Editorial Page The Jo of URNAL .j THE-JOURNAL "C. . J Al'kBO.S ruMlsbe- rkMKw4 evary eealn ' t Snada ananlas. (esrept SaaSa?) Bn4 mt Thm Journal Bell. tag. rut as aaaiit m reruase, Orao. ' aMHa a ,k maMm at Firf land. Of Snr (ranamlaaioa tfcioMa IB WN" elaae nana. - , Mtarlal R.aai. ............. .....!" 5 Boalnaaa Of flee ......... . "" roncinw anva-BTlsiNn BBPRKSKNTATIV , rUaJ-IanJml Spatial Advertl.lns Apwj. it NaaeaaMraet. Kaw Xorkt Trtbaoe JHUld- , In, Ckleare. . Bobarrfpttna Trrroe by nail to any soor ,.ts Ux loiud BUtee. Canada ac Halloa. . Pee rtar.. ....... S8.00 I Ooe smth.. ...1. -4 - On raav.'' IJ.00 I Oh saoetk. ..'J... DAILY AND SUNDAY. , .. ,, Oaa year..,. (7.00 I Oaa aw.ei...- Life's reckoning . wecan not nuke twice over. . You mend a wrong subtraction by-doing your addition rights Eliot... A "RAILROAD EMPEROR," - - i IN A NEW BOOK entitled "The Railways, the. Trusts and the ; People," Professor Parsons pre dicts in the near future a practical consolidation of all -the railroads of ' the country, and the domination of a ' railroad emperor." . The Railway Age recently said that five men now rule the railroads of the - United States, though some would say even J. IX Rockefeller, A. J. Cas aatt, G. J. Gould, W. K. Vanderbilt, . J. P. Morgan, E. H Harriman and J. J. HilL . Harriman, Hill and Gould appear to be far more powerful than all the others, because they Tare in sight more; but. Rockefeller with his thousand million of dollar or so is " the one man7more powerful ,than them all. Finally, what he says must ' -go.-... .,.-.. And so it is not very unreasonable to foresee John D. Rockefeller Jr., 20 years hence, with three thousand mil lion dollars, a veritable "railroad em peror." ;'TheNone' big fish will eat up the smaller ones, or make them sub servient to him. If this happens, will it be a good thing? Perhaps. It will be easier for the people to deal with one em 'peror" than with 20 "barons." t. ' AN IMPORTANT SESSION. : N APPROACHING session of a legislature, like an ap proaching election, is always said to be a very important one, if 1 not the most important in a state's history, and though there may be room for exaggeration, it is certainly true that the forthcoming legislature -will have a considerable number of very important matters to consider, and that deserve the best thought of able and conscientious men. -"- " It is presumed that the election of senators will be a -merely formal af fair and will not distract the atten tion of members front the other busi ness of the session a" very good re- Sult of the primary nomination law. .io Lewis and Clark fair is coming on," a wa the ease two years ago, but appropriations for the Jamestown ex hibition next year, and for the Seattle exposition in 1900 will have to be con sidered. " " j Perhaps the subject of most in terest will be means of compelling or inducing the railroads to supply more cars and locomotives, for the situation is, has been for months, and appar ently will continue to ber without leg . islation, simply - intolerable. ;The losses, direct and indirect, already amount to many hundred of thou sands of dollars. If a demurrage law and a railroad commission law prom ise relief they should be passed as soon as possible. After making alt due allowances. and exduifes ftr the i . ranroaas, it is inereaiDie tnat tney i have done all thev could or should have done to relieve the situation. jHtejcj.s.imot expexcuheeople-irf -, Oregon to endure these tremendous losses? if any means can be found to .compel the railroads to do the peo ple's transportation business. ' The report of the commission ap- . pointed to frame a new tax code will - be another large .subject -requiring much thought and that will evoke ' rnuch debate. Some, perhaps most, of the recommendations appear to be wise and worthy of adoption, but - whether the report is wholly tr r principally embodied in new laws or not, various phases of the never-to-be-- ; settled tax problem - deserve earnest . and careful consideration, especially franchise and inheritance taxes. We . , now have an inheritance tax law, and . it should be retained if not made to yield a larger revenue; and the policy of taxing franchises for public util ities is one coming into general use and should be viewed with approval, ' care being taken to see that all such franchise are taxed on as fair and v equal a basis as may be. The jtietinn of state aid for the rivers , and harbors, particularly the , freeing of the . Willamette river at .."' Oregon City, wttj come' up, and will, be warmlvadvocated and opposed. j"hie is., a vitally important