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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1906)
19 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, NrVEMBER 27. 1803. -NEW TODAY. Set US at Ones W, hai m hm iitm .$ people irlntunK to buy home,; also a number no wane rurtiinnoa rooms ror Bouse keeplng. Cora In and sea ua. Good trnatmunt accorded you, HUOBBEK4BTAVT 0O Tlo Chamber ot Commerce Bldg. Jack King Tho hot-air merchant, cure HHEOMA TISM. Never falls. No con no Mr. Tho only oomplet hot-air plant on too coast ( r - xxBraB urn, - ImiU and WasnUno Sta. 10-Acre Tract ... .. . .... . Fronting on tho Tualatin rlvsr, (rood : ebon Una and fishing-. 1 mils from ratl- . road town. 10 miles from Portland I .so oo per acre Tor a raw days; tertnn. ZirrzSTICBir CO., 114 Htnrk St. .WEATHER REPORT. The aortli Paclflo high ' : Dl are area hitHWl In maxnltude aud intensity.' It oeca- dea alumit tbe entln western half (. tbe i aland front Brit lab Columbia enutheaetward to tlx. salt states. Tk barometer Is relatively low over southern California, and It 1 falling rap fur a Ion the ores-on ana Wsnblnatan eoaet. The upper Mlnbauppl valley storm ha, moved rapidly eaatward and It l now central off the -New England coaat . Light rata la reported tn extreme soothers California, and light rain, hare occurred la the Ohio Taller, lower lake region, end tke Raw England etates. lieavy now haa fallen la npner Michigan, aad llfbt anew baa fallen la lalnneaota aad the eaatera Dorr Ion or tee liatotaa. The indications are for warmer weatber tn this district tonight aad Wedneadar. with In creasing rlondlneea, which will probably be ew 4 p.-.,!.,....-. fc rale tm sresterB 4x.n - and western Wesulngton. Obserrstions taken at a. a.. Pacific time: -Tl Mai. Baker City. Oregon. ....... 82 Hoeton. MaeHebaattta. ..... 62. ; Chicago, Illlnol, 64 : Denver, Colorado. ...... 40 Ixis Angeles, California.... 4 Xaasae City, Missouri...... 48 - New Orleans. Louisiana.... S2 New York, New York...... 64 Portland. Orecoa. ........... 8 Roeeburg, Oregon.. ........ M St Louis, Missouri M Halt Lake. Utah 40 tea rraariaco, California.. 66 Mta-Preelr. 44 - .01 e-.. . x. .-. ao - 43 .10 . 82 , ... 0 4 .0 40 M , 84 . 82 S4 20 48 . 0 .0 .0 ripokaaav Washington....... 3a 18 9'eeoma. Washington 42 ' 80 34 44 WslU Walla, Washington 80 04 waanmirron, v. u MARRIAGE LICENSES. Martin L. Mathers, 84; Josephine B. Wright 18. William" 0. Bailee, 274 Bolladay arenae. M; .Carrie -Batter, as. John T. Hears. 211 HaWey street 30; Boat If. liayne. 18. Mlcbael Hunt. SU Bartae street, 28; Mary Brenaaa. 86. - Weddtnc Card. ., W. O. mltb oe., Warh- K1.1., . mm VMirth .nil Waahlnaton ate. 1 Wed dine - and calling cards engraved printed. E. T. Bnabtoa. 823 Va Washington at. TONSETB A CO., KI.OltlHTS. OR fLOWKBd ,01f ALL KINDS. 1M SIXTH ST. mil dress salts for rent, all atase. tjalqat Tailoring to., atw rtsra st. BIRTHS. LATORTA November 14." to Mr. and Moils LsiMirts. 700 Bismarck, a girl. Mrs. DEATHS, DOI.'ULAM November 23. Mary A. Douglass, 71 vesn. 1M Henrroft. diabetes. BT Af FORI V November 34. AUce Stafford, 77 years, Pattoa borne, acnlllty. -OttTONT-NiH euitiet Wti-Orla 4!. fh-toav-31 years. Ht. Vmccst's borptisl, tyHiold meningitis. CAUMNU November 24. ions M. Dsrllng. 48 ye. re. 1301 East Tenth, north, gastric hew orrnsge. fM )TT November 23, Jasies 0. Scott, 54 year. t. Johns, typhoid fever. -jLUt-UH ViiinsiaM 81, laa-lt C. Mrarti 80 dyi, H." llannick, congestloa of brain. UNDERTAKERS. Floral deatgne aad eat Bowers can be pro cared from BS st any boar of algbt er day. I'boae hlalo 1043. lloffuiaa Una.. 78 ulisau. - Dunning. MeEntee dt Ollbeugb. amlertaker, and embalmera: mndera In every detail, seventh aad Plus. Main 43U. Lad assists nC . A. R nemetock .? sndeftskcr and embslmrr. Bast Thlrtevtith aud LmatlUa see, I 'bone SeU- TL i Ertchsoa I'nderUklng Co.. and embalming, eta) Alder at. Pboue Mala 8138. Lady assistant. I. P. tialey Soea. Third and Madia Otoet of eoaaty corooer. Pbone Mala 8. ata. Claris Bras., riortsts Fine Sow era asd oral designs. BOS Morrison St. Bderard Belmaa. tmdertaaer, tap Third at. BITCB TTXW CEMTIEBT. , , Rmgls graves. $10. Family Iota. 8108 te 11,000. The oaly cemetery la Portlsad which per- CtaaUy mslntolns and cares br lota. Far fall fsrmstloa apply to W. B. Mackenale. Wor taseter block, city. W. U. Lsdd. preeldeBt. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. : PI ail a ka Boms Serartty A Invaatmeat - eomaaay, feu 1 snd 2. Meek 01; let 7. block 60. Faltoa Park i.$ . Central Trust A Investment company to .' Home Security A Investment company, ' lot l, block 3. Central addition ta East ' Portlsad Willis m F. A mot to LUllaa C. Amca, VI ' . $. Week 8, Adams' sddltloa to St. - Jnbas .....,... . C. W. Kllppel aad wife to . D. Murrl,. . tracts 4, 7 aad 8, Kllppel Aero Tncts, Oeorge W. Brow a to Clarence B. Oloi . stead, feU II aad 14, block , Uorel- wood , staae O. Bucbmaa et al. ta Isaiah Buck ) man. blocks I, 2, 8. 4. 0, 8, 7, s, a. . 10. 11 aad 13. Lydla Bsckmaa't addt- - tloa Leroy B. Smith to L. M. Campbell. 1 . . acre of D. S. Soatauayd'a donation ' , land claim la aectloa 8, towatblp 1 ' north, raare 1 east yr. N. and Kboda Culicots to Burt W. too too JUyaard-l aua lieglnnlng a-. la south Una of Cavsline Isnd. l.OMI (set south (uiessoring os west line ef "section 10, township 1 south, range 3 , esstl and 810 feet esst (measuring oa south litis ot Berth v ret corner of said i section 1 Bart W. and Chi Ire liar ward to W. H. Cbilcote,.! acre comtnetvntig at rrtb- west earner ef eeetloa 18. township 1 ' aoatb. ranre 8 esst Cenrge and Katie Schlottbsnser to Dun- - cad Stswsrt. lot T. block 1. Sarstoss 123 . t-enlsa A. Stoat te B. J. De Peonte, M, 10 end 11, block 44. Sonnyslde Third : ' addltlen w Security Sarin re A Trust company to Robert W. Lewie, lot 1 and a. block 4b, Coach's sddltlon.. '...;.. Tbomss and tllnnle Dsrllng to Eva J. Wlgle.' eeet JU 1-8 feet of lot block 8, Logaa'e addlikm fcestsra Investment company, Ltd.. to tlregon Annex maipaay, lot la, block W. tulelgh's addltloa Frank II. and D F. Sherman to t. W. . Tagrart. lots 81, 84 and 30. block 2. v Smltbsna Land coauptBy's addition to "' Esst portlsnd iv i".