The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 25, 1906, SECTION FIVE, Page 46, Image 46

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    ;. : : :,..:,xL:...;:....j.,..... -.w-..-.-r--: -v-.-- -
' J .1 toward the nuns arid. It U eia mail
is. k-HBrtf ' ; ' ' I wh,B thy r resumed again they wlUT
i . 1 M
I HE busy season U truly at' hand
and the busier society la -Kept
. with charity affairs tha mora
energy It itemi to have for it
1 1
amusement. ' Tha period about
-. i Thanksgiving and Chrlstmaa la largely
-devoted to- charities of different kinds.
'.Tha leading event in this Una tha paat
etk was, of course, tha vaudeville en
tertainment at tha Nortonla. Minor at
i 1 fairs were tha church fairs which are
. beginning to crowd In. and tha teas
given at or for tha charitable institu
tions. The 81 Lawrence- and Grace
- ! Methodist ehurchee held their faira last
. week. This week there will ba tha St
Stephens and Trinity basaars, both on
Tuesday, and the following week the
Taylor street Methodist..' The Women's
: Exchange benefit at the Baker theatre,
to, will ba of Interest neat week. That
. makes no mention of the various organl
.. satlons which receive donations for the
' poor In a quiet way at their meetings.
The- entertainment given for charity
: Friday night at tha Nortonla with Mrs,
D. Green as the moving spirit was
. success .la every way. - In the first
place every one was out to help the
cause along, and It was one of the most
representative - gatherings , seen at a
"' semi-public, function. Mrs. Green, in
,Tsv-jMuulaomebJack.j;elyetL cut decollete
. . was hero and there and ""everywhere.
Mr. and Mrg. Bert
The girls of the younger set lent their
mi& as.ustrara ad -were, easily distln
guiahable by their French maid attire.
They were Miss Marlon Jackson, Miss
Margaret -Morrison, Miss Josephine
fhaltb. Miss Helen MarEwan,Sils Mar
garet Montgomery, Miss Lsslle Knapp,
. MJss ..Generic v . TbonnpsonMi'e Cftro .
4yn Burns, Miss May Montgomery, Miss
Lisa Wood and Miss fihoda Failing.
Miss Fannie Brown as Sis Hopkins sell
ing chewing gam and demonstrating Its
merits strenuously csused much amuse
raent. Miss Dorothy Morrison mad so
' realistic a Flora Wiggins that one in
voluntarily listened for mriiWr-iawi
and "ain't fiuUiln's." At tha lemonade
table t'wers Miss Frances Lewis, Miss
gusle Stott and Miss Louisa Flanders
- an in-whits Irowns. - A fortune- teller's
"tent was a 'feature of attraction and
Miss Marietta Parker and MUs Maude
Hahan In gypsy costume : were ths
: "spielers." "
- The vaudeville program which opened
the .performance was most amusing and
la soma parts was extremely good. One
cannot always expect to find such good
numbers as songs by "the Reed bird"
and "Alexander ths Great" on profes
sional vaudeville programs, and they
wars really- treats. Mlaa Nan "Wood
Md Miss Hasel.Dolph mads such rav
tshlngly pretty Hungarian twins with
their brunette beauty accentuated by
bright Spanish colors; that sven had
their Hungarian piano duet been less
pleasing they ' would ' hava 'scored a
ttlt. ' . . . J - - . . :
Tha other numbers aimed to be mere
ly funny, and most ofJthem were. Lieu
tenant Macomb as "Mao tha Mimic" was
exceedingly fanny. Bobby Rountree
met' with his sjsoal appreciation especi
ally In his original number. "Take Back
the f'anrakes. Mother." MUs Axis Far
ge, as the child wonder la pretty child.
v v--.w . . ' " V '.
0 v) rvr;
songs easily won favor. Melvln Dodsoa
in several ' humorous Impersonations,
Robert McCraken and Miss Frances
Towslee in "A Bughouse, In one act."
Louis Bruce 1n an exaggerated Illus
trated song number-of tragic portent,
all "rot , their laughs.-. But funniest
of all was tha omnipresent German band
with Its brilliant, overture. Ita stolid
consent to encore and lta stole Indiffer
ence to the storms of applause. '
Mrs. A. 8. Norton was the donor of
tha drawing, room " with ita lights and
Mrs. Georgo Russell designed the lovely
cards announcing the- succeeding sots.
