THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 25. 1800. 17 MM THE SECOND WEEK DEMONSTRATION OI Ike Mafclbk55 Skd t -7--.,.; ;r ... . . . . , - ., ........... ....... Which commences tomorrow will no doubt be a repetition of the success which attended this interesting and instructive event during - the past week. The many who visited our store and availedthemselyes of the opportunity of witnessing this ' twentieth century range in opera- tion were indeed enthusiastic over the. remarkable results irt cookmg and king and the thorough efficiency and economy of this wonderful cooking apparatus. Those. who are forhxnate enough to visit ourstore during this week will have an opportunity to regale themselves with tho , Hot Biscuits and Fragrant Coffee cooked to perfection on "The Malleable," and which we are serving free to our visitors. ''-' V-'J.L: ' - " needs no introduction to the people-of Portland and vicinity,, for all will no doubt remember the meritorious exhibit of The Malleable Steel Range Mfg. Co. at the Lewis and Clarky Fair, where this range received the highest award. It is conceded by the stove trade to be the lead ing range produced by the world's most skilled-stove builders-r-made of malleable iron and Bessemer steel in; combinationriveted : to air ) - tightness like a boiler- will 4ast a lifetime. Its splendid construction and superior guality of material ' insure against cracking; warping and open seams. Our terms on "The Malleable" 'are -the most liberal ever offered to intending purchasers of a modem----a satisfactory an eco. rtomical range, and is convincing "of-our faith in its sterling qualities.'1 Our offer is toT instairMTheMalIeable" in your home on the terms of One Dollar in Thirty Days One Dollar Per Week Thereafter And if desired will take in exchange your old stove or range and auow ycu its full worth. r A New Line of : Dining Table J Distinctive designs, practical con struction and superior workmanship and finish are a few of the many excell ent features so evident in this new line, which includes round and square tables in pedesfal ' and other patterns, in six, seven and eieht foot extensions. Som of these now ojijitepjayjiiour window; S' THANKSGIVING SALE, OITOaNGS ', IROM THE, CROCKERY AND TABLE, WARE, DOARTMENT BASEMENT . ' Special for three days commendngjtomorrow an opportunity for appreciative buyers to following attractive prices and pleasing special terms. - . . select their needs for the holiday season at the Fifty Piece Dinner Sets-Four Patterns V Special Terms $1.00 Down, Choose From to 50c Week SALE OF THREE-PIECE CARVING SETS Celebrated "Putnam" Cutlery-5slag-horn handles ; regular selling price $3.25r- Special, set... $2.25 Regular $9.35 Dinner Set, "Ideal York," gold stippled and in rich decoration. Special, set. $7.35 Regular $9.20 Dinner Set, "Newport Apple Green,' in gold stippled and conventional decoration. . ' Special, set ...... .1. ........ ........V..?8.00 Regular $22.75 Haviland Dinner Set, in old stippled j," and rich rose decoration, specialety j.P.Za SPECIALS IN CUT CLASS BOWLS. . "Bergen," highest quality,; American Cut Glass. Your choice of two patterns in these bowls ree . ular selling values $5.50. Special, each... $2.95 Regular $6.50 Dinner Set, "St. Regent," in the plain .white a t ancy r pattern. , Special, set . y.w Convmc of One, T; ing Values in a wo andThree J Three Days Clearance Sale ran: Lots of Lace Curtains Drapery Dept. SIXTH Floor Commencing tomorrow, our entire stock of real AraDiari-TanjNRennaissance Brussels Irish Point corded Arabians imitation Cluny and Arabian-Mreliiiirand liimtcd-trcksr-isnras selling patterns from our fall stock quantities of each here quoted to be sold entire at the following reduced prices. Selections made from this assortment will not be de livered for approval or exchanged. ' ; . . ;, ::'- . ; -': ; ' : . . - - .- RUFFLED CURTAINS 2 pr, lot $2.00 Curtains; special price, pr.. .flOO 3 pt. Ut $2.75 Curtains; special price, pr. ..Si.40 2 pr. lot $2.50 Curtains; special price, pr...t 1.60 3 pr. lot $3.50 Curtains; special price, pr...f l.TS X pr. lot $6.00 Curtains; special price, pr...f 3.00 ; NOTTINGHAM LACES 3 pr.