The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 26, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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, i
ntar ,..fI'A
"A Tamnaruina Town"
"Unclo Joah Nnrttrahv'
......"Hi'nuol Taoaaaaao"
mnmtTT i wtrtnra l.anrt"
. YlU)Tllla
Ths New Tork Btate society wUl cele
brate evdouotton day at Rlngler'a hall.
Alder, near Blxth street, thle evening.
An Interesting program has been ar
; ranssd. , Jude. M. O. Ooorgo will de.
liver an address; Mr. Millie- Perkins
,wlll render a vocal aolo; Mlas Barker a
violin aolo and Mrs. LB. Rossncranta
piano aolo. AU New Torkera whether
members ft the society or not are In-
vlted to -oa- preaanL All persona who
were wither born In New York or who
lived In New York five years before
coming to Oregon are eligible to mere
bershlp. . y' . ' . ..
The Home Training association '-. ex
, tends a general Invitation to the publlo
" - to atend a debate in the committee-room
. ol the city hall at l.ii tomorrow even
ing. Tba subject selected la: "Resolved,
That punishment Is not necessary In the
development of children, - Mrs.- H.- J,
; . Hawkins and Dr. George B. Van Waters
- will present the opposing, sides. - Gen
eral discussion will follow the debato.
-VF--asseelatton-wiH bs-triad -t receive
i nanasgiving donations tor the poor on
tins evening. . t
As the first step In the movement for
: ' the Importation of foreign songsters.
me eong Bird club, through C. P.
Ffluger and B. Fallows, has liberated CO
pairs of English skylarks. The first
Jot were ear free yesterday at Council
Croat. Later In the day others wero
turned loose on the Ladd field at Sell
wood. Skylarks multiply fast and It. la
expeoted that In a few years the
meadows around Portland will be the
nome or hundreds of these birds.
William Otterson. employed In a lo
cal eaWmlll. had his left hand an nor-
, rimy mangled between two rollers Bat
urday that It was neceaaary for Dr.
loou rrt Jo. ampuUU all of -tha-f lagws
wnn ne exception Of the Index. The
Injured man, who resides at i 61 Front
street, was removed to the Good Sa
maritan i hospital, where the operation
was pociormea. .
D. Btevene and George R, Thomp
son debated the authorship of the
Shakespearean plays last night at the
PMple's Forum. Steven said Shake-
epeara and Thompson said Bacon.
others followed their - loads? but the
- question still retains possibilities for fu
ture argument.
Change of Route Broadway
Commencing December 1. 106, the
Broadway cars will eroas the river
essterly snd westerly over the Burnstde
bridge and wound the Fifth. Washing'
ton and Second street loop. .
im Republican club or Portland an
nounces that William EL Borah, who re
cently obtained the popular Indorsement
Tor united States senator from Idaho.
baa accepted an invitation to speak in
this city in the near future.
The elty -board of
tn annual meeting -this evening at let
Jefferson surest, will discuss proposed
laws against wife desertion and for the
compulsory support of families' ' ;
your eyes examined Free. We are
at I It selling eyeglasses at $1.00. A per
fect flt guaranteed. . Metsger aV Co..
jeweiere and opticians. 111 Sixth street.
Steamer Jessie- Harklns for Camas,
Washougsl and-way landings dally ex
cept Bunday. Leaves Washington street
'. The blockade la broken. The- leading
' magaslnes have arrived. Carl Jonas,
' Fourth and Washington. Drop In to-night.
Woman's Exchange. tS! Tenth street,
lunch 11:30 to 2; business men's lunch.
AcmfrOtl Co. sells ths best safety coal
II and On gasoline. Phone East 78S.
Milwaukfo Country Club.
Eastern and California races, Take
Sellwood and Oregon City cars at First
and Alder.
Is tjie number of trie last'
Savings Pan Book issued by
this banki , . .
la that t multitude of peo
ple equal in number to .
;;'"V ' OF THE . ",
Appreciate , 4 -.per cent in
terest, courteous treatment,
4 prompt service and our ex
ceptionally favorable loca-
tioa, and keep their Savings
V Account with us, and this it
only one department of our
.t .
rapujiy arrowing panic.
We will tell ;
others later.