Aeoordlng to the recent ruling of the
"Band of Mercy"-and "Anti-Cruelty to
Animals Association"' only one per
formance a night la given by this corps
of aotors and dancing to music by Par
sons' orchestra filled In the remainder
of the evening. ..' "
. -V -. .
One of the largest and most delight
ful affaira of last week was the large
bridge party given by Mlaa Martha
Hoyt Tbureday afternoon. ' There were
17 tables of bridge and tha prisea were
won by Miss Louise Flanders and Mrs.
Morton Insley. White. chrysanthemums
in vases formed the simple decorations.
The guests pt ths afternoon were Mra.
John. Latta, Mrs. George ' Taylor, Mrs.
Howard Mather, Mra. Holt C Wilson,
Miss Clementine Wilson,- Mrs. Richard
Koehler. Mrs. George Good. Mrs. Lewis
Russell. Miss Gllsan, Mra E. T. C
Stevens, Miss Russell, Mrs. George
Russell, Mrs. Morton rnslsy, Mrs.
Thomas Kerr. Mrs. N. E. Ayer, Mis.
Zera Snow, Mrs. W. B. Ayer, Mrs. Wil
liam Mulr, Mra. J. Frank Watson. Miss
Failing, Miss May Failing. Mra.Rlch
ard Nunn. Mrs. Henry Nunn. Mra David
C. Lewis, Mrs. Joseph -N. Teal, Miss
Frances Warren, Mrs. Theodore B. Wil
cox, Mrs. L. Allen Lewis, Mrs. John
Kben Toung, Miss Montgomery, Mrs.' J.
Wesley Ladd, Mrs, Bert Ball, Mrs. WU
liam Warrena, Mra
n, .Mrg, I
j .t'rti.-,' ,A.., .fjrHs
Emery Haney.
8. M. Mean, Mrs. Henry E. Jones. Mia
Frank Hart, Mrs. James MeCraken. Mrs.
Whitney Lr Botaer- MlaiL Susie Stott.
Mrs. Jsmes Laldlaw, 'Miss Flanders,
Mies Louise .Flanders, Mrs. 8, B. Lln
thlcum, Mrs. C. F Beebe, ilra. Donlol
Bhlndler. Mrs. Walter V. Smith, Mrs.
Fred Page, Mr... Ralph IioytMrs.
Bcadfing. Mrs. Allen .WrUht, .Mrs.
Perey Biyth, Mrs. A. L. Maxwell. Mrs.
William Brewster. Miss My rick. Mra
Edward Adams, Mra. Ernest Tucker,
Miss Ella.Hlrseh. Mrs. George Dnvls.
Mrs. George Whlleslde, Mrs. Robert
Lewis,. Mrs. $. C. Airtsworih, Mr. Warren-
MroirhtoTT, Mrs.-Norman Lung and
Miss Catlln.
There Is much Interest on both Sides
6f 7 ths' river Inline"" card "lOUrnamen
planned for next Tuesday evening at
the Irylngtoa club. Tables will be ar
ranged for bridge and five hundred and
there are a number of parties being
formed- for tables ss is ths custom In
these tournaments. The affair has been
plaoed In tha hands of Mrs. W. I. North
rup, who Is working aealously for Its
success, and all the women of the Irv
lngton club are enlisted as workers. v
ThV affair waa suggested by Walter
Goes, ths president, when he returned
tecently from his wedding trip east In
passing through Castle Rock, which has
been flood-ridden and Is now a scene of
poverty and destitution, he said that
none can Imagine such suffering and
want as theirs. ,The proceeds from the
tournament wilt go to their aid and this
announcement has' drawn the Interest
of many. Several checks have been
sent to Mrs. Nortbrup to bs added to
the fund. There Is every reason to be
lieve that the hall will b crowded Tues
day evening with men and women In
rrej,led In the movement, i
Ths ' Friday evening laformaU have
-11 r
been' discontinued for ths present that
the sum of the expenses may ba devoted
toward tha same nd. It Is said that
when they are resumed again they will
for-ymembese-utiy. - Ml ..tni
plan la not yet decisive. The musical
dinner set for last Thursday evening
waa postponed Indefinitely.
Mrs. James T, Honeyman gave a
bridge and- tea Wednesday afternoon In
honor of her niece, Mrs. David C.