matter, and one.in which westcriLOregonJ pfoioundly. concerned. ' The employ- ment of the convicts, and in connec tion with that tlte proposed jute mill the normal schools, the reapportion ment of the legislature, , and many Other questions of public interest will give members plenty of employment, and the people expect or hope .for good service. : Among 90 men selected by popular choice there are always some not very competent for such a position, and sometimes if not always some who don't care what happens if they can come out ahead somehow; but it is to be hoped that these will be but a small minority next winter, and that the pressing business of the state will be fairly, well done. 1 . . A RAILROAD COMMISSION. ' H E-SUCCESSoi-iaihrre-f-a railroad commission ' law , de - pends scarcely less, perhaps not so much, on the law itself as op the men chosen for commissioners. A successful execution of the law will require superior men in several re spects men of ability, of affairs, of business acumen and experience, of industry -and vigilance, of inflexible integrity, of genuine fidelity to the people. ( 7 ' Politicians are not wanted; that is, men who play politics with personal ends- in- view. - Nor would it be wise for the legislature to appoint the com missioners; for then the lawmakers would be beset with applications and petitions and appeals, and this busi ness wouid inevitably ' be entangled with legislation and be made the basis of various objectionable deals. - Appointment by the governor"; with power of removal, is one of the-nrost important tnd most valuable features of the proposed law. 'The governor is then largely responsible for the commission, and the people will have this in view in making nominations for governor and in voting for the nominees. This would be in line with the quite generally approved policy of Concentrating power-in "one respon sible head, as in the mayor of a city. The only alternative worth consid- enng and it is open to grave objec tion - is 5 that the commissioners should be elective. The principal ob jection to this plan is that it makes the commission a political affair, and it ought to be kept apart from par tisan politics. . A broad-gauge gov ernor, with an eye single to the in terests of the people, w6ud subordi nate party prejudice ' to the public good. .-. : A' former commission was not a successful experiment, but underlhe proposed law r perhaps , another one may give better results. Something must be done, and this plan seems to be the only practical one giving any hope of relief. -a THE RISE IN SILVER. o NE REASON given for the rise during the past few months, in the price of silver is the purchase by India this yeamp to October 25 of 103,586,208 ounces, while during the same period last year London shipped to India only 43,874.201 ounce. r Within a few years, in the opinion of the director of the mint, the development of interior China will demand an enormous in crease In its silver coinage. In the United States the mints have bought about 5,000,000 ounces during the past few months, and the director of the mint says that the demand for small coinage will be from 7,000,000 to 10,- 000,000-a year. Then there has been and will be. a great increase in the demand for silver to be used in the arts. A large, proportion of our silver-bearing ore will not minerat"a profit under 70 cent per fine ounce, but at 76 cents or even a little less can be mined very profitably. Within llMjqiaatJljrearajthtu.cPst oLmining and smelting silver has been reduced nearly 50 per cent, so that if the di- rectox's prophecy a to price be ful filled, a great deal of lowgrade ore will be worked. A revival of the sil ver industry would do much to pro long prosperity.- 1 Senator Beveridge has shown a number of symptoms lately of getting next to the people. He verbally an tagonizes the trusts; he squints(a1- most , heretically in the direction of tariff revision, and he proposes to champion a child-labor law. Is he seeking to furnish an answer to the growing query: Who is most like RooVaVelt that we can nominate in 1908? : . We do not know why it has been recommended by the state insane asy lum authorities that the law requiring the relatives of patients to pay $10 a month for their support, if able to do so, should be repealed; but we sus pect it is because the law is not ob served and perhaps is difficult' to en force, Yet it is. a reasonable law, and ought to be enforced, unless it would "A" Little Out THINGS PRINTED TO RftAb WHILE YOU WAIT. Apple Picking Records. From th Kanraa City Journal. , How many applea can a man plrk .ln