The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 25, 1906, SECTION FIVE, Page 51, Image 51

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c aaaa I .
a i p m ' L . . - - -
. 11
Sacred tnualo bag long - held a place
almoat oo-equal with preaching Itself tn
lta relation and Importance to the
ehuroh. aervice In ' Chrlatlan . worship.
I Bft greet la.lta influence ihat thanoted
evangellsta depend muon upon It aa a
mean of reaching the hearta of men,
and no church service, whatever ita
'character, la complete without mualo
Dnroorlata to the oocaalon.
The musical part of tha J. modern
church aervloe haa properly coma to be
one In which the 0(ganlat pours out hla
aoul tnrougn ma organ, inereoy placing
worshipers In a rellgioua ' frame ' of
mind; while tha choir, If composed aa it
should be, of those who in life ana
heart are In true sympathy with the
church and Its work, adds still mora
to the devotional spirit. '
Tha . processional, the chant, tha
gloria, the hymns sung by tha congre
gation, and the doxologlea, all add their
helpful and Inspiring part to the hour
01 worship. .
Among tha entireties of this city that
fully appreciate sacred tnualo In its re
lation to publlo worship, perhaps none
have taken greater advantage of It than
the Grace Metbodlat Eplacopal church.
Tha beautiful building of this congrega'
tloa has few superiors In tha complete
ness with whioh It is equipped for lta
work, while Us absolutely faultWs
aooustlo qualities renders It a perfect
noma for one of the most churchl
organs aver bunt. -
Orgaa a Boaatlosv
The organ la as large as the church
could well hold and ita workmanship
and design are generally admired, while
Us voicing and tons scarcely admit of
a superior. It was the munificent gift
of Mrs. Maria A. Smith of this city
snd was built In Boston by George R.
Ryder, who -la at onoe both artlat and
artlaan, being himself a great organist
and a lifelong builder of orcana.
Mr. Ryder has said that ha believes
he was aa much called to build organs
aa any man was-ever called to preach,
and be literally put hlmeelx. with hla
seal, fervor, high Ideals of mualo and of
religion, into the voicing of his organs.
Who that haa listened to that wonder
ful, stop, the vox human!, aa It is SO
marveloualy voiced In this organ, that
has not felt the lifelike thrill and hu
man quality which pours Itself forth in
Isuoh plaintive, pleading, soulful meaa-
lurc. Particular attention . should be
t ailed also to the flutes, the aeollan,
ind to the eplendld great diapason,
which with all the rest combine to
riake a perfect and harmonious church
rgan. ,..... ......
The fins decorations of the organ.
Executed with rare taste, and Its moat
eautlful exterior design, blend with the
andsome interior finish and arcblteo-
ure of tha church, producing a picture
khloh must -delight- (he moat artistic
ye. Mr. Ryder, its builder, haa well
aid that he will continue to preach
hrougb hla organs for generatlona after
e himself is dead and gone. It may
e properly noted hero that Mr. Ryder
Iso designed nd built the magnificent
rgan In the First Presbyterian church
f this olty. The Grace church organ
three manual, with direct notion.
avlng it stops, distributed as follows;
treat organ, 10 stops; choir organ, S
tops; swell organ, II stops, and pedal
raan, stops.
Professor William M. Wilder, organ-
kt and choirmaster of Grace church.
andlas hla organ with the akin of a
isater. while hla fine. yet. powerful
nor voloe, coupled with a wide ex-
erience as organist, orchestral leader
nd conductor, hla rare aenae of tone
nd harmony, thorough , knowledge of
i, ..In In all Ita deDertmenta. anit all
linee enhanced by a deeply Christian
Wit, fraat sympathy and love for the ,
church and every branch of Christian
work, unite to form a rare - combina
tion of qualifications fitting him for his
place as musical director.
