The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 25, 1906, SECTION FIVE, Page 52, Image 52

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Women's Clubs
:arid WorK
' SdIU4 By m. Sank A. ihui. -
Eugens Fortnightly Club ..Z T
Makes Loan Fund Assured.
It is "with" greet prlds and pleasure
tha atata federation la enabled to announce-that
the acholarahlp and loan
fund, which wa Indorsed at tha atata
convention at tta recent session Id Port-
. land, la an aaaured fact. r
...U ..Tha Eugene Fortnightly Club, has the
- honor of putting the matter' beyond
Cuestlen by the handsome donation of
f no, which waa received from ' them
: thla week. : If never another cent la
" contributed by tho clubs of ho state,
the work la guaranteed, for thla till
will be uaed over and over again, bring
ing Interest and compound Interest In
the education of girls of the atata.
) But "nothing aueceeda Ilka success."
and the feeling haa always prevailed
that If Just enough ynoney could be
- raised to demonstrate to the women of
'V the state that there was S neceaalty
tor a ' fund to help girls who were
; struggling for an- education and that It
- could 'be done on' the broadest phllan
. ttiroplo lines without taint of charity,
every clubwoman In tha stats would
. ' .f eej a personal Interest In the work and
would lend her help to IC and now this
' time haa arrived. J
- The chairman of the loaa fund com
: ' mlttee. Miss Helen Spalding, - whom
very ona recognises ss one of the leadV
' lng educators of the state, baa been
making investigations, and baa been In
. correspondence with a number of our
Institutions of learning, and finda there
' are many girls whose best efforts fall
short because they- cannot . do . their
- achool work and earn the' necessary
funds to pay their expenses. It will
; be to these girls this, loan fund will be
extended, but only as a loan under Just ,
ine same ousiness arrangements iney
-might. jnaiewltlln bank, except that
It will be loaned without Interest and
'- can be returned In Installments when
the girl becomes a wage earner. -
Miss Spalding will soon issue a ctr-
eular to the clubs, setting forth her
' plsn of work snd asking the coopera-
fidently expected that many clubs will
: follow the generous example of tha
Fortnightly of Eugene, and If not able
to contribute so large a sum at' least
something to show their willingness to
help and their sympathy with the un
dertaking. ...
t it ' '
( The Annual Report
: Df Tuesday Afternoon Club. -
'"' It is a pleasant duty to make tha an-
ftual report to the state federation of
which we are privileged to be members. ,
': We are not a philanthropic club, nor do '
, we encage In legislative work of any
kind, although we are deeply interested
In all tba great Issues of the day. Tha
ladles who organised the . Tuesday Af
ternoon club became conscious that they '
were allowing their material interests
to so engross their time snd thoughts
that mental development waa being re- j
tarded. In consequence of which this .
1 club was organised. Wfhave a llm-J
Sted membership, -vacancies being filled i
from our waiting list: - We meet every j
Tuesday from October to June, except-
"' lng those during the holidays. Our av-I
rage attendance la four fifths of our
to French and German history and
literature, and . for two years studied
Greek mythology, antiquity arid lore,
traveled with the Aryana from India to
Europe, saw the division of the Celts
.and Gauls, read carefully the settle
ment of Enjland, learned of Its political,
ecclesiastical ' and ' social - progress
through years of strife, warfare and
'"' insurrection, sailed with Columbus to
' the -discovery of the new world, lived
Tand luted English lilstuiy and literature,
with Chaucer, Beaumont and Fletcher.
