- J -i S AFl FELLOW of the Royal Zoological , Bojlety of Great Britain, W, . , wi.tia. ha recently been making . .,,.rii nt uhm and. In a lately. published article, be told what has , . . ' . thus far been done towfcr 1 Staining Cfr ' tak.nI XMs Httt chllllngs abun ebra to Dames and saddle. ' danUy prove thlsV-4vrnl of them show "Of all the member of the horse tam- ' groups of antelope afiiMoj"". J?,0"'"' Hy," says he, "the aebr Is undoubtedly 'tha moat Blcturaaaua "With Its wonderful strips coat, th pattern of which not only varies with the species, but differs In small details with the Individual animal, tne seora forms a most conspicuous objeot as It . I I . L . J I .. 1 .t.nill IM th. ' - browses in the pita duck or stands In the , . .tHlI. . ..... .. .... ... ' '' ' "It comes ss al surprise to learn .from - the llpa of African explorers that In IU native wilds this animal Is one of the most difficult to see at a rew nunqrea . ir.rrf- riLl.nMM- hilt. Of. the VCldt. -UJ red the . eti'.pes seem to blend Into a basy ground . AVMttv corresoonds with " the b'urnt-up grass and sandy strstohes over which the animal roams. "The wonderful photographs recenUy Puzzles Plctura 02TT you boya and irl put these block . properly to- "rether in a row to aa to spell tha name of a dear atory-hook fripnrl nf ell riffltt and cirlat 1 .these blocka properly w I jy ' - f M '"Ttreeof "tEeTockTarrilreadf in their proper placea in tha row. to help you along In aolvini tba . puzzle. ij f . - lUddle. What am L voy. r.nd girlsT tlta to my description of myself and see If you can guess me. "My head and body equal aro, . My middle slender as a bee J : . Whether 1 stand o head or heeL , "Tie all th tame to you or met - ; Etit if my head etaould be eut oft: The matter' true, although 'tl Strang, . . , My head and body Tred thu Immediately to mmg cnang. (I) Which ar th two amaUt ect in ta umier . . zr Uow 1 It that Methuselah wa the oldeat man, whan bo- died befor hi fatharf - U) vvhat I th difference between Joan of Ar and Noah' arkT (4) Why ar sinners Ilk Cora and potatoesr . (i) Why ar cashmere shawl Ilk deaf personsT - - When a boy fall Into th water. What Is th hrst thing he doeaf (7) Whnt Is th best way of making a coat last? , - . . - (s What make more nols than a pig in h siyT (M Wliit H that which, th more you take from It th larger grow? . Blddie. And what do you suppose thl creature wssT Tou have all 'heard the Bible story about him. In riddle rhyme the story li as follow. . fie t If you can guess th answer: i "Beneath th skies a creature one ' V . - "' . :?, r-'' ' ' a Roifman'la. . I 7Sw S y V ' ' II . Netherlands " ."Ja. w w gx-m m 1 m ni" i THE . together In llie uistance.-wiNJ' ter have to b looked for betfteM are noticed." ' . Where th Horse i Useles. Being a kind ef first eousln to th horse and the ass. It may be matter for ...vmhIu I V. . W. auKvai V. . A ha Inn surprise that the sebra has not long since been domentlcated, at any rate In its native country. The question of ' transport animal has always been one of the most ? serious problems that me African explorer -has -to faco. Ths .horseand-. the ass serve well enough In certain fairly healthy regions, but In others, whero the tsetse fly abounds.., these animals Invariably fall victims to their tiny enemy. The African ele- to Tickle Your Wits i I I" " " 1 111 1 1 11 V 1 . : ' V- L 1 rI . . i.wVT r M ' . i ni aw m ai arm ar-! i 11 -' did dwell. . So sacred writer unto us do tell; L lived, he breathed, to thU tain world, tl true. Though h ne'er elnned r any ertl knew; He never shall In heaven' hleh kingdom dwell, Or o'er be doomed to feel th pans .of hell; - Tt in him an Immortal soul ther wan, - -' - - . That mu"t he damned or, live among the lust . . 