The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 26, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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Sensational JyidenceJSecur During Hear
ing oLthe .Lurline-Cascade Matter by r
: - United States Inspectors, " i:
Several Ktttninti of nntiontl
nature were brought out this -morning at
, th Inveatlgatloa of th Caacad-t.urlln
colllaloo which . hi commenced before
Kdwarda and Fuller, United States to
apectors of hull a and boll era. Captain
' William E. Larklne of tha eteemer Lur
Una, admitted lit hie leatimony that the
metallio lifeboat which was launched
". from the Lurline at the time waa
equipped with one wooden plus and one
, automatic plug, whereaa all metallio
lifeboats are to be equipped with auto
matic aelf-ballne- nluara only.- Other or
- ' flcera of the Lurline admitted that the
fog waa not very donee at the time of
T the " collision, llghta being visible
for a distance of from 4.000 to ,W0
fwt a few momenta before 4he disaster
which aent the Lurline to the bottom of
' " Hie live!.
The ownera of the eteamera are rep.
raented""byattorneya so a to take
very precaution agalnat being held re
." sponsible for the collision. Captain
"'; Jacob Kamm, owner of the Lurline. la
I represented by Judge Rufus Mallory,
and Thomae N. Strong repreaenta tha
North Paclno Lumber company, owners
. -of. the Cascade. . The wltneeaee are be
ins closely cross-examined. Indications
arethat" theTiearlnrwtir-Tiot be eon
"eluded until tomorrow afternoon, there
.being many wltneeeea to examine. It
la understood that a number of the
"paaaengera on tha Lurllne.jtiU be ealled
to testify to the condition of the life
..! boata. .
, .!. , Captain Larklna waa the first wltnesa
.called thia morning. - Tie was not on tha
bridge at the time the collision oc
curred, but told of how the paaaengera
' were transferred from the sinking boat
to the Cascade, . ... -.
nTorerrinTaconriat Return to
Work This Morning on Open ;
vwV.''-''!-Shop Basis. ;V
Carpenter Follow Sull, and It Is Be
lieved That Tinners, Electrics!
Workers and Other Artisans Will
Disregard the Building Trades.
fSaedal tMseatch te Tke Journal.)
Tacoma, Nov. ta. The disintegration
of the Building Tradea Aeaembly, com-
prialng all the unlona of tha city, la
threatened aa a disregard of tha card
rule adopted three week ago by the
aaaembly In a sympathy atrlka with the
Journeymen plumbers. .
"TttlllWri iif the plaslertre' anion end
many membera of the carpenters' union
'this morning went to work, and tinners,
electrical workers . and -, other artisans
are expected to follow their example.
Tba plasterers met yesterday and openly
announced that they would go to work
today and would work with, non-union
plumbers or artisans of any sort save
plasterers. The carpentera hive -made
no announcement, but will probably take
similar action. . , .-. .";
; Attorney Freeman Explains the
School Board Row in " -
Second District.
"'When J. E. Tansch succeeded P. Hill
, as clerk of school-dTstrict No. t. he
, found that Hill was aomo hundreds of
'dollars short In hla accounts. Because
. Tench made HlU pay the shortage. Hill
' has retaliated by thia little piece of
malice resulting In the proceedings
' to ouat Tanch from the office of clerk
of that school dletrlot," - ;
- Thia waa the - explanation given by
Attorney W. D. Freeman to Judge-' Ole
. land In tha atata circuit court thia
morning for tha ouater proceedings
against Tanch-being -tried befre the
'' Judtre. ': ' '-1. " ' '
' The prceedlnga were brought at the
.Instigation of Hill,, who alleged that
Tanch had usurped tha office on Au
gust J, and tlll continue to hold it.
" He bases hla application for judgment
' of ouater on the. allegation that Tanch
- 4a not legally qualified to I old the of
' . flee - -..
