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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1906)
V V' THE OREGON DAILY y JOURNAL, PORTLAND TUESfiAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 27, 1808. 1 17 Mr. E. Z, Mrk Accommodates a Neighbor ... .. :;v;v-;. t. VOICI OVER 'PHONl Hello, Marks thla I ; your neighbor, Howsori Lott Say, Mark; there) la , . a f el law here ta whom I owi two hundred dollara; I ' hsvent It In tha house and I oant gat It from bank ' to-night Ho damaiala Immadlata paymant . If I . aand him avar will you let him have It? Mn. C. Zv Sural Am glad to 1 r g S. MR. B. Z. (en Mrs. MarWe return) Mary, there la something atranga about thoaa Howaon Lotta. Ha telephoned about an hour ago aaklng ma to loan him two hundred dollara. Ha aent hla - creditor a tough looking mug milUtuHttlM IIMIIMIIHMMIIIiltMMtMtHtMtllMIIMMMMIMMIHM Si PERSONAL. MAR BY Only IsntimM Mtrtainalal pa pa pubuahed: Oc. aaaled; so AS fee; many wealthy. U L. Lot. Atox 1400. Denver, Col BALM OF rial tor all fauna 1 tut Bcbaoat. Phoa But eOSA. MISS BATIfOND gives nui . Mtt atorrleoa et. room 14. it trMtnrata. BEFINBD yoaog lady Jwat arrived from New ior; QUMit. kooc . UMt . DR. SAWYERS' Bqoew Root; iwiitwt for hum. est uoiaaaute it. cent ol. ..A1IH8 OIBSON (In scalp tmtmli ... 2tUH Morrleoa .. nom S3. BBFINBD lady flTM Biwn treatment for rheumatism and all cbronle allmcBta, alao . Bhirnportr in inita at, eomr Xijlor LADT. 41 with Blo bom. vrllhM bhI rood man: otjeei, aaaiTimonf. Aaartae u el, care Jonraal. LADIES: I'M AnMaaptto Ooptdl for aranthlj Imtalarltlaa; aafcat, aonat. aioat eoBTvnltnt; arl locaiir; no aancaroua arara to awauow) lam boi ft .AO. Mr. Carrl Zoobb, Adriaa. 1 ' MlumUi Boi 68. .APIRS: Ir. La rranco' Oampnond; Mf, ,Pdr raUtvi 3S eeota, Aronlat or malli booklet ttf. Dr. La Franco, Philadelphia, Pa. ''CROCK WELL'S PiTCba Maciwrle (tanltnrlnm 'tlf aowlr-complaint truatrd: oar apcclal ' tin atomaea tronbla, dlwaaa of won and -i . i ttia r t,Mt. ' LAOIEfl: Aak roar dracflet for Chlchaatar KDliah Diamond Brand IMTlaj racardad aa beat, aafeat; alwara rallabla; bay of roar druirlat; tak nd olhr. ChlrhMtar' Diamond Brand Pill ar aold br drniclata Tarrwhara, ' Cblchaatar Chan. Co., Phlla. Pa. tKLLS' HOSPITAl, R.palHni and draaala. Boon S. S43i4 Waahlnto at. ATTORNEYS. C. I). PIOOOTT AlfD J. A. MUCH Attnrnra-a-Law. Prartlc la an aonrta, 4 afnlkay bldf., rornrd 8iooad and aforrtooa. ART. TRR! LKSdONS ta ambroldxrr rorr d,rs now atampad ahlrtwalata, mrsat-ora, Im Jacket, bata, Bmhrallee, ate, 'Th ! ftaeo:iacrari snop, ana waaninfroB ai,, va- twaas Wa Park and Tenth ata. TROrmOI R. MAX METER, 148 Aider. Portrait and landarap artlat and taaebar. ASSAYERS. 'flABttN CTAWIDE EITRACTTOW CO.. and Montana Aaear Offlra. 180 Morrlaoe t BLAklCBOOK-MAKERS DOWB, DAVIS A KILBAM. 100-111 sXaed at. Blank book a ananafactured: aenr for Jonee Improred Looae-Leaf ledgera; aeo tha saw Eareka ta , laar. tha beat on the market. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. BUTCHER SUPPLIES a.' Btrkeawald Oe. "04 06 Everett at. largnt batcher auppl btua en tbe ooaat. Write for cataiuaua, : .BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES Adolph A. Dekant. lfll-13 rirat at., ifmrlea a full line and com plete aaeortrnont at low eat market prlcea. CHIROPODISTS. CRIBOPODT and Pedlrorlnf. Mr. M. D. HM1, - Room MO riledaer Bldf. - I'booe Pae. ISO. CAFES. TUB OFFICB S Wa.hlnftPB U Bbona Mala 771. Samoel Vlrnen. ' CARPET CLEANING. '- STANDARD Carpet Cleanlne Co., Iareat plant -oe the cnaat. Lorlna and Hardlnc at., tele phone Eaat SNO. ( arpet cleaowl. refitted, aewed and laid; both ateaat and latent n ariaaad air protean: renovating Battraeaaa , and feather apeclaltf. SANITARY earpet cleaning, eartloa a ad mat nreeeed air combined : carjta cleaned on Soar without removal. Mala As 34. Mela MOO. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. 1. A. MELTON the carpenter, fr4 raaetb at. i , flare ad etOoa werk. byiaTST., tepyngfct. 10. k iMlwHMMIuakC' U I - .'. oblige you. telephoned youT to get tha money. you've beengneoejinavi-wnBV CLAIRVOYANTS' AND PALMIST St. Georee SL Georre i CAJf TAXI. XOUR FTJLti NAME, AUB, OO CDPATION. 