The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 26, 1906, Page 10, Image 10

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'List of Officlar'RcJW' Mad
. and Held byTleld and
, ; o Track Men.. "
Ja th Weights John Flanagan and
i Martin Sheridan, Mitchell and Plaw
U Walk Off With Title of Strength
' ,' Th hwh of 190 wilt go flown in hi
(toryaa on of the moat eventful for the
track and field athlete. The record
1 show that th American oarrled oft the
principal championship. Her are th
'record a tby atand: , .
' " , -Banning. ...
J' Daniel Kelly 100 yardsrS:SS.
W. I Bawer SB panda, UM.
M. W. Lona 400 yard. 0:41 "JRC
I T. P. Conneff 1 mile, 4:11 S-6.
t. B. C. Carter mile. KM S-S.
W. J. Sherrtng (Canada)'
ice S4 tnler 1:51:23
Ray C. Bwry 8tand;nrhlgh Jump, I
Jet (H tnche.
I M. F. Sweeney Running high Jump, I
.feet t jnchea .1
Ray C.Bwry -Standing long; Jump, 11
- feet Inc
Bwry Three standing Jump.
SS ferf S
Prlnsteln Running - long Jump, it
feet 74 tnche.
- EL B. ' Bios Running, hop, step ana
Jump, 48 feet Inche.
; V. rt Taaltlng. .
) Vuroy Sam IS feet 4 Inche. '
X Flanagan 14-pound hammer from
1-foot circle, ITS feet 11 Inches
3. ft. Mltchel 14-pound hammer head,
1 feet 10 tnche. ,, . , . .
Wesley W. Cue Putting 14-pound shot,
'4 feet Inches.
Alfred Plaw Throwing 14-poand ham
mer, lt feet 4 Inche.
Ralph Roe Putting M-pound ahot, St
feet 1 Inche.
, J. 8. Mltchel Putting 41-pound aton.
SI feet IH Inch. -
, 3. Flanagan SS-pound weight from
Wand without follow. H feet t inch,
r J. Flanagan M-pound weight front J
foot ctrcl. SS feet 7 Inche.
;j 3. Flanagan 64-pound weight, unlim
Jted ran and follow, 43 feet I Inch.
M. Sheridan Throwing d)cu. 134 feet
4) inches. - i. . . .
Sndivldaal U-Bu4 Champion,
M. Sheridan.
Skating. '
' Morris Wood 100 yard 0 l-I.
J. 8. Johnson S00 yards, 4:17 S-S.
,0. Rudd 1 mile. S:41Vi. . - .
; O. Rudd mllNk 14:141
- J. 8. Johnson All record from IU
"tn Ilemo " 10-mtlesr-
A. D. Smith All record from 11 to SO
3. F. Donoghue All records from SI to
100 anllea. .. ,. , ., :. -. v.
' Olympic Championship.
'? Archie HannO-meter run, S:ll 1-1.
f Paul Pilgrim 400-metaEjnno:;.l-s
J. D. Llghtbody LEOO-raeter run, (01
, . W. J. Sherrlng (Canada) Marathon, tt
mile. 1:44:00 4-.
Marathon I
, .JT
If Ray Kwry Standing broad Jump, , 14
Teet inche. - -
.4 ao xrinsiein nuuo
feet TH inche.
Ray Ewry Btandtnr tiign rump, S feet
1 inches.
Leahy, (Ireland) JBunnlng, high Jump,
t feet S inche.
. .Oouder; UTrance) Pol vault, 11 feet I
- (ache.
l: Juervinen Finland) Throwing- dlf
eua. Greek styl. US feat 4 Inches. '
f M. Sheridan Throwing dlscua, free
tyle. 1S4 feet IrS inch.
,, Oeejgantaa (Oreece) Throwing
yound stone. 48 feet ti Inches. .
M. Sheridan rutung snot, o reet
. m
At Waverly Xmks.
In th elaa ohalleng competition
hlch will be soon played at Waverly
SUPPOSE you have curtains made to order from the material
in the piece, how in the world do you know they will
harmonize with other things in the room, or look any
thing Lke what your fancy pictured? .',
When you buy'an Art loom curtain or cover for table or
; couch you see fist what you are buying and if you don't like the
effect when you bring it in contact with other things inHthff
Always look for the Artloom label
It la. on every Piece
f )
Hugo' F. Berdek, Coach of th Ore
gon Vrsiry. 1 '
link. C. B. Webb will oppose John D.