Tanch" aelapUIitfnhat1'waaf
duly elected clerk pf the school district
in June and that he afterward qualified,'
took the oath of office, and filed a bond
for tba faithful performance of hla
' dutiea. . The ault waa taken under ad
. risement by Judge Cleland.
rgpeclsl IHspetca te The loerasl.)
Ralera, Or, Nov. . it. Frank Dick,, a
' OermsJi. about 2t years old. waa shot
isundsv tnornlna at the nuin,M l.nni
by Night Officer BustckTwho had or
dert'd him to halt. - tlck la not expected
to live.
. Dick got off tha north Hubbard train
at :10 and waa .hurrying to town.
As Burlck had before rounded up three
i ro four hobos who alighted from the
Mm train, ha thought Dick waa one
if the band and called to him to halt.
. , Dick kept going and Buslrk . shot In
. - tn-der to atop him. , The bullet struck
Dick below the nip. ;
. Tha wounded, man waa taken to the
. : flalcm hospital. The bullet waa found
.lodged In tha wall of tha abdomen, hav
lng pierced the Intestines In nine places.
Dl W can neither apeak nor underatand
' the English Isnguage and it th hoe-
altal one of tha nurses acted as Inter
'peter. He aaya he did not hear -tha,
officer a warning. Ha la a atone mason
w by trsda and claims 14 have been In tha
emptier of logging cfcrop near Mount
i hi
?The boats were lowered." said tha
captain, ''metallic lifeboat No. i and
a wooden, workboat. .The metallic life
boat waa .l right when lowered In the
water, but some one muat have kicked
out the wooden plug, for wa found the
boat taking water until the plug waa
replaced." .. ,
- Here Captain Edwards aaked Captain
Larklna to explain If ha waa not aware
of tha fact that metallio boata were not
to be equipped with wooden plugs. Cap
tain Larklna admitted that the , rules
prescribed automatic self-baling plugs.
He also said that ha had made a prac
tice of examining the llfeaavlng equip
ment of the Lurline one a week.
Pilot Kane Olney, who waa at tha
helm when tha boata craahed together,
said that he took, the wheel ttiUt Jn
the morning, when tha weather waa
clear. - He could easily dlatingulab tha
llghta "from ahore" but upon 'reaching
Rainier, a hate, began.. to spread over
the river ao that upon leaving Blanch-.
ard'e wharf he sounded tha fog whistle.
Tha whistles of the Caacade were alao !
heard. Tha Lurline waa proceeding un
der full apeed when tha lights of tha
Caacade loomed up, but aha waa backed
aa soon aa the close proximity of the
craft waa noticed." ;
rhe etigineer-ef the . Lurline waa
placed on tha atand after noon and tha
officers and crew of tha Caacade will
be put through tha ordeal tbla after
noon.' Tha watchman on tha Lurltna
said that from the lights of the Cas
cade he would Judge that aha waa trying
to cross lb Lurline' bow. He said
that ha Bang out the Itghta aa soon aa
they earn in view. He saw the green
light flret, after having beard four fog
sif rials from the Caacade and' five from
the Lurline. . ' . .
Three Days' -Annual Session in
i High School Building Began '
" This Morning. .
Aaaembly Followed, ;. ; at
President B. y F. Mulkey
Methoda of Raialnc School Funda,
'Tha alztb aeaslon of tha western di
vision of the Oregon Stat Teaohere'
aaaoclatlon, now in aeaslon In the High
school building, la well attended by tha
tcachera from the Portland echoola, aa
well aa by many educatora from neigh
boring towna and other coaat el t lea -'
Meetlnga were held thia morning in
Three HvisTOBg.-Trtg pi Imai teanlrei
assembling In the rotunda and th gram
mar gradea In eeparat class rooms.
Following these sectional meetlnga a
general aaaembly waa held In the as
sembly room, where excellent addresses
were delivered. x - ...
' Concerning tha work of th grammar
grades, D. J. Sullivan of Alameda spoke
to an attentive audience. ' "At one time,"
he aald. It waa regarded aa tha aum
total of the teacher function to Impart
information. "With advancing wisdom
has coma tha knowledge that knowledge
of material thlnga 1 valuable not for It
self, but for what It develops of power
and capacity In the peraon who learna.
