The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 25, 1906, SECTION FIVE, Page 53, Image 53

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Etoini't-Specw Date D Wave
A :.(Liiu"e-yfe,-lliio
.-. ... Mr a .
it m he balance op power'
-., I -o .By Arthur Goodrich, Thla
la on of. the strong book
of the .year,' with several
- woU-deflne pelnte morale-they- tight
, have been called at one time, but that
old-fashioned term has been relegated to
;.. the ettlo of ancient "has beens," and If
this story la anything It is up to date
and free from any suspicion of senility.
It is one of the stories that reflects
the trend of the tiroes, as indeed all
good literature, whether fact or fancy,
; must, to be enduring, and this we pre
dict will be on of the book that will
be read ta years to com with the sara
, wonderment at its lawless laborers, its
, greed and graft of monopoly, as w now
. . read of the outlawry of the days of
. Rob Roy , or the persecutions and suf
ferings of Jean Val Jean; but like them,
It has sprung from the economto con
ditions of the times In which It was
- written,-and so closely has th- author
,.. confined himself to current history In
his treatment of capital and labor that
Jt eems..almQt. JlJts
dally papers. Th story, however,' is
not wholly that of capital and labor
Indeed, with on tremendous exception.
' it Is a struggle between capital and
capital for supremacy In th little fac
tory town of Hampstead. Connecticut.
' i Th story opens with a pretty little
scene with Jack Gilbert, the Idolised son
of the good old Dr. Gilbert and his
Scotch wife. BiUy McNlsh. the little
Strang boy. and Clare Hardy, th only
child and heir of - th substantial old
' firm of Hardy Y Son.
Dr. Gilbert's worship of this only son
... was th wonderment of his friends and
neighbors, who could see little to ad-
mlr In th overgrown., ungainly boy.
' On other, though, saw points In th
boy, and that was old Colonel Mead,
the veteran comrade of Dr. Gilbert.
In his effort to provide bountifully
for th boy's future, th father made
th fatal mlstak3ot leaving his beaten
path of bread-earning to Invest his ur
' plus In doubtful speculation, and when
the crash came it broke the doctor's
heart, and when ha was laid away with
military honors by th ... Hampstead
Corps of ths Q. A. B. his wlf and boy
war on the world, poor and friendless.
save for th colonel, who throughout
:. remained faithful, and I
humor of th book. --,-.
th Ufa and
The story her passes to I0 years
.later, and th scene is an exciting on
In th city council when an Important
franchise is to be voted on. . Th three
' chldren are there, but grown to matur-
, Ity, and each takes an Interest In the
proceedings, but from different motives.
Billy McNIsh and Clare Hardy are still
society favorites, while Jack Gilbert
4 -but the BHipluyf ;Maxaryt Son,
' who has risen from ths ranks to the
place of assistant superintendent, but
ill! i e mains
.. From this time th: play-of polities
. begins. It was that sort of political
wire pulling that has In view th com
mercial advantages of advancing th
Individual Into place of trust which
can be used by th capitalist, who ex-
cuses . himself - lrom accepting offlc
while ha gives It to th man. who n-
Joys th honor and Is not afraid to risk
his position by accepting Its unholy
emoluments outside of his salary.
Hardy 6 Son waa a time-honored nam
In Hampstead and had had no uneasi
ness over business until th batter-endowed
Alonso Hubbard, with modern
Ideaa of right and wrong, set up his fac
tories and became th rival of Hardy 6
Son, which company waa far, too, from
being - saint. Th senior member of
this Arm had been long years dead and
Sam Hardy, th son of th firm, had
grown 'old In having his own way and
was a type ' stubbornness against im-
' proved methods and machinery that la
fast nesting away.
: Th crash cam and th walking dele
gate appeared, but Jack Gilbert fell
into th breach, and presents' a magnifi
cent manhood in bis struggle, his loy
alty and his self-effacement. He, too,
might present a type of th coming
' man who Is to overcome th greed and
monopoly that have taken faat hold
upon every industry In th land. Th
character sketches ar all excellent and
there la plenty of dry humor to season
th more serious situations of ths book.
the TUliKEY is baked In
you why all who use a Majestic range are perfectly satisfied.
rWK -v .
