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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1906)
"t.r TII2 OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 27. 1601 Conditions In Turkey Market Were Never Better ..Than .Today -Quality of Birds It Better Than Usual farmersTake Advlcs" TODAY'S In Monto DlacndCon, MARKEi-S Ul EASIER TONE 10 TURKEY PRICE Trade Is Quite Well Supplied and Price Does Not Go Above . Twenty-Two. . CULL STOCKS SELLING :"..'. AS LOW AS FIFTEEN Cranberries Are Scarce on Account of ' Poor-Keeping . .. Quality--All City Creamery Butter Now at 32c a "Pound Chicken Market Advanced Principal asarket features todayi Sweet poUtDM very Kim. Turkey buM h) easier. Chicken advance with dasusd. Shortage of eranberrloe. ' fclpe banana an very searac, ,' Getting out of hop auppllaa. Flab euppllae art very good. V---- Turkey Bark If Zaalar. '"'"'T Turkey supdUs long rroat atreet have pats Bormou tbia aeaaua, bat tbaa far " there baa beca a better demand tbaa m. Buying an all aldea showed a lively ton, and very good pricar bara baea received. However, today tbe largar per mat at tba burin baa al ready beca oomolatad, and tba market, walla not showing weakness, ia aot anil ao Ob a yesterday. Daelera da eat anticipate an? break ia vsluss, but tba top today la Z2at witb Boat of tba birda going aader tbat figure. Many faacy turka wara aold tbia inarnlug by tba Front atraat trad, at price ranging from auc to 21o a pound, whila tor tba "cull." tba prlea ranged down aa low s like 1 pound, and there wss aot many lnqulrlaa fag tbia aort of lock area at tbat figure. Ohloaaas Advaaee suddenly. J "Te- verr- low-prices - tbat - bav ruled - la chicken of lata hsv oaused ouch amaller receipt, tbaa tba general trade bad- antici pated. Tba bear demand for turhey forced a larga amount of trade lata tba chick, and tba low prleaa atlranlatvd the'' market aa tbat tbli morning every tiling la tba cbicfcea Una wee cleaned op at aa advance la ouotatlona. Price la tba chick ea market today ruled between IS 14 14c a pound for lira btrda wltk both prleaa quoted. ' oBth gee and duefca wara U eery good demand and all ahtpneata re ceived tba Quoted figure. TV . T! . firmer Xoaa ia Zgga. J'.- '' All throng k the agf aiarkat tba toaa waa Brack Improved today and tba few local ranch atoek tbat sou Id be guaranteed aa fresh read ily roved at higher figure. Ensure egg are showing tba beet tone for fancy on account of tba axceedlngla good quality abowa la lata arrival, Arrival af eaetera agga are couelilarably battar. hat If tbey were not. tba price would baea advanced te enormous fig area. Aa matter, etaad tba price ia higher a account of tba upward fiactaatlana to tba - A a.,.-. Cranberry aupnllee are abort. Tbia bad baea ouiDected by aotna dealer fully a weak ago, ... bat tba facta wara aot fully known until late lent alght, when expected arrlvale failed te materUlls. The trouble waa aot ao aidh the anppllea aa la tba quality. Tba berriee dld not show tba keeping aualitlea tbia year .that" wars expeH.d, and , tanybarrala ratted when they ahould nave baaa la perfect eonca ties Bt tbia time. (. . r All City Oreaaaery Batter Higher. Tba advance of no a toll la eity areaawajy batter euoted excluslvsly by Tba Journal yee terdar. and made by three creameries, waa today made by all ether city Institution., aad tba boat prod net la aow quoted at 81 Vie ' aound or &c aqnara. Receipt of cream are rTmiimtlTilr Tir-IL l .Tt of the eity eream . erlee are able te fill all their demand for . beat product, rroat atraat marketa ere aa ahauged today, but eaa of two maker af fancy oraamery autalda tba eity bare advanced their auotetlooe to city creamery price. - Cheeee market U firm oat eulet, with .prleaa tome bull leadera la bapa are nald to be anloadlnt: their luppUe an account ef the car 1 ebortage; which Bed ap ell their fund. Some ef U..- were emnpeUe ta let go. It 1. aeU. In order to keep their ..."TL Tba general trade, boweear, doe not take tbia aa aa Indication of any earara waakneaa la f demand, . . flood be nana are aearce today, oat tba maTkat iTaTerawpllad wiU trait that la to. ' aoppUea at all kinda are more liberal todar. All prleea tba aaaae. : . JrVaaed meeta are firm bat aot aeaa.tioaal. Krery thing now taada to Po"' Tba trade paya the follow tug prleaa ta rroat atraetl PrlceT p.ld ahlppe are leaa regulaf OBAW BAGS Calcutta, Me baying prioai "wAaW.' M" " . kTOi.a 00i rolled. I2S.W, " UcSft&-- trackad. ; la.O. p- M,r.htarn7 ''i.M.W: ir.biai titO). "hole wheat, .; rye. "Joe. 3 0: halee, UTo. lilUiTVr-Fa-Braa, 1B.8 fa, taat- amid dllngaTiaiOO! eborta, coouiry. $1T.W( city. SiAT-. Prodacere' prlreTlmothy. WUl.mette ealle. fancy. $U.o6l.OOi ordinary. f.00d MM- eaetra Oregon.; mlied. il0W)lS.Wi ". 