'Answers to November 18 Puzzle - Historical Plotur Puzzle. tThe landing of th Pilgrim," King John signing Magna Chart. Enigma. Shark. OREGON SUIAY JOURNAU ' TORTlAm SUNDAY a j g fcT 7 7hrxukMhrckenln to the Mddh rjt;f,M.- . Urates a Anrt'' ,'5 Z ' phant has never been suooess a best of draught or of burden, whllo the cost of Importing Indian one 1 $oo great for practical purposes. -Why. then, should not tho sebr be domsstloated and broken to labor? ";., .t the task of 'jmeitlcatlng this ""XJZrrnZ:A ... Ha no am. ana animmi iiTi -.i-cr i J v - ,.- Th aebra' ntXe seem ftTW aSeep- tlonaily highly strung, and however long It may have reeu kept In oep- tivlty and accustomed to the sight ; and sound of human beings. It Is al- ways ready to -take frlaht and to dHMh off at an unexpected sight or sound. ' Hence Ks very nervoturness uollte It for ' uae ln-4he-treetav- except - to- -a- HtnRed ' extent. . ," . Its vicious temper also constitute a very real- difficulty Although at times a captive sebra will seem quiet enough and will oven appear to ap- . Literary Conundrum. I. Because he let Ro Terry Cook. t. To malt Andrew MarveL t. Vntll Justin Wlneor, 4. When Oeorg W. Cutter. . To put a stop to Franci Quart. e. jo leacn rfuua wara now. T. Bunyan, - -' . : , ' T-T rirwri.a r- . Srop-latter Fusele. Potomao. ' ,' ' : ftevern, '.' . :' ' . l-ludeon, j lelawar,1. : Ohio, - Mississippi. Sacramento. Hnif ma.-1 . fit lttersburg. y ': '' .s .... -- printar'a Pi. - - ' He slam th door too soon by half And pinches my lingers with Just a laugh. And toese my hat In th red pear treet lie's a rough old fellow, and h tease ta. . i Beheadinga, 1. Unow. 1 I)rk. S. Bread. 9 res TAtitU trxf Meov&s A1 prolate th eeresse of lt owner, It . ... ha rtenended upon, and; often, without a moment warning. It will lash out with lt legs and will . bit furiously at the hand hat feed It- Thla probably result from the highly strung condition to which w have already alludodj . i While the bra can xrt onsld. arable trength for atrme, ', ta lack endurance, and In thla way I iuMtuti strongly wun ita rSatlviTthe asa? After putUnf Tor. ward a-reat SU-cngth, and pernapa 'Demdlesalr ekeellng Itseir tor a sno time. It becomes exhausted nd an- -at do any mora. - . . , Notwithstanding, these obstaol, many experiments have been mad E domesticating ahd breaking In the "ebraT to South Africa It has fre nuently been tnugbt to go In harnes an5 to draw light vehicles, while In England the Hon. .Walter Rothschild Sained a team of Burchell s aebras. along the quiet roads arouna inng. Th Cot of a Zebra Xm. s. ; A team of aebra would prove somewhat eosUy luxury. -At the pres. ent time A Brchelebra-by far the commonest Pl-i'' f1.0. wnicn di " . . - - w. . become rare njteuth AWce. cost I'Ma mil 11 II LM 111 r.wi'ioa ' jvf n'uTi 2Q.JtlWu, while the Boroaiiiang. now ""n --rr the largest ana uanu or Qrevy s. jiy cannot b pro- gomesi wi 101 -' The ProfessQr -v NCE upon a time ther wa a I 1 Professor, a very clever man I J so clever, in fact; that ho wa really a magician. . He lived In a cottage by himself In the country, and all the P W r5in knew about him a id his magjo-jn- apdytSat7oom.n.Jylnwth. ' "tiSmoVnltg.thl. ttl-bn?. -tood looking through th V1" Vfc dow-which was open-wtehIng him at work. It seemed very fdnny work TohnViy-th. Professor was pound ing something tip t . . ert or. basing Vhatever are you dolngr, h ld !'atii.....iiii Inokad un with a starL for he naa not nuu ...... H, wor spectacles, for h was quit 1 Za marL and he looked through nm " ' " ' - , Ing PIUS," ne iniwireu. !Pftlsl'' And Johnny baekad a , Mttlo from th window; for, you ( a, be lhpVoV'gl7..d,:t'.ne.what 'WptrirfoV-th.5 cur. of .Hn. h .xpfainedl "but faults-such nj bad temper, greedlnese, sulklness and seinshness. :. " . .. SOKPaiSE CONQUEBKD riAK nh t aald Jnhnnv. coming nearer, to thq window again. He had never heard of