,-,A - v - - THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 26, 1908. K EN 10 nil . b lit t ia t -ii ii i x ii i . v t , , . ,. ' .... . . . - 0 - j iJSIew-Direct-Line ElectricRaad"StartIes"tIie Lii Transportation World ; Route 150 Miles Shorter Than the Shortest Time 10 v Hours Quicker Than the Quickest Fare $10 Construction Interest In the gret"Eleovla Railroad . that will out down the running time be tween Chicago and New Tork to It . hours and carry passengers at a 110 fare continues unabated. People who .were skeptical at first as to the reality i of such a-glgantlo project,' have now be- come convinced by the aetual showing of work already dona. The first gred ' ' Ing was begun on the first day of Bop .tember and every day sees additional . right of way made for track-laying. The . Chloago-New Tork Eleotrlo . Air . Lint Railroad- wilt Ttm nver" a - track - that scarcely verges from a straight Una In Its entire course of 719 miles, thereby making the distance 110 miles shorter than the shortest existing eteera-TU-road route. Over this direct route will be run hourly alectrlo trains that will reach-a maximum of 100 miles sn hour and maintain an average of 75 mllos. No steam road, could have ever hoped to do this, because It would have been im possible to carry enough fuel and water to maintain such a speed, H Moreover, the limit of human endurance has been reached by the stokers on steam locomo tives. ' According to Warren 8Unford Eton; Chief of the Brotherhood of Loco motive Engineers, a stoker on a steam locomotive shovels aa high as 26 tons of coal on a single trip. The new eleo trlo engines have no such handicap, for . ample and- uniform power comes to them at ail times from mammoth power houses located (0 miles apart along tne line. . Their rotary motors run without thump or Jar and enable them to do work .under which a steam locomotive . would not last sis months. There Is not the slightest question ..that the road will be built and In run ning order on schedule time. Every one of its original projectors IS a praotlcal ..railroad man and their personal honor '. and standing are such ss to guarantee . the complete success of - the project. They have placed their entire fortunes . Into the enterprise and " iieisuual fi lends to do the , Mow This (treat Eleotrlo Boad Came to Be a BeaUty. "'The Chicago-New Tork Electric Air Line Railroad la duly Incorporated and chartered under the laws of the stats of Maine. Its officers are: . . ALEX. C. MILLER, President CHARLES, T. CHERRT, Vice-President. - --- T HERON M. BATES, Secretary and Treasurer formerly Oen. Supt. Chicago A Alton K. R. ,' Board ef Directors. HARRT 4fr-LATHAMrTresrdent of ,.the Latham Machinery Co. of Chicago. . ALEX. C. MILLER, former President of Aurora JTrust.aV Saving ankAu - rora, 111. . , . - .-.i HABHT K. PRCCUTIER Fresldant of the Moon Mfg. Co., Chicago. HON. CHARLES T. CHERRT, Capl talis t, Oswsgo, I1L Zooaomy of Blactrlo Power. Electric power has suob great economic advantsges over a team that here can be no question that the Xoxk-llna will payi Btearo- , '. keep up a high speed for any great dis tance. The fire slacks down and neces- sltates raking, ths water ' supply be comes a serious problem and the high peed soon stops. Eleotrlo trains don't t have to slack speed for a moment If the ?ower Is on, and the maintenance of 5 miles an hour between New Tork and Chicago becomes an easy matter. Bteam locomotives are compelled, at high speed, to burn the beet of coal, whereas the electrio power Is generated from "Tery low-priced coal, even screenings ton. This In Itself Is an enormous ad vantage In favor of the. electric road, but It doesn't begin to be all. The elec tric motor, being rotary Instead of re rclproeatlng, works with a smoothness that means thousands of dollars saved ' In wear and tear from vibration. Besides the great economy of alectrlo , power over steam, this new electrio line will have the advantage-of economy In -construction... With rails costing more , than twlca as much as they do now, and .with, wast and extravagance character ising every railroad project of the past, - old-time . lines show soma "cost . per mile" records that are amaalng. The ,. new electric road will coat somewhat mora to build than a steam road would, but -thi - cost will Include the power houses, and by virtue of th direct route there are 1(0 - miles less to construct J ' than tha old-time road, builders had to - pay for. . Aurora Boad Shows ' What Bleotrlo pi xraasii Aooosaplisa. ZtlluJi:i' J'W.A. CnLc" R' mepid Transit can Aooompliaa. has shown tha world the marvelniia nna- Ibllltia of long-uistanes electrio trac tion. The story of this unique project , Is a tale of success from start to finish. Fortunes have been made by th men who had the courage to break away from precedent end do something that the railroad world said could not bs done. . Over this flfty-sevcn-mtle limit full trains are -run at a speed that some times reaches nlnetv miles an hnnr tiAdle on the alectrlo cars wave a swift gooa-Dye to tne passengers on ths two steam roads which run parallel to It, the electrio cars going by so fast that the steam cars seem not to move at all Thle-road wee- built Jn the-face of pessimism snd