The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 25, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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iiiiil ui; ii
Maude Fealy Has Flood, Expert
. . ericet That Are Far From
:'A v Pleasant.
Goes Two Days on Cold Lunch, and
" Splashes Around in Mud and Water
Trying to Get Somewhere Finally
v Reaches Tacoma.
' Not the last aufferers from the In
Vonvenlrnces of the recent flood In the
Northwest were the members of the
Maude Fealy . company. In their cases
'even personal privations were encoun--.iteredIn
a. trip from Spokane- to Ta--voma-
a -mild form, of starvation was
ndurod and one night Ml Fealy and
Za MoraCauffman
Mme. Madeline
Linnwood .
VxtsioaZi cmrvmrn, snrscxx'
amb arxBra stnunra. ..
"The Immediate process for re-;
move! of wrinkles, smallpox pita.
birthmarks. .- scars, superfluous
hairs, etc.. scientifically removed
. without the ueer . of . surgery or
electricity Manicuring, scalp,
facial treatment and hair dress-
f Ing. , .
plete facial treatment.
. Office . And School ,.:
394 Alder St , Cor Teat
The Store
For Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Positively the treatest value we hava offered thla season.
Beautiful New Broadclotha, 60 inches wide and strictly all wool, at fl.O s yard. The colors are
red, browns, greens, frays, blues and black and white affects in plaids and checks, and if s standard
Z2i grade.' Don't overlook thia great bargain. . :
54-Inch Shadow Plaids
at $1.25 a Yard
A new shipment of All-Wool Shadow Plaids, in
all the leading shades, full 54 inches wide and a
regular $1.50 quality. "For. Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday at thia special price. -'""- '
Sale of Thanksgiving
Napkins, ,
Tray Clot
Cloths, -Scarfs.
Etc., at
Prices. .
MBuy Blankets for Less
WHITE WOOL BLANKETS in an extra heavy qual- d5 3C
'ttyr )6xM inches. colored ootdciv44.50 value...... ?0.00
7KITE WOOL BLANKETS, size 76x90 "inches, red," 1 Qf
blue, and pink borders, best $5.50 grade; special...... 0."0
GRAY WOOL BLANKETS, extra heavy, best grade r AA
Oregon wool, regular $6.50 grade; special. 4DVl
.wth solkoline cover, best $1.50 value; special. .1 ....... 4I.IO
Write for
' Reduced
. FaU
Price List
Save Money
- V
The Store
other female members of her company
spent In "a repair car, marooned on
Caatla Rock siding.- - ;
On Saturday night, November IT, the
Maude, Fealy company finished an en
gagement at Spokane. The nekt dates
were Taklma, Ellensburg and Tacoma.
- ia-Aba- order qf licnsmlng-Not being
able to get to Xaklma via ma nonmra
Pacific, the company left Spokane at
midnight Saturday night, and. after
ploughing slowly- through leagues of
shallow lakes. In which the railroad
tracks were submerged. the company
arrived In Portland Sunday afternoon.
Sunday night was spent In sleepers and
Monday afternoon the travelers arrived
at Castle Rock, only to find that they
would have to wait nearly . 14 hours
longer for the repairing of . the track
on the other side of the booming Cow-tits.-
That night, the women members
of the company spent In a repairing car.
The following . morning they were
ferried raw -Uf -elves wl kele ea tire
outfit followed, being carried down the
steep embankment on one side and up a
steeper One on the other ny a oosn
strong men hired for the purpose. Cold
lunch and very little or it mane up
the refreshments between Spokane and
Portland and between Portland and Ta
coma. The 'company was S hours on
the way and missed the Taklma and
Ellensburg dates, but arrived In Ta
coma with their entire company In time
to keep the engagements In that city.
".":?.". (Continued from Page -One.) ,
the court, after having carefully eon
sldered the matter, hereby" adjudges
both of said lawyers In contempt of
this court, and orders them to appear
at o'clock p. m. of this day to re
ceive such punishment as the court may
adjudge." -
Appear for gnalshment.
Both McQInn snd Manning appeared
In Judge Sears' courtroom promptly st
o'clock In obedience to the order,
whton had been " served' upon "" them.
