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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1906)
t: :: I, . " 1 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING. .NOVEMBER 3,- 1SC3. 'I i OUT WHAT OF THE iU ill iv y I y " "r , Rutnmr Has Cone and the Bun V of . ths? Ant Industrious Fills the Air. - 1 PLEA FOR THOSE WHO SANQ IN FLOWER TIME Mr. Wood Tells of Needs of Thosa Who Made Merry With U and Asks for Them t Sprig of.Rose mary That's for Remembrance. Be C .E. B. Wood. . If. there is, an Insect other than man himself open to the hatred of the world It la the ant. . "Co to the ant, thou sluggard." la a Uunt to all the genius of the world. " AU genius Is sluggard In-the oetU per cent eyes of a sordid and commercial worleV .. The ant, so provident and snug, was evidently a model of propriety and the grasshopper the singing, cheery grass- r ' "'r"'"" vt"" ........ , i i hoppMr-ftMUnr! STnnmer - dars - wwrt was a thoughtless Bohemian, who de served tp have his corpse lsrt.ia the winter grass. But did he deserve It Who shall say that In the great world-balanoe the blithe shrilling of the grasshopper is not of more weight than the selfish In dustry of the ant Whom does the snt delight with net "music f When summer days are golden; when the orbed moon gleams across the stubble, or the sensuous heat of the noonday xrulvers beneath the oak tree, does the ant play a fife all In tuns with nature and sing a song which glsddens the heart? No! ' It is the reckless grass hopper, whose frail little body will lis trosen and neglected in a tuft of grass. -' I bespeak your sympathy - for two deserted ones Barnabee and Mario Stone of the Boston lan s, Barnabee has run his course a long course, covering half a century of wit and merriment, from the time he sang the "Cork Leg" f ' on the New England circuit till he mads us Isugb here in Portland with his an i tics as sheriff of Nottingham. I And Marie Stone, the sweet singer. t the widow of the genial Billy MacDon- aid, who sang "Brown October Ale" be E' fore the footlights and drank it with a Welsh' rabbit of his own breeding after f the show; ., 1 Nothing of the ant in Billy or Bar- who have laughed with them turn our backs, on an old broken man and ths helpless widow T They are to havs a benefit' In' New Tork in December, and different cities . delighted by the old Bostonlaas are to purchase a seat each at the highest pos . i , stole priev It will, be Indeed a high V seat in the temple. 1 ' So cast your bread on the waters and ; your. dollars at any of the following committeemen : ' H. C Bowers, A. It. i T Charietcm. Cr E. 8. TWoooVCalvln; Helllg, , Oeorge ;L. Baker. William- D. Wheel , . wright, Ous Simon, James Met, Wool. It Julius Meier, James Gleaaon, Oeorge , yv. Hasen,aiu...essinger. jb..v. meara, We reprint the ballad written in Port land to 'ba .read at' a-dlnner given the Bostonlaas at the Arlington due. " years ago: ', ' i A Ballad of BoMa . (Beetoolaae.) ' ' " Hew. IHbe ssd listen, gentles, all, , ' i Of crest and lull estste. , ytllt I te iim s s?T7 trwa j ; Do soteowl rslste. 5 It it beee'maar a year snd eelef ' r aisre 'nesth tbe (resnwood tree T W'l Hwin aooa, wits reonMB gvsa, . i sums sag smtthj. , , 1 Kins Rieksiw skwvs srltnts Ms tnrss, . i Tb tttnUi la hts tonh, Jut tMbim and sts Little Jeha ', Sleep where tke daislM bloom. ' , ' Lee fee Is sweet ' MiM 'Msrlsa, . ' , ana gone sr sll Hi rest; : ; rt Frkr Tuck tall Imf bsth stack . . ! Oa good St. Peter's btMst. ' 7 ' Bet Ml the sad lutes sow Sa ,sm, : I , A wonoer I will tell, i ! Bsw is this ferns of greet renewa ' ' . A Bilracle befelL . , . ' ' At I wss sitting bslf m drseate, i ' I s s eartafa rlM. jJLnd Botitn'i bb stepped fOrtharhi ' ; Asd Und before Biy eyes. f The tree dM bend snne their heeds, , i Tbeae snea ta Uaeuta sreea, .' And bf bit trow 1 so bre s shew The world hath sever