, " Write for pur Free .Book-'
let, entitled- , -
' - Sixth and Washington Sts.
you about the
Dr. Brougheii Giyei an Interest'
Ing Address on Popular
. . ,. Topic.
Ths annual entertainment of
the Social club" of Martha Wash
ington chapter", Order of Eastern
Star, will be given in Burkbardt
hall next Friday evening. The
leading features will be a
sleight of hand performance by
d Profesaor B. Cook Pat ton and a
take off on lodge lnltlatlona en
titled "Sister Masons." Ths
proceeds of the annual entertain
ments of ths club are used to aid
needy members of ths order.
Keen Interest la being taken In
Friday's show and a big crowd
Is expected.
Orlando 8. Murray, who ' shot and
killed U C Whitney November 11. will
will share with George L. Blodgett. his
cellmate, condemned murderer of A Ilea
Mlnthom. a Thanksgiving dinner that I
will be cooked by Murray' a mother and
aent to the county JalL
Murray says his mother Is the finest
cook In ths country, and that there la
always a splendid Tbankaglvlng feaat
at the Murray homo. Mrs. Murray has
aent word to her son that ha will be re
membered when ths big turkey la carved
Person Who Ha Ambitions Above
the Average Must Be Contented to
Live Apart iand" Accept Some De
gree of Lonelinesa.
tr. J. Whltcomb Brougher filled the
White Temple to overflowing last night
with an 'immense audience gathered to
hear him speak upon (the subject, '-"Be
wooa ana Lonesome.-
In- following -out his ideas on-this
subject the speaker showed that mankind-
was - divided Into three olaases
those who had no Ideals, those who had
low Ideals and those, whose alin In life
waa high and whose purpose manly
and holy. - Ha contended that there
was truth la the etatement of the text,
but argued that to those who had the
courage to follow after exalted Ideals
and works,, the companionship of the
inner oirele of friend and eompaniona
bound on the same road would not
leave the soul . in loneliness.' Dr.
Brougher said in part:
"The saying, 'Be good and you'll be
happy, Is familiar. This saying bas
been disputed, however, from time to
time, probably because no epigram can
contain all the truth. Most of our popu
lar proverbe and aaytngs contain a fa
miliar truth, but not all the truth. In
opposition to the'worde, 'Be good and
you'll be happy,' we bave the subject of
the sermon tonight, 'Be Good and Tou'll
Be Lonesome.' Llke. ths companion
italament, this one contains a great
trtrth, but not aU the truth. It repre
sents one side of Ufa. It Is the result
of certain experiences. ' It Is both true
snd not true. , , . ,
Xoasllssss of aplrlt.
"Frederick W. Robertson in his great
sermon on The Loneliness of Christ,' 1
has given us a description of ths two
kinds of solitude and the two kinds of
character in relation to that aolltude.
He shows very clearly there is the soli
tude of space and the loneliness of
aplrlt. The real loneUneea, however.
Is lonellnens of spirit. Tou may be
separated from friends, but it you can
people the solitude with the thoughts
and faces of these loved ones, yon w'U
not feel alone. On the other hand. If
you have that stern characteristic which
cares little for sympathy, then your be
ing absent from friends will not make
you lonesome. But the loneliness that
would' make you unhappy, bring heart
ache and sadness of soul, is produced
by lonelinesa of spirit. This loneliness
you may have In the, midst of a erowd.
Robertson well says: There are' timer
. t,Hn. Win h wnen nanaa touen ours, duc only send
hi y Tin Icy ehlll of wneymnarhettQ-lndtfrsTH
nlm, : .
Oscar Murray, brother of the accueed
man. will arrive In Portland this even
ing from San' Francisco. Murray atates
that since he was locked up-'there has
been no one to care for hta parents, and
that his brother is coming back to fill
hla place t home and help him out of
trouble. , . . ...
Real Piano Selling. . ,
We are going to sell plsnoa again out
of the partially completed new Ellers
manrTTrouie. vt canTicrTrwajrjh? loh- cuntroig
ger for premises to be finished, we are
nearly two months behind tn our plans
now. It lsn t-wPquestlon or profit mak
ing. Wa must get rid of the pianos.
Bee prices and terms and particulars on
paga 4 thle paper, under heading Emer
gency Flano Sale.
