The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 26, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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Thanksgiving time brinti'mtny ap
plleants to the front asking-donations
for their several lnatltutlona or socio
ties, and among- these ma be numbered
tha Boya" and Glrla' Aid society,' which
' la on of tha moat worthy lnatltutlona
of the- atate: for tha past 1 yeara It
haa dona Ita work of caring for home-
'. leas. Deflected or abused children, pros
ecuting parenta who have neglected or
. abuaed their children,' and aaved many
of the youth of the city from the rn
forra aohooL , Thla la purely an Oregon
Institution, formed by local philanthro
pists, who. In 185, aaw the need of
aorae Inatltutlon to be organised for the
care of ' the dependent and neglected
' children of the atata. Among these
local phllanthroplata can be mentioned
"the names of "the Hon. tV. B. OUbert,'
the late W. H. .Corbett, F. H. Beach,
Mine Helen F. Spauldlng. the late U I
Hawkins, and others. - J
The work of thla ' Inatltutlon ' haa
grown year by year until now It ha
become . -almost- a household word
Proteges of the Boys' and Girls' Aid Society. -
throughout the. entire1 state of Oregon,
and many' children have had cauae to
bleaa tha efforts of thla aoclety, and
many mothers to be thankful that their
aona were aaved from Uvea of crime.
The receiving home of the society is now
very crowded, but the management aa
yet hare not refused a aingle child.
Fifty-six little children are on hand and
the capacity la but 40.- These children
come not only from Multnomah county,
but from nearly every county in the
atate It la to all Intanta and purpose
a placlng-out Inatltutlon, where children
who are placeable find homes In fami
lies where they are brought up and re
gard "their cuatodlans aa their own par
ents. ,; - , . ;
The placing of children In family
homes la certainly tha most" economical
manner of disposing of large numMers
of children, eapeolally when such chil
dren are placeable. The Boys and Qlrls
Aid society haa-now under' Ita direct
care between 400 and 600 children, and
every one of these children. If they were
not placed in family homes, would have
found refuge In an orphan asylum or
some pltfce of. that character, and at a
very great expense to the state. It, 1
true that to dojhe work of planing out
properly there is to be considerable
money expended for visiting . agents,
clerlctj hire and other employes, for it
Is one thtng'to place In a family homo,
and another thing' to aee that the aanie.
child Is accorded the care and attention
It requires; but- compare the total cost
of the maintenance of a placlng-out In
atltutlon with any orphan asylum. '
Take, for instance, the Soldiers' Or
phans' home at Davenport, Iowa, one
of (he beat Institutions In the country
of thla class. For each child there the
state paya 10 per tnortth,and the county
from which" the' chnd cornea ( per
month, or a total for each child of tl44
per annum. The average atay of the
child will be several years. Therefore,
compared with thla -the-maintenance of
a child-placing Institution Is a mere
trifle, and the results obtained, far supe
rior. As an old friend, for 10 year
auperlntendent of an Industrial school,
truly aaid. "Kvenan average family
home la a better place to rear children
than, tha beat man-made Institution ever
devised." so Institutional , men them
selves being judges. The placlng-out
plan la the beat for all normal, children
and tlie work la done at a fraction of
the cost 'of the orphanage plan. '
The picture accompanying thla article
shows a crowd of happy children at
tha receiving home ready for church on
Sunday morning. ..
' Donations of any kind, such as money,
canned fruits, canned goods of any kind,
cereals, dried fruits, groceries or pro
visions of any kind, will be thankfully
received and called for-if -the -4 oner
will kindly notify Superintendent W. T.
Gardner, at the receiving home, corner
East Twenty-ninth and . Seat Irving
streets, or -by calling op en telephone
East-.- Or donations will be received
at the city office of the society, 'tOi
Jefferson street, near Fifth.