ridicule. Nobody' out side of Its promoters thought It would succeed, end especially was this true of the magnates of the two rival i, roads which It paralleled for Its entire ion in. inty muinw ana said ths electrio road would get no patronage worth mentioning, th people would not dare to ride at such a speed, etc The were not good prophet, for we now have the every day reality of a auccees beyond tha wfldeel dreams of the eleo trlo road's best friends. Every train thst runs Is filled to it - fullest ca pacity, and the tralna contain as many cars ss th snglnes can draw without a sacrifice of speed. - pining cars and buffet are provided, and to th mlnuteet detail everything la most luxurious. comfortable nJ convenient Tn the five year thst ths road hs been running I not one aerloug accident has occurred. I Tne Aurora roea nas oeen tne great-J Coupon Request fop Information SOPTMWBSTBBaT SBOPBITIJS CO Plsoal Agents Ohloago-Bsw Tork Zlecrrie Air tla B. B. Stock, 00 Selbert Block. Saa Pranolsoo. CL . please tend m , fnrta partlonUr ..... ........ Bams Addree Port J. , Gangs Are No.w Working on It es? moneymaker of ian electrio nrolect ever floated, maklisg rlah men out of some who had but nominal fortune at ine outaet. Bo great 1 th earning power of thla road today that It pays Interest on a. curl(ler amounting to more than $10, Ouo.000 and la one of the greatest rail road successes th world has ever known. What thi road has dons will be don on aa '- Incomparably greater scale by th new electrio line between Chicago and New Tork. The pleasure and comfort of alectrlo travel, together . wlta.-Us-k great - speed, appeals to ths average person so strong ly that bs avails himself 'of them when he can. No smoke or clndere smirch the passengers, , no sickening stench from cattle train befoul the air. and ona la not Jolted from aide to side, or lurched around ourves. Thera are prac tically no curves on a high-speed eleo trlo line, for suoh a speed cannot be maintained except over 7 atralghtaway course. v Wherever electrio lines have been In troduced they have brought about new conditions, seeming to create .a class of traffic peculiarly their own and making money where the wise ' ones said it could never bs dona. In the case of the Aurora. Elgin A Chicago road, the only high-speed eleotrlo road aa yet In actual operation, two ateam roada parallel It the entire way, and yet the electrio road has built up an enormous trafflo Of Its own without appreciably crippling lther of th ateam road In their sub urban patronage. The electric road pre sents such .delights of travel that new trafflo 1 actually created out of a Class of peopl who have heretofore traveled but Uttl or pot at alt . ' Bow Passesgv Traffl Pays Better Than rrelght. There 1 an absurd popular notion that no steam railroad makes any con alderable nroflt on Its Dassencer trafflo. but th new Chicago-New Tork Electric Road will quickly prove that such is not the caaet and that by special equip ment for passenger trsf f lc It can be made to pay . far more than freight does. The reason passenger trafflo on th great trunk line steam roads yields consideration for oassenser reoulre ments and with freight the beginning and end f the road a commercial de sires, the two classes ef tonnage don't work well together. When a "flyer'' makes a sensational run under present railroad conditions. It often means that all freight trains for a distance of 100 miles - have to be run onto siding or otherwise shifted out of the danger sone until the passenger train gets by. This mesns an almost Incalculable loes, a loss that certainly does kill all th profit that would otherwise aocrue. Then, again, the steam routes being freight routes first, last and all the time, have to go where the frstghr la, no ma.tter how many aeroentlne twists and turns divert them from the path way of directness. Passengers not only have to b hauled far and unnecessarily out of tha wav. but are shifted around curves, gullies and mountains that for ever render an extremely high speed out of tte question. The simple fact, therefore. Is that passenger trafflo will pay and pay well, even If never a pound of freight were carried. If the route were only a direct one and no delay of fifty war frelaht tralna. aome Of them with perishable goods, was caused by have urged their 1 vr r v .i." , T pin ana even men get tneir rreignt 10 i-ni. I Mi"- "u rounojr m in rarrjrina i New York or Chicago several hours jii. I oaeaenaers. but because the rosria Uv L.i.i... .v... t. ....im. fk.t i. I In been conceived and built with no I Ik.. - u - T.,i., n at her can the htgh-epeed tralna.