one day? tfva jaara aso U wai atated that Onrit Blnkley of Pottar pfeked, 10 barrela, or 150 buahela, In a day. The statement waa .senerally doubted or dlaputed at the time. The tollowlnn are the facta a riven by William Bel! of Mount Pleasant, In whose . orchard the pick Ins waa done:' Mr. Blnkley nicked Mr. Bella aDDlea. which were aaaorted and packed as faat as they were sicked. From one day'a picking Juat ' 40 barrela of sound apples were packed. The culls were not measured. but Mr. Belt believe that they com prtaed nearly one third, of . the apples picked, so that the number of . barrels picked by Mr. Binkley In one day was between (0 and 0. ..'Mr. Bell aaw the apples picked aqd packed, and hie word with all who know tilni t a ood eaao affidavit, ao that Mr. Blnkley picked over ISO bushels In a day. maybe ao eepted as a fact. 'He picked the trees clean aa hewent, using a ptefclnr eack and a ladder. , Compressed Facts. Bailor euffer moat from rheumatism. Spanish theatres have no programs. Swltserland'a revenue from tourist last aaummer wa tlS, 000,000. Over 4.000,000 bottle of pickle are eaten weekly in the United Btates. In a man and woman of equal height and weight the woman's tongue . 1 mailer than the man'. In southern Egypt there 1 no dew fall, and sometime only to minutes of rain for the whole year. Every employe of the English poatof- floe get a wedding present from the a-overnment when he marries. .-No bird, can fly . backward. The dragonfly, beeldea . outatripplng the swiftest bird, flies backward with ease. A church in London atlll draw an income which wa bequeathed it for the purpose of buying wood wherewith to burn heretic. There are etars ao distant that a fly ing machine moving at the rate of tOO mile an hour would require $00,000,000 yeara to .reach them. - November 26 in History. " 1 77 WililamCowper. English poet, born. Died April SB, 100. J 12 J Karl August Hardenberg. Prus sian tatman. who conducted success ful realstance to Napoleon, died. Born May 11. 1750. , ' ' 18l Fire in Lynn. Massachusetts, destroyed $4,000,000 in property. . 1SS0 Charlea Francis Adams resigned presidency of ITnloii Paclflo railway. Ill Marshal Blanco realgned the of fice of cfptaln-general of Cuba, .18 Britlah defeated Boers in bloody battle of Modder River. 1(01 Great Britain and Germany united to preaa their claim upon Vene zuela: . Birthday, of Queen Maud of Norway. ' Queen Maud, the pretty consort of King Haakon of Norway, wa born No vember J6. ISO. It wa Just on year ago this month that ber husband, then j necessarily cost more to do so than the amounts collected. The state must care for all its insane, of course, regardless of thejpecuniary condition of themselves or their relatives;-Tut if the latter parent or child, brother fsTsTerTTiusba.ndTpf L wife ere able to help maintain the unfortunate, they should be obliged to do so. In Professor Horner's story "The Appian Way," published yesterday in The Journal, appears the word "lu canthropy,' which does not occur in many if any of the dictionaries. The word is composed of the two Greek words, "lucos," wolf, and an thxopoijnajtelheoltmra man with the tendencies of the wolf; a Nebuchadnezzar whose tastes' have degenerated into those of the brute. "Lucanthropy" is the contrast of strenuous effort to be at one's best Therefore, President Roosevelt in ex tolling the strenuous life, cautioned the American people against all forms of "lucanthropy." , If the word has not yet been coined, it ought to go to the mint at once. . . . .. A visiting water expert declares that Bull Run water has saved or pro longed a great many lives,, and he is no doubt correct. Vide Portland s exceedingly low death rate, though other causes contribute to this result O yes, we who are alive and kicking have much to be thankful for. That Oregon is wholly out" of debf is no reason ior icgisiairvcrxTTwr- agance, but the state In this agreeable financial condition can regard quite large, if " necessary, expenditures cheerfully. ' ' The Play By Johnston McCulley. "What's the use of lying when you ar all aloner Act II. . 