10.000 Challenge for BU Eqnal 110.000 ' Command br edacatJoa and la endowed with tha mraterlooa power of the Eaatera aaagi u seal, tae ill, weak, alcl, aroicted) re aee tha paet and fntur of your af - fair cr ratal clear t create a divine Influ ence te overcome ooaeatle, lev or bual Beae fallarea; loakea plala ta yoa all . thing bidden, doabtrnl, . deceptive; that -, perplex or prevent eoceaaa; the only .JToghJ ..mediator of aecrat Jof1unc la America; implant la your III and Being a ' marveloua fore to gala your wlab la mar. Hage, love, mining, money, bnalneaa, win King tnck; remove evil, core drlnkaab It, all weakneaaea which depreaa yoa or ooerc to will, rearorea mat vitauty, anoa - treaenre, mine, mlaalng - ae. paper; r-gypnaa- utru acad-tranc saediam. chic Daimlat. mvetle healer. com Oriental llferaadlng clairvoyant; poettively gaeranteee th beet aeance yon bar ve aaa mmpiy 07 tatiog your nana ana looa log at yoa; telle everything with name m.ot.. ikii .p. vnm jwh rviiauiv. Oldeet, moat experienced la all occult and special work; auggretloB, aucceee vibra tion, awntal telepathy; baatena marrlaga, reetotva met love, renal tae tbe ee pa rated, antwtt rival, enemlea. Open Snnday. UOVt rOPRTH ST., OOR. WASHINGTON ST. Walk right up, corner room. Don't m la take name and plsc. A SPECIAL A3.00 RKAD1NO fOB tl.OS, Read! Read? Read! THIS IS FOR TOtrt READ CAREFUIXI THE FOLLOWING WORDSt Madam BartH 1 T permanently located la bar owa bom. 49 STARK ST. Ihl wonderful worn, ac knowledged br th world to b th greeteat . clairvoyant all, withoot yoa writing a quee tloa or atterlng one word, ehe toll yoa luat what yoa cam for, bow many la yoar fam ily and all about them. Tall aamea, date : and facta. Tell yoa of kera, marriage. - death, huelneee e peculation, iBveatmenta. etc.t locate oil. fa and mineral of all klnda.i fenwve n -lanaeace and toacbe yoa how to control the one yoa lor. Bolt the ee pa rated and can aee (needy and coa- - genial marrlag. No matter whet roar con dition may be. MADAM BAKTH . WILL HKLP YOU. 428 STARK, COR. 1JTH. ALL WORK OTJABANTRKD. FEB WITHIN REACH OF ALL. HOURS 10 A. M. TILL IP, IL ENGLISH AND GERMAN SPOKEN. FOR A FEW DATS ONLT. A. SPECIAL AS READING FOR L ALWAYS CON8ULT THB BBAT, PROF. B. KHIMO. " ' Oreateat living aatral dead -trance clatr Tornnt of tha age; ADVISER ON BUSINESS AND ALL AFFAIRS OF LIFE; whom yoa will marry, bow to control th on yoa lov, ven though mile wy; re alt th aep aratrd: give aecret power to control. I will do all other advertl to do. and a areat deal mora. THB KNT1RR WORLD ItA ni-.r-.v d i a i i ijKtu wiin I n K ruw KK8 OF THB fjNSKEN FORCK8 I UAVB AT MY COMMAND, and I prove it ta ye with out prlc by giving yoa J By having yoar NAME TvM.B'TTrT FTTLL). JtST WHAT TOU CAME FOR. aad give yen advtc abeolutely FKKE befoe rn decide o bin reading. WHO" CAN OR WILL DO MORS TO CONVINCE THE SKEPTIC! DO NOT MIM THIS OPPORTUNITY. AS IT WILL NOT BE OFFERED TO YOU AGAIN. PROF. B. KHIMO. Permanetty Located th Hla Owa Horn. HOl'RS. 10 TO S. DAILY AND SL'NDAT. No. B)S Fifth at., corner Madleoa at. PROFR"OR WALLACB. palmlat. clairvoyant and medium reaninra wifl,. far lor 4 tad o, Th Voamoa, Mnrrtaoa a. CLEANINO AND DYEINQ. Portland Steam Cleaning A Dyeing Work a; pre tlral baiter la eooneciion. mi em. ferine but. :LoTHES cleaned aad. preened pee month. iL'Blque Tailoring Co., Sue Stark at H. W. TTRNBR, prafeaalneal dyar end cleaner. boa Jerreren at. rnon aiaia ann. EDUCATIONAL. ft K ATI NO Private ehral of abating, peclI - claaeea vry ineenay ann rrinay; nrlvat leeaon for Betlnner daily ctrept Snnday under th apeelal direction of Inetroctor . O. Ilutela. Call Bp pbon Mala A140, Eipo ItknV Rink, - MART DA TIE MA01NNIS. teacher af conven tional ana naturaiiatir rnina; water-color beada a apeclalty. Studl S21 B. Sth at., N. WANTEIV-Amateur talent for dramatic ao- ctety; aplandld epportunltle. . vail vn1ng W rifti at. X T I mm mmmm i, .... - Inalat on paymant at thla time of night, but It waa abeolutely neoeaaary that I have tha money. MR. e. Z. I am axoeedlngly glad to be able to eerve my 'neighbor, Mr. Hovvson Lett. Hare laatha two hundred, air. I I 4. MRS. MARK WH ATI Mr. Howaon Lott Hew oould hef You Idiot! dont you know that tha Howaon Lotta are