Neither la It now conceived by educators
that tha mind of th child la mad up of
separate compartments, and that It Ul
tha duty of the educator to place within
thee compartment mental pabulum
which shall. In aoma myaterloua way,
b able to produce knowledge; but th
mind la understood tobe a whole, pos
sessing many manifestations, and tha
right development of tha child' In
herent capacities result a In a many
aided activity. . No longer la a man
measured by th amount of hla Informa
tion, aa we Judge, an encyclopedia, but
by hla power to do and hla capacity.'"
If the auditorium, where the goperal
aaaembly waa held, the platform waa
tastefully decorated with growing
palms, Oregon grape and chrysanthe
mums. ' B. P. Mulkey cf th Btste Nor
mal school, Anhland. and president of
tie aaaoclatlon, spoke In detail of the
amount ofmoney available under our
present school laws for the maintenance
of the schools, and made an earnest
plea ' for Improved methoda of assess
ment and aeal In th collection of the
earn for tha benefit of tha children of
the at ate., especially those of tha coun
try dlatrlcta. . . a. t
Railroad Laborers Buried Under
Debris Without Moment's '
, ' ' Warning,
Aa the result of a landslide near
Buxton, east of Ulllsboro yeaterday
morning on the new line of the Pacific
Railway A Navigation company, two
Japaneae laborers were killed and aeven
othera of the construction crew were
seriously Injured. . .. .... ...
K. Kermatsuka waa almoat instantly
killed and F. Otto succumbed while an
route on a apeclal train to thia city,
n. Terger and I. Kus two of the In
jured men, are' at 8t. - Vlnoant'a hos
pital in thia city and Iff. la thought they
Tha accident waa caused by th heavy I
rains of tha" past two weeka loosening
tha aide of the bluff, which slid down
on th track where ; th laborcra war
Sflaalaf Kaa Za found,
J. 'W Dallam, reported" te th. police
laat week aa having mysteriously disap
peared from hla home at North Ivanhoe,
la living with Ms father. . W. Dallam,
In Seattle, according to k telegram re
ceived by Sheriff Stevens this morning
from the chief of nolle of that city, - .
A J-. iff:
Shanna Camminc, Vocaliat
Shanna Camming, .: noted .American
alnger, will appear In thia city Thanks
giving night at th White Tempi. She
la kn artlat by birth and training., and
In tha field of oratorio ah haa no ao
rloue rival. . She la distinctly Ameri
can. Her pretty given 'name. Bhanna
(wild rose), ia antnherttanc from heri
grandmother, who aa the wife or a
sturdy young missionary among th In
diana, waa a pioneer of Illtnoia, and tha
atrength, purity and charm of her sing
ing aeem typical of the broad prairiee
where three generation of . Cummlnga
hav been born and bred - . -
It waa as a soloist on th piano that
Shanna Cumming began her musical
atudiea. "h mad her first public ap
oearance when 10 year old.. At It aha
began to cultivate her vole and-worked-
peralaUntly under tr.e pest private
teatliaia In pan rianolsom and PhlragoJ
Ilsrflrat church poaitlon waa In Buf
falo, which waa followed by prominent
poaltlona In Plttaburg and New.Tork.
Declares It the Ideal State of So-
clety : In Address to :
Socialists. '
Rec lares Anarchy Does Not Mean
Without Order,' but Without Ruler
Says Tyranny Always Results
Prom Vested Power.;'. .: -r .-.-
Anarchy la tha Ideal stat cf aoclety,
according to C. E. B. . Wood, a well
known attorney of Portland. Lest night
Colonel Wood engaged In a lively, de
bate with . Socialists aaaembled at -10
Davie street
"Anarchy," aald Colonel Wood, "does
not mean without order or organisation.