- ..determined that the people the plsln Chicago-New I 'When a manufacturer ilpsfrelghtlT,! gnglT-CWll tnlg groir eleqifrlc Town wntto.H"'' JgCll-Jigl; , TO..X- process sues Freight may-go over half a-dosen roada and many miles out of Its wsy before It reaches Its destina tion. Most or tne roaaa ore memoers of great freight pools or trusts which operate within certain "spheres of 1n fluence. Business is divided up. the profits being portioned out In sccord sncs with a "factor" schedule, and the freight going over whichever "pool ' toufe the situation demands. When a load of freight starts from Nsw Tork for Chicago Ty way of, let uo aay, ths Erie, no- man can predict how many other routes than the Erie It will run over before It reaches the end of Its Journey: and It matter not so long as It gets there somehow sometime. But It does matter to paasengere whether or not they have to tolerate such beat ing around the bush. When a paesen- frer starts for given point he wants o.get there directly, and. therefore, the passenger tralna of existing roads pick their way through a sea of freight trains, cattle care on a aiding here, fruit ears on a spur there, all being delayed to the extent of hundreds of thousands of dollars. . - What a Messing, then. It will be when the new Chloago-'New Tork Eleo trlo Air line flashe Its clean, luxurious train between Chicago and New Tork City at the marvelous speed of seventy five miles an hour, aoms of them mak ing no stops. If freight is ever carried It will be over exclusive freight trarka. ample space for which has been pro vided. The territory traversed by the new electrio line Is the most densely populated In the country, snd the bulk of all the traffic, both freight and paa senger, from Cleveland, Toledo. Detroit. Philadelphia nd other large cities will ultimately be carried hr thla route. It has been shown by tne work of the LTort Central that there are plenty of ffeoAe willing to pay the 80 Vr cent Twentieth century iyer oi ine ni eharma renulred on this train: what, then, will bs the patronage of a road that carries one from Chicago to New Tork City for 1 10. a figure that Is about one half the regular fare now ohargedT Ther can b no queetlon that th Chicago-New Tort Electrio railroad will become th richest end moat powerful business factor In this country. Its workings being on the basis of new order of things Indus trial and - the-f ounds V7mw!!',Ir which our economic well-belna; will rest. When this great electric road gets into full working order the small shipper can send his freleht on a bsels of abso lute oqualUy-wUh-tha big shipper. , Wonderfully tevsl Boats. It la almost beyond belief that o perfect national route for a railroad is that surveyed by ths new Chicago New Xork Electrio Air Line could have atnod all these- yesra snd not had a railroad built upon It. For a stretch of 150 nles In V"Vo ther ts a fall of only two feet to Hhs mile. From Chicago to the Pennsylvania atate line the grads does not exceed It feet per mile, aad in the entire dlstsnce of Vso miles be tween Chicago end New Tork no grade on the route Purveyed ecede 1. per cent Nr doubt the reader who looks on the map snd observes the snake-like winding of the exl.tlng trunk line. marvels as. ww, ..' "'.. 11 hut the reason becomes plain enough when It la realised that rnanv of ths cities from which thee road draw tneir muu.wy, .... w... of th Chioa'co-sTw Tork Sleotrlo .. were located on th great river which than conatltutsd th only highways of transportation.' Nona of the great roada of today was built .with any Idea of catering to through, direct rout passenger trafflo from east , to west, but were merely gatherers-ln of local trafflo from these river-bank cities, with their alluring freight tonnage the main object eoughC Thus It came about that the routes of ail existing road were crooked and rambling, taking th paassnger to his destination by routes that wont around a "Robin- Hoodg -barn." It must bs remembered, too, that it 1 only within the last twenty-five year that the pss senger trafflo haa reached gigantic pro portions. When th ateam road were built the passenger wss a matlar of small consideration compared with freight, but todajv with the Increase of national wealth and consequent In creased capacity for Juxurtoua travel, the passenger trafflo holda forth allur ing prospects of profit to uyttf road thai will eaulp Itself for It and earry -th traveler to th end of hi Journey by a direct line, high-speed route that take no account of and doesn't bother with freight on the same tracks. Passenger trsffte.' with It aonstant demand for higher sped. haa made the Chicago-New Tork Electrio Air Line Railroad a reality; nevertheless. It Is not Intended that freight shall be over looked. Freight will ultimately be handled on exclusive freight tracks and kept a distinct from the - passengur traffic aa If two separate roads ran aids by side. It stsnds to reaaon that It won't be so very long before the freight shippers will begin to think that such a direct high-speed' 'line is ss good a thlng.for freight as for passengers, and this, of course, will ultimately lead to spur tracks being run to the main line from more thsn twenty cities of over one hundred thousand Inhabit ant a. and a practical - absorption - of the freight business from a territory with a popu lation of about nine million. The main lln run so close to sev eral large cities, auch as Cleveland, To ladn. etc . and othera are ao near, that spur trscks of less than (0 miles In I lengtn win connect inernwiLlLviip niain x today. The Diana for the new eleotrlo line contemplate ample track space for freight as wall ss psssenaer trafflo when the time comes to handle It. Such Is ths railroad situation; here In a direct route between Chicago and New Tork. the greatest traffic termi nals the world hsa aver known. It Is slmost ss