HUM) EMPIRE'S develop is
a . . m A - . ft te
rum re 01 vemrai uregon mnees
. i,i . t Ik-71." I mi., , , ( ft
' -ort Granting' of 'Right of
" -
Legislators and Business -Men De-
plort Action of Interior Department
' and Declare Hand of Big Railroad
Interests Is Seen in It. '
'With tha end' In view of frustrating
any preconceived plana to bottle up the
, wealth and development of central Ore
. gon. a territory larger In area than the
, atate of Massachusetts, and in order to
hasten. If possible, the settlement of
that sparsely settled region, business
Dn.l 1 rA mntnm in nftiiliiiinUnn
with the Portland chamber of commerce,
will forward soon to the secretary of
the . Interior. a petition, . algned
by scores of Interested' persons.
of th Oregon Trunk Line railroad Uon ?" "ood River a. month
leading aouthward into Crook county be
The petition will klao ask that the
filing -made by the reclamation service
at the mouth of the Deschutes river be
withdrawn aa the latter 1a the only ob
stacle which stands In tha way of the
rond being built. Of flcera of the cham
ber of : commerce have signified their
' willingness to aid In the matter, and It
, la expected that action will be taken on
' the petition by .the local body this
' week. ,' a--. '
Among the business men In the city
'; who are taking an active part In aa
; effort to bring about a change of front
In the recent action of the Interior de
partment, the rumor haa gained ground
that the filing made by the reclamation-
service on the waters -of tha Dea
chutes river was run hand In hand with
the determination of the Harriman eye
ten! to keep a competitive Toad from en
tering so rich and productive a field and
one whose many resources are lying
dormant. Already Irrigation compan
lea operating In Crook unty alone
have spent In aXceaa-Ot-lUftPJLMmn
reclaiming a atate segregation of land
of nearly YVO.OOO acres, and there
billions of feet of merchantable timber
In the same district.
... Transportation la Weeded. '. ;.
Further development than that, el
ready made and the settlement of the
Irrigated tracts will remain practically
stationary until transportation facilities
are eatahllahed. The move to provide
means of transportation to the country
have been blocked and the Grand Trunk
railroad after making complete surveys.
securing light of way over all but gov
rnment land and actually beginning
construction of Its grade haa been held
up pending- the action of the Interior
department and the reclamation service
on an experimental project, a definite
conclusion onwhlcu may be "delayed
for a period of five years.
Agitation over the peculiar move of
the reclamation service wan first sr.rred
tip at the meeting of the State Irrlgn
both aides of the Deschutes river prior
to the notice given out by the reolaaia'
tlnn sen-Ice-that It had filed on the
waters of the river. As soon as the fit
Ing became publlo the crews were with
drawn. Thla move on the part of the
reclamation service waa made months
after -the Oregon TTOnkJia4furyeyBd.
Ita line, secured Its right of way over
private lands and begun the grading
work at the mouth of the Deschutes.
The maps, profiles and prayer for right
of way over- tha government domain.
weeks before the reclamation . service
filed on the waters of the Deschutes,
were laid before that department to de
termlne whether the proposed road
would in any way Interfere with any
of the government projects. The ap
propriation of the water followed and
tao Interior department refused to
I grant th petition asking for right of
4m m map i a ir TrtiTTjr-a a 11
sgo. at 'Which time It was said in so
many words that, the appropriation of
the waters or the Deechntes river for
the purpose of building dams to gener
ate electricity with which a pumping
station could be run In Umatilla coun
ty, loo miles away, was the appear
ance of the cat's paw 1a the great rail
road game of the northwest. .
' What Senator WnealAoa Baya.
. Btate senator wneaidon, who. waa
present at that meeting and expressed
his opinions, and who la determined to
leave nir atone unturned In bringing the
officials at Washington to a right view
of the situation, says that the O. R. A
N. had crews of engineers working on
n, .1
Full Dress
Wear ;
Washington St
Hotel Building
way pverinr-pnonanaria.
' Mo Determined feasible.