-irnmm ueaana Gued tn Lodiaa A. Mdlreger, fet . T, bferk 1, fiend e addltloa It. W. aad M. Maanlng lo K.-ff. Jtrksos. 10 ' 1.800 TOO tut a. bfeck AS. Couch'a sddltlon 13,800 Prank P. Psker et el. to Ssrsh Frances . Rwdere. lot 8 end east 6 feet ot hit 10, block 8, Wlleno'a addltloa to city.. Con 0. and Arthor P. Jobneoa lo Clara B. and Frank E. King, lot 13, block , Lincoln Park annex Title Onarantee A Trost com pan, to Oeorge F. West, fete IT aad IK block a, b-'Utb St. Johns I Bcttreh. A tnerlcsa. Investment compear to ' Trier Woodward. 104 acres, part ttt ! potier a rfenaOos bad claim, eeetloa 10, towsablp 1 aorlu. range 1 Har'nee' Vo" 'rbe'r'lie' 'Tbonipson, fete 1 tad . bferk 100, Holladay sd.ll. 4.2SO 8.000 00 W. B. Smith ard wife to M. . Peters, lute k. 4 end A. hl.s k 2 Esst View Belree C, HenrM tnd wife la nhB Me Kernes snd wife, bit 8. BsncS 11. U Iberae FMrst sddllfea . ,000 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Onat Beeablld end wife e Oeerfe W. iteneloa J.. 1.100 rirland coatpaay to Jneepbtne U Joaea, rote- and HO, bleak a. JTlrlaa. . . . . I w..M .. . n. .. . ... Pblllld Kanalaer. lot 12. block a. Vernon . Kt 0. W. Taylor and wife te r. W. Hacker and wire, feu 81 and 83, la Taylor'a eubdlvlaloa uf tectloa B. tewnalilp 1. aoatb. ranre f eet 1.000 klary U. Oilman at al. te Richard J Tank, btte l. a aad 8, Mock H Bare-, lock a.Wittoa , Mercbaata' Inveetmeet A Traet eompany te Uourtre H. Krlal. kite aad T, block 34, Council Cteet Park 'JS Thumaa Kelly and wife to frank H. Kelly, lot 14, block 7, Proebatel a eab dlTlaloa addltloa te Alblee... ......... FlrUad company to 'Walter B. Bany. lot 4. block la. rirland... Oeorte L. Hmltb aad Neleoa Dodra e Warren T. Brolth and wife, tot 13, -bVirk 1, Wyncoek Villa.;.... Security Sarlnsa Truet eempaay to Adah M. Connell. weat V, of tut 10, block T. Joha Irrlaa't Vim addltloa te Raal Portland Arleta Land company to l A. Kearney, lot 8. block 8, Arh'te Park ho. Lena Bobertaoa U Jullua Stark, lot 188, Arleta Park tred Mdlure and wife to.fc. T-Jf: man. Iota 8 and 8. block .14, Blablaad B. . (wferd a'nd'wlfe'to ilark'aret O. gtowell. lot , block 3. WUItama A,e aoe addltloa German Hailun A Lota eoclety te AUce M. Balrd. parcel of land, southeast of eoutliesat Vi ef sectloo 30, and nortbeaat of aortbeeat ef aeetloo S. towaablp 1 aoatb, raace 1 east.... 1,800 800 w 800 478 100 3,000 1000 10 For abstracts aana ml,ME title Ineuraaee er aMrtgage 'aclfls TU1 Trost- eoatpaay. 54-S 4-1 FaUlnf t bulTJifi. " Out roar fntarance and abstracts te teal state from the Title Guarantee Trnet eon. aanr. 340 wsshtnetna ttreei. eorner iiuu. NOTICE. i in THm nmiT enurt of klultnomab esaary. state of Oregon la tne matter et ine eeisie af lara J.- MeQutld. deceased. Notice Is hereby glrea that the aaderalgncd haa been appointed administrator of the eatato of the above named Laura 1. McQnald by tUa connty Mart of iinltnomah enuntv and baa onallfled. All aseeoaa basing 0aUaa tralnst said estftt are hereby required to preaent the same to aie at my resiaence, no. f Mat jniro si., aorta. Portland, Oregon, duly verified, wlthla all BMntbs from the dete liereorj Pated this 80th day of October, 100s. J. i. McQUAID. AdmlnUtrtror HEWTON McCOY, Attorney. - - - WANTED Tba name and address of the per. aims who saw the streetcar comae wita ias mall wsgoB at Sixth and Morrison its. Sep tember 30. when the driver wsa hart. Ad dress to J. A. .Job aeon. 443 Lee are., city. 3100 WILL be nald to anrone sending the ad ore. a of Mrs. maou m. aiucneu, ususoier m l. and Matilda wsrnoa, to I. B. vitt, aa mlnlatretor of H. J. VHt, of Boles, Idaho. . THE sew city Directory la bow ready; copies rsa be seenrra at tne ernce. oau marsjnam bldg.. If seeded, before .regular delivery is made. BKATEBS repaired eei abort notice at Alr-Tlghl Stove Co., 871 lint. Pbnae Paoirie lux. EXCATATlNrt aad grading. C. B. Pottage. nb commercial sr. rnone aiast oiw. MEETING NOTICES. WASHINOTO CHAPTER. NO. 1. K. A. M. Kpeolal ennvorstlnn Tnes day evening. November 37. 1800. nt 7 .-0 o'clock. Masonic hall, Hurk. bam bldg. P. M. and M. E. Al. degrees. Tl.ltors welcome. ' V By order K. H. P. E. B. hHAKON, Secretary. BOMBTBINO doing tonight at Oeorge WaahlnstoB ramp. Bet' ter ocme. Visiting neighbors - welcome, Weadmsa hall, Tsalh " end Washington att rr Eleetloa ef officers tonight. -H. S. AARON, C. C. 7 U. A. FHEDRICU. Clark. GRAND niesqneraile ball. Thanksgiving eve., WiwinesiMv. November 88. at East Side Wood men bail. East Mlitb snd Alder; 13 elegsnt prises will be awarded. fox's eechestra. rrlcee, 20 and 60 cents. ' j N M. W. A. EVERORBBJt Cmp. 8.4v, meets . Wednesdsy evealng. AUsky bldg., Thlid aad Mia-nsoa ata. PORTLAND ORCHESTRA hlusle for all oe ea atone; reasonable. Mala 48 Loeratla. M. W. A.. Oregon Grape Camp. No'. 