7.0uaoOi grela. 7.60 080; cheat. 7.0ujaOO. Battar, Xgga aad Poultry. BUTTER rAT r. a. b. fortlaad Ivreet ,Va-eSaw.: -2Hc: eataid. faa cy"TH!IOct aidinary. ft Viej "HIf. (OoSBitra fancy, candied, aTViflSTikCi lo- -Itfw&SXttX!.-uoi.Hc TpVL?r"ttlcka. U. far Jbf faner bene. UMttlee per lb I roosteea, old, S lJc.?rryara. lS per lb; broiler., 18He per ihV Ju dncke WHe per lb; epring dark., 18 He b gaaaral P- torkSJr'lTejnv.e per lb ffiTld; drei-57 feney. SOfiliie lb; calla, 16lic IMqmibB. a.4o.5 per doaaa; plgeona, a.00 ' Hepe, Waal aad Hideo. . HOPS IS P. choice, lse; prima to rbetra, WVkcj maoHW taju-laae, lieuvkei ae- 4'wwuile'up-Taiier. aoo2at aeatera Orrrnn, aoe. iMt ' HIDES Dry. Na. 1, ! tba aad ap ' imo ITvte per lh dry kip. No. i. to 15 in. c; dry calf. Ho. 1, ande lba, lie: eel ted bid, ateera, eound, 0 lba and ever, iotjllc; cowa. tniui " ENTIRE POULTRY LINE WAS NEVER SO LIVELY a'a e Therw was never a time whoti d d the. entire poultry market waa- d ao rood at Tbaokaglvlna; aa thin d 4 aeaaoa. Turkeys sold much better than uaaal and price d d held closer at the top than ever. e UauaUy ths chicken market Is . d 4 rary weak and low at this time, 4 but today It is fully as rood as a it er was.. The H low. price a 4 which har ruled lately caused 4 4 shipper to hold back their sup piles for a mora opportune tiro. . X aa K KI'SK I N 8 hanug, Uaine echt abort to7allW-l'rle; par lb. IUOc Ha. aad IHCt'ti; itaga and bulla, aound. Te; kip. Ill to ao lb. Bo; calf, eound, uadar IB lb. Ho; green, anaalted, lo lee; cull, le per lb leej; lure b Idea, aalt.d. each, f 1 I'l.TS; dry,, l.0U1l.v; colt hldee. tAUMie; goat ina. eomnton. each, lOtjlaot Angora, each. Ikett $1.00, Trulta aad TeaeUUee. . -POTATOB8 Buying price, eaetera Maltno- anio ana vcaamaav ipsuoaj aruinary, aniajioc, aweete, il.6ia2.1B. . , e ONIONS Jvtobtng price New Oregon. BOrO $1.00; burng price, TUitfTBo; garlic, tfle ifu APPLES Pency Hood Elver Bpltaenherg and Tellow (4ewtowne, fi.B0; fancy WlUamette -alley aad eoutbera .Oregon. 1.00 ordinary atork, TRcl no. HB8U rulJITa Oraege. new Bevel. 13.75; Telenda. 4.7iaS; baaanaa, be per lb: lemoae, choice. ea.h0O4.TI per boa; fancy, fT.OO per bos; Umea, fctexIcaB. Il.tS per 100; plnaeppte. U.0Ot&.U0 oer doai araDea. 1.20atl.0ri neera. $1.04)il.2D kackleberrlea. lie; plneepplaa. e.00 par aoera; pomegrenetea, per eon.. VUUBTABLKa Turnip, new. 0rI aarkl earrota, Toctdl par aack; baeta, 11.13 per aaca; Oregon redUhee, SOe per do;- cabbage. Ore gon. l.OOvil.eO: beU pepper. ( per lb: to Biatoea, Tocjf4.00 per erate; parralpa, 0e4ttlj atrlaa baaaa, fte per- lb: eaallfkrwer, 11.00 per doaea; pea: ec; Boraeredlee, fOlOe par lb; artichoke. Toe per doaea: equaah. TocQal.OO per boat cgrplant. l.oO per doeeo baacbea; celery, TBejooe per doaen; rMn ava. glJSO fiep aech: eaeolant. Sl.TB Der crate! aampalna, lc; cranbexrlea, local, 10.00 per bbl; Jereey, I1S.O0. ' OBIBO rKUITiApple. amparetad. eT.OT per, lb; aprleota, Id Vial 10 par lb; pea race. izjine per ibi aecke, vie far id weai pranee, AO la, 40, btific; He drop aa.eecb 1-ld amaller ieer If. California buck. COHe per lb; California white. 'fl-Hc per lb; detea. aoldea, I0.6O par box: farda, l.eOtl.nO pa lAlh eox. Oreoartea, Huta, Xta, BUOAB CalifornU k Hawaiian Cobe, fB.tO; powdered. .10; berry, fo.00; C C, 4.80; dry granulated, 5.00; Star, M.TO; eonf. A, S.0o: extra B, M-BOi goldaa O, ta.0; p, yellow, 14.60; beet graaulated. d.T0. Weetera Cube, B.0; powdered. 3-10: dry granulated. 13.00; P. O.; eoaf. A. 9.00; extra 0. $4.80; golden 0, (4.40: D, yellow, 4 60 beet granulated, 14.70; bbU. 10c; M able, Xfic; box, 60a adranca oa aack baala. t Abore- price are dey aet eeeh oaota. Uonal HONBT S. 09 per crate. COFFEB Package brand, tl8.28aiB.T6. SALT Co. rae Half ground. 100. W.00 aer (on; 60a, 10.60; table, dairy, 60a. ait-OOl 100. 11X76; bale, 11.83; Imported -Liverpool, 60e, U.00; 100a, 117.00; 22e. 810; extra ,flna. bble, ta, 6a, ioa, t4.6o0l6.60i liver pool lump ruck, (14.60 per ton; 60-lb rock, $3.00; luue. $0.00. (Above price apply to aalaa at fcraa tbaa ear lota. Car iota at .pedal prleea eubjeet 4e Cuctuatlose.l BICB Imperial -Japaa. Me. I, act Me, S, SKc; New Orleana, bead, , Ta; AJax, le; Creole. 