E. C Henney, supervising engineer of
the reclamation service, stated at his
office In the presence of State Senator
AYhealdon, Jesse Stearns and F. 8. Stan
ley of the Deschutes Irrigation It Power
company, which has already apent over in the Irrigation of arid terri
tory In Crook county, that the govern
ment's proposition to dam the Deschutes
and generate electricity for the Umatilla
project haa not as yet been determined
feasible, and even If It should be in the
future it was not certain that there
would be money available to carry out
the work. The project, he said, might
be abandoned any time within three to
five yeara. The appropriation of the
water bad been made, he added, -ta pre
vent any obstruction of the work pro
posed by the department He believer!
that the public welfare demands the
construction of the road, but it remains
for th secretary of the Interior to de
termine the matter. The filing waa
made without definite location, so that
isllroad building la completely blocked,
and the timber, mineral, agricultural
and Irrigation resources of central Ore
gon left at the mercy of Washington
officials who may or may not decide
In favor of an empire of thousands of
square, miles as -against a' couple of
dams and a current of electricity.
1 Sanouaees the Store. .
' Jesse 8 teams, one of the stockholders
in the Deschutes Irrigation Power com.
pany and largely Interested In the de
velopment of the central part of the
state, who spoke In strong terms against
me action or tne Reclamation ttervica
at the Hood River meeting, . said yea-
leraay: - ;;
"If the Reclamation Service Is Intelll.
gent, if It is honest. If It Is beneficent,
then It should keen Jts handa off and
let thla railroad go In and help develop
mis-great empire, ana protect the cap
ital of hundreds of thousands Invested
there.,Jf ILwtU not help.. It should ao
ninaer. and It will not hinder unless it
la a part and parcel of thla atab-ln-the-back
railroad game which Is being
played on the Pacific coaat. -1 hoM mora
uvugiy nvw iiiMii paiorw ,jo uie views
wnicn il expressed at the Hood River
meeting, ana the recent dlicloaurea made
concerning the favoritism - shown by
Commissioner Richards to the Union Pa-
cino ana Harriman interests, leads all
of us to believe that millions of acres of
fertile land, and the hidden wealth of
innumerable productive resources will
be knocked In the head, tied hand and
foot and thrown contemptuously aside to
gratify the grasping nature of a rail
road corporation which - has virtually
said 'Hands off of Central Oregon until
we get ready to move . In.' There are
other places to develop power, and other
Places to pump, and other lands to irri.
gate. If the Reclamation Service doesn't
approve of us. f it doesn't want to aid
ua, then let it stand aside and not to
tally annihilate months of labor, devel
opment already started and thousands
upon thousands Inveeted. ,
. Waere Servtoe Oomld Da Oood.
"If the Reclamation Service la really
anxious to serve the people and pump
water, let them go above the mouth of
the rrver to the Agency Plains district,
where wheat and oats are being raised
aa 100,000 acree of land. Tha waters of
the Deschutes are accessible there and
the land owners would gladly give from
tt to to per cent of their entire holdings
ror water.
"It Is a question, of courve, whether
the -department will see fit to retract
ita action when our petition" Is presented.
but there will be enough signatures onl
It, and It will go p Washington wKb
such Impetus 'that we expect to have
some one sit up and take notice whether
anything else results or not." ,
The petition In question will be freely
circulated throughout the central part
of the state and wIH contain a long list
isn representative of fewness enter I
prises. Aside from this there Is ' little
doubt that the chamber of commerce
will affix Ita sanotlon and ahow, too,
that not only the welfare of central Ore
gon depends upon . transportation, bat
that the development ef the resources
there will be of great and lasting bene
fit to Portland Itself and the business
concerns located here. . ,
Bees-French's Store Zs a Thla eaereaio. move sod
rwentteUa Oomvary Way, -
.The Steinbach & Drcher Piano Is
owned by the Reed-French Piano Co., ,
of Portland.-rr-rTheir store -is corner
Sixth and Burnside. :
: ;' '., '. ...":'. ".';'.' .''";. ' '
The first car of Steinbach &
Drehers will arrive in Portland today.'
They want a. good piano, capable of
withstanding climatic changes a
piano brimful of - wear- -a piano
pleasing in tone and right in price
such is the Steinbach & Dreher.
The Steinbach & Dreher is differ-
rentfrom any otherpiano mad
- has .many distinguishing features
' about it. The principal one is its
ability to withstand dampness.-1 It
miglit be ised by a mermaid with ho
harm to it. . '.-",
; We have learned to know what
; Portland people want. By "Portland
people" we mean the great majority.