While the" seen at th door of the tmi
nlclpal building, on the night when the
franchise waa to be granted and when
Peter Lumpkin was trying to Induce the
crowd to buy "Dlmond Blacking, with
which the president .blacks his owa
shoes,"- would provoke roars of laughter
from the most sedate reader. The ro
mance baa not been omitted and
pretty' and wholesome Jove atory thread
its way through th book. '
Th volume is well bound with
neat cover , design, and has soma very
good Illustrations by Otto Toaspern.
The Outing Publishing company. Price
$1.50.' . . ., , .
jewsssssaawajisat-afeu Vox
Th Country Road," by Alio Brown.
It is universally conceded that It re-
qulrea-.raatei-aeiiluato-wrLLa a good
short story than a long novel, and by
this token Mis Brown may be recog
nised as a writer of remarkable ability.
for th present book Is a collection of
short stories of New England country
life of great power and sweetness, as
well as of fascinating Interest. .
Th book, contains a "baker's, dozen"
of short stories, all Of th homely country-folk,
with their idiosyncrasies of
language and quaint customs, and with
little snatches, as it were,, of their
veryday life of living and loving, with
no more of th tragedies than com to
very' on; yet these are woven Into
such pleasant llttl tales that th read'
er feels h Is being conducted quit
away from th ordinary paths, and Is
nMUDa' wnoiesom lot of folks that
uv iua to uow ana wiu d petiei
for having been Introduced to.
This style of people characterises th
former stories of Miss Brown, who has
written enough to make Tb Country
Road" com far down on a long list of
books to her credit. She has not, how
over, confined herself to short stories,
but has written several novels of more
than ordinary merit, but from all she
has written, .it would be hard to eeleet
any that stands higher in interest or
literary value that "The Country Road."
Houghton. Mifflin Co., Prlra. ll.fia.
"Confessions of a Detective," by Al
fred Henry Lewis.- In parenthesis and
modest type, are th words: "A Study
In Graft" and to those who have read
"Th Boas," It will be recognised at
onoe as another of Mr. Lewis' inimit
able stories of New Tork politics, which
th author has so cleverly presented In
fiction, but every word of which Is con
firmed by facts.
-"Graft Ton want me to gtv you a
sort of graft-map, - do you t - There
wouldn't be room on Manhattan Island
to draw one," says th ex-pollcemsn-
detectlve who tells Mr. Lewis' stories
in this book; and when on gets through
with th five stories, on is quit will
ing to believe It. .
Of all th present day writers who
have taken up th Corruption of our
national, state or municipal governments-
It la doubtful If any hav gone
ao boldly t--th heart of It, or shown
It In such bar and naked reality as ha
Mr. Lewis. Others have labored with I
statistic, dug up records, blighted Inno
cent live through vicarious suffering,
and thrown ' a nation Into . a tremor
which, having passed, leaves th sur
face smooth and calm, and th great
undercurrent of graft undisturbed. Not
so Mr. Lewlat He does not pose a
reformer; he peoples his books with
fictitious characters, all having their
prototypes In Tammany hall, or the
haunts of th political boss, and they
do and say Just th things said and,
dons by th men who form- this great
The ' President Blacks His Own '
. .Y '... Boots. ... ,
SB Y t SONS, Cor, Washington and First Sts.
, .... lk-&v:..V- - -,
undercurrent, which an Ani hva I
by having its infamies brouvht rilrectlv
home as this author does In his humor-;
ous. hard-fisted way.
Inspector Val, who himself tells th
first story, opens It with th statement
that, "An Idle man Is always a talker.
and then goea on to explain why he
nas en in rorce. - -.."Well,
I didn't have to let me say
so much for my pride." Ther wer a.
half dosea reasons."