'There Is In every man the making of a great raaral; time and opportunity alone are needed to bring It out" Act III. Max Flgman is a star. We have seen it declared on billboards and programs; It ha been shouted to the heavens by the hired sgents of John Cort and ber sided in a hundred different way. But It has remained for Firman to be his own greatest advertisement. Last night when he appeared at the Hntlig In "The Man on the Box," a delightful drama tisation of Harold McOrath's novel, he gsve evidence In the first few minutes of play that he Is a star in spite of press agents and 'advertising money well spent. He Is a natural-born star, and John Cort had an eye to business when he took Flgman under his mana gerial wlr.g. Flgman made a hft here In "The Mar riage of Kitty" two seasons ' a"gK He ,made, anothr hit InnU aesaon with the Florence Roberts company. He makes , the greatest bit of aU af Bob War- 6f tkc Common Prince Charles of Denmark, waa ehosen as ruler of Norway. '. he queen 1 the daughter or King Edward and ' Queen Alexandr.. of England. It waa during the vtalt of the Prince Maud and ber alster to their grandparent at Copen hagen that . . he friendship ' between Prince, Charlea and Maud waa. begun. Their marriage took place in July, 1195 In Buckingham . palace chapel. Queen Maud is the mother xf a 1-year-old son, who wa christened Prince r Alexander, but is now known as Crown Prince Olaf of Norway. ' ;;,y,. . . . A The Author Turned. ' ... Here is an effective piece of dramatic criticism, said to have been printed In a rural paper In Indiana, . A raw com. pany on the "kerosene circuit" played "Hamlet," and the next day the editor wrote: "Mr, Soandso and hie company played 'Hamlet' in the town hall last nlnht. It-waa greet social event' and an tn em ox our fair village attended. There ha been a Jong -discussion a to whether Bacon or Ghakeapeare wrote the piayrcom.moniy "attributed to 0hakeH pear. ' It can be easily settled now. Let the grave of the two writer be opened. The one who turned over last night Is the author." This Is the Reason. , . Why ar we unable to see- when we turtf from a bslght light to a darker object? Because when wa look at. -a bright light, the Irla, or colored pro tecting curtain, contracts around the pupil (which 1 only a window), thus keeping too much light from striking the retina or sensitive part of the eye, Aa soon a the eye turn to a darker object, the pupil la so small thst It does not admit a sufficient number of. rays to enable use to see.' We must wait a few seconds for It to expand. . The Regiment of God. . . -From the Technical World Magaslne. Every maaon in the quarry, every builder on the shore. Every woodman In the forest, every boatman at the oar, Hewing wood and drawing water, split ting stone and clearing od. All the dusty ranks of labor In the regl- . ment of God, March together toward his temple, do the task hi hand prepare; Honeat toll 1 holy eervlee, faithful work la praise and prayer. i Letting by Pin and Candle. From the London Evening Standard. The old custom of letting premises by the aid of a candle and a pin has been observed at Padworth, a village between Reading and Newberry- The eandle was lighted and a pin stuck Into It. Then bid were called for until the pin. .owing" to the heat of the candle, dropped out. J. T. 8 trange, secured the tenancy with an offer of IS 5. r Free From Microbes. The air I eo pur tn the polar re gion and so free from harmful mi crobe that throat and lung diseases are unknown there That section 1 also free from contagious dlaeaaea. burton In "Th Man on the Box." It la not difficult to determine to what qual ities Flgman' success should be cred ited. It 1 to hi vivacity, hi attention to detail and hi demand of realism in Leverythlng. He doesn't burlesque any- thlng to. make It runor. uia xun-roax-Ins la natural, th result of art ratber than ridiculous exaggeration. Cort has given the atar-a: uppoTtinf company that la above the average. Last night' audience showed It appreciation by generous, applause, and at tb close of the second act tantalised Flgman Into a cliaracteristlo curtain speech tn which he declared that hi ambition wag to pleas hi tfubllo rather than to e his nam In big letter on th billboards. "Th Man on th Box" 1 a faithful dramatization of th novel wherein a Washington society man disguise him self a a coachman, to frighten hi later, get on th box of th coach of the girl be adorea by mistake, is arrested for fast driving, become her coachman in fact In order to carry out the decep tion, develop a great love story,' keeps an old soldier from disgracing himself by selling the plan of hi country' fortification. I disclosed In th end saves th girl's father from poverty, and take th girl In hi arm and motion for th curtain to fall. Th play Is three hours' of delightful dash and go. The play la good in-Itself. Add Fig man' personality, which seem to affect every other member of the company, and th a tag dressing that John Cort has glvvn. tb production, and yon hav.4 as oenoious an entertainment as one eouid ask for. In addition to Flgman. good work I done by Mis