Judge Sears stated that the duty "he had
to perform was disagreeable, referring
to the occurrences in the courtroom tn
the morning. Ho continued:
"I suppose, strictly speaking, I Should
have acted at the moment, but perhaps
it Is simply an admission of being hu
man when I say that my feelings were
so much aroused at the time when both
gentlemen addressed me It wa with
extreme difficulty that I felt myself
able -to act. In a manner that-would be
Just and equitable to both parties. I
have given this matter consideration
since, and have reflected over it without
consultation with anyone. The course
I now pursue is my own solely. It is
such a course as. I believe justified by
the interests of Justice.
."At the coming In of court this moi
Ing Mr. McQInn, one of the counsejtto
whom I have referred In theorder
served upon the two gentlemenr arose
and employed language of jrb exceed
Ingly offenslvs character, applied oppro
brious epithets and contumelious con
duct which certainly .jufider any coda of
'"T"" : '
Noted for Best-Goods at LowestPriccs
$1.50 a Yard
58-Inch Plaid Cloakings
at $1.75 a Yard -
weaves,-lull 58 inches Wide and -worm .a arm
$2.50 a yard, light
special value at this
1 Linens
We import all our Linens
direct from the famous
Belfast bleacheriea. . These
- special valuea for three
72-INCH Bleached Table Damask in a good
selection of patterns, worth all of 65c a C(r
yard; Thanksgiving Sale, yard OlC
72-INCH Pure Linen Table Damask, fine sur
face and our best $1.00 grade; for s ILf,
- great -Thanksgiving -gpcciaf, yard ....... I C
66.INCHExtr- ireavy. Satin Damask, new
floral designs, a splendid 85c quality; ZP
Thanksgiving Sale,' yard. UOw
72-INCH Pure Irish Linen Damask, rich new
designs, extra heavy and our best $1-25 QZ
grade; special, a yard... ...uL
Noted for Best Goods st Lowest
morals which looks to the preservation
of the dignity of the bench should be
severely reprobated. -'
"This was done In the absence of the
person ' Whom ' he reflected upon.- The
truthfulness, or otherwise, of what was
said by the parties, of course has no
bearing whatever upon the oonduct 11-
'elff 'wwuuuu the nueetlua vt i
a contempt of court was . committed.
OaUa, Manning Offensive, i ..
"The language of Mr. Manning was
perhaps more offensive - to - the. court
than the language of the other counsel,
and for that very reason It 4s always
more difficult for s court to Weal with.
I may say likewise aa to him that some
allowance must be made for the provo
cative language used - In his absence.
I am not certain that Mr. Manning fully
contemplated . and recognised some of
the language that he employed, anil I
am unwilling to think that ha Intended
to make a disrespectful allusion to the
Judge who at the time presided overt
court. . . . '
"In several Instances of this kind where
Improper language has been employed
by both sides I have usually restricted
the punishment to the one who pro
voked the affray. Considering- these
matters I have adjudged , both lawyers
In contempt.
"In ftie case of Mr. Manning there will
be no imposition of any penalty, but I
deelre to censure him ' severely for the
language be employed In addressing the
court In the case of Mr. MoOInn the
Judgment of the court Is that he pay a
On7 of t26.! . ,,. - - : ,
; "AaM Ho Larrer maa. --r
"Would your honor put $26 more on
that, for I reiterate; In the strongest
possible manner, what J said this mora
ine" aald McQInn at this point. "You
can Just put Kit more to It and make it
SSOt and give roe an. appeal 10 u su
preme court."'
. "I will add ITS more and mftke It 1100,"
aid Judse Sears.
"The court has. been taking a little
hand In this thing, too," declared
McQInn. ','
District Attorney Manning arose to
address the court,' but was checked by
Judge Sears.
"I am exceedingly sorry that you used
that lanxuace. Mr.' McGinn." said (i
lurire. i
-I am uslna It. ! and I am URMtg it
knowlnslv." returned McQInn. SI know
what haa been going on her. I hava
not been fooled In the least t propose
ta nrnba this matter aivr show
"Will vou b silent?"' asked Judge
Sears, sternly. -"LT not, the court wlU
not be satlsfledvWlth a fine."