level as a billiard table for more than half Ita length, and through Its entire distance of 760 miles there Is not a single mile In which there Is a rise of mora thsn BS feet How strange it aeems that no treat railroad haa ap propriated thlsamaslngly valuable piece men who were not railroad men to fur nish the money It took to make 'the first start, and. of cours. It will take men who are railroad men actually- to engineer the project. After moch work this happy combination of business msn (future great shippers) on ths one hand and railroad men, present managerial heads of some of th greatest railroads In ths United Btates. on the other, were brought together . to launch this most stupendous unaertaamg or a century. Theae men have made the atart. but It will be the plain, everyday cltlien who win complete tne Project, it nas wen It la of course, ths votes of the Peo ple that enable this road to exercise the "Tight of eminent domain." - a law whereby the welfare of the people aa a whole Is put above the Interests of sny one man or set of men. and th building of railroads made possible. By this process of state lew a railroad can ap propriate for Its pse (st a fair value) any land that Is essential to Its comple tion. A railroad Is for th whol peo ple, not "the few." end no Intrlsue. greed or selfish restraint of progrsss can possibly stop Its building. Wew Boad encounter Pew Obstacle. The hlatorlee of most of the stssm roads read like political melodramas. Bribery and corruption of stste and na tional dignitaries wss looked upon ss being eaaentlal aa the laying of rails. Industries were throttled, coal mlnea foroed Into line and right of way se cured by the most desperate tactic. No such struggles will be necosaary In the construction of the Chlcego-Nsw Tork Electric Air Line Railroad. Moa of the large cities are not absolutely crossed by the right of way, but lie very close to It. This haa given the project ell of th advan fuses and none of the difficulties encountered by the steam roada. The line Is. In most caaea. Just near enough so thst an Insignifi cant spur of a few miles long will, for Sll practical purpoae. locme m jme beside the city, while It Is Just fsr enoush sway to eecspe political or simi lar obstacles. Never was d railroad nrniect launched with few diffi culties confronting It. Everywhere along tne line manufac turers and other nower consumers wel come It because of the low priced sur plus power the new road can sell them., Thousands of homes will glow bril liantly from ths electric lights supplied from the same source, a feature that la bound to make friend for the road from one end or me nne io m oiner. The problem of grade crossings hss not only been solved, but done away with. The Chicago-New Tork .Electrio Air Line Railroad will he the first example In railroad history In which no other msf. highway or street. Is crossed "at . grade" or on the aame level. Th new road will either go under or over all such obstacle fea ture -which- saves all the-t1m that ' existing steam roada lose by their "slow-downs 1 at crossings, snd ensnies the electric train to maintain Ita mar velous speed. Th Chlcsro-New Tork Electrio Air f.lna road has smonr Its staff the very msn who secured every" foot of the-iight . of way for the Aurora, Elgin A Chicago- Electric road snd was one or tne most prominent factors In bringing sbnnt It rreat euecexs. There are also among Its offlclsle several men who were actively connected with the Huv.llngt.on road,' two of them in the onersttng depart ment.. It Is a well known and,unl-i veranllv sehnowleds-ed fact ' thlrt "the Burllneton ha rra1tiatd more success, ful railroad experts than sny other road In the country, and the success of ths new electric rosd wlH be sssured In no small degree by these two mts- M Bo Kaka-Shir wlsne for th Bw xiscm aioaa. - Tha hiillder of tha Chlcsea-Naw Tork Electric Air Llns Railroad-have determined thst no matter of expedi ency shall rauae them to build with only today In view and to forget tomor row.' Many a minor curve or grade might be left untouched, and 'hundred of thousands of dollars, and hundreds of thousands of dollars saved In origi nal coat, but they must snd will be straightened out snd leveled down. Every curve snd grade that Is left in roadway to save construction coat constitutes s permanent drag nir ths operating cost for sll time, an expenae thst exceed what 1t"woiild have coat to do the thine right In the first place by thoussndfold. The construction ists of the new eieetrin road ars pur suing no makeshift pollrv. If a-curv or erade evIMs srhl ought to bs re moved. It will be- removed Wherever th nsw else trio lln. crone a sUarn TtA It t4!t mn. nv Th roadbed will be the most aolldly built of any In the world, th high speed of the train necessitating ow calculationa on thla acore- It will be "ballasted" with crushed granite throughout It entire length, and 100 pound steel rail will be used. Power houses will b - fifty mHe apart and will keep a "third rail" con stantly charged with 0.000 electrical horsepower. Every part of the ma chinery will be In duplicate, so that no breakdown can poaelbly affect th run ning of th hlgn-apeed tralna. Some of these power houses ar lo cated' near coal mlnee, the screenings of which can be had at such low prices that th total coat of power will be greatly reduced thereby.