Lewis, who was a June bride. There
were decorations of whits chrysanthe
mums In the drawing room and living
room and beautiful dark red roses in
the dining room. There were seven
tables of cards and MJsa Nan Wood won
the first prise, a cut crystal vase, and
Miss Ines Barrett, tha second, a beau
tiful bunch of violets. Later other
friends called for It, and Mrs. J. N.
Teal and Mrs. Lewis poured tea and
Mra. A. L. Maxwell and Miss Wood
served Ices. Mrs. Honeyman wore a
handsome flowered chiffon In white,
and Mrs. Lewis a lavender chiffon with
sun figures, cut princess. Mrs. Teal
was In a beautiful aheer chiffon In
black and white effect. Miss Wood la
whits lacs and Mra. Maxwell In gray
satin. Mrs. Bert Ball's gown of blue
with hat to match was handsome, Mrs.
James Laldlaw - was - attractive In a
black costume with a Mack hat Mrs.
James McCrackan wore a gray costume,
and Mrs. J. C. Robinson a handsome
blue broadcloth with lovely hand em
broidery Inlaid. Ths costumes were
very handsome and the company a bril
liant one. .
; - - -
Ths Los Angeles papers speak of
Miss Nina Jonea, who la entertaining
her cousin, Chester Murphy, of this
city, as ths popular and charming
daughter of Mr. and Mra. MUo Potter.
She gave dinner dance in his honor
at tha Hotel Van Nuys a week ago
Friday, which waa one of the most
solect events of the week. American
Beauties were used In decoration, and
ribbons in ths same shade, with ferna.
completed .the scheme. Following ths
dlpner dancing was enjoyed In the
middle cafe. Covers at tha table were
laid for Mr. and Mra. Randolph Miner.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Perkins, Mr. and
Mrs. MUo M. Potter. Miss Louis Burke,
Miss Helen Chaffee, Miss Gwendolen
Laughlin, Mies Lois Allen, Miss Ade
laide Brown, Mlse Errol Brown, Miss
Annls Van Nuys, Miss Elisabeth Ruth
erford, MIhs Nina Jonea, Chester Mur
phy. Harry Kaye, Will Reed, Robert
Ross, Alfred Wilcox, Harold Cook, Will
Clark. Clarence Day of Santa Barbara
and Csrleton Burke. Mr. Murphy's ath
letic record at" Stanford.- where he was
captain of the vnratty football team,
and was considered the best quarterback
on the coasfTTfi lllr-timer-makes -ttlm-a
wnll-known figure In California. He
Wnr flotrrr-rir sea-The, armuar"StiinfOTa--Berkeley
game. . j
..! - . -
' Mrs. I. Lowengardt sgaln threw open
her handsome new home to her
friends Wednesday afternoon. The
rooms ' were charmingly decorated
with carnations and pink r chrys
anthemums In the reception room, yel
low chrysanthemums In . the living
room. The dining-room was a beautiful
Dilutee In jeutumnal .colors with nertt
Wtored grafes snd rich Amerlcap Beau
ty roses every whets. Mrs. Lowengardt,
tn a handsome, gown of -chiffon taffeta
In cream color with an Arabian lace
flounce, received her guest and waa
assisted by Mrs. Max Hlrsch, who wore
a cream lace robe. Mrs. I. N. Flelsch
aer and Mrs. Gustavo Simon poured tea
and Mrs. Fred Rothchlld snd Mrs. Fred
erick M. Seller poured coffee. Mr.
Flelschner wore a beautiful lac robe
with amber bead and looked handsome
as usual. - . Mrs, Rothchlld' gown", waa
black lac over flowered silk. Mrs.
Seller wss In a handsome cream chif
fon taffeta embroidered and wore pearls.
Mra. Simon's gown was of hand-woven
lace, cream colored. -
Miss Alios Benson and Miss Elisabeth
Allen entertained ' with- af!ve hundred
party last Wednesday evening la honor
of Miss Elisabeth Prosch of Seattle,
who la visiting Mra Benson. Autumn
leaves were the decorations. The gam
was plnyed at small tables and after
Ward tha whol) aomnan. waa seated
about '-a banquet table for 10. - ' Tha
guests. were Mrs. George Peters, Miss
Carolina Holmes, Miss Bertha Frltscb.
Miss Ethel Shea, Miss Rsna Strauhal,
Miss' Edith Prosch, Miss Anna Shea,
Mis MUll Hera. Miss Arvtlla Magulra,
Miss Saldes Knapp, Mlas Frances Batch
slor. Miss Evelyn RIgler, Miss Jeannl
Gray, Mia Grace Gray, Dr. Ray Mat
lon. Hsnry Frankv Jaclr Gravel yr Irvlna
Husener. Edward Jeffery, John Wheeler,
Irving 8 1 earns, Charlea Whltcomb, Ray
mond O'Connor, Stuart - McGuIre, Dr.