Among them he gav the faot that he
has mad his "bundle" and can sit back
and collect his rent, etc. - Then, "vry
one In a whil an investigating com
mit ice comer btmHig., in Trom Albany,
to go nosing on th trail' of nolle graft.
Inasmuch as th complexion of "my r0U-
tios being- all mtOlls TaumugF-ean'frf
tne Albany complexion, I'm regarded by
these hayseed Investigators as their
natural prey. - So far I've "played to
luck, out I've met three of. theae ques
tion asking gangs and succeeded la
slda stepping them very time. --But
you know th old saw: Th pitcher
that goes often to the well gets broken
at iasL' . . . There's always .that i
cuanoe; anj so, d'ye sea, having gath
ered In my fortune and rounded oft my !
neap, i neia to tne part of wisdom, with
out waiting for any age limit to reach
m to pack in and quit. I'll need full
SO years anyway to get my morals on
an even keel, after playing thlef-takar
for ovr $o." ;
Being Jthua -relieved of th-necessity!
ror reticence, th laspector tells In the
same blunt... honest way th story -of
th graft In several famous eases on
which he was engaged and which assist
ed him In heaping up ths pile whloh
would keep htm comfortable whil "mak
ing good" with his conscience. '
It la no exaggeration to say that Mr.
Lewis has don as good work In these
stories as he d,J In "Th Boss," which
Is his acknowledged masterpiece, in
th Held of municipal politics Mr. Lewis
reaches his besteand most effective
work, and whil "The President" and
Th Sunset Trail" reflect credit on bis
versatility and ability. In neither does
h handle his 'subject with th same
ease and familiarity as he does when
he takes up Tammany rul. A 8. Barnes
ft Co. Pile 11.60. .
"Billy Bounc"By W.' W. . Denalow
and Dudley A. Bragdon and elaborately
Illustrated in colors and black and whit
by Mr. Denslow. ' Billy Bounce Is a mes
senger boy who- has been glrsn, a won
derful rubber suit by his fairy god
father. This suit enables Billy to bounce
for miles with each leap he takes, and
of course carries him through many
Strang countries and Strang people,
where he has th moat wonderful and
funny adventures, Th theme of the
book Ms Billy's search for and exposure
of all those people and things that are
popularly used by nurses and some
tnougnueaa parents to . tngmen uie ail-
tie ones such as th "Bogle Man," bug.
bears and ghosts. . Of course Billy finds
them and exposes them as ridiculous
Imitators, incapable of harming any one;
and In so doing manages to hav an im
mense Amount of pure, wholesome fun.
Th fantastic them of the book gives
Mr Denslow an unparalleled opportunity
to display hls peculiarly whlmisical
genius as an illustrator of people and
things. Q. W. Dillingham company. J.
K. QUI. PutUaud. Tilu fl
. "Fifty-two More Btortes for Bo ye,"
edited by Alfred H. Miles. ' This comes
as on of the moat acceptable of the
holiday assortment of books for boys. As
th tltl states, It contains 6) stories
specially calculated for th amusement
and ntertalnment of boys, and th tales
ar selected from ths very beat works of
th best authors of boys' books.
The stories ar classified under five
heads, vis.: "Boys on 8ea' and Shore,'
"Life and Adventure,' "Wild Life East
and West.'' Soldiers and Bailors." "Lif
and Experience." Th book Is some
thing over 400 pares, good clear type and
of convenient sis and substantial bind
Ina and has a number of food illustra
tions. D. (Applenton dr. Co. - Prlo 11. SO.
Ther la a peculiar quality about Jack
London's latest story. "Whit Fans-."
which may perhaps not strike th reader
at once, and that la ther almost ntir
absenc of dialogue. Ther la Intensely
vivid action, but amaslngljr llttl talk.
and ths srreot of this is to produce a
remarkably atrons Impression of ths ab
solute fidelity of th story to nature.