- It 1 even contemplated to use some of the aul- Fhur-ladea "coal of Michigan, a coal hat sella at a very low figure because Its sulphur destroy ordinary boilers. This coal can readily be burned under boilers of special construction and pro duces power at a cost away below that of power derived- from the ordinary team locomotive. Power derived from coal through direct burning under a locomotive poller compares with power Froduced from a, central station and hrough electrio motors a thr to ight, and In favor of electricity. When, it oomes to -safety, eleotrlo power le so superior to steam that there Is hardly any comparison at all. The danger . from fire Is insignificant,' ths danger' from xplolon eliminated and tha denser from breakdown due to oryatallsatlon. . practically . don away with. It Is weu known tnai a consume thumping-on any kind .of metai.tend to make It crystalline, with danger from cracking ever present. Every body ' knows how a steam locomotlv tnita and thumna ' and It at ones be come evident why msny railroad acct- dsnta ooour on sioajq iinrs, uq eiecirio lines, ths motor being rotary and work ing without any thumping whatever, It oan be clearly seen how eleotrlo trans portation Increases the safety of every passenger evco-when going at th high est speed. , JBlaetxto Um WIU Band Up Kaay Oreat rortoaea. Th tlm haa come when th people ought to own the railroad, and they are going to own them. I The Chicago-New Tork ElotrIo Air Line Railroad Is th great entering wedge. When thla road is built the farmer can look . out upon his grain field with the content that come from knowing that when the harvest ripens th bulk of his earnings won't go Into the Jawa of a greedy railroad aa exeeg slv freight charges. The manufac turer and amall freight shipper will be able to get hi produce through aa quickly and cheaply aa -any other ship per. No longer will the small shipper be fooled with the sickly excuse thst "we csn't get cere." while he sees his big rival' goods g-whlstllng along through "pull" and favprltlam But, what im best of sll, th small stockholder (snd ther Is no reaaon that It should not be you) win nave n in vestment that will make him ftnanol- e"?o.7"bl.'" the building up " oi America's greatest 'Tominex ars many t The condition that Tn, erica's areaTest "fortunes are man time more promising than thy war in tn oiaen rsnroaa ajr tk. a tam roada. betnar loaded down with debt, waterlogged with over capitalisation and worn to their mar- pones Py ineir iwnui mmi', Via LakeShore & Michigan Southern York Central iiuason Kiver ttauroaa, Route of Ten - Fay 'dividends on securities that stood or fals value, ar In no position to sacrifice their millions of Investment and build a through electric line like the Chicago-New Tork Electrio Air Line Railroad. It took new blood, new cour age to do It; It took faith that tha project was so big and broad and well conceived that the necessary $160,000. 000 would be forthcoming. The profits that this great electric roaiUwIll make for Its stockholders sre almost beyond calculation, while the natural rlae In value of the ahares be cause of the etxraordlnary earning power la likely to be such thst an In vestment of $100 at the reduced price t which th first shares are marketed may, at the end of a few years, stand for a quoted market valu of $2,000 ?nd yield a yearly Income of $200. If t does this, and It la not at all unlikely that It will, the man- who lnveats $500 In It shares now will hav a ysarly In come of $1,000. Of cours. th only tlm such colossal profits can he msde Is at the very atart. After the first sec tion of the rosd Is bisUt and the people see It In actual working order, aee It rolling up profits and" making money like a mint there will be slight reason to offer the shares at any considerable acrlflo. a w ar doing. A we have said, nothing ran stop lh building of thi road. Of course. If Its projectors re compelled to build It unaided by a popular subscription. It would take much lonarer than otherwise, and aa the road will earn thousanda upon thousands of dollars more for every day Its completion Is hastsned. It has been planned to make It a people's rond in every sense. The -road will undoubtedly commence earning money ' within one year from data, snd will do It by opening up and operating th first section, a stretch of track about 100 miles long, snd ending st Ooshen, Ind. . This section runs through a region peculiarly rich In traffic possibilities. Running through ;the' towns nf Whtttnr.