Magnificent Inlaid table, made by life-
tenner in state prison, containing I. Ill
pieces from 1 'varietlea of wood; will
Bold. Tickets from 1 esnt to 11.50.
Ths 1 cent and 11.69 free. Particulars
at cigar stand, courthouse.' Table on
exhibition at Jenning furniture store,
Becond and Morrison.
Stcro Will Do Clo:cd All Day Thursday (Thin!isnivinsDay)
ence td the "heart; when ever gsse Into
ours but with a glased look which mn
not read Into the bottom of our souls.'
There are tiroes when we want sym
pathy, and In reply gat a stone; when
we long for love and get hatei when we
watoh for the am Us of encouragement,
and receive the frown of disapproval.
There are times when the erowde throng
and press us, but aa we look Into the
facee of the multitudes, we see no one
Who fully understanda ua, or who can
enter Into the spirit that animates and
" Reduce Your Gas Bill by Using
Manning's Closed Globe
Inverted Gas Light
Cuts Gas Bill In Two.
Cuts Mantfe Bifl in Two. V ;
'" Does Not Flicker.
Throws 85 Per Cent o! Light
Downward Where Most Needed.
Fits Any "Gas Fixture. r
On Exhibition and Sale at Our
Store. " We alsoha?c a ulLiine
of all other Gas and Gasoline
LlghtriinfrSTjppitesr-';' t""
V Jtoocoooi
$ -
fi. W. Manning L.&S. Co.
Phone Main 2311
saVaaw esaass -
D B LaasW BeaW s
' " HARD TIMES . i '
. ; wVJasquerade Social :
Special Matinee Every Afternoon This Week. for School
; r. . ., , ,,; ; umidren . ' '; . r. ;
In the
midst of a multitude. Now I believe It
to be absolutely true, that he r who
struggles to be good, must endure et
times, this feeling of loneliness. But
there will come to such a one, as tuere
came to Christ, the consciousness of a
higher presence that will maka him feel,
when all la over, that it paid to pass
through thess experlenoes.' - -
"Let us .notloe two or three reasons
why he who is good must be lonely, - --
' Separated la to Three Classes. '
"He must endure the loneliness of an
sxalted aim In life. The world le sepa
rated Into three classes by the Ideals
of life. There are those who have no
Ideals, there are many who have low
Ideals and there are some who have the
highest Ideals of life. .Hundreds of
young men and women grow up to
gether In our schools and we sea them
separating ana eacn going to his own
place, according to his aim In life. The
exalted mission of Christ separated
hire from his brothers and sisters, and
from the great multitudes of earth. In
hla aim and purpose, he stood pre
eminently alone. Jesus Christ enjoyed
the affection of a small circle of frlende
but In hie exalted aim In life there were
very few who came Into full sympathy
of spirit with him and his mission.
The msn todsy who would carry ont
some great and holy purpose, who
would lead in some extensive reform,
who would oppose public opinion, and
Ignore the regular customs of society,
must step out alone, and endure the
loneliness of an exalted Ideal. . t
WUUag te Climb Alon.
"He mast sndure the lonelinesa ef en
Independent spirit. The man or woman
who la going to achieve a great pur
pose In life muat be willing, if need be,
to climb alone, without- the encourage
ment of others. There are very few'
men eo sbnolutety Independent that they
can get along without any sympathy or
encouragement whataver. There have
been e-fw each-ja en mea-T. traannl
dous will pewsr. Iron commandara,
atateamen and reffcrmere. who do not
shrink from thstr purpose hecauia of
the dread of. unpopularity, but moat peo
ple want aflertlon and aympathy and
confidence, Nevertheless, he who le
going to achieve a special mission In
the world must be ready to endurs the
lonellnens of an independent spirit and
move forward without friends or com
panions. The ' world must always ad
mire the man ef Independent spirit, the
msn who dares do right tn the ,fsce
of overwhelming tempfyttona to de
wrong. We honor the man who atande
by his convictions In the face ef tre
mendous opposition and dares to be
Aa Sxalted Character.
