The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 25, 1906, Page 3, Image 3

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peat Silk Gt23
' - Aj;niost wonderful. collctioa7of-bigh-cU8sfancjr
a3ks, in light and dark colors, for pillow covert, bags,
fancy work, tie and trimming.:; Without doubt the
most beautiful ailka. evet brought to Portland.
Dwoli;ITbT7 CilIiD:
Are not scarce here-, rare '.collection of beautiful
novelty French, Scotch- and Tartans, also domestic
weaves, including over one hundred styles, in all the
nevir colorings, with satin stripes, bars and printed ef
fects, beautiful floral designs that are real gem of art.
A few of the excellent values for Monday and Tues
day are: ' ' -' .: " ..':'.-..'
Pompadour Crepe de Chine Beautiful assortment as-23-inch
Pompadour; Crepe, de Chine, exquisite floral
designs, such as roses, ljlies, pansies, etc - Two special
lines at attractive price Monday and Tues- ft A
day 75 and ... 5'. ...... . ; , , . , ... ... . . , $ 1 .UU
Pompadour Swiss' Taffeta- An elaborate showing of
20-inch Pompadour Taffetas, cream and white grdunds
with delicately shaded floral designs best assortment
tcHbe found in the city. Prices 75, 85fV g QQ
Brocade Satin jacquard, $1.50 One of the most elab
orate silks now shown , comes' 2r-jnches wide7ts'Jac
quard weave, '.interwoven with attractive floral de
signs in delicate .colorings-- an unsurpassed value at
$2.00. r Special price for ": Monday - and JJQ
Fancy Liberty Mescalines A startling assortment of
Persian and pompadour. liberty messahne, plain white
with exquisite color combinations, for waists, scarfs,
etc. 21 inches wide. Price, per yard,, Mon- 43
day and Tuesday .". t ....................... Out
Extra Good Values in
Hen's Underwear
' Our Men's Department certainly deserves
the high praises afforded it by our. many
friends, for where else in the city can you
find each vast assortments at such reason
able prices?. Look this -list over carefully
and be here tomorrow:' , . ,
Men's Heavy Double Sanitary
Fleeced Shirts and Drawers, the
best values we know of; - CAr
garment.................... OUC
i's Winter-Weight Wool Shirts
and Urawcra, in camels
hair color, $1.00;. r-'JCp
valuer special.. .... w
Men's Winter. Weight
, , ' wool Blurts and Drawers,
in 'natural arty. made- of fine
tombed yarn; - , ' I flfi
each ..,,..l.UV
Men's Heavy-Weight ' Combed
Egyptian Cotton Union Suits
These garments are made ( CA
to fit; $2.00 value for.....4lOU
Men's Fine Australian Wool Shirts and Drawers, in natural
gray and brown color; a good $2.00 value ' d C(
for. ......,,i;................'.....,.ili)v
Bv V Men
IV o a Foreoeen Fact
That the .holiday trade will be far greater than ever before
in the history of our business, as ach succeeding day shows
a wonderful Increase over the previous. Better do your buy
ing now. We are offering somt wonderful values for in
stance: , ;,. ;,:,, , r. y;:, ;; 1 v. ; -J
Can Buy
Trimmings. Specially Reduced
A mammoth assortment Trimmings all the new effects-
Swiss Etnb. Venice Lace, Net Medallions, Irish Lace, Batiste
and Baby Irian. A mere glance at Quality and price shows
one the greet money-saving opportunity,
Chic' Neckwear -,
A profusion of Dainty and Novel Neckpieces are to be
found on the bargain tables In our Busy Aisle. ' Price reduc
tiona aa follows: . J
$1 00 Neckwear, Monday and Tuesday, special, each... 7.48
50c Neckwear, -Monday and Tuesday, special, each..... 27
25c Neckwear, Monday and Tuesday, special, each...... 6
" T Great Ribbon Bargain .