Professor WUder's early mueical edu
cation 1 was received in ' Philadelphia,
where ha began his piano study st I
years of age. As his father was pastor
of a very wealthy church with a fine
choir, he had excellent opportunities
In the way of musical culture. Several
members of his family were also pro
fessional musicians. After study., with
Mrs. 8a rah Brooks, graduate of the
Royal School of Muslo, London, Eng
land,- he Spent two years in South Jersey
Institute, Brldgeton, New Jersey. Later
he studied the- violin -under the Bo
hemian violinist, Pyrkt, brought over to
this country by Ollmore for the Boston
Jubilee) also doing work nnder Pyrki aa
an orchestral leader, then organising1 an
oroheatra of bis own; also playing the
eel lo for a year In. av-atrtng quartet.
He did much work. In organising and
conducting musical conventions through
the middle states, teaching mualo in the
south, and later studying tha organ
under Professor Proctor, organlat of
Weatminster Presbyterian church, Min
neapolis, who had received special honor
from his teaoher, William Mason, as
being ona of tha ablest exponents of
his' technique.
Professor wilder, studied under Via
(Continued from Pace Fifty.)
lng him from the evils of premature
concert ,- playing. - Re studied first la
Boston, then later went to Europe and
has played with extraordinary euoceae
In London, Vienna, Berlin (where ' he
now lives;, Lieipeio, jBuaapesr, Copen
hagen, Christiana, . Buohareet, Cairo,
Conatantlnople and other places. - He
has- traveled with Paul, Harold, Bauer,
solo. ' : '
At the White Temple today tha fol
lowing Is the musical program for ths
services: K
Morning- , - . ;i
Organ voluntary, prelude ahd Fugue
In F Bach
Anthem, "The Comforter Came to My
Soul Ona Day..... Nevin
Selection, by temple girls' chorus.
Solo, "Be Thou Our Light," .arranged -
from "Slmonetter.,, ,
Mra Walter Reed.
Postlttde, 'aiorusa..-,,Kreutser
Evening- ... - - .
Organ selections-
pi ) -Festal uneriory--........ unson
b) "Intermexso". , ....Blset
Chorus, "Ten Thousand Times Ten
Thousand", Bohnecker
Direction of Mr. Bsloher. -
Quartet. "There la an Hour Hal
lowed .reac".-.............arnoy
So much has been said of Mori ts
Rosenthal and Ills repeated successes,
and the papers are so teeming with ills
firaises that there Is hardly a word
eft unsaid. Every complimentary term
n the wrttera' vocabularies is applied
to him without modification and it
seems to be tha general impression that
he Is the greatest pianist "going."
Nothing Is left to say, but certainly
when he appears here some time after
ths holidays tinder the Steera-Coman
management, ha will command one. of
I ll'-il- 'hist" Ti i?-j?zji!L a i ?,'(;..; n I ,
.Lyi--v 1 1 ' ' ! ' ; 'Vfr . ir n II ..
tor Hugo Brown, to whom he feels
greatly Indebted for bis studies on vi
bratlon and harmony, whioh enabled-)
him In rater yaare to tulld the splendid
frf rr PlnrM ny ' Mrs, wiT--r in iwit-
Wilder string quartet, which was se
lected to furnish the mualo for . the
President Roosevelt dinner given at the
Hotel Portland on the oocaalon of the
president's visit- to Portland. - Profes
sor Wilder Is the composer of several
score of hymns, many of which have
been published, as well aa of special
organ mualo. .
For years '-or " more Professor
Wilder was organist of tha First Bap
tist ohurch, the White Temple, in this
city, with the designing and building of
whose organ he bad much to da - Two
and a half years ago Grace Methodtat
ehurch was fortunate In securing his
services, tha muslo nnder hla direction
now ranking with the best and most
attractive to the city.
- Member of Chote-;
The Grace Charon quartet Is com'
posed of Miss Ethel Lytle, soprano;
MJas Ethel Shea, contralto; C. C. Rich
ards, tanor, and Qeorge H. Street,
basso. .