, Shakespeare and noted historians of the
sixteenth century. This brief review
of past years brings me now to tba
special object of this report our last
'' year's work. We began with the mak
- lng of the Anglo-Saxon race, which
was divided Into Celts snd Teutons and
English. Wt learned of the nature of
the country at the time the Druids
were conquered by the Romans, which
In turn gave place to the Anglo-Saxon
conquest; . saw paganism turned to
Catholicism, which waa supplanted by
J Protestantism. ' One of ' tha most Im
portant conditions during this period
was the reign of Arthur, from which
many of our ..celebrated poets have
drawn the Inspiration for their most
"delightful -songs. t
We exulted In the advancement of
. Enrlasd during; the reirn of the Tudors,
Wtatck reached tta height under Elisa
beth. Our com Ins; year's work la to
, be a continuation of the studr of Ens
- llsh. Although the study of tbs Tues
day Afternoon , lub Is a heavy one, we
. find it an advantage to devote a part
of each session to social features. One
half hour of club time (mar be extend
d) by Invitation of the hostess. Is
a-tven to conversation and refreshments,
tha nature of whtqh Is at -the pleasure
" f the hostess. We have been told that
thla club excels In dining. If this be
fact, and perhaps It may be, we have
- demonstrated that clubwomen are tha
best hoeuewlves the world Jias ever
produced. On the evening of May t
" we tendered our husbands a banquet,
', Which waa the crowning achievement
of the social g)ories of . the Tuesday
Afternoon club. A delightful afternoon
was spent by the club members and
Invited guests In an automobile ride,
- f which our president. Mrs. White,
was the charming hoateas. Tha dele
, gates from the -various clubs wttt be
supplied with a copy of our yearbook.
Tola will give a better Idea of tha way
weooduct. our .studjv
. ' . v. t it
XllinoU Study Club
Honors State and City. .
Aa delegate to this convention I have,,
tha honor of prrspnttng to the tst
" " Federation of Women's Clubs a brief
report of the first year's work of the
Illinois Study club. Tha club was
-' originally the auxiliary to tha Illinois
State society, snd at the close of the
Lewis and Clark fair became a perma
1 rient club, affiliating with both stats
surd city federations, -it had been the
Jntentkra of the club, at Its closing
' meeting last yoar, to open In the fall
' as a department club, not confining Us
membership to residents of . Illinois,
which would i necessitate change In
tba name if the club. At a special
meeting, called by tbs president Octo-
... ber It waa decided that In view, of
the unavoidable absence of our presi
dent this winter tha department work
would not bs taken up at this time,
but held In abeyance until another year.'
. In the meantime the work of departf
ment will be made a Study to enable
. the members to bs better prepared for
tha aatual work. It was also deemed
advisable to Changs tha name of the
vlub la order to broaden out and take
' in new members. The nam. "Portno-
man Study club" was the unanimous
choice, which Is a combination of the
tames of the city and county. The
program of "the first year embraced
the studr of the history of tbs state of
A large variety of-other beautiful
- Flo wers for Thanksgiving Day
v": "v "T.;-;'-;- Decorations -:;:
.f i mi 1ST
1 i
4S4J Washington SL, Portland.
Illinois. Including papers written by the
members. Some of the topics were:
"Tha War Record of Illinois," " The
Blackhawk War." "Some of Illinois'
Great Men." "An Illlnoia Thanksgiv
ing." "Christmas m-IlUnDls.",?'81very
Days of Illinois," "Abraham Lincoln
Day," "Some Medical Women of 1111-.!-
m.i.Km.i rnmnosera of Illinois."
"Eugene Field Day," "rraHCea-WlHae
Day,", "Soma Women Lawyers of 1111
nols." "Sally Brush, Abraham Lincoln's
Stepmother. . Tha social part of tha
program Included - a delightful after
noon with our president, a musical
evening with Miss Soule, and a boat
excursion and picnic . to tbe Cascade
All meetings were held at the homes
of members. After a general discus
sion of the topic of the day and a mu
sical program, the social hour followed,
during which light refreshraenta were
served by the hostess. We closed our
first year with a reglatered member
ship of It.
If the enthusiasm which prevailed at
our first meeting continues, wa eel
that tha -second year- will - prove f ar
more fruitful than the first, and we
will be prepared to begin our depart
ment work In earneat
'v" l; ' . . ,
Much Oood Work
Shown by Portland Woman's Club.
It Is with great pleasure and a little
pride that I report to you of tha work
and prosperity of the Portland Wom
an's club for tha past year... It has not
only grown financially and numerical
ly, but the' club spirit which Is so es
sential to the substantial and perma
nent growth of every club baa gained
In strength and progreaslveness.
' Only one who bss been a member of
this club from the beginning can real
ise how - Ita members have broadened.
Arguments - favoring - woman's - clubs
scarcely need presentation at thla day
and age. The metaphor Is as profound
ly true today as when first uttered,
"Iron sharpeneth iron, so a msa sharp
eneth the countnncaof hie friend."