HEAVY ' ALL-SILK RIBBON Regular 20c grade; Cn
special price Monday, per yard ........OC
Thousands of yards of All-Silk Satin-Faced Ribbon,1 from 1
to 2 inches wide, suitable for hair ribbons and fancy needle
work, regularly sold at. 10c and 20c yard; special for C
Monday, per yard ........ ..dC
Women's Handkerchiefs .
NEW FRENCH DESIGNS Regular 20c grade; 1r
special price Monday, each v. .alC
Beautiful assortment of Women's Dainty Handkerchiefs, in
elaborately embroidered designs; also a few plain ones.
These are our regular 20c handkerchiefs. On sale for' IS
Monday and Tuesday at,, each ......................... 1W
Elbow Length
Rid: Gloves
Dame -Fashion's fancy for el
bow sleeves for smart dresses
makes these gloves a necessary
adjunct of the toilet. All the
shades now in demand, includ
ing black and white, are here at
the right prices. .-
Also a plentiful supply of Long
Silk Gloves in black and white,
also some of the best colors,
at 5 1.35 tl.SO 1.75 f 2.00
Golf Gloves "in a 'large assort
ment of colors at 25 and 50
v:-' . Special Sale '
For Honday . ; -
The demand for the new Lingerie Bust Ruffle has increased
so that we have found it necessary to make additions to the
different styles we formerly carried. The Scott Ideal Bust
Ruffle gives iust the correct fullness to conceal the corset
lines, befriends the slender figure, and is a distinction to the
wearer of these. soft, sheer and stylish waists. They are
made in several grades. We have some specially hand- CA
some effects at T5 and ,uUb
v The
Values '
IflerohandiGe at rfloney-Sayiiig Prices
We nave many bargains to offer as good, and some even better, than the ones we quote. We are simply
quoting a sample of prices from each department. Conservative buyers, who want the best, and do not
care to pay more for their needs than is necessary, will find in our store a money-saving mecca. We want
you to read this advertisement, for every word of it is true, and we can prove it.. Every item we advertise,
is goods of merit ' When we tell you an article is worth or fs Isold regularly at so much you will find that
: ;-. ; ;- to be the truth. Our fast-increasing business is built on three things ; v V..
Clever Ideas in Tailored Suits
atQ25.00 '
Tailored Suits in new models of jackets, in semi-fit--ting
and fitted styles and eton blouse effect of plain
broadcloth and cheviot ; also many of the ' season's
choicest mixtures in soft shades of gray greco brownr
tc-All are beautifully lined with, guaranteed silks
and satins, and the skirts are new cluster, pleated
.models. ".; ; ;;V' ". ; y ? ,: '
Dressy Eton Blouse Suits 01 7.50
Of broadclofh and pretty mixtures just received; also
natty, short coat, suits in fitted and half-fitted models
of fine cheviots and mixtures, in all of the newest
colorings, lined with taffeta or satin which is guaran
teed, with full pleated skirts -all are splendid values.
Other New Suits at 015.00
and ; 012.50 - r7
A grand showing at these popular prices. Exclusive
tailor-made . models in the best-styles comprise this
lotall length coats ajre represented. The materials
are fine Scotch and English mixtures, plain and
checked broadcloths, -and all-wool cheviot serges all
coats are lined -with gppd satin the skirts are beauti
ful pleated models, y
.Best Styles and 1: nil
Value in Women's
. I lit---"
I WW coats
: " I W ine all
V, " All
Women's and Hisses. Skirts
Every skirt is guaranteed new style finish and work
manship the very best. .
A very handsome plaited and kilted model in black,
navy, brown, and gray Panama ; is an un- m v . k f
usually good value at only-rrrvrT,".. . ..AQtDU
Another Very good style with .cluster pleats front and
back, made of. high-grade chiffon Tanama, in black,
navy, brown and gray mixtures splen- O W
did value ar ..... ... . . ......... . . . . : ,.S7 tOU
Coats for Hisses and Children
Ages 6 to 14 years We were never
so well prepared as now with such
beautiful and well tailored coats for
r the young . folks good ' materials,
correct styles, garments cut full, and
-designs especially "suitable for giiis.