Miss Lytle, Miss Shea and Mr. Street
are such well-known and popular choir
and concert singers that the mere men
tion of their names assures muslo of
ths highest quality. Mr. Richards,
tenor, la a comparative newcomer In the
the largeat musical audiences gathered
in Portland. Every one wlahea to see
and hear this great magician, this
"Juggler of the keys." aa soma call him
In leas pollened phraae. : . -
wnen him, acnumann-Heink ap
peared recently before a Pittsburg au
dlence It waa a record breaking ap
pearance. The largeat audience over
assembled in Pittsburg greeted her and
the enthtlslaam waa so wild that her
conductor, Emll Paur, broke his rule
and permitted the great contralto to
sing an -encore. Throughout her tour
this fall she haa met everywhere with
the warmest welcome and here Is called
one of tha moat successful tours of the
season -and- owe ef - the falleaT of" en
gagamenta She will be In Portland
immediately after tha holidays. -
The musical program this evening at
Piedmont Presbyterian church will be
as follows: Orchestra, "Meditation
the Hermit"; soprano solo. "Alone With
Jesus," Mrs. William Brown: violin solo,
"Reverie." George Brune; duet, "Light
at Eventlme," Mrs. Charlos Bruce and
Mrs. George D. Rogers: baritone solo,
Ctalra Dougherty; orchestra, selected;
tenor solo, 'Tace to Face," C. Q. Adams;
soprano solo, "Alone With Qod.".Mte
Beulah-Cadwelir-'cello solo, "Evening
Star." 8. E. Brune; contralto solo, "The
Bird With a Broken Wing." Mrs. H. A.
Whitney. J. '
w '
The New England Conservatory elub
met last Wednesday at the home of
Mra Ldgar Piper, on Marshall street,
where the following program was given:
Paper, "Musical Events." .Mrs.. K. B.
piper; (a) "Rendl L'Sereno al Agllo"
(Handel), (b) Obatlnatlon (Fonte-
nalllee), (c) Good Morning (Grieg),
Mlaa Watt; sketch of Leoncavallo and
tha opera "PagllaocV Mra R. F. Praelt
Art Leneer. Bee Son n tags Morgan"
Bendel). Mra D. B. Mackla; "Beloved. It
Is Morn" (Aylward), Mra B. B. Piper;
reading, selection from Shelley, Mra
Grace Watt Roaa
w 1 ' - .
Tha Junior sludents of Miss Grace
Wilton's piano school gave a class re
cital last Batfcrday afternoon when the
olty, being from Minneapolis, where he
waa a popular singer. His voice and
musical a-bllltln r .iifh mf q fnm. I
mend him . to moat favorable mention.
Though, his, quartet h,il. lies
not aung long together, It Is evident
that they have taken their place aa one
-of the first quartet choirs of the city.
Perhaps the moat unique, yet popular
church choir organisation of . Portland is
the Grace chureh male voice chorus,
recently organised by Profeaaor Wilder,
which now numbers 10 picked voices.
Thta male voice choir, which sings at
evory Sunday night service, is made up
Of tha following voices: Tenors, C 8.
Brace, FV W. Drake. E. A. Dunlap. W,
C. Myers, C. C Richard. 1. H. Scott, 3.
Shield. E. Stanabery, C. M. Tiffany,
William M Wilder, conductor i
Everett F. Allahaw, A, V. Baxter, Scott
Bosorth, J. E. oaaach, Norman L. Lew
ten, T. W. Martlndale, .8. C Rasmuaaen.
George It. Street, and A. Wager,
It Is not too much to say . that thla
chorus la a moat popular and pleasing
Innovation la the church muslo of the
Dr. Clarence True Wilson, the popular
paator of the church, has taken much
Intereat In Us mualo, of which ho la
Justly proud and which he finds of
great assistance in the conduct of Us
religious work. -
Still other pleasing musical features
are planned by this church for the not
distant future.
following students played: Grace
Crowe, Eatelle Kleinaralth, Helen Mc-
FauL Marie Brady, Edmund, Lulthl
Anna Townsend, Marie Sandarcock,
Jewel Oliver, Eunice Townaend, Eva
Vore, Mary Townaend, Nann Mann.
Eather Tat ham, Irene Brandos. Elate
Qullllam, Florence Crow, Loulae Qull
11am, Beryl Lltherland, Marian Gould.