Helen Holme, hi lead ing woman, whose work is natural and artistic tn a great degree. Morgan Wat lace, who waa In Portland with the Belaaoo force,' I 'In th company and play with hi usual skill. His Charles Henderson I spontaneous and dalight ful. John C. Brownell Is excellent aa Count Karloff. -eat rice McClure, a Seattle society girl and dramatlo reader, has minor role In which ahe acquit herself with some degree of merit. Th other of th company ar up to th ianna.ro. "The Man on tha Box" will he a-ivan by-ihfl.Flgmu company Uomorraw and weonesday nights, with a matins Wed- nesaay. , "A Temperance Town." Tou can't reform a man by treat ing him like a fool." Act II. It I difficult to determine ta whom thv blue ribbon ahould go in thi week's Baker bill "A Temperance Town." Perhaps It Should SO to Jlmm niaaarm for his delightfully tru rendition of tn cnaracter or Kneeland Fray; perhaps it ahould g. to William Harris, who' does Uncle Jo Vlall so well; perhaps to Howard Russell as St. Julian Jones, and perhaps to William Dills as Mink Jones. Anyway, there ought to be a blue ribbon and It ahould go to aom on. Yesterday afternoon "A 'Temperance Town" pleased a big audience. ' Last night It plessed again. It Is a Hoyt satire 'on tb prohibition situation In Vermont as It wss some year ago. There are good qualities In It, and some bsd one. Thst there are about 100 good laugh In It no sane man Will deny. - . The ' bill la parttcutsrly spproprlat to Thanksgiving week depicting, ss 1t does, scene about Thanksgiving time. There I a vacant chair or two, a hard hearted father, a down-trodden saloon keeper and th usual. Ingredients of the usual Hayt satirical fares. There I a love story, which Is subdued somewhat by the funmaklng. There is a bewild ering mass of character, few of which are -very distinct, But .then averyon knowe the play. . ' The honors ar well distributed among Keep Control of the I. JrVaterwayg ' Tb Dalle. Or... Nov. 14. To th Edl tor of Th Journal I am heartily In favor of tha state purchase of th Ore gon city locks, either by condemnation or In any other reasonable way. and not turning them over to the federal government, leaving th state to hold and own them for all time. If th fed era) govsrament wants to aid th state we certainly should b willing to aocept uch aid, but w should never turn tb ownership over to th government - Th atat should . Improve It own waterway and a th Willamette river I wholly Inside our state w should lose no time In making It free to com meroe to Its vary source. Wa ahould los no time Improving every stream within th atat when a few dam and lock will open water courses to trans portation of freight and passenger, As to the Columbia river her our atat should never hav transferred th title of the canal to th government. Oregon should ' hav retained this title, asked b atatea of Washington and Idaho to help, -and a much money as the three tateat agreed to spend yearly on th Columbia river the federal government ought willingly. to have spent each year. In si years th' Columbia ought to be free from Lewlston, Idaho, to th sea for any amount of commerce and any sort of craft One needs onl to look at th Celllo eanal to realise how long It will be be fore a river steamer will see it, way clear ror a passage through it If w want free rivers and .a bigger Oregon let ua do something for our selves Instead of donating to advertise ment bureaus with literature telling Bow big w are. . Let us tax ourselves and those that ar coming to reap where w sow. and expend a reasonable amount annually on our rivers; let us hav tb finest tat . engineer In the country, and let ua expend a half mil lion annually on our rivers, and In a few year w will not have to ao out and lead people to our state by the hand. They--wl---floclt"to-oe-o quickly that- tn Willamette valley will be forced to move It mountain aide east and west to give place for them to find standing room. Tb Columbia river valley, while a larger project when the government get the look In will open plenty of new land foi th grown children of th overflow or th Willamette valley's population, but by all means keep con trol of our Willamette river In th hand of th atate. and let our legisla ture buy the -Oregon City lock without delay and let us make them as free as th water, that run to all our people. , F. A. BEUFERT, President D. A. and C Club. What Is Stand Pat? Stuart Maclean. In Atlanta Journal. "Stand patr What, that I to do a you're told; Uphold , Everything that your leader has said; Drop dead . .. Inatead .'