THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAli PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING; NOVEMBER 85. 18C3. TllE'fllEHTRES (Continued from Page Forty-eight) unsettled the reason of Mulbrldge, and , hl slater, who W ona "of " the Bundy flanoees,- decides to havaiierbrother placed Uf a private Insane asylum. Un fortunately Mulbrldge and Bundy wear the kum shade of trousers, and by mistake Bundy is taken, to the asylum. His expostulations and attempts to es cape are extremely ludicrous. To cap - the climax the lady whom he really wishes to marry thinks he 1 crasy also, and although be has frlchtened the . others out of his way, he Is about to , aim sweemeart also, or course ex planations follow and all snds happily. Tne character of Bundy la one that , rives full scope to the comedy gifts of the star. As the New Orleans Picayune said.: "Beresford Is bubbling; over with fun and the laughs art many and come naturally." ... The announcement that Harry Berea- . io ra will play "The Woman Hater" at the Hellig theatre next Thursday after noon and night, November 29 (Thanks giving day), will give much pleasure to the theatre-goers of this city. He is , easily the most popular . comedian of the day and has long since stepped Into the shoes of the late Sol Dm 1th Russell. Advance sale opens next Tuesday at the box office, Hellig theatre, at 19 a. m. S&jptd. in Poatcrland.? V cans which heaps attentions en gifted ' tlon, at the Hellig theatre Friday and foreigners while showing indifference to home talent. Peggy Plummer, of Hickory Crick, .Illinois, after- studying mualo in Paris, is brought to this country 'Under the name of M'lle. Fleurette Caramelle, Parlslcnne singer. Her father and mtUr-aadrUnds tn Hickory Crick learn the real Peggy is In Chicago and Saturday Bights, December T and C with matinee Saturday. w w . . . This Week at the Lyric - "We'uns of Tennessee" Is the drama which Keating Flood will present the Lyric stock oomDanv tn this week. 1 1 beginning .with' the matinee tomorrow, -- go thesa, J71 search or ner".-They make tit Is another of the many superior pro thelr way to the stage of the Paragon ' ductlons which the Lyrlo has in store theatre, a place no less strange to i for Its clientele. Each week the com them than are those rustics amusing fpany la Improving and each week the to the larky stage hands. Of course,, plays are a bit better and more elabo- nobody knows Peggy. Attachees of , rately staged. With the current week partial list of the large east of participants that aro-boefcodeo olng . la tha rollicking musical "Cupid in Posterland." at the Hellig theatre, Tues day evening, December 11. is as fol- ' lows: Elale Garrett. Christine Wall man, Ethel Holm, Baulah Cad well, Echo Tlce,-Minnie Mcintosh, Leola Btruble, . mme andy, , Dena Holm, Anna Kruschki. Olive . Caeperaon, PurneU Flshburn, Lillian Chapman. Dora 8o derbach, Eva Btruble, Bessie 8oderbacb, B. M, Thompson, Louise Murtha, Amelia waiton, A. Maurer, J. E. Gaasch, W. a Wlnstrand. Frank Hennessy, . Wilbur ! "Koss. Q.-H.-ulmby," J.- Powers, Harry J. Duker, J. Bmlth, Fred Holm, E. R. Wilcox, A.S. Rodda, Henry Hefty, James- Sharp, Louis Simmons, W. I. Btssonettc, B. J. Eder, Fred . White, jonn. w. caniu, a. Nichols, W. V. the theatre are preparing a reception for M'lle Fleurette. Suddenly - these country visitors are bewildered by a burst of activity when stage hands set the scenery for Fleurette's recep tion. Here Is-an interesting process In full vltiw of the audience. Tha stage Is actually set as if for a performance. Peggy . comes but denies her Identity even to her relatives. Again . at her j required for "We'uns of Tennessee1 apartments in Honeymoon .Terrace she; many extra people will-be used. still poses as a foreigner and there society of all grades makes its way everyone ambitious jto honor the celebrated Partslenne, Peggy's father is here, too. He has taken a position a footman at the. house. Society men end women, stage struck girls, auto graph fiends and-various others pur sue Peggy, evea J to the servants. Through all there la