Ray Brandea, Helen Pearce and Aagot
Lasaen, .
California muslolana rejoice eonatant
ly that the disaster of laat spring did
not lessen ths Interest In California
music. Ths symphony conoerta ate be
lng given at the Greek theater of the
Unlveraltyof allfornla,wlthav -large
attendance ior ail tne perforroancea,
Four of these concerts have been given:
the sixth .and last will present "The
Messiah" with an lmmenae chorus, the
Symphony oroheatra and leading solo
ists from botn sides or ths bay. This
Is the concert that was postponed in
definitely on acceunt of the earthquake
A Ias Angeles correspondent writes
of our Irapreaarloa: "The Misses
Steers and Coman of Portland are do
ing fine work in developing tha musi
cal atmosphere of the great northwest
They, will mane re In th northwest the
same artists whom Mr. Behymer will
manage In the aouthweat and Will L.
Oreenbaum In and about Ban Francisco.
They have done a great deal for their
territory lately and no doubt they will
keep up their past record." .
WW .'...
The firm of Strawbrldge and Clothier
Of Philadelphia Is offering a 1600 prist
for the beat orlglnsl score of the "God
dess of Liberty" cantata,-the libretto
of which will be forwarded on applica
tion. A board, of able muslolana will
Judge ' the 'material ' and- manuscripts
muat be In by February 1. All Ameri
can composers are Invited to make the
effort and it is sxpected that this will
stimulate future efforts. '
Waaaely Safonoff, for years a promi
nent figure 1n musical Europe, will for
the next three years an important
figure In the work of musical educa
tion In the United Btstee. The emi
nent Ruaalan will divide his time be
tween the Hew Tork Philharmonic so-
eUtjr na tti National Conerrtwrr f
Muala 11 will carry forward tha na
tional Ida In mualcai aducatlon.
Mra. Lulu Dahl-Ulller la to b ona
of tha aololata at Mra. Rd'a corn In c
pupils' oonoart at tha HelliR, Dcmbr
Mra. MIIIerJ rnntralt.. '.n nhnln
dlrCtor6f" tha. "Weatmlnstfr Prcabr
tarlan church. 8ha haa a lovely sympa
thetic volca and a Charroinc peraonalltr.
Mra. Miller will, alnc.. tha-caUbratad
ra-rom "'Banraon-and' DeinaK, "M
Heart, at Thy Swaat Voice." . -,
' '
Dr. Carl Muck of tha Boaton Sym
phony orchestra haa made hla debut In
Niw Tork a repetition of hla Boston
auocaaa. Tha press coropllmenta paid
to tha German director, who awakened
such enthusiasm In tha Hub. are aa high,
and unbounded In New York and the
city raooarnlaea In Dr. Muck a master
of tha art of Orchestral leadership. " :
w . .
Mtaa Maureen, ona of tha moat intel
ligent contralto alncera in England at
present, haa been encased to creata a
part In the new opera Lisa Lchmann.
Mtaa Maureen la a pupil of Emma Ne
vada, Madame Nevada heraclf, together
with her talented daughter, Mlanort. la
1 about to make concert tour of Hol
land, f V . ' , -'-
-.-.''... ,,
Claire Montieth wilt be the soloist at
Calvary Presbyterian ehuroh this even
ing at 7:10. lie will alng "Gloria.- by
Buaal-Paccla. . . The -choir numbara- are
Light of the World." by Percy Starnea,
and "O. Give. Thanks," By Huntington
Woodman.. Mr.- MUllgan'a orgaa nunv
bera Include Magnificat (Clauasman),
and Andontlno (Chauvet).
- . w . w .. ,.'..
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, pronouncee Tte
evening with Leoncavallo and "hla loyal
band -of musicians In orchestra from
La Bcala and hla company of assist
ing vocal artists of surpassing excel
lence," the moat keenly enjoyable of
tha entire aeaaon.