. i -ftf-thlnfclng- at alt ' That alL "Stand patr : Oh, that l I to walk, np and vet By rot. And swallow heroic . Llk Stolo - Everything that was thought W ought That wa aom tlso ago TOD know. . "Stand patr Well, that B IB a tianee 1 And danc " When th boss pulls th string, . . , , Ann vuflf H-WHh a Tatta most aubllme" (This la all apropos) To th thing That w know Ain't so. - So we're glad that you think Th term's on th blink. That from it you shrink; And on that We'll tand pat th member of th Bskerlte. Ml Anne Singleton, the new see end woman. hasn't much of a part but she gives indication or msaing good. Mis Law. rence and Donald Bowles work out the love Interest in their usual good form:" but they really haven't a chance to take a big share of the glory. Bowie wa particularly good yesterday afternoon. Howard Russell ha a role that anlt him, and he produce laugh by th dosen. William Dill and William Har ris are also active In th laugh produc ing Una, Jam Oleason succeeded In getting himself roundly hissed, which I saying he made good In his role. Wil liam Oleason plays with his usual skill. Leo Lindhsrt a local actor who hss been making rapid strides with th Bakerite,' doe a wee bit of characteri sation that I above the average, It only last a minute, but It' good. . Th other member of th company play well. "A Temperance Town" 1 en of those puszllng bills that make a good Impres sion and th averse person cannot tell why. It Isn't a good aa th average Hoyt play, but It'a worth aeelng, and you'll like It.- It will be the bill all week at the Baker with a epeclal mati nee Thursday and the regular matinee Saturday. "Uncle Josh Spruceby."- "I started that man In business 1 - bght- hl- flrVt r gold-rlckU' Unci Josh Spruceby. (-"Unci Josh Spruceby," which mad th people roar year ago, ha been re vived again, and yesterday opened for a week's run at the Empire, starting In with two large audiences. Unci Josh I there with the good when It come to being a laugh-producer. ' He I get ting ratber .old now and oth"oT th Joke which were delightfully new when the ahow first appeared are now gray whiskered snd cause laughter on ao eount of their age, but Just the asm w sit through It all and ar willing and ready to laugh a th eternal atory of th green farmer and th eity sharper unfold Itself before' u. . Uncle Josh may exist snd plssse for some years yet and then the email stock oompanies will revive it again. Ths production at th Empire this week la a good one, th player ar above the average and th acenlo effects ar all that oou;d be desired. Bright specialties are Introduced to add to th bill attractiveness. William Lee ha the title role and doea well In th part Th supporting compsny la of consider able merit. "Unci Josh Spruceby" I on of th best show that has been at the Empire this season. Tou won't be wasting your time If you see It It will be th bill all week, with matins Wed nesday, Thursday and Saturday. . An Indiana authority has declared that the only articles of food not adulterated ar cheese and root beer, W don't know or car anything about root beer, but have always believed that llmburaer Bhses eould net be adulterated. BIRDSEYE VIEWS cf TIMELY TOPICS r SMALL CHANGE. . , i I t'hl th beginning of th predloted hard winter T '' ' , ' e e- . i Nobody la asking for a .rals In th wage of sin. .... e e .. ; Seattle Ja ahead of 'Taeoma again can ahow. more storm damage. ., . - . ' . - - ' -.v ; Th prtc of pipe has gon up, but pip droame ar as cheap aa ever. ,.' ' ; . ; How to get. a cheap Thanksgiving turkey; bby It after Thanksgiving. ' In a criminal eas the prosecution In variably "weave a net" or ela Vforgss a Qbaln.".'.- , "! r . . , Jt ... - fliere are a aood many day In th year when you can b thankful that you llv la Oregon.. ..-'IL.,.' : In these degenerate times a, heresy trial, auvd-lia. result don't arouse muco publlo Interest : Dnnl Beams to hav played to perfec ... tion the part of killing th goo that laid golden eggs. - Is Unci Sam going to get into a war with San Francisco or California on Japanese account; . . . :. Perhana after awhile there Will be SO many teachers'-Institutes that children will have vacation most of. th school year. W were going to publish a Ht of remedies for colds, but seeing that it would fill this half-column all winter gav It up. . t. Mr. Harriman may tunnel Into Icon- gfesg"prtty"aay; ' bnt- h la 11 finding that tunneling through cap Horn la no easy job. .. . It'a queer If a great musical artist can't be Just a llttl bit funny one In while, especially when he la In a monkey bouse. Bom preacher ar resorting to mega- phones and brass bands, realising, per haps, that what a great