Stoita,-: Oliver Walker and Cloaa Per
kins. . .
Thursday evening a theatre party to
"Strongheart" was given for Mis
Prosch. . ' , , ;;
The usual Interest Is" manifested In
the Thanksgiving football gams between
Multnomah club and ths Vnlveraity of
Oregon. On that day Multnomah field
la a more brilliant acene of color than
on any other day of the year. Ths Wee
ley Ladds always have a tally ho party
that cheers enthusiastically for tha club
team, and there are plenty of yellow
decorated vehicles to Offset ths sup
porters of the red and - whit.' There
will not be the usual coach for the Ore
gon Glee club, for their concert ha this
year been plaoed after this holidays be
cause the theatre was -enraged for
Thanksgiving night. There are alwaya
red-and-whlte or lemon-yellbw dinners
given on Thanksgiving to atgnlfy ths
irena or m guests' partisanship.
.' - w :.
Mrs. C. H. Hoeg entertained the
Bridge Whist Study club last week wUh
a 1 o'clock luncheon at her home.
Today Is shown ons of ths latest pic
tures of Mra M. B. Jonea, of New Tork.
commonly known as Shanna Cummlng,
who will bs hers Thanksgiving. Mrs.
Jones has acquired suoh aa enviable
place In tha musical world that It is
only as a celebrated soprano that moat
people think of her. She Is, howsvsr,
In reality, a delightful peraon to meet
socially and is fond of hsr private home
Ufa 8he has spent a good deal of tims
In Portland at different seasons and
has formed many warm friendships.
During her brief stay here aha,, will be
the gueat of her brother. Dr. W. A.
Cummlng. 'At her own' requeat there
will be only a family dinner for her
Thanksgiving day, though aha will prob
ably be given the opportunity Thanks
giving night to meet ths friends who
would entertain for her were her stay
to bs longer. . She will leave for eastern
Oregon tha next -morning.'
On of tha large tea of the week
waa given by Mra Gustavo E. Bruere,
Friday afternoon at 'her home, 71 Mar
shall street Her honor guest was Mrs.
Elnathan Sweet who Is a recent arrival
In Portland.. In all ths rooms were love
ly pink chrysanthemums la larga vases
and bowls. Mrs. Bruere, In a handaome
cream embroidered erepe carried pink
earns tlone and received the guests In
the drawing room. - Mra. Sweet was In
plhk messalln - and carried a large
bunch of violate. ,
All tha assistants war In pink gowns
and the uniform effect was pleasing.
Assisting in ths drawing room were
Mrs. 8. G. Reed, Mrs. Sanderson Reed,
Mra Rudolph F. Praei and Miss Henri'
etta Eliot Pouring In the dining room
were Mrs. W. L. Wood and Mrs. Fleld-4
ing 8. Kelly, waders orchestra piayes
throughout the receiving hours. About
0I guests called.
Mrs. Fred F. Chamberlain and her
daughter. Miss Ethel, returned late in
the week from a month' visit In Wash-
lngtosvJX-CNew York, Niagara andt
Chicago. They juet missed Miss Went
worth and Miss Slttorr tn Chicago,-wiio
left the day before. In Chicago the
Chamberlains were entertained by about
the same friends a the two young wom
en who had left lust before, and the
people wer Taost - delightful -and hos
pitable, in New Tork - a dinner of 1
covers was given at the Lafayette In
one of the handsome private dining
room for Mra Chamberlain by Mr.
J. E. CofTman, who will be remembered
by a number of. Portlanders as ths
charming guest of Mr. Chamberlain
two year ago.
. . 1
Ths reception given Monday evening
at the Toung Women's Christian asso
ciation rooms tn honor of Mrs. W. J.
Honeyman, the retiring president, was
largely attended by those who have
been acquainted with her 'work since
the beginning of the association. A
dinner arranged by the social committee
for Mrs. Honeyman and tha girls In the
house precedod the evening reception,
nd toasts and speeches testified to the
affection for the- president The ser
viceable oak desk presented by the girls
of the association and the silver plats
by the board wer other manifestations
of love. . Mrs. James Falling will fill
ths unexpired term till January 1.