Mlsa Elizabeth Harwaa, -Miss Fran
cee Bingham and Mlsa Nancy Beals will
king for the Gillespie recital nest Wed
nesday evening at the T. M, C. A, hall.
These young women are pupils of Mrs.
Edward Aldan. Bpanr
. ; ";.r : r
Mlsa Elisabeth Harwaa will alng for
the Elka memorial services at Albany
Sunday, TVoflmber S. . Her numbera
will be Millard's "Ave Maria" and a
"Prayer," composed by Mra. Edward Al
den Beala.
ww :.-
"Madame Butterfly" met with an un
equivocal triumph In New York at ita
first production at the Garden theater,
and now people, are saying that Henry
W. Savage haa proved once for all the
fallacy of the Idea that there can be
no opera In Engllah. . r
Henry T. Flrickf the New Tork
Evening Post make tha Interesting In
quiry, "Why are tha songs of the great
eat composers of our time Grieg and
MacDowell so aeldom heard In con
cert? The public would like to hear
them, but the alngera do not give them."
Richard A. Lucehes! la preparing for
an Instrumental and vocal recital. In
which he will be aaslsted by the Graham
atring quartet and aome of hla advanced
puplla. . . . 1 . ,
- w
W. G If ford Nash will move Into his
new studio at Ellera' piano house about
the first. Arthur Aleaander haa the
adjacent atudlo In the same house.
The Operatic Studr club met laat
week and went through "Pagltaccl" prior!
to Leoncavallo a visit. Next wees: they
will etudy "Rlgoletto." j
(Continued from Page Forty-Six.)
CTErlen and the consolation by Mra C.
Those present were Mesdsmes Howe,
Fraser, Routledge, Richmond, Worden.
Elliott, WoOdworth, Henrys, Wort hen,
Knapp. Gehtun.- t'arla, Traub, Smith,
Nonkln, O'Brien, Pelton and the Mlaaes
Evana and Chamberlain.
The Current Toplca department of the
Woman's club was entertained Monday
by Mra I. B. Roeencranta. 74,1 .Glistn
streeL An able summary of the events
was glvsn by Mrs. Edward Jaeger. The
laat hour of the afternoon waa given to
mualc, Mra. Rosencrants rendered "t'n
Giorno In Venesla." by Ethelbert Nevln.
Mra B. F. Weaver will give the sum
mary Monday, November 2. when Mra.
O. Kleeman, of 175 East Belmont street.
wiu be tha hostess.
w -
Mrs. D. C. Hoyt was pleasantly sur
prised Monday evening by the Crescent
Social club, of which ahe la a member.
Whist was played. Mra. Baker, Mra L.
F. Clark, Mr. Hlnkaton and Arthur
Clark winning the prlsea, A dainty sup
per waa served. The club presented
Mra Hoyt with a set of handsome china
' '
Mr. and Mra H. W. Fries entertained
In their new home Tueaday evening with
a stag dinner In honor of their nephew,
Ouatav Cramer, who left Saturday, for
southern Oregon. Covers were laid for
six. Thoao present were Captain R. M.
Dobte, Lieutenant Kollock, Mr. Foater,
Mr. Jasman, Mr. Stone and Mr. Cramer.
Mlaa Amy Churchley entertained a
few of her frlenda Wedneeday afternoon
at her home. 141 McMillan atreet. Thoo
preeent were Mra George A. Eaatraan.
Mra H. Curry, Mlas A. King, Mra A.
O. Churchlcy, Mrs. J. M. Bell, Mra.
Charlea Collier. Mlsa Nellie Thlllotaon
and Mlas Gertrude Churchley. .-
' -i W
- Mra. D. A. Doud entertained the Mon
day History club at her Mount .Tabor
home last week. Mra Qeorge Cooper
read a paper on "New Transportation
Facilities and Resorts . of ths North
west.' A discussion on "Present Day
Toplca" followed, led by Mrs. Flnley.
John W. Halne and Mlaa Nettle V.
Monroe, both of this city, were married
November It at the home of John T.
Heard, cousin of tha bride, neaa-HUls-
Ongo( The reremony waa per
formed by Dr. J. Whltcomb Brouaher.