It almpiy means without a ruler. Every
anarchlat expects aoclety to be thoc-
LAughly- organized and every tranagroa-
alon by fore to b repeuea Dy-yorc)
that aoclety cannot exist except -by or
gantsa tlotr an 4n -a eondltlon of. peace
and order, but tha protection to society
In a condition of anarchy will be
brought by voluntary aaaoclatlon, not
by Imposing the will or a ruler, backeC
by. force, whether that ruler be the
king or men selected by tha will of tht
majority. Tha anarchist ia preeminently-
a man of peace. Hla maxim la. The
right of every peaceable man to regu
late hla own af falra, ao long aa be doea
not by fore Invade the sama right In
, ."Authority has' never yet been veated
In any body of men,- no mater how good,
but that eventually it has degenerate
Into tyranny-, and corruption, while
every atep of progress which humanity
haa mad haa been by striking down
authority and gaining aome greater lib
erty, mental, physical, -or:- Industrial,
and when onca the disturbing fuvnrltlan
of atata authority haa been removed, all
thlnga will flow In their natural chan
nel, regulated by the law of social
gravity.,- fcvery man Till be receiving
y "J" 7 -V.X
la due to another. Qreat aggregations
of fortune which are piled up by the
labor of othera will be Impossible and
great poverty will be impossible.
"Anarchists claim that In a oonditlon
of liberty, pej d order will not only
b tha natural inatlnrta of the human
heart, but a peculiar necessity to so
ciety, and that th golden rule will be
the practical maxim of life for It will
be "a aelflah neeesetty for every tnap to
treat hla neighbor aa ha 'wants his
neighbor te treat hlta."
During her . engagement at th C
Congregational church. New York, ah l
waa paid th largeat aalary given to a
church soprano In thia country. Bh
haa "a fresh, ball-Ilk vole of great
magnitude. Her alnglng 1a finely dig
nified, la warm In spirit and marked by
' Ita dramatic equality a
Ing. - - .. v - - - -
The Boatonta Sextet olub haa been
known for several yeara past -to th
musical publle of America as th lead
ing organisation' of Ita elaaa.- Mr.
Staats, tha director and clarinet vir
tuoso, la an artlat of International repu
tation, in fact every member of th or
ganization 1 an artlat on hla particular
Instrument, while their concerted play
ing la finished to th finest detail. Th
sextet will, with Shanna Cummlng, pre
sent their concert program Thanksgtv
'M'' -JaBUle Mrey,
Cummlng haa
great many friends In
Portland, who
a gain. j-
are eager to bear bar
Second Greatest Financial Insti
tution In-World Said to Have
Suffered From Thieves.
' " (Journal Special flerrtee.)
New Tork. Nov. t. Irregular! tlea tn
th second greatest bank In th world.
The Bank of Commerce oommonly known
In financial circle aa 3. P. Morgan's, th
capitalisation of which I t2S.Ono.OOOi hav
been discovered, and from dawn until
nightfall -t men, SO regularly employed
olerka and 11 expert accountants slaved
to find th amount of th deficiency and
peculation. The loss which It Is ex
pected will amount to many thousands
of dollars, will not be known poeltlvely
until th work of th 0 men prying Into
book Is completed.
Resolutions 'Adopted by Benton
County , Citizens' League,
Praylng-fcrReIiefT i .
(Special Dispatch te The Joeraal.)
Corvallia, Or., Nov. St Formal resolu
tions have been prepared by the Benton
County Cltlaens' league, oallng on con
tress to come to the relief of th people
f th Willamette valley agalnat the M
:enta a ton toll taken at tha falla of tha
Willamette, and praying that congress
.nay purchase the existing locka or build
othera. and the maintain them for th
free use of th public.
' (Jnnraat Special AefTles.)
New Tork, Nov. St. Caruso will not
hav to pay- 110 tor Inaulting woman
for a few day yet This morning Judge
(Sullivan signed an order permitting
th case te be reviewed before th eourt
of cenerai sesalona.
That th tenor will alng at th open
ing of tha grand opera season on Wed
nesday there aeema to be no doubt.