smb. , , , Bold Bobla Bond sad sll his bssd. , . ' ' are, etch and every one. ' Will Hrarlet sad Meld Msrlsa Asd Mockle UtUe Jobs. j . Tes, eeee srtla, ths roehwk leaped. And. en( let true, 'twoald sleddea yes, - 8e sweet those -archers ssag. , . The sheriff wss a' foil dne He'll ne'er be eutcbed arels. Mr sides I hook st the prlK he pride be took is bis eagle eye ssd brsla. : Meet sweetly ran Br. Bwlthla'S From Hps of Alna Dele, -, , Ane Little John . pledged every ens Is Brows October Ale.' ' Btit Bobtn,'sj be did of yore. ' Had plsred some trleksy (sbms, ' For this new birth spaa the earth . I Wi galsed is dlffereat mom.. ' MK-Donald wss aamed Little John, WIH Kcrlt wss mbM Cow le. , Asd ProUiUifham wss Frlsr TuoS, That prleat of Jolly seals. ... r. t , Bold Rnhts't self be eras a twin. Tin Karl and Bdwls Hoff. Sd Btudler was .the name . of lm Wbe SMxcbed taem en asd Off. The sheriff ef eM Hotttassaa A V s Hie aame was Barnabee: I prf To", seats, now give three cheers For this Jlly eetnsaay - - HtiTrehl rinrrah! for' atarDoeald', ! ' ' Hurras !f Blflltwr nrrab t-ir Karl I Horrah tor silt Aad tte nilnile greenwood tree. ' T rortlaad Singers a X O rands. (Sperlal Dl'patrh re The Jaersal.) La Orande, Ot Nov. J Mrs. Walter Reed, the ' famous Oregon ' ooritralto singer, of PortUnd. assisted by Arthur Alexander, the- tenor,, also of Portland, will give a recital in this city at an early date. A movement has. been bet em foot by a number of the local mu sicians, most of them active members of tree Tuesday Musicals club of 'this city, to have these slngere-appesr here. V Make ;DP-Graves' xTbolh Powder your twicca-lay friend;, it 'will v make yon many admiring friends - those ;wlrd hare keen eves for bright, 'white 'teeth and pure A hreath. .Your sweetheart knows why. ' r ...-. . In handy cnesai eaos tar bottles, Sdei" C' flrsTts' Tcc.ii Pc m dsr Co. ,H ; ' . . 7 - ency Piano-Sale INSTRUMENTS ORDERED FOR" OCTOBER OPENING ' AND ' 1 FOR NOVEMBER SELLING MUST FIND BUYERS QUICK. Unavoidable Delays in Securing Possession of New Eilers Piano . House Premises Has Piled Up ; Fine New Pianos That Must Be Sold Cut Prices and Pay- 'merits as Best Suits Buyers, to Move . Them at One 353 Washington Street the 'New " Number. -.- Buildlnc ooeratlons In the late Fall cannot be carried on as speedily and ad vantageously as tney can earner in tne season. In Suite ol tne most intelligent contractors tne new Eilers Plana House has not yet been gotten ready. But the pianos are here and we -have got to sell. them. , ' As announced in yesterday's papers, while the first floor la in a very much unfinished condition, we. have managed to arrange it an that business can be to arranga it an that business can i - cafrle, - on eomfortiiblyTSo w-are-g ins to sell D tan os aaaln out of the new Kllers Piano House, .6S-35S Washing ton street.. We realise that only by means of the most extraordinary Inducements can we sell our pianos under such unfavorable conditions, lt'a an easy matter for us to sell our pianos when they sre die- flayed in coxy and fitting surroundings, t's an altogether different thing to ask you to come into a great big uncomplet ed, barn-Ilk .place,- with no other at traction probably than the great big new olate Klaaa show windows. We know there is only one way for us to aeit. lots or pianos now... we nave a termined upon that way; : : We present tomorrow morning, the verv finest of hlah-errade instruments. Beautiful Webers and Haseltons, of New York. ' The now famous Kimball, Chicago's greatest piano, and then the finest and most glorious of them all. the Chlckerlng of Boston, and there are also beautiful Hobart M. - Cables and Crown-Orchestral pianos and 'Marshall eb Wendells and dosens of others, each make the very finest in 'its respective cutss. And all of these pianos were specially select ed for display during the opening -week of "the bigger and the be,.er and the busier .fellers Piano 'House. ..; s: . ... ,. - - - We Cut the Price.