Mr. and Mra Halns will reside in Pert-
A pretty home wedding waa that of
Mlas Olive Owlnga and Oeorge Walter
Steama of Seattle, laat Monday evening.-
The ceremony wan celebrated at
the home of Mr. and Mra William U.
Ooaelin, on Willamette Helghta, with
whom tha bride has for several years
mads her bona Rev. H. M. .Ramsey
read ths servlca
Ths rooms 'were profusely decorated
with chrysanthemums and rosea About
40 guests wsrs present. The bride waa
given away by Mr. Goesltn. She waa
prettily gowned in white crepe de
ohtno and carried bride rosea. Her
matron of honor waa a July bride, Mra
Fred Smith McCord, formerly Mlas
Pearl Dick. She ', wore her wedding
gown of soft allk material made ever
taffeta and tarried old rose chrysanthe
mums. The bridesmaid, Mlaa Jessie
Thompson Wre yellbw crepe da shine)
Decorate the
IVilh Hectrie LiHlits
Faify lampsamong the flowers"
and greenery give to the dinner
table an artistic, dainty beauty
nothing else can approach.
The decorative possibilities of
Electric lights
the appearance
artistic success of a dinner as has
the excellence of the cuisine.
You can get an Edison light
ing outfit for table and, other in-
terior decoration, consisting of
24 miniature lamps, completely
wiredrreadjrfor-'use, at a costof
only $1200. It burns about three
I cents worth I of electricity 1 per-
;:, hour. :(:;7V S':W : ... p v
The outfit is simple, clean and;
safe will last for years.
Useful at all seasons Espe
cially at Christmas time.
and carried an arm bouquet of yellow
ehryeanthemuma. Will Case of Seat
tle accompanied the bridegroom. Mlaa
Orenler presided at the piano and Mlaa
Elisabeth Harwaa sang' most accepta
bly before the ceremony. During the
Informal reception that followed a buf
airl friends. -.-'
Mr. and Mra. Stearns have gone to
Seattle to make their home.
1A prominent wedding in Salem - Wed
nesday afternoon was that of Mlas Jes
sie Adcle Holmes, the daughter of a
prominent pioneer attorney In the capi
tal city, and Bert Emery Haney, deputy
district attorney. Rev. Horace N. Ram
aey, of St Stephen'a Eplacopal chapel,
In this city, officiated. Mrs. R. B.
Bonhsm, of Portland,- played the Lohen
grin wedding march. A dinner followed
the ceremony. Only relattvea and a few
guests were present
. Mr. and Mra. Haney will be et home
at 41 Thlrty-flret atreet, near Pine, in
tbe W. Catena oottage.
----- , J- . -
An Interesting marriage was cele
brated laat Monday at the residence of
M. B. Rankin, of Clinton Heights, when
Miss Edith Kimball Rouett waa wedded
to Jamea Malcolm Reeves, of Blooming-
ton, lllinola
Ths ceremony waa performed by Rev.
C. E. Cllno In tbe presence of a few rei
atlvea and friends. Mr. Reevee Is ths
son of Judge Reeves, of - Bloomlngton.
and the bride la the daughter of Major
General Richard Rouett. a hero of the
civil war. The wedding wae the more
Interesting from the fact that Dr. Cllne
served through tbe civil war under
General Rouett, who waa his personal
friend. The marriage took place In
Portland In order that Dr. Cllne could
perform the ceremony on account of
the old tie of friendship existing be
tween him and the father of the bride.
Mr. and Mra. Reeves will make their
future home 'In Bloomlngton.