"Well. -I cavile in Jail if I have to,1
said McOUrfj. turning away. ' Judge
Sears referred to the code, lying open
nn thetMincn neiore mm.
"j-ou may pui a nn o 4i.i.
McQInn," h said, arter a moment.
to the clerk of the court.
And I anneal to the aupremo court
of the atate of Oregon from the ruling
of the courU-sald McQlnnJlf not per
mitted to ppeel "
"Ton can have an appeal.'' Interrupted
the Judge.
v District Attorney Manning arose again
Meavy nam tioakings in tne newest
- and dark colors.:
An extra
low price.
Ready-to-Wear Specials
$1.75 SUEDE GLOVES, in 16
button length, in red, brown, gray,
black, green and blue; P Q
special........ ........ I
gold -or dull finish, silk lined, with
coin pufse; special, $ l 50
Fancy Hose in newest novelties.
values to 85c; special, , ' Qv
$L50 KID GLOVES,"! all popu
lar shades and all sizes; spe- QCr
cial for 3 days at, per pair..
MEN'S $1.25 SHIRTS in neat new
patterns, stiff or soft front; CA
special for3 days, each . . . . . OUC
whalebone corset made, $5 grade;
special for. three days 5 Cft
only. 4......... ..,..4O.UU
Women's Pure Linen Handker
chiefs, our best 15c grade; in.
sale price. ............. IvL
Sample Waists
A -maker's sample 'line of Waists
for spring, 190, on sale at about
half price. Beautiful new models
in fine lawns and silks, elaborately
trimmed with embroidery and
laces, long or short sleeves. One
of s kind. ,
Mail '
Orders ,
opav rcxBD Asrn aovoM. jrxv.
oit bat an mytmr. r
, tnada Dinner from 21 a. as. to S p. aa.
Obioaea Soap aw Jnlleaae free wlta
Keala. .
Celery So, (ot Keuse LtMoM.'.,', .10
Slloe4 Tomatoes
beeraoe saasa wiia rremoa
Bresslnr .........15
vun mm siemee iviu
Oapes Saae . ....15
Trie Salmoa Steaks , .....15f
Fried SUllbnt Steaks IB
mea lain .,, . ib
Tried stasov Clams 16e
rioklea Holland serrlsa. ......... t&i
BoiUa J0. Xoag-ntLTlth Horse
Xadlsk 1 . . 7. 7 . .. TfTT. ZO
Ckiokea rot Pie wttk BnmpUnt-a. .3&4
Small Beef Tenaerlola wlta
paalsa ;...25
Fork Spare Bibs wlta Saner Xraat 2oi
Boiled Kldaoys with Baooa .20
Oooflah Balls witk Oream Oravy. . . 15
Cora Beef Bash wlta Toaohee Bra 15
SBaooaroal wltk Cheese aa Oratta. . 15
cnupped Boef ta Cream oa Toast. , .20
Mum- snm ea swsnsiwi - '
ST .......25
Bostoa Baked Pork and Beans. . ... 15
Breast of Oklokea wltk Cora .