8.Tf. "MOBS SSVS. I7tS ana siannaii; viaiwjes weicowea. LOST AND FOUND. FOtTND A place to have hatrmattressea rone vsted snd retnrned seme day. 228 Front at. Mala 474. Portlsad Curled-Heir Factory. U. Ustsger, propria Uic. FOUND "A small lanm-h.'' launch Evn. foot Stark st. Sea 0. Aa FIRST-tXARS 8-cbelr barber shop, bergs Is; s booting gallery, good lorstus. cheap; mutt - sell. L. C. Bell. 4U0 Everett. FOI ND Corker spaniel bHch. ' owner can have same by paying for this advertisement. Pboot Pacltlc ltuo. LOST Scotch collie pup. sable and white, white ttrl-e la face. ' white feet and white tip oa tall, about 4, matiiba old, nwarU. Iteary Berger, 804 Wbeeier. FOC NO Monday, tn the febby of the post office, a ring containing 4 keys. Owner may get tne tame at the Jonrnal office by proving ' aud paying oust of advertlslug. FOUND A Homing plgeua. bearing tags with following nrcriplion, 01. O. H. C 00 and 11. . M. Owner call or wrl'e B. D Harms, Aurora, Oregoe, B. R- No. 1. HELP WANTED MALE. ' WANTED AT ONCE Son eoond young mea, age 18 to 3S. for flremca and bra f mea ea leading western rsllroads and for new roada nnr being completed; experience unnecessary ; ' flrrmeaeflOO per toonth; brakemen $78; uoab lions now open" writs st owe f psrtb-B tars. Nstfeusl Rsllwsy Training Asnnclatioa, Trui Pa I ton block, Omaha, Nab., or $31 atldgt a.soas uiiy, as . WANTED at once Sta ve-holt rotters, wages $1.40 per cord; steady work. Apply Weat. era Cooperage Co., Steam. Bldg., portlsnd, or Boultoa, ot. AGENTS WANTED To sell superior, tilth-grade nursery stork! complete outfit furalataed free; cash weekly; welts today for choice of terri tory. Capital City Aaraory company, eaiem. WANTED Yoeng mea to prepare foe railway telegraph service! wares oo io e"w per moors when ana lifted. Expert College ot Telegraphy, flftb floor Commonwealth bldg. WANTID Two er three flrat-claes, all aroosd maculae men; permanent position, good wages, Oregoa Fur ul turn Mfg.-o.. Macadsm load. WE get work tor ear member! special me se ll. Y. M. C. A, Fourth aad YamhllL DON'T work for a small salary; aea er write Pacific Aid .eeoclatioo for a good proposi tion, 224 Lumber Exchange. WANTED 10. mora aollcttorat beet post don In Portland; inea arc making $6 dally! call after noon. 281 ! Stark ef. Union Hotel - - 81 NORTH SIXTH ST. Free smnlormeot to oar ostrone. 1 Weekly rates: Boom, $1.26 ap: room aad hoard. $4.60 Bp. Aaderana, proprietor. MEN AND WOMEN -to leers barber -trade In eight weeks; graduates earn from IIS tt $21 weekly; expert luetruetore; cstalngae free. Moler System ef Colleges. 86 Mortk Foartk at.. Portlsad. ONE of the fstteet selling proposlrtnTie America! mea of good reputation call; ex- fensn guaraateed. Conservative Mtrtaal life Murtace Ce.( Elk,' bldg. WANTED Salesmea: maay mats $100 to $108 per month 1 eome even more! stock c lee si , grows en re-ei tstloa. tar from eld errhardtt caab tdvanced weekly: choice ef territory. A.Mrsat Waabitgtna Voraery enapsay, Tnp penlsb, W set. la tew. CNTEHPKISE HOTEL. 1 ' f'23 SAVIEB, CORNER 1RTH. Wt are ta tbe factory aad mill, district; ehme la and have a talk wltb aa: eood board aad good room. $4.60 per week. ( WANTED Comneteut girl 1 f nr reaersi - him - , aork, good wsgsa. Applf' 408 uts St., 1'arb-, . bad Heights. I ItawsiS (fW.O.Wi HELP WANTED MALE, Umn ba tear te opera t, aaottoeva4crare taa. cniaea) (ooo, eaay protasaiaa; anon aourn yon can make 80 weeklr. for terms aa eartlculara call at Newaiaa'a aUUoarlletura maenine ua. lUSb tuxta at. WANTU) A yeunf aaaa to lseraT draf bejel. Aooreaa a ao, care journal. . TWO rood solicitors! Al aroaoaltloa fbr i who caa furnish (osd refersacea. . Wife Btark. WANTED A nret-cJaaa ceblnet-nuker. Apply at ao noyr as. An ronutare Mlf. ve. BOYS wanted with wheel) wares 880 par I Apply te maaaser. Ma Btark at. ata. WANTED Aa azperienced farmer, a married maa. to take chars, of a farm Mfereaoee oquirstt. nmu at m otars at. AT eoee, eiperlaaced market and aieuarr maa oae who caa handle poultry end flab, fruits, etc. ao ether, need apply. Ask for Cochran, " lewvjiirer ec . ' HELP WANTED FEMALE. CAPABLE WOMEN WANTED-. It roe work, whr act earn mere thaa ' ltrlnf 1 Be Independent; da good. The Viae! ' Oa. already employe 13.000 womeat the worl . eosers StU eouutrlee ef the world: we will eatartala appllcatluea from eapeble women! . Bo, cnnTisalng, bat helpful, dlgntosd wore. Address by mail oaly. Via. I Co.. Lewla bldg. ROMS LADIES AOKNCT. 1804 Fauxth at., corner Morrlaua. Bpetalra, raone ataia pava. . Aloagslde the Y. at. C A. bldg.' - eiRLS Cbocelite dlpprra and peckers. Aldoe vaaoy ve., ivta ana uusaa. OTRta WA-TTEP- ppetsluea ta walk as. shlfta JMi overeve. bvesuns given V inespvtiwuv-wv. APPiy at ntaaaara laaiery no. s, ufsua avs. ana east Taylor ec JBBVANT girl for boo ee week and eeoklng) 830 per moata. ana ita et. , HANSEN'S LADIES' AOENCT. S4SI4 Wash Ingtoa St.. cor. Seventh, upstairs. . I'boae ' Alain Z863, . Female help waaUd. FEW Isdles wanted ta assUt making easy fancy work spare time at home; good steady ETdV.. Bo er per lea re required, aJS aisiuasr 07 WashlagtoB at GIRLS to wrap"ebewtng-gum. Apply 10 te IS . a. m., Americas Chicle Company, norta front at. . . A GIRL for general housework! food wageat small family. Boom at8 Fentoa bldg. , LADY for general hooeework. 84 pet 0. W. Mower, 804 Marguerite are. . East 4K. Phoae WANTED Girl te aaskrt with honeework and take care of ehlldrea. N 07. ears Journal. WANTED Yoong ladles to Jots our Universal . SnorthaBd class; Wrlttlag letters the second lesaont one month free tnltloo; clnas bow forming at E. B. U. clerical efflcea, 4SS at E. B. x blk. -Cookt H Worcester WANTED Ccokg, Htllabore, 840. city 810: wsltressrs, tl a week aad 8 JO to 30 tad found; 80 houses Ir la, f 20 to 8:0; and others. ,,. Home Ladles' Agency. 1GBH Fourth at corner Morrison. Mala esiV TYPKWRITIRT for permanent posttloa ta On. 2uuia, Oregon; ao snort band reqnirea! sentry 10 per week.. Phone Main 77. . A BliCOMD-tXAS3 cook wanted at 047 First at. VOLCNTEKRH OF AMERICA Working Girls' Home. 30 Kast stsib at., Board and room reasonable. Phone Eaat S61T" WANTED Lady to board Utile girl. InqtUra QMS w imams ave. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. WANTED Yoong people to 'Jots ear eli In shorthand and bookkeeping by oar Declm plan, which places yoa tn position In a very abort time, llstes few. E. B. V. Clerical Offices, 435-8 Worcester blk. BELP wasted ssd supplied, male or female. R. O, rmk. BlifcH vv.aslrttnn, st. rscirie 1B7U. WANTED Amatear acton for dratnstlo artage, etc.; good oportomty to learn tne Business. Theatrical Information Bureau, 14SVi Sixth St., room 1. SITUATIONS. WANTED MALE. WANTED T ire mornings la private homes, clean walks and porcbi-a, by rellnbls, sober man.