limitless fun and merriments But at length Peggy wearies of the- masquerade and declares her identity. All the characters In the play are -Interesting and amusing. The nenea and situations abound in droll ery. and humor. The music hlcn' weChloamauePark where-the ,volun composed, by . J. .A... Ray neaJa, bright leers, were-assembled ra 1 88 berore sparkling, and the chorus members are being sent to the firing Una ' The dlvl partlcularly effective. All the scenes elon hospital Is one of the most striking are laid. In ' Illinois. . The first repre- eoenes in the drama and it Is in this sents ah "old time" party, the second , eot that some of the most thrilling sit the stage of tha Paragon theatre,, the, uatlons occur. Frank Fanning -will be third the courtyard of Honeymoon Ter-' et as Jack Oray, son of a surgeon of race. The scenes .are particularly r h Twelfth New Tork volunteer hananmA. the Mimiunr talented. Beat There are good roles for ever mamhar sale open next Wednesday morning at, of the company and they-will be seen tha box office of the Hellig theatre at : . their best. Stage Direr-tor Herbert an old favorite, of the Lyrlo will return to the cast. This Is Thomas Clarke, the first leading man of the Lyrlo stock ' company, who has not been with 1 tha organisation in more than a year. Man-i agers Heating Flood are constantly strengthening their stock comDinr and they now have one of the most capable companies on the coast. A big cast la and Tha story is laid 'In Tennessee at the time of the Spanish-American war so that there is. a military atmosphere to the four-act drama. The play is by Lee Arthur, who has written some of the most successful dramas on the modern stage. The characters are both south ern and northern, but as one. of them declares, fcNo north, no south, no east, no west, one flag, one flag for all." , Among the principal characters 'are members of the noted Third Tennessee volnnteers, who did such good work in Cuba and the Philippines.- Tha scenes are laid In a southern plantation and at Btruble. N. Putnam. Altogether some 71 will give the per-, . loruuoi ana u is said tnat Mr. Evans, the director, has material both of peo ple and composition that will result in the cleverest amateur presentation of its kind that Portland has aver had. Many of tha cast are favorites with a large circle of friends, and their abil ity in of a class that would eaaUy place them Into the professional ranks. Rehearsals are progressing rapidly and all who nave had an opportunity to see the "boys and girls" In action are quit enthuslastio as to tha possi bilities of producing an excellent grade Of bevel-edged amusement to those who are Intending to see "Cupid In Poster land." The affair Is for the benefit of tha Knights of Khorassan's charity fund. v . i ' ; ,.-v. "PetkT From Pari, . George de, tha gifted humorist who wrote "Peggy from Paris," tha clever musical comedy which will be at the Hellig .theatre next Friday and Satur day nights, November SO and Decem ber 1, with a special price matinee Sat urday, has told in this play a story which ha been pronounced of abworfa-j Ing Interest and of sufficient worth' to make a clever comedy even without musical accessories. Mr, Ada, wit that he Is, In "Peggy from Paris" has amus ingly poked fun at that elasaof Amsrl ifP " SB 10 a. m. What "Qulncy Adams Sawyer" Did. r Dldytm 'Tar- court a-country - gtrlT Did you ever s)ng in a country cnuron choir T Did you ever go to a husking beeT Did you ever attend a town meet ing - Qulncy Adams Sawyer, young lawyer from ' Boston, did, and that Is what tha play called ' "Qulncy -Adams Sawyer,", to be : elaborately produced here at the Empire for the week fol lowing Uncle Josh Spruceby, and open ing Sunday ' matinee, December S, is about. , The popular New England novel of tha Hunt name- told all about these happenings, but It is said they are de picted even more vividly and Interest ingly in play form. All who have been farmer boys and girls should see this beautiful New England play, for it will revive pleasant recollections. The city bred should see t to realise- what -they .hare missed. : : ' . i - Mauda Fealy at the Heillg., Maude Fealy, who comes to the Hellig theatre Sunday, Monday and Tuesday nights, December 2, t and 4, recently taught a young New Torker something abou. the lnadvisablllty of lying that he is likely - to remember for a long time. ..