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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1906)
Ws) jounal Circulation GOOD EVENING THE 'WEATHER. ' - Fair and warmer tonight ; Wednea-day-increasing cloudiness probably ' ; followed. by rain; aoutheast winds. OW TUsIVB Jiro tw btasdb, - nva-efcMYa-- HI) TARIFF RARHFARST " "."'fll PROSPECT PATRONAGE ? . S Cittle BiTfRout me Ueg islation Is in Sight' v T During Coming Ses , ; sibfroT Congress ' Opposition to Child Labor Laws Will Be Effective In Spite of Many Petitions -Little Hope t That Rate Regulation Bill Will Be Materially Amended. CJourMl Bptll Strrln.) By John E. Lathrop. , Washington, D. C, Nov. iTAppar iaUy. with th pica that the tlma will b too short in which to accomplish mora than foutina legislation, tba doml t nant party doa pot propoaa to 'go far In tha comliig-ion of thajth congress with reforms loudly demanded by tha people. , ' Tha leadera of all considerable fac tions of tha Republican party admit prlrately that there will be no tariff revision. ' - The revisionists will make a abow of Insistence that a blU, shall be considered by Jhe waya and means committee of the house; but aucb a '. bill, - even although introduced, w)U not get beyond the committee chalr- ' man's desk. . Opposition to child labor laws, seem ingly asked for by public ' sentiment, will be effective; It will bo based on the contentlbnthar only by Indirection may tha federal government enact , statutes which will cure this national disgraca.- ' ' " Senator Beverldge'a declaration . In favor of child labor legislation has sot been accepted here aa likely to become a leading Issue during the session, not withstanding the mountains of peti tions and tha hundreds of thousands of requests for such enactments. . . .. Meat ynspeotion and Begnlatloau Likewise. Beverldge'a " trooosal for amendlngthe meat Inspection law -re- . quiring packers'" to pyCMf 'Uf luspe ... tion and to data Inspection labels according to reliable opinion here, prob " ably will go agllmmering. ' , It Is noticeable that child labor laws - are objected to on the ground that their enactment must be a somewhat indirect ; application of tha powers of the federal ' legislature; yet the president's pro. possl for an Inheritance tax la baaed- on exactly the same necessity for such In- direction, and quite a number of Repub lican leaders have aald that they would upport hla proposed measure. - ... . In short, the record, of the first ses sion of the Fifty-ninth congress will - ; probably stand virtually unaltered aa the record of the Fifty-ninth congress entire; the coming . winter will add lit tle beyond the routine appropriation - btJtar with a fwr '-unexpected - Items -' added by accident , - t . - ? , Tha November election was a warning ta the standpatters. Babcock of Wis consin, McCleary of Minnesota 1 and Laceyof Iowa, three of the most proml ' nent of the opponents of tariff revis ion, were defeated, and many Others ' . ware served with notice from their con stituencies In tha form of reduced mi ; Joritiee. u-- ' LltUe hope la entertained that - the rate-regulation bill will ba amended ao as to curtail tha powers of the rall- roads by limiting federal coarta In tha Issuance of Interlocutory orders, and to ' provide for the valuation of railroad properties ao as to aqjueese out the water from tha bllllona of Inflated se curities, and to permit tha Interstate . commerce commission to ascertain tha (Continued on Page Three.) Becomes .Independent and Elopes Wfth the " Chuck, Leaving the Northern Pacific; t::VrC Company .to' Mourn Tba Puyallup river, which at Auburn utilised by tha Northern Paclfle Railroad oompany for supplying a water tank that feeds the railroad locomo tives on tha Fortland-Beattle run. . has escaped from the company and Is running away into the chuca river watercourse soma mllea distant from the water tank. Tha oompany la digging a large well at tha tank to supply tba locomotives, and engineers are