many people want la mar noise. - j- A very Strang thing about a very aged negro who died recently I, that he did not claim to hav Been George Washington when a pickaninny. .. Perhaps Unci Adlat Stevenson will never be mentioned, cgain In th dla natche until It cornea time to look -around for a Democratlo candidate for vlc-prldnt - . ' Now It la Jim Ham Lewis whom some on devoid of originality allude to aa I "an nlmatMt foatliap duateY." But even so, Jim Him is aiwajs srtianc 1 and ornamental. -1 For dispensing poisoned milk th Pull man company was fined th large sum of 150. . .Whit an outrage! Everybody knowa a corporation can't put poison in milk, and that Bob Lincoln wouldn't I there no Juettce in the (and for our enterprising business interests? ' -Jscttera-rro Current Xnataaity aad Immortality. Portland. Nov. 24. To th F.dltor of Th Journal: Tour correspondent, "In vestigator," two days ago, aald: "That tb soul Is capable of existing In a con scious condition after th death of th body can likewise be demonstrated." I hope your correspondent Is not In rror about this. Th world ha been waiting for a long time for thi "dem onstration." and It Is still anxiously waiting. If a "demonstration" I avail able It ought to be brought out at one, to be welcomed by million of aad hearts and thoughtful winds, . No other discovery eould so thrill th human eonsclousneee, or so oothe th terrible wound of lacerated affections. Of eourse. Intelligent people, know what ha been said about this question, la ancient and modern times, and th claim that hav been set up respecting it. They know tb tbeorle. th guesses, th surmises and report about It, his torical, acientlf lo ' and otherwise. But they also know that theories and guesses and belief and hope and feara never settle questions, of fact In the slang of tb day the' question I not "what do you bllve." or "hop,", but "what do you knowr That . I th aueetlon. .-..- Doe 'Tnvtlgator" know that th consciousness continue after th death of the bodyT If o. let us have th "demhMtration." -The whole world will bear him gladly and hi nam will go to th highest place on th world scroll of f am. But no "monkeying" about It. None of th common clap tran and guah, and aentiment and elalm. that w usually havs doled out to us. together with assumptions of nremises. snd tha llk. What million sigh for Is "demonstra- tion.':JLt u hav it student. . . Ta Baal Issue, , Portland. Nov. t3. To Jh Editor of The Journal Th real lasu 1 not men. neither 1 it newspapers, though both-r Involved. An evil spirit fear ing that It 1 losing prestige wher one It held almost unquestioned sway, van In It peculiar Ideas of religion, as It vainly thought select on wno ooiq officially and ethically represents rock bottom Christianity, and makes him, without any provocation, the target of Its newspaper attacks. I say without any provocation, unless being finan cially interested In a successful rival publication, l a provocation. When nvy attack character with word It I cowardly as well- as despicable. , But when Ita attacka assume th form of cartoon ' It i at on and th same time puerll and atnic. But thi as sault 1 not on an Individual merely, who I an untarnished representative of Christian oltlsenahtp, but it la virtually an sssault on that Christian cltlsenshlp ttself. It doea not matter that that honored phase of cltlsenshlp Is in th majority In tha city of Portland and tha north west U has its rights, and one of them is Immunity from Injustice and slander. Th spirit that undertakes to defame character, even "though It b for eonv. msrolal purposes, and makes ua of th pages --of a newspaper to accomplish it cowardly purpose, deserves th unquali fied condemnation of all good eltlsens; and sooner or later It will get that desert Moreover, a nawapeper t 'de scends to surh onwsrdly vilification of worthy citlsena la unworthy a place ln HI OREOON SIDELIGHTS Jefferson baa bo hotel' in operation. ' e . . . .', f. Many real eatate sties around Mr nit . ... . . . . ' r. : ' . Old-fsshloned revival meetings ia Lebanon. . Worklngman ere In great demand In Klamath county.-' . r- , , e e l . : . - Now is on of th times to apray and improve orchards. . . ' , . . The recent flood caused th Milton aursery a los of $1,400. ' t ' Indian arrowhead ar ' atlll founS along the river near frrlgoniV- t . - e e - t , - r Gervala ha had ho city- Ux for year, licensee funrlshlng enough hriDst," A Corvallls man, asked what h waa seachlng for with a lantern, said he waa looking for a street light . hi: ,. : 1 . .: Th HUlsboro Argus allude to Sena-, tor Fulton aa "Oregon' IdoL" Thought Idolatry wag out of data, ' : ." ' ".' A Strang thing happened In Baker ' county i a man thawed dynamite and though- pretty well torn-to pieces. 