We women are too prone to think that
our own pet ideas are the only ones
of importance. If a club by bringing
v snndertho Influence of other , w leer
women then ourselves teaches us that
they, too, have Ideas demanding consid
eration, and that we must .listen ss
well as utter. It haa taken the longest
and most difficult step toward culture
and breadth of view, for culture la tot-erahcer-
and education that haa not
given us the ability to see and under
stand tbe thoughts ss well aa needs of
those around us has failed.
.' It haa been my especial privilege to
attend the biennial at Los Angeles and
St. Paul, to meet with and liaten to the
great men and women who come - to
these conventions to tell us of their ef
forts toward the uplifting of mankind,
and to urge upon tha clubs to aid In
thla great and; noble work. The har
vest Is ripe and It la bounteous, but
there U much need of laborers, men
having no time. It haa fallen to women
to do this work, snd how can they do
It better than through the clubs and
federations, . for there la always
strength Iq untted effort. .
We feel that the Woman's club of
Portland baa not only been a benefit
to Its members, but an uplifting faotor
in the community. It has It active
departments, all doing good work. .
The educational department took the
Initiative In working for the establish
ment of a public playground In Port
land, and their efforts have been near
ly crowned with success. I fully be
lieve thst before another summer haa
passed they will see the fruits or their
l lannr ripen into perfect success,
Tbs Investigation of blgb school fra-
B. r. LILLIS, Manager
Cut Flowers and
Funeral Designs
First-Class Landscape Work
Phone Maht 6406
ternitles waa given into their charge
and ralthfully investigated. . -
The club haa been asked by tha state
federation to aid in raising a fund to
establish a university scholarship for
girls, which doubtless will bs arranged
fur during the coming year.
t In response to calls for help from
those made destitute by calamity or
paraepiitlon. . thai club has willingly
drawn from Ita amall treasury such
sum as It wss able to give. The Jew
ish people suffering In ths hands of
the Russians were voted 126. To strick
en San Francisco the club not only gave
$50, but ISO more was raised by sub
scription from club members, many
others helping with willing bands to
mend and distribute clothing to ths
refugees who came to our city for
We gave $25 to tha Open Air sani
tarium and 125 to the suffrage cause.
Ths club haa for four years paid the
expenses of a scholarship in tha T. M.
C. A. for a boy, and has responded
many times to tha call for books to
aid In establishing publto libraries in
small towns, and without being able to
own a horns of Its own haa helped to
awell the fund of many eluba who were
working to build a clubhouse.
From Its ranks a market Inspector
has been called, and a good one,, too.
In appreciation of this fact the club
voted her their hearty cooperation and
Ths club has bsen honored by the
placing of one of Ita members, Mra S.
A. Evans, on ths Nstlonal Federation
board. Mrs. Evans la also our honored
state president. Another of our mem
bers, Mrs. C. E. Litton, serving one
term as achool director, " was unani
mously re-elected, no ona being willing
to run sgalnat her.
The club feeling that an effort should
be msde to stem the ttde of commer
cialism that threatens to Inundate the
nation at tha sacrlfics of love for nat
ural beauty sent a protest to Washing
ton against the' destruction of Niagara
Falls. Sens tor Fulton answered, say
ing he would uss all his Influence in
that direction. Applying ths asms
principle nearer home, we have tried
to preserve the beautiful ' falls , and
acenlorocks ot the Columbia.
The social sIdSofth-rtobbrrot
been neglected.
During tha fair months the elutk
gave two Beautiful -recaptions. onaVi-
the handsome rooms of the Commer
cial club to the National Woman's
Suffrage convention, and one In the
beautiful Oregon building to tbe hosts
and hostesses of other state buildings.
Both were largely attended and we have
good reason to believe bore fruits many
fold In good will and kindly feeling
and In the uplifting of the club. '
Many of tbe departments' meet at the
homes of the members. After the study
hour they discuss their work over the
good things . the hostess has prepared
for them, and the club meetings sel
dom close without a social hour with
a cup of -tea.
As a celebration of our club anniver
sary, we Inaugurated this year a ban
quet, which was well attended and
thoroughly enjoyed, and wa hope will
become a yearly event.
This year haa been a banner year for
Increased - membership, it members
having been enrolled, and wa havs had
a small average of resignations.