Caraon, Jordan Zan will go against J.
Wesley Ladd and P. H. Unthlcum will
play with E. F. Outhrie. The winners
in th last competition were Webb,' "Zan"
and Llnthicum, and now they will play
the former winners.
Portland's indoor tennis club waa or
ganised yesterday at a meeting held in
the Liberal Art building at th Lewi
and Clark fair grounds, where th win
ter' games will be played. A govern
ing board consisting of McAlpln, An-drewar"Seorc-lfonn"Bnd
Wilbur, was
elected. - The board announced that It
will Inaugurate a erie of tournaments'
a Boon as possible. .- ' k
Three oourts were ready yesterday
and some practic play took place. The
light proved to be nearly a good as the
out-of-door light and it is believed that
the players will become used to th
light difference and will not be Incon
venienced by It. , '
tRneelal 'DttiMitrh t The Joanial.1 ' .
'tTendletonyOr.. Key. 34.-..I haPendle
ton Commercial auooiat Ion basketball
team has srranged for a football game
with the Weston Normal team at Pen
dleton, November 29, Thahksglving day.
Westan Kormal team has-games
i lieilnTi iT P Mil I Uliiiiibln iiillitu at Mil
ton.-December S.and with Wliitman SSTT
lege.At Walla Walla, December 15. In
1104 the Normal boy won th Inland
Empire championship. . The school also
has a girls' team th active practice.
Boxing devotees ar looking forward
with greatTiterest to tmi f In hoalng
exhibition -thaT'wlll be' nulled off at
Multnomah gymnasium on "Wednesflay
venlng. Boxing Instructor Rennlck
stated this morning that the 19 boxer
are in fine condition,' y
The men who will oppose, each other
and their weights are: -
1SS pound Ford vs. Nlcken.
16S pound Walsh v. McMtcken.
140 pounds Morta va. McQuad.
121 pound Belt v. Coleman.
US pound Hughe vs. Anderson.
t14 It iliPIUIIlvutkvi v vawg..
somethingthatwillfit inexactly.
We have the largest tapestry
works in the world : the variety
is such in colorings, pattern and
'priOTthatwerntPry- ny"
.demand JorjBat, cottage or man
Just make it s pbintiO
Artloom Tapestries,, curtains,
' ' table nd couch covers,
-;the very next-ttmeryou
go shopping.' Their artis
tic. beauty and' wearing
qualities are out of all pro
portion to their modest
prices. . .
' ' ''' - ,! V
Curtain Solid colors, Mercer- .
i i rt..-i rw: -1 '
Silk.Baedad. Brocade, and
Velour, f j to $10. Wiua"
' divenity of ' design and
Ouch Covers-Bagdad, Orien-
,. tal, Turkish, - Gobelin
Daghestan, figured Brotad
and Velour. and up.
Each an actual counterpart
ol th masterpieces of foreign
'loom. .
Table Covera-Tipeirry, Orien
tal and Gobelin. 91.50 and
'. up. Remarkable for trtistic
qualities and orginality.
Multhomahan4 v Oregon -Men
Putting Rnishlng Touches
on for Struggle.
Jamea M. A. A. C.V Star Punter,
Suffered an Injury to Hi Kicking
Leg Yesterday That' May " Keep
Him Out of the Game.
Final arrangements for the Thanks
giving gam between Multnomah and
Oregon are being completed today. On
account of the great crowd that la ex
pected tO'Wltnea this popular match,
the dub management decided to place
tickets on sale this morning at Ounst s
cigar stores. Row aV. Martin's drug
store "and -Schiller's e4gr store. , . Bjr
purchasing tickets down town th tiftual
Jam ai Lha Multnomah' rates will be
avoided eoneideraMy. tt is pTeincrfl
thai 'th biggest crowd that ever at
tended an athletic match in Portland
th sturdy warriors tight It out fur th
annual honors.
huu&eld Its last scrimmage
veaforHnv mnmln, in ri TTrrTTe'a.-lln-lin
i.plmt i hit vn Mnltnniniths. K,' l nomas u.