8c. BBAM8 Small white. $8.80; Urea whit. tS.26; pink, $2.0s bayou, $3.76; Uma. 614c; lexlcan rede. 4c. . NCT8 Peenei. Jmbo, e per Tb; VTrglnla. Qttic per lb; roaeted, 8vt8V per lb; Jape- oeyovsc; roasieu. lain p -li. - outa, kat0o per lb; plnenota, 100' r ami weinuia, iv p M 12 Vie per lb;, hickory sat. 10 par lb; ebeetnuta, eaetera. 164 lAe per lb; Bradl nut. 16a per lb; nioerra, i.aioc p lb: faacy paean. 13c; almond, ibvleiae. Xeata. riah aad Preeielene. PRE8B MK ATS rroat Street Hog, fancy, THiiew per lb; Teal, extra,. 80 per lb; ordinary, ff 7i per lb; poor, 4tae per Ibi mil turn, fancy. tt8Vie per lb; lamhe, tae. HAAia, BACON, BTC. Portland pack floral) ha ma. 10 to 14 lb. 18VC per lb; 14 to 18 Ibe. I64C per lb; breakfaat bacon, 18,21e per lb; plcnlca, 10 V. per lb; cottage, 13c per lb; regular ehort cleere, enemoked. Ue per lb; moked, 18 per lb; cear beck, ancaieked, 12c per lb; moked. 13 per la; Union butt. 10 to 18 lb, a oa moked. Be per lb; m.d, Be par lb; clear bellle. anemoked, 14a r lb; moked, 16e per lb; ebouldere. lSVk pet ' lb; pickled tongue, eo.uu quarter am. LOCAL LARD Kettle mat. 10a I8VC per lb. oa, 18 per lb; 60-Ik Una, I2e pa U: team raadered, 10c, yI lb; 6. I31e nee lb enmnound. 10a. 8le. CANNED BALMON Columbia rtrar. $1.80; a-lb lalla, 82.78; faacy, J -lb data. 8I.S0; U-lk fancy Sat. $1.16; fancy t-lb ovale. $2.76: Alaaka tafia, pink, a6J0e red. $1-60; aomlnal la, tell. $8.00. . . - - PIMM Kock and. Ta aa Ibi Boandera, Be Bar hi halibut. 7 net lb: eraba. 61.00al.bO per due; etrlped baea, 12V4 per lb! eatfleb. 10a per lb; ealmoa. Columbia river allveralde, 8c; teelhead, 10 par lb; herring, a per lb: aolea. Be per lb; ehrimpa. loe per lb I perch, le aer Ibr"' black cod. 7 per lhi tomcod, 7c P So. lake nee IK. OT8TKR8 Bheelwarer bay, per gal, $1 26; per 116-lb aack, $4.28: Olympla, par gallon, $2.28; per 116-lb aack. $S4W ta $8.60. CLAW S Hard.hvll. per boa, 12.00; raaar elaaw. $2.00 per boa. Pa let. Coal 00. (te, BOPB Pure Manila, 1601 1. He. COAL OIL Pearl or Aatral Caaaa 18Uc per fal; water white. Iron bbl 14 per gL woodea 7c par sal: headlight, 170-deg, eaaaa Blue pm ''ABOUNt-S4-4eg. eeaei UM par gat Iroa bbl lSe per gaL - BINZINE 83-dec. eaaat SSe far gaL Iroa bbl. '8 V,e per gaL Tubpentimk- -is caaee oa per gai. weoai bble. 8Sc per gaL , WHlTtf LEAD Tub Iota T4e per B; 800-Ib lota. 8c per lb; leaa lota. 8 Vie per lb. WIRE NAILS Preaent haala at fASS. LINHEED OIL Pure raw, ia 6-bbl lota, 80c; l-bbl lot, I8e; case, 68e per gal; genuine kettle-boiled, caeca, cue per gal: 6-bbl lot, 64o; l-bbl lot. 83 per gal; ground cake, ear lota. $20.00 pat ton; leaa tbaa ear lota, $30.00 par PORTLAND STOCK MARKET Two Thousand Oragwa ajoourltlea Sells r Today at Bo a aThavre. '7-7 Eight tnoaaand abaree ef atoek were eold ea the Portland tork eichaaga today. Tranaac tloaa included 1.600 Aasoclated Oil at 63, 1,000 Burke at 814, 6,000 Oregon sccaritkw at 8 aad 1,000 Bullion at 12Hc Offlclal prleaa: BANK STOCKS. .tt . Bid. Art. Bank of California. ............. tea 870 Banker.' a Lumbermen'. ....... ... 105 Equitable 8vtnee a Leaa....... ... 07 March ante' National 1KK ... - Oregon Truat a Bavtot. ........ Ill 1R0 Portland Truat Co - 12Q United Btatee National.. ........ BOO ... BONPS. Colombia Southern Irrigation a A.aeclatrd Oil 8a City a Suburban 4a.... 0. B. a N. Ry. 4a.... O. w. p. a Br. ea BT 8SV4 101 103 V. 101 103 101 romienu Railway ee. . . .. ... . ... Journal Publlabtng Co. 8 ' ... " HISCBLLANEOCf STOCKS. AMorlated Oil as . Cement Pmducta ... Home Telephone .......... 20 . 80 42 103 10 J. U Le Co.. ... Oregon City MIT1 Paper 8 . Oregoa Journal, preferred 118 Pacific State Telephone....-;..., 113 Puget Bmmd Telephone ... I equina Bay Telephone.. 8H MININO STOCKS. Alaeka Petroleum 12 Brltl.b Columbia Amal...... 04 Bullfrog Terrible 50 10 14 08 08 Caacadla .;...... ....... 80 ., Pltla Meaoowa 02U Oallaher .t , 0 Oolcond ....... ....... .., .. . WW OS 02 IS 10 2S 08 02 I2't Led'a Creek Gold OlTn Lucky Boy 03 vj Ifoantaln View Oivi. N tool Coal dke.. mv. Mammoth 0V4 North Falrvlew ... Oregon Securltlaa 01 fttaudard Con. 11 Htar Con 14 ' Tecnma Steel 18 Oroat Northern 01 "oi 20 . S3 13V! 06 , 'si' OAU 1.78 17 . 12 . M ; Out. 16 1.00 4.28 Goiarieia Trotter ... COECB D'ALENB DISTBICT. Al 10 - Alameda 21 . . Bullion 12 Burke 0.1V4 . Conner King .....28 Oerlla 18U nappy mj .,......... vo Heel ,..1.1.1 Idaho Olant ,. 