- Adrdens Boa V 31. caro JonraaL BOOKKEEPER, employed at present, desires . position In city; first -class rtfersnces. V 87, cars Jonrnal. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. METB0POLITAN Realty and Employment Bu- rean. Department 1. reel eststs, losaa, col lections; department 8. reliable help for. blshed. tltustlona secured. 368 Alder St., IS. Main 0700. -' RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT CO. Losrlng camp and farm help s apeelalty. 30 North Second au I'bono Mala 62ML vis pay all telegraph charges. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT 0FF1CB FOB MEN. td North Second as. Phone Mala loSS. PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. - p, Morrlaoa at Phoae Pacific tX 27 NOrth Second at.. Pboaa Pacific lauo ALPINE Employment Co., nJHi Morrison it. Male snd femaU help. Pboue Mais 1817. WANTED AGENTS. - ACKNTS. peddlers, raavasssn and street work. en. get roar supplies from B. M. Plummer, 200 Third at. I aew goods, bottom prices. WE ran offer extraordinary Inducements to seversl Intelligent and experienced lndy ean- v. sacra; household icessity. cell pi FlfUr street. AOKKTH Caavassere, mixers, peddlera. eoUri tors, mall order people, ctc should buy Kramer", Dnok of Trade Secrets; regulwr price . $0. but balance of last edition for $1.28 st long as tliey but; guannteed; order quick. ' Sioux Pub. Co., Hatlierlsnd, Iowa. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT Houses, osttsgea, flats, - stores, offices, roomlug-kousaa. ata. Lead birds will du wtll to call on POHTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. . Phone Ex. 72. S. E. Cor. 3d and Oak. WANTED to rent! well-, locked dairy ranch. 88 eleventh St. GENTLEMAN wants furnished room, weat aide, close In; tnlX particulars. Address L be, care Journal. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED. f ronf bwhefg.' tflc)llB Dibiianrf be cheap: anything from $2,000 to $10,00uj btva the rath, il SS, ear Journal. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. SECOND-HAND GOODS WANTED I am In atrurted by one ef the largest Arms In Sao ' Francisco to buy, for spot essh, 814.0UO . worth of aecoad-bsnd household goods "of., all descrlptloa; highest cash price will be paid for same; ordera promptly attended tn. , Temporary quarters 1H3 Front st. I 'bene Mela 4773. a. BOSENCRAMTZ. Manager. SKATING Private school af skating, specie f claatee every Tvesdsy tnd Friday; private lessons tor beginners Tfally except Bandar under the- tpecltl direction of Inetroctor . O. Butals. Call sp phone Main $140. Expo altfes Rink. . BIGHE8T price paid for men's cast-off cloth lug. Pbone Pacific 40. line is Joe, 68 Third. WE WILL Bt'Y. SELL OR TRAPS ANY OLD . THINd. WESTERN 8ALVA0B CO., 837 2 WASHINGTON. PACIFIC T03. WANTED Children to take cars pt 100 Eaat Sotb at. x Inquire HI till EST essh pries paid for all kinds aeo band goods. Phone Mala 2111. S3 N. Third. WANTED. Furniture Farnllare - I For Spot Fnrnlture I C'aah. .A" POBTLAIfD AUCTION ROOMS, 311 First at. Pbone Main 6806. BXCAVATINO and grading. C. B. Pottage, afiS Commsrdsl at. Phone East 6188. I PAY essh for household goods. W. W, Savage. 846-847 Flrat et. Pbone Pidne 800. WANTEftt-JUcs curtains to home laundry, In- I ' .uir i.iv rSB strta ew HOMESTEADS FREE Fins land, very valuable. $06 Esst Morrawn St. J. B. Fort is as. , FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT STKAM-H BATED reossa at toaaoaable ratea. Hotel Uoial, lOStt Fourth at- bet wees Wsah- Ingtoa and SUrh ata. I'boae Mala 2S4. THB RICHELIEU. 83 Vi North Sixth at Bfe- gsnuy nrsMowi steam Beat ana as ins. THB HUB." OS Blereatb at. Stark; roema wlta etaaaa heat aad hall FUBNI8HE0 noma and farabmed bonsskseplng rooms ror rest at im Vancouver are. THE GRAND. 48 North Third at. I genusmss i.s per wees aaa as. LINDA VISTA. Strut Fifth Hoaeekeeolng. rroome with bay wladowa, and alseplng-rooma. NICELY famished room, bath aad phono. TB nor La rars ec. v NEWLY farnlsbed res ma farnaee beet, gas aad bats; gentlemen preferred. aoT Third at. FURNISHED room, private residence; gentle man preferred; refarancea required. 46a Wl llama ave. - - - - FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. 11.35 WEEK UP, class, foralahsd ' soewhsea. tng reomnt - per we, aata tauaaryy. mraara asst. ysra. wa nianioa. u car. 11.60 WEEK up, large, clean, furnished hones keep lug rooms, laundry . and bath. , 184- Shea maa aoata. roruaao. THE MITCHELL Boosskeepinf and tranaleat rooma, reasonaDM. tMvcnta ana- riaaaere. LA ROB comfortable fornlshsd bonsekeeplng. rooms; low rent. u. Q. Barter, Mount Tabor. East 4138. I GOOD anfumlibed bonsekeeplng rooms hath ana water; aia.. aw vvater at TWO furnished roorna for hoaaekeeplngi bath. pboaa. gas. 484 College at. Mala 0714. THBEB well-furnished housekeeping, rooms I era conveniences. 4 North lata SU. Flanders. Phone Mam 0007. ROOMS AND BOARD. A FIRST-CLASS suits of roams for gentian call at 299 14th at. nose Mala loos. . (85 TWELFTH 1 to S Bice rooms with closets J noma cooking; prrrata ramiiy; gas, ru rosea, bath, pboue. BOOX AND B0ABD. 6S WllUsma are. FOR RENT HOUSES. ROOM bouse ea carllno. 81 C. R. rlggott, owner, lawyer, roam d Mulkey bldg. FOR RENT S-room hoaaa ta Bairn yslde. tn Outre W. B. MoUregor, zso lamoiu au , B.KOOM aottaae. . 103 Graver between end Water sta. laanira room tw cnamnet of Commerce. , FOR BENT 8-roea boose. S blocks freaa car. line, tl'l. laquira uantenueni ave. 0-ROOM cottage, gaa, bath, bsssaeat Apply next ooor, ia nurwa at. , $13 PER MONTH T-room hoaaa with bath. No. j no neorusas St., oa uie fnitas lun, uMrnira 108 North 12th at. 4-ROOM cottase. one block from earl tne. Esst flinn ana xamniu- rnone msib ana. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI. TURK FOR SAleJE. FOR SALE Furniture ef S-room modem bones. pesrlysu u)il kiaiiil 11111 111 sell ata bargain If token by the first st Dscemberei 2ug Fifth at. FOR - RENT STORES-OFFICES. OFFICE-ROOMS, anfornlahed rooms at pie-rooms for rent. Goodnoagh bldg. elevstor. Apply DESIRABLE efSaee. Including electrte lights, hot and cold water, janitor aad elevator service. Is the aew, airy Commonwealth bldg.. old nostofSce tlte. Sixth aad Burns Ida ats. Agent room all. DESK BOOM for rent: large apace tn mortem, well-lighted etflce. tree phoaawSlS Commer- V cUl.- FOB BENT Store. Flfth-af. aide Goodnoagh bldg. Inquire elevator la building. FOB BENT Store Fifth -st. side Goodnoagh bldg. Inquln at elevator la handing. ,-- FOR RENT Marguerite ball, eorner Hawthorns and Marguerite eves., ft aortal and fraternal " purposes: new and ap to date. , W. L, Nash, 10SS Hawthorne ave. FOB . RENT New storeroom. ave., corner Marguerite. V) - Hawthorne ave. 1048 Hawthorne . L. Hack 10W FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. HAM. and ballroom, separate or mgatbert sew snd wltb nil conveniences. Phone Mara lea. BUSINESS CHANCES. WE era buvlnr Herat Automstlc Switch atock What bars on got to otter J. F. Hurst A Ce-r McKay . bldg. - SAVE MONEY Anything In printing see Mad den, odd Fellows' Temple, First sad Aider ata. 1 Bpetalra. FOB SALE Apartment-bouse of IS rooms; .11 newly furnished; easy terms If aecesssryi In eome $1C; rent $60: located en Morrlsoa at. Apply Cobn Bros.' Foraitare Co., ISO First. HAVE party who w tubas to boy late business . rex VSJUC aooui ,1" m-v or seas. , f 4nBlBSsr- cUl bU. Pbone Main 0130. s . HOTEL furaltnre for sale: feng lesse and low rent: city. C. H. Ptggbtt, ewasr, lawyer. 1 "1uws d AiMlksy bldg. ,, STOCK cotf penles Incorporated, tf yon have atock, or bonds for ssle, let me try to sell them for you. George M. Kellogg, broker, 640 Klllcott Square, Buffalo. WOMAN wltk about $1,000 hat rare chance for attractive and nmaneratlve bualDeaa. Call 140 Sixth at. BARBER-SHOP for sals J 2 chairs, 8 tabs! west side; price $860. Address B 48, care Journal. 11 ROOMS, near - Portlsad Hotel! rent $00; furniture for tale rsssoosble; terms. Phone Main 81. BOOMING'HOL'SES and hotels ranging from 10 to 1U0 room,, wtll fnralaked; best loci llena tn city; leases; ter ma; all good Invest ments. Phone Main 81. S ROOMS. 1 block from Hotel Portland, for tale $2,000: flne base; terms. Msla 81. FOR SALE Hsrness tnd saddlery bu.lneee; In voice at about $: best railroad town In eaatera Oregoa. Farther particulars address . B 46, care JoumaL WELI-FUILNIHHED lodging and boardlng-beaee, 14 nms,,"ceutral. Oregon-Alberta Realty Co., Sixth aad Washington, ever bank. Mala T11S, FOR SALB Cigar and. Phone Pacific 1744. con factional a Una, $325 BCYS alee well-located Corner f cottar, style), lipoma rooming honet, close In; good transient location. Portia sd Bastness Cbancs Ageacy. 146 First at. UNITED PLACES I have 150 chares I will tell cheap for cash! mass error. 17 e4,'eanr Jonrnal. ddress AMERICAN I)B FOR EST and Hunt Switch bought and told. 302 Lumber Exchange, WANTED Party with $1,000 to take one third Interest ki established huslneas; anllmlled field for profit. Address L so, cars JoarasJL BUSINESS CHANCES. FOB BALB Restsursnt dorof good 1 prica $1,300. Uquira So Tayfer at. $1,860 FOR a neap la a merchandise a tore! long . base, good business; flna location. State Land Co.. 1B8 First at. BOTCHES SHOP aad fixtures" for sslei fully equipped; a serge lu. Pboaa Mala sion. A SNAP Ftrat-Ues Bering hastnesai y I a bonanaa tor s hostler, maa et Address At ooos, N 84, care Juumsl. 8TNS) T-room bouse, modern! will rent fat $30! la TJppet Alblna, Baa Bafasl at., walking dlstaaae; this property worth $8,000. but . trill be sold tor 82.OU0: oalv t.VJO down. Tb la s genuine bargain. Alvord 4 Alrard. 10$ - Morrison st.' .... FOB BALB Furniture ef lOiaogt boassi faU ex roomers, rs bevaatb st. FOB' SALE PrnsperOba groetry store. at Lenta, or would axchsnge for east . aids eeldeajot property, -in. etcott juaa. ESTABLISHED mtnafactarlag bostaeat, doing . a gooo .rsuu aaa Wboiasaio soilness, fl.ovu. vr ao. care Journal. DRCG BU8INEK8, atock. flit urea, lease, ate., ros asisi ruie location, on eornar. aooa ceruns locality building up fast and wsD; csn show good - aad mcrsastng boslneasi reasoa fur selling pursly personal: . price low. $3,280. Morgan, Sweet A Chapman, 218 Ablnglos oiog. r-asao main aula. , GROCERY STORE. $700, or tn votes; rent en e aanseome living-rooms and atore oaly tMI nest locatioa an east able; clears xuu a month atock la ap to data; old-eetabUahed plsce vwost out ox sityi must sau. uau 11U Fourth st. - -FOR- SALE REAL-RESTATE Lenox m. hjtw ADomoif. V THB B. B. OATMAN BOhfESTBAD. -- TOO - HA VB HEARn . OF -II.' W BATS SKCCRJbD- IT. THB nfOBT SIGHTLY PROPERTY OH THB , CAST SIDE. AIX THB MOUNTAINS IN. VIEW. . AHO HITS PRICES LOW TERMS $10 PXB hfONTH. A. C. Churchill & Co., Inc. U0 SECOND ST. PH0NB KAIsV 1748. Snap! Snap. Snap! - $1.SU0 buys beaatlful sew s-reom eettags, bath, aaatry. toilet, S efesais. goad basement. fine lot, cloee to car: house built ef excellent material ; wkv rssn. nsisoce f a month. SCUUYLEMAN A CO., Washugton St. ACRB TRACTS jott being platted, class to ear. best or serosa sou. runtime water on naif. It you want a chicken ranch, garden home er something that will soon doable In vslss in la is It, snd they win aooa all be sold. a-acre traet In the aame vicinity, awny I thai aide of Woodstock, for -4)2.760; thktwlu4 pa worta ga.uuu m anon time. For bargains In homo, aee STEINMETZ A CO., . Tho Bomeeellera, 108 Morrlsoa at. ToLMLBIock; Betweea Oregon asd Pacific ata. ea Slat at. Pacific laYcsteciit Co. Third floor, SSStA Washlnctna eorner Sixth. rnone Main tutu. Modern 8-reom hoaaa. bath, toflet, gaa, large lot, east aide, cloee to carl Ins, on lry su nracs i,wi tsrms u aoeirea. Fine new 4-room boose. 