The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 25, 1906, SECTION TWO, Page 20, Image 20

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    . , . . .- - -. i . - . . . . ...... -.-1 " ' " ' ' ; , . ' . ' ' .
Lumber Exchange Building, Second Floor, S. E; Corner Second arid Stark Streets
, e -
i, i
3 - We, do not expect to sell you the whole state; however, we have thousands of acres of choice farm lands
: ; : . n each county in the state of Oregon for sale. We cannot tell about each one here. We describe only at
' " . 7 --7 ' "select few of the many we have for sale. We say with pride but not from boastful attitude that we have . .: v ; 7 :
WnV W representative in each county in, the state who is in direct touch wim us. We - ' ! .
Tiff O riUJ ; know where the good buys in this state are located. We are not narrowed down to a few farm3 in only a ValQ - itCX'
.VV V CPIaVI VV few neighborhoods but we can show you scores of dairy, stock, poultry, hop and fruit farms in any part- Cvvlvvt LllW
ll 7.:V.7 . , .' of .the state you may desire. You will readily see why it will pay you to come to us for either farm lands 7 , V ' v
; or" town property. We do not trot you out to a few .places in an undesirable locality for the sake of land- ' 7-- :'
ing you and , getting your hard-earned mqney---we are noj in that sort of business. Our plan is tQsatisfy
. and please the customer by finding and showing him just what he wants. We don't force you ito accept.
, : anything We give you all the facts and details,and let you decide what is best to buy We are ready. at
any time to spend bur" time "and cash" to assist buyers to: find a location where-they-desire-it. Don't be -skeptical
don't be suspicious don't hesitate to . investigate our property by coming direct to our, of f ices
,' and find out for yourselves what we have to show you. You take no risks we assume all the dangers of
a disappointment on your part. If you wish to buy a farm, a ranch, town property, or make any other in
vestment in the state of Oregon we invite you to call at our offices. Let us tell you what we have to offer
along the line you are interested in and allow us to show you why it benefits you in a direct way to deal
5 direct with us whether you be buyer or owner of Oregon property. ' . ' -l7 ;
- - Portion .
111 acres situated in Clackamas county, Oregon; 60 acres
level, 50 acres rolling, a rich black and red loam soil, 85
acres fenced, 40 acres in cultivation, 20 acres of heavy tim
ber; good well, one acre orchard with other small fruits, ,
4-room house, barn 20x25; 1 mile to schoolhouse and Wil
lamette Falls, 2 miles to New Era on the Southern Pacific
railroad, V miles to Willamette river, Y mile to shipping
point, on the main "county road, r8 miles to Oregon City; -this
place is especially recommended as a hop ranch and is
. certainly a splendid buy. Price $2,850.
31 acres in Clackamas county, Oregon, 2 miles south of Oregon'
City on the Southern Pacific railroad, 1 mile from electric car
line; 15 acres in cultivation, balance slightly rolling with suf
ficient timber for wood for many years; good 6-room house, 2
barns; 1 mile to school; the soil is very fertile; this property is
conceded to have one of the finest river views of any place in
Clackamas county; it has over 1,000 feet of fine river frontage;
-this would make an ideal home place for any-one; considering
the location, the quality of the soil and other improvements, the'
. v ' place is very reasonable at the price, $3,000.
120 acres of land, 12 acres in cultivation, first-class soil;.,
small house, sheds and other buildings; near a good school,
with rural mail deliyery; on this place, is located a new
sawmill with a capacity of 4,000 feet per day, with some
other machinery' on the place; the timber on this place has
not been cruised, but is in large quantities said to be enough
to supply the mill for several years; the timber is a good,
quality, mostly red fir ; this farm can be bought for $3,600;
it is only 12 milea southeast of Oregon City,-ma splendid :
y- ' -'. , county road. ''' ; P ,
73VA acres, situated at Logan, Clackamas county, Oregon; this farm is known as
tb Buck-Stricklin place; 225 acres level, a rich black soil; 17S acres fenced with
new poa board and wire fence, 80 acre tin a high state of cuhhrationrno heavy
timber; 7 fields on the place with living water in each field; 2-acre orchard in
good condition, good 7-room house, Tainted white, worth V600; fair aised barn,
will hold 70 tone of hay: 1 mile to school; R. F. D.; 10 miles to Clackamas rail
. road station; this place has been carefully inspected before it was listed by us, '
'. and we have determined it to be one of the cheapest and beat buys on the mar
. ket; it is specially adapted to dairying; the land in the immediate neighborhood
: adjoining has lately been sold for $60 per acre without any building! ; thia place
' is on a first-claaa road to Portland and Oregon City; the round trip to cither
. place can be made in one day: Logan ia one of the beat neighborhoods in the
-whol atateoLOregonLjhejannert are prosperous and are -mostly engaged in
- 7" nring. - ;..;v -r - .