13 Park Conner invA Rambler-Carl bo 24 Rex 2.1 Reindeer 08 Ruth One. ...............-........ ' "nowaho .,...,, 84 Rnowatnra .........4.00 Tarhoa .................. ...1... 0814, Vaw Tark Bend aJfrket, New lerk, Nirr. tl. Offlclal price.; Art, Barllnatoa Joint 4a 80 1O0V4 U a, anlfled 4.... 101 101U N. a W. coneolldated 4a US louU Atlantic 0. a, a I, 4a.. ..Il01 Maw Terk-teadan Silrer. -- New Tork, Mot. STBar aUrar, 88 Lea a f. itCtlRTSllOulIIAL III LIVESTOCK But Fifty Sheep and Same Num ber of Coats Arrive During Past Day. ALL VALUES QUOTED VERY FIRM IN YARDS Hogs Strong but Unchanged Best " Steerty Riaa Fifteen Cents Sheep Market Activa With Mixed Twenty Five Cents Advanced. " Portland Cnloa; Stockyard., No. 2T-lgve-atock racctptai Hog. Cattle. Shi "To Today ,.j ... ... week ago v, 88 , ... Month ago 288 81 ... Vear ago 71 60 218 There la aa excellent tone ta all Irreatock today. Becelpta are nominal, eoaalatlag of but 60 bep and 60 goxta. Hoga are firm bat unchanged. . Beet .tee re are 15 up. Mixed beep ebow a rlae of 2Ae. Copdltton year ago: Bog weak, eattle firm, sheep fli m; Pi It ee anehangad. ' Offlclal llrwtock price: Hog Boat eeaura Oregon, 84. TS; etockara aad feeder. $8.60; China fata, $8.86(38.60. Cattle Beet eaatcra Oregoa teera, $8 .800) 1.78; beet cow. aad heifer. $2.60; atockera and feeder. $2.78; bull. $1.60. Hbeep Mixed, te; Umba, 8H.'.. EASTERN HOCS LOWER CnUUkura Xarke Bo .. ataaap attaadr- Chicago, No. 27 Llv-etock receipt! etog. unttl. Chicago ...............23.000 8.000 Kama City 6. OOO - 14,000 - Omaha 8,600 4.000 Uoga are 6e lower witb 8,200 left on venter day. Reeelpce a year ago ware Price: Mixed, $6.7608.18: good and 6.00QS.16; rough. $6768.B0; light, JO. Cattle Steady. - ; Bhe.p Steady. " . ! . . Sheep. 20,000 - 8,000 8.000 froia 88.000. heavy. $6.SVw CHICAGO WHEAT SLOWER ICaxkat Closes TnoIieuiree! to a eftaattoa T7Bde KOBday. BBLATITB WHBAT YALTJB8. Nee. 27. No. 28. 1808. Pecembw ..;.$ ,78t4 .78148$ ITU, 11 $ .88 May 78V4B .78B J00v4 Jaly .78 .18 , .!! Chicago, Nor. 27. There wea bat little doing la wheat trading today. Tbe continued dulbvtec la tiring out area tba strong eat holder aad liquidation, eepeclally la the December, la marked. Liverpool wae unchanged to a tract r ap at tba opening, but It weakened later end loet eome. Tbia market waa area duller than daring the part few waeka. It cloeed unchanged tor Iecember and July and Ue nn for the Mae. Official prleea by Overbeck, BUrf a Cook ' WHBAT. . . ' Open. Btgh. 'Imw.Z Cloa. peceainat ... 78V4 7HV4 T8 74 "4 May . T8vl , T8 ' 78 78V41 July .......... Tl 18 T7 78 : tX bet 43'. 48 ....... h. 44 -COErer- Deecmbet 48 May Jaly OATS. . DecembC ..... 88 88 May 88 86 July ... 82 88 MCS8 PORK. January 1111111IIW I IK1 ... 4488- May M...1467' - 1400 LARD. December 88T 8T0 1482 1488 870 84T 848 January 843 (ul uay .......... aeu hi BIIOKT RIBS." January ....... 773 777 uay 785 780 780 PRICE OF NEVADA STOCKS IN FRISCO Saa rraadace, Noev T. Official bid niti el oetmont f 0.S7 Vk Excbecjuer .....S .68 i-aan ooy ...... .10 Golden Anchor.. .00 Jim Butler .... 1.48 MacNamara ... .70 Midway 2 40 Montana ...... $.89 North Star 47 Ohle .28 Toaepaa Ex.... 8.50 Nevada 20.60 iCaledoala ...... .68 Noreroas 1.10 Gold Crown .... . .20 Great Bead .... 1.46 Reacae ........ .2 Black Bntt Ex, .20 Gold. Belmont... 1.00 Montgomery Mt. M Bunaet ......... .18 . Manhattan .6 Beylbr-Iluaaprey. .18 Dexter ......... .18 'Granny ........ .83 Gold Wedge.... .81 Weat Bad X27 Adama ........ .no itlant ....'... .88 Bluebell , .64 Booth 180 Columbia ML,. 127 Joe. Quarry ... .28 hl.mAndfleld ... ' .84 lOowboy .12 Denver annex... . 00 anaes,.r-,84- BUck Rock 11 Lone 6tr .41 Great Bend Kx. .88 N. Y. Canaot 29 eecent ....... .18 Mayflower ..... .08 ManhatUn Con. 1.07 Jumping Jack ., .66 Red Too Ex.... .R8 Dixie .J Ooldfleld ...... t-80 Jumbo 4JB da ex ten loo.. 1.60 Kendall .70 Laguna ....... 1-J8 May Quaes .... -JO Mohawk ...... 8.87 Bed Top a 10 Sandstorm ' .87 SllTer Pick ... 11J , Bt. Ire 107 Con. CaL Ta... 1 S5 Ophkr M kUxlcaa ....... LIB Muatang 1 Bull rroa Min. . 1.67 Triangle .68 North star woa. .on Loo Dllloa .48 ' Pine Nut 87 Vernal ......... ,2 tyrzb statu aorrEJOCorT soNsa. Kaw Teek." No. STOfftrlal nrlceat Date. Bid. Twos, regfter-. Opt 108 do coupon Opt, 104 Threea. reglatared.. 402 do coupon .... i"o Small boad . 102 row, regiatarea j jn 'Jj Vre ...I.tered.... 