I Tc;v3,Tc;!3 : i-niS b.k-r. "The Uu Oa Um' Box" ' A T.lu iterance Tim ' ' f,IIlIIIW. vrlc. .. . .... ttar .Twlo Jssh prnrat7' ."lki IUiu of tb our'" .. v.. ."Polly and 1" ............n, V OWtMlll .....Vaudeville (ira hd.. The Bcottlsh RIt Social club will be ; "at home" jto their number and ladi on ITrlday eventng, November It), at the Boottlbh RIt calhadral thla being tUa fii'et of .their new serle. of .entertain meats for the winter. Tha patronesses, will be Mra. H. 8. Rowa, Mra. Robert l.utlce, Mra. Richard Martin Jr. and Mra. C. C. Newcaatle.' Tha entertainment will begin at f o'clock, and. prom ises to be one of the delightful event of the season. . The New York atate society will cele brate evacuation day at Rlnglei-e hall. Alder and Sixth atreeta tomorrow even in . An interesting program haa been arranged. Judge George will deliver an address appropriate to tha oeoaaloii and several musical numbera will be ran - red. Aa enjoyable time is expected o ii n wriuri, wnemer mem Dor of the society or not, are cordially n- A How about 1 that Thanksgiving eultT Did you notloe that we were making to order suits of a rery fine black unfin ished worsted or a fins blue aero (reg ular (40 values) for only HOT Better take a look at the cloth, Jione better in the city; fit absolutely guaranteed or no sale. Armstrong, the Tailor, Raleigh bldg.. Sixth and Washington atreeta, Upstairs. ' -t . ., - - The" Baptist Youn Peonle's Union Of Portland will hold a aunrlse praise and prayer service Thanksgiving morning at the Second 1 Baptist church. East Ankeny and Seventh streets. . The hour set Is 7 o'clock a. in. An enjoyable and profitable time is anticipated. Hot re X reehments will follow (be service. . Ev erybody Is Invited. Do you hear the bells a-rlnglngT Bet ter have a aitting today, between 1 and t. We will make you a photo that -will gladden your heart if you will Just give ua a little time to touch it up nicely. All Christmas negatives should ha made without delay. B. W. Moore, expert photographer, Elks' building, Seventh and Stark. I'lant Bibson's Roses Roses may still be planted to good advantage. They will give quicker results if established before spring. Our selection la large andqualtty unexcelled.Wrlu or phone- Tor catalogue. Office and nurseries 1110 Mllwaukle avenue. Phone East Hi. The Slbaon Rosa Nurseries. : Mr J. M. Swlrsky of l0tt Seven teenth - street wlU take her departure today for Chlco, California, to spend Christmas with her parents. On last Wednesday evening - Mrs.- Swlrsky gave-, a party to her friends, ' which was largely attended - and - greatly enjoyed by those present " correct aiyiea ana prices rignt, up-to-date goods, genuine values, prompt de liveries, a complete stock of all the lat ent materials. This I out platform: . : uiHftt ma J puii tni in uvun iu vruvr for $-6 no more, no leas. Satisfaction anteed. Unrqu Tailoring Co- $0 Stark, near Sixth. " W. P. Elmore, mayor of Brownsville, Lea been secured by th Bunday club of 'tb T. M. C A. to deliver an address at th men' meeting thla afternoon. Th meeting will begin at 1:80, but will be preceded by a half-hour concert by the Y. M. G A. orchestra and a solo by Mis Ermine Hubbard. . winter r lowering uidb atari . a -few pot ,af flowering bulbs for, winter bloom easy to grow, handsome. Inter esting and Inexpensive. Our handsome ly illustrated and descriptive catalog telle alL Phone Main 47S or call. Port- -tand Seed Cos, Front and Iamh.il La, Diamonds, watches and ' Jewelry on easy paymenta at less than elsewhere for cash. M'e give you possession when making first payment, demand no se curity, charge no' Interest. Marx A Bloch, 74 Third Street & K. S. Wood will deliver an address before 'the Socialist- party tonight in their hall In th Allskr building. "What la Anarchy?" will b th subject An open discussion will follow th address. This will remind you that now Is the time to have your hair mattresses reno vated and returned the same day. Phone Main 47. Th Portland Curled Hair Factory, H. Metsger, proprietor. : Have exclusive sal of west aide warehouse site. 12,10 aquar feet front Ins ; on three atreeta, with ' trackage. J. H. ralrbrookvi U0 -Second - Street phon mo. . 