away and their f house haa been ahut up for three dayaf E. 2 T COAL ANDWOOD. Xalepaoa Mala 008. Smithing Oeel aad Uaal tor snip S peclalty. Tha TO RET BROOKES FUEL CO. (Iricorporated.) Kxeluelve agent fat RKMMERER COAL, ' ' COAL. COKE. CHARCOAL, ' la aad Yard Froat aad Kaaraay eta. WMTW(MV W bae eeveral hondred cord f noDat I rtlrnao wood; wlll daltvcr rn enantltlae at m.70 per oor oa waet eiae, eouta el wut- ingtoni eraer eoce. mia WB have 1,000 aord of Id-larb dry alabwood that moat be eold befer January X at $2.20 to SI per load. PORTLAND WOOD O0AL CO Car. 10th and Irving. Pboa AUIa 4TS. THB PORTLAND FUEL C0 Bucceeeora to a R. DAVIS FUEL CO., Pboa Eaat 2d. 2X7 Eaat Morrlsoa at. ALBINA Ft' EL CO. Dealare ta eerrlwood. coal aaa green ana ary aienwooa. bl. h. ana Albln eve., 8 block eeet t ferry. Eaat 674- STBKL BRIDGB- FUEL CO Dealer la coal. orawooa ana ary Binowooa. rooo mmn . 0RBOON FUEL CO. All kind a of eo wood. 134 Alder at. raoaa lie la no. WESTERN FEED FUEL CO. Hon aad blackamlth coal. Paoa Alal 101a. STAR BOXWOOD CO. Pbon Mala Slid (at box, block aad BUbwood. nr. DANCINO. DANCING leaaoB, Sfici daeeee er prtratot walta- Ing, two-atcp, thra-tep, tc. etag dancing. bnck aad wing, clog, reel, aklrt, Spaalah, Highland fllnf. to. Prof. Wal Wllleoa, old at recognlaod tee Cher, Allak bldg, Th: lrd and Morrtaoa Ita. WOODWARD DANCING SCHOOL Claae Moa ' Tburaday and Saturday ere.: ocll, fancy and atep aancing taiigoi: rei arlna tanxbtl private leaona aaliy. ecoad and Morrtaoa. cetera Acadamr halL Padfle 130. PORTLAND Daactag Academy, leading or boot; ballroom tM.oit, correct eociai ana euvaalc deoclng; both aeaea ; young folk. daltoi la atroctloB dally. SOS Alder. TL M. 1WL Prof.. Blaglar, dancing maater. PROF. EATON Dancing ecbooti elaaa far Udlea and genu' Monday ana inunaay evening a, A Hon halL Pbon Eaat 1604. BROWN'S Dancing Academy, Barkhard hall. BnT vi Ban varaaia. raoa aiaia ma. man Taeadaya. ...... DRESSMAKING MT SPECIAL CHRISTMAS OFFER I will make a regular $12 tall for I WK-bevereen thl and th 25th of December, Mm. Bald win. 129 Orand av.. city. TBT An rale Dreeameklng Parlor, SAX. Flftk and ualn. ractric vtu. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. PACIFIC ELECTS 10 CO. Engineer, eoatrae- tor, repairer, elecrrlo wiring, (uppliea, 04 Flrat, cur. Stark. Mala OAS. M. H. Tata, mgr. WESTFRN ELECTRIC WORKS. SI Slltb Bt, tntractor. electric auppiiee, rooiore anq drnarooe: we Inatall llrht and power plant. FURNACES. BOYNTON farm air fumacea aave fuel. I. C Bayer Fnraac Co., 2nd Second. Main en I. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. ponri.AND wirb a iron works mi Flandera at., cor. Third. I'boo Mala SOOO. GASOLINE ENGINES. GAOOI.fNB engine, all alee and atle. at lo erect pnr. atairaua Manaumry va, in-- Morriaon at. HOTELS. THB BELtXTt B, Fonrt and Salmon are. Hoofne mi np: rate nr wees or monthi eat-of-toWB trad eollclted. PeclSo lloS. . HOTEL Portland, ABf1ee plaaiM, IS err day. BELVEDERBl Baropeas alaai 4th sad Aide eta. HARDWARE. rORTliAND nardwae Co. aollett oooorvwnl nlty ta quota price. 74 tilth at. Paclne And. I f , an i ii i i aai i , I INSURANCE. aMMMMeMwwc te,iAri t., inTij. tnaveSAABAari. . IAS. Mel. WOOD, aaployara Uabtllty and In divid ael aecld.ct accnrlty bead f all kin da, Phone 4T. 8rJ McKay bldg. LAND SCRIPr WANTED AND 10 B SALE Land aertp, U kind, lacladlng approved for eat eaeerve tnr urveyed, aneorveyed, timbered and prairie government aad. il. M. UamUtoa, The fort la od. Portland, -Or. i MONEY TO LOAN. MONET .TO LOAN Oa Improved elty protwrty r for ba lid trig purpoaeev. for from S to 10 f vara' time, with rrtvllefe bv repay all or part f loea after wo year. Loan approved from plana and 1 Baoaey advanced balldlng prugre Mrtgage taken op and replaced. rki B. 8TR0NO. nnaacUl Acl at. 13 Murk at. THB STAB LOAN CO. ay salaried employ, war earner, eaa get - aa kla not, without mortgage x ' Month. Vi Mont Week.. Ann 00-Ke pay to a a SAM ee- 3H8 ua.00Repy do aa f 4 OS or- 3 (S or il.oS 00 AU pay to na I 4.00 or 12.00 er l.0u 00NPTDBNT1AL LOANS on Batarlee, lueuramo pollcle. piano, furattor. wereboue re cliU, etc. I an deeervlng peraoa auy aeeor leeare er monthlr liialallmauta. KXW HA LOAN TRI7ST COMPART. Ablngtoa bldg. MONET LOANED TO SALARIED PEOPLE Juet o your owa aame a thr eeurltyt don't borrow antll joa e me; my ytem I the beat for railroad men, elerka, bookkeeper, atreetcar mea and all other, employee; bual Bee atiictly eooHdentiel. t, A. Mawtea. 