1 block from line, s snap: pries $1,160! part essh, balance -to- ti, mints. Pacific iBycstmciit CaT Third floor. $2814 Waehugtoav corner Sixth. S3M e ASH.- 330 monthly, will era 6-room cottage an Bast Tenth and Spring. field sta.. Alberts ear. state j-ana uo msm I irst at. - Great snap, large rooms, ball, largg pan. try, eats, large porcoes, newiy pspsrea. paint ed and ealct mined; fine fet, 1 block from In km ave is minutes from city: dirt cheap; great bay. NO LOKQfSB FOB BALI AFTER TUES DAY NIGHT. . SCHCYLEMAN A 00, , ' 227 Washington st. ' BEST boy In " Pnrtlaaiy down. $10 -per montB, tots level, ouxiuu, vraoea streeis, water in. S block, South of Hawthorne arts. en 44ta at.; owner on groonaai price gooo- COSY little home. At condition, near cart high. some rrultt a nargain; see 11 xoaay. THB CONTINENTAL CO 848 Stark tt. BBAND-NRW bonee, select aelghbor hood, near car; prices advancing ail arouaa; terma; pay vent IO youreeii; -m tiue. TBB CONTINENTAL CO. 848 Btark St. Sellwood Konnouee A French, 170 XL 11th. Pboaa Bellwood 74. . City Ttew Psrk lots. $876 lad Bp; Rots Addition fen. $100 and sp; $6 dowa aad $. a xwath. Bomea from $100 to $6,000. Lots $300 aud up. In all parte 01 neiiwood uat year property wltb as; we wiu sail it. $3.SUO Good 6-room bonee and 60tl00-fnot kt. In Saanyslde. Begaiter A Co., 107H Third at. LOT 2-8x100. with s 10-room boate, AiU bssement, 6 minutes' car service, for $4,600, terms; sold on account et settling up - as estate; we also have about 10O lota Imme diately mining irvingroo, ana OBiy on min utes' walk to tbe el eel brklae. tor 8260 an: will give terms. Nybnder A AIcAaley, room But. Alltay oiag. A FINE new bouse on 20th and East Clinton; boose b aew and cost gl.rXS); fet b worth $noo: owner fay leaving the elty and will sell lor sz.iau en easy terma. a vo, Jonrnsi. T1TRNKR A WALKER. ,"'"stitste. rtrmt and Stock'BJtufibs,"' ' ' Exchsngea. 3oeVi Washington at. A FIRST -CLASS S-room honte, 46x170 lot. South Portland! $760 down, bslsncs $23 month. Kroser, room 18 Cambridge bldg. 1 OR B floe lota on Slat at., near Clinton, fine view af tb. city, 1360; on easy terma. . 11 28, ears Journal. FOR SALE modern hoase. close In, $3,600; $300 dowa, balance came aa rent; t bargain. J. J. Oeder. 1 North Grand ave. $900 A FEW algbtly Iota In tooth end nt town! half caab; look this Bp. Ford, 601 McKay bldg. FOR SALB Lot 60x100 fact on 22d and Cltntoai pries $.100. Pbons But 644X FINB ttr (.mm house. $3,000, S.vs) eeahi S-room bonae, $2,400. $400 cash; 6-mom cot toga, $1,800, $300 eaab. Pboue Bast 076. FOR SALB CHEAP 200,000 feet ef ' tnmber, 00.000 feet 8x12, $.1 per 1.000 H. B. Stoat, T48 BMslgh. I'hooe Ms In 268. . $1,860 AND $1.600 S new e-raom cottages; modem, btth snd gta, near Alblna ebons, 3(4) Fourth st. Telephone 136, or Main 8000, EXTRA BARGAIN T Iota 40x100. cleared) ill together In ana tract,, for $ito0: close to 10-room school at Lents: ine loestloui water free; Be fan te ,ny bsrt of Portland! terma. O. B. Addltoa, ewner, Lenta, Oregon. $1.600 S ACRES, with good 4 room hoase, bant. onicsen-nouee, s ies ciesrea, yonng erensrd. and other Improvements; situated on the Fos ter road, near carllao. Register A Ua., 107 ia Thud at. 1 HOLLADAY ADDITION Half bferk, rhuo In, oa Hassalo St.. wltk one of Snest (16 -room 1 homee la Portland; we save a few pries tsd eaar terms fie nutck sale. CORD ENtiSTAKB 00, 80 Fifth gd. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. S rooms, the latest design, oak abrbrb. . bard-wsod Sour, paneled dinlug-rooin, wall tinted, (rsaoulna fa nsrlor sad dining 1 heat plumbing out-pie ta. piped furffurnacvv gsa asd sle.-tria iiguts, concrete wsti, esweat aoue and walka, corner lot 6O1IOO; bouse built fur borne teat taiumeri mast sell; terms. la qulra 841 Beat Davis. Pbons Tabor 24T. SMALL bouse, nice fet box 100 1 terms good fecstlos: near nag and station. Phons Woed- bwa 130 . , Hawthorne Property W, are located In beat section and wtT) treat' yea right. - Houses and feu at prices and terma to suit. . Bee na be fun baying. Seversl One ootugts for rent. List your property here. HawthorneRealty Co. - 286 Marguerite svs oar. BawthoraaV $1,100 TAKES S very desirable lets tn Pled- moat, oa corner, x amc as xroas car. negistsr A CO., lut, intra at. - - HAVB good acreage on ear 11ns. would trade for grocery stors or other buatnest. . 61T. Com- -merciai ua. - raone Mala siiw. 81.000 GOOD 4-room . not rasa with cbkcaensouse; 2 lota, at rest Imarovad, aide. walka ln on - ISJd St- . . Register Uav, -' 1071i Third si. , . d AND 6-acrs tracts near. Lents st y terms 1 the pries at way Oowb. 803 ' Exchange. ... Lorn bet T LOTS on St Johns earllaal $1,000 takss the eiiwi, a ovgsisii isssas.. a. Uluv, , ja. wrsiiq .tv. . JTOiL AVAXX New two-alory, 7Bonx. , modern Boose, -H-oioca, aear etrune; ai.soo, gouo cssB. zu per monuu s. J. vsasc, 1 n Grand are.. ... CAN yon hay acreage aa cheap and nicely lo cate a aa mat a-acre tract on xsta ana Knott ami call on premises snd aee W. At. lary den, owner. Take Washington oar. ' t ACRES Hones, good welL Bear oar. beet county roes, One plant for strawoer- nee. cmcseae ana eniiaren; only gi.suu, j, J. Oeder. 1 North Grand svs. READ THIS: Tlltoa addition b rotng at half -vsiuai- eow ee nearny-ateeexs eetuag- at gl.uuo and npi Invent $650 aew sad double yew mover. . raone laoor bob. . FOR 'SALB BY OWNER Modern T No. btl Broadway! choice location, tlculars aqulre at premises. Par FOB BALB CHEAP Modern 8-room bonee ta Bnanyaide. ' -laqulrs W. B. McUrsgor. 