The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 25, 1906, SECTION FIVE, Page 50, Image 50

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BECAUSE of the fullness of the
- musical calendar for the tint
'few weeks the ' musicians In
terested In Portlend's ahare to
the Maefcowell , fund have decided to
' viva tin the Idem of a MacDowell con-
cert and to reort to the popular gub
crlptlon plan. ' '
y-The movement Set on foot ona time
.'ego by the Mendelssohn Olee club.- of
which Edward MacDowell waa formerly
director, aeked that musicians through
wt the -country contribute .ta. tha fund
either through a, concert given for that
benefit or through-direct aubacrlptlon.
, lUra. Richard Nunn, a former pupil : of
Mr.; MacDowell. MlM Dorothea Naah.
. Mm. Warren B. Thomas, Mlsa Lola
Bteera end Mies Wynn Coman compoee
' the committee In charge of the more
; tnent, - and though It waa at flrat
planned to hold a concert at the home
of aome Interested person the plan waa
abandoned on further consideration.
" There la no criticism made of this
' decision because those who looked Into
the matter are able to Judge of the ad
visable action, but It seems a pity that
the original concert plan could not have
been carried out. Even though the
funds obtained might have been less and
. the work ' Involved more, the concert
-' plan seems to exprem the spirit of the
movement better. WWielheso11c1ted
funds - will do ' MacDowell's physical
body aa much good as the returns from
. e concert of his works, his real self,
: which he sscrlficed In the Interests of
music will be starved. The beautiful
"'thing about" the Idea was 'not so murh
to raise few dollars' more or leaa for
- his bodily support aa to kindle en In
, terest in his tragio story and a greater
appreciation of the atable and lasting
merit of his work, the output of a real
musician's brain and soul
. . And., too, I believe tbat people always
give more willingly even or a little
: sum If there is a semblance of some
thing In return. For Instance, a. woman
will pay twice much for a cake
' bought at a church fair aa for one
bought at a bakery, where in the aame
plaoe she would not have given that
, aame dollar to the church In a volun
tary subscription undertaking. It Isn't
that aha want her money's worth but
- aha wants to feel that there la some
, thing' coming In return to ease up her
conscience for the probable' "throwing
away" reproach. - And 'What musician
would not - rather . learn a MacDowell
concerto or sonata 19 tlmea over for
public performance than solicit a few
: dollars from at rangers?
, By the way, a list of the men who
. hare lent their' names to tha national
undertaking in recognition of MacDow
ell'a true art and the Justine or-aome
ubstanUal recognition, would he Inter
esting, for It numbers some of the lead
ing mtn'tf thf country. Theywrw
Richard Aldticn, John w, Alexander,
Charles. T. Barney. E. C Benedict, An
drew Carnegie, George W. Chadwlck.
' Joseph H. Choete. Orover Cleveland,
' William ; N. Cohen, . F. S. Converae.
' Oeorge' B- Gortelyou, Frank Pamroach.
Robert W. Derorest. Harry Hsrkness
Flagler, Henry T. Finck, Arthur Foote,
" Hamlin Garland. Eugene Heff ley. W. J.
' Henderson, Victor Herbert. Henry I
Hlgglnson. James O. Hunekar, William
Travers Jerome, Henry K. Krehblel. 11.
J. Lang. Charles M. Loeffler, Nicholas
IOngworth, Seth Low, Howard Mans
field, J. Plerpont Morgan. Robert C.
1 Ogden, ,Wllllsm Church Osnorn, Horstlo
Psrker, Emll Paur. Henry Codman Pot
ter. B. Ay mar 8ahda. James Breyer,
f Trederlck A. Stock. Jacob H. Schlff.
Louis C. Tiffany, Henry Van Dyke.