The stock is so well arranged that
you can do your choosing- here, in
'a most satisfactory manner and be
sure of getting, the very kind of
garment you are looking for at a
price you wish to pay. Coats in
tweeds, checks, plaid coatings, tour
list ,coatings,.cheviots, broadcloths
and kerseys, priced at $3.50,
S3.90, $4.50, 85.50, $6.50,
A Great Ilovombcr Cnlo
v ooien Drec3 Gocclo
..Year-hy year- we have pushed this department
further into your favor honest fabrics and the best
of them.-Our exhibit of fall and winter weaves is a
beautiful one, "containing full assortments of all the
fashionable weaves and all correct colorings, together
with a host of chick, novelties exclusive with this store.
The following special for Monday and Tuesday: ; :
Fancy SuitingsMore new fancy- suitings in checks,
plaids and stripe effects ; also pretty lines of mixtures,
all wool, excellent wearing qualities; sold be-,
fore at 63c on sale Monday and Tuesday at..3yC
Novelty . Gray Suiting New, nobby weaves in Her
ringbone Suitjng comes in light, medium and dark
shades of gray, 44 inches wide, all wool sold for 85c
and $1.00, Our ; price for .Monday, and CQv
Tuesday ...... . ..... ... . ..f, .... ..... OC
New Panamas Thousands of yards. of this popular
weave in' all the leading colors, also black; 50 inches
wide, warranted all wool, exceptionally good value
regularly sold at $1.00. Special for Monday tor n
and Tuesday ,;, QnC
"New" Cloakmgs Just received an- endlesssojlulCIlt..
ofiiew winter cloa-kings 111 pOinnaTTTglit and medium
plaids, good weight, big values. ; Special,.' f OP
per yard .'......... aD 1 aOO
Year by year we , have pushed
this department further into your
iavor. jm snowing oi wmier
is an extensive one, contain-
the best and latest models.
tnrougn tniS nicirarmwir crrwir I m i . -i fto nA as KCk
you will find values that are re- Lace and Net Waists, 84.50, S5.50, S6.50, 88.50
markawe enough to De called bar- pIaid Sillc Waists at 83.00. 85.00 and 87.50.
Taffeta Silk Waists, in- black and colors atS3.90,
84.50, $5.00 and $5.50. ;
gams, -and tor this week you will
find some! verVtraodmary oti
ferings. ' " " . : : .
Women's and IlissesV Winter
tjT -ri- Coats -- '4 1 ":
Made of stylish dark mixtures and -plaids, 48 to 50
inches long, trimmed with velvet, braid and buttons
in attractive designs.
010.00 Values for 07.50
Extra Special Coat Values 012.50
We offer the prettiest coats you have seen this season
in new dark mixtures, plaids and stripes, with loose
or fitted backs ; also broadcloths and light-weight ker
seys in black, navy,' brown and the fashionable red,
some are satin-lined yoke, others full satin lined; they
are 43 to 52 inches long, handsomely tailored and very
latest models. Not a coat in this lot worth less than $15.
Handsome Coats at 017.50
and 025.00
You can choose from a 'great variety of fashionable
coats half-fitted, box and. loose back models, full and
half satin lined, tailor strapped or braid trimmed; me-T
dium-weight kerseys in black, navy, brown and red.
They are. the best-values shown anywhere at above
prices. " ; ; ' ' -J
. Small Children's Coats - x
1 to 5 years at $2.75, $3.50, 84.50 and $0.50
They come io bearcloth, crushed plush, Astrakhan and
fancy plaids, all well made, neatly tailored garments
and exceptional good values at these prices. :
Loee and Silk Waists
Cloth and Knit Shawls
Cloth and Knit Shawls at special prices tomorrow
that mean savings of no small consequence. See to
it that you are supplied. .