1 alive. ... ' . ... ;-. e e .; '; - -Polk Hood of The Dalles 'has been paralysed for IS yeara and la blind, and though suffering great pain never com. plains. , - " ' ' A Sllverton man butchered flv 10-months'-old pigs, four of which dressed 1.800 pounds, and th fifth weighed over 400 pound. . j e - ' Heavy erop of corn were grown la the Rogu River valley last aeasoa without Irrigation and without enough rainfall, to wet th ground from th time th corn waa planted until It waa harveated. : . - - ' v ; v. . Th new saddle road recently conw pleted by th rancher In th vlotntty of Frulta, In Wallowa county, at an expense of over 11,900. I practically ruined by the ston wall eliding down. It will bo rplred , .- ....... e e ' . ,; ' A Pendleton man went down on the Columbia to hunt geese; got off tha c train on a dark foggy night at Pollock, where he told the baggageman to put off his gun, overcoat snd blankets; and he is hunting yet for them. Th Journal having mentioned a 15 pound turnip, the HUlsboro Argus say that 3. C Miller, of beyond Glen 00, raise them weighing tl pounds, while ' John Loftls of th same section raised one a few seasons ago that tipped th - Woodburnl going-alonrnlclyr" smoothly and welt aaya the Indepen dent There 1 mora harmony tn thi than many another community. . It la wisely suggested that we tmprov tha present satisfactory arrangement by carefully refraining from speaking 1U of a neighbor. - if- e-on .topics -0 Interest th horn of orderly people.- The Indl- vtdual ba right which It is not th privilege of public men or Institutions to assail. Against such unwarranted attacka an Indignant publlo will at length arise and protest and th pro test will b heard and heeded. - If Unjust assails ar quietly endured there la no security for th good nam of tha Individual or th escutcheon of the family. The publlo Is, In a vary practical sense, th custodian of Indi vidual reputation. Let not th victim, in thi case give himself . any concern. When nondescript religion assail a fol tower of the Nasarena it Is a repetition of Paul's experience with the viper on th island of Mel Ita. it faatened It poisoned fang, to his hand, and th ' barbarian thought the apoatl was .. doomed. But Paul calmly "shook It eft Into the fire and felt no harm. J. H. LRIPER. lanlsluBeat of Colored Troops. To the Editor of the Journal There Is a curious coincidence between the Brownsvlll outbreak of a battalion of . th Twenty-Fifth colored infantry and the Walla, Walla mutiny of a battalion of th Fourth cavalry It yesrs ago. A Wall Walla gambler named Hunt shot a soldier of troop C Of th Fourth ravalry. Th bight aftr th oldler died, ighty man of th regi ment took tholr carbine, and marching ' In a body to the town, forcibly took Hunt from th Jail and hot him t death in th publlo square. Th turn, ber of soldiers engaged In the affair I Inferred because to bullet wound were found In Hunt's body. . The- department commander. General Kants, and hla two senior post com manders were ordered to Investigate th killing and th mutiny at a oourt of Inquiry. After a searching Investiga tion it was found" that not intfe ot dler stationed at Fort Walla Walla at the time would acknowledge thst h knew anything or th attack on-the Jail or of the killing, of Hunt Strang ss It may seem, th secret has been faithfully kept to this day. The troop to which th murdered sol dier belonged had before taken part tn a banging bee at Rancho Davis, Taxa. and again at Fort Stanton, New Maxloo, and with thi knowledge, it 1 said, th oourt conatdered th advisability of ug , gesting the mustering out of th troop. . Thi at Jeast is a rumored tradition. What they, did do wa t advise the trial of the colonel of the regiment There la thi dlffereno, however, be- ' tween th Brownsville and Walla Walla affair. In th latter ease th sympathy of th eltlsens waa with th soldier. VANCOUVER' Phonograph aad Orapaopnon. Estarada, Nov. 14. To th Editor of The Journal: What 1 th dlffereno between a phonograph and a grapho-phrnieT- Pleas answer in th editorial page of th Journal, and oblige. SUBSCRIBER. There la no difference except in nam. Both machine ua th cylinder and dlse records. Th machine are controlled by two companies who probably found a chang of name necessary before they could file their organisation papers for tha purpose of Incorporation. Editor Journal. . " . -'. ' 1 ' . ' Mr. Harriman seems .to be trying - lately to rival Mr. HiU la talkativeness. ' . J V;