- -, But that Is not all. We not only present- the very choicest of instruments, but we are offering them at a price far below the usual retail selling price and at a figure that will barely cover the factory cost and freight. It is not a question of profit-making with us now. We must get rid of ths goods. Then, again, ws shall be glad to have you arrange the matter of payments to suit yourself. - Everything will be marked at the actual cash cost. But any piano ' will be obtainable at the cash figure plus simple interest on terms of payment to suit any reason able buyer. If you cannot pay all cash, pay ev -little 'now and a few dollars eeery month. 1-f you ere) wot prepared-: to pay any money , now, come in any way. We will send you a piano and you can pay when ready. .. , Perhaps YouH Rent One. If .you are not in a position to buy a piancP ail, come in ana rent one. we nhallMnarae no cartaae to any one rent ing a piano sis month or longer. If you wtli rent a piano three months we will ask you to pay but one-half of the cartage charges. We must get rid of a lot of pianos quickly, and it is not going to be our fault If we don't. In SDlte of tha wonderfully, heavy-gajejuirihelhjgll jrtndajwr-aesSThe. CoJumbtaUja, our big wholesale corner Thirteenth and Northrup streets. is full to overflowing. The pianos in tended for our October reoDenlna are In, the November shlrlmenta are in, and December shipments are soon due to ar rive. Of genuine Chlckerlng pianos alone there are four monster carloads, aver 4S,000 worth, to. come within the week, and there are Just as many Webers, and still more Weber Pianola Pianos, and carloads upon carloads of every other kind of high-class instru ments on the way. You see the fix we are in. - Bo, even though It will very much upset piano conditions temporarily;, we are going' to simply - slaughter our pianos until our store is definitely in snaps ana reopenea. We hone it will be but a short time. We surely will terminate the sale the moment matters are arranced- - Tib upstairs. Is to be. arranged firaUi while we are selling pianos in the un completed downstairs. Then the down stairs will . be finished and weir- sell upstairs. And the work will be rushed forward now with sll possible haste. Here Are Some Prices. If you are thinking of getting a piano coma In today or Tuesday. Ws had occasion once to sacrifice a lot of regu lar 1275 pianos for flM. We said we thought they never could sgaln be ob tained at such a low figure. But la our present predicament we are going to sell forty-seven of these now for 1177 each, nay, 117 or less down, and f, yes, even 1 5, a month. All of our standard $428 and ' S4G4 pianoa are going to go for 28 and 124 and some of tne plainer casee can be had for 12(2. Sams terms aa the above If you like We will fake actual factory cost and freight for some very fancy and most costly highest grade uprights that were ordered especially lor , tne Portland trade. -There' are some choice pianos in mission design oases among them. Ws don't want to take chances carrying any oi these over the Holidays into Uie next year. Terms of lit a month, yes 111 a .month, or say 140 or 150 svsry three months, buys them. Bear In mind that everything sold by Xllsrs ,iano. House Is posUlvelywarr ranted, no matter wnat ine price paio. The store will be 'kept open Tuesdsy night to accommodate those wishing to select a Piano for Thanksgiving. Re member the new number, 8i3-Ju& Wash ington street, corner. Park. ... EDWARDS IS CHARGED I- : WITH INTENT TO KILL (Snectal Diapause to The Journal ) La Grande. Or., Nov. !. C B. Kd wards. charged with assaulting Bert Hushes with Intent to kill, has been ar raigned before Justice Hough 'and 'has waived examination. In default of' 1600 ball he was committed to the