4 ; Tour eyes examined Free. We' are ,atlll selling eyeglasses at 11.00. - A per fect fit guaranteed. Metsger eV Co., Jeweler and optician. Ill Sixth street ' Th contending claim of Bacon and Shakespeare to . the authorship of Bhn Iimiim m'm rrtttnna.lll k, t th People' Forum tonight . J. D. "STICKLERS FOR QUALITY" Th Most Appropriate 01ft I A CHRISTMAS WATCH Airo vi sm . An kind, any style plain, elegantly engraved, large or small, low-priced or expensive solid gold, gold-Ailed, sliver, composition, gunmetal watches for men, watchee for wom en, watches for -boys, or beauties for girls.'. ToU cannot. Indeed, conceive of anything a Jeweler sells that la not sold here, and at 1en cost than you Imagine yon can buy such fin goods for. Try Out Sxpert Opttolaa. The G. Heitltemper Co. 189 KOmKXSO ST. "XrOwest Prieed Jewelry House for rin woede." ' THE LS - I - THE ERA OF DIG ENTERPRISES HOW RECORDS, ONCE CON- , SID EKED FABULOUS7ARE NOW TAKEN AS A MAT A Hundred-Million-Dollar Piano Story -That It Not Very Sig nificant After AIL The Rec ords of a 'Local House, and a ' Noteworthy Shipment of Chick. V. erings. : u. v '. . In July Ut year the shipment of a single monster carload or vniciterings to Ellera Flano . House, Portland, ex ci ted much comment, not only in the dally press, but In the -'representative mualo Journal of the United States, a well, for It was atatea tnat .u one carload held the most valuable lot of pianos ever made. In on ahlpment to a dealer. ' ''' Thla week, earoely a year later, a shipment of four monster carloads of Cblokerlng pianos, altogether lit .000 worth of uprlghta and granda, ba be come necessary,; and will be received by Ellera Piano House her. Thi 1 prob ably doubly th largest, and moat vejo abls ahipment of any .on make of pianos ever handled In th west, yet KUers Piano House aspects to aell ail of these pianos before the holidays, and In addition to all of these Chiekerlngs, there will be half a hundred or more carloads of other fin make of piano to be sold by them, a well. Thla la thoroughly Indicative of th growth of the west. In commercial im portance, and also of the prosperous condition of our community. Ellera Piano Houee will ll thi year more than two and one half million dollars worth of piano. nd thla record la very algnlneant when it Is eonaldered- that th entire Pacific coast ha a population of much lea than that of Greater Mew Tork. ' - Alongside of this ahowing. the boast ful statement of New Tork piano fac tory of having aold a. hundred million dollars' worth of planoa since the com mencement of Its business 10 yeara ago, lose much significance. .- ' An advertisement to this affect first appeared In some Texaa papers, and It ha been publlabed by various dealers lsewher ainoe. appearing, in our local papers aa a wonderful record. First of f, the factory publishing thla statement although boasting of a world s market, haa never even yet reached thla total J" J""' "'J" c" Lra is not at all con- tlon rult because the Paclfio Bridge lY--swTonderful at thla day and age.TtTOnTM BO rtMTO nd , T"nt-' TV ZZa, L! f.ctorv has made eontracta without consideration of la sales, although a nunarea mmion -" But If any American factory has made and exceeded such record. It I the old time-honored Cblckerlng