Aa a charter member of this club, In
looking back over the ten years of ths
club life, I see great changer for the
better and great possibilities for - the
future. Respectfully submitted,
Past President Portland Woman' Club.
' It, It ! '
The .Troutdale Club '
Does Much Philanthropic Work. .
It Is with pleasure I .report to ths
state federation that we havs had a
Z&iiacz c I: is
Green Houses ML Tabor
Choice Cut Flowers
... .
"... .
347 Washintbn St., Portland, Ore.
pleasant as well as a successful year's
club work. During the year we have
bad a number of very good lectures for
both our members and the . public
Foremost among tha - speakers were
Mrs. W. W, Johnson. Mrs. Sarah A.
Evans aad MrsMilUaIrambulLWo
also had Judge Fraaer, who came and
addressed tha public school children on
1 the. workof hOuyenJlejrtTbe
same evening- be addressed a large
gathering In the - town hall. '- He was
assisted In his lecture by Mrs. Trumbull.-
Our committee on school ' work
accomplished a . great deal In having
better sanitary conditions In and
around our schools. The club also
rendered much financial aid to ths
Trout dale library association for new
books and other expenses. We also
sent substantial aid to tha San Fran
cisco sufferers and rendered all pos
sible help to those of our Own town
who were In distress.
'.'"".'' el el el -'- "
A Literary Program
By Marshfield Club. -
Mrs.- Sengstacken In her- report- to
the atata convention, as prealdent of tha
progreaa elub, said
"Early last June our club closed a
very interesting and successful year's
work, our program having been a mis
cellaneous one constating of papers
written on noted places and objects of
Europe. On -October I our annual
luncheon "warheld at ths home of ths
president, when a moat delightful after
noon was spent by all present. Ths
following week our actual club work
began. -
"Our program for tha coming year
la English literature, beginning with
tha formation of. the race and language
and extending down to ths period of
Milton. Next year wa hope to con
tinue our studies along ths same line
down to the Victorian era.
"Our club numbers only II members,
but sll taks an active Interest In the
work. Papers on appointed topics are
required from all members and excel
lent articles are usually the result.
"We are looking forward with much
Interest to our coming year's work, feel
ing that we shall derive muchbnefit
K'tt at
Good. ldUicAtioiMl-WkV
By Portland Froebel Association.
The Portland Froebel association was
organised October T, 1904, at SL Helena
hall, an Invitation having been sent
out by Miss Matthews to .those inter
ested In ths study of the child. The
meetings are held monthly at which
time a program Is given pertaining to
education and ws interpret education
as development through ths channel of
the three L's light, life, love, snd ths
three H's bead, hand, heart ;
Tbs association haa also been' able
to do some work along philanthropic
lines. During ths Lewis and Clark fair
a day nursery was maintained, .and
along civic Unas mue hss been ac
complished in enlisting cooperation be
tween ths horns and ths kindergarten
toward "a place for every thing" and
Its companion, - "everything la Its
plaes." ' -
Order is heaven'a first law and clean
liness la next to godliness, if not first
so a great deal of attention haa been
paid to sanitation, such aa Individual
drinking cups. Individual napkins when
pasting or using clay and clean, aweet
clay given to each Individual child -In
fact whatever the child works with la
individual and sanitary, .
-Several club afternoons have been
given to subjects other thsn those per
taining to Immediate work In the kinder
garten. The association Is Interested In
the formation of a children's national
bureau at Washington, D. C also la
' i ',.'. ' . '
. v-i.
Palms and Ferns for Decorations
for All Occasions
' - .; ' ' V
". ' ' ... t"
Phone Mah 269
better legislation In Oregon, where ths
boards of education may havs power to
establish now lines of work, such as
kindergartens In ths publlo schools, and
Industrial education in tho grades, fol
lowing out tho work commenced in tho
Tha Froebel association asks the co
operation of tho stato federation In es-
tabllshlng JOndexi
senshlp, also for better school legisla
tion In Oregon and for ths establishment
of a national children s bureau. .
..: .- at . -
The Newberg Club
Ualng Bay View Course. '
' The Wednesday club is small, having
but nine members, but all are Interested
In ,ths study work, which has been con
fined tho past year to tha Say View
Ths club feels, while they have not
dons much for others, the work has
been individually very profitable.