424 Ablngtoa bldg. . MONET ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLB And other npoa their owa name without ecuntr: eneapeet rate, eaaieat navmenta: 'fflce ta 00 principal cniea; aavl iouraell money by getting our term ant. TOLALAN, 123 Ablngtoa bldg., ludVk Third at. WANTED Note, mortgage er contract aa any kind of real eatate In Oregoa and rVeehtng- : boa; aeoad mortgage parchaeed If well ee eured. U. B, Koule. 112 Commarelal blk. MONET te loaa la am to nit, I end S year, aa low a S par cent, oa Improred dty prop erty. Moultoa Soobcy, tut Columbia bldg., (OS Waablagtoa at. DON'T borrow money aa aelary antll yea aa Hutton Credit Co. . . IS Dekum bldg. . MONBT loaned oa fnrnltnre. plnao aad other Beeurltle. W. A. Hathaway, room 10, Waablagtoa Bldg. Phone Pcoid 1882. WANTED -Application for mortgag Vtit, direct from wnr, from ffiOO to $1,600. for term at year, lew rate, moderate charge. W. S. Ward, Attorney-at Law. AUaky bldg. " MONET be loaa Urge teen aneclaltri a lea panning 1001 jowen rie lire inftBraao. WUUaia O. Beck, SIS railing bldg. wage-raer; MONET ta loaa oa all kind af Becvrtt. William uoii. mom a, naaoingtoa Bldg. QUICK toaaa aa all aecorltlea. - S. W. Elng, B niMUfwa uiu. rww oiw. WILL loaa $1,000 or lee,, real eatate awcarlty, m per ceat. rarrugioa, ivana oiog. TO LOAN Sam to rail aa chattel eciity. R. A. rraaea, Sid the aUroaaaa. A LOAN ta the aaklng Salary er chattel. Ta Loan OOm 4 10 uekum niflg. MACHINERY. B. TRBNKMAN ft CO Mlatni, Benin, loc- ging machinery ; hydraaite pipe, canting; u kind repaired. 104 North Fourth. . THB H. X ALIiKB CO. ecoed-hd a. binary, aawmllla, ate. 24 A Grand av. A. 1. PAUL, lot Flrat at., agin, hollars, aaw- Billl machinery! Wick a' Bra.' flooring gang. MONUMENTS. NXTJ ft XrNOSLET. Set Flrat st. Portlade leading anarol as granite woraa. MUSICAL. THB WEBBER BTTJDIO Maadolln, haata. gnl . tar tnatractloBi Gtbaoa aMBdoUna. 17 A Alder. PIANO, violin. Piano, troaibona, elarlaat. Pi aeeor A. Bmltb, SAA lit. Mala A70S. LBTT'S MUSIC HOUSS. 171 Fonrtk t- Larg eet atoca aueei aaoaio in in city. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. DSJI. ADIT ft RORTRRUP. dlB-lS-lT Dekora bldg., Third -and waeaingua st. raoa Mala S4S. Bramlaatlaa Tree. OPTICIANS. DB. B. I. MTEL Optoraetriet ana aryengnt npeeianav. ' Booaa SS-tt. 121 Wa.alngto Street. PRINTING. THB MODEBN PRINTEBT Artlatl printing. as Kuaeel bldg., a-ouria aaa Merrieon. raoa Pactn teas. BVERTTRING IN PRINTINO From drcnlars to catalogne and nc we pa pare. Matrwpolltaa Printing Co., 17 Front at. OOILBBB BROS., printer Tarda, billhead. at. Phoa Maia isos. iwie ruai at. PLUMBERS. FOX ft CO. eanltary planner Ml Second, bet. Mala aa aai Don. uregoa t-Boaa aaaia auui. DONNERBERO ft BADEatACHER, removed t Na. aoa Barnaiqa at. PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS. r. B. BBACH ft CO. Ta Pioneer Paint 0a window' giaas aaa giaaing. too run at. Phone 1A. PAINTING AND PAPERINO. FOR reliable work, reeaonable price. Shecby Broa.. aMVrTlhfflr Mla-At7eVf'-M;iu r, ,,,, rM rrleno-moeinc RUBBER STAMPS, r. C. STAMP WORKS. S4S Alder r.-TBWr Mala 710; raboer atamre. ecaie. atencue; oag gag, trad check a; -brae lna and plate. REAL ESTATE. ' PARRISB. W ATKINS ft CO.. BJ aetata, Insure nc. rental aaa agaots. XM Alder at. . W. OOII.HEB. reel eett and loan: eatab llahed 1k3. lisVb ""t at., room Ik A. B. RICHARDSON REAL KSTATH ni Bimmaua Pbon Main A nr). R13 Chamber of Coaisierc. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES f vry dcectiptlonl hok, bar and atora aitarea maae to oroer. as Mine Co., I'ortUnd. , ft. H. BIBfiSAIX, deelgner; agent M. Winter Laoinor Co., 1 rianiiJiea oiag. eaei eww. SAFES. PORTLAND SATE CO., aol agenta for Rerrlnd Hall Marvin aafe and Mangancae Steal Safe Co.' benk aefre, Th largeat aaeortmeat ot hlgh-grede flr and hnrglar-prsot afe IB lb nortaweeu ea aaveni DIEROLD na nBra nd l;TTctal flre-praof aafea: lock Oil IB epeneui uiriv, ii.m.r-, i work: lack. J. B. DavL. ee Ad. Mala turea: vaolt and loll 1866. EIGHT second hand lire-proof afe aad two aecond-hand benk safe fur M( cheap, at TO lath at, rortlaad. Or. , FINANCIALBANKS. I aUB TIL TOW, BAaTEim-CXevWhd M-4 t. xisamtB a eaml Bukrag Bwetnee. . 