-ammondV-Tol-leston. Hobsrt, Chesterton. Gray. New Carlisle, I Porte, South Bend. EJk hart Goshen - and msny others. It serves a population of 100,000. It haa been shown that electrio serv ice through a region or this character ?lella a gross traffic Income of from 10 to $17.60 per csplts" of the popula tion. Even at the lower estimate of $10 per capltn, the groas profits figure up to S l.too.OOX. Our operating ex penses wilt' not exceed $0 per cent of the gross receipts, snd this would leave hef earnings of nine hundred and fifty thousand dollar ($960,000) on a section of road only 100 miles Ion. .This Would enable the road to pay dividends of shout 18S per cent on the money In vested. These figures are startling, of courae, but are baaed on facta and on whnt haa been don-by other electrio rIt"is a matter nf ststlstlcs that th; operating expenses of the Aurora road were only tt per cent of the gros re ceipts. . The moment uch a showing Is actu ally made, the rrlce of the stock will go up by leaps and bounds, the second section will be built In record-breaking time with the- ample funds that -the stock sales hnvs brought and the com pletion cf the line from Chicago to New Tork will follow rapidly. Th stock of thla company will begin to par divi dend aa soon ss ths first 100-mile sec tion Is rombleted. and as we have shown at the present price of the chare these dividend should bs about II per oent I 1 . " -uv s-7 v5it 1 - - ! - .aZTrie? m I ej, . - w J. M ....... . J Q One of the Hundred-Mile-an-Hour en th money Invested. Th new eleo trlo road will, In Ita TiO-mlle route, cross 86 steam railroads, most of them running diagonally from north to south. Every one or these will act aa a "reea r", to the .alectrlo Una, beoaus-eilp-4,helr-present business, and the electrio per will be too much auve to tneir commercial Interests to overlook US ad- vantages The local passenger traino that will come a faat aa theae feeder line 'are crossed will bring In Imme diate revenue that will assure dividend payments long before the line Is com- wYoricwWle ultimately i th freight receipts from thla tributary tonnags wm PS snormous. Bew meotrio tine Offer th Small Investor aa unusual Opportunity In projecting this road with the Idea that ft should b built mainly by th avlnga of amall Investors by tha peo- K la every safeguard for thair money a been considered and adopted. All the loopholea that have made former railroad lnvestmente risky sxocpt for peopl of unusual Judgment- have been dona sway with, and the whol proposi tion ao simplified that anybody can see at ono that It Is th soundest, safest snd most promising investment mu ha vr been orrerea to ine puoiia We have already ahown why It la wiser to hav th people own the road; we will now ahow exactly why ther I not th slightest element of risk In buy ing th sharea of Chicago-New Tork Electrio Air Line railroad, either for In vestment or with a view of acquiring wealth very rapidly by their great in crease In value a th road gets Into working ordsr. Th Chicago-New Tork' Electrio Air Lln road will coat about tlS0.000.000 tn hulld. This money la to be raised by th ale of common stock, which . - . . . J . ' . u . -.ill th;Mff "'"V 1 tn oniy lorm or Ktunij n win he eld-time method tt bend- uredha4ha-eawitngs- f roui passcrr erty to the bursting point ger trafflo alone can hardly fall below vail In this enterprise. Not thirty-five million i dollar yearly, a sum lng a 'property win MAf nrevaii a dollar In bonds, preferred stock or securities or any kind will siana aneaa of or take precedence over the common stock. Every men or woman that owns end New ou wu Hour Electric Road Between Chicago a dollar worth of stock In th Chicago New Tork Electrio Air Line railroad will be on sn equal footing,, first, last and all the time. The full par value of tho ahares Is $100, fully paid and non aaaesssble, but, like air gigantic pro jects, the first stock sold has to be of fered at a big sacrifice In order to qulokly get the road Into a position where It can begin to earn money. A portion of the $100 stock of th Chl-cago-Nw Tork Electrio Air Line Rail road I therefore offered at $2$ per share. The ahares thnt are invested In at th-low 'price of $2$ will, when the rosd Is finished,- hot only bs worth their full par value, but msny times that valus. Shares of a certain bank In New Tork City, that atand for $100 value, cannot be bought for lea than $2,000. Th Great Northern R. R. sharss, at a par value of $100, sell In the open market for $28$. There are many such cases, but none of them will ever show such a surprising rise as wilt the shares of the new electrio line. Many a clerk, grocer, plumber, carpenter or other man of moderate mean who ha the fore sight to realise) th marvelous possibili ties of this Investment and buy at present price wlll.be numbered among our rich men five year hence. Even a few hundred dollars Invested at the price the chares sell for today will al most surely yield such an Income with in five yeara that the holder thereof will never need to toll or work another day aa long aa ha lives. The stock of certificate are given double value and. rut beyond the. power of man to make them worth any less than- pee- by -tb-fllowlng -clause print ed on tnem: Thi eertifVst will h accepted on payment for transportation to th amount of tha par value of th sharea of etocg represented , hereby, and at current tariff rates Over any pari of the road In operation. m -1 v. . A wa,.AW what tVi. 1 Iliy nivalin ,n, iiu ......... . ... certificate la worth as stock, no matter what It Is quoted at on ths market, the bearer thereof ran step onto a ten-hour train for New Tork and pay his or her friend' fsr with It, or pay for freight to th amount of $100. and all with a certificate of stock that costs only $28 st the present moment. It Is evident, therefore, what an usuaual