Trittei1 s -. . i , . .-. ,-i . . ....... .25
Beef tw with Tegetablea.,..,...15sV
Appu Cobbler wttk TaaiUa Creaoi "
aanoe i .............. ..5
Side order Cobble .yf, . .6
Sid order Plant Pnd41n-. 5
aad Celery -X.... 35
Bxast tprlnd' Cbiokeawltk
Bressiar .,, . t'.i.a....254
Boast pork i,.yl.,. ........15
Boast Teal .yST.. ...... .........15
Boast ktattoir 15
Boast BeeT, paa drevy ........... 15
Boast Sprinr XAatb, kOnt Saaos aad
OreOm Peas '.. .........20
Baked Sweet Potatoes ........5
uiaaaa aad Oream. ...... lo
kCnos Pie &i
Greea Apple, Aprloot, Xesaoa, Onus
berry. Costard, Coooaaat aad '
Pruapkia Plea ......5
Coffee, Bread aad Batter aad Potatoos
with aU saeala. :
Thm Aaverloaa Beataaraat osea only
the "Uraeat rrads of arorythlar. Wo
nave the beat aooka that aaoaey will
hire. Try a Saaday aseal at the "Amarl
eaa" aad be eoavlaoed. Blaae from 11
a. m. to S p..Bu
: . Corner Third aad Ooaeh. '
and began to address the court. After
listening- a moment McGinn asked If he
would be permitted to go on his own
recognisance. Judge Bears replied that
he would, and Mc31nn left the court
If the court will pardon me. I want
to say that I was laboring under ex
citement this morning," said District
Attorney Manning. "Mr. Moser. my
deputy, had Just come into the eourt
room when Mr. McGinn was finishing
his last remarks, and ha telephoned me
that I had better come to the ' court
house. 'j ' BTannlsg Bzplalasv ',
"When I arrived there I was told by
several attorneys what had been said.
It Is needless for ma to aay to your
honor that I was very much excited
and very much worried, because I have
always conducted myself as sn attor
ney should before this bar. . That, your
nonor weu knows. Not . having been
I confronted with such an accusation be
l fore in my life. -I-was- laboring under
excitement when I - addressed your
nonor.. lour honor well knows that the
epithets, names, and accusations made
In- ths presence of your honor against
me are absolutely false.
, "Mr. McGinn said, solely for the pur
pose of getting it into the newspapers,
that I sold public Justice on the streets
as farmers sell cordwood. and that If
I was not stopped I would own the
Wells-Fargo wullding. I was certainly
very much offended with that sort of
treatment.-! haver-have-been -used to
It. I never In ray life accorded that
kind of treatment to a member of the
bar, or even a man In business. .-
- , Humbly Apologises. '.
"So I say to your honor now that X
most humbly apologise for the language
I used this morning. It was provoked.
If a crasy man entered the courtroom
and addressed the court thus, why
should the newspapers take It up? ,
"if a noth-nf hum man vhn i . A
been a prostitute himself, who had been
a drunkard, as Mr. dcCMnn has been.
;who had been a man without word or
honor - -
"Well. Mr. Manning, you are simply
doing what I hava punished you both
for." interrupted Judge Sears.
"That ts true, your honor. Z apolo
gise again," said the district attorney.
(-'But ha haa been -a-saaa- without word.
who simply abuses bis fellow-men bo
cause he himself enjoys It- And when
such a man comes before a respectable
court and Intrudes upon that court, I
believe It to be the duty of that court
to suppress such expressions as Mr.
McOlnn used in your Donor's presence.
I am a cltlsen of thla county, and an
officer of ' this court. - Such treatment
is ridiculous. It Is absurd, and, to say
me leasi - or u, i aia not oeueve mat
the court would allow a man like Mo
OInn, who has . neither word . nor
Manning warned Again, '
- "Mr. Manning, you are simply repeat
ing your offense," said Judge Hears
sgaln. . -
"When such a matter was- brought
before your honor In my absence, of
course I should defend myself and bo
permitted to defend myself." said Mea
ning. . -.
"I think you had better say no more
about It," said the Judge. - -
"Mr. McQInn would not dare to at
tempt to say those things tn my pres
ence," concluded the district attorney.
VI am perfectly satisfied with what
your honor has done, but I was- very
much vexed about It." Mr. Manning
sat down. - -
"It was with extreme pain that the
court had to add anything to Mr. Mc
Olnn's fine," said Judge Boars: "It Is
the only ease in the many years that I
have been upon the bench that I was
sver grossly Insulted . In. open eourt.
Buch a thing never occurred before
from the mouth of any man. The pro
ceeding Is closed." w -N
(KffcUl I1Mitch to Th Joomal.)
Lewlston, Idaho, Nov. H. Breathing
from three perforations which exposed
his lungs fnora front and behind, Henry
Caraaw, who died tonight at Fort Lap
waU had llrsd fo 1 days after he re
ceived faal stabs at. the hand of Lucy
Allen, an Indian womsn.