or Boston, which piano Is old only by Ellers Piano Houee, It stores and aecredlted representatives. v . In addition to this Ellera Piano House represent two -other great American piano factories whose annual outputs far exceed any other, namely. Th Aeolian nd Weber Pianola company, whoa sales are more than 110,000.000 each year, and th W. W. Kimball com pany, Chicago, whose annual salea also exceed that amount. The Kimball fac tory, although the youngest of airblgh grade American piano makers, haa now produced nearly 110.009 planor-wiich- Is more than twice a many upright pianos aa haa been made by any other Ameri can concern. - Th Ellera stores aell nearly 1,000 Kimball piano each year, to aay nothing of th beautiful pipe organs and ale parlor organs produced by this great American enterprise. Stevens, who la credited with being on of th best Shakespearean scholars on tho const, .will uphold. Bhfceajere'a side, whll O. Thompson will represent lng. tha evening Steven wuLL,h J hovwllJJi recite twe eel set ions from Shakespeare. An open discussion will follow th de bate. The meeting are held in the Selllng-Hlrach building at Tenth and There will be a Baptist Sunday school rally In the Whit Temple Monday, one session being held at S o'clock and th other at T:t0. . All th organised Bap tist young people's classes In the city will be present Th principal speaker will be Dr. Herbert Judaon Whit of Taeoma. - Discussion of live Issue will follow th opening of a question box. Reports of all the Sunday schools In the district , will be made. "Get together and boost 1 the motto of tb rally... . Th usual Bunday "at home" will be beld at the T. W. C A. rooms thla after noon from t to i o'clock. Rev. Henry Marco tte will deliver an address on "Self Assertion." In addition there will be musical and literary feature of a semi-religious nature. . v - Today A. C Gage Is advertising for sale en- the real aetata page one of the best farm in th state.-Bee advertise ment under "New Today." ""Socialism Practical Christianity." Lecture by Rev. Fisher at Allsky hall tonight f o'clock. Music, plscusslon. Free all welcome. . '-. x Shoot down town today. ' January Munsey. Ladles' Horn Journal and Tt leading dallies at Carl Jones, Fourth and Washington. .. . ' 'Steamer Jessie Harktn for Camas, Waahougal and way landings dally ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street dock at 1 p. m. -' . . , Salespeo'pla ' thoroughly experienced wanted In all departments. Olds, Wort- fman-eV-KIng , ,, , . , L. Acme Oil Co. sell the best safety coal oU and nn gaeojtne.-ar'hoae East 711. ' ' Dr. O. M. Well. rwWVc57 East Burnslde street Phon East 16. . For Quality, Quantity end Qulckneee. go t Morris" restaurant ... ' Watch j Wooater t t I I .' JOHN KENDRICK BANGS The Bnmorlst, at th Whit Vempl : i Wedaesdayjflght.i ' , Johir Kendrlck Bsnr, -the -anther of Th Houseboat on the Styx. former editor of Life, Warner" Weekly and th Metropolitan Magailn. I to give, the second number of. the V. M. C. A. Star cours next Wednesday night at th Whit Tempi. - ' Mr. Bangs believe that humor le es sential to all phase of life to courage, adaptability, eucceea In short, to all of them. As a purveyor of humor, he feel that he haa inlaslon In th; world mrstnnl-otH--leetlny. Des tiny. Id mind ef Mr. Bang. 1 merely th subterfuge of the discon tented. - Humor, he say's, la th lubri cator of'lh ofttlme grating wheels of everyday life. Reserved seats rsn be secured at the T. M. C. A. for single admission or for the entire course; the other numbers are ' th Kogers-Urllley recitals, Jacob Rile, I Newell Dwlght HUH and the JDunbarj Concert company. ' I OREGON ' SUNDAY JOURNAL ' PORTLAND. SUNDAY .. .1 I,', DAY'S EllIS Oil EAST SID