figuring on plana for re capturing tha runaway Puyallup and bringing It back to ita bed. It was during tha recent floods In Waahlngton that the gay Puyallup went on a rampage and decided to elope with ' the Chuck. It went out over Ita banks and after affecting a union with ita neighbor deeper ohaanel was out In tha latter stream and tha runs way aoanoonea its oia course entirely, test ing the railroad company In the lurch ' and the fine, truss bridge at 'Auburn spanning a dry rivlne. While Northern ractflo people have been put to great expense and trouble by the floods,, the wster haa taught many valuable lessons In time to the .engineers of ths Chicago, Milwaukee ft L.r'. - -:-'-v:," 'v-. . v ' " ' . ; Bosses;rMurpFiy-and Conners Cut Publish er: and League Out of Plums at Albany -7 Editor Suspected Move and Has ' Taken Steps to Save Himsel From Political Annihilation- Ihmsen ; Sent to Europe . to Confer With Candidate-Elect 1 ( Journal Special BerTlre.) New York, Nov. 27. Trouble h broken out between William R. Ilearst and his reopnt allies, "Charlie" Mur phy, "Flngy" Oonhera and "Joe" Caa- sldy' . in a conference held at the Waldorf-Astoria, which the principals tried to aurrpuna witn tne greatest secrecy, Murphy, Conner and Cassldy decided to "shulut-Hearst and the Independ ence league from participation In pat ronage at Albany this winter, with the assistance of the successful end of the Democratic state ticket. Keating from tha fatlguea of hla cam paign, 1,009 miles away from the scene of his defeat. Hearst learned through telegraphic message sent by hla lieuten ants how Inexhaustible was tha supply of "lembns" ha had purchased at the coat of mora than a quarter of a mil' Hon dollars. . .. . - - .y-... The decision of Murphy, Conners and Cassldy. not to let Hearst "have a amall." aa Connera expressed it, of tha stale patronage, is due as much to their desire to kill off any future competition by -tba Hearst-organisation . aa to any solicitude for placing their own machine followers In soft bertha at tba atate'a expense. .. There la reason to believe that Hearst expected pome such move on Murphy's part and had taken atepa to awve him self from political extinction. Hearst's principal political lieutenant, Max M. Ihmsen, Is now on his way to Europe, whither he was sent by hla chief to meet and confer with Martin H. Qlynn. Thinners tlr controller-elect. Ihmeen's mission Is to attach Olynri toTfie HaTST faction In the. Democ ratio party and as sure to the Independence league a great part. If not all, of the patronage which the new controller will have at hla dis posal, just what success Ihmsen will have remains to be seen. Meanwhile Murphy, Connera and Cas sldy will proceed at once with tha agreeable task of dividing ' tha state plums, so long forbidden fruit to tha hungry faithful In Democ ratio ranks. SENSATIONAL ITEMS ' IN BASSETT CASE (Jearsal Seeris! bnWl Washington. Nov. 17. In the Basse ft divorce caaa today witness testified as to the sojourn of Mra. Baasett and Rev. Dr. Hunt at Atlantic City. New Jersey. The children were taught to call tha preacher "uncle." The couple frequently went bathing, according to' tba testimony. One witness testified that the child born at Johns Hopkins hospital, arter, aa tne nusband claims, ha had been away for 10 months, was SPANISH PARLIAMENT ' DISCUSSES SEPARAf ION Madraa, Nov. tl. Deputies today de cided to devote half tha session to a discussion of tha law of associations, under which tha aeparatlon of church and atata will occur. Et Paul Railway company, now building to tha sound and Portland, . It has shown them new high-water mark and given them pointers on Where to run their lines to avoid future floods. H. ,8. Rows, general agent in Portland for the Milwaukee, returned home thla morning from the sound. Speaking of tha affect of tha floods on construction work In Waahlngton, ha aaldi - "The Mllwaukee'e gradea are washed In numerous places, but no serious dam age has been dona by tha