The' Alpha club of Trinity church la
becoming very active In Its preparation
for tha Indoor carnival which It will
oon give in the parish house. Tha Brst
tangible form of their activity haa Just
appeared in the form of a very neat
cookbook complied by them and repre
senting a full list of tempting recipes.
The book is arranged In exceedingly
neat and attractive form. ' Th recipe
aectlon Is preceded by som . clever
thoughts apropos 'of. dlntng. a number
of references to eatables being selected
from the Bible which could well b
turned Into clever dinner- ideas. .
' . '
Mrs. John Fers-usson Jr. entertained
the Mlzpah Bridge club last Tuesday
at luncheon. Ths color scheme of yel
low and green, carried out In every de
tail, maCe a beautiful effect Mra J.
F. Boons will be the hostess next Fri
day. . Th members srs: Mra E. M.
Lance, Mrs. E. Watson. Mrs. . F. M.
Graham. Mra A. Oordon. Mrs. W. F,
Hubbard. Mra. Carl Brandes, Mrs. F.
M. Branch, Mrs. J. F. Boone, Mra John
Fergttssonj-Mrs. Henry Westermettr,
Mrs. V. A. Freeman and Mr. T. W.
- - -w w .-:-"---" ;
Mm, George .Leslie Hill of- Sesttte
entertained recently af cardaTri .Jionof
of Mrs. James Moylan of Portland, The
afternoon was a delightful on and th
horn waa lovely with, yellow shaded
lights, mingled with autumn leaves and
greens. Miss Brill snd Miss Caroline
Denny assisted th hostess. There were
10 tables-f high five and Mrs-Wr C
Heussy and Miss Brill were thfc prise
Mrs. J B. -Montgomery-entertained
at dinner Thursday for Bishop and Mra i
Scaddlng. American Beauty roses were
used in.. decoration. Cover' wer laid
for Mra. Montgomery Bishop and Mra.
Scaddlng, Mr. and Mra .Walter Bur
rell, Mr. and Mrs. James Laldlaw,
Miss Montgomsry, Miss Margaret Mont
gomery, General Joslyn of Vancouver,
Mr. Oreenley and Harry Montgomery.
Mr. and Mra. Mag Flelschner and
their daughter. Miss Flora, left Tues
day for New Tork. to be gone for an
Indefinite period. Miss Flelschner will
continue, her voice studies throughout
her stay, with hsr Instructor, Mrs. Imo
gen Harding Brodle, who la studying
for four months In New Terk.
w - i
Th tea given at th , Pattoa home
last Tuesday afternoon was ons of the
most successful snd largely attended
of any of. the teas of the season, A
splendid program was given under- the
direction of Mrs. Byron E. Miller and
there was much enthusiasm over tbs
excellence af the number. Th decora
tions la tha dining room were pink
rosea, Mrs. Charlea W. King was
hostess for th day and assisting her la
receiving the visitors were Mra Wx P.
Olds, Mrs. Frank Toung, Mrs. Richard
Martin. Jr, and Mra S. W. King. In th
dining room Mra D. M. MoLauohlan
waa In charge, and Mra. R. P. Graham
and Mra T. A. Sherman poured. This
U -the la st of tha teas to b jrtrn till
after tha holldaya. .
' - ;
Th Eight-Ten-Thirty club was enter
tained Monday evening by Mrs. -Charlea
E. Runyon. Mra. W. C. Francis and
Dr. C. B. Brown won ths prisea at five
hundred and Mra. C B. Brosrn reoelved
th consolation prise. Mr. RoDsrt
Lutka, of lT Eleventh atreet will en
tertain the club next time. . . .
. w ,.w , .1,7-'..':
Miss Grace Elliott la spending a fort
night in Oakland as th guest of Miss
Grace Burrlll. ' Th two girls spent
many delightful months on the conti
nent . together. Miss Burrlll returned
home Isst winter, -but Miss Elliott re
mained a year longer. ' . .
'. - v"' - '.
Mra George- C Flanders ' entertained
at dinner Wednesday evening tn honor
of Bishop and Mrs.' Boaddlng. Her j
other guests were: Dr. and Mra. A. A. j
Morrison. Mr. and Mra Stewart B.
Llnthlcum, Mr. and Mra. Norman Lang,
Mr. and Mra. J. Couch Flanders and W.