Cloth Shawls; special values at 35, 50, 75, $1
to $4.50. '.".'.'.' -'-...';.....-.
Knit Shawls; spetial values at 25, 48, 75f, 08p
to $2.50. . .- ' ;- . . -
Good Furs at Little Cost '
Little to pay for the best furs. Nothing is lacking
in this great showing. A woman has unequaled ad
vantages in choosing here the latest styles are shown
exclusively and the prices are way below regular
quotations. ' , .
Scarfs, Boas and Stoll Effects m fox, French, coney,
opossum,' "squirrel, marten and mink, moderately
priced at 90, $1.05, $2.25, $2.00, $3.50,
$4.25, $5.50, 87.50, $8.50 and gg QQ
Wrappers and -Kimonos
Women's long Kimonos,, made -of imported flannel--"ette,
a variety of dainty, neat-figured patterns, shirred
nd plain-fitted yokes; special value at ......$1.25
Short Kimonos of pretty colored flannelette at.. 48
Flannelette Wrappers, best styles and colors . .$1.00
Bargains in Women's
f and dhildren8
Fall and Win
ter Hosiery
This meana that we have the follow
ing of the largest number of women
who reason about their purchaaea.
There ia still, of course, considerable
thouajhtlesa buying; we are endeavor
ing to eliminate this. . One by one
careless women are having the truth
forced home to them . that careleaa
choosing of their hosiery demands ia
wasting their money. READ TO
Women's All-Wool Cashmere
Hoser BlacaTor Black With
Gray Soles Reg. 75c qual
ity, in All-Wool Cashmere
Stockings, ordinary, or extra
sizes, best German manufac
ture, all black or black with
natural gray feet; on CA
sale tomorrow at ..... .UUW
Women'e Polka-Dot Stock
ings, Fast Colors A new
shipment .of these 1 popular
fancies, neat patterns, fast
colors and splendid for wear;
80 dozen on sale to 1 r
morrow ..lOt
Women's Wool Ribbed
S to c k i n g a Excellent . 50c
grade, in fine lxl . or 2x1
wool ribbed, fast color and
Very durable; sale 30
price. ................ .0"C'
Children's Fleece-Lined
Stockings Tomorrow, for
one day only, we will place
on sale our best 25c grade
of Fleece-Lined Storking
for boys or girls, any size, in
heavy or fine rib, at, iCn
tfML Pair ... . x. ... ; . i . .ItJV
" Indestructible " - Stockings
for Women We are Port
land's sole agents for this
make. They are of fine Sea
Island yarn,' and the . best
wearing hose made; a guar
antee, with every pair, 2(J
Children's AU-Wool Caah
mere Stocking 200 dozen
All-Wool Cashmere Stock
ings for" boys or girls, fast
black, made with gray beel
and toe, best 35c grade, any
size, at,-the r25C
Women's " Wool " Cashmere
Stockings 200 doaen Plain
Cashmere or Heavy Wool
Ribbed Stockings, in black,
oxford, gray or natural, all
sizes of 40c grade, at 'JCn
Women's Fleece-Lined Stock
ings Women's Heavy Silk
EUaca Linad Hose, all black
or black with unbleached
soles, reg. 35r quality; O Zr
on sale at, pair., ....... JV I
ILast' Claance Expires Moiil"
There's a single day left in which you will be permitted to buy
bargain Shoes in this store until after December the 25th. Our
basement Shoe Department will positively dose Monday night at
B p. m. until the above date. Owing to this, unexpected change
(one that the shoe' buyer had not anticipated), we have re- :
duced every pair of basement shoes, for Monday, way below
. cost. When you are able to buy a pair of women's shoes
that are retailed everywhere at $2.00 tor you are
getting wonderful bargains; yet, this is a sinv
; pie statement of facts. ..