' This week will be particularly rich
' In muslo with, the Leoncavallo concerts
tntnorrpw and the Shinna Cummlng re
dial at the Flrat Baptlet church
Thanksgiving nlghi The Onbrllowlttch
eoncert follows on December 4. the re.
cftsl by Mrs. Wslter Reed's pupils De-
' cember and the Josef Meredith Rosen
, erants concert at the Helllg December
' 1. All iWiU bo events of Importance. ,
'. " ; " r: . ,.
San Carlo Operatic Company. -
The rapid growth of Interest In grand
pera In thl country cannot fall to
hsve beca noticed by.overyona Inter
ested In musical matters, especially
! here In the west whore the appearance
of opera Is only beginning to bresK
taxaucU, la Ktw York suah interest Is
' - eiT ;rr. rJ'- ' yy; ' -
y l.!',,; Mrs.' Lulu Dahl Miller, Contralto. ' "O""
centered In the rivalry between the old
Metropolitan company ' and. the
Manhattan. But there are other devel
opments In the operatic world of . equal
Interest ' ' ' ' ' .. ' '
New Orleans Is distinctive. In the
matter of operatic work. ' Binoo the San
Carlo Operatic company, which will open
the season there, will later appear In
Portland, there Is naturally some mu
tual Interest. Opera has existed for
nearly 00 years In New Orleana, longer
than. In -any --other city of the etstee.
Davis, ft French refugee from the mas
sacre of San Domingo, came to Louis
iana In 170 and soon after began giv
ing theatrical and 'operatic perform
ances, flrat In the old St Philip theatre,
afterwards la the Orleans street opera
house. The first .season in New Or
leana waa In ISIS. Since then almost
without exception. New Orleans has had
grand opera every year. In the earlier
days the audience wag almost esclu-
stvely French and Creole and social
ouatoma were then established that
have been rigidly observed ever elnos.
Everybody "had to appear In evening
dress, and the opera waa given entire
beginning at ( o'clock and continuing
often till midnight. . Every family bad
its box for that waa the only form of
amusement. Later as tha city grew the
ewlrTCTtch 'opera-house waa-ereeted,- a
huge, magnificent structure. Almost
every singer of 'prominence In the
world and almoat every opera of Im
portance have been heard at this house,
and the smallest boy on the streets can
give -you" selections frOm Iny of the
great masters.
Hitherto tha opera has always been
given In French, ss one-fourth of tlie
population Is French and mora than
one-half understand tha language. It
waa the cuatom not to engage the aame
singer two seasons in succession, no
mstter bow excellent they were because
variety could not thus bo secured. la
the past five years the opera has been
deteriorating ami for thla season It waa
that Henry Russell waa given an en
gagement for the San Carlo which If It
meets with favor will probably be made
a aettled Institution . there for some
time. '-' -
- With Madame Nordics, who needs no
Introduction. Alice Nlelson who baa sung
In European operatic 'engagements, an
American by birth, Tarqulna Tarqnlnl,
tha Italian singer, Adam Oolpern, tha
Russian baritone, Rlcorda Martin, the
French tenor. Do Segurole, the Spanish
basso, Lulsa Mllesa, a beautiful Ken
tucky soprano, Fely Dereyne, a French
soprano, Florenclo Constsntmo, - the
company'h premier tenor, from Spain,
Irma Montl-Baldlnlan, Hungarian con
tralto. Arnaldo Contl. director who waa
the first to introduce Wagner Into
JtaJy. Raffaelle Barooohl-an Italian
baaawyplenty of good -material la prmB
Ised us later in tha season.
"Madam Butterfly Coming. .
The announcement that ' Ravage's
produotlon of "Madame Butterfly" win
be here In February meets with general
Interest and enthusiasm. Tha opera
haa but recently gone to New Tone and
duplicated the succeis It had In Wash
ington, Baltimore and Boston. It will
run In New Tork at the Garden theatre
till Mr. Savage launches the company
on Its tour after tha holidays.