Csrsaw and ths Indian woman Wr.
lensagedn a game of cards when the
' trouble arose. Lucy is a Nea Farce,
said to be ' the largest squaw on the
reservation' and muscularlv very pow
erfuL Three othar men were In the
' room at the time Carsaw was fatally
stabbed, nd they all received more or
less serious wounds. The woman Is i
held In the eounty Jail awaiting a
ehargs of murder, which will now be
preferred against bsr. '
Thoroughly and decisively the HEADQUART
ERS for SUITS and oO vERCCJATS of excellence;
Are thoroughly well made; ihTact they are made
as orily the most skillful tailors can make clothes
of the best materials that money can buy. They
combine richness, beauty and service in a way that
.no other make of clothing does. Theyare dis
tinctively uncommon and lend an air of refinements
: -'-'to.the'wearer.':.' ' . ;
If the front of a coat of a Chesterfield Suit or Overcoat breaks back or loses,
its shape in one year's wear we will give customer a new garment FREE t
Chesterfield Eli $20t6 $50
w -
One only to a customer; dealers',
excluded. Will be delivered
"only when one of our wagons
is in your district " 7
j T
J 2
r- Regular selling price - all over
the city $7.00; oak, mahogan
ised birch, tuna mahogany and
birdseye maple.
Solid oak- will cost, special, ,
f 15.00; regular, $18i0.
$29.00 Table, now,. . ..f 24.00 .
$24.00 Table, notV..... 8.00
$18.50 Table, now,... .. t4.BO ;
$18.00 Table, now fl3.50 ;
i -416.50 Table, now. ..;.. f!2.00r
$13.50 Tablernow.v. .-..tlO.O
' i;
asV . J mm b m
Bt. Louis. Nov. 14. A proposition to
take all children under 14 years of age
that work In factories and -other places
We offer you some real causes
' for extra rejoicing ki thia great "
' Thanksgiving Sale of a beauti
ful 100-Piece Dinner Set, Havi- .
. land ' Chins pattern, in pure
white, with fine gilt Jininga, at
'-, PER SET. - -.
Now on display in our window.
'Also special sale of Fins White
Semi-Porcelain Handled Tea
cups and Saucers English
ware. Regular 7Sc ttfa ' week J
-only; . :r -
Of Six Cups snd Saucers.
. 364-70 E. MORRISON ST.
The Big Stors in ths tow-Rent
' District The Home of
Low Prices.
When you sre furnishing your
home, there is s ' reason wny
yoa should buy your furniture
at a place where you can secure
the best quality of goods at the
lowest prices. On sccount of
our removal out of the high
rent diatrict we can give you
; the benefit of our much lower
expenses, and our large stock
. will sfford you widest range of
choice of goods. . ' ' . .
of employment and send them back to
school has been made by N. O. Nelson,
the millionaire manufacturer, to the
women's clubs of St. Louis. Mr. Nelson
to pay the children one half of the
amount they would have received for
their work and the women'a clubs the
other halt
. 7 , ssssssssaBwsasuaassssMsssBMBswaBsnasasssss
One to s customer; dealers ex
cluded. Our wagons will not , X
make special deliveries on this
sale. :
. Regular selling price all over
the city is $6.00. Beautiful -in
(Jeiigsi snd , highly polished,
, rnXde in quarter-sawed oak,
tuna mahogany, birdseye maple
and mahoganised birch.
Extension Table Sale I
' Sale price ............ 20.00
Regular price $28.50, solid gold
en oak, carved claw feet, 6-foot .
! STten.inn, SS-inrh tnp. .
- ' Others st big reduction ...
$57.00 Table, now...... S45.pO
$44.00 Table, now...7..32.00
$42.50 Table, now. . . . . $34.00
$38.00 Table, now......31.00
",$34.50 Table, now,.....31.00
$36.00 Table, now.. .. ;.30.00
. The clubs now have the matter under
consideration and have promised to give
Mr. Nelson a positive answsr after their
December meeting. . ' ... j -
JVr . comfortable sysglasses go to
George Rubenstsln, r. liable optician,
IIS Fourth st. -f-N i