1026 180 do coupon...... ......... aeeo ; Panama m .... An MMMM . . ........ .... 104 Metric of Columbia.. 1824 116 - ..... Philippine 4a " OREGON WILL HEAR - OF CALIFORNIA FRUITS (Special Dlapatck rf Tbe Journal.) It an ford, CaL, No. 27 Th thh-ty eood annual eoorentloa ef tbe Callfnrnl Praitgrew era' association will ofknt bar Tneadey, 1M rember 4. All aeeeiona will be beM ha tbe Han ford epera-boue, and fruitgrower fronj California, Oregoa and WeaMngto are expected. Among the moat prominent apeak ere will be Ooremor Oeorre C. Pardee, f. A. Pllcher ef the (lata board of trade, George C. Roedlng, Profeaanr E. J. Wlrkao ef the CnlYeratry of ('llftcnla. Profeiwora P. n. Doreett. M. It. Weltc. V. L. Kellog. Frederick T. Blolettl and 0. W. Wood worth. Special extenaioe and atp. 42 48A 43 ," 4S 414 ' 44V4B 1 ': 88 84 Lt . ' 82 Art. 104 104 10ft "108 102 2 106 ever privilege will b graated by tbe rail roe la to BorthweateTB delygataa. ' . Want County Hoasy, (Sped! Dlipatrb to The JonrnaL) rree water, Ov. No. ST Tba Walla Walla river, where It paeaee throngh the farm of J. B. MetVry and T. L. Bagedalo. baa changed Itt rhannel completely, oa account of tbe t flood and la now, flowing through tbe moat productive parte of them. Tbe old channel te completely filled with debrl waabad dowa from the headwater. Realdeeita along the apper rive will make application to the Walla Walla and Umatilla county court tor approprlatlnna a- aealat la repatrtna ktv waehed out and building dlkea where tbe river bank I low. It at eetlmetet that tbe end dike eaa he built for $8,600. Tbe property -owner are Willi of te atasd aaaro af the axpeaaa. . . lOfllllEfll PACIFIC 5 POIIITS UP Issue Is Very Active and Closes Four and Seven Eighths -Points Higher, v ! HILL ROADS BULLISH - : IN NEW YORK, MARKET Regular Dividend Decreased on Sugar Comomn and an Extra Ona on Fed eral Smelting Common Regular -Dividend Allowed on Preferred. " KKT GAINS. ', ." Anaoonda ........ II Lonnmlle 1 Nortuera Padflo ., 4 Amalgamated ..u Atcfaiaoa J. I oaty 1 pugar Car Foundry.... Brooklyn ........ Baltimore ....... Colorado Fuel .... do preferred..... Mlcaourl Pacific ... New fork Central,. 1 Oat. a Weetera.... 1 IPenneylranla ...... I Pacific Mali ....... 1 8t. Paul M 1 coeeapeai ...i.. Canadlaa ........ Brie , Raiding 1 KepublTc Steel ."I" l" Rock laUnd 1 Bonthern Railway.; H Preat wcatara IlllnoU Central union l-acuio ..... iy. U. a Steel m do prafarrad..... LOSS. Boutbara Pacific Xexae PaelXlo Americaa Smaltar .......... - New .Tork, ST. Obe atoek market waa vary bullish early and adTaneaa ta the list were generaL Later ea a profeaeional raid ttqulda tloa art la, carrying off aoaae af the profit. Northern Pacific waa the leader and carried It prlea nearly 4 point higher. The conecaaue of opinion, according to a aawa bureau, la till favorable toward the bull aid, although there are many who arc becoming rather timid la regard to what eongraea will do whan It meet next month. Tbia, coupled with the money situation, U aaid te be the only cutlet for the bear. - - - - The regular 01 vide ad oa Americaa Sugar Refinery waa declared today. Federal Mining and Smelting declared it regular dividend and 1 per cent extra oa tbe oobuboo, and tba regular dividend ef 1 per cent oa preferred. The market cloeed treag and with a belter feeling throughout. The excellent report ef Atcbleoa cauecd renewed activity and atrength in that awn. The general belief that the president will eoanent favorably oa tbe ship aubeidy bill la hie forthcoming message canee trcngth la Pacific MalL 8L Paul aaaumtd leaderahlp early and wa vary atrong and ac tive throughout the aeaeioa, Official quotation by Orerbeck, Starr Cooke eempasyi ..!... v.iue - Amalgamated Copper Americaa Cot toa OU, America Locomotive, Bid. 112 S3 74 168 118 370 84 102 2 101 118 1 78 Americaa Smelter, common.. Americaa Smelter, preferred....... .... Anaeood Mining compear.. ..178 American Weeien, common. ...t Atchlaoe, eommoa ........101 Atchiaoa, pret erred 102 Baltimore a Ohio, eommoa 118 Baltimore a Ohio, preferred....... .... Brook ly a Rapid Tranalt.. ......... 78 Oenadlaa Parlfle. eommoa. ....... .181 182 Oentrar ucataeci eotnetoe. ...... .r . . . nt i Central Leather, preferred gin Central Mather, nrererreu Chicago a Urcat w eat em, eommoa. 18 Chicago, Milwaukee a Bt. Paul.... 181 Chicago a Northwestern, omaioa..208 Cbespehe a Ohio. 68 Colorado rod a Iroa. eommoa..,.. 84 - to 1KIW I6 . 