- lot $2.50 Curtains; special price, prrr.f 1.85 3 pr. lot $175 Curtains; special price, pr...S1.40 3 pr. lot $3.00 Curtains; special price, pr.. .S1.50 1 pr. lot $3.00 Curtains; special price, pr.'..f 1.50 2 pr. lot $4,00 Curtains; special price, pr...S2.00 1 pr. lot 1 pr. lot 2 pr. lot 1 pr. lot CLUNY LACES ; $3.00 Curtains; special price, pr..f 1.50 $5.00 Curtains; special price, pr.. 52.50 $6.75 Curtains; special price, pr. 53.50 $7.50 Curtains; special price. or.lf3.T5 1 pr. lot $1100 Curtains; special price, pr.. 50.50 IRISH POINT LACES 2 pr. lot $4.75 Curtains; special price, pr...f 2.BO 3 pc lot $4.00 Curtains; special price, pr. . .52.00 3 pr. lot $5.50 Curtains; special price, pr.. .52.TK 2 pr. lot $6.00 Curtains; special price, pr.. .53.00, 1 pr. lot $5.50 Curtains; special price, pr... 52.75 3 pr. lot ' $8.00 Curtains; special price, pr.. .f 4.0O 3 pr. lot $10.00 Curtains; special price, pr...SS.OO 1 pr. lot $10.00 Curtains: special price, pr...f S.OO 1 pr. Jot $13.50 Curtains; special prlcerprnfT.OO 1 pr. lot $20.00 Curtains; special price, pr. 510.00 BRAIDED ARABIAN, LACES 1 pr. lot $4.00 Curtains; special price, pr...52.00 -2yi pr. lot $4.50 Curtains; special price, pr.. 52.25 ' 1 pr. lot $5.50 Curtains; special price, pr... 52.75 1 pr. lot $12.00 Curtains; special price, pr...f 6.00 RENNAISSANCE LACES 2 pr. lot $5.00 Curtains; special price, pt... 52.50 , 3 pr. lot $10.00 Curtains; special price, pr...S 5.00 1 ARABIAN TINT LACES . :. 1 pr. lot $6.00 Curtains; special price, pr... .53.00 ty, pr. lot $6.00 Curtains; special price, pr..f 3.00 3 pr. lot $6.50 Curtains; special price, pr.... 53.25 2 pr. lot $7.25 Curtains; special price, pr... .53.75 . 3 pr. lot $7.75 Curtains; special price, pr.. ..54.00 REAL BRUSSELS LACES -2 pr. lot - $6.50 Curtains r special pf tceT prTT.f 3.25 " 3 pr. lot $7.00 Curtains; special price, pr...f 3.75 1 pr. lot $8.00 Curtains; special price, pr...54.00 1 pr. lot $8,50 Curtains; special price,. pr.. .54.50 1 pr. lot $15.00 Curtains; special price, pr...57.50 , 2 p. lot $1.5.00 Curtains; special price, pr...S 7.50 REAL ARABIAN LACES 2 pr, lot $15.00 Curtains; special price, pr:..S 7.50 2 pr. lot $17.00 Curtains; special price, pr...S8.50 3 pr. lot $25.00 Curtains; special price, pr. 5 12.SO . 3 pr. lot $3250 Curtains; special price, pr. 5 16.50 Pleasing D esigns in a New Line of Iron Beds Which we have recently added to our stock of bedroom furniture. The quality of workmanship and 'finish and the variety of plain and fancy designs in the best enamels and col- : orings most appropriate in the bed room combines to offer everything for satisfactory selection. Some of these now displayed in our windows. MORRISON AND SE;VEN1 STREETS rV mte" : - - .- ; h : BTOltCJlDaj D 1st AAM II - gr"j C0MPLETE--H005EiFURm5j1ER5l 4AKI TOURfl iWNTfRktt , i r CHILDREN'S HOME Board of Managers - Accepts Nothing But Pre Will Of '...r. . fering Now. . Tha followlnc latter U lelfxplana loryt ' "Editor of Ths Journal -W real lt lha annoyano it mmt b to tho bual tiu mn of our city to nT rprn tatlvaa from tha' vaiioua worthy chart tAbla era-anlaatlona caj o aollelt ThankaBivlns- donations for thatr lnatl tutlnna. 'Tha Ladle' Rellrf aonlnty aa tabliabad twa r . i nor thaa (0 yasrs aso, but now tha board of man. Cars has dacldadjtft do as wa did Uat year ak tha aranaroua-haartad public for a fraa-wllt ofterlns- for tha Chll dran's homa to aid ua in aarlns for tha many chlldran whoaa parartta, owing- to mlsfortuna, ara unabla to proparly pro rlda for tham. . "Tha homa is a monument to tha ran aroalty of tha eltlaana of Portland, ona that tha city may wall ba proud of. la non-saoUrlan ta Its marabarahlp and work. "Tha araat numbar of chlldran whoaa llrae hava baan mada brlghtar and hap pier for haTlns baan earad for undar Ita hoapltable roof taatlfy to tha naeaa alty of malnUlnlna and avan broaden In Ha work. Provlalona and marc han dle oan ba