- ' - Miss Fealy, who was rehearsing "The Illusion of Beatrice" at the Berkley Ly ceum, consented to lend tha manuscript of her new play to this youth, who had a reason for deairinar to ezolore Its contents. "Take great care of It." she f character. anetata aae Waiktngtaata. Toe nsaiG Tdeatre feat Mala 8x15 'NIQHT-o' Clock TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY NIQHTS, NOV 27-28. V ', Special Price Matinee Wedneeday. v MR. JOHN COST PRESENTS Via If DrQAN i! ,; And a Special Company in Harold MacQrathV The Man on the Box -.' A Comedy In Three Acta, Dramatized by ." '- Grace Livingston Furneaa. 800 WIOKTS tm vzw Toms cowan oaoiri ookbst artrocara ov sKOAsn n fu.atiTaorouf, -NOT A SIQH NOT A TEARJUST LAUGHTER," . Srenlng Vrloea. Lowar floor, except last t rows . ' Last t rows 1.00 Balcony, first 4 rows 1.00 Balcony, next C rows...... .7t Halncny, leea t rows. . .80 , Gallery, reserved .IS . Balance gallery ti Lower floor, first 10 rows. .11.00 Lower floor, last ( rows.., .TI : - Entire baloonyiro , 4 Entire gallery 4. .......... .11 . Seats Now Selling Bos Office Open Today. ksszssxxzssxzxzz: Asnion nas prepared soree reallstlo suge settings and the performance will be one of the most complete attempted at this popular family theatre. , An 11 luatrated soog-awd wtwing plctuies wlH br shown between aota A dally matt nee and one performai)e each evening will be given of "We'una of Tennee sea" '' ' - " , ..... ... . . ( Today and tonight tha company will give tha last three performances of tha famous Sherlock Holmes detective drama, "The Sign of the Four." , . ' ': . it it ' . S At the Grand.' Now- that tha trains are again run ning fairly regular, the nsw acta which will compose the oroaram at the Oram! this week will open on time tomorrow. I Among the many strong features whloh ' the Grand will present will be Professor I 3. W. Clark's dog, cat and monkey mln- I S . . wiiiiiH kci was oooaea lot appror iasi weex, out owing to . the blockade oaueed by the flood It-was Impossible for the act to be transported from British Columbia. It will be on the coming bill, however, and every ohild In the city should have an op portunity to see these animals perform their marvelous feats. Arthur Kherns. the premier German comedian. Is announced to appear and deliver his , slde-spllttlng series of stories and songs. He comes well rec- ommended. The three Banta Brothers have a musical act of high order, de- I void of the usual low comedy' elements ' generally round m specialties of this Mr. and Mra Harold Kelly roartMBta tad admonlshidriilm. T AorCXr knowwhar T aava-a-cnarmlng. comedy sketclvJTha m. iiuniunnurwj, - wun wnicn .may nave THE SEASON'S EVENT sonr mttCAXt axt oczsts- fiEILIG THEATRE NLXLMQNOA ATTZuroow aranorcK Leoncava o and tha ' " OAXA TXSATBS OSOKBSTBA Prom Milan, Italy. -' ' islslana as with io Operatle Yooausia u jrOlTOAT ATTXKWOOV, g:lS COI.OCX ZAZA movsat rnwna, ens o'o&oox 1PAQL1ACCI- PRICES ... Lower floor, first rows.......,..6.00 Lower floor, last 10 rowsy. (.00 Balcony, first 4 rows. . .,. 1.00 Ilalcony, next t rows ., 1.(0 Balcony, last ( rows. ...... .. 1.00 Gallery tl.50 cd 1.00 eats on sale at theatre. Boa affloe epea aonday. should do If a pare were misplaced." So tha lad promptly lost all the pages. He . kept away from Miss Fealy for a whole week, while he searched . dlll- an 1 1 ,-! tk, rmaIan. . .1 kuk . il ing to recover It, and fearful lest his f? r abLnc. be oorectlv lnternreted. at tha , ,and! Fremont plsys the dbll end of that time he called on tha charm ing little star. "t enjoyed Tha Illusion of Beatrice so much," he said, .