The general scheme of Savage's pro,
duotlon necessitate the performance
every night. A distribution of the
leading roles has therefore been made
aa follows:
Madam Butterfly, Cho-Cho-San Elaa
Sxamoay, Rena Vlvlenne, Florence Eaa
ton. '
usukl, Cho-Cho-San's servant Har
riet Behnee. Eatelle Bloomfleld. . -;
Kate Plnkerton Ada Balcker. '.
R. V. Plnkerton. Lieutenant U. S. N.
Joseph F. Sheehin,- Fraritla Haclen
nan. Sharplcss. V. 8. (Consul at Nagasaki
Wlnfred Goff, Thomaa D. Rlcharda
Ooro, . a marriage broker Stephen
Jongman. -. ;
Prince Tamadorl Wallace Brownlow.
The Bonte.. Cho-Cho-San'a uncle
Robert Kent Parkas.
Takuslde Richard Jones.
There Is much discussion about the
opera, some maintaining that It Is
puoclnl's maaterplece. -Thla la probably
going to the extreme of compliment,
but Ue general attUng t Ux jlay
makea It exceedingly . pretty and of
rather a sensational nature, aa tt Is a
scheme new to grand opera. Tha work
has all the marks of Puccini a music.
Boms say It Is brimful of melody;
othera that tha themes are melodic but
ahort and detached. One musician In
London last aeaaon said: "While It Is
not grand. It is grandiose." It haa the
rhapsodical structure that -Puccini, la
now building up and which at present-
naa round mucn vogue.
But In February Portland will, have
an opportunity to judge for Itself of
this greatest sensation In tha American
operatio world thla season. The Oper
atic Study club of this season has put
In a good deal of time In the study
of It ,. ,.-'..-.,
. . ' ' w ;':
Laoncavallos Trograma. ' i '
. Tha programs . for tha . Leoncavallo
concerts have been arranged, aa follows!
Monday afternoon at t:lt;
. PART I. '. ;' .'
Rolando dl Berlino Overture, orchestra.
Zaza Duo Zaa and Mlllo, 8 Ignore Far-
rablnl and Big. Barbalnl. ..
Zasa Cantablla dt Caacart, Sly. Bel
latU. - - . ' .-
Zasa Declamato dl Zasa, Slgnnra Fer
rablnl. -. -
Zasa Waltaer Sig. Barbalnl.'
Ave. Maria (dedicated to his holiness
. Pope Plus X), Slgnorla Rigglnl and
"part u: : :
Sulto Anclenne (two movements), or
chestra. ; ,
Boheme Duo Mlml and Musette, Blg
norfts Rtsxint and Ferrsblnl.
Pagllaccl Dud Silvio and Nedda, Big-
' nortna Calvl and Big. de Ferran.
Pagllaccl -Canionetta dl Mlml, Slgnora
Rlislnl. ' . -
Vive L' America March (dedicated to
: President Roosevelt), orchestra.
Monday evening at S:16: ., . .
Pagllaccl Intarmeuo. orchestra.
Pagllaccl Prologo, Slgnor Bellattl.
Pagllaccl Gatonetta dl Nedda, Slgnora
Rlsslnl. ' '..
Pagliaocl Duo Silvio and J4elda, Slg
nor! n Calvl and Blgnor do Ferran.
Pagllaccl Serenata dl Arlecchino, Slg-
- nor Perya. " '
Ave Maria (dedicated to hla holiness
, Pope Plus X),- Slgnoiina Rlsslnl and
' .' PART II. .- V
Medici Beptuor, Blgifora Rliilnl . and
Ferrablni, Big. Barbalnl, Perya, Bel
lattl, de Ferran. Macchl.
Boheme Gansonetta dl Mlml, Slgnora
Zaaa Waltaer, 8tgnor Barbalnl.
Boheme Doo Marcello and . Muaetta,
Slgnora Ferrablnl and Slgnor Perya.
Boheme -Lettera dl Musette, Slgnora
Vive L'Amerlca "March (dedicated : to
President Roosevelt),' orchestra.'" -
Lhevinna a Oiant Musician.