eral new plays wer tried with fairly
good result. Th principal play were
straight football. James, Multnomah'
crack punter, got hi kicking leg
' R
Roy C Zachsrias, Crack Halfback j)f
:ZT' tn Oregon Team. !.
wrenched, and thla morning Dr. Zan
was rather doubtful about hla playing
on Thursday. Jamea was ordered to
take things easy for several days. Yes
terday's practic aa a whole was not
so satisfying as the Multnomah man
agement dealred. Th ohlef fault waa
in missing signals most grievous
fault. Tonight's and tomorrow night'
practice will correct" these- mistake
considerably. There Will be no prac
tise on Wednesdsy evening, aa the club
men will attend , th boxing exhibition
in th M. A. A. C. gymnasium.
, ' Scheduled for Tonight.
Dave Deshler v. Peter-JtulMvaiv alx
founds, at Brockton, Massachusetts.
' "Spike" Robson vs. Johnny Summers,
SS rounds, before the National- 8porting
club Of London, England.
Jack Johnson vs. Jo JeanatU, IS
rounds, at Portland, Main.
Harry Lewis, vs. Jlmml Gardner, 10
round, at Indlanapolla, Indiana.
(Journal 8pdt Service.)
New Tork, Nov. S4. For th flrt
time sine th days if Colonel Map'e
on'a opera, at th "Aoademy of Music
and th reign of Abbey at Metro
politan, th metropolis thl year la to
baveA ... two-rlnseU jeson of grand
operas Next- MondayV"wheflJConrted
star shall have got their season well
TUnngr way, the iMspiesalhle Harrymer-
eteln will start, hla rival musical eircua
In th new Manhattan opera-hou. a
few block westward from th Metro-
1 no meiropouinn imvuh ujiiins r
night give promts of being fully up
to th high srtlstlo standard of prevlou
year. Geraldln Farrar, the young
American who ha won fam abroad, la
to be heard in her natlv land in grand
npera for th tint time. In addition to
Mlaa Farrar th sopranos includ Mme.
Llna Cavallerl, Perta" Morena and Lou
lata Tetrasslnl. Mme. Bchumann-Helnk
and Mme. Klrby-Lunn ar th new.
name under the head of "messo-aoprano
and'ierntralto;4 fn- addition to. the lm
portant revival aeveral opera will b
produced for th first, tlm in America,
- (Joareil Special SerTlee.) ' ' '
i Austin, Tx., Nov. S8, Another chapter
in th long fight of the state of Texaa
against the Standard OH company waa
opened today when th ouster proceed
ings against the Waters-Pierce Ol! com
pany were called for trial In th district
court. The state charge that th Waters-Pierce
company la a part of th
Standard OU company and is operating
in the state of Texaa contrary Jo th
1 anti-trust law, and that in certain sec-
tlons of Tsxa wher. th Water-Pierce
- '
' 1
n I
- T
m ).A.
A eoln collector had an accumula
tion of pennies. He told hla on he
. would , make him a present of th
entire lot if h would put them In
boxes, th same number in each bos.
There was an odd number of pen
nlea'ao that If he put an equal nunW
ber in each of two boxea there would be on penny left over; In a Ilk man
ner be figured on S, 4. t, t, 7. S, S. 10. 1L11, IS, 14. IS, 14, 17. IS, IS, SO.
21 and tl boxes, but in every eaa if he pa an equal number in each boa
there would be on (only on) penny left over. The son gar It up and
told hla father he thought It Impossible to perform th feat. vHl father
replied: "8KIDOO IS for you." Th on then put th entire lot of pen--nies
in SS boxes, th same number in each box. How many pennie wer
there? ' ,.. .
To make the problem plain: . Th entire number of pennie waa a number,
which if divided by any number from 1 to SS Inclusive ther will be a re
mainder of one. (only one) and if divided by SS ther will b no remainder.
Address all answer to WTMMLM SDXTOSa, Th Journal, Portland. '-
- Th prise are worth working for and winning. To th person who send
; in th beat solution of th fiklddo problem, 1 10 in bright new pennie will
be given; for SS others, beautiful VSl stickpins are .the award; and others
will get 23 pennies Just from th mint-. . . '. . . .. .
. Copyright 100 by 0. C. Kelly. Chicago. . '
That Skldoo problem can't be don.