Conreld ''aaya ha had no Intention" of
withdrawing him. but It is whlapered
that an underatudy ha been at work on
hla ecore.
Police Commissioner Mathot says he
has received "Black Hand" letters
threatening him foe. th proaecutlon of
Caruao. . - " '
Knocko, the monkey Caruao made fa
mous, waa found df.od In hla cage to
day. Th crowd of visitors waa In
creased by tha publicity and gave blra.j
toomuch candy. - . ,
Declares 'Fifty-Murders -Would
Result Jn Portland in One Dayl
- Were It Practiced. .
Sevweljr Condemns Advocates of Un
written Law and Tells How Much
Blood Would Flow If All Guilty
Portlandera Were Thus Punished.
Wbat a earnlval of ertma would fol
low If every real man took th life of
the-betrayer of hla wife, daughter or
alatarl If auch eentlmenta were put
Into practice, I auapex;t wa would hav
no laa than 80 murder In t houra In
thia city alone. Buch aentlmenta are a
tuatlflcatton of lynching,' and all aober-
minded' peoplo'vondemia.that-xrlroeul'i ..!
Rev. Earl 8. Dubola. pastor or tna
Church of the Btrangera, eaat aide, made
the above atatement In hla aermon- -on
"Tha Unwritten Law" laat evening.
He aald ha offered no apology for tha
ertma aa exemplified In th Whitney.
Murray case, but that "to claim that
there exists an 'unwritten law' which
juatiflea tha right of an Individual to
alayhla slater a betrayer ia a mow
agalnat government"
'If one Individual haa the right to
xeout what ha deems- Justice," aald
he, "It belonga to every individual.
Carry out thia thought -to Ita logical
conclusion and lawyer -and Judgea
mlaht aa well ault biislnesa"
Mr. Dubois kuggested more parental
restraint and denounced oheap theatrea.
"Keen her from th hopflelda, the
theatre, tba dano halla and tha
afreets." aald he. In apeaklng of young
women. He alao auggeatea mat tna
man who associates with immoral wom
an be branded even aa they are,
Slayer of L C. Whitney. Is Given
.Until Saturday to '
Plead. : "
Orlando B. Murray waa arraigned be
fore Judge Bear In th state eireult
court thia morning, charged with mur
der ta tha flrat degree for th killing of
U. C. Whitney on November 11. Ha
waa given until Saturday to plead.
"Tha ease will be tried In December,"
aald John F. Logan, attorney for Mur
ray. "W deatr a epeedy trial, and will
aak to hav th trial aat for th earliest
day available."
University Park Aaaembly . of tha
United Artiaana aympathtaea with O. 8.
Murray, and haa aecured John A. Jef
frey to aaaiat Attorney Logan ta , th
defense. At the last meeting of , tha
aaaembly a resolution waa adapted Bet
ting fort that In th opinion of th
membera of th assembly. Murray did
right In taking th ateps he did to
avenge Ms Bister's wrong; that he bad
exhausted all other means of aeeurtng
that and and had taken advantage of
tha only courae left open to aim. The
resolution atated that the aaaembly
wlahad to pledge th support of th
srdesi te hla rtefenav
r C Lb McKenna waa appointed aa
eommlttee to a ecu re - legal aid on be
half of th lode eurlng tha trial now
ponding, and ' with tbla authority Mr.
McKenna will retain John A. Jeffrey
for the accused murderer. Murray la
a member of th Unlveralty park aa
aembly. v . , - ' '
Secretary Metcalf Finds People
Opposed to Sharing Schools
With Little Brown Men.
(Joaraal Special Service.)