county . Unrder Trial la rederal Court, (Jcnrnai Sprtal Berries.) !, , Topeka. Kan., Nov. tl. A murder trial will be a feature of the session of the United Btstee circuit eourt, which convened .in Topeka today. Robert Tel lies, formerly a negro, soldier at port RUey, Is. accused of ths murder of his sweetheart, Martha- Artarbrldge. who was employed as a servant at the fort. Ths killing occurred on the government reservation, and. consequently the fed eral court la the court of Jurisdiction. Laundry Company Incorporates. (Special MepateS ta Tne JoernaM La Grande, Or., Nov. J. Articles of Incorporation hsve been filed with the county clerk Incorporating, Cherry's new Isnndry.' The capital ' stock, is 14,009. . A.. B. .Cherry. I..M. Cherry mA J. V, Slater are ths lneofporatora. LUMBER; FREIGHTS soar-IIIGir High Rates Enable Foreign Ves . "sels to Compete With Amer ican Bottoms. BRITISH COLUMBIA MILLS TOO, ARE BENEFITED Steamer Duneric Will Carry Lumber From Victoria to San Francisco at About Half the Rate Charged From Washington and Oregon Ports. .Lumber freights between Oregon and Washington ports and San-Franolsco and other points along the California coast "havs-Jumped from 17. SO to $1.60 and tl a thousand feet and the result la that brokers find It profitable to en gage forelgh craft and ship lumber from ths British Columbia mills and pay the duty of II per thousand. Foreign bottoms are willing to carry lumber from British Columbia to San Francisco for ff a thousand, so that sven addjapa tbe dttt y, the lumber csn be laid do" In Ban Francisco for II less than that shipped from the American ports. This, It is believed, will throw sn enormous amount of - business to the British Columbia mills and also Induoe a big fleet of foreign craft to engage In the trade of hauling umbcr on the coast. As stated in The Journal a few dayiago, the British steamer Duneric, now in this port dlschsrglng-a cargo ef ooal from Nanslmo, has been chartered by - Frank Waterhouso a Co. to carry lumber on the coast. She will leave Portland in a few days for Victoria, B. C, to load for Baa Franolsco, ' and - the probability Is that she will be retained In the service for a long time. The Duneric will carry about 1,000,000 feet of lumber so that even at IS a thousand feet ehe will prove a big money maker, for her owners. Shipowners as well as dealers la lum- ber are of the opinion- that the high frelghta will continue for a long time and this Is tempting capital Into bot toms. Dosens - of .steam schooners would sow. be tn . the course of con struction to every one being built but for the fact that ship carpenters sre not available and the yards prepared for such work unable to handle more than what they have on hand. Old packeta that for years havs lain Ides begging business havs been turned into big money earners by placing them In the lumber trade, and old tuba, long ago relegated to the bone yards, are being refitted for the remarkably profit able business. COLUMBIA ARRIVES starrlman Bast rraaolaoo Unsr X sports Uneventful Voyage. . ThS steamer Columbia, Captain po-1 ran, arrived at Ainswortn wharf Tit I o'clock thla morning with a big cargo, but few passengers. She was 11 hours behind her schedule tn getting away from San Francisco and lost five hours watting for a suitable tide off the bar, but made up rnoet of It on the way up the Coast.' " " "' ' ' Captain Do ran reports a fair and un eventful voyage. The stormy weather is evidently over for ths time being. because when the Columbia reached the mouth of ths river there were neither scheduled $o sail for the Bay City to morrow nlgbl. . , . ALONG THE WATERFRONT The ateamer Oeorge W. Elder arrived at Ban Francisco this morning on her first voyage- from Portland since she went on the rooks off Qoble about two years ago. filx tangs of longshoremen - went to work on the oriental liner Numsntla