Th -recent prtntlnr'of a larr edition
of Helen Keller's "8tory of My Life"
m;haaliea ths extraordinary career of
this book. Altogether, 10 American edi
tions hav been printed .and It has
been translated into French, Oermaa and
Spanish. It will probably be brought
out next year in japan. - -
uauand w wiusnow
I Will Make MillionsInvest With MeIf You Want to Share With Mo You
Must Come Quick Your Money Will Grow Into
' I ran a marhini. iKnft nA Kr... nun A m in If.'nn.o 1 i
It I
v .
. Inventor of the Leffler Electro-Magnetic Railway
and Signal System. Inventor of machine to make"
: Barb Wire. Inventor of many improvements to
Harvesting Machines. General Manager and ;
Consulting Engineer of Leffler Electric System.
You'll Have to
To prove that you will st a aTuar
deal I hav had th following contract
printed on th back of vary certificate:
All or any shares of th capital
stock of ths Leffler Electric System
will" be redeemed by . it at par or
face value up to and Including th
10th day of May, A. 1921, upon
written notlc properly given to
said company at Its executive of
do In Chicago, Illinois, In a man
ner and form as provided by Its
by-laws, and adopted by a majority
of th stockholders, of this com
pany, so that all stocks so offered
for . redemption, within any given
period, may share equally and pro
portionately. However, th stock
of this company la only redeem
able from funds received, or to be
received as royalties- from, rail
road companies using th patents
of this company under lloense, and
after proper . notlc -as aforesaid,
whichmay tie received from stock
holders direct, or from such of Bald
stock in payment for transporta
tion or otherwise. PROVIDED,
HOWEVER, no stock shall be re
deemed until after May 10th, 1J00,
xoept at th option of th com
pany. . ,
This Contract Means
his company' will - pay yea full
face value for every share of stock you
buy out of the royalties paid by . rail
road comDanles ualna my system.
Ton can us your stock as cash In
payment for far or freight .on any road
using my system.
You see every road that uses my
system will hav to pay our company
a royalty every year simply for th
right to us It. These railroad com
panies would Just as soon pay us with
thes certificates as to pay cash, and
th certlflcatea would b th earn as
caah to us.
This contract means that If you
boucht 100 shares at th present price,
you would be abl to get at least $1,000
from any railroad using my system. Or
you could turn th certificates of stock
In to us and aet 11.000 in caah when
ther la royalty money in our treasury,
I don't think you will aver want to sell
because of the enormous dividends we
will pay. But, If you ahould be com
pelled to sell, your certificate would be
worth Its full face value.
This makes It absolutely impossible
for any stockholder to be frozen out of
th oompany. . . : ,
. . Every Share on the Square
Every share of stock In our oompany
la on th square. Not a dollar's worth
of the stock will be eold which does not
represent exactly th sam footing or
standing that every otner snare or dol
lar reoreaenta.
Th stock la FULLY PAID and NON
r What Expert Engineers Say.
I am not th only on who thinks thla
la th moat perfect, simple, cheap, and
comfortable railway system known.
Three, of th most expert engineers In
this country have carefully examined
my system. and ridden on my car, and
they hays written reports on -what they
saw and found- Thes enaineees are:
John Erieaon, city engineer of Chicago;
Carl . L. Lehmann. consulting engineer
of Chicago, and F.'W. Cappelen, former
city engineer of Minneapolis, Minn.
They declare this system successful.
simple and practical, and point out
many other features wherein the Leffler
system Is an Immense Improvement
over any other system now known to be
In existence. Other unprejudiced and
scientific xprts hav pronounced th
system wonderfully simple and simply
wonderful. The reports will be ent to
any on upon request. v
My Automatic Signal Service
I absolutely prevent collisions. Every
where a car move It sends signals
ahead and behind. It Is not affected by
storms or any weatber condition. My
signal system does not require either
hand or mind of man to operate.' No
wires or poles ere exposed where
storms ean blow them down or Interfere
with them. If through soma accident
on signal Is broken or otherwise put
eut of commission another signal Im
mediately takes Its place. Every train
dispatcher and operator on the road can
go to sleep and my signal woraa auto
matically. When train come .together
too closely, head on or from the rear, an
eleotrto bell rings vigorously In the
levertnan's cab.