Washington. Nov. !. Vlotor H. Mt.
calf, aecretary of tha department of
eommeroe and labor, who want to Cali
fornia by direction of the prealdent to
ascertain tha eauaaa of exclusion of
Japanese children from the schools of
Ban Francisco, haa oompiatea me report
and will submit It Immediately upon hla
arrival In Washington. If the Prealdent
returna In time the cabinet meeting will
probably be held on -Tuesday, when Sec
retary Metcalf s report will be con
sidered. It 1 understood the report
will throw no new light on the altua
tlon. It la largely a recital of comrt
tlona that exlat, and brlnga home to the
admlnlatratlon In an official way that
the people of California Intend te "atand
Dona Oilman Dead, Tramp Ar
rested for Crime, and Bessie
Oilman Accuses Parent.
(Joaraal Special Sertae.) '
Dayton, Ohio, Nov. 21. James Rogera,
a professions! tramp, waa arreated thia
morning on suspicion -of knowing aome
thlhg of th murder of Dona Oilman.
Witnesses, -according to th authorltlea.
declare that when Iona's body waa car.
rled Into the Oilman home, Bessie, tha
dead glrl'a elder sister, aald' to her
mother: "Now, I auppoae you have her
where you want'ier."
The family physician aaya Bessie la
subject to hysteria,
. , i m '. '
Prealdent Draws Vear Xoma.
Washington. Nov. !. The navy de
partment waa notled this afternoon that
tba prealdent and party bad been trana
f erred tn tha Mayower at S o'clock.
They are due at Wgahtngton , at 10:10
tonight '
sTevey Promised Patrlok't, Pardon. -
(Jonraal Specll'Srlre. )
Albany. N. "V., Nov.' !. Oovernor
Hlggtna today denied that ha ever prom
lead to commnte Lawyer Patricks' Ben-
tanee. - H aald the case was entirely
lout of bis hand.
Henry. Moody Thinks Friend c
Alex Widdowson ; "
. v." Had It.
lliwtil int4 M Te loarssl.t
' Pine. Or., Nor. it. Henry Moody,
brother of tha lata Wlllard, Moody, who
waa murdered bar aaveral months ago,
haa located the Revolver with which, ha
believea, nia Drotner. waa giuea i ne
gun waa In tha posaesBion of Ira Brown,
a hotelkeeper of Flna and a warm Irlena
of Alex Widdowson. who la held at
Baker City for th crime.
Brown refuse to atata where he ob
tained the run and Moody will' not
atata tha grounds for lila belief that It
waa tha weapon which killed hla Drotner.
Th stat haa eelsad tha revolver and
will bold It for evidence la th-trial.
which la to oocur In January.
Several Importanj Purchases Re
. ported Today by Dif
. ' ferent Dealers. '
.. Th doubt flat at III and SIT Tenth
a treat waa Bold this morning through
the agency ' of Lamont A Harris te
Frank Malqulst. the purser - of - the
ateamer Undine, for 114.000. The build
Ing on thia property la comparatively
new and la aald to bring In a good re
turn on the Investment, rt
The four-story brick, adjoining the
Hotel Zur Khalnphals, has been aold by
John Matthlesen to A. Roaenateln for
t30,000. Th building cover th whole
lot 16x100, and Join th half block aold
by Mr. Matthleeen laat week to Llvlng-
etoa aV-mrrell for inn.ono
la Moor Realty company haa sold
the raaldence at Eaat Tenth and Thomp
son street to w. A. Robins for M.150.
Th nam eompany aold th quarter
block at Chapman and Eden atreeta for
14,600. Th abov aalea ware made by
C B. Rlealand, agent of the company.
Mr. Rlealand report a the al of half
a doaen lots la his Jiavelook Addition.
C C Vaughn, manager of the Fair
view Townalte eompany,- aold six tots
in that traot Saturday.
Will Be Arrested, and on Giving
Bonds, Must Testify Be
; fore Grand Jury.
(Journal Special. Bcrrlce.) .
- San Francisco, Nov. 2. With th re
turn of Mayor Schmltx, th grand Jury
will give Us attention to tha franchlaea
granted to the United Railroads and ths
Home Telephone company.
Mayor Schmltx will be subpoenaed as
soon as he give bond on bl arrest en
th cbargea of extortion and will be
aaked by th grand jury what he know
about th alleged bribing of city of
ficials by two corporations.