-'may, I keep it and read it again T "Certainly," returned Miss Fealy, 'if you enjoyed It so much." Three days later this dialogue was repeated., At the end of a fortnight eyouiirTenow7in despair or over lo cating the- package, went to, tha young actress and confessed alL 1 don't know what yon will . think," he - pleaded. been delighting thousands during their trip across tha continent. . Jerome. Fremtfnt. and Jerome, - two men. and woman, -have a real-acro j and her adventures . among the more than lire-sued frogs snd the feats of the gymnastic tramp will be found par. tlcularly Interesting and diverting. Master Harold Hoff will render the latest Illustrated song and on . the Grandioscope will be seen a new set of moving picture films. 1 -r ... Unfortunately the- big sen Of lasTT week's bill did not arrive until three where I left it. "In your cab." waa the prompt reply. "Tha cleaner at the sta ble found it and, seeing my name on the cover, returned it to me." - ' '': . . "A Social Highwayman." ' Next week at the Baker the bUl wlH be "A Social Highwayman." an excel lent play which - will well serve to In troduce to tha patrons of tha popular Tde Heiug Tdeatre FbsMNila Friday anil Saturday Hlflhts. KovTlODcc l SPECIAL PRICE MATINEE SATURDAY. ..... , . t Last Season's Big Coast Hit Madison Corey Offers . . ' ARTHUR DEAQON In George Ade's Musical Beauty Show, Tnneful and Faacinatfan Muaic by J. A. Raynee. AH the Old Favoritea, Including Olivette Haynea, Clara Martin, Eulalie Jenacn. - . . , PRETTY GIRLS, ELABORATE SCENERY.STUNNINOGOWNS " V P. SYouH make a fuea over these girl. - . The aame great laughing ahow. EVENINO PRICES, . Lower floor, ex. last t rows 11.10 Lower floor, last S rows... 1.00 Baloony, first 4 rows .1.00 Balcony, next I rows .TS ' Balcony, last I rows .SO Gallery ..15o and 26o- MATINEE PRICES Lower floor ..........11.00, T(a Balcony ...,71a and I0o Gallery ..Ho and SBC If B)A CUE !a lTi!rJY-::u- I 10 I ORIOOIf THXATRS CO-V Laesaa . . .. GEO. T. BtlTl, VsnaeynaV raa raabioaabla Fopular rtee Tkeatre ef rorUaaA. Oawwdad te t-s Doors Svery rerforaasses, ., Special Attraction for Thankijlvln Wcc!;f Ccn K tnenclnz Sunday Matinee, Nov. 23 Today i v HOTTl INIMTTABLB 8ATTM ON PROHIBIT! OX. WWW ITNDER TUB PERSOIfAL DIRECTION OF MB, JOHIf SAINPOLia OIAXi KOUDAT sCATZVn TsTUmSSAT. MwUZAB MATVBBAT sraciAL MONDAT NIGHT: All persons attending the Baker oa Mon- JJ day Evenings have an opportunity to win the . valuable and handsome piano now on exhibition at Sherman-Clay Mualo Company. - Attend . ma Monday Evening. Tou may win this piano. . No child under 10 years of age admitted to evening perfonnaaoea unless accompanied by parent or chaperone, .. ,r , , K , wi.-,, ;.-'- ', . - r- --r, 8j8g-a,. .,'!' FaUCMi siieaisaT, aae, awe. SO. Matlaee, ISe and SO, . . Next Week A SOCIAL HIQHWAYMAN H Seat Sale Opens Next Wednesday at the . Theatre. mrzxsxsxxxxsxxsasxsssxxsst rSCEXSXSZXXZSZZSSZSZSai day ago. but alnce their appearance on the program they hsva caused general when you learn that I have lost The , k All Man THta - I Si - ekee A tha vai anil Illusion of Beatrice'; I can't Imagine . strongest bills the Grand has offered during the autumn. The comedy, sketch of Mr. and Mrs. Truesdalo A Co., "Aunt Louisa's Advice," is a constant laugh. It Is well acted and the skstch hss a distinct plot This skstch waa written by Blanche Bates and -la one of the most complete little comedlea j ever produced locally. Wlllsrd Newell Co. contribute "Last Nlaht" an I amusing playlet. These are but two of thA man feature which the firmnA stock theatre, Ernest Hastings, the Will give today for the last time. Those new leading man who arrived from ' who failed to see these acts ow It to New Tork last week. Director John ! themselves to attend today, for they Salnpblla will give special attention to casting this play and bringing out the ecenlo featurea of tha production, it promises to bo one of the big bills of the Baker - season. , ww-- Maxine Elliott Coming, Mucins Elliott In her latest success, "H-r Great Match." will be the attrac- w B 'X'-ro W Wedntsd'y Evening Dec 5 HEIUG THEATRE I ;v Seat Safe Monday 0ec3 ' Bireetloa IVMs Steers- Wyaa Oomaa PRICES: Lewar Floor, .tt, U Balooay ......01.60 SI Gallery (reserved) TSo Bones fia.M T