D. Wheelwright
--v., ;', - '": .-
Mra J. A. Boyo of TM Clackamas
street entertained . the Theodora Five
Hundred, olub charmingly last Thurs
day afternoon. Mrs. Fred A.. Daly of
133 East Twelfth street will entertain
t)ie olub Friday after Thanksgiving.
The Portland branch of 'tha Associa
tion of Collegiate alumnae has aent out
Invitations for a reception next Satur
day afternoon at ths home of . Mrs.
George Haskell Marsh, 40 Mill street
In .honor of th Vnlvergity of Oregon
alumna ',.;
::. -V :-'.v'. w :. '
Mra. JTnVtn IE. Am. of It Tillamook
street entertained her - bridge club !
Thursday at her borne. After 9 bands
of bridge the hostess served a dainty
menu at th card tables, er daughter
and Mlaa Thompson assisting hsr. .
..-V; .'.. -
Mrs. X D. Leonard entertained Infor
mally with a five hundred party Friday
afternoon at her home, 414 Montgomery
atreet and with a bridge yesterday af
ternoon. Only a few friends war In
vited in.
. " ' v '"
: Miss Isabella Prlos, who haa bean th
gueat of Miss Bessie Jones th past
month, has returned to her hem In Se
attle. Several delightful affair wer
given for Mia Price, by her Omega Nu
sisters In Portland, - ,
- ... . " ' ' "
Tha Tuesday Afternoon Bridge alub
held lta first meeting for this year with
Mra Samual B. Archer to make plana
for thla season's membership.
.,-.: -.--'...'.:..
Ths Bridge Whist Study club waa en
tertained Wednesday by Mrs. M. Hamp
ton at her Sixteenth atreet home. Mra
George G Flanders won th piisV Mra
Robert Lutke.will be the next hostess.
i -... . w . . . l
Miss Falling gav a dinner Wednes
day tn honor of General Joslyn, who
haa recently been stationed at Vancou
ver la ths commissary department
Mrs. Felix Bloch haa returned from
a two month trip to New Tork and
th southerit state and Is now at heme
at the Nortonla.
Mrs. Joha H. Hall has moved to II
Johnaon atreet and will be at home the
first and third . Wednesdays, of the
month. ' . ' '
- r". .; .... - i-r
- Mr. and ' Mra. Thomas ' Kerr enter
tained a few friends at dinner Thurs
day In honor of their wedding anniver
sary. - : - ' '
- Mlaa Fanny Louise Barber returned
home yesterday front La. Grand for- a
visit with hsr parents. Dr. and Mra. S.
Ml Miriam Strong llfh guest of
Mrs. Allan C Balch at the Hotel An
gel us, Los Angeles.
. Mrs. Joseph N". Teal has cards out for
a tea next Tuesday. . j
. ..- s
On Wednesday evening th Present
Day club held Its first semi-annual re
ception of the club year. It was a
unique affair from atart to finish. Th
scene of the festive occasion waa th
basement of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. A.
Latie's - attractive horoi on East-Ash
street. Flags, bunting, evergreens snd
numerous electrlo lights, transformed
th piece into a banquet hall, and a
long table In th form of an L" was
adorned with flowers- and autumn
leavea After th menu waa duly dis
posed of. the member of th club, their
husbanda and Invited guests smused
themselves with Impromptu bursts' of
oratory and music, toasts by th gen.
tlemen and graceful responses by th
club members. ...
Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. J.
M. A. Laus and their daughter, Miss
Nora Laue, Dr. and Mra A. W. Moore,
Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Wiggins, Mr. and
Mrs. H. L. Crispin, Mr.- snd Mrs. W. D.
Desver, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. OUtner, Mr.
and Mra. B. M. ' Bergen, Mr. and Mrs.
a W. Pallett, Rev. and Mrs. B. Nelson
Allen, Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Ballou, Mr.
and Mrs. A. M. Jeffresa, Mr. snd Mra
N. C Orlstt, Professor and Mra Van
Tine, Mrs. J. T. Tipton, Mrs. E. B. Pills-
bury of Hlllsboro, Mra Fred Bishop,
Mrs. H. Morgan, Mrs. T. B. Jsckson,
Mrs. J. B. Kldd snd Mra Pague of San
Francisco, Misses Olafly Wiggins, Miss
Gertrude Pillsbury, Miss Monroe, Miss
Bess Monro and Miss Effl Tetchthe-
sen. '
Th hoitesr Wrlstd ln-grv1iig
her guests by her nelees, th Misses
Monro and Mlsa . Telchthesen, her
daughter. Miss Nora, and Miss Gertrude
Pillsbury and Miss Wiggins. ......