1'oIIeeTtea mad at an .rave -a.. . Lvltee of credit kwaed available la Earep "d att pot ere a ta TJuleed !!', l;, Eacbenge and Telcgraphw Tranefera aold a New York. Waehlngta, Clc.ra. i Omaha, Baa rtaadec a ad Moataa and BrIHeb Colombia kieaaag aeid M LefMOUfl Pmartea ia aw .m . - k . X.A 1 . ..ii U ..anlaatae. - i. . mwwwtl-n, V TBnalltlCI HOOfflWI, I UKODM aaiei, M-5fi55Tr T"A4141"r.rOTlAWB. OBI)0. - W. H0TT. ...... ..Caenler I OBOB0B W. HOT A a BeaerU Banking BulUeea. Draft in rarta oi the World. TBITZn STATES VAT10XAI. BANK OP w Northweet Corn.f Third ... , u - " . v n ihii, Traaaaet a Oeaeral Bankln. -- faltv State M Karoo. Honerkou aad Im. I, , !V ""....,..4. C AlNSWUkTR I " I.EA BARNBSI Aeelitaat Ce abler. B"" ' LUMBERMEN'S BANK Portland. Oragoa. Corner Second aad atarh etreete. Oommavrlal and eavlnra deoeHment. Internet paid a aavlag laaeaata. Draft e4 n n ,J " leaned aealUbl I alt BJrtt af the world. 1Vhi ?' S 2T3r2".LD" Vlce-Preeldeat H . D. STORBT Aaelrtant Ceahle i'i-i-iHIL'ljLv Vlce-Preeldent j PLATT PLATT wccrl Cnwoeel TBI BANK OP CAUTORNIA Eatabltahed tM. Xaad OfKaa, Saa rrenetaee. On 1 1 fori I. .,,V,i, bald ap.,....; H nrm onrt Rnrplne and nndtvlded prodta. l0.nt.4a.SX uaaeral Ranking and Krrhanre Baalneea Tranaacted. Intcreet 6a Time Dennett. -AVI.N0S DRPARTMFVT Accoant may' be opened of AIO aad apware." ' Parllaad Branch Chamber of Commere Bunding. W" MACRAB. Maaatre . T. BPRTCWABH.......Aaatetaa Mawav ' TEST RATIONAL BANK P PORTLAND. Daalgaated Deooatfnvv end Aaatetanr Caahter.. ........ I ...W. C. ALVOBO farttama - a .!... - - wi aveiiiii la r.nrwpf BU in" r-e-v v-r a, viair at SI and Telegraphic Tranafeva aold oa New York. Ronton. Chicago. Bt. Leerhv aJa!a i.m- """ '" and tbe principal polnta la the Northwert "J XlT bl, "' " t'omloa. Parte.. Berll, rrankfort-aa-tae-Mala, "e-kongJfakoham. Copeobagta. ChrietlaBlaJockholmJVternb-rg. MoacewwMckL TRUST COMPANIES. O0"":? TRTfST COMPAVT OF ORFO0N Tk Oldeet Trnet Oemnwry la Orereaw ET-rei. ..TT""- "" acrormta. Time certificate. to 4 per cent: ebort-caii apeciai certificate. rOf) er over. tU tn 4 per cent. Call for Bank f "IW.r'HTRATJONS." , w. . """"eeat Corner Third end n.k mreeta. Pbone Private Riraaag 7t 5 1 eiet'wfJJLU" Preetdent I H. L. PITTOCK Tlce-Preeldeat LEn AOBT Heeretar I J. O. OOLTRA Aaelatanf rWretare SECTTHinr SATTVOS m TRtrST OOMPANT Traneaeta a Oeaeral fli.kln. ..-f.. . wm an aaeinr Accoanf. . Acta a Credit Available la All C F. ATIAMS. A. L. MILLS.. Preeident I Second Tire President I JEO. F. RrSSFI.1,.... T"1- MORTfAOX OTARAlfTII m TRUST Tranurta a Oeneral Ranking Bn!n. Intcreet paid na Time Depeelt. Saeiag Dapartmeat; 4 per cut Intcreet allowed, eempnandrd enarterly. - ' CAPITAL ..t 100.000. oe , W. WATXRBCBT. . Preeident I C. W. MII.LFK .......Tea-Praildeat & I.OOAN HAYS elatant Secretory Flkr Temple. Seventh and Mark Streete. Pkme M.ln IM Open Sarardar Eve re S to a NORTHWESTERN OtARANTFE TRUST C0MPANT Portland. Oragoa. Lamber Ricbange. S R. Corner Second end Strk Ptecet leeeomt Soar). FISCAL AGENT FOR CORPORATIONS. ' tate. naaaty. Municipal and Ooeroratloa mwk Bnnrht aad Sold. New, mrernrie e(ala$ t . i aad Snanced. Stocka nd bonda araaraatoed. t . eTpITLX OUARANTFB .ft TRUST COMPART AHA WABRTNOTOAT STXEXT. B MUBTCAGK LOANS OB Portland Reel , Title Ineared. J THORBTTRR ROSS. SROR0B B. BILL... .Preeident I .Tlce-Preeldet ) BCNDS AND M 0XXIS BROTHERS. Chamber af Oommeree Bld ' ' ' Monlclpal. raltwd and D0WMVH0PXTBt OOaTPAMT Xatobllahad STOCKS, BONDS. ORAIN Bonibt Prlvat Wire. BOOM d CHAMBER "HX J. 0. LXX CO MP ANT Oemmen wealth Brokerag Dconrtmeol Be ft Before Buying ot Selling Stock 0UH I.' WTLDB H0MX TELEPHONE BONDS BAJTK STOCKS.. -Member Portland Stock Exchange. Corner Slrtb and Waablagtoa Street. Portland. Oregoa. Ovcrbeck. Starr & Cooke Co. 4ot W KAr, PROTISIONS. COTTON. STOCKS AND BONDS, WB DO A STRICTLY 00MMIBBI0M BUSINESS, CaatjDaoa Market by Prlvat Win. Quick Servte. REFERENCES Ladd ft TUtoa. BaaAV aad VJalted State Na Penal Baa ef Portia ad. ROOFING. TIN ROOFINO, guttering, repairing and geneml - jobbing.' J. Loell, 112 Jcffereon at.r P 1424. SEWINO MACHINES. PHONX PicTfte Xia and f e-.