- A pretty home wedding took place at
the country residence of, Mr. and Mra
Oliver Wltham, near Corvailia at high
noon Wednesday, the brlds being Miss
lNe4He Wltham and ths groom Thomas
Oraham of Corvailia Rev. C T. Hurd
of the United Evangelical church pcr
f ernteeW he .eeremeny in- the presence
of, only tbe Immediate famlllea. The
bride was daintily attired in white net
over white allk, with full length veil,
and carried white ehryeanthemuma H?r
bridesmaid waa Mlas Cleo Johnson, who
waa prettily costumed la pink allk mull
2ver pink silk. Joseph Howard was
rodmwman.5-he rooms were artisti
cally decorated .with Oregon grape,,
ehryeanthemuma nand mistletoe. Mr.
and Mrs. Graham will reside for the
present at the Wltham home near Cor
vailia .........
r- . W
Mlaa Retells Minns and Roy Mao-
Farlane were married Saturday even
ing a week ago by Rev. H. Charlea
Dunsmore, D. D., at his residence, 441
North Twenty-second street. Mr. and
Mrs. MacParlane are ' at home at the
residence of the bride's parents, 44ft
North Twenty-second street.
-'- w - -
A pretty home, wedding tnok place
at the residence of Mr. and Mra Rap
pleya t5 Benton -street Wednesday
evening, when their daughter Ada waa
married to Henry i. Parker by the Rev.
Du Boise. Only relattvea and near
frlenda were present
The Home Training association will
give-1 Ita "first open meeting to mothers
and fathera at the rlty hell Tu '-y
evening at T:4. There wtu be a -
Dinner it c j.3
are limitless, and
, of-thq table Has
bats bn .the question. Resolved, "That
punishment Is not necessary In the de.
velopment of children." The princi
pals will be Mrs. W. J. Hawklna and
Dr. George B. Van Watera A discus- '
sloa will follow in which all are In
vited to Join. Anyone Interested is in-
vlted ta
nations for the poor will be received
that evening. - . ,
Mount Hood1 circle. Women of Wood
craft, Is making special' arrangements
ror its Thanksgiving whist party, to he
held Tuesday evening in the east Bids
W. O. W. hall. Several mora tables
have been added to accommodate all
who desire to play.. The canvas will
be removed from tha floor and a spe
cial orchestra haa bsen engaged for
dancing. .
On ths evening of November IS a
literary.. and. munjeal . entertainment
will be given by tha young people of
Highland Congregational Sunday school.
aaalated by the boy a' orchestra of tha
I. M. C A., at the church, eornor of
Preecett end East Sixth streets. Tha
proceeds will be devoted to ehuroh
- The next dance given by Company BL -Third
Infantry, O. N. G-, will be Ftiday
December T.
Wlnslow Meade Circle, No. f, U of a
A. R., will hold social and baaaar
Tueaday evening at ths rooms la Drew ,
hall. Ths Veterans quartet will fur
nish the muslo. A cordial invitation it
extended to all kindred organisations.
The women of Tsylor street Metho
dist church will hold a bazaar and din
ner December 4 and &. In the afternoon
and evening. A hot dinner will be
served at noon la the fifth.
Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Bmokmaa of this
olty announce the engagement ef their
daughter, Mlas Evab to Ralph Ntckumv
The wedding will take place in De
comber. . '
mmmmmmt i ., i . n i r
Ouatav Cramer -left Saturday even
ing for southern Oregon to take charge
of hla mining Interests. '
Mlas Almea A. Pollak of San Fran
cisco la the gueat of Mra. S. W. Herr
mann, at 151 Clifton street.
Mra L. G. Llnley is spending a few .
daye in southern Oregon. .
Mlas Alice Wheeler of Loa Angeles
tha guest of Mra Thomas Wheeler
on the east side.
I. Oevurts left. Tuesday , with his
daughter. Mlaa Lillian, ' for southern
California. Mr. Gevurts will return
within three weeks and Mlsa OevuHs
will spend the winter with friends near
Loe Angelea
Mra. H. P. Kloaterman and her saugn-
ter Hatel have gono to Spokane to spend
the winter.
Bad a Close Call
a tunnwi auralcal operation, tv
volvlng the remdval of a nialienanl ul
cer, aa large as my hand. from, my
datiXhtere MP. prevented hy the
application of Pa'-klen s Ami. a
.ye A. ti. " '
persistant e i "-
eiired It." Cures .". '""
ylee. - et-f -i n-. ,