S OaWof-towa orders prsmptly allad. Heeig Theatre Thanksgiving Attraction TarrBBSAT inaxT, ot. bs, ioe m roroxAB oomxszav Bresford . XX TMS 0OKB9T STTOOBSS THE A Continuous Laugh are guaranteed a bright, sparkling and diverting entertainment, : -.. - .. v ' v, : : '. : At the Sur. . - "A Stranger In a Strange-Land." one of tha funniest farces ever written, will be the attraction at the Star theatre this week, presented by the Allen stock company, beginning wtth ths perform ance tomorrow night. - There - will be matinees Tuesday, Thursday. (Thanks giving day). Saturday and Sunday. "A Stranger In a Strange Land" Is not an untried play, for It waa used oa tour after having a long run In New Tork and London. This will be the first time that "A Stranger In e Strange Land" haa been offered in Portland by a stock organisation. - The Idea of the piece la that a young Engllshmsn has been sent to America by his people in tha hope that he will make a man of himself. He Is a remittance man and tnstesd of embarking In business, as they desire, he squanders the money they send him. In order to obtain an unlimited amount of coin he writes them that he is In tha cattle business, having a vast ranch at Buffalo. New Tork. Not being well ac quainted with the geography of the Weak of n A !f 17 A V Fourth & Nov. 26 PANTAGES I Stark Su. Beet Family Theatre. J. A. Johnson, Resident Met. j CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCES TODAY. LOU FARRELL Comedian. ::1 0 " FARRIN&CURRIlM Duets.' LEO WLTTE Baritone. TOUKMnSTS THE CLAYTON FAMILY InaKuslcsIAct New Good BARKIS. HILTON & HARRIS Trom Zulu- BAKER and UACK Comedians and Vocalists THE BIOGRAPfl "Too Much Mother-la- Law." ... EMPIRE Maialir Jlth. and Morrison Sv ::-r:K ' : - MILTON W. SEAMAN.- Manager. -. ':,'X JHf Only taa Baatecm Bead THANKSCilVINa WEEK Starting Today' Matinee, Sunday, Nov. 25 XEOXTLAK MATINEES WEDNESDAY AND SATTTRDAT. OBA1TO . . SPECIAL MATINEE THUR8DAT. THANKSGIVING DAT. ; " - DATS B. LEVW BIO PRODUCTION. ' . ' ; . ; 1TTH TEAR OF SUCCESS. - . Oarload The reeASawanOl Snpertafecaaslnal JOSH SPRUCEBY SO-reopla Vaimet Baad, ,Oraad Operatle Orchestn. pecisinea. au arew xaie Wew and ' Bevel WATOX VOB BX0 STTB1 .- Children under IS -not admitted te evening performances unless accom panied by parent or guardian. , -. . "''T!:''i'"'-aWe'ssdBw mine will psevalL ,:' . .. "TNext Attraction -QUINCY ADAMS SAWYER: TODAY'S rFTKRIN08 Five La Fond Brothers. Two and One Half Caa-I cades, Blf? and Bang. Drew and Wright, Jimmy Cheatham, Leo White, Moving pictures. PERFORMANCES DAILT at !:, T:I0 and p. m. ADMIB8ION led and SOc. Boxes 15c. Take any seat at weekday matinees for TEN cents. OAKS RINK " Open All Day Sunday Prvparei Por Hard TlmeMs Masquerade ; Thanksgiving, Nov. 29 Prstty. Prlxe . . New Surprises If THE GRAND Week of November 2oth9 1906 Vaudeville de Luxe .SBBSBBSBBBaBSSBSBBBBMBaaSBJBBBBBtBaSl aii rav ACTS Jerome,Freemont and Jerome In Their Acrobatic ' - Novelty Act " never falls below a certain standard and that standard Is high, representing tha beet acts thst can oe secured, re gardless of trouble or expense. - TTnlteA nt.ta h. iikM rou. binder-, such ., telling them that R ? 1!" ll ajeavep aravu Hiiitvi Hf B)WVB avaav waw weather did not servs to keep the crowds away. One man. at the Friday matinee, nearly laurhed himself Into convulsions and the audience, when not busy laughing with him, waa fearful leet he Injure himself wtth his bursts of mirth. The new bill which opens tomorrow will be plentifully supplied with good acts. The four Musical Claytons head the bill with their famous musloal act Thsy are producers of real melody and every irstrument they take up they have mastered. It is one, of the pret tiest vaudeville acts ever put on. WOMARI SMTffi A Spssm Laughter ran -ChartatTig, Fare, Waoleaom Faa Entire lower floor ....SI. 00 D .!. J Hftloony, first 4 rows..- .Tt rllCCa Balcony, laat 10 rows. .60 V Gallery.. 