-aonhthy will call sod repair yoar ecwlng-lnacblm.; work guaranteed. B. aama, aujneier, e w. STREET PA VINO. ' WARRBN ConetrnctloB Co.. etreet paving, aide. walka nd croaalng. II MiaiBer sicaanga, THE Barber Aaphalt Paving C ef Portland. orric ana vorceater bis. SIGN PAINTERS. FOSTER ft KLEISER SIGNS. . Wa hav hollt np the largeet alga baalneea IB th city oy nret-ciaae wor ana seeping oar prornle. Our prlre are right. Fifth aad Ererett ts. Phoa Ex. OA. . W. P. BERQER ft SON, 84 TamhlU t- Sign of all kind. Pbon Pacta xou. "PIONS THAT ATTRACT' A. H. Bus! Oa, 7 Stark at. Phone Pacific lSBS. TYPEWRITERS. UKAlxjUAKTKRA for new and raballt type- wtitera ot all matee; ee oor winnow; ir yoa are going to boy a new typewriter eee Be be . for haying; we can eave yoa moejevi w bare ran for repairing all machine; tat gent for the Vlalhl roi; we bay all klada t typewriter. - 'lypewrner vxcnaag. inCn . aiiiaoa, manager, a tnira WE aell Remhigtoo. Smlth-Premlars, niorce, etc., luwer tnan any leer Co tnreetlgaie. TJBderwood Typewriter O., TYPEWRITER repair and (apply Co., 480 waaniugtoa at. rnon jaain n9. BMCKENSDERFER typewriter. $4ft and AM; aappll, repairing. aoa i ft Roe. 3BlVk Stark. TRANSFER AND HAULINO. THE BAOOAOB ft OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO., cor. Sixth and oak ata. I Beggag checked from hotel er reeldenr direct to deatlnatloe; peenger therefore avoid rnah and aaaoy anc at depot. Prlvat exchang eg. SAFES ' plenoe end fnrnltor Bwved, packed ready for aBippmg ana anipsea; ail work goaranteed; large, S-atory brick, fir-proof warehouae tor atorage. Office AOS Oak L Olaea ft Hoe. Phuo Mala A47. 0. O. PICK, office AS Flrat at., between Stark and uaa era,, pnon owe;' no rurniiar moved and parked for elilpplng; eonmedloaa brick warehooae with aeparate Iroa rooaia, Front and CUy ate. CUT rate oa hnaarnold good to all point aBt; W maa up crjoeiie; epeciai room for trunk whll waiting. Oregon Auto-Dee patch, IS Flrat at. Pbon Mala 718. ........ ,.rv VAM CCI nMM 111 VIM, a A p9Cllll4rI w er Bul,rBlulTw wur wor NATIONAL TRANSFER ftSTORA0X CO. Z7t UK at. leiepuupe seen evou, - areneirr ring nd torlrg. . OBEOON TRANSFER CO., IM North Blith. Phoa Main eu. uevy naming ana atorage. INDEPENDENT RAOOAOB ft TRANSFER CO. Storage. A24 Stark at. Main U7. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY, No. SUOu Waaa- WHOLESALE JOBBERS. THE BKEYMAN LEATHER CO., Jobber of eeaoiery, oaraware, oorec guone, trainer, nno Inga and aoo ator (upplle. Fifth end Oak. M. A. OI-"NST A CO DlBJItim, i'ikk ur rin t iuiaa. PORTLAND. 0RRUON. . SHERK. GAZE ft tIRAIIAM (lad commleeton rncrchanta, jobera of rruita, protince, etc-i eonaUumcnte. aollrlted. 1M Front at. r , i a.- . I, EVKRDINfl ft-FARBELU prodoc aad com- mlaaloa Berchanta. 140 Frout at. I'oruaad, Or Pbon Mala IT. OREflON Farnltur Mannfacfnrlng Conpany Manurartarera of . furniture lor th trace. Portland, Oregoa. WADHAMS ft CO.. wbolewle grocera, mann- facturera and oaiaiieeioB mercaeni. eoaria nd Oak ata. Fl'RNITVBR mannfa.anirlng and epeel! erdcre. L. Ruveneky nirounr. rectory, aui vroni at. ALLEN ft LEWIS, rommlealnn and produce mer chant. Front and uavie eia., i-eriiana. vv. WROI.RSAI.R ernckery and glaeawara.- PraeL . Urkl ft C 100 to iu rum. cor. star av, ta !. "ytSrerW AeataUat Caaaet Bad Letter of Credit loaned Avalmbl Collection a anocmiir POATLAND. 0XX00V. and Oak Street. . I, i un .11 . . rjaaiTa laarjEn deatlabia ta An Ilea at Manila. Colleatloaa Mad mm revrM ' CeahW. W. SCO air a ,...W. A. BOWS Aaalataat Caahl-r .A- M. WBIOBT 0RK00B. Financial Aynt of the PnfteS State. J. w. Nrw ' ... r, btevens i. aeaier, , .... , Soeoad Aaautam) aable. a m at. . -- -- nmma tdd Morriae StreeV ortlaad. Or. e , nranruritT Inteeeot allc Trartee for Fetete. Prart aad Latter part f tbe. World. f.a I.FW1K. ...... ...rirt Flea-preeide B. 0. Jt'BITS ....BecreUry .... Aaeletaot Secretory . COMPART BANK. Eatate at Loweet Rate. Ahtrct Farniebed. JNO. . AITCRISON. T. T. BHRKHABT... . ,Trvirwf INVESTMENTS. public eervlce corporetlo boeda. IMS BB0KTXS. nd Sold for Caah aad aa Margta. of COMMERCB. - Fbaa Mat At Bldg,, Sixth and Ankeny ata., PartlaaaV Oragoa. rA. w. Dob bo. Manager. ' Bond. Cau Alway Bav Te Money. ' TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, arwek, aeaa. St per month. Portland Lenadry and Towel nnply Co.. Ninth and Coach. Pbon 410. TELEPHONF.S. THE nly eiclnalv telephone-ho ee. B.