"lie muat endure the loneliness of sn
exalted charactsr. The beat Illustra
tion of thla thought of course, la the
life and character of Jesus Christ. The
dlvtna elevation of his character sepa
rated Christ from his nearest friends,
even. He muet live In the consciousness
of his infinite superiority to all those
about him.. Probably thla one thing
coraee-ia to cause separation among
friends more than anything else. Ws
have mads friends In eur youth, We
have grown in' character and purity of
life, while they have failed to keep para 1
wttn us. it soon nacomes svioeni mat
tha things we love, they do not love.
The pleasitr tha. we enjoy, thy do not
enjoy. The eotnpanlonhlpe that we
erare, they do not crave. The holy
ambttlone that we have, they - do aot
have. The eholceo. that-we make, tasjr
. ..
The Jcie-(a-Fan!rStoreT
2000 Pairs of 1 6-Button' Glace Gloves
Our Regular $4.00 Values for $3.98
A Thanksgiving Glove Sale of the greatest Importance
to every well-dressed woman in town just the Gloves
every woman wants Just the style and quality Gloves
lhat happen to be about the scarcest article of mer
chandise on the market are to be sold here today,
Tuesday and Wednesday at a price 'lhat places them
within reach of all classes of buyers It again deny
onstrates the resourcefulness of The Meier & Frank
Store at all times and under all conditions This lot of
2000 pairs were contracted for a year ago A bonded
contract whereby the manufacturer would have to for
feit $2000 if he failed to deliver the gloves before Jan-,
uary 1, 1907 They arrived last Wednesday just in
season forThankaglving weekAlfarTperfect good"a"r
fine French Glace Kid Qlovesrf nil 16-button length
and all sizes in black, white, brown,- champagne.
red, gray, green and' navy Gloves that find ready sale nowadays tfi gy.
$4.00 a. pair We will fit and guarantee every pair Your choice for V TgflD
three days at the phenomenally low-price of, per pair.... ft
All Mail Orders will be carefully filled Better anticipate your Holiday needs
Fine Lingerie Waists Are All Greatly Reduced
Our S3.00 Lingerie Wahts now $3,3 3 -Our $ 1 1 Lingerie) Waists now $ 6.93
Our $6.50 Lingerie WalsU now S433-Onr $14 Lingerie Waists now $ fl.95
Our $8.00 Lingerie Waists now S3. SO-Onr S 16 Lingerie WlsU now $11.43
"Our $9.30 Lingerie Waists now $3.93-Our $32 Lingerie Waists now $16.43
Great Thanksgiving" Sale of Women's Fine Lingerie Waists Linens, Batistes and Mullt beautl-
lul sheer materials, trimmed in two-thread Val laces, Maltese, round mesh, Plat Vat. and bahy cro
chet laces; round and square yokes and lace yokes; handsome styles in great assortment; all sizes;
eight lots to select from; all this season's newest and prettiest effects in Dainty Dress and Evening
Waists. Grandest values in the city. See them. Second Floor
Women's $ 3 2.00 Suits $ 1 8.6 5
100 Women's Tailored Suits, regular $33.00 values
at $18.63, the tanner suit bargain of the season The
very newest models and materials, tight -fitting or
eenu-fitting jackets, pony coats or Mouses with Per
sian or velvet trimming, a very large variety to select
from The best product of two of New York's leading
uit manufacturers -Every garment weil made ond
- finished ana perfect fi tiag-MannUh miitures.T weeds,
chev ots and homespuns, in plain color or fancy pat
terns -Salts that we have sold hundreds of at $32.00
each Your choice today,
Tuesday and Wednesday at the
very low price of, the suit....