opportunity thla atock offer. Nothing on earth can wreck Ita valu. From th moment the road begins to r7 trains, each share of stock will bCv .'as good aa money; lour times a s.jd If bought at ths present prices. It will be easy to turn into Instant cash If, you- don't want transportation, because any ticket brok er will cash It at a small discount for brokerage, even tn one year from date, when the first five hundred mile section of th rosd Is In actual operation be tween Chicago and Goahsn. The Saralng of -th Boad Will B Be . yoad AU Precedent. Th new electrio road would command an enormoua patronage even If It did not offer any advantage In speed, con venience) or comfort over existing steam lines, for Jt rat of $10, which I Just about on-half Of present passenger rates, would command ths trafflo. But when 1n addition to the fact that the rat IS only 110 w add,Ut fact that Electric Engine That Will Take th tlm I only ten hour and th well-known- au vantages . of alectrlo - over steam transit, there seems little reason to doubt that the old ateam lines will be forced to lose a very large part . of road will get It. Nyt only that, but ine new roau, wun us cneup zurea, win i create a new traveling element, will en thuse new peopl who hav hitherto traveled little or not at all, to go on Journeys, Just a summer rates do It even now, to aom extent on ateam - roadBr Th Chicago-New Tork Electrio Air Line Railroad will traverse the Hottest snd most densslv nomilated cart of the I country. It la not. Aroad'labbulltlltu on usraen ox caan meunea, uniy iu fac sagebrush realities, aa were some of the great ateam roads, but will run through a country that fairly hums with Industry and between terminal oltlea the wealth of which Is simply Incal culable. Its patronage will be awaiting the opening day lh eager anticipation, and the golden stream of profits that will fill th pocketa of Ita stockholders will bring about wonderful shifting of the wealth of th country. Many hum ble tradeemen and meohanic who had the courage and wisdom to Invest a few hundred dollars In the new electrio road at Its present low price will be th rich men of th next few yeara. The Chicago-New Tork Electrio Air Line Railroad will dominate a territory having eight million alx hundred thous and population, and thla, by the time the road. Is built, will Increase by one million, lhls Is equivalent to twelve thousand population per mile of road. Including 'branchee. The population that may be aafely calculated a living near enough to be regarded aa tributary and likely to patronise the -, line I twenty-six million. Our experts havs which wou.d enable the road to pay a vary large dividend. Some Idea of the enormous trafflo between Chicago and Ntw Tork may be had when It Is real- Via Pennsylvania Railroad. Via Air Line Railroad and New'Vofk It Shown by the Large lied that every day In th year sixty eight through trains are run by the various steam roada having these cities ss terminals, and that aom of these train yield annual earn Inge of more than on mUUen ftv hundred thousand dollars. . - . Ths new electric road running It train In half the time and at half the cost of steam trains, will undoubtedly secure the bulk of tha mail contracts snd all of th through express business. Th total mall and express contracts between Chicago and New Tork amount to many millions of dollars yearly, and the cheapness, speed and other advan tage of th electric -road over any of the steam roads are so evident that It Is not unreasonable to suppose that moat of this trafflo will come to the electric road. It will be a matter of buslnesa, pure and simple, for It to do so. . The estimate of th earning power of the Chicago-New York Klectrfo Air Line Railroad as told herein Is very conservative. Such a glgantlo enter prise Is sure to bring about new Indus trial and economic conditions, and while we base our estimates of the earning power of the road largely on whnt has been done, there la reason to believe that the earnings may run up to a point far beyond; what we have Calcu lated. There 1 ona smnll electric trol ley road down in the rice eountry in Texaa which hauls both passenger and freight, and which earns over one hun dred per cent yearly on Its stock. Of. course, this 'is exceptional, but so are the conditions thnt surround the Chicago-New York Electrio Air Line Rail road exceptional, and a great deal more llfcly-4o- produce eperteeHlar rr-qttr In dividends than any railroad project that the country has sver known. Dividends from a railroad are surer than from almost any other kind of In vestment, from the fact that no great fire, earthquake or other calamity can entirely obliterate and ruin the proper ty. The investment Is apreadver auch a wide expanse thaf It Is an utter im possibility that more than a small pro- fortlon of it can be wiped out of ex atence at any' one tlm. Trust funds, which seek only the safr at Investment, ar more largely placed In railroad securities than In any other way. Ths total value of the stuck snd bond securities of railroads In the I'nltcd States amounts to about fourteen billion dollars, which Is about one eighth of til tho wealth of the fcountry. Tha Tlm to Invest la gov Waver Agau Will th Price Be Bo Xmw. RsTlrosd fortunes ar th gruntest fortunes on earth. 