Property Owners Prepare to 'Wage' Bitter War Against High Sign Boards. . , RAILROAD CAUSE OF ' , ACTIVITY IN ST. JOHNS Grind : Avenue People Cry - Out Against Robbery in Street Improve r ment AsseMtnents Other Interest - tag New From Acrotg the River. Department, ' War t to be waged by th property owner and tax payer of th east aide against th persistent effort of th signboard - painters -to-diaflgur th main avenues of th east side. -Several prominent business men have declared that th large- advertisements must go, and campaign for this purpose ha been Initiated by them. Grand avenue and East Morrison streets are defaced kin disregard to tha ordinance which pro-i vtales that none of these sign ahail ex ceed 10 feet in height Th Oebora -hotel on Grand avenue, owned by Jamee H. Taylor, I sur rounded by signboards. On two sides of th property are two board tt feet In height Mr. Taylor, remarking In a sar castic -ton what an appropriate loca tion tte had for a hotel added, "It look much . mora like ' aom cheap mining town in the deserts of Nevada than th Ros City In which ao many of us pride ourselveaf" gome action I to be taken shortly, asy east aid business men, that will eventually result In an ordinance belni naoted that will abolish these unsight ly "ad now and for all time,. They believe that they wlU be Joined by business mon in ether parts of the city In their-campaign -Against tb. sign board. - - Think ThyAre Bobbed. Another one of th multitudinous troubles now afflicting the Grand ave nue property holders, le the fact that they believe they Are being robbed by th contractor or aom on else In th matter of street Improvement They aay that th price of $1.03 a running foot 1 excessive, and that the condi coat by th city abthorttlea. . The prop erty owner who possesses 100 feet la compelled to pay about 1400, they aay, for the Improvement and, what is more, this price is extracted from property holder along each aid of th street r Aettvtty lav St. 'oka. St Johns is soon to be the ecene of great activity, when the erew of rail-, road builders 1 put to work on th 10 foot cut of th Portland at Seattle road. Already a few men are there, i - An enarlne haa been installed to do th preliminary work. A hydraulic ap paratus will be used to perform a great part of the undertaking, and th work will eonsum a year. l All week men have been at work clearing away atump from th right of way and the work is being prosecuted will, all baste possible. Pile drivers have been stationed on th river where the 11,000.000 bridge I to have lte east approach. A long fill will be made with the dirt taken from th cut from th river to the end Of the bridge. Th piles here are being sunk 110 feet be low trie level of the river. WTOinr S khoW-TTBUrina enormou "Irench across the Denlnsula and St. Johns wlU be known by th nols It make. . Xxoltlng Bnnaway. ' lef"brothersr housefnrnlshers on East Morrison ! street broke away yesterday afternoon and etarted for th west side via the I Morrison street bridge. On of th 1 horse became frightened whll the! driver, was attempting to remove lte nridi and started, th other bora keeping up the pace. Th street waa crowded with vehicle i and cars, but the team safely dodged! all and etarted across the . Morrison street bridge. Th wagon haa a heavy j furniture delivery and the break wer set ao that la going up th incline onto ; the bridge the horses were compelled to slow up until they wer easily stopped, otherwise- eerloua result might have been the outcome. ' Beat Sid Bote.' Work on the new Markell block I progressing and nearly all the debris from th old buildings has been re moved so that th foundation work can commence next week. Th Kewhall uildlng on Grand ave nue I about