Walr of Albany. "I
know1 it can't because I have tried It
every which way and it's Just a In
possible as throwing a rope ladder up
Ml Hood and climbing to heave on
tl." ,
AU right for you. Mr. Weir; th Pux
sle Kdltor would retort that it can b
done, and would show you how to do It,
too, maybe, if he wer not saved by two
of his valued readers who com to hla
Her la what A. 3. Zimmerman. 414
Second street, aav
"Toair Skldoo problem Is slmpl (think
of that. Brother Walr) If you know
how. (That' the talk th Puazl Editor
like to hear.) Ther ar 11 pennies in
each of two boxes, with a remainder of
1. Then if th boy put them tn SS boxes!
ther waa one (only one) penny In each
box, or 13 pennlea in all."
Now, Mr. Weir, It a skldoo for' you.
But if you still think the puizle can't be
don pleas read what Leonard Clapton,
491 Clay street, aay:
"The Skldoo problem is aay. H had
S2S pennlea in all."
Tou see, Mr. Weir, it. can be don.
and It Is eaay.
Th prise ar for the best solution.
which include exposition. brevity or
humor and no anawers -will be received
after December S. - ,
And atathematlciana Staagree;
Her ar a few answer which show
that even clever mathematician differ
on a matter of figures: Mr. Dixon, 16S4
Haven atreet. University Park. 11 pen
nies in each box; F. M. Woodcock, 44S
Columbia street, 1 pennlea for each box;
Mrs. V. Millard, ISO Carpenter street.
232J8U41 pennlenJn achJbogjDsuglaa
HackvliO J"rQnt streetJl pennies;
W. P. Lawry. Ontario, 14.741,044,121
pennies;: Adrian lrnbri Prlneyllle, 11
pennies; LIUI Grlfflth, S4SNorth Seven
teenth street, 2,31 pennie tn each box;
Clyde Hedges, Sherwood, SI-pennies in
each Box; K. P. K., S2S Hall atreet, SS,
417 pennlea; O. H. Nylen. Hotel Scott,
SIS pennlea. '
Twenty-three la a favorite number
wfth-iriany membera of th Skldoo olub,
i3rhowlUnotremember that there Isn't J
a mucn 01 s raicn in in, proDiem as
some people would Imagine. Among'
those who pin their faith to the fateful
SS today are: Mr. C. B,
Staats, Alrllnj
a. M tn.rgn, TTnlverelty Park: R. J.
Brewer, Estacada;. Timothy i-Wella, Al
banyj" Frits Reddlngton, Grant Paa;
H. J. Stuart, Ashland; J. J. Brown, Pen
dleton; Ruby Rogers, ICS Baker street;
JPuncan, Shedd. -
,j .
-"r - atom Skldoo Poetry.
Th Skldoo problem has developed
more than mathematics It ha made
poetry to gush from founts that only
spouted prose before. Take Carolen
Bateson, teacher of mathematics at
Portland High school, ' who suspected
that th mus lurked amid th dry
1 11
company waa unusually atrong all th
competing force wer destroyed by th
Standard OU company, i
Th prosecution will introduce toatl
mony to show that . th Corsicana Oil
company and th Security Oil company
at Beaumont, refineries owned by th
Standard Oil company, did not sell to
companies competing with th Water-
Pierce company, and that in return tne
latter company purchaaed all th oil sold
in th state of Texas from these refin
eries. .
1 - "(Special Dlepateh te Tke Journal.)
Baker City, Or., Nov. S4. Paper hav
been filed with County Clerk Comb
for th Sovereign Consolidated Copper
company, of whhSh J. A. Howard. John
Arthur and Kerjneth O. McEwen ar
th incorporator! Baker City I named
a th principal business office. The
capital stock is placed at $2,000,000 in
bare of "SI each. s , . ,
(Special Dtepafelr t' The Joarnal.)
Arlington, -Or, ' Nov: -SS. Th -mutilated
leg of a human being, which
had Jenn f rum, th trunk at th hip
Solo On Mravr
- . hie... . rf
J. A.
figure of th 'rlthmetlo book,' and yt
not whot Skldoo has Inspired;
And la that why you call it "skldoo" t
And ten dollar in centa
Will defray no expense
Until on leave Portland pooh, pooh I
And here la th 'signature, tool
- Mr. E. D. Bowdlah, S44 East Twelfth
street, I moved to poetry, too:
Twenty-three pennies -boxea twenty
three; That answer really, seems quit right
to m. .