-B. aiectnc a xeiepaaa eia aula cturlng mo pany. SS Fifth t. WINES AND LIQUORS. COLUMBUS, Cellfornl win depot) ell kmd f wine. Ae glaaa. Cooke aad Cooke' Help ore Ueedioartara. 148 r earth at. paoa pa ri He lias. p. LoratL I WINDOW SHADES. OALH WINDOW 8HADB CO., SOT Balraoa St.. tlals and raaey ahade anad to anlar at weet price. Phone Mala OATS. !HH9 CONSTABLE WAGNER FACES SUIT FOR DAMAGES Chiropodist Objects to Having His Officw fixtures , Attaohed. " 'Whether a chiropodlnt's off lea flR- turea and clothing are exempt from exe cution for Indebtedness Is 4" question that will be determined by Judge Cle land In the atate circuit court when he rendera a decision In the suit of O, O. Fletcher agatnat Conatabla Lou Wag ner, which Is being tried before Mm Oils morning. Fletcffer Is. the chiropodist He asks $500 damagea from Wagner for an al leged wrongful attachment of ft chair, stooL ateel forcepe and other office fix tures valuably only te a chiropodist, and trousere and wearing apparel valuable to any one. The total value of the arttclee attached la aald to be 191. The debt oa which they were attached was 162. Fletcher allegea also that tha Imple ments by which he followed hla pro feoelon ' were worth 2t a day to him. and aeeka to recover $7S from Wagner on thle account, the goods having beea Withheld three daye. i Wagner alleges that Fletcher did not aim hla-eemptloet w hen the attach-. ment waa made, and that for that rea son the attachment waa lawful. Attor ney John A. Jeffrey appears for Fletch er. ' Claude Straharl, appeara aa at torney for the constable. Additional testimony la being heard this after noon. - COURT HOLDS UP HOPS - SAID TO BE MORTGAGED ' (Special trier itch te Th Journal ) Bnlem. Nov. 37. L. H. MeMahan, a local attorney, bae begun suit In de partment No.' S of the Marlon county circuit court to rcetratn Krcba Brothers, the well-known hop men, from removing 10,000 -pounds of hops from the store room' of the Kun, Illng company, located near this city. v Tha plaintiff clnlme this crop la cov ered by a chattel mortgage to secure a n,ote to him of ,420.80. County Judge soon iseuea an injunction oraer, wnicn was served. Mr. MoMahan appears as his own attorney In the oaae. Caae la Dismissed. L. T. Pierce, a builder and Jobber at An East Oak etreet., was before Judge Cameron this- morning on a charge of using profane and abusive language to Marls Arnold, a schoolteacher. V. Vin cent Jonee. a representative of the Or, gonlan Publishing company, swore to the complaint', but the matter waa adjusted amicably and the case Atomlsee TOO lUCII TllillFT -AILED CAUUTT WashlngtonStatapil Inspector Removed From Office Underi : Such Charge, REPORT OF INSPECTION AGREED WITH RECEIPTS But State's Money fot " Expanses Went Too Fast, It Is AUeged . Charged State for , luting at Hie ; Own Table. It Is SakL (Special Dtapetca, ta Th Joa real.) Tacoma, Nor. 17. State Oil Inapaotor J. I Canutt waa removed from off Ice last night br Governor and F. A. Clark, deputy undar Caautt, waa appointed to fill the poaltion. In a statement mad In explanation of tha removal, Governor Mead sayo he Is aatlafled Canutt h OHfn,JatmUfe af iBnlaaawdMot. And iinlatlt fulnaaa to the dutlea ef his office. The dlaralasaJ of Canutt la made In ao- ' cordance with the report of a apodal eommltte appointed to lnvatlata his ofltoe record. In Ita report the com mittee, of which J. H. Davie of thla city la chairman, finds that while the record of oil Inspected and the amount ' of money received from eucb Inspection la . correct, that a "xrcat many email, er- rore eAlot" ..... . .j CharwdtJoartiniUe t Xoma - Canutt. aeoordlngr to the commute. haa been charitlnx the state for board. lodxlnx and atreet car fare while la the city of Seattle, which la hie home. It also find Canutt haa char god the atate at varlou dates