' Two social evenings wars given last
year, ona of them being a reception to
tha Shakespeare club of Newberg. One
svenlng Dr. Tlmms of Portland gave a
very entertaining, lecture on "Life In
Vienna." ....
This year ths club haa planned to
have a domeatto science department
Tho officers for the ensuing year are:
Mra. Margaret P. Elliott prealdent;
Mrs. ' Myrtle Wilson, . vice-president;
Mra Edith T. .Rehuke, secretary and
.,- - it k h
Tha Ontario Club . . , . .
Makea Good Beginning.
Ths Work and Win club was first or
ganised last spring snd the following
officers elected V Prealdent Effie Law
rence; vice-president Emily Pogue; sec
retary. Ethel Blackaby; treasurer. Ad
dle Lackey; auditor, Addia Brown.
The present membership is ten..
Three meetings havs been held sines
the organisation waa completed. Gen
eral literary work haa been taken up,
each ' meeting being . devoted to some
special Una. '"'
Though tho 'membership . Is smell
and ths meetings so far have been few,
the club Utnttmslaatlo and hopes to
accomplish a good work. .
Tba Annual Report ;"'.T
Of the Forestry Club, '
"Ths Forestry', club meets , monthly
and has for Its .object tbs study snd
preservation of tha trees. .Its meetings
are always held out . of . doors when
Owing to tho unusual cllmatio cont
dltlona and the delicate health of our
president but six . quorum meetings
were held this year. In intenelty of
purpose and determination to . carry
out such a llns of study thess meet
ings were full ot Interest
In November Mrs. Walter, I. ' How
ard read a very Interesting paper 'on
XJaks." ' At thts meeting ths club
sent ft to Miss Loubet the French
girl whose back was Injured ' In the
burning of a lodging-house at ths
Lewla and Clark fair. a
In December tho club asked it presi
dent Mrs. A. H. Breymsn, to writs to
tho national committee on forestry for
Ideas that would hslp it in sdoptlng a
plan of study. ' -
In February tho elub asked for stats
laws otTtho subject of careless setting
of fires by campers with a view to aid
ing In their enforcement i
In April wo held our annual meet
ing, and at thla meeting Mra. Evans
was ssked to writs to Miss Myra Dock
of Harrlsburg, Pennsylvania, for in
formation along lines of forestry study
and to extend aa Invitation to her to
coma to the Chautauqua. ' .,
Tbs July meeting wag held in ths
ForYoiir nicnlicaivinn Dscorclions
r' mr:iih Flovers See
123 Sixth Street
'Roses, -Violets .
clnd Other Flowers in Great Quan
tities, Qualities Not : to Be y Excelled.
Phone Elain 5102-
; nounce the Opening of
Tbe U 11 Florist Store
120 23d Street,
Is near at hand We are prepared to auppjy the public
with a Line of CHOICE PLANTS, including hundreds
of-Primroses and Ciclamen
floral Designs
City park, where we took our lunch.
At thla meeting it was voted to ask
tho school board of Portland to have
the children encouraged to study more
of tho native flowers of Oregon and to
have these) flowers when ' possible
transplanted to tho school grounds.
In AugustrJndaw-Fraser of tha-JuUiaja je.wingclajM.lor publlo achool
venlle court wrote tha Forestry club,
ssklng.lts assistance In securing names
and addresses' Of gills who might bo
benefited by an outing at tho sea coast
and who were not - in circumstances to
Incur tho expense. Tho club not being
In session,-and ' tho president - and a
number of tho members being absent,
those who were at - homo responded,
placing In his hands tho names of 41
deserving little - girls. ,A formal ac
knowledgment of tho services of tbe
club and a report of tba number of
girl ho had been ablo to provide for
haa not as yet been received by tho
club. . -
At tho October meeting, tho club
unanimously voted, aa It - was not a
philanthropic organisation, sucb ap
peals would in future be declined. - . A
social hour baa always been had at the
close of tho meeting, but it . has been
decided to give tho entire time here -
after to study and to do away with re
freshments. MART ALICE OQDEN.
g H .
Pendleton Club Shows ' ; ."