floods along our route, for the reason that our wo'rk waa not far enough along to ba very much hurt, Tha grades have been com pleted In many places, but there were no tlea nor Iron on them, and tha wash ing -down of tha embankmenta la easily and quickly remedied. Tha floods were tha greatest .ever known . In western Washington. . They have ferved a very nsefnl purpose for , tha engineers of the Milwaukee road. "At -Seattle the flood acenea were al most unbelievable. Many acres of sub urban property where people had bought t'heap lots and acreage tracts and built little homes were entirely under wa- ler." nv , - , x - - ? . a, -f;. " - '"'v II a. . Aonntl row irm mo. r t,.' V,-' r 3; Ml.. Mahelle Oilmen, tha actress. IB reporxeci ro nn-wm mv, Parts afrd to ba living at the Bt. Cloud hotel-In" tondon.. It !"m0"1 has accepted the matrimonial proposals of peer or ureal who haa long been her ardenv"admtrer.' . ' ... . T -The-freauent denlala of Mr. Corey that he Intends to wed Mlsa Oil- man. on whose account hla wife procured a divorce, havs""sB auuepled e) by the actress as an Intimation that monial engagement. , GETTREFRWIE BUT ARE CAUGHT AFTER A HOLDUP Bandits Force Conductor , at Point .of Gun .to J3iveThem Transportation - and Stop Train Outside City Then They Rob Two People. 7 " Jeeraal Bpeelal Berrlee.) Renat Nev Nov. 17. After holding up Conductor Linguist of tha overland limited for tha fare between Verdi and Reno and refusing to psy for their ride, enforcing their, stand with revolvera. William Keating and wiuiam Jjeai com pelled . the conductor to alow down at tha outskirts of Reno and -quickly left the slowly moving train. Within I mtnutea tney neia up nam Emerlck and a few minutes later robbed William Juatl. From tha Utter they secured 120 In money: and much valu able Jewelry. Then they were captured by an officer who was told by Juatl of tha, holdup. According to F. M. Bvrne, of Blarra City, who waa on tha train, tha two men boarded the overland at ' Verdi, about U mllea from Reno.-. They took seats immediately- behind Byrne,' who heard them, discussing . tha manner , In which they would hold up the ooaduo- tor. When tha latter aeked for their fares they drew guns and defied him to take hla duee. Heeding tha warnings of tha men all tha passengers kept their seata. ' - Tha men kept tha conductor covered until Reno waa approached; when they (Continued on Pago Three.) B L AST C A V "Earthquake!" cried all , Willamette helghta thla morning. Houses, had ahaken as though they were rata In the teeth of a giant ter rier,, women had screamed, and children had walled, husbands down town had been telephoned to by anxloua wives, and Lafe Penee had set off a blast of gtsnt powder! That waa tha causa of all tha .ex citement, but ao general waa tha be lief that an earthquake had occurred that Instantly wlvea bad feared - for the aafety of their husbands la tall office buildings, . When It wss found thst Pence's blsst had caused all the worry, Mayor Lane was appealed to that the strong arm of the municipality might take Mr. Pence by the collar.- r Tha Pence company lis blasting clay on a knob somewhat to tha wast of aha waa free to make any matri 'POSSUM-M-MARKEIS FOR THANKSGIVING ' . . ; ) : -A' ' a .. 'Possum -and sweet potatoea e will be tha bill of fare In aoma e - PorUand homes Thanksgiving e day. A Fourth atreet market e received a amall ahlpment of e 4 'possums from tba far soutn mis e morning and they were eagerly snapped up by former residents e of the Southland at $3.60 each. e - - Turkeys will not ba ahort thla e season. This muoh Is settled a now. Prices for the beat dressed e e" blrda-wlH - rule arounAIScewtse) a pound In the retail markets.' ' 0 - Tou'd better be stepping lively a 4 if you expect to aerve cranberry aaoca with your Thanksgiving w dinner. It -has Just been ds- covered by the trade that sup- e e piles aare exceedingly ahert be- e e cause tha berries did not keep as . a a long as uaual thla eeaaon. . . Frogs', lega