16o and Ito BAT SALE OrXVS ITS XT TTXSBAT - -. , AT TB3BATBB. , .' he drives his cattle to water every night over to Wyoming snd back. Hs receives a letter ssylng thst his rela tives are coming over to see him, and to prevent discovery he goes to England to meet them at home. On his arrival he learns that they expect-to see some evidences of Amer ica about him, and to secure local color the young scamp hires the Indian used by an Amerlcsn medicine man touring England. An old man, a friend of the youth, enrages a msn to pretend that he is-an Indian and a detective, work ing on a case, dlagulses himself ss an Indian. These three Indiana, the real and the Imitation, form the bests for the fun which follows fast and furfous. The attempts of the young msn to make his varied stories agree and the efforts of his old friend to assist htm compli cate matters until the final expose. Forrest Seabury will play tha young man and there are great eomedy roles for the others In the company. Seabnry will be even better than he wss in "The Msn from Mexico." This afternoon and tonight will close "Polly and IT the comedy drama, which has been given all the past week. It Is a sterling attrac tion with a mingling ef tears and smiles. New Show at Pantagea. "... - Someway or ether the word bae gone out that Pantagea baa a good ahow on Harris, Milton and Harris, newcomers to Portland. haVe already won recogni tion far and wide In the vaudeville wo Id. The sketch they will offer here Is of their own production "From Egypt to Zululand" and provided en upheaval of comedy, v ' ' ' The Misses Ferren and Curran. Port land girls, who went on the Pantagee circuit' ela weeks ago In a musical sketch, are coming baek home for. a week's engagement Those - who saw their debut wtU be especially Interested tn noting the Improvement In their work that sli weeks' time hse brought They hsve a brand new act, and are singing duets, chiefly. . Buker and Mack, comedians And vo calists, are reputed as a team of rapid fire functors. Lou Farrell, comedian, alto eomoe with a good record .behind j week la and week out The program t him. Lea White will sing a aew Ulue- FREE I Moving Pictures RACEEORWIFEv,: HARRT 8 HUMAN, . Business Boomer, General Advertise. Phone Main ltll. Id Morrison, 1:10 to 1:10 Every Evening. trated aong and a moving picture eom edy. "Too Much Mother-in-Law," the funniest yet, will conclude a good show. .' ' , Pins Irates a Teadamoy. Simon Guggenheim's probable election as- United States senator from Colorado is particularly Interesting as Illustrat ing tha tendency among captains of In dustry to assume Important political po sitions. , . " - " HOTEL EATON ooi. Koaaiaov 'Aire wist raix its. NEW , - Haaeaoatelr fareaieed, eleeeatt equlp-iisd, reproof, St silsatoa' walk fraaa fcaari of elxipptat. and huslaeaa -autrlet. all lrt. elrjr. eutalde fooaie, atoaai heatoe, electiir llghta, Oleoaoaa le each apartawat, te. tars efBeae. loanclBS, aaaoklne. writing, ladlaa' raeoptloa earloca. Reoata Meanee' 7 ataO at taUpeoae. . - -Fitvate aaulVai eats tralas sad attaint. Room $1.00 to 55.00 Dy ' Syealal Bataa to Oanatalal tUm, A. AaaUTBOVO. rraprlata. Molly in Frogland Will Positively Appear Prof. J. VV. Qarli's Dog, Cat snd : 9 Monkey FalinslTels The only troape ef aaeakeye that ae taete trloks by eomiaaad mutt betaa tied or led by a string. ARTHUR H. KHERNS . The Premier of German Fun-Makera,. MR. and MRS. HAROLD KELLEY Presenting the Charming Little Coia edy, "The Thoroughbred." ' THE THREE BANTA BROTHERS In a Novel and Comedy Musical Act. MASTER HAROLD HOFF "When My Sweetheart, Mary. Whispers QR AN DASCOPB . The Very . Latest Imported Film, Three Perform an oes Dally at 1:10, T:I0 and t:ll p. m. PRICE8 Matinees, not including Sundays and Holidays lOe to all eeats except boxea Evenings, Sundays and , Holidays, lOo, JOo and boa seats fOc ... c Week of Nov. 26 Tile Star aTe C 3i aelOr tel Hlia34SG THE Allffl STOCK CCrJATlY PRESENTS THE LAUGHABLE ANGLO-AMERICAN FARCE, o as Baa. Oaia roi 7il iTJl uisnCfSi - Br the Author ef "A Uaa From Mexico." ' MATINEES .TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS AT 2:30 F. M. PRICES: - - 10 cm) 1 ' Every ... : z it 8:15 o'clock. Tricre Zc, "Secure i f r t.!l r rrf-r -t-i T;' . ' r 1'