290 xamniu ac FOR SALB CHEAP New modem S-room heosa. inquire owaar. sen Mississippi svs. ACREAGE -13 acres on Mllwaukie osrllns, 6c isre; 11 sens in errnara ana an kinds of amau rratte ana berries; 1 acre timber; 12 -room bouse, water, bath. -etc.: extremelr few! yon most act qnlcklyl $0,000: $2,000 casn, oeunco esay terms. sv. IvTsmaa. evo Bias, Morrison ex. . $8,T60 AN elegsnt 6 rood boose asd H block in r-ieamonti tnis s tins noma, nsguusr in,, wis aaira sc. Opportnnlty $8,800. Part caab, buy, 80x100-foot fet, SLarerv Knllil In. lutneA K.M., C4a faces aoatb and east, oa 2SU at tee as at soce; rent goo. A ; SCHUTI.BMAN A CO, " 227IA WasbJagton aU $6.000 MODERN S-room bouse, close In en the east lias, wsixmg sis lance. Ksglstsr A Co.. mitt iDcg su. .. BY OWNER, a S-room well-baHt ostobllshed Call at 02s Delay, ec 01 En still at. $l.TO0-id FINB lots on Seventh st,, B., )iH snout s teat a nor, street grids; an I more menu paid, sidewalks down. Kagblat A uo iin intra st. Chance for a Doctor Ftne d-reom new hooas. modern! large now bera, 2 acres of ground, corner on two streets, center f town, close to Portland ; opportnnlty at a lifetime for s young pay slclaa ( Inrgs praetlcs assured. 6CHI YLEMAN A CO, . . S27V4 Washington st FOR SALeI-FARMS. ' Cn0ICB FARMAT A BARGAIN. , 100 acres of good land, 8 miles front eve ns rg; so acres In cultivation, 20 aorea atnmp and pasture, T acres In hops, 2 acres In strawberries; 1,800 fruit trees, one half bear ing: 00 cords of dry fir wood; farm tools. oO bonee apps hrt-A-l nlaoa b watsred by S spring, and email atream: H mile to school, &. F. D. mall, pbone; situs tad 1$ mlbe from Portland! oaly 14,600. J. FRANK PORTER, 222 Washington et, ewaer FlrsV- spstalrn. 13 MILES weat ef Portland, near ReedvHle. Washington county, ror otsn oaly; ox acres, 26 clear, well caltlvated. an creek: good well, spring, ine fruit new win fences, good S-room hoase, barn, household goods, chickens, beea. tools, etc.: 1U tnllss from nllroad. school and church:' telephone Une, milk routs. R.. F. D.t St.oou. Beavorton,. Oregon. Mrs. A. B. Lustscbsr, FARM 120 icrea, 10 acres In orchard, 13 acres plow land, a mues rroca o. w. r. carllna, near Currlnsvtlls; bs lance timber and paaturei a snap at $8,000, Call or .address B. Bates, Estacada. rOR SALE Hood . prosperous wheat farms ta Morrow connty. en railroad.. 120 Mr acre; might take eome tra de. W. A. Latdlaw, 617 Conimarrtal bldg.. Sacend and Washington. - Phono Mala U6 $4,600.00 ' $4,600.00 K-acra nncs, no acres eninvarea, naisnce timber sod paatore. all fenced; 2 houses 4 barns, running water, young orchard. Fall rsrtlcabrt and terma ox Whlttea A Bryant 18 Marquam bldg. Cheap Land; 840 soret good grsatBt or fruit lend, ta Uneoln county, Oregon, at $6 per acre! 4 mllee from railroad. Address L 66, JonrnaJ. 20 ACRES ander cultivation, ronalng water all year, new house ana barn, good, root bouse; $Z000j wtll tsto part cssht ewner leaving country. Address L 87, care Journal. ON B acre os St John, carllna. Sl.OOOi on part state Land Co., pint st Acre SUck' tacit One of the belt cattle nncbee tn rast ers oregoa; good bandings, S seres orchard, running spring water on tbe land. ZOO acres good farm lend, loo seres good timber! this ,1, 1. weu uuiniirvi wen lie best buy In eaatera Oregon: price $10 per acra; one quarter down, balance to suit purchaser. Addreaa .HARRY CUMM1NGS. Beppntr. Oregon. forSalc- ISO arret, 25 bottom bnd. 41 mllee from Tbe Dalles, tollable for ttockt partly Im proved, balance esalty cleeredi creek on bot tom; $1,000 worth of timber: sear market, na county road. Owner, T?nfen nones, bl North Sixth st Price $1.8uo. WILL tell very chetn for cath 800 acre. Willamette river, all level.. 100 la cultiva tion! good orchard, lots of wfwk and Improve. menu; no. 1 sou; as scent. X. d. J act eon, ion Fifth sts . TIMBER. TO OWNERS OF TIMREB CLAIMS AND TIMBER. . Ws win bay for easb any ' good ' timber tributary to Nehslem river; will deal wltb ewnen only I no ethers need answer. Write, firing full pertlculsra, to Bod S, V. T. sto lon, Portlsad, Oregon. . . . CERTIFIED serin, snv mm rdeeesi prices, w. U. unwell, bus inamoar ex vom merce. 1 TIMBER buds wanted, either Oregoa ' at Washington, Hpblni Agency, gooi atark st 000 ACRES yellow ptns, well tl toe ted, essy ess, aign ernise. Townoeaa iwaat mutt, ana Alder st HORSES. VEHICLES, HARNESS YOB CAN 8AV8 MONET Is aew wagons and tragglea It Portland Wirebooee A Tr,nfer Co. 840-843 Esst Wssblagtoa b tbe place. BORSES tad baggies for rent by day. week ana month; special ratea to nusiaess-noi Sixth aad HawtbornS. East 72. WB bny. Bell, net, exchange her at a. wagons. sa sales, ear esse, giuiiert A usu, sen sin at MINES AND INVESTMENTS. BUY BURST SWITCH BTOTKa teats at Salt Lake City provs thsA this eeecb, will yield lar etc returns thaa Why mlalad will yield larger ntuns thaa stock listed. Vortlsnd afoot t. F. Burst at- auDcn usiso. rortisns Co., Sod McKay bldg. COEUB D'ALENB MINING STOCK . 1 am alwaja In the market alLhst h bay . sr sail any a e Lira mining stock; fesaa mam sa aay Hated aaanrlUss. T. P. BROWN. S01 McKay adds. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK, 0N freab flrablaaa family sow. 417 earner -- Oread Fee. ssd r timer. MonUvlUa. pbons Baal 4123. TWO ?thatT r, BARTER AND ' EXCHANGE. TO EXCHANGE SO acres fruit bad In Marion county for suburban feu ot acreage, p. o. . Box 400, city. , r 100 ACRES txceotlonslly Bna bad. twrthwesO . of town, Multnomah eoaaty! will exchange for Portland property! worth - looking lute.. Ford, 601 MuKay bldg. IN THB SUNNY SOUTH. ' Wtll exchange my home and three lets fng Oregon property; farm preferred. " A. B. HOBiNSON. Albuquarqao, If . M. ' FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. IF YOU WANT ... A new ttove, go to the 8. . ' A new range, go te tbe $. : Te trsde stoves, go to tbe S. , A wttef-hacr pot Wr EO tpvtW B,- e m uiiur. 10 u wo ,. 