at 10 oenta a dosen e are commanding '. considerable e- sale 'in" tha retail maraeta to- a e"day. Eastern lobsters are ' also ..Hp e ' displayed by some of tha larger 4 markets but are too high to base . a regular quotation. '.Tha mar- ' kets are again weU aupplied with oyaters and all varieties of ' Ash. -Usual prices rule. ' - Two hundred and fifty thou ' sand pounda of turkey a. have . ' been received In PorUand - for - the Thanksgiving trade. Of these shipments -109,000 pounds were , equally divided between Beattle, ! Tacoma and Spokane, with some Vj few orders for British Columbia " fully 150,000 pounds will no used In PorTtaml " alon -f or-T hsske. , , giving about one , pound for - .every man, woman and child In the city. , Pricea at retail aver- f lit it oenta at pouno ior oest dressed birds, with aecona-ciass stock selling rrorn m n t ' cent a ; , ' i e e e e , US - j?lJA Wltlanyette Heights. Last week several heavy blaata were aet off. and residents of tha vicinity complained. Mr. Pence filed a bond, of 13,000 with tha city en gineer that no damage would be done, arid agreed torcut tha also of hla charges In half, making them 300 pounds of blasting powder Inst.wid of 400 pounds. Dut this. morning tha shock was so tremendous that tha people living within the gone of Khake wouldn't be lieve 11 waa merely a blast. Tha Pence oompany stated at noon today that the blasting foreman bad been Instructed to out down tha charge to 300 pounda, but aa tha crew was still out on the hills It wss not known how much powder had been' put In the charge this morning. Hard clay la being loosened by blasts that It may be flumed down to the lowlands which the Ptnuo company Is tilling. ;It Is remark. gV cj. ry3 PRESIDENT BACK AT W OR K7 H OLDS CABINET MEETING Executive Hears Metcalfe Report on. Japanese Situation New YorlcMilIlonaires - Organizing to Fight the Administration's Plans for Inheritance Tax. (Jearaal apeelal Bervlee.) ' Washington Nov. 17. Tha hum -of Industry In thla otty waa revived to day, with tha president again at work, A cabinet meting was held early In the day. It .waa mostly taken up with tell. ing the . members about the . work at Panama. Secretary Metcalf gave a syn opals of : his report on tha problem of the Japanese In the public schools of San'Pranctsco. There were many call- era throughout the day. 'The president return&J to Washington at 10:42 o clock last ntaht. hsvt"r vt" ed not only Panama but Porto Rico. Ha reports a delightful trip. It developed today that New Tork millionaires ' are organising to .fight President Roosevelt's plan for an In heritance tax. A strong lobby will be maintained In oongresa and It la hoped o effectually prevent new legislation on the subject. ... lone to Save Xdgbt Plans. lone. Or Nov. 37. lone I to have an electrlo lighting plant, operated with steam power. The proposition - was votsd on Saturday and carried almost unanimously, The council waa thua au thorised to Issue 4,00 bonds to build the- plant. Blda will be called for very soon. K E SC A RE , ably hard, well-packed clay, and the blaat la ao bound In by mighty pressure that It Is more far-reaching thaa were It set in rock. , , 11 M. Carlock of M. Seller A Co. aaya he will Institute suit ' for damages td his residence at lit Thlrty-aecond street. , "The place where they are blasting la only-100 yarda from my house, and the shock thla - morning was tremendous,- aald he. . "There waa damage to the building." Tha home of Arthur Alexander, tha well known vocalist, at 1091 franklin, was so severely shaken that It waa be lieved an earthquake had stolen Into town all unannounced. At the Stevena residence, 1104 Vaughn atreet. It waa also believed that trie hill was suffering from a temblor. ' tlt.v Engineer Taylor will aea to It that the chargea do not exoeed" tha 309 poup.4 limit given by the bond yv- ' , Si: W ' . '' v . TO PAY FlilE OF $18,000 Rebates RecSvedEro m New York Central Prove-Expensive-ito Sweet Octopus Evidence