completed, only-the In terior and fixtures are to be added be fore It can be occupied. Rev. Oarver, field worker - for the anti-saloon league, lately of Pendlaton. haa decided to locate In Portland and will build a home at Kern Park on the Mount Scott line. The Bite Bank building at Williams venue and Knott etreet la under way and the first atory la neerlng comple tion. Progress wae eomewhat delayed by the recent ralna. BRYAN MAY COME AND , AGAIN HE MAY NOT Z Portland Democrat dg; notjretknow whether they will be able to feast William Jennings Bryan and shake him by the hand. . It having been heard that Mr. Bryan would visit th Pacific coast during the coming Winter, th local Democrat decided It would be the right thing to arrange for a reception to the distinguished visitor should he come to Portland. Accordingly. Alex Sweek and Who Sing at th "White Temple" Oormev Twelfth end TayJor Streets-, Thanksgiving Night "Stands at the head of Oratorio sing ers. She haa a wonderful, voice. Th usual admission I reduced on half so everybody can hear her. . Seats Reserved, 75c and $1.00 Oolnmblo wooue Kills 00 Oor. Tt aad Mark. Psoas at, 404S. ShanncuCumminij qj Early than ever. We TJiat means goni A Will hold any 33.60 ChUT Unks, S3.S0 i flennlns ... ..." Blaaxoad. 133 .Thla atoael, SO Bronze & Brass Candelabra Electric and Candlesticks, antique and artistic de signs, and at popular prices. , , ;" V , Pyrographic Outfits ,We bought ouf s before the advance in plati num, and our prices have not been changed. Every outfit tested and in perfect order be fore delivery. , . ..ki-:'...li.:.V---' ' : All Burntwood Requisites Just the desired articles; beautiful and use ful rift, in lasting form. Nut Bowls, Collar, Cuff, Clove, Tie and Handkerchief Boxes, Picture Frames, Tabourettes, Easels, Mir rors, Paper Racks, Ink Stands, Card Cases we can't name them all. . Art Calendars 1 Gibson's latest creations, Tuck's Newcomb's water colors, photogravures every one a; work of art all prices 25c to $5.00. Sheahan's Passe Partouts -Over 4,000 of these popular subjects, -15c, 25c, 40c and 65c. . ... Safety - Simplex Typewriters A child's delight a perfect writing machine in reach of everyone, $1, $2.50, $5. 'r' W00DARD, CLARKE & CO. Phone Private Exchange II 9 Trunk Lines 20 Extensions to Every Department A MANUFACTURER'S LINK OF CALENDARS NO TWO ALIKE. Sc. 100, 150, SS " T ' ' " ' But S GOODS WORTH CP TO 11.00 EACH. OREGON PHOTO STOCK CO. Ill BrXTsT STS BST. WASB- xmaxon Axy mtamx. FORf -J John B. Ryen. chairman end secretary of th Democratic State Central com. Mttae4erdr-telegrphe W Jgr.-j Bryan asking him if he intended to visit Portlsnd. and If It would be ad visable to make preparatlona for public reception. As yet no answer has been received, but It Is expected that en will com during th first part of th week.' A New .Enterprise The MarUn Furniture company will open their new store about December 1 at 1(0 and MS First etreet. with a com plete line of houeehold go-oda, furniture, carpets, stoves, etc., and. In fact.- they wUl be able to furnish your house from lop le bottom. They will carry aU the la teat style and pattern of everything In the hnusefurnlshlng line. Mr. J. C Martin., formerly with Oadshy Son. will assume the management of the new concern, and, with St years' ex perience In the furniture huetneaa, both here end la Chicago, will be able to " MORNING, NOVEMBER Christmas Christmas presents sre being bought early this year. tne taray purcnaaer wiu nave a email a.opment to Vi'e-liavo j lumi.eee etsvk no-wend have marked our" want our friends to get In on the ground floor. wait, oui oegin now. . Small Deposit article until Christmas. Pay a little down lect your present - , ' WiTOni For gentlemen we have gold-filled timepieces at tt.tn. 111.60. 