pllla for the cure of fault before have youT end though he supposed they were just as nasty a h other kind, hla aurnris con quered hla tear, and he watched th -- Profasor with greater Interest than : before. And then he wa told a . children often ar told by grown-. tips when they are getting dread " fully Interested ln 'tolng-to "run away." . . - "I am very busy," explained th Pro fessor; "and 1 never let anybody watch m when 1 come to the msglo part of the plll-maklng." (At the mention of "magic1 of course, John-, ny wanted to stay more than ever. "'Run away, little boy, U you please. And Johnny did run away, but not very farrand after a time he saw the - Professor come out of hie cottage, . and, locking the door behind him, set out for a walk. And when th Pro- feasor wa out of sight. Johnny want back to th cottage and peeped In at the window again. There wa nothing on th table now the basin and ..El the bottle and box (ther had been lots when Johnny looked before) had been out - away; but raxing around th room, he aw a number of little round boxes standing on a shelf Ilk ordinary Pill boxes. And a sudden naughty, ml-, chlevttus desire took possession of him to see what th pills th maglo pills Inside were ilk. - ... e e ' Th window was (till open, and a Games to Play - JOIXT stust for an evening In th hour- I a family orcneaira. -- Chon-" on "person tu setvi . eonduotor. Let everybody els sit 4 around hef In a circle, each one hav ing agreed to imitate a certain, lnstru . ment which he hae chosen for his own one a flute, another a violin, another a drum, to Xh conductor rape with his baton (a can or umbrella), and aa he raise tt tor th tart let vry performer Rlv out th first not of hi Imitation istrument. Perhaps a measure or two of srm .familiar Selection, Ilk ' lyOhengTln," can be given fin this way altogether. Then the conductor can call on thl on and that on to giv a wnlo parv and Impos a fin upon htm If h gig ngies or brvak down. ,t. This Is great fun for a parly. Mrs, Klnculand describe the gam of Bachelor's Kitchen, which sound good. All the Player alt In a row, except one, who Inquire of each person what ' he or She will give to furnish the bach ' elor-e kitchen. Kach on answer by ' naming eome article that might find place In a hltohen but no two may b 'Th quotloner then begin with thq first player, and puts to him all sort of questions, to which he may reply only by the repetition of tho nam of bis contribution. r If, for example, on has given a pall, th questioner nsks, "What' did you -wash your fsc in thl morning?" An wer. "A psll. "From what did you ent your breakfastr Answer, "A pall," tc. The -object' Is to make the player ' laugh, which subjects them to a for feit, ns does also th addltlrwi pr sub stitution of any word to their chosen -; answer. . ... . . ' . , ' MORNING; NOVEMBER 25 ries 53 are to keep tAa f?y cured for lea than 3S0 or CSOO ($16 or 1600). 1 At the present time a fine example of a erosa-bred xebra can be seen at - the Zoological Gardeni In London. It was brought from the Transvaal and Bre eented to the Kin. Like most of these hybrids. It la very- elaborately striped. ' far more so. Indeed, than the parent sebra. It temper, however. Is far from amiable. . - Training Zebra In London. A little tlm.back some xprlroenta were made at th Zoological Qarden In training certain individuals or th , Ursa stud of sebras exhibited there. A -well-known trainer undertook the work, and proceeded to break In the sebra Ilk ordinary colt. . At first th experiment emed to promise well, and 'some of the hand somest sebras allowed thslr keepers to " ride them, and It was thought that they ' might become available, for carrying ' children about the grounds. ' . , Unfortunately, however, one of th ' ' moat valuable specimens died rather . suddenly, and, as It was thought not Impoeslbl that it death was Indirectly . brought about by th shock and strain of breaking In, it wa decided to aban don the experiment, , In Italy, during the hot summer see- -ton,. the files are very numerous and -very annoying. . . Kind masters try to protect their, horses from these flies by covering them with net and plumbs which. Incidental i .,.0 ' ; jgic Temper Pills A Funny Little Tale ' " II s . T 4 J 1 3 w vi tl in irk.. I ........ . . . ,, . Vv.T .... J .. -a W a J M mi m sin aa . . sn. Mt 'J jr, '.t".'.fiJ IX. awaWr a, , 1 ' IM T"m"e The Profesact "war pounding something up in a aort of baiin. , . ""What ara you doing!" aaid Job- ay.;, ' ,?;. "I'm making pills," he aaid. ' . . . few - mom.nt. i...r Johnnv had - how ho had mixed tn pUia. knew that momenta later Johnny climbed through It was standing on ' a chair and looking at tha Professor pllla; but, as he wa looking st them, ' a step outside startled hliu. so that he dropped th box In hi hands and knocked two other off the shelf! Th step had not been the professor It passed by the cottage; lut the Sills had rolled over the Moor In every Irectlon. and Johnny felt dreadfully frightened. They were all mixed now, of course; but he didn't think, of that as he gathered thorn hastily up and put them Into the boxes: and when he scrambled out of the window again, before the Professor returned, he though there was "no harm done, after all." 1 . . '''' A few day later-Johnny went to the cottage again, to watoh the Pro fesavr making pills, and to try to cerfuade him to let hint th 'maglo part." But - when he looked through th window, no basin, or bottles, or boxes stood upon th . ' t.hU. an4 thouah tha Profeasor wa In th room, ne eai wun m-racer buried In his hand. At Johnn' cry of dismay he looked up, ana Jonnny thought-he looked much older than whan he had Been him before. "Whatever I th matter?" he said, THE PKOFtSbOH'a Q'&li.t "MatterT" aaid th Professor, and h spoke In a very sad vole "matter enough! No on will buy my pills, and I am culndl" Johnny (tared at him ta astonishment. "But why r h ald. ' Whrwon,t-i-r they buy your plllsT" - , J " Because-tbey sarateyH--R(r have done - more harm then good , have given fault Instead of curing . - themr noirneor oiiienv, "in other day a woman asked me for a pill ' io cure her little girl of talkativeness, and she says that it has given her a violent temper. A man who had a pill for bad temper naa oeoom greedy, while a boy who took on of my puis ' for greedlnese has become talkative. I Cannot "Understand It, ' added the Pro feasor, with a groan, "unless the ptll ,- have become mixed. But 1 am so ea re fill to keep them In the proper boxes."' "Mlxedl1' exclaimed Johnny, and th . Profemnr looked up charply at his tone, . "But If they war, they wouldn't giv people faults." , - ' i "uh, ye they would." said th Pro fessor. "That 1 tha funny thing about . my pills they can giv th fault they ' cur to any one who does not already possess It. That' why I'm so careful - not to'rnlx them. If a good-tempered ' man were to take a pill for bad temper, he would become bad-tempered. Do - " , you see T" . ' Johnny did ! and, remembering i?QS Foreign ly, glvo them .very gay and festive ap pearance. . ' Th masters, too, mak an attraotlv picture under their queer, gay . sun ahadee. . ,( . A friend from Part sent this plotur of a dog-barber plying hi trad on th River Beln. - "A touton," asys she, 1 th tender nam by which th -lTnah poodle is . known In his nntlv land. , . . be wa at th root of an the m Inch let. And th Professor, watching him. had grown suspicious. . - An' Aladdin's Lamp; 9 1 : 1 . 11.1 u i.