Presented by W. R. Hearst Results In Another Conviction Railroad Fined i' the Same Amount . Last Week More Prosecution in Store, (Journal Special Berrlee.) New York. Nov. 27. The American Sugar Refining company waa fined 318,' 000 today for accepting rebatea from the New York Central. The railroad waa fined the same amount last week for giving the rebatea to the company. The evidence In the case waa collected by W. R. Hearst and given to the govern ment, by him early in the year. It la largely based, on -documents similar-to those Which recently resulted In the conviction of the New York Central on six1 other counts for rebatea made on ahlpmenta to Detroit, the combined crimes casting Jther8liroadeorporat Ion 3108.000. rive Cents a Hundred. The claims for a rebate of 6 cents a hundred pounds on all augar shipments tO-Detroit were made out- ln-the olfloe of . Uowell M. Palmer, traffic manager for the trust. They were sent to the Buffalo office of the Past Freight Lines operating over tha Vanderbllt road a. They were not paid openly by cheek. xhaej,Bhlar ultha Buffalo office would goJtolb,e BankofButaloaod-.huy a draft on the Chemical National bank of New York.- Thla draft, which on Its face bora no mark of tha railway cor poration or any of ' its . officials, was mailed to Palmer, who deposned'lt to tha credit of one of the sugar trust ac counts. The secrecy Indicated by this transaction was one of the points scored agalnat tha New York Central at the trial. '! Can Easily Pay Fine. The American Sugar Reflnlng com- janyaneasJjyjixjtny-Ona tho-xouxts may assess, ior it is capicausea at 100,000,000. It paya 7 per cent divi dends annually and owna or controls mora than twenty-live refineries In all parts of the country. H. X Havemeyer Is president ofthe TruM, W. ML Thomai vice-president: C. R. Helke, secretary. and Arthur Bonner, treasurer. Among uhe dlrectora are John K. Parsons, ueorge u. r raxier, cnaries i. enrr ana John Mayer. , . ELEGANCE IS NOT SYBARITIC ANYHOW fjoarnsl Special Bervlc.) New York, Nov. 37. Bishop Potter denies that ha Uvea In "sybaritic ele gance," aa charged by ' Inference In a statement by Edward Shepard, counsel for Dr.- Crapsey In the recent heresy trial of the latter. Tha bishop said he did not think Shepard's attack neednd any particular reply. He aald he would have hla man show Shepard tha door ahould tha attorney call. GRACE BROWN VICTIM OF HER ASSAILANT (Jneroal Special Berries.) Herkimer. N. Y.. Nov. 37. Medical experte today gave further testimony precluding the possibility that Grace Brown could have committed suicide. Dr. Douglas testified that the girl would have become a mother had aha lived. JrHrGanzeiSwi ANOTHER Northern Pacific Railway Company arid ThenFIeesto" Seattle 'After passing a number of worthless. checks and drafts by which several Portland firms are losers In sums rang Ing from 810 to 80. J. H. , Oansar. swindler, has transferred bis field of operations to Seattle. " At least, tha police believe ha Is in Seattle, though they have been unable to locate him up to thla time. He de parted yesterday by way of tha North ern Pacific, which, eompany unwittingly donated 310 towarda the expenses of hla trip- by cashing a draft- for that amount. Others also contributed pin money, and then after he had gone asked the police to aid them In catch ing tha awlndler. Ganser Sompletaa a term on the city rockptle a few days ago, but nothing daunted by such an apparent- Indignity, left In splendor yesterday. Three guests accompanied him on hla trip to tha sound, a man and two women.' Uanser bought the tickets, also spending , the money of some one else for ehnir car and Pullman th'keta. It was while pur. chasrng the tickets that (innrr forced tha Northern Ptcltlo to donate 1 10. 