"AnrVyrlirmicTUhg or - Storront
street was in a poetlo mood when she
scanned th problem. Sh write:
On Ion coin th youngster got; '. . .
On Ion penny In th lot;
Twenty-two boxes enclosed In one,' '
Making SS what dope.
Mrs. Edna McLellan. 10SS William
avenu. doe problem In figure, too;
Th pusxl editor think ha'a got u.
But you can plainly see
That Sit pennies
Look prttty good to ma,
A SS go into 524
Twenty-three tlmea.
I would Ilk to aeo those pennies -
And wish that they wer mine. ,
Mrs, H. Irwin. SSS Eaet SUrk street.
The answer to your pusxl. just SS,
If that lan't right why skldoo for me.
If I am wrong, then, editor dear,
A SS atlckpin for Chrlatmaa I'd wear.
If Mrs. Irwin does not get a SS stick
pin for Christmas it' because this dear
editor has fallen a victim to overwork
and akldoolam.
The SCaka to 3oy Walthy
Here ar a few answer that atagrer
creduljty tndkmtlng that th boy-had
money beyonrTh
fellerr- Mis - Maud -Bridgwater ISO
West Carpenter atreet. 232.792.S60 pen
nies In each box; M. A. Colvtn, S47 East
Oak atreet, 728,741,417 pennlea in each
bov; Ernest Llngrtn, Mount Tabor, 69.
SI4,8SS,SS1 pennies in all; Walter Jones,
683 Tenlno avenue, Sellwood, 1,194,766.261
pennies; Mrs. C. C Thompson, Arlcta,
69,694. pennlea; Ray c Baugh,
Sprlngfleld. 445,885,121 pennies; E. B.
Rob, Albany," 1.235.6T.581.
Soul Brief Answers.
I , Among many imaerarccelved were
somafrom theii0llow Ing: Gordon
Stuart. S71 Halsey street; Roy Als
paugh. Barton; Clarence Powell, 111
Morrison atreet; Laura . Drill, 494 Leo
avenue, Sellwood; Elmer Hollenbach.
1860 McKenna avenue; Miss Katie
Olaen, 127 Russell street; Rose A. Sher
wood,' 102S East Main street; J. E.
Hedges, Oregon City; W. L. Melllnger,
Ashland; - Jake Sears, McCoy: L. F.
Wooley; Cottage Grove; Gusat Slgler,
Holbrook; M. B. Boxorth, elty; Henry
8wsjuNorthTamhlll; Sergeant E. L.
Johnaon, company I, Fourteenth United
State infantry, Vanoouyer barracks. .
Joint, was found hanging on th truck
of train No. 4 at this plac last night by
O. R. A N. employes. ,
Investigation proved that an unknown
man was run ever and killed by a train
some tlm during th night, at Grant
atatlon, and that th body wa minus
on leg. .
Th agent her ordered th mangled
member htpped to Grant on th first
train, wher th coroner of Sherman
county will hold an Inquest today.
; Anaonaoed So Ooeaa Beach e.
To enable patron to visit ocean
beeches during th Thanksgiving and
Christmas holidays, the O. R. A N. Co.
will on November 28 and- St, Deoember
24 and 1. and January 1, sell round trip
tickets to all north beach point at a
rat of 11.60. For further information
ask at city ticket offlc. Third, and
Washington treets. Portjand, Oregon.
Bdward Broadag, Pioneer, Dead.
1 .(SMFtst-IMapetek -te-The lonrnil.)
Hemiwerr-Or Kov, - 2.-g4ward- A,4-
Brundage, a pioneer of Morrow county,
died - Saturday mbrnlng. He waa born
January IS, 1W4, In Onondago eounty, I
New Tork, and In iWTJeaarfo to Oregon, f
locating jnOh--BfiTra fork of Willow
creek," on and a half mile abov Hepp-
ner, wher he has sine resided. He
leave hla wife and on daughter.
Absolutely Pure
Pun Crtam Tartar
ani ....... ... .
Purt Biearlonatt Sods
. Only ; V '
Folger & Co.
Sa Fr iam
Will give.' 3tou strength and
. " , purify your blood. ,
Full Gallon
Full Quart'
Phoneus your prder.