56 "4 U5 238 Ooiorad Southern. era. 2d preferred. v.. 7 Delaware a Uurtena. rheneee a Rio Orande. Denver a Bu Orande, preferred. Kris, common ek eeia Brie, 2d preferred. ............ .... 11 Erie, lit Brefemd. . 78 Illinois Oentxal .........178 17tft, IxmlevUl a Naabvill.. 146 146. Manhattan Railway 1484 Mexican Central Railway i.iliiJKJ1 MIeourr.-TKnal" a TetitTWIbmdf -lff-e3i Mlaeourl, Knaa a Tcxaa. prefarreff 70 74 federal Smeller .... Distiller .... Mlaeourl Pacific 84 National Lead Now Tork Central. 1H New Tork, Ontario a Weetera.... 47 Norfolk a Weetera, eommoa .... Wnefnte a- Western, nnf erred...... .... vw 71 B4 7 128 47 84 87 S23 40 Northern Pacific common 220 Pacific Mall Steanuhlp Pennsylvania Railway Pressed Steel 'sr. com 40 ,..U8 l 84 80 147 88 80 88 a 47 70 2. 81 .84 118 34 Preened Steel Car, preferred Reading, common .......... esitlne. Id nref erred...... ...147 aa Reading. 1st preferred Republic Iroa a Steel, eommoa.. Re nubile Iroa a Steal, preferred T Rock laland, eommoa Bock laland. prcrcrreo,.,. . ........... St. Lou la a Baa rrancuee, an pro. It. Leo la a Baa PTaaciaco, Ut pfd St. Louie a Southweaum, eommoa. .... St. Loela A Sonthweatara, preferred ... gouthsra Paclflo. eommoa 84 Soathara Pacific, preferred. ....... .... Southern Railway, eommoa... 84 Southern Railway, preferred .... e 161 88 84 coal a iron.. .... Tcxaa a Pacific;; SS Toledo, St. Louie a Western, eon.. .... Toledo, Bt. Louis a Wee tern, pfd.. .... 68 17 2 Union Paciric, common 100 Cnloa Pacific, preferred Called SUtra Rubber, eommoa United Statea Bobber, preferred JUT 47 United Stat Steel company, com.. 47 Colted Statea Steel company, pfd.. 104 Wabash, eommoa 18 104 tl 18 42 87 Wahasb, preferred .... Western union reiegrspo.. ....... .... Wisconsin Central, common . ....... Wtecenaln Central, preferred .... SI XTW TOBJt COTTOBT KAJLXET. w.w Week Nov. 17. Oottoa fBtoras closed te 14 point down. t . nrrtelai aootatioaa. by Overbeck. Starr a Cook com; a ay l .. ,.. 1 Ilf . upen. company 112 164 Nov, No. lem. 27. 28. 10M 10.18 10A0 .... 147 10n8 10B4 1066 - 1( 1078 l'x2 K78 1004 lOne 10 1078 1070 , 14 1078 . 1078 10H0 loan loss ireto 1024 102S 1004 Onen. Jarmary ..... 1060 February .... .... March ....... 1078 11M ioro inas 10H8 1078 ions April- WW May 1W0 June 1078 July 12 November ... i'"" December ... 1041 104S Amn Wsa B7e Tnikeva. ' fSpedel Dlepeteb te Tbe Journal.) Anrora, Or., . Nov. 27. Tnrkera are Scare in ise wkmwm, ... - -- raised any tbia yeer. None have yet epnearcd in in marseis, w - r -bunch ef turk eold them all to a aaaa at Hub- . . 111 , HiMk-M . . . ahw.l ln oeroj. woo w v- , . - " match. It at gone or chicken, or ge without. Wlia m ei irwv'' e tittle iMaea Slggtag. (Special Diepatrb h The Jenraal.) Aurora, Or., Nov. 27. The Hrgeet balk of this aeaena'a pots to crop h thle aectloa la atill ra the (round. Tbe continued beery rein hv K evented the farmer from digging tbe crop, far ae damage baa reaalted to tbe crop. In view ef the car shortage potato buyer here Inaert a f. o. b. clause in their contract when boylsf- ' ' '. Oar Shertage Kurt Trad. Aamra, Or., Nov. 27. The ear hertag ea the Southera Pacific b bed a demoralbrtng effect on shipper in this accttoa. w. 8. uinl gj jo.( the produce and eommleeloa mea, who have warehouses at Aurora, Hubnard and Canny, cannot get ear to move tne prouuee tney nv orders for. Tbey hare 18 Carlos ds of potataee old for November shipment, end eo far have been Able te get only three carload of tbe order chipped. Hope are piked ap la tbe ware house here waiting for care, and ownera at having to pay atoraxe and Insurance charge. " POBTLABB 1 ABE STATXXXaTT. , CVarlng teday foM.848 84 Clearing year age ................. 782.1BA08 Oats today ....... .8281.462.78 CMeag Cash Wheat. r-vi..,, wM vt r-..t erlteavi K. a , mmA 7S'B7Vii Vo. I hard. 74tfA0 Ne. S bard, 73 76c; h'o. aorthera. 828H6iK aorth ate, 170841 He. S eprlst. 