... ... . . w -
Miss Myrtle E. Long gave a very en
joyable dancing party Tuesday evening
In honor of Miss Mysls Sharp In the
Artisans' hall. South Portland. The
hall presented a very pleasing' appear
ance, decorations consisting of autumn
leaves, cedar, red streamera and gar
lands of Ivy, gracefully draped from th
corners of the room. The -reception-room
wss also msds , attractive with
palms, wild rose berries and Ivy. Ever
est's orchestra from behind a bower of
palms played an overture and eight tf
the latest pieces, all of which, were
thoroughly enjoyed.,- Fruit punch wat
served during the evening. Mra A
Johnson and Mra. A Long were pat
roneasea .
Those present were th Mlssea Mysle
8harp, Abbl Roe, Nettle Bogaett, Mar
guerite McNeill. Amy Churchley, Edyth
Berns. Ruth LeV Mary E. Hand, Mary
A. Scott, Nelll Troy, Tena Oram, Ger
trude D. Wetsler, Ethel Johnson, Ethel
Lea, Lottie Leach, Isabella Gllbaugh,
Anna Von Horomlson, Dolly Eddy, An
nabelle Stranahan, Dora Bonneau, Jes
sie Sharp, Ruth DUler and B. Burnett,
and Oeorge Dickson, Willis Vinson, Fay
E. Sims, Herman J. - Hucke, Jack V.
Adams. R. W. Jamison. H. ,W. Hingley.
Ed Cable. Ed McCaba, E. a. Roe, Harry
B. CrandeU, i. K. Adam Walter Scott, I
.;- if 1 w w - i ...... .. -
Ladies Suits
........ -V- ...... -.- ;-;7-:. rf ',:.
Tomorrow and Tuesday
- Not1!!- undesirablft suitInthis entirojDfferfago(
strictly tailor-made garments. These special reduc
- tiona are for tomorrow and Tuesday only after that
N the regular prices will prevail.
$20 SUITS-
' .
', Some idea of the beauty and style of these. Suits '
,rnay, ba.had by seeing windows 12 and 13. Large
'' variety of styles all the popular fall and winter col
on. " Alterations made absolutely free. Prices quoted
are either cash or credit, as you like. Nothing addi
tional added if you prefer to pay $1 a week.
-Eastern Outfitting Co. L
K ioat ira.a TO. n .oo.
F, C Olbeon. . P. Oranv Ed Taylor.
O. D. Wllliama, R. F. Wlcklund. H. J.
Nielsen. Wade Moreland. William Co
ve 11, Irwin Waggoner, Harvey Hutch
lngs. A. W. Halverson, E. 8. Rose, L. H.
Russell. Lee Van Horn, H. & Rudd, J.
B. Oarretson, 1 A. Waloh. Ed Bonneau,
Mr. and Mra Harry E. WUllama
': 'l
Twenty-five women enjoyed v jnnlqu
afternoon at the home of Mra E. W.
8. Pratt tn Corvalll Wednesday. The
Idea waa to . Introduce all th comical
features posslbla and success certslnly
crowned th efforts of ths hostesa Ths
rooms were made attractive by the ar
tistto use of chryaantbemuma and an
elaborate supper was served at I o'clock.
Ths program Included a comic solo ny
Mrs. Pratt; Instrumental solo, Miss
Mlna Tatea; vocal duet, Mrs. M. S. Bush
and Mra Taylor; Instrumental solo. Miss
Darby: eomlo dialogue, Misses Laura
Pratt and Laura H11L Mra A. B. Wll
kins also had a eomlo cumber, and after
being blindfolded Mrai J. B. Horner
and Mra N. Tartar were required to alt
on the floor and feed each other crack
era a performance that kept the com
pany In a gale of laughter. The affa.r
waa ons of ths merriest of th present
social season In Corvallls. - ,
Tuesday afternoon Mra Jr. M. Turner
of 101 Kerby street gav a pretty after
noon luncheon of 10 covera In honor of
Mra C. B. Steelemith. who is about to
leava-for hr new home In Clllo, Ore
gon, where Mr. . Steelamlth has gon
to aeoept th position as superintendent
of the Portage railroad. The house wa
beautifully decorated with yellow and
whit chrysanthemum nd th colors
wer austalned by the plac earda The
guests of tha aftsrnoon were Mrs. C.