Cars Under Absolute Control
It Is all controlled by one lever. The
leverman starts, stops and reverses with
the same lever. Snow, Ice, aleet, rain,
Electrical Street Railways of St. Faul and that city. 1 was o successful a a mechanic arid
electrician in this repairing- that I was requested to change every dynamo put in by the General
Electric company. I saw all the trouble of the street railway managers. .1 iound the present -
system of running street cars was entirely .wrong,. . ; -: . :" - ' . . : -
1 found I could get more power, greater speed, more safety and comfort by' running; care with
- electro-mtgnefs direct than by the roundabout, mixed-op systems now used by electric railways.
I have always been a successful manufacturer and inventor. I have bad charge' ol 200 e-
pert mechanics at one time. All of my inventions have made great successes and. enormous
sums of money, . The great successful barb wire business today is built on my .patents,
t The best money being made today in the manufacturing of harvesting machines is very
laregly based on my inventions. . v . , . .. , ;
I invented the fit switch and turn-out that prevented the trolley wheel on trolley ear from
constantly jumping the wire at crossings. , '
For lourteen years I have studied how to make cars run faster, cheaper safer than ever before.
I im done experimenting. "'-'..,. u v .-'''''''"J"'
UUv Ul
";',-It will remodel .the whole railroad business. There is not a railroad in this cQUntryJuU.that
will sooner or later be compelledtjadcpt-my-aystemvbeeaOTe-ir is cReaper," aster, safer and
-tuore' money-making' than any other system. - . '
v-I -absolutely-mrfol the next great step- forward in the railroad world in my patents. Why?
Because steam has run its limit I Steam cannot run a train 100 miles an hour and keep -it up.
The trolley and present. third-rail systems cannot be depended upon for long distances. Their
. motors are likely to burn out any minute. With my system I can run a train any distance in any
kind of weatherjwithout a hitch or breakdown, 8Q.ta.200 miles an hour, with, perfect safety. By
' my' ,TStenl' f wheel broke or a rail broke the ears would stay exactly in position on the track.
'They could not do otherwise. They could not jump the track at any speed. It would be im
possible to run my cars off the end of a track into a river where a bridge is open. My car would
stop itself even if ike .leverman was asleep.. " ' i
I know this whole system to be a success, because I have tried it for two years! During that
time millionaires have tried b get control of my system, but I would not let them,' because I
preferred to protect my own and small stock-holders' investments. r .. -'
Charles T. Yerkes offeredme $100,000 if I would throw my invention on the scrap pile and
I OrCrt It-' 1 VTif innf want t-. Km .nmnall. n,. V. ', . .1 .K!. ....,..
Tom Johnson of Cleveland offered to furnish $200,000 for my patent rights for over 80
.miles an hour. ...
Wall street capitalists have made five different attempts to gain control over the Leffler .
.Electric-System, and Wall street generally knows a good thing when it sees it I could not
' ;
.aitord la Jet those big moneyed interests get "control. l-pref erred- tcr-f-ohe-smalMrrrestor:
- to. the people who want to make small but safe and sure investments. I have, therefore, bound
'myself to this company, and fo everv stockholder, that I will personally see to it that every man ,
and woman who makes an investment in this company will get a square deal. This is a square
deal frotrr start to finish. 5 .
Be Quick to
grease, dirt, and such subetaneee do not
ariect th power or control of th oar
or train. -.--v.-
. The Business Will Be Immense
because before long we will be putting
my system on all th standard street
and interurban railways. Just ' think
what an Immense business that will be.
On oompany alone now employs 12,000
men to male th present electric rail
way equipments snd ears. Another firm
employs nearly as many mor.' Ther
are also thousands of men employed
making standard locomotives and equip
ments. All of these will b back num
bers, and will hav to go out of busi
ness because this Leffler electrle sys
tem wllL take their place and will em
ploy thousands more,
Investigate Us Carefully
Com and ae thla' moat remarkable
Invention of th twentieth oentury.