: The leeaea mad by th city for tem
porary quarters of municipal offloere
will alao be Investigated, as It is alleged
great graft haa been discovered In con
notlon with tbem.
William Llghtfoot's Body Pulped
and Henry Wilson's Van
ishes Altogether. . ,
tRaeelal IMavstek te The Jearaal.t
. Kennewlck. Waah.. Nov. II. William
Llghtfoot and Henry Wilson, drillers at
Wren aV Oreenough'a camp No. S on tha
conatruction work of tha Portland-Se
attle railway, which Is building through
Hover, were killed today by a prema
tura exploalon of dynamlt.
Llgbtfoot'a family Uvea at Spokane.
He waa cruahed to a pulp. -
No tree of Wtlaon haa been, found,
and It 1 believed bl body waa' blown
Into th Columbia river, a few feet
aways or waa blown Into fragment.
They bad 'been at work on the grade
only twe days.
Unexpected Turn Taken by te
' fenseTIn Mysterious Shoot
ing Case.
tSnerial tH.patci rTh Jearaet- ...
Woodburn, Or., Nov. 16. The pre
liminary trial of Eugene I Remington,
charged with assault upon W. W.
Slaughter with dangeroua weapon with
Intent to kill. Is In progreaa.
The ahotgun which Slaughter la al
leged to have uaad waa aftarward found
conoealed, with one barrel ahowlng evi
dence of having been - recently die
charged, t
" Thia plaa of eel f -defense makea' th
case a little brighter for Remington.-
Slaughter Is atlll In a vary serious
oonditlon. .
Site of Jjoraka Pablie Baiidlaf.
. (Jnaraal Special SerTtre.l,
Washington. Nov. tl. The aecretary
of the tresaury thia afternoon announced
that he had selected as the site for the
public .' building at Kureka, California,
the corner of Fifth and H streets, con
ditioned upon the abdication by the city
of a porttoa of the 10-Ioot allay. -
DecIaThat Car. 8hortaga Jt.
Result of Deliberate Scheme
: , of Railroads. , ; v :
eaaasaaiBaHSHBBawawaaBBsaaaasBaav ' .
Wholesalers Contend All Branches
' of Business Arc Suffering Heavily
as Result of Unwarranted Shortsga
of Rolling Stock,
Oregon and . Waahlngtea producer,
manufacturara and eommlsaloa men da.
clare that dlacrlmlnaxlon In oar aervlo
la being praotload by th railroad oom
panlee that do bualneea la. the Paolrio
northweat. It te impossible to got oar a
In which to ship Oregon potatoea, hope,
grain and other products, - while the
msrkate to which Oregon things might
be sent are being Supplied front other
Not only are tha lumbar mill Inter. -
eeta heavy aufferere from th ear short
age, but the farmer and every deal
from him to th oonaumar Is almoat
put out of bualnea. MoKtnl? MltehalL
a Portland oommlasloa man, aald today t
-inatead or getting a. ear a day. aa -
our bualneaa would wafrant If proper,
ly taken car of, w hav got only nln
care during the month of September
from th iiarrimao llnea. The reeult la '
that we muat alt bare and Draatleally
do 'nothing at a time when our busl-
neae ahmuld be at lte beat. The farm.
era from whom we have bought pota
toea at many polnte are unable toolaoe
th potato f. o. b., and they are j table
te loae the potatoea from unfavorable
weather while we are loelng tha bual
neaa. Ia hops It la the sam way.
There are no cara for Oregon produota,
l.lun. . anil X.'a U.vla. am .
Oregon's markets, ' are being aupplied,
from Idaho. W hav had order. In
for weeka for oar, and ar now belna
orrerea a rew rreignt cara, nut it has
reached a season whan it la dangeroua
to abip In freight care, and we muat
have refrigerator cars for partahable
and we are up agalnat a very bad atata .
or arrairs." -.-.-.. - v,,.
xTaahla aa Oat flaaa. -
Mr. Mttehell aold aa order of Oregon
oats on th sound In AuguatT but after
watting many weeka for care he haa 7-
aeen obliged to buy oata la Idaho to fill
the order, becauae he could get the eare
Sis - weeka age the firm of W. B.