114.60 and up. We have the small thin watchee e.t 126.00 and up. Tot the ladle we can sell you- gold-filled watches at ID. to up. 8oUd-gid timepiece M low. as 117.60. SXAJIOsTS sUnraa for ladles and gentlemen, starting as low as I1J..0. Larger ones at 126.00, J3&.00, 160.00 and up. , "CXTTT XJOTCS in gold-filled ss low ns ft. B0; solid gold from 2.00 to 160.00. ' Shaving Mugs, Collar Hut-' ' ' ' ton Boxes, Cigar Cases, Match Boxes, etc., for. gen tlemen, at prices ranging from 11.(0 up. JAEGER BROS. JEWELERS OPTICIANS Fifth Street Near t Perpetuated Palns . "Make the home beautiful everlasting, never fading, inexpensive, 35 to $12. For halls and large rdoms we have 8, 10 and 12-foot tree palms. --rr Gillette's Famous- Razors FinestJn the world ; AO-days' trial! 'four styles. Every onea beauty; a clean shaveandnevera" cut with Gillette's $5, $6.50, $7.50, $9.00. ... .. . - ranimnnniciaiiiniiinniuinii: LYRIC THEATRE B Week Beginning Nov. 26 LEERTHUR'SSUCCESSFUL COMEDY tiniiniiiuuzz please the moat fastidious tastee Hon est dealing 1 their motto, and cordial treatment to all. Th stores have just been remodeled In th moat modern way for the furniture buslnees, occupying the whole building at the above num ber. ..... .1 f 25, 1806.. Suggestions 7rr , That mean select1. from. goods tower and e- Alder Shaving Wnr, with Brash, S3JO . ;: Pocket Lamps A Tin DUmoad, fllaM Vest, coat and overcoat. Safe, convenient and a protection at home or abroad. Ingersoll Watches Nickel, gunmetal and silver -accurate time keepers everyone, $1, $1.50, $2. . Kodaks and Cameras 1507 MODELS . All that's new and good in- photography we have, and skilled men who can show you . low prices for all purses. Buster Brown's-for $1. Tourist machines $50. This Bedside Table Will add comfort and pleasure to the invalid or convales cent; it willsave weary steps for the nurse ; always use-. ful in every home.- DRAMA Coinjj;, Coins Fast No wondar th ladles' coat ace going so fast If you only look at the style and qtmlttte and then hr th price von will not wonder at lt L Taia's i'.uyal. 7I Washington street. 111 FOUR ACTS ' I i Y'" I.;' i "CA1- I o "LIVE AND LET LIVE" A carload of aoeanned bnoelet' la fcelng J""' r the "TKHHIFIO it A TEH TiXa- Thla tntiquatad "B.Q Tow" eiatMtreeltv, celror.t-d to its rotten service as bl iat.s UMMl la ... k .. L , ... .w- I . Roue. On-the-ult, . Uael.t.te Route. Tlwe W DUt One .O.W.r tu fna.e . .n orlirtiiattng from the Kaorker'. Camp. I '.f.tl'"TtKKI,',C RATES TfcXtTPHOK aV COMPNr" tut lis MO.VKIC to luipro.. lte j OH N BKHVk'b aad or it bunsrj-looktug 1 alr.Unira eaoagta t be ewirteoas te lu satror.. i and atuilr the art of att.odlDt te 1u UW.1 B18INK88. thr. arouM mt 1 fc .nun,,.! ... a lew leienooae sowcrltteni wb.n the HOMK Snea ..tt im ai.i. thi wnfli.ii 1KH1-I8W! THIS KNOCKKa, aad each aT.r- "' vTiftiaaiiDs irora ear eoorea, wits ee wllboat eauet, will find no sTBeatetaera te h' ?r, i.AW-AHiintf, Lolig-ivovisio Ct'lK M iJTi ixr . It I ain the people here op. eerrectlr thati almoat aiianlmntw popalar vote Portland folk save the Autmn.M.. h .iM,riM Am-m Mmii I Indicate tha WEAR PliBLIC caa't aaewb.' the RUEF.CB" lerrlnc Itates Telepkooe Con-1 p.nr to warrrlfif aboat, becaaM If th. Auto matic fat no- ruod aiuf the .t.Mklw.lrtM m better, nperatloa aad rwtdenee will tell bettairl taaa arsumeut. - The tact la. and I gueaa moat pennle knew It, the Terrible Hatea. 