Women's - $2.50 Patent Leather
Shoes for ...,.......$1.23
Women's $2.50 Kid Shoes ..$1.25
Women's $2.50 Box Calf Shoes
for. .......$15
Boys $2.00 Shoes for'. L .$1.15 ,
mornm At mra rmzoaa
for. , . .
i i
Gunmetal Shoes
.......... $1.25
Velour Calf Shoes
Girls $1.75 Shoes for. .... .87
Men's $3.00 Shoes for .'. . .$1.80
Children's $1.23 Shoes for . .60
Infants'l.OO Shoes for ....45
Special Sale Tomorrow Ready-to-Use
Linens for Thaiiitscviiic
Linens that are renowned for their durability. - FEW stores
are showing such a variety aa you will find here. NONE are
offering such extremely good values. Our rapidly growing
Linen Department is continually coming to the front with
some splendid new features that are substantial money-savers.
Here are a few items that illustrate our prices:
V Round Doilies and Centerpieces.
All sizes in neat Round Scalloped Doilies and Centerpieces on
sale Monday and Tuesday at attractive prices . . .
6-inch size; specially priced at.... ...........10
12-inch size; specially priced at.............. ...20
18-inch size; specially priced at...
24-inch size; specially priced at...... '....60
36-inch size; specially priced at........... fl.OO
4 ' Tea and Lunch Cloths.
A splendid showing of new All-Linen Tea and Lunch Goths,
pretty patterns, in damask, at special prices for Monday and
Size 36 by 36 inches; special prices;... f 1.T5 down to fl.OO
Size 45 by 45 inches; special prices.. ..f 2.75 down to 1.95
Size 54 by 54 inches; special price.......:...... ...... $2.50
Damask jray Cloths. v
An unsurpassed assortment of fresh All-Linen Tray Cloths,
well made and neatly hemstitched
Size 18 by 23 inches; specially priced at, each..........S5e
Size 18 by 27 inches;1 specially priced at, each,,, ...BO
Size 20 by 30 inches; specially priced at, each JO
Size 20 by 30 inches; specially priced at, each..........75
Size 20 by 30 inches; specially priced at, each. ....... ..98
Hemstitched Damaak Seta."
A special lot of All-Linen Damask Sets, well made, neatly
hemstitched. Table Cloth and one dozen Napkins, at attract
ive prices ' '
Size 8 by 8; specially priced at, per set.Ar.,.tjJ.J.J.v'6.Mi
Size 8 bjrlOrspecially priced at, per set 57.5
Size 8 by 12; speciaUpriced at, pcr-et .8.6Q
Hemstitched Damaak Napkins.
A complete stock of Hemstitched All-Linen Napkin, all
sizes; prices ranging in price from.... 4.75 down to 51.95
Fringed Damaak Napldne In large assortment of pretty de
signs, regulation size; prices ranging from 52.50 AA
per dozen down to. 1UU
Sideboard Scarfs Plain Round-Thread Linen Hemstitched
and Drawnwork Scarfs, in neat patterns, at attractive prices,
as follows: '
18 by 45 inch Scarfs at.. . . . :. . . , . . .4 SO 904 7K4
18 by 54 inchcarfs at....50 65f 75f 85 f&.0 51.25
Damask by the Yard Elaborate line of Damask by
the yard at price ranging from 2.0 down to..., ... fciJt
Napkins-to Be'Herrfmed In excellent assortment, to match
Damask; range in price from f. per dozen down
. Tempting- Values in the
Art Department
Complete line of Corticelli Embroidery Silks.' Special val
ues in handsome Pillow Tops, 50 and 25. Full stock of
"Golden Fleece" Tarns of all kinds. Large selection of
Hand-Drawn Linen Squares and Scarfs, Renaissance Lace
Squares or Round Centerpieces, Japanese Squares, Scarf and
Tray Cloths, . ' . . '