76JT7e v ; There is no ailment pcculiatf to men that I cannot cure. For sixteen yeirs I have devoted my entire time and energy .to the treatment of men's diseases. ; ; : ; - - My methods have been perfected by actual experience, with a thorough theoretical knowledge as a basis. I am the . only physician thoroughly and permanently cniringhose func- tional derangements conimonly classed as "Weakness," and my success in overcoming such cases has placed me foremost " among specialists treating men's diseases, and has brought me the largest practice of its kind in ithe West. ; - - . Krerr axTlloted man Is Invitee ta writ toa a dcaerlptloa af Ms ease. Snob la my knowledge of man's diseases antt so part aot are my methocla In treating; them, that I an abla to affect euros In all ordinary eases without aeelng the patient la person. Ail eorrespondenea strtotly eonOdontlaJ. Those) viatt!nj Portlavnd may feel free ta eall at say offica for personal oonaultatloa. ' . ; . You Pay When Cured -Weaknes ' 80-ealled "weaknean" in men Is ourable fully curable. It has not bean cured by those) measures eona 1 monly employed, for they are meth ods baaed upon supposition and not upon fact. PrematurenesB and loss of power In men Is du to a chronlo . state of Inflammation In the proatate '. gland, and not to a disordered ner vous condition, ss has been supposed. I treat the Inflammation by av local proceaa tbat does not fail to aooom pliah-lta- purpaee, and wtth-t trie eon v dltlon eorreoted full and aompleta strength and vigor returns. STRICTURE My treatment Is ab solutely painless, and perfeot results , eaa be depended upon In every In atanoe. I do ao cutting or dilating ; whatever. ... y-,- pv, TParTla Cor. Second & Morrison Sts. Private Ectrssct The Ur. 1 ayiOr CO. 234J Morrison Street. PORTLAND, 0SECC3 ''i t Hours 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Eundjrv II at m. to 1 p. m. We Cure MEN ONLY WCNSEDTCLPRAC T MKDiaNB IN t OREGON We Treat lie Following Diseases Only sthanmatiam, sVonte aad Chronlo. ' Blood 2olsoa. Oonorraoea. Tarloooale. . irearastbaala. BTarvons BeoUaaw Varsiysla. taieer. - . mypaiua. sruea. Kldiisy, Bladder aad All Trtaazr .VARICOCELE Wa tura.this disease without operation or liga ture, arid under our treatment the congested condi tion soon disappears, the parts are restored to their natural condition, vigor and strength, and circulation is reestablished. ' V ' STRICTURE We cure stricture without the knife by an soolica- tion which acts directly on the solving tbe stricture completely. , fjainless and in nowise interferes , duties. - Beats aad tTBgifl I7lhr"ri ni nrn 1111 is. Tl ii-ttt Diaeaaes, tlflo method known, injurious to the system in no way. shape or form; aut, on the contrary. It buUda up the . ay a tern- and the diseased part return to a eound and healthy condition. : TIOI1 WHO Bra TO BBXBT DIBAFFOIBTKB BT VatlXI.BB PBCfAUgTB ABB BABBBBrTliT BS- 2TTBBTBD TO XITTBBTX0ATB OTJB MBTBODO ABO TBBMt WIIBOOt DB1WAT, WB3CBJ XAJ TUT BOBS I TBJB BBOZBBXBO WOUU KATB BATBO TIDaf TIMB ABB MOB BY. Writ If you cannot oaU. . Hours a, m. to I p. m. Sivenlngs. T to 8:16; Sundays. I a nu W 1! noon,. ST. LOUIS MEDICAL AND SURGICAL DISPENSARY comirra ncOdWD Am yammtli itbuti, romnAWD oasoov. v BbBBbBV' - 8BanWaeBBannnuaBBannnnnnBB I RHEULIATISr.1 LUUBIQO, SCIATIC NEURALGIA and KIDNEY TROUBLE tatan" hifcaa lBtaUr. rida eha hleod of the polaoaoua xuatter and selds which are the direct eeueee of shea disease. Applied externally it efforda almost la sunt relief from pain, while a permanent our le being effected by purifying the blood, dleeolvln the poleoooas sab itsuto sad removing it from the system. DR. 9. D. BLAND Of Brewaoea, ea,, writeal t'had koea aesfferer for e sssaber ef year wrth Lkesj aed mieuntuea la sf arms aad lee, sad arled sS she ressedlss I ee Id tstber freis aaeilleei weeks, aa alee eeeeane wltk aambar at tbe fcsst pbvelelea, hul tesnd neihma (feM gave eke relief obtained troa -a-DHuPa" I Matt prasene N la my KSettee aad hiauraa I - If o are nfferlrif with Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Kidney Trouble er aay kin dred disease, write to us for a trial bottle of ' e-DUOFS.' and test It yonraalf. "g-DBOPa" eaa be used sny length of time without acquiring a "drag habit,' a Ills entirely free of opium, aocalne, aleohoL laudanum, aad ether similar IncTrodlents. Large 8le ajettle. wa-BWawa" (SB P nap ree Sale kg Uragstate. tWAISOl IHIB1AT10 1011 tOUHWl, Bw, aa. Lake Bteeat. Ohl.aga. BlaaaeBolla Wheat Btarbet. Mlaaaennlla, Nov. S7.:ieei Wheat, De cember, 77 W k. . --. . - tutu Olty Wbeat Bagka. Kanaa City. Hev, S7 CloMl Wheat, eaabt. BT kid, . ' 1 ! . sannnnMnnkMnnnnntaH.BBBBakK w CoTrtricted Disorder Every ease ef eontraeted dlsesso I treat la thoroughly eu red I my pa tient have . no relapses. When I pronounce a ease cured thcr Is not a particle of Infection or Inflamma tion remaining, and there la not the slightest danger that the disease