Hsrtman, Thompson and Powers ' Lot .7, block 1, Bt Johns ' Heights Bub. of 1.41 Hartman, Thompson snd Powers Lot I, block 4, Bt Johns Heights Sub. of..... 1.61 Hartman,-Thompson and Powers Lot 7, block 6, Bt Johna ' Heights Bub of I ll Hsrtman, Thompson and Powers Lot . I. block I, St Johns Heights Bub. of I.lf Hartman, Thompson and Powers Lots 1, 1. 1. 4. I, 6, 7. block T. St Johns heights Bub of... nsrtman, Thompson snd Powers LoP If block I, Bt Johns Heights Bub. sf..'. Ill Stryker, 8. W. Lots 6, 1, I, I, 10, 11. II, 11, 14, 16. 16, 17. . 16, 16, 10. II. II. It, 14, II. 14. 17, If, 16, 10, 11 and 81. block 1, Banta Roaa Park Addition to . East Portland Ill Stryker, S. W. Lots 1, I. I. 4, I, I, 7, 8, A, B, C. DIOCK 4, Bants. , . Roaa Park Addition to East Portlsnd Ml Newell, Leo Lots 6. 10, 11, It, 18. 14, 11. 16. 17, 18. 16, 10, II. ' 22S22, 24. block 12, Bants Rosa Part Addition to East Port land Ill Dunne, Nellie T. Lots I and 4, block 1. Ha rains a 1.4 f Schmssr, Radofrh Undivided H - 1.11 111 -6.08-418 i 1 11 in . . 6.81 4.I4 . ." i . 4 14 m sak 1 14.16 13.21 26.16 -4.H 1.44 16.21 11.71 4.41 1.41 2.88 1.1T .!S 7.81 I.4t T 7 ILL