This 1 auoh an opportunity as does
not come to any one one In a hundred
years, to get in on the ground floor on
a proposition bound to make millions.
It Is th next great forward step In th
railroad world. It means th ultimate
changing of every present steam and
street railroad over to th Leffler sys
tem, not only because it ean run faster.
dui it save about hair in operating- ex
penses and thousands of lives.
It means faster and , cheaper' travel
and greater profits v Jo SJBSXAllzoad
managers and stockholders.
I cannot describe the system fully
here. I hav don this In th booklet
which I will send you free for th ask
Ins;. If you can tak but ten shares get
th booklet and learn fully all th won
ders of this simplest, moat perfect sys
tem ever devised. It will set you to
wondering that some on did not think
of this marvelous idea before.
When I aend you the booklet I will
also send you th reports of some of
the ablest eleotrical engineers In this
country, who have carefully examined
the system. . Tbey fully Indorse It.
W hav received requests from no
less than woven - different responsible
parties within tn paat two weeks for
estimates for putting In my system on
new roads about to be constructed.
Shrewd Investments Make fortunes
This Is Your ChanceAct Wisely
and Quickly : " 1
Don't let this opportunity slip by. As
soon as the world Jearns what a simple,
money -saving and money-earning sys
tem this Is, the money-making instincts
of the railway managers will force
them to adopt It This will mean mil
Hons for the stockholders. The profits
snd dividends can't help but be some
thing wonderful.
Oreat fortunes' are mad nowadays
by people who make Judicious invest
ment of their savings and earnings.
Saving money doesn't make you rich
It la making the money work for you
while you are . working - that brings
Invest your savings In something sure
to bring the greatest returns. Banker
get rich by doing that with the money
you deposit with them, and they pay
you only t or 4 per cent for the use of
your money. Whynot-d-as-tti "banker
does and get all the profits yourself.
Here Is such an opportunity ae may
never com your way again. Bueh
great things ae this do not eome more
urrua suormio Tmanr wiu mtnr so to soo ktubs abt mottb
vr vmriM9 Tsus Taaea-Hrwm, svani ajrs strBK.
Ofnee open Saturday eveaiag ontu S o'clock. Adds) el taqalrl aad etaeee e
F. H. aJpHNSTON, fe! Acr
425 and 426 Fleldner pldij.. Cor. 10th and Washington PORTLAND,
ncl I Iia tlwAntnnt In a r An
LOJl UlC UI CUIC31 lil
Get in Before
than once In a century. It Is up to you
to sot carefully, . wisely, snd Intelli
gently. Investigate every claim I make.
Qo Into It thoroughly. Find out for
yourself that I hav the greatest rail
way , system ever devised, and don't
Invest one cent unless you are perfectly
satisfied I have Just what I claim to
hav. Aak all th questions you want
to and I will answer . every question
honestly and squarely.
X honestly believe this stock will ad
vance 100 per cent or more within a
year. If you want to share In thes
enormous profits It - will be necessary
for you to act NOW. This stock will
never b lower, and I sure to advance
at least II per cant wlthhi the next few
days. It la on th e-round floor now,
but never will be again. Be wis In
time. Remember this Is no untried
experiment I hav th car and system
to show you. I want you, to call and
Investigate It - thoroughly." I will be
glad to show everything about It to you
at any time. Everything 4s and jeill be
thoroughly covered by patents, and the
patents are under th absolute control
of this company,
I honestly believe that a very little
money Inveated In this stock now at the
present bottom prlc will In a very
short tlm yield such aa Income as will
make you Independent for Ufa. - It Is
th chanc of a century. If you miss It
you wiU regret It all your life.
"About IhetocIT
: This company Is not loaded Sown with
a lot of watered stock. Neither Is It a
promoter's oompany. It Is a straight,
square deal directly between you and
the company. Ther is absolutely, no
freese-out scheme, mixed up In a tangle
of preferred and common stock, nor Is
there any other style of hocus-pocus.