"Where do the big pianists coma
fromT" writes F. E. Regal of the Spring
field (Maasachuaetta) Republican after
sitting through m concert by Lhevinna.
"Here Is a new one of Paderewskl's
rank, who ttll last year had in this
country hardly been heard of. Is there
a apot where they grow 'over there' on
the blackberry bushes? Josef Lhevinna
Is his namehad one person la a hun-
aro4jheardlt-l. mnntha agoT Tat- ha J
must for a dosea yea re or so have been
a great pianist Psderewskl at hla
best. -'Harold - Bauer, - Mma. Carreno,
Pachmann It la only with such artists
bo can be compared."
And ho goes on at great length with
unbounded eulogies of tha pianist prac
tically new to America, but who haa
taken the continent by storm. And all
critics seem to agree on him and not
only predict a future for him- equal to
Rubensteln's and others', but say that
he has already attained that place.
Hla "bigness" and breadth are the ele
ments most often commented upon. He
Is taken out of the class of "such
magical miniaturists ss Godowsky and
Pachmann," and ranged alongside , of
Harold Bauer with a coloring of tha
north and - the Slavic races . replacing
Mr. Bauer's equable aunllght Lhevinna
cornea from the great land of pianists,
A Benefit Muaicale. , - -
The following Is the very successful
program that was given at the Pied
mont rresDytenan cnurcn iaat week.
The program waa under Mrs. Walter
Reed's direction and all the. numbers
were warmly applauded and encored
by tha large audience present. The
evening wss in benefit for tha church: i
(a) Last Night .............. .KJeruef '.
(b) My Lady Chloe.. .dough-Leigh ter '
The Kevin quartet. Miss Catharine 1
Covah. Miss Ethel Powers, Mrs. Byron
W. Miller and Miss Alice Juston,
Tha HUIa o' Bkye'-,,.,.. Victor Harris
Mrs. Walter Reed. Accompanist, Miss ,
Eileen Webber. 1
"Sunbeams" ' .Ronald '
Miss Kathleen Lawler.
"Tha Willow Satar
Miss Beulah Cad well. j
"Carmena." Wilson.!
- Nevln Quartet . , j
"Slumber Bong". ,.i .v. . .Grace Mayhew
-.Mlss Mabel MlUla. . . i. - .
"Be 8aren Rose" Ardttl
,. . KstMeew- Lawleri' " '-
"Woodland Crown Song" Clutsara
Mrs. Walter Reed.
Duet "Merry, Merry Are We":.Lacome
Mlaa Lawler and Mrs. Reed.
'.'.- " ,
Bispham, and "The Vicar." ,
David Bispham recently opened In
London with' Lisa Lehmann'a new
opera,. "The Vicar of Wakefield," with
great success. Mr. Bispham secured tha
rights for tha opera both In England
and America aa soon aa Mlas Lehmann'a
project was aasured. "v"
It was a coincidence of soma Interest
that Bispham and. Miss Lehmann should
have been thinking of this opera at tha
same time. The baritone hss for -a
long tlms felt an Interest In tha "Vicar"
and when Miss Lehmann expressed her
desire to compose muslo for It he was
enthusiastically with her on tha plan,
Mr. Bispham has tha personal super
intendence of the play and Its staging, i
Hla assistant Is Bram Stoker, who waa
for many years secretary and "right
hand man" for Sir Henry Irving. -Tha
flrat act takes place In the vlonr's gar- '
den; the second In the cornfield behind
hla house where the reapers are gath
ering tne grain. The effect Is said to
be beautiful and tha first of Its kind
Tha third act la tha Interior of tha '
Vicar's cottage, where Christmas la be
ing celebrated and the vicar brings
Olivia home.' The story follows closely
the story of Goldsmith's well known
book. ., , , . . f
. ' ... " .; - w - v -'Mrs.