-..1l an AladOiU a "1 "vi. wnrl lamp, it miut a remaraav , light. , . r-r-1118 UIS lamp I not te 'mu "m,5 -1 of Aladdin, men n " . y run gentiy gently tn oroer . " ' a no .knur M..u wnnoerrui Xtravagant ooinga in n V" rt. it Is, however, a wonderful lamp, lor It -has power to produce an extraorov nary light similar to that of a Plw"tu., incandescent electric glob, and mat, too, without either amok or any aort fit disagreeable odor. In fact you might almost Csll It an In candescent lamp, only Instead Of an ........... ...... V. - I ... 1 h nl viniif eiacinu wmiivii. - - '"Vfrst; you mM b told that'platlnwn I, metal thst has the Property ot ao- Borbing great oeai 01 gas or ir. Very well. New Prermr your lamp thus Tak aa ordinary chaang-dl;:tt - - ' " . - ,; - ' ,' .. c "H la a very Important member of th family, and ovary Sunday morning) he I nt In car of a maid to th dog barber, on the bank of th Seine, for his bath and shave. , "A f rano for th bath and a franc fog the shave In th wonderful dipping) machine (40 cent la all) and then Tou ton I ready for nla beautiful new pink ribbon and th pleasant amble down th boulevard toward horn." r ' "Could you have touched my plUsr he said. "Oh, no!" answered Johnny, for I am , sorry to any that be wa untruthful a well a mischievous. And then, because 1 he felt hla face getting red,- he ran , away. -; . ... But th Professor felt sure that h had told a story, and, thinking bow useful a Dill for the euro of untruthful. - neea would be. the Professor nroceeded . to Invent ene; and a few days later, when be saw Johnny passing by hi window, he called him In, Johnny went very reluctantly. - ; "Do you like honeyf aaid the Pro fesuor. ' ''I have eome, and should Itk rou to taste It." And he took a spoon ul from a pot upon th table. For a moment Johnny eyed It doubt fully; then, he opened hi mouth and swallowed the spoonful' of honey.. Then, after saving it was vrv nlea.' uuuuuns ,in fro resso r.n - went... away. But befor he had got home ho turned round and ran back again ta the Professor' cottage. His face wa red a a entered, ana he nunc so. mixed th pills," ho stammered. , had .hpmiirk K w.h.Iaw . I clilra. - t. n . if. . 1 ..kd j Thn h burst Into tears. AZr T,fT Patted him kindly and the Proi -heati, WM looking quit on the shoulder. IZv 'happy again now. V, m addlna1 a "Yhafs T right I" h fw fbVt vJouU though to himself. "I kna-y . wo he h. -t teW to Zi&iSF? fresh ptll for th our Of greedlnes-, . bad temper and talkativeness, and took them at one to th people who had suffered through Johnny' mis chlevousnees; and when h had ex plained what had happened, and beg ged them let him set things right, they were only too glad to accept tho pllla and pay for thm. So th Professor' pill became pop ular again, and be went oc Inventing; them till h had a ur for almost very fault Including mlachlevousness. And h gav Johnny on of the (la another spoonful of honey), so that h should not meddl with hi pill again. But I'm o glad rn't youT that u and I don't bav Bill for fault. It's so much better t fight a fault and conquor It. Amy Ferr. i : lamp (alcohol Ump), tlx no a strong 1 wire arm over It, something flk a fancy street-lamppost or shop sign support, and from this arm suspend a platinum -wlr which ha been twisted into a, spiral, Mak sur that the wire hang dlrecflr over th - wick or - th bole ," through which th flam rises.. Now light th wick or alcohol, and , th flam will quickly hoot up the platinum Wlr nd mak It red hot . , In a few moments put out the flame. Tou will then discover the astonishing) fact that th platinum wire, far fronj gradually cooling, will grow steadily ' hotter (the wick being wsrm enough tj en"-" continuous vaporli nf .. the aToohol and the fPl'n absorbed hy. th platinum wire) and aa oon s it turns to a ,' or, it will brri'i ' pluklah-whltn row out an In Ul oontlnu a. . ciea -r- y jjj m t at 1 "Vi.. il i Intareallng exoerlm This I " J:!".': " wotlh y"" tnrk.e. boys ei,J s - " ' ...