1'aelma, All-la, Oerr Uead, Woodpeckared-Pole Telephone Article la ap agaluat tue He.) article, and Beet re aert to anibiwh Vtrlh,Kl. jhtnea their 'TN- C-OVDITIO.NAJ. Si UKKM'KK " Anrwar. the' "BL'HVIVAL OF TUB FITTKST" will be the1 One Telephone XOtl, HITH I't TO," re-) sardleaa of tbelr talk or mine. - This does so iutereat the Public; what people want la "Tele phone Service" and eoarteoua treatstest the) beat for the leaat emonnt rf tanner. They are sick and tired ef thla "BRLL-COW" Cos.. lalr-lt-or-let-lt .km., rnl.r-rula aervtre. i Tbla le a free country, lloneet man ba v ' the rlcht to live and sell their wares. I ealT tbeee aeenrltlea and svlleva In th,n. and be- U1.. in the company and people hark ef them, ' wiin au my emu en sinea ee that 1 fterebv. arree with each parcnaaer I have sold a Portland bond to. It IS mon the after opera t Inn and general aervtre Is given yon are dlaaatls Ded er dl.appntnted with voir tnveetmeet. I WIIA, RfTLKN YOt'R MONET, toeettMr wltb per cent compound Intereat. I ant perfectly able to to , aad defy aay a tat. meat te tbw euotrarv. LOUI5 J. WILDE Preaident American National Bank, Dlreo. California, representing national a, earltlea Company ef Loa Awirlas. Callturau, In Bond Oepartawnt, Lefajratta Block, Port land, Oregon. , s . . The Woodpecker A - woodpecker perked -- - Oa a telepwone pole, -Be necked away Till be pecked a big bole; 1 - That's no thing. . : ' . . He kept It ep Tbla pecking way. Tin so peeked i The same old way, - Aad that's Bothing. . Tbea he lew to the bare Tbla woodpecker bold . Tw abarpea eta bill - to I am told,. But that's sothlsg. : rTow when he casw hack Te peek some o there. 'Be tackled a pole That wasn't his rn there. tlU that's aethln. Be eecked and be pecked Till bis blU got sore, . Tbea back to toe bars. for be pecked ao aa , That a soaMtbbtg. The last pel. pecked Was a "Home" and alive. There's a difference la poles " Where woodpeckers thrive. " And that's everything. ' -' . HOKAU And the Knockw ae sr.1I ' May knock at bla ewa. But a "ran" at year aslghher u saocauig Tla not even nTy sr' wa This "Woodpscksr" way. The World Invea a Boosteri , IS ttt World have Its way. "WILDE," Boeds, lefayetts Bldg., rortUad, Or. Fair Fighting lbs Carsegle bet fund waa te Ksius K. Coombs e Midway,. Kentucky. ttoosBhs and klchsrd tiodsun ef the Bam tows were polltk-al rivals. The contest Be twoes them developed personal enmity aad taa people o4 the tewa. touted Cot a aistul duel, st any time. Godson wsa a lawyer and Inventor. One day last spring be descended into a vsalt le venalr a eaauaklue machine. While there ba waa ov.fr..ae h. jho faat.s ef the t i Hr . a .1 , k i. uu . vnw an, mtnhole at tn. mp. innae waa qiseovsr.4 OodBoe'a eeedltkna hesitated a ge dewa tut tear ef the foul gas. Ceemha heard e tindana's "ht. The tor. ser waa In pee health.--Buffering anlnal afT-ctlon. his phyelrtae bad arnew him asalnst maklne any violent saertlnn. NevertbeWea. loumhs ran tepidly ro tbe snnt. lie pushed aalde those whs aoneht ts restrain him. by saying that Gdoe mal- be dead by title time, and descended. Three tlrn-e did the eetnt lnvaUd brine the body ef the enconactoas man hie asadlf enemy op the Udder. Twice the peeple st th. tee let It fall. The third time tn.r se cured Undone ami alee, drew out I'onsihs. woo fell fainting serosa tbe bedy ef the aaaa be bed saved. Tbe Carneele trof"-s did well when tbey . awarded tjaoaaea-a. ai.da I asstgl-AOO.--- dearest eaaaty at each a fearful rta of ki ewnt This waa the ventr te rn.nT snch Inonlrteet "I AI.WAVfl lVRI A AIH ri'4HTa AD JlUSON AI.WAV rOU'UIT fAIH." Thers'a a let of manliness la Coomb.' ten- -ens. end It revests a leedlns trait ht the An1oa.oa bkwd. whlab Is ashtlas bleed, Ths white aaaa, wberenr yo dad klm, like fear debtor. Ha who ss.tta eyes and Sbsve Beerl Is m spected even by He nsret while be whe alHi-a belnw the belt, shesid he .s down, - -htiMne h.M.1. W heis hit OS. A vlrtort tiat te " y - r sort ef vietery InnesdV la nut tlctuty 11. "X"." i: - j-- '