at the Alblnia dock thla morning with the intention of having her ready to sail tomorrow morning If - possible, Ths liner wiU carry away about (0,400 bar rels of flour this trip. - Ths French bark Buffon wiU leave down thla afternoon and the bark I a rrrousr shtfted" yestsrday rrom ths Gas dock to the Continental dock, where ahe will load wheat for Europe. The British bark Broderick Castle Is discharging coal at the Paclflo Coast bunkers. She brought 3,(11 tons of ooal from Newcastle, N. B. W. The bar was smooth this morning and the French barks Bully and La Tour de Auvergne crossed out bound for Europe. The O. R. ft N. Ca's steamer Modoc wtU be given extensive repairs soon. MARINE NOTES Astoria, Nov. ' Jl. Condition of .the bar at I a. nj-. smooth; wind' northeast; weather clear. Arrived at 7:SI a. m., ateamer Argyll, from Ban Francisco. Balled at I a. m., steamer Thomas L. Wand, for Ban Francisco. Balled at t a. m., British steamer Fulham, for Shanghai. American bark Agate, for San Franolsco.. Balled at 1:20 a. m.,. French bark Bully, French bark La Tour de Auvergne, for Queenstown or Falmouth for orders. , Astoria, Nov. 15. Arrived down at I a. m. and sailed st :40 a. m, steamer Northland, for Ban Francisco, stsamer AlllancvormCooi Bay,,- Arrived down at 10 a. tn., schooner Alios McDonald.' Left up at 11:50 a. m., schooner Alpena and Virginia. Arrived down at 1:40 p. n, ateamer Meteor.- Arrived down at 4 p. m- ateamer Thomas La -Wand. Arrived at ( p m. and left up at '1:10 p. m, ateamer Columbia, from San Fran cisco. San Francisco, Nov. J( Arrived at a. m., atsamere Costa Rica, Tiverton and Oeorge W. Elder, from Portland. Ban . Francisco.' Nov. J 5. Arrived, steamer Redondo, from Portland.. Balled, steamer F, A. Kilburn, for Portland and way porta. Arrived, steamer J. B. Stet son and bark Big Bonanxa for Astoria. Balled yesterday, steamer Johan Poul aen, for Portland. v Ban Pedro, Nov. 15. flailed, . berken tlne Qeorglna, for Portland. . QUARRELS WITH WIFE . (Continued from Page One.) Fleishman ws arrested on his arrival at Vancouver, and an officer will be sent from thla city to bring hire back at once. 1 r " Fleishman's embezzlement and snhne- quent escape Were clumsily arranged and poorly ooncealed. Alter leaving his wife Saturday afternoon he went to the atore where- he was employed, purchased a suit case and left It at a cigar store at Fourth and Alder streets, a half block awny. During the evening he took sev ersl bundles to ths cigar store and pieced them In the suit oase. He found time, during a lull in the Saturday evening business, to remove Mil Xiom the sWe and conceal ,1 up. Pc X $98.75 All the newest and latest, designs of this season's creations exactly as shown in cuts belowwyou fur wsl ieome to inspect it Just the outfit for young couples starting housekeeping. The price is low and the terms are within the reach of alL Here is a List of what " this outfit comprises. Read it carefully and jroull ap-' predate the importance of this offer: .. - B e d r o 0 m- Iron bed, woven wire gpring mat--tress, dresser, table, rock er and one 9x9 wool rug. Dining Room S i d e board, 6-foot extension table, 4 dining chairs and v one 9x9 all-wool rug, 50 , piece dinner set consist- V ' ing of 6 cups. 6 saucers, 6 ." seven-inch plates, 6 soup plates, 6 fruit dishes, , 6 butter 1 dishes, 1 f bread . plate, 1 covered vegetable 1I gravy boatl , : pickle disn, 6 pie plates and 4 vegetable dishes. - Kitchen Cook stove, ' . kitchen table, chair. Home ' Complete Select ' J : ' -Uhc $15.00 Values. Tuesday and Wednesday mil ii m 150 Saw i'T--sx sjusiw - ...a Ws have the snosi -' aoonpetent fitters and tailors en the raeif io ' oast. Each gar ment we sell is a guarantee , of - this statement. stairs. . On leaving the safe he fastened the combination. Later, whan ths cash ier desired to place 10(k la ths aafe be fore closing upv