VortbMurl Oomar rtfttt aaa Stark.
. Nffkm Sala .'
(Speelal Dlapateb to Tht JoorntlJ
Balam... OrNor.. SS.j-James Zelley,
who waa charged with the offense of
riot in connection with th St, Paul
tragedy of September 11, has, been
found guilty.
When th verdict waa read Zelley,
who la about SS years old brok down
and cried. H was given till Friday
to fll a motion for a new trial or for
arrest of Judgment
lit- n. k An. Imnn r VI rfA
Can't have pur blood with faulty dlgea-
tlon. lasy liver and sluggish bowels.
Burdock Blood Bitter strengthens
stomach, bowel and liver, and purifies
the blood.
Upper Columbia River
Chas. R. Spencer
Leavee Oak street doek everyMondsyT
wedntt.oay ana snany bi a. m. Ter
conntw-tlng ih Hit Opeu Silver Yrm:
company's steamers
ompaay's steamers for points
?s la r eaat aa vaaiiuia.
ngTaiiles roTHand.,.Iiieds
iy. 1
day and Saturday ci 4 p. m.
Vow rates
ana excellent
sarvlc. Phone Mala
S40 and S20L
S. S. F. A. Kilburn
rer reae Rar. awkt irt aaa rnmdare.
xm uiiiwf trliui rntuiua. rrim: itw, l.
Nti Sailing from gan rranclaca, -Tliar., Nov. Si.
OolTStreet Cock, Phoae Main 2960
O r SPICES. r o'
AWuhfStiry. flrwtlFliYor.
: DflDri aNn.notnniJ
T j
Tsr aonl oraok so quick."
Mede with "LlrJOCORD" -
. bo ttonholea that no la. ,
faff Skrunk.
, H Ue ii yo want them.
-a fa aa tmzZ
OKO. P. IDS' 4 CO Makers
V Is J
m m
scoTira SYitup
ha beaB )M by Million of Bother for th! i
pimdran Wbll TeetbJna toe 0T KlftT Taara. ' ,
It uotne the ehllrt, aott.n the gnma, silara i
, all pain. enr wind eullo, and Is th best
1 i reme'ly rVr dlnrrfcn-a. J i'
1 TWKBTT-i'iTB rBwra a BerrTi.k. ,
K3 unionPAdFic
J Tralni to the East Daily 3
Thiesg h rnlkaaa staadaid aaa toartol eleas.
r"5" fu? to Oaiahe. Qileajro, aeekaMI
af-rn du te Kaaeaa t.
?iir,S,?rTl'"", eats tree) t
lam JGaat dally. -i
ntfl'S.J'Vi0? .. Uev. Arrtve.
w laBt,Dtua. dir. t:)ta SMset
Waablnftoa. Walla Walla, ".
AL'Vbm I,"U- 0""r- SilSsej
4t'antle Kxpnm for th Cast
JJ Hajtlnstoa, dally , S:1S pa
T:18 si
. . m air .
Pertland. d.llr I 111 am SsOtsej
LZ'l?r,a'S Polats. eoaiwctia wlfa
w Ikvaeo end North Beaea. Btaamef
ST".'';B-rt' dek. Wee S p. at. daily,
mpt Baadayi gararday. 10 a. av- Arrl-
r - vvSvn vii tx lanniu rirw
IMMWm T Bu BB. dsill. VMn UnHS.. i..-a, sea.
-tr- - w epos arrival irei
Third and Wanhlagtaa its.
Telephone Main Vie
0. w
Wm liVMHBBiV "rrneset ages'
MqMURRaT. Ooneral Pauonsw Aroet.
HTINGER. Cltv Ticket 1ml
Cnloa Do pot .
Portland and r
Cisco Kipreat gtups only
at afioat important autlona
betwaea rorttand snd8aa- '
Fraaclaeo: eonnaetlnna
Ban Vranclaee tor all points . ' '
Kaat and goota ..... J:30 pa ' 11-J0
Overland Expreae Train '
roc all local oolnta Snnth ' '
Sacraaeato. SaB rraorkioo ' '
and points Eaat sad Booth. 'T:40pai SiSOpa
Uornlng train rauweta at
Wood burn- dally exeapt ,.