The Steinbach & Dreher is made In
two styles) and you'll like either on
of them. ,.' .' ,
heperiativeamfidence we hava
-in the Steinbach & Dreher If yon
"-have any doubt about .the reasonable
ness of the price or the elegance of its
tone, we will just loan you the piano
for awhile. A manufacturer should
have faith in his product. . . W
bank on our latest, this newly de-
signed Oregon Piano the Stein-
bach & Dreher.
We're Open Nights. You're Invited
The Rced-Frcnch Piano Rflfg. Co.
(fsarasl apselal Serrtea. r
Philadelphia, Pa, Novr - Bright
gold pieces will nestle In the toe ef
many little stockings at Christmas-time.
The United States mint In this dty la
a-whtrr and tha monster presses are
taxed to the utmost turning out hun
dreds of coins each minute to meet the
great demand of the Christmas rush.
Six millions of dollars In gold, la
double eagles, eagles and tt.M pieces
will be coined before the New Tear. The
tiny two-and-a-half piece, hardly larger
than 'a cent, la the popular Christmas
coin. The demand for the minor ooina.
dimes, nlokels and cents, so necessary
to the shopper, Is greater than ever be-
The cotnaa-a of Bennies alone will reach
a million dollars before the demand ef
the holiday season la supplied.
President Ask tit Colonel What
1 . He Saw Derogatory to the
i ' Negro Troops. " .
Uenraal peetal lervles.)
Waahlagton, Nor. M. The president
will hare on hla handa aa echo, or rather
a premonition, of the Brownsville negre
troops row today. It la tha ease of Col
onel Pitcher, who Is alleged to have said
unkind things about negre troops In
general, but waa aaa denied the alle-
gattoaev : :
L denial vr aa omoer or jicnera
rank la generally conclusive. Sometimes
an offloer admits to the president that
row am ay vour Amtm
tsa matter, when You can eet-
KATN'S Rtlmbii CiAsaifitalUrttJof
Or aoBAwathmafon rarmers.frsir.arasrsaMl
poTaTosi.caimnt.sroca.numbrr rirr, itc.
somtim. eatcoa
he did talk to " a newspaper man and
that the newapaper man abused hla con
fidence by publishing hla remarks. This
Is usually taken as a plea la abatement
or . In . palliation, and very little ever
oomes of a ease of that sort. Colonel
Pitcher, -who, It la alleged, spoke of the
removal of negro troops to Fort Sheri
dan, Is In another category. Ha denlea
absolutely having said what he la al
leged to have said and affirms that ha
"declined to make any comment"
la view ef the fact that the president
aaked for an "Immediate reply" from Col
onel Pitcher, the president will be the
authority to consider the value of the re
;-. 5 ;
Bverybodya friend Dr. . Thorn aa
Bclectrio OIL Cures toothaohe, earaohe
sore throat. - Heals etrta. brnlesa, seaids, -, -Stops
any pain.
Preferred. Vtook Oasnsad
Allen at Lewis' Beet Brand.
X4?S nUMt w did Saturday astonished pa. and yet ws hava tha . "."aVlSS..V
MAIN T good and people know it- We expect to have s big MMlt .' : 0 "f
.V trada all thla week, and special arrangements have been . , .. '..J. . ' '
-- toyM . " r i p. ".".ITT"- ?yi
A Car Load of Oregon Turkeys
Turkeys ' Dressed, lb .18a to 25
Geese, Dressed, lb....,...'.. ...15
Ducks, Dressed, lb '..17J
Chickens, lb. .14 to VlxM
Fine Celery, bunch ..5 and 10f
Cranberries, qt. .10a
Oyster for Dressing
Raisins, 3 pks ....23dr
Currants,' 2 pkgs.. 23a
Orange Peel, lb. ...................... . 20 f
Lemon Peel,' Ib............"
Citron Teel, lb,
' a . I
a. ,r
Bultcr Per Roll . . . . 55c
22 lbs. Ccns 6rczzt::3 Sr::
- V