Best Record In Ita History. -
Tho laat year's work can bo counted
among the very beat ever accomplished
by tho Thursday Afternoon club, old
and conservative as is thts club, tt de
veloped, for- It, rather new, up-to-date
lines of activity. Among other things,
the domeatlo science department car
ried on a- moat successful cooking
school, with Mrs. Miller of Portland aa
instructor. A Shakespeare class was
another delightful line of work origin
ated by the club, while perhaps- tba
largest undertaking was the Elson pic
ture exhibit given by the public schools
and tha town clubs, with tho Thursday
Afternoon club tsklng - the Initiative.
This work netted the substantial aum
of $271, which was -used In decorating
schoolrooms. Tho board of directors of
public schools Sgavo tho privilege of
Selecting a-roomto-be fitted, up as a
model schoolroom, and sight large pic
ture were purchased for that purpose.
Ths subjects ire on American history
and literature.' "
Among the pictures selected are:
"Battle ( of Lexington," iCooeord
Bridge,'' "Tho Constitution," "Mount
Vernon," "Courtship df Miles Stsnrtlsh"
and portraits of Longfellow end Wash
ington. A large - bust - of Lincoln haa
been promised and tho club expects do
nations of two more casta before the
room Is complete
- One charming musicals given ' was
tho rendition of the song cycle "Maud,"
arranged from Tennyaon.
Tho thirteenth yesrly banquet of the
club was a notable occasion. Among the
manjr pleasant anniversaries of the
club, it was despite the unlucky "II"
One of the moat enjoyable. -.
Ths club holds Its regular meetings
oh altemato Thursdays, .beginning ths
last Thursday in September and con
tinuing until May I, HOT.
There are standing committees on
education, - schoolroom-' decoration, . li
brary, domestic science, annual banquet
yearbook and forestry. The elub sup
ports five departments, namely, Shakes
peare, German, history, civics and rest
room. ...
Tho yearbook Is of a miscellaneous
character, each hostess choosing her
own subject Several social days In
troduce ths pleasurable slds of, club
life. ' -
This year has. opened auspiciously.
Wo have had ths pleasure of listening
to a delightful Scotch entertainment
which also netted ua a neat sunt. ' ,
v -
Corner Glisan
plants in full bicom.-
a ftbeclalty -
' ' During the recent . Eastern Oregon
Dlstiiot fair wa maintained two ladles'
rest rooms, which were so wsll patron
ised tbat we "feel our of forts were ap
preciated. Wa hope to have tho rest
rooms permanent .. .
Among tho plans for tbs coming yoar
children, : which will bo supported by
ths club and conducted by ths domastlo
Our clvlo committee is at present
working upon plans for a park for Pen
dleton. A great deal of Interest is now manifest-in-the
history department which;
consists of about. 14 member a Tho
study will be tho Bay View ooursa in .
ths history, art and literature tit
Prance. - . - ;
Our yearbooks were formerly dainty
affairs, bearing club - colors and tied
with pretty ribbons, but this year our
yearbook Is a business-like folder. We
ars past tha ago of rlbbona.
President of Pendleton Thursday After
noon Club.
at at
iTueaday Afternoon Club
1 --
Holds Xnstructiva Meeting. ,
Ths Tuesday Afternoon club held a
delightful meeting this week with Mrs.
L. M. Davis as hostess.
Roll call was answered by incidents
in Scotch history. Tho program was
opened by sn excellent .paper . on tho
"Reign of Jamea II." by Mrs. George
Boy n ton; "Popish Plots and Bishop's
Trials" was very Interestingly given by
Mrs. A. J. Stiles; Mrs. Merwln Push
talked very entertainingly on "Rebel
lion," " and "Foreign Relations," fur
nished an Instructive theme for Mrs, H. .
J.- Jackson. Mrs. J. D. Hayes gave an
Interesting article on - "Tho London
Fire," and Mrs, A. A. Bailey a very
good talk on "The Plague." ,
At tho close of tho program delight
ful refreshments were served. Mrs.
Lee Morehouse, a prominent clubwoman
of Pendleton, who is visiting Mrs. O. M.
Ollnes, wss ths guest of bonor.
Ths next meeting will be with Mrs.
Florence Stalling 11.15 Clinton street.
1X1 ooHtflh
"My bead was for tan years covered,
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about tan days and have no dandruff
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Woodard, Clarke & Co.