Cceet TSanksgMne; Sale of Evening Coetamea mi Wraps, tmpoitee
and domestic models in silks, lace) an4 wool materiala Eidullve
atyiesTValnes wp to $300 aisrh. a oae tKir 4 efT tegular ealceji-
$18.00 Suits at $12.45
Women's snd Misses' Tailored Suits, In Pony Jacket, Prince Chap
and Blouse styles; checks, plaids and mixtures in greet variety:
jackets single or double-breasted and lined throughout; pleated
skiru, solid colors and fancy mixed materials, all fC
sizes; best $18.00 Suits in town, on sale at.......... V leSa
-The Store- Noted forJ3estGoods at Lowest Prices
Two Great
The lots are limited, so if you want one you had best come early. We are also offering some
: ; " rousing bargains in Comforters and Table Linens. .Note prices
White Wool Blankets
Extra heavy and extra large, 76x90, red, blue
and pink borders and the best S3.00
blanket you ever saw. Special price,
per pair ,
u, rea, diuc
White Wool Blankets
66x84 inches extra heavy, with , red, btue and
pink borders, silk-taped ends and
standard $4.50 value. Our special
price, pair., ,
a, Diue ana
Saleof Table Linens
AT 50c A VARD 72-ineh Bleached Table Damask, double
warp, worth 7Sc a ysrd;choice, new patterns. Spe- Cfl
cial, yrd. . .... . : . . . ...... OUC
AT 58c A YAR1 60-inch Satin-Finished Tabte Damask,
in richv new floral designs; best 75c grade. Spe-
AT 65c A YARD 72-inch Bleached Damask, extra heavy
grade; a splendid 85c value; ten designs. Special, fotyQ
AT 75c A TARD 72-inch Pure Linen Table Damask, beaa
tiful surface and worth $1.00 a yard. Special for 'JtZr
three days... , wt
AT 95c A YARD 72-inch Bleached Double Satin Damask,
air pure linen, rich Coral designs, $1.25 grade. Spe- QCjC
ATtClSnUkmfComfoTttr filled
with pbre' white cotton, hand-tufted
and full bed site, $1.50 t f f
value. Special.. ePlelO
AT $1.47 EACH Comforters made
extra large with best stlkoline cover
and white cotton filled.
$1.95 value..
AT $1.95 EACH Extra large, fluffy
Comforters, light and dark colors,
best ' $2.50' grade. Spe- tC f g pj
cial for three days......... PlaVO
. Our
I I m s s I 1 I
BUkVaWaKhaaaa mUanaU thasmblas tlx.
Awl to a billow stela of Ua ntmm. aaafe as
IHislaM, Minus Prnmlni. IHalraM afU .
mmmt. imtm im u aid, a a. Walla IMf M
ramrassuriiais has e shows la rim -,-
aAaoBS, f CsrlaVs Utile ttrm nils are
aqoaUy valoabla la Ooaadpatloa. urln a4 fro.
VMiUaa lhlMiDojrliaeouiUUi.hll Itwr aloa
enrraol alldlaonlanuf lbuiB S jtlnmuU tba
nwaaANpUatatbehowals. Cms U thr ealy
Aahs thof vnald ha t lmoa prtoalaaa tn Utasa
aaffcr from ttataUatmalDg aomplalntt hat forta.
aatalr thotrgnodiMMdow notond horand thoos
rhooaaatrr Ihau will Snd thm UtU pllla ralia
blalaoomaiiy wytulthy will aot ha wlU
Uo( to do wiilioot tbem. But aftaraU atek baa4
IsthetiaaaataoBiaarllvM that hsata wkeee .
w maka onr mat boaat. OurplllaaaraWwalle
'ethoradoaoC " "" " ..-.-
Carter's Little IJvar Pllla are vary seaall sM 1
yrj mmj to tek. Cms or two stlla SMkoa Sooo.
ihr ara atrtetlr voaotebla ana do hot snao
pars, hat by UtaUr fanUasatioa plaaae aU Who
nssthaia. .
fcalfH fail tea, 'Mrrh
Tills A V ArrRKNooie, s-js colock,
g JU r I MOHT. S;15 O'CLOCK.
Asd ths La Bcala Tbatra Orchaatra, trma
Milan. Italy.
SB MiMlHaaa Sil, Tmthar With
10 Opwatls Tocailata 10
Prleaa, Both, artaraona and nlaht: - Uaitf
floor, f Irrt t row. S3.i0: fewar floor, last 14
rows, Halcooy, flrat 4 mwa, S3.00 bat.
conf, acst S row. fJSOi balmo, laat S row a, Oallorr, raarrrvd. tl.SU: admhwtoa, 1.
Saata aalllug at box efflca Helllf ttioatra.
Wtk and VI. U.ttiy Tk..(..
WaaalBCtoa 1HC UClUg IllCaUC M.lo U
Taaodar aad Wodnoodar Mights, Itmabw
S7 and M,
PECiAL-ratca maiinkh wcomesoat.