Every share of stock .stands exactly on
a level with every other ehar. .
Only a small portion of thla stock la
being sold below par. If you desire to
get in on the ground floor It will be
necessary for you to act at one. Re
member this Is no untried experiment
We hav a car all mad and on exhibi
tion .which wilt show anyone exactly
what our system Is.- Com and ae for
yourself exactly what we have got You
will find It a marvel of simplicity and
practicability. Tou will not question
when you aee It that this company will
become th owner of en ef the greatest
lectrlcal manufacturing plants In the
world. Th company hae something so
much better and so mock farther in ad
vance of anything else ever heard of
that It ta bound to make -millions for
Its stockholders.
Call, write, er telegraph at once.
Be Quick and Get a Su'e life Income
For every ten shares 140 cash.
For every 100 shares $400 cash.
Any ether number of shares, up to
1,000 shares, at the same rat.
Our Easy Monthly Payment Plan
For vry ten ehaeea, 18 -caah and
monthly payments it .60 each. Total 141.
For every 100 share, ssi cash and
monthly payments ttS each. Total 1110.
Any other number or shares up to
S,000 at the same rate.
Par value or all snares, no per snare.
Not more than BJlOe shares to any one
person. -
All remittances must be mad in
either postofflce money order, reglstsred
letter, express money order, or draft
en New Tork or Chicago. .. - -j
If you let thla opportunity get by I
. '.
' T A'tA' tim v r i wa,L tt th
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MUll Ul lllO VtlUUl J
Next Advance
without taking all the stock you can,
possibly buy you will soon be rn th po
sition of the man who refused to bey
Bell Telephone stock when It could be
had for small money, and later saw It
sell , for thirty times whst he could
have bought it for.
x If you can't call, writ for booklet
and engineers' reports.
Points to Remember About This ,
System for Street Railways v
There are bo overhead wires, no
third rail, no slot In the street, no
underground trolley, no obstruction
In th street , .. ....
Can be run faster, safer, easier,
and more comfortably than any
other system known.
It Is cheaper to operate, wee a
half leas fuel at power house, le
cleaner, surer and quicker tn opera
tion than any other. . . .
Cannot be stopped ' by sleet or
snow storms, rain, lee, grease, dlrV
or sny other similar obstruction
en the track. '
' It cannot produce electrolysis on
water pipe or. conduits In the
street, which is now such a heavy
expense to cities under th trolley.
It cannot interfere with any other
lectrlo wires, requires less current
than ether systems, end develop
It Is all controlled by on lever,
and Is always under the most abso
lute control anywhere, and under
all conditions. - - .
It. la noiseless, since there are no
gearing motors, or other machinery
to grind, squeak, or rattle. v 1
There are no "bura-outa" of
motors, because there are no
motor to burn out
It Is Impossible for man or beast
to get a shock from aa electrle cur
rent ; ;-. . A.
Points to Remember About the
Leffler System Taking the .
Place of Present Steam ;
t Railways
It doee sway entirely with loco
motives, heavy motor car, electric
engines and aU other similar heavy
and expensive mschlne.
A speed of 10 to 10 miles an
hour can be regularly reached and
maintained for any distance.
Runs winter and summer alike.
Not effected by lee, enow, grease,
dirt sleet, rain. . or any other
Leas than on quarter ef the fuel
le needed.
Trains can be started and stopped
quicker than by any other system,
snd without discomfort to pas
sengers. , .
.Power houses can be placed 100
mile apart. i ,
No brakes ar required. Th
stopping la don by reversing th
current s
Ther- Is- ntt flattening v of th
wheels end consequent Jogging of
the cara - .' .
Wheels do not grind on th rails
to start trains, hence no holes end
depressions are mad.
It Is eaaler on th roadbed and
care, and practically no repairs will.
Je needed. : "'
ajtp wrrxom m