will return In its original form or work Its way Into the general system. No eontraeted disorder Is so trivial aa to warrant unoertain, methods of treat, roent, and t especially solicit those that other -dootors-have been unable to cure, I have the larrest yraetlee bsoamae I Invariably fulfill any promt BCy Colored Chart aaowlag tbe snale amatomy ajtd afford log aa Inv teveariing araay - ia saesa free at offlo. Vatahlinrhad SB Plsesaes. U sfoctlaad. A LIPE L,OTSa CURB FOR parts affected., dis- Whether acquired or inherited, is cored by our - Our treatment is methods so that tha parts affected are restored to with your business " their normal conditions. Tha established curs is permsnent, not temporary. BBTTATB. BBBTOTJS) aad - CmrjaOBTO BIBB of men, aieo III.OOI, aTTOaCAOBL MBABT, UTBBa aTXDBBT and TB3BOA trouble We cure BTPHIUta without mereury, to stay erored. We cure strio ture without operation or pals In 11 days. " we stop drains, nlgbt loeeea aad . spermatorrhoea by a new method la a snort tlma We can reatore the sexual vigor of any maa under (0, and many over SO, by mean of a local treaf merit peoullar t ourselves. ........ WEOIREGON'OIUinOEAir IN A WEEK The doctors of this Institute are all regular graduates, have bad Sany years' experience, have been known In Portland for It years, ive a reputation to maintain and will undertake no case unleas eertala euro can be effected. we gnarantae a oure ta every ease wa BAdaraak m eauurre ava fka, Oowaltatloa free. . . . NO PiY UNTIL CURED We have such eonfldenoe In our methods tbat wa will take your eav without asking for a dollar until cured. Letters confidential. Instructive book for men mailed free ta plain ii you cannot gau v aunea. write iop queaiion Plana, noma Tree a. mcnt aucceccfuL Office hours I a. m. to I p. m.j Sundays and holidays, 10 a. m, to II m. . DR. W. NORTON DAVIS & CO. Offlcea la VAK NOT BOTKLv II, TKIHBX, Cotr ne. Portland, Or. MEN TREATED Jnvestla'e Before Taklni Treatment Elsewhere Wh era ' afflicted with "RgRVOfB OEBrLITT, sr : ralllag BrreagtV commonlr called "U8T M AM HOOD." Bxhaustlrsy - Lvalue, PUnulee. Lam Bark, InflainraalloO of the BlarlrW aud klrloaya. ITIghly (Vl ored 1'rlne. Impncy, Deapondenev, killing Memory, Lea of Aak4 tloa. hleatal Worry, reaulu of exceea and ever work; filea, fletnU a "4 HTdrerele ee ether wvakneea, which abcolutdy aaflt thcui for Study, Buel-r rtcaaure ex aascTisa. Be ear, a pay. Bleed Frier, ermtrarted er heeeaitary) Ski Pla .. -i Bhoumitl.m. Sore. Swellinga, Oi.rhargee, eoaorrheea, Gleet, Strirtere, ts. , barged yreetava aad Bydreoel. Heaeet Deal lag a. SueceMf l and ten. ' clsuttou Servic. Beuoaable Csargea. OaU or write SB. B. f. KZXOX. Ill first St., toruaad. Orages. ' OAKS R INK L TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY TSnTBADAT BTOBT LOHT rex terrier, from tiS M-Mttla, Tnee. xavaeea oty, jft f Di,. ,gb (polled, tall eui. Thanksgiving Masquerade 'r'2r 1 tSJ.4"kXZZ to XABB TXMBB BOOZATs. oCTSinB reoa. for tw aaca. If weatod. I j Our new skates are bare. Eight ale SeeMd at, first floiev gant pn. for best eostumes. - WAXT,t.lp.r, wk. ' a 1' ' ' ' ' ' ' . at l-e CM. Hlr-rr. II V ' f Bt. Leal Wkeat Karha. ' sew Tern Yt 7 Bt taakv Bev. ft-Omm Wleat Baae Brw Tork, Be. Str-t. v f baa, tiae. ; .. . Jeea. asrie M, : i i . ., I. ' m. TaTZ-Oae. Vfea Ties fling;, paolal1st Wy Fee In Any 'Un complicated Cat a ocIiT Wlthoat ctng knife, lirutupe or cauatio, without pain and without de tention from buainess. I. cur Vari cocele in . one week. If you have sought a aura elsewhere and been disappointed, or If you fear the harsh methods that most physlolauts employ In treating; this disease, eome to me and I will our you soundly and permanently by a gen tle auid painleaw method. Dont do- -lay. Varicocele has Its dangers and bring ita dleastroua If you wUl call I wlU be pleased to ezvplaia my method ef curing. BPBC1TI0 BLOOD TOXBON ' dangerous minerals to drive tba vt rue to the interior, bat barmleasj blood-eleansiog remedies that to rn o-r Lb last potsoaoua taint. OUR FEE c$lQ Consultation Free CONTAQIOUS BLOOD POISON It may be in its primary stage, or it may have been hereditary or contracted in early dsys, thereby being constitutional. We cure all its complications. We stop its progress, eradicate every vestige -of poison from the system, and this without tha use of mer cury or potash. WETrlVESaS curea Dy tne use or rji only soien- ABBS) AND CURED - t 1