'The men that piled un untold million by railroad Invest ment -wer not -men--wlHr- nsked-wvery Tom, nick and tlarry what to do, what Was safe, what was good. They war Subscription Coupon OTTTW 111 BSTTiSLW ITfilTam! CO. Tlecel Agent OMoago-Bew Tork Xlectrle Air tla B. B. Stoa ; too, Dalbert Block, Saa Praaclsco, CaL - Inclosed find .....In ejr wfcetheg fall or partial J payment for rtare of gt I th V ChJ oago-ew Tork Bleotrlo Al Ida Bam ...t Address rr. ; .V. ; .'. . .7. , . . v. Port. JT. Tain to New York In Ten Hours. men who turned a deaf ear and an y of Impartiality upon th scoffers and thought It out on th merit of th case whether or not the proposition . was worth th whilav. Thy used .their own , Judgment, their own calm common I sense. tht;r all. In saying to you that the stock "of th - Chicago-New Tork - Electric Air L'.ne Railroad la not only the soundest, safest and wisest Invest ment for all your savings, but that If ' you ouy now at in low price or P" bur ndred-dolUr aharea you will surely become a" weaTThyTrmnr from their rise In value, we want you to us your own good Judgment and convince yourself from . th faot that ..what w aay 1 Hare la a nronosltlon with every ele ment of risk absolutely done away with. Any man or woman can see that no matter what th road might or might not earn, the clause en th atook .cer tlflcatea, making them good for trans portation, stamps them with a kind of . value that cannot get away. Thi make vary Investor realise that no matter what comes he Just simply cannot losa one dollar If he invests in that stock. It 1 always good for transportation, and transportation la lway aa good aa money. But that la only a amall part ofthvalu of thi stock. There can Te no question that . th road will be built and will earn the enormoue dividends as we hav aald It will. The rlae In valu of It share ,ls as cer tain as tha rising of th. un. and lucky Is the man whoa forsslght and good Judgment enaoie mm to aee ins difference between a safe and an In vestment Ilk thla great alectrlo rail road project ' and the many wildcat mining, oil well, rubber plantation and other scheme that nay snaaen ine in vestor's faith. No man can p red lot what a mine wlH or will not yield, even If ha .ssenvbe' honerno'Boajrcanrdrtell th risks of climate or labor airncuities mat win kill the profits of rubber planting: not a man on earth can forecast th volume of oil that will flow from the myster ius depths of th earth. How different Is a railroad project from all these risky 011 Mile ....750 MUea Potted Lines. ventures; how solid and substantial is ue baats of Its earnings. The stock of the Chlcaarv-New Tork Eleotrlo Air l.ine Kanroad is tne granaesi opportun ity the people hav ever, baa to tnv In I glgantlo commercial undertaking of national Importance an undertaking ao enormous and surrounded by such, safeguards for th protection of - the people that have to build It that no bond or mortgage could be any safer, or oifer such an opportunity to bullit up great fortunes from very small ln-v vestments a 1 offered In the etocl of the Chicago-New York Electric Air Line nan road. There la aomethlnr very real about a railroad lnveatment; Its tracks. Its roll ing stock. Us giant engines, Ita palatial terminals, ar things that can be seen and realised. A railroad Investment Dears ths sam relation to finance that flour doea to food; both ar "staple.' The grentent business of tho world to -day Is railroading., and mor million aire got their atart through railroad investments than in any other way. Reader, we have tried ' to show you that this I your opportunity to lay th foundstlon of wealth. ' Whether yon hav much or little money we say to you In all frankness and candor that you will be doing a wis thing if you .nvsst every dollar you can spare lsj the stock of the Chlcago-Nsw Torn Electrio Air Llns Railroad. Don't let fears or doubts deter you, but Just mak a careful study of th facta aa we hav told them and let your own common . sense and better Judgment guide you. Every man or woman who Invest lit ths shares of thhlcago-JJewJforl Electric Air Line Railroad at th "ground-floor" price of .$2 per share, at which we now offer them, will, lit all human probability, be able, ulti mately to get dividend In excess ef $0 per cent on their Investmsnt or be able to sell thelrstock within a short time for $300 per share. Twenty-eight dollars buys a-shar today. Partial or Installment payments may be made at th rate nf 10 per oent down, 10 per cent monthly, until sharea ar paid for. At th present price of $21 per share, this means $2.80 per share in cash, 'or Its equivalent, with you subscription, and $2. SO per share per month for the next nine months. Na Interest will be charged on deferrsd payment. We want ths smsll In ventor to participate In thi great en terprise and will give- the same at tention to a subscription for a slngl share a to that for a thousand aharea, Come to our office If you can;, w will show you 'aU ths details. If roi cannot come, fill In the coupon below and mall to as with remlttsnc In reg- tittered lettev. or by postal, or expree money order for th number -of sliareg you wish, ' ' I Ballroad. ' ,.T . ............