Byron FJ. Miller, whose picture,
la shown today, is sna of Mrs, Waiter
Reed'a pleasing contralto ' students, a
member of Joe Treble Clef and the Ne
vln quartet She had charge last week
of the program given at the Pattoa
Home tea -and wea much complimented
on ' ner management Mlaa- Kathleen
La wlera' lovely lyrlo soprano wae heard
in a solovsnd Mrs. BandereonReed ana
Mrs. J. Ernest Laldlaw'v duet met Mltn
such favor that they had to repeu: it
Miss Mabel Mlills was ill and a read
tng by Mtsa Watklns war substituted.
Mrs. I. . B Rosencrants gsve a piano
solo, ana it re. r. k. dinner a. reading.
.Very popular were the numbers given
by the Nevltrrquartet consisting of four
Of Mrs. Ree.d's students who have re
cently beganto aing together In public.
Their voleea are well balanced and well
blended and they have met with great
appreciation at-klLr tnrlr appearances.
The members are Mlsa Katharine Vo-
vaoh, Mlsa Ethel powers, Mrs, Byron B.
Miller and Miss Alice Juston.
La Forge in Three Roles, v
From current criticisms it Is evident
that Frank La Forge, who Is touring
the country with Mme. GsdskL Is scor
ing a tremendous auccesa. On the pro
grama ha. appeara In the triple role of
accompanist, soio pianist and composer.
When he appeared here last season he
was received with enthusiasm and his
place on tha program was considered
no .mean one. Tha coraaradena that
plainly existed between tha madams and
her ' pianist was so genuine and evi
dent tbat it gave the audience real
pleasure. Aa aa accompanist Mr. La
yorge wss ideal, playing alt- tha-ocorea
from memory with attention to the
slightest details; and his eyea were
seldom on tha piano, always on the
singer. His own compositions were
some of the prettiest songs on Mme.
Gadskl'a program.
Mr. La Forge la a Chicago man and
after his appearance there last month
with Mme. Gadskl tha city papers out
did themaelves in praise for and proud
ownership of this muslclanly young
man. But other papers complimented
him In almoat as strong terms, one say
ing that he sang the songs upon the
piano as truly aa did Mme. Gadskl wiui
her voice.- One rrltlc placed him aa an
accompanist In the same class with
Mme. Gadskl aa a singer and tha mas
ter works she sang and ha so perfectly
presented. - - ' .
A Class RecitaL . y
Miss Mary Boule's class In piano and
theory gave an unusually, pleasing pro
gram laat Saturday, whan the atudloa
were filled aa far aa aeatlng capacity
would allow with t rlenda of members
of tha class. Mra. Olsen contributed
vocal numbers, and delicate refresh
ments were daintily served by Miss
Daisy Chalmers and Mlaa Walker, who
acted aa hostesses for the occasion. The
following program was given:
"Barehetta" (Nevln), Helen Gobble:
"Renouveau" .Godard), Ethel Barksdala;
:eHe"-r-(DeniTeK'EoTa - Richard:
Valse". (Godard). Beatrice Doty: "Cav
iller" (Ueller), Lorn a Ganong; "Vog-
leln" (Orleg), Thora Larsen; "Zwl Kls
vlerstucke" (Grieg), Daisy Chalmers;
Portrait" (Rubinstein). Mrs. Silas H.
Boyle; "Swing" (Pierrette), Nina Walk
er: "Madrigal" (Lack), Vera Kaufmann;
To Spring (Orleg). Beatrice Evelvn
Wilson; "Bon Ami" (Sohults). Adda
Broughton; vocal, "Abide With Me"
(Llddle), Mrs. Olson.
The following Informal musical pro
gram waa. given at tha home of Mr.
and Mrs. E. A. Beala laat Saturday
evening, --anor waa greatly enjoyed by
tha guests present: Vocal duet "Cra
dle Bong" (Vincent). Misses Nancy
Baals and Francea Bingham; song, I
"ins sweetest Flower" (Vender Stuck-1
en). Miss Susa' Jonte; aria, "Convienf
n -a"
1 I I. ... . . M.k . , V, , .' . .
: ' 's' -. ' y s ... : ; ' . ' . ; y ' " ' ,,:
:. sion.