aent to tha homa. on Cor bet t and Oalnaa atraeta, or by. Inform ln tha matron tha article will ba called for- . ' ' s . "Money ahotitd be sent to Mrs. Mar tin Winch, treasurer, Seventh and Main atreeta, or to Mrs. P. 3. Mann, preai ont, 441 Third atreet We bar been obliged to postpone our annual' "tea." but at soma future data wa hope to open our doora ao thoae lntereatad may aea for them eel via the model home Ufa of our large family of nearly 70 bright, healthy, happy-children. "ANNA M. MANN. Prealdenf PACIFIC MONTHLY FOR - DECEMBER IS ARTISTIC ' The ' current . laaua of tha Pacific Monthly la perhapa mora artlatloally llluatrated than any magaalna la Amer ica. Tha Hluatrationa are In colore and In elaborate profualon. It la tha Chrlatmaa number of tha magaslne and eontalns an dntereetlns collection of artlclea. It la abundantly aupplled with atorlea and artlclea on live, up'-to-date aubjecta Tha list of oontrlbutora contains aom of the moat prominent writers In tha country. Mllwaukfe Country Club. naatarn and California races, - Take Seltwood and Oregon City cars at Flret and Aldan TOMORROW GREAT DAY IN 10CAL MUSIC WORLD 1 Leoncavallo and His Orchestra to Give Two Concerts at tha Heilig Theatre. Tomorrow will ba a great day In Port land's musical hlatory, for then Laon eaallo, tha celebrated Italian compoaer, with hla orcheatra from La Bcala In Milan and supporting Vocal artlats will appear in two concert. In tha after noon a program will ba given chiefly from "Zaaa," and In tha evening chiefly from "11 PegHae" which la tha moat popularly , known of Leoncavallo's op area. This la Leoncavallo' flrat American trip and ha haa been met an every aide wlta snthuslasaw , Ills recent appear ance at Detroit Is spoken of In tha moat complimentary term a Mention was made of the modeaty - that marka tha program. When tha houaa applauded a alnger. tha alnger, with a aweep of tha hand. Indicated that tha applauaa waa meant for Leoncavallo. - When they ap plauded him ha Indicated that tha or cheatra was reaponalbla and there the credit remained beaue they war not ona man to dlaclalm It. Madame Ferrablnl waa said to hava borne off tha honora. Her Madonna Ilka beauty la enough, to Insure her a atad atawpT for Ufa. Oreat happlneea came Into the home of B. C. Blair, school superintendent, at Bt Albana. W. Vs.. when hia little daughter waa reatored from the dread ful complaint he naraea. He aaya: "My little daughter had Pt. Vltua1 Dance, which yielded to no treatment, hut grew ateadlly wnree until, aa a lent reaort, we tried Klectiio Hlttere; and I rejoice to aay, three bottlea affected a oomplete cure." Vlulck, aura oure for nervous complaints, general debility, female weakneeaea,' Imnaverlahed blood and malaria. Guaranteed by Red Crvea I'barmacy. Jrrtca BOO, welcome but with her rich velvety con tralto and charm of manner aba naada to rely nothing on her beauty. Bignor Barbalni, tenor: DeFerrau. baritone; Bellatt, baritone; Calvl and Flaalnl, so. pranos, all were pre teed highly. Tha orcheatra la large and plays un der tha maeatro'a matter-of-fact con ducting with evident underetandlrtg. There la Italian fire and paaaloa In tha ready response of tha playera and mil slclanly aupport la given tha alngere, Tlckata hava been Bailing rapidly for tha past week and many out-of-town orders hava been filled. : Thar will evidently ba a full houaa to greet tha Italian master. - - " y Saved tae See. . Henry B. rarmer- of Rutland. Vt who Is greatly opposed t the ahootlng of deer, probably saved a handeome buck from dath during tha preaent deer aeaaon. Ha discovered tha animal In tha pasture with hla cowa ona night and It followed the herd to the barn. The farmer shut the buck up and did net release It untli the law protected It, INi (fiafiiiin . r..:.- viTOTTB Bfosrsrr And wear tha good a while paying for them. A watch or diamond Investment Is a sensible one. be cause you ran turn A DIAMOND INTO MONET any old lime. 20 at 33c I Wttk 0st!U3iWtta at U i trttt izi it ti ftletzrjcr C: C. Jewelers e I r UK sra l t . t T "V