382 trst st ' stain Born. FOB BALB Fox terrier pnna, 484 amy st, Montavula.' Phone Eaat 18. ask Sat Benaa. SEWING MACHINES bought, sold asd SB. changed, 86 aad BP, W eaten salvage Co. 27 Wasblugton st BOOKS bought sold aad exchanged B4 the Old twos nsare. xm xamniu at WB print your name oa $0 calling sards, proper tlsa and atrle, 86o: 260 bualnee cards. II. A. W. Schmale Co, 228 Pint Portlsad. Of. BBOWCASES. eoaoten, fixtures, bsoght tell er exchaaged. wnten Balvsga Ca ; 27 Washington at Pacific TSs. ARTISTS' materials, pictures aad fnsxlagj. . B. as. BBaoraousa aa aia nioev as. . 80 SLIGHTLY damaged Sewing machines at very tow prices; ninger, v) aee let A Wilson, Domestic Whllte, Household. Darit anal others; to make room for aew stock Wheeler A Wllsoa and Slngera. 8. S. Slgsl. S88 alee. rlsoa St. htarqasm bldg. . SHOWCASES and fixtures. new and sanu. wmt m nsiutroen. sns vonen BILLIARD AND POOL to bin tag rent at tot ssis en essy payments, TUB BBUNSWICK-BALKB COIXENDBR 00. - - 40 Third at. Portland. BOLDEN'B RHEUMATIC CURB ure menmanam. Boid by aw droggtota. . SECOND-HAND bar fixtures, pool table, safes. soiwe, cosira. rreeiarn naivags VO. aT W a ah Ingtoa st FOB BALB 1 lot ef stock samoU talinboa,.. - Including latareomnmniostlng, wall and dssk eets: all new and In good order. West Coast Engineering Co., SIS Cemmarclal bids. CBEBBY TREES ef the only original, parent tare, the new cherry, tbe Gleet; ftnt-elasa trees, e-auus avaiuen, wooaiawn, Oregon. s-YEAR-OLD Eqnltsbto Bavlngs A eociaoos amca, wits sccruea latereet, tot sslei gooa laveetment L, is, oars J 1 MOTIOrt-PlCTCRB machine, $25; LOOOvfeot Sim st 4o a toot! Boa gas eotit $10 eeng tildes. $2.60 tier eat; views 16a sack. leSiZ Sixth at. roots S... -T $000 CASH bays aa automobile la good asad uoni asrrxea a. wrnooe aasia ax. CRT CKB RING upright plans. - $lr- ataaslai- $100; organ. 830. cos coat $125, 241 u First st Main, upstairs. Moat eel i. FOR SALB 1-12-Inch speed laths, partabls xurgv. ouvw macuina asm a team a sum a let. SO North Second at. . . FOR SALE Six pare-bred Cocker Spaniel nap pies! prices accoruuuj tn quanta,. Aodresa ' box 84. Shedd, Or. w- PERSONAL. DETECTIVE AGENCY Gen fides tfel raveetlgs- teons. reports) lurnianea IBOJviaBtlS. XBrlf entrants,. rssnoBilhlllty. air.; had debts cofc loctedi missing relet lees located charges rissoosbb; correspondence sollclteo. Ongon Detective Service, offices 2O8-304 Filed net bldg.. 10th snd Wash Ingtoa sta. Pbons Main 8S16. TURKISH BATHS, 800 Oregoalsa bldg. tsdlei aay a, geauemea natnia. aiu uaja. V1AV1 CO., Lewla bldg., SftOH Morrison, health talks to sromea Tharsdaya, 3:80 p. m. WEBFOOT OU Blacking saves tho featheri as. eoiuteiy vratsrpnnoc. THB NATIONAL INTRODUCING SOCIETY. we nave mvmiejrs in au waia, ex ure. trena tbe .goveramcnt officials te tbe farmer, so ciety bdles to working girls; nietrtnwnlal ng. later wltb photos finest published! mem ben and ell 10a. 34 Roesel bldg. MANICURING, bstrureeslne. special $6 sesjree. one wees euiri trsns acnoai ror woman sad gtrla. 804 AMar. Tbe Montgomery. . YES, Palmo Tablets make yon sleep perfectly 1 wirj cur, aeriwnoei. ana msse yos etroogl - price 60e a boa, bexst $2.60) gusnnteed. an uruggiem, or auurese xtrooas sir US (JSm ST North fbDd it, Portland, Oe. CALL Pactfle 278, Sea Francises Tillering Co, . wo hv rfennni, preeeing, ciesuiog Sao Sye lag: bdles' garmenta a apoelaltyi at lewest price. 27m Tayfer st. ANLT vigor restored by Dr. Roberts' Nam Glob ties. One month', treatment $3 8 moatha. $8; ssnl escenly sealed oy mall. Agents. Woodard. Clsrks A Co, Psrtisnd. Or. SUITS pressed wblb yon wait 60s, Lsdjea sairxa preeeea, nuc. 01 inert, loovt glxta St. aext to Quelle. Pboaa Mala, '; SOan, . " BEST tnagaslBe dabs ever efferedt prices; sgenis wsntea. Sol Aldtl IL, PortUsd. Or. 'oBot' , Bosk iters, - Ulll V. MrtnlU. . S,.-M- He charge to talk It over. Mrs. kt D. Bill. Boom So Flieduer Bldg. Pbons Pacts 166. PHYSICAL culture, sll branches, aad masse gel inaiviansi sna nan instrnctloni private boms treatment If deslnd. Tbe Ringlet School, Sou Alder at Phone Mala I86L DISEASES OF WOMEN Private maternity hos pital, quiet tocatloai special care. Dr. At wood, room 6. 860 Morrison. TsL Pan, 1768. BOLD ON There ta one thing that wtll sun rheumatism. Ask your drogglst for hark tonic er address or call J. U. CUmcneou. due. gist, Psrtissdi On GERMAN bonks, msgaxlnea, novels, etc. I Gere men, Engllab, French, Spanlah, IwedlaW and . Italian dictionaries; forelga hooka ot all C klnda. Bcbn-ale Co., 228 First st MISS K. PORTER R0T1B, electrical Baaseaee, nervous troubbe tnd rbeumatlsm a specialty. Phone Main 4178, 180 Seventh st BOLDEN'B BHEt'MATIO CtTRl rbeamatlsm. Sold by all d.-ecgitta. RECENTLY opened manicuring par Ion I bdles and gentlemen. 861 H Morrison et, room UL A. REINER, PRACTICAL FURRISB, Brport fitter, tors remodeled, ra paired and redved: 80 yean' experience Inaiires sntlrs satlsfsctfen. Pbons Pacific 8407. Lewla bldg. SXXINB PILLS eon alt forma ef eervooa eg muscular weakness, For mea ot women. Price $1 a box, 8 boxes $8, with fall soar, antes. Address or call J. O. Cfemeneoa, drag. Slat, Second aad Yamhill ata., Portland. Or. DR. BINQ. CH0ONO. Importer Cblneee root medicines: sell, Chinese tea. eertala eon t U dlaeeaes. nil $d. bet. Yamhill aad Tayfer.. DR. O. V,' KETCH CM cares promptly trivet. diseases, kidney, nervous, .ski is sna special lemeis xrovoisa. usu 01 Third St., est. Yamhill. female troubles. Call or writs. Office 170 Pbone FaclSe 222P, ANY maa er woman can be strong, tad happy by using Bextne Pills, tbs greet tonic price $1 box. $ bole, $$, with full guersntee. - Addicts er cell J. A. Clsmsneon. druggist oor. Secoad and YamblU its., PortlssdV Ot. SWEDISH trained aune, Helilngfors gradnate, P"siiiTviy cures rnenmstiBm. stomacs troaeiee and aervoaa disorders by bsnd-rubhlnf, tssam, eweat and tab baths; both aetea. No. f Kaat 11 tb st Tibs East Aaktay oar. Phons Esst 200. YOUNG sclsotlfle msaseosa gtvss aleetrlrst, alcohol and medicated trestments; eblropodlat end manicuring, dl Balalgh bldg Slatfe and Washington sta. ,1 7 I ... .-....' t