Mrs. Byron E. Miller, of
Partis" (Donlsettt), Miss Elisabeth
Harwaar piano duet. "Seventh Sym
phony" (Haydn), Miss Jocelyn Foulkes
and Mrs. H. E. Colman; aong, "Love
In the Southland" (Canfleld), Mlaa
Frances Bingham;, aria, "Jewel Bong"
from "Faust" (Gounod), Madam
D'Aurla, song, "A Dream" (Bartlett).
Miss Nancy Seals; "Flower Song" from
"Faust" (Gounod). Miss Susa Jones:
plana solo, "Toccato" (Lelschlltsky),
Miss Jocelyn Foulkes; rocaL "Die Gles
tes Gesang" . (Haydn), Miss Elisabeth
Harwas; polka aong, "The Daisy" (Ar-
dtttr. Madam D'Atiriar song, "Drink to
Ma only," Mlsa Elisabeth Harwas.
The reports that coma from the va-
rloua seats of eotion concerning Gabrll-
owltsch, who will be heard hero Decem
ber i. are most flattering. In Chicago,'
so a telegram to Mlaa Bteera says, the
house went almost wild over him. Ha
received five recalla after hla Chbpla
number and had to give ' two enoorea.
Hla Olasounow number, too, commanded
five recalla and he la aaid to have had
tha bast bouse m pianist baa aver com
manded la Chicago. ;
A telegram lust received 'from New
Orleana speaks in enthuslastlo terms
of the opening Of tha operatla seaaon
there Tueaday by the Ban Carlo Opera
company under Xho direction of Henry
Russell." The aeaaon will last three
Good Book
..--i r.. ...
It describes your own land, the Immediate region you live in the North
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able for your home, for schools or libraries. It is a nice souvenir to send .
to your friends in the East. It tells of Yellowstone Park, the Bitterroot Moun- 4
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Pacific raHwaynd Js for. general distribution. Send six
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six cents as you wish copies with proper addresses and the little volume will be
promptly forwarded by that gentleman. Don't wait! The book has an object
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the Nevin Quartet
weeks, and tha hlstorlo French opera
house was crowded from pit to dome
the first night Carmen was played, and
Blgnor F. Constantino, the 'great Span
ish tenor as Don Jose roused the audi
ence to the highest pitch of enthusiasm.
Slgnor de Berello aa Escamlllo, Madame
Monti Baldlnt as Carmen and Madara
olaelle Fely de Reyna aa Micaela were
the other marked successes. It is said
that this opening and the promise of
thla season hss renewed the former
glories of grand opera in New Or
leana. ' '- ' :
: " -
' The - last meeting of Mrs. Bauer's
Tuesday Afternoon . club waa t,he most
enthuslastlo thus far. Tha class baa
made remarkable progress In eight
reading and began work laat week on
Mendelssohn's "Tha Wanderer's Night
Song," . a beautiful : three-part aong.
Mlsa Effle Johnson, . the popular ' lit
tie soprano, and Mlsa Rosa Coffey, alto,
were the soloists. - Tha former aang
"My Laddie" (Thayer); "Sweet Is Tip
peraxy" (Fisher); "The Merry Month of
May" (Newton) t and Mlas Coffey gave
"On the Shore" (Neldllnger) and "Rob
In" (Gerald Lane). . ., .., ,
.;. , 'y.";-
Frederick W. . Goodrich haa arranged
the following program of organ music
for today's services at St' David's Epls
eopal church! Morning- Prelude, "Morn
ln- Thoughtl -Wrightoa;. .-ffertorjvj..
for Six Cents
tTPau!TMinnes6tabr ashianjrrtlmea
"Largo," New World Symphony, (Dvor
ak); postlude, "Fugue" In C major
(Kach). Evening Prelude, "Vespers"
(Wrlghtaonl; offertory,- "Beroeuse,"
Jocelyn (Godard); postlude, "Oread
Choeur In D" (Oullmant). .