B. Steelsmlth. Mra O. W. White, Mrs.
D. Duper, Mra B. Oowanlock. Mra J.
M. Torallnson, " Mra. M.- B. - Thompson,
Mra D. Mason. Mra. Bubb, Mrs. Wlnsor,
Mrs. MeKechnle, Mra W. C. Tuttle, Mrs.
E. 8. FarrelVMre. A. De Franque. Mra
W. C. Kerron, Mra Toung, Mrs. O. O.
Alsxandar. Mrs. A. C Cooper, Mrs. W.
J. Hull. Mra A. H. Boylan. Mra O, W.
Turner." ' rr , c . .
-Portland lodg. No. 10. rraiernai
Brotherhood, gav a ucceesru aance
Wednesday svenlng,. Novsmber 14. In
Its nsw quarters In ths Knights of
Pythias hall, on Tenth and Alder strsets.
H. L. Plyman waa onairman oi
K. i flyman was " "r.,",,
mmee T
were pre.en. euiv. ms.
L, A. Kent and Mr. Walter Anderson
presided at the lemonade table.,. Musi
was furnished by Hodgson's orchestra.
- "
The Women's Afternoon Reading elub
of Corvallls waa vry pleasantly enter
tained Tuesday afternoon by Mra Ger
trude Strange of California, at the home
of her father, Caleb Davla Rollcall was
answered by. each woman responding
with a Thanksgiving quotation. Mra
Walter Wllea gave an entertaining pa
pen on current events, rpiiowea oy .a
plane sola by. Mra i. Fred Tatea 4
V .
....... $30.00
.......'$28.00 '
- i
and Tenth
l-' 4-
W. G. SMITH & Co.
Wasblngton Bulldlas
paper on "Th Literature of th Dryden
Pertod" wa presenud by Mrs. B. A.
Cathey, and Mra. M. S. Bush pleased
the company with a vocal number. The
topic presented for ' conversation was
"Amsrlcan Legends." -A dainty lunch
eon, for which unique placecarda carry
ing out the Thanksgiving Idea had been
prepared, was the ooncludlng feature. .
Mrs.' W. H. Churchill entertained th
Ladle auxiliary to th N. A. L. C. at
her home on Corbeei-street Wednesday
evening. A short program was given,
after which a dainty supper was served.
Mrs. Churchill,, was assisted , by her
daughter. Miss Clarke, who 'demon
strated several arta learned at the cook
ing school. Mrs. F. Kelly, president,
and Mra O. F. Phillips, vice-president,
of ths auxiliary, poured . the chocolate.
Those present were: Mrs. C A. EI-
well, Mrs. Charts "JacKsoii,Hrs7 LTPT"
KnlghtMr. H -Woodworth.Mr.W. '
u. wnier, Mrs. Ji. coieman, Mrs. F.
Kelly, Mrs. a F. Phillips, Mra A. Peter
son, Miss Ada Taylor, Miss Alto Taylor
and Miss Clarice Churchill. ,
' ; - '
Mra J. William Netherton gave a
very enjoyable afternoon on Friday at
her home, 6 East Flanders street.
Covers were laid for 14 guests. Those
present were: Mrs. I. 3. Reader, Mrs.
S. J. Burns, Mrs, D. C. Shearer, Mr.
O. J. Gould, Mra W. L. Gardner, Mra
E. R. Almy. Mr. D. C. McLannon, Mra
T. BUIa, Mr. M. Fannon, Mra L. J.
Hicks, Mrs; Oeerge W, Joseph end Mrs.
A. B. Brown. . - .
' , v ". '
Miss Gertrude Wilson entertained at
a linen shower given in honor of Mis
Elsie Hoefer at her residence. I6 Bel
mont street Ths svenlng was spent
splesaantly tn games and music, followed
by a dainty repeat. Those who
ho assisted
Miss Wilson were ths Misses I
Bchoppe, E. Braden, L. Simpson and B.
Otterstedt. Miss Hoefer lesves fop. St.
Paul Monday morning, where her mar
riage to- F, C. Coleman Will take place.
, -ww
The officers of ML .Hood circle. Ro.
1(1, V. O. Wn accompanied by several
members of ths order, surprised Mrs.
H. A. Shields last Wednesday afternoon
at her home, -lot Tenlno avenue. Sell-wood-
A progressive game waa played,
the first prise being won by Mrs.
(Continued on Page Fifty-One.)