for room and board at Colfax, but on reference to tbe oil In-" apectlon record 'cannot find that any oil haa been inspected there. BEAT SALEM LANDLORD IN JAIL AT SEATTLE (Special Dlepatch to Th Joarnal.l Salem. Nor. 27. Sheriff Culver ha been notified that C. E. Farnum. who boat Landlord J. Connor of the Willam ette hotel on a board bill, is at Seattle, In Jail for amuajKlln;. Last September Patnum euddenly disappeared, leaving; a 1140 board bill at the Willamette. In February he waa located at San Ber "r11ni. frl Ai r-ff'"" h- " Ihere for him learned that Farnum waa servlnx six months for obtaining monay under false pretenses. ' It was the In tention to go after Farnum when hie term expired but Governor Chamber lain Interfered on tbe grounde that tte man wae supporting hie poor mother and that influential citlaena had inter ceded in hla behalf. Whether the man will be brought here for trial has net yet been decided. Beside the Willamette hotel. Far- . num worked aeveral of Salerno promi nent citlaena. BIDS FOR FUEL FOR STATE INSTITUTIONS .A fAWlal Durnatea to Th JoaroaLV Salem. Nov. 11. The board of true tees (or the atate bnildlnge received blda jreeterda for wood for the coming Fear. No blda were preeented for the wood supply of the state bouse, the blind school or the deaf and mute school. All the bids for first growth flr for the a sy' una were accepted at 13.60. f3.f0 and 13.75. For the reform nrhnnl sll nM II ens unirr Trtr-r en cepted. At the aaylum 13.(0 and under' waa-bald -for flrat . growth flr. , No awards Were made on lh supply for tbe penitentiary. The second growth nr Bids tor tae . aivlum war not awarded but ware aub- j roltted te the auperintendent for Inapec- tlon end Instructions to give preference -to bidders who complied with the ad vertisement aaklng for blda. STATUS OF RAILWAY TRAVEL AT TACOMA (Special Dlepatch te Th Journal. ) Tacoma. Nov, 37. The Northern Pa clflo railroad la new getting Ita trains acroaa the mountalne to Ellensburg, and the trains to Portland are leaving and departing almoat on time. The later urban electric road la putting tralna through to Seattle but the service le not regular. The electric power-plant at Electron, the flume and . tranamtaelon lines of which were washed away tn eeveral places, haa beea repaired, and Taeoma haa a reguler atreetcar aenrlee for tbe first time since the flood. la tha amount of damage done In the tie up -of the rallroada and the high notob reached by the waters the flood ea reeded anything remembered here . by the oldeet ploneera. MAY SURVIVE AWFUL , 7 INJURIES TO SKULL (Special Dlepatch to Th XoornaL) Baker City. Nov. 37. Claud Love, a young rancher living IS mllee north of Baker City, was kicked by a pet horee and may die as the result of the injuries received. He struck ' the animal across the flanks with a switch and received a blow In the face which maahed his skull, broke , his nose and knocked out eeveral teeth.. Ua waa brought to this city and taken to BlElUabeth a (,ltal HIS skuir6ver the right eye waa found to be badly splintered and aeveral equare Inches was removed by eurgeona.. There Ia . eome hope that thla prompt sufgicpi attention may. gave hla Nre. HOTEL NIGHT CLERK ' STEALS TWENTY-FIVE (Special Dtapatrfe to Th Journal.) ' Baker City, Or., Nov. 37. am White, night clerk at the Sagamore hotel, haa abeoonded with $31 cnh and jewdry belonging to a vaudeville troupe. . The Boiee police captured White upon rev celvlng a message, lie will be returned to Baker City, Mot Quite Unspeakable, .'- ' From the Ban FrsruJaco Chrorilct.' .. Francis J, Ileney and Abe Kucf are exchanging many pleasantries lhe daye, and m moat of their retorts there is more comedy than tragedy. At a mass mealing aT municipal employee) held th oUier evening at the Novlty theatre the curly beaded boa. In ons' of bis most vitriolic diatribes ngalnet the assiatant prosecuting attorney, referred to him ae 'the aneiMaskable Meeay," When Heney appeared at hie office) Fonday morning one ef the reporter present told him of th latest epithet Kuef had Applied te him, tleney smiled and rernArkod: . , . "Ntvertheless, Mr. Rue is going l. bear me spwak a good many tanaas be fore I get through with hire" I