The Thanksgiving day service at the
ehareh wilt Include the following rouslot -Introduction
, to A flat Bonata Rheln--barger),
"Pomp and Circumstance" (El-
gar), "Te Deura" and "Jubilate" (Stun-
ford), and anthem, "The Lord la Loving
Unto Every Man" (Garrett). ' .-; -
' w w - ' '
iAllAtnal n.r-a M wart 11 fxat a-h.aa.
A 1 1 ss luiivwiuy pivtiaHi'aut as ay 'VSaj
at.Bt David's Eplsaopal church Tuea
day right at S:li by John Claire Mon
tleth, baritone; Mordaunt A. Goodnough,
nlanlat. anil Frederick W. Goodrlnh. or
Organ. "Bchlller Msrch". . . . .Meyerbeer
fianororte ana organ, Barcarolle
(tth Concerto) Bennett
Organ-r-Concert Fugue In G. Major..
, Krebs
Vocal solo, "Gloria" Bussl-Peocla
vrgan 1 . Mru ii-,w pyuria oym
...phony) . .......... ,i .Dvorak
' (b) ''Legend In f , .Cadraan
Pianoforte, "Foreat Murmurs" ...Llast-
Organ (a) "Minuet" . ., .'.Dethler
(b) "Barcarolle" ...... .Tchelkowaky-
Planoforte and organ, "The Harp of
Bt Cecilia" Wlegand
Vocal solo, "Hark, What Mean These -
lf.l. tP.iMA' . . - It. . 1
Pianoforte (a) "I. Fileuse" .....Rait .
(b) "Etude op, 8J, Noi "..... Schytte
Organ, "uirartoire sur deux Noels'-. . . ;
(a) "Nous dltea Marie, .(b) Adeata :
' Carl Denton haa arranged the follow,
Ing organ musio to be Included In the
aervlcea at Trinity ohureh today i
Morning, 11 a. m. Allegretto In B,
Oullmant; Moderatn, A minor, Rlnck. -
Evening, 7:0. Prelude In C, Oliver
King; Postlude In O. minor. . Oliver
King. - ' ' ;
Mr. V: T. Crowther, baritone, will
sing the offertory at both service
Thanksgiving day there will be a spe-
cial aervlca at 10:80 a. m. , The program
lOllOWBI .'
Prelude, "Spring Bong." ..Mendelssohn
Processional. "Come Ye Thankful Peo- .
pie. Coma ,
Thanksgiving Chant .Ou'seleT"
Te Deum In C e. ... ..Lutkln
Jubilate In B .Parker
Hymn, Iptrolt, "O, Worship tha King."
Kyrie Elvey
Gloria Tlbt Woodward
Hymn, "Our Father'a God to Thee.1;
Offertory, 'Te .Shall Dwell In the.
Land." etainer
Recessional. "Praise to God. Immortal
Postlude, "Processional In A." Oullmant
One critic says that much of the su
perior virtue of the Boston Symphony
orchestra Ilea in Its tone quality.
Colonel Hlgglnson haa been giving num
bers of the orchestra superb instru
ments wherever it wss anown ma a
playsrhad-anlnUffernt or defective
instrument At first the Colonel would
lena tne instrument to am
shortly after make It a gift Thua the
orohestra a fully equipped with Instru
ments of quality and uniformity ot
quality. In moat orcheetraa tha piay-
eea own Instruments or interior graae
and play, merely aa transients. In tha
theaters, ball rooms . ana restaurants,
eo do not wish to expose their good In
struments U they have any. y
w .
Arthur Hartmann, violinist who wilt
be here later under the Steere-Coman
management was first discovered gs
child wonder In Boston In. 1811, where
he played at a conoert given by Mrs
Hunslcker. a soprano from Philadelphia. -A
Bostontan of wealth became Interest- ,
ed and undertook hla education,, keep
(Continued on Page Fifty-One)
cents to A.