Bnodar with Moont A Dial
and Hllvertoa kcal g:S0aa) f M pai
Oottase Urove paaaaer '
eonnacts at Woodburn and 1
Albany dally, except Boa- ,
oaj. wun trains r points ,
on woodboraprlnssald and - .
aiDanr-MDanoo Draocbe.. pa 110 am
Sbertdan Plrnit... ;ao iuni:S0 ia-
r ureal vror paaaen(r. ...I11M aa S?Oo aa
Foniat Grove paeaen r. . . . Ift:aupa 18:SOpa
-vuj. uuaiiy except Banaay.
rer Dellaa an lalarmedlat eolnts 4au. T:i '
. m, and 4:14 p. a. arrlr Portland 10:1
a. m. and 4:26 p. at.
For tlm and card et Oswace aahnrba trams
apply at City Ticket Offlea, or atattna.
Tickata to Baatera point and Karopei '
Jarma. China, ilnnolola and Anatralla.
City Ticket Offlc corarr TMrd and Waa.
rnftno atreta. Phase Main Tia
City Ticket A root. Oen. Paaa Aavet -"
'OF- .
. laMva. ' . Antva.
fellowatoae Part Casaaa City.
RL UMla Special (or Vhaballa,
Oentralla, Olympla. Orar's ' ...
Harbor, South Bend. Tacoma.
Seattle, Hpokane. Lewlatoa. "
bntto. ntlllnca. nanvee. Aai.
Ua." Kanaaa cttyr--t: begin j
and Southeast, daily.. r. 4:40 pel 4:1 ea
Vorth Coaat Limited, eleetrie
iixhted lor . Tacoma . Beattuv
Nl. I'asl and tne Eaat. dailr. 1:00 pa T.-00 aa
t LimiiM
tralla. Taooma and Seattle
nl-. dally.. 4:S0 pa SiSS pm
Twin CHy Brpreea for Taco
ma. aaartle, Hpokane. Helena.''
rnrta, St. Panl. MlnneatMlla,
Incoln. Bt. Joaepb. Kanae
City. Omaha, St. Loom, atlta- '
ant ebana of eara. Direct ' -
eonnectlona for all potnta Bast
and SotltbMat. dal& 11:4" w 4:H
2 Overland Trains Dally 7
TheOrlaatal Umltad. tne Paat atatl "
Portlaag tlm eohednla
Dally. Dally.
LeTa, ArriT.
To end rrea Spokane, ,
St. Pant Mlnnaanolla, . ' '
DalaU end ail points
Eat tU Seattle l:MI t14n
UMtm S Mpa
Te aad fraa St, 'ant
kinaeapoile. - Dulptb v
and eu potnta Eaat '
via Spokane :14 pa
Brest - Bortkara Btaaaaaklp Oe. -
Sallln from BMt'l fur Japaa an4
China porta and Manila, earryiag pa,
senser and frelfht
S, a Dakota.-VovaaW 14. .
g. B. Mlnnaaota, Jaaaary ,
(Japan Mall Hteam.Mp Co.) '
- g S. Akl Kara wUl salt fraa
' Brattle about November IT for Japan
a nA Phi n-M norta. aarrvinar naaaanaara
a and frelfht.
El foe ticket, rates, berth, inns.
II rlone. ate., eall on ar address
II ". ncKsoir.-tfc--Aw its rM-A
II st,. Sarliaad, thragaa. Stiai wiilT HlffT
River Railroad Co.
Oaloa Dpo Leave. Arrive,
Pot Mafara, Rainier, Cist.
kanta, w eat port, CllfUm. A
tocla, Wamntoa. flaval, .
Hammoad, I'ort 8iTsa, Uear.
ban. Park, Heailde... 4:00 a ll:Sa
AatorU and Baaabore, expreae
dally TiOOaa 4:00 pal
All tnln daily.
1. G. MA TO, i. P. end P. A., Astoria, 0.
O. A. BTRWABT. CommrelaJ A feat, I4S
AM a treat. Pboae Male BO. - - -
- por.tland.a4storia
Bzoepx Baaday The Fast Bteamarr .
Leave font Alder st at...... T :00a.m.
Arrlv Astoria , 1:00 p.m.
Lav Callender dock, Astoria S:S0Bm.
Arrlv Portland , S :00 p.m.
., Ileal Berved a U OarVe.
Fhon Idaln SIS. K. B. BCOTT, Agt