3Tovel Claim for Damages. Qanier'g career la Portland 'was KIDNAP HIS BABY .. i i ii i U ' - " . ' Eathetdlatherdat Law Meet in Door- way With Cocked Revolvers In Struggle Which Follows Gun "Is Discharged but Bullet Does Not Take Effect and Both Men. Ar Taken to the PoUc - Station. With a cocked revolver In his hand. ' John R. Tresnan, an electrician.,., en . tered tha home of hia father-in-law this -morning with the intention of kidnaping) hia own child. At the aama moment the father-in-law, J. K, Graham. ' seised and cocked hla own revolver and ran, toward the back of tha house to Inter -cept Tresnan and prevent him frona getting away with tha 1-year-old be by girt ":."';; - . ; . - The two men met In an inside doors way ao suddenly that neither was able to use his weapon. A desperate St ruga gle ensued, during which Graham's pis. to! was discharged without effect, The) -one thing thai prevented murder wag the fact that tha men proved to be of equal strength and neither waa able to gain an advantage sufficient to allow of hia using hia weapon. " While still locked In unfriendly anv brace, the tired men agreed to throw their weapons on the bed and talk the trouble over. This they were doing when the patrol wagon, telephoned fo by a rrfghTerieffheIghb6F,arrived7Tuia; " looxCIha belligerents to Jail, ' ; " A moment after the wagon passed out of sight, the woman, who la tha wife of the one man and the daughter of tha unsusploloua of trouble, ran whistling gaily into the house to ber babe, whlott still lay tranquil and unperturbed In tha midst of a morning nap in a aide bad room. Btory of tha Tronble, The Graham rexldence is at 411 Ef -Twelfth street. John R. Treonan mar. TTed" tTiedauhteP of the hWoHirTy four yeara ago. For two yeara ha and his wife resided with the Graham fam 11 y. Then troublea arose. A year ago last summer Tresnan left his wife, aay ; that he would never oome baote He went to eastern' Oregon, but returned a few weeks ago and attempted to effeot a reconciliation with Mrs.. Tresnan. The young lady replied that aha ere ferrcd her amall salary at Neuatadtes Broa.' overall factory to the uncertain ties of life, with the electrician. Tree, nan then asked for the custody of their baby girl, Jessie, but waa told that ha could not have her. The husband there. upon set about on varloua schemes to get possession of the little girt, but tha "'' father-in-law swore that ha would pro. tect his daughter and her child, and bought a Smith Wesson- revolver fof " " that purpose. Tresnan wrote threaten. Ing letters to both th woman and her . father. . Police Captain Slover la a neighbor of Graham, and the latter laid tha matter before Slover few weeks ago and asked him what he ahould do. Xveat JTot Unexpected. Tresnan' s visit this morning was not unexpected. He first cams to tha kitchen- door, gun in. hand. Mre. Ora. ham opened the door and waa ao fright ened by the eight of the weapon that she was ' unable1 to speak or soream Bne shut the door, however, and Tres nan ran around to a aide door. Ore ham had aeen his son-in-law through tha window and, as. the latter entered the house,- ha grabbed hla revolver frona (Continued on Page Thr oheokered Indeed. He first attracte publlo attention by setting up a novel olalm agalnat ' an accident Insurants oompany for Injuries he received while at. work on the elty rookplia, , He held., a policy In the eompany and nlalmed the beneflte It assured. ------ " Soon-after his release he wss re arrested for raising a "Touli house" In Max Smlth'a Savoy restaurant en Seventh atreet. In default of the neces sary amount of cash bsll he offered a brilliantly flashy gem which, he claimed, waa as magnificent a diamond aa the South American fluids ever (produced. Police officials, however, professed Ig norance In Tiffany affairs and were re luctant to accept the proffered gem. But they permitted a Btwtlon oftloer t accompany denser to a Jewelre. where he might raise the necessary sum fr his release. "I want 3B on this ring." he en nffiince to the "Vincle" who rutlnl! It with. Jhe eye ef a connoisseur. "I "wouldn't give 'vt to cents t .f I'" be replied. "I can buy them at l) cents per train load." j;C9utlijud en Psja 'JU.r. t f A V