she wa informed by Flelshmsn that some one had turned the combination and that ths money could not be placed in the safe that night. To gether they secreted It, where . Fleish man secured It before his departure. Gives Away Jtla plans. A abort 1ms after 10 o'clock ha re quested the telephone operator to call up ths Union station to learn whether or not the Northern Paoiflo train waa leaving on time. There were soms cus tomers in the front pert of ths store who deslrsd to know, he said. On being Informed that the train would leave on time, he left the stors with a bundle and waa gone for a few minutes. - It Is be lieved that he carried the money away at that time and placed It in ths suit case which he had left in the cigar store. Before leaving he paid a clerk 1, which hs had borrowed. I ' Fleishman sad hti bride arrived la Speciial Terms . ; - '':;':.: Your Coat, Suit orSIdrt From the Largest Slock on the Coast $22.50 r Values I i Tuesday ZP and Wednesday $15.25 y I - sw..a a " si vui, in 6 - V- Tie 1 1. Actedni C. 7 Wholesale and Retail, 131 Fifth Street, Bet. Alder & Washington Portland six months ago. In Ban Fran cisco, bsfore the earthquake, ha wss employed at the Langfeld pharmacy. "Hs left tne without a cent," aald his young wifs this morning, "but I won't say anything about him. Ws were mar ried In Ban Francisco sight months sgo today. But havs they caught htm 7" - JUS o Bad Habits. Flsishman had the confidence of his employers snd, so far as Is known, had no bad habits. It Is not believed that hs left with another woman. lis was nevfer known to drink. , , "He came- to na as s refugee," said W. F. Woodward, "but ha had excel lent recommendations. Ws trusted him and he locked-op the stors every night We discovered his theft yesterday and I at once called ths police Into ths esse. Ws learned that he had likely left on the Northern raeiflo train, Saturday night and stations along ths way were notified. The result wss his srrest In Vanoouvsr yesterday." $10 Down, $2.5 - . - ..'.,r.'' - : Tull ''' Satin-Lined Blacks. Broadcloths Nicely Trimmed. - Among - ths employes - of Woodard, Clarke A Co. Fleishman was exceed ingly unpopular. ' Clerks snd others olalra that ha was constantly spying upon them end reporting to the-proprietors every aot that was to their discredit They assert that ha assumed ths role of privets detective for the company end accused many employes of petty, thefts. In vlsw of rsoent de velopments, they now express ths be lief that haxlilmaelf took various ar ticles which other employes were so oused of having stolen. Aooass &o ads of Discrimination. , Uoersal Speelal Serrlce ) Columbus, O., Nov. M. Ths charges brought by the National Petroleum as-eoclatloiv-agalnst 41 railroads In Ohio cams up for hesrlng todsy before the state railway commission. Ths com plainant company aocusea ths railroads of unjust discrimination in freight rates on oil In fsvor ef ths Standard Oil com pany, .'-..,;;-.'.': r . i ii tt r s "i (An 1 . iits ,r v-:;' X- 8-EOOM OUTFIT1 $98.75 SPECIAL TERMS $10.00 Down $2.50 a Week We Are - for Of fice Fur- mture 1 if In Two , Differ- . . ent . Btylss, AU- . wooi.rineiy xsn- orso. Notice) to Gut-of-Town Merchants - Ws are prsparel to f nrnlsh you with Coats, Suits ndvSkIrtr krWew Tork prices. Hi KJ.tll Till sTew Jersey's . Final Trip. Boston, Mass., Nov. II. Tne 14141 ton battleship New Jersey, built at ths Foro River yards at Qtilncy, haa her final acceptance trlsl today over the officii! New England course. On her last trip troubls .was experienced with hot besrlngs, snd she board of Inspec tion recommended another trial. After a heavy meal, take a couple of Ooan's Aegtilats, sad give your stom ach, liver and bowels the help they will need, Kegulets bring, easy, tegular pas sage. f taa boweia. - , ,- Powers 119 C v fJ Values Tuesday and V Wednesday H7!i (if VMiiv L9HSO mm V.-V I- it.