31efke eV Co. ordered ehlpmant ef aarlota
of potatoea from Mount Angel and
Springfield te Atiaona, for - cuatomera
who needed th apuda Th ear hav -not
yet been furnished. : W. H. Chaptn
of th Olafk firm aald:
"It la practically uaeleaa to try ta do
a ear lot bualneaa tn this Una we
cannot get tha ears. - It aeema that th
railroad people hav almpiy failed ta
build cSra to meet the demande of trade.-
If I remember correctly tna annual re.
ports of th O. R. N. company show
that they hav had but 10 new freight
cara In two yeara Thia would hardly
provide for th loee from wear - and :
tear, and give practically no rolling
stock to handle th ' Immense Inoreaa
of bualneaa In thia country.' It appear
that Oregon Is being discriminated
agalnat In th matter of cara, and that:
the railroad peopla ar making no real
effort te remedy th troubles her W
are aavisedby ottr"fao Aagelea eor
rsipondanrTRarnniev arsrovirig-Ths'ir-frults.east
without difficulty and that
a large number of ear loada of potatoes -
are being received from Colorado and
Idaho, while hare at Portland we oan.
not get a alngl oar."
Among tha Jobbera there I but nttla ,
complaint about cars. It la said the 1
Jobbera get cars by shipping. In the
oommodltlee they need and then ualng '
the cara to ehlp to their cuatomera. Ia
that, manner they manage to keep go
ing. The country dlatrlcta ar fumlehed
with th auppllea they need from th
outalde, but their own produeere . are
unable to ship their products te the
city marketa. . -. .
Where Snortag Za Vet..:
The car shortage is felt severely iq
the Willamette valley and produoera era
greatly handicapped tn their operations
on account of the Inability to gat their
products to - the markets. W. P. El
more of Brownevnie is in roniana ta
Interview the railroad offlclala and aa- -
certain If It Is poaatbl to gat eare rot
products nd other gooda awaiting ehlp.
ment at Brownvllle. He aaya there are
carloada of lumbar at that elty await.
Ing ahlpment.and eereral earloede et
hay, potatoea and other perlahable goods
that need Immediate attanUon. -
It la estimated that at BrewnevtUe
a'one there la 126,000 worth of prodnots
and goods tied up that cannot be moved.
Makes Deposition of Testimony
In Action Against Oregon
. lan's Attorney. '
GX B. Wood has mad a deposition
which has been Sled with the district
attorney giving hla evidence in the ease
of tha State va Henry B. MoOlnn. whe
haa been '.argedwlth contempt, ol
oourt by Intruding hlmeelf Into th
grand Jury roora.
Colonel wood aweara mat no waa a pi
pointed a deputy ellstriot attorney oj
November It and that h wa In th
grand Jury room on th eame day whetj
McOlnn, the attorney 'for th Oregonlaa
Publiahlng company, forced hla waylnta
th room and demanded that be (Wood)
be excluded, thereby Interfering, wits
thedolIberations of th grand . Jury. .
i "'" " ' "" a irrai in i -
' - ' i , :.-'
- fjoeraal Ataeetal gtraiee.t
Washington, Nov. it. Cuba! eontlnuel
to give the 1 government muoh troubM
and It doea hot seem aa If the end wart
In sight. Armed bands of guerrilla I
are marching to and fro, levying trlrn
ute on whltea and blacks,, natives , an
strangers alike...
Governor Magoon - haa , wired thai
ruralee aant attar thoae raiders has
captured a band of eight well arme4
men. Ther will ba taken to Clenfuego)
to answer ehargee of causing dleturb
ancea and plotting agalnat the gov
eminent ' .
- Prefarred Saoek Oaaaad e)oia
Allan Lewis' best Brand.