In tho IwHshtfnl t.mdr.
Til atdll 0 THE BOX."
tmlM I'rirr Lower floor. Sl.St. tl.OOt
talrotir. 1.00, TSe. tOc; fallrr, SV. Me.
Mathtoa ITtrao Lowor tUmr. 1 00, TBa ea
tlr bairoar. M"-: ontlro (allarr, 26e.
Soata now aauioe at iiolllaT tboatro.
BaKer Theatre Ortfoa Tboatro Oo tiaais
Tha WMotr lUsjownod BAKER STOCK GO.
Toalajlit, AU Thla Waok, Matlnoas ThankastraiS
. ta7 aad aatardar, Hnyt'a ClCTorast
Satlra on Pmhlbltton,
tHractteB Mr. Jotaa Halnpolla. ' Brar let a
Scream at Lanabtcr.
mine Prlraa 2S. S0r. ftnr; Mat., ISO. Sfle.
Momt Waah "A Social Hishwajraaa."
Mala 11T. ' HIKoa W. Raanias, Maaaor.
Plalng Oalr Kaatnw Buad Atrraetlona.
Matloooa Thla Waok, WrdnMday, Tharada lad
. - T-Oroat TbankmrtTbif Offortnf, ' t -
TbO Oraat Roral Hater. AU New This Taar
as tho raaioas Sawmill Soona.
- - Bffnlar Emslro Prteaa. ' "
Taat Waoh ' qalaoy Adajaa, Sowror.1
jbaixul arrxToy Aire kiuii , ' ,
- 1.00 FAXBILL. '
, , BAKE AMD MACK, ,'-. '
tow wnAB a air.
Porforaaacas dallr at a SO, 1M aad e, as.
Adialaatoa 10 and 3d emu; botao X aon'a,
Tako aar ssat at wsakdap BiatlDoaa fas IBM
The Grand
Weak ef v. Sa, ISOe.
raiEnosT Ajro
"soixT im noo-
Prof. ClarVs B,
0a aad Moakay
Mr. aad Bfia. :
Xarald XoUy.
Artaar M. Xhoras.
Iha Thma
Xarald Hoff
tha Craadiaaafa,
wxxx Bionnrnra botxjcbcb se. -
Wc'uns of Tennessee
ua abthtth'8 successrcx,
Bos ofrVa onra from 10 a. m. te 19 f m,
Soata raa ha laaarvad bv phoaa. Ifala edaa.
Waah ef Bavaaabat t.
noas Mala SdSda
'A Stranger in -Strange
Land M
M.iliiaaa Twadam. Thoradars. Satardaiw aaj
Bnnday at S HO p. m. Prtros Id and SO raata.
Cvarv rraalaa at S.U fj. m.f pricaa 10, SO aad -V.
30 conta.
FREE! Moving Pictures
Business .Boomar, f"ra Advertleesh
j-bone Vlaln Hit. M a Uorrlsoo,
1:19 to 1:30 Every Evening.
grnand atrtrtlr ta orda. Road,
fronnd atork tanaas ao awt at
fhoa wmild raadr4Bate fataa
Mb. Tko afaaaaU Oab-a! 0m
ff (rlada oaHl Wao aaportalir
fw aah ara. On workaiaa-aaooo
ha alt tko lateat, aadara aad
oiooaatfo aiacklMrr kaawa to
tbo optleal erafi. Ow m
aloraa ara aaaorai. If wo SI
jour fiaaaoa hr will ha
artlr nh. OowanUatteB anota ,
ua nomine. Blat. wiib
aataahlo lafnmaUoa aMal tha
anma a; a, raas. ,.
nOuutt at. 4V yuutsurtxnr
do not accept." Toil asset upon eur
aharartar. and character alone, wa movs
en and vp and eut aad) away frore
theta, ' v .
'Thus, while there la a lonellneaa tbat
eomae with belnc aood, let ana aav alao
there le the aaauranee ef oompanlon
sbip and comfort ana coaXldsaoe la the
conscious presence ef Jxm Christ with
you that maksa up for tha loaa of bpi
laritp ap4 the applause ef the aaulU
tu4- . . . , ,