1 14' acres in Clackamas county,
Oregon; 9 acres in cultivation,
with living spring water on the
farm, a good welLltth house; 60
tods ftoni the main Viola road;
rich eoil,HreU fenced, some fruit n
the farm; 8-room house, painted
white, coat 11,000; barn 22x47, snd
other buildings; mile to school;
' this place is specially recommend-
ed for a finje poultry - or fruit
" ranch. Price $2,000. -
00 acres in Clackamas county, Ore
gon; located on Clear creek, - 9,
miles from Oregon City, on a good
- road ; 30 acres - of good pasture,
. plenty of living springs with creek "
water cnf)Ugh-tQ,irjrigatethe bot-
,tom lands; small house, goodTbarn
38x60; Knuteloachool; R7F7
a country sawmill with unlimited
timber resources on the premises;
a market for hay and other farm
producti'doic at hand r'thtfinej;
place is in the celebrated Logan'
country and needa no further rec-
ommendation. Price $3,500.
119 acres in Clackamas county,
- Oregonrg miles from Estacada i
J4 mile to school and sawmill; 75
acres of this farm is level, the bal
ance rolling; good aoil, very suit- -able
for clover and grain; also
recommended as very suitable for
an apple farm; 8 acres In cultiva
tion, 20 acres cleared; 200,000 feet (
of fine fir and cedar timber; thia '
fine little farm ia well watered by
a creek and living springs; about 1
acre of fruit, 6-room house worth
$800. Price $1,100.
320-acre farm in Malheur county,
Oregon, 2V, milea from Vale; 200
acrea of thia fine farm ar"under
cultivation,' 30 acres in alfalfa:
splendid young orchard; liberal
"water rights rS-roora house t creek-
runs through the place; a good
well; thia farm is all fenced; this
place suitable for cutting up in
80-acre tracts. If sold aa a whole,
$60 per acre. If sold in 80-acre
tracts, $65 per acre. Terms, one
third cash, balance time at low
Interest. For . an irrigated farm,
r this is a good one.
' You are the' loser if you juggle your
-timber lands away byailmgiaiortifjL
IlX your selling- chances! JYou can. easily
V place yourself in a safe position re
: garding the sale of your timber hold-';
J ; ings in the northwest."; -.Tmrfsran age
of specialists. The man who seeks to
get the best results in any line of busi
. ' ness goes to the place where he can
have fos business handled in a specific'
, ... manner, that will be espcciaUyo-hia-indiyidual
advantage. , Timber buyers
; - from all parts of the United States are
- "comirig to" thifconipanyln large"mrm--bers.
They know we have desirable
7 1 timber holdings for sale. We want
777 .to" inprc83 itinher : owners with this -;
r one important point If you want to"
7 " make a quick sale, and get the price
' you want," you cannot afford to not
place your timber in our hands. We
i will guard your interests carefully and
ean assure you always of an intelli-'
gent management of your business
in a period of time that will be highly
satisfactory to you. - By all means
bring us your timber. It makes no
7 , difference , whether it is a large or a
? small tract, this company can get you
;; the buyers and get them in a hurry,
- 7 tOO. ,'7. ...
244 acres at Springwater, Oregon; 1 mile to school, 1 miles to Estacada rail- 1
road station; 160 acre level, with 100 acres in cultivation, 80 acres slightly roll.'
ing; rich loam aoil; thia 'farm ia well fe need r the saw timber ia reserved; 5 liv
ing springs, a good well, good 7-room house, painted white, cost $1,400; good
barn 60x70 with adjoining" ahed 50x30, good rock cellar. The following property
goes with the place: 3 horses weighing 1,300 or 1,400 pounda each, 1 harness,
2 wagona, 6 milch cows, 4 or 5 head young cattle, 15 head of hogs, 1 reaper'
and other implements, household furniture; this place ia aituated on the main,
county road, and is considered to be on of the most beautiful farms in the state
of Oregon; situated so near the motor line, it la bound to increase in value rap-'
idly, and ia specially recommended as a good Investment. Price $9,000.
.1 ..,.,
. 60 acres in Clackamas county. Ore-"
gon, A miles to Parkplace rail-
. road station on the Southern Pa
cific railroad, 3 milea from Glad-
, stone motor line; 10 acres level, 50
acrea rolling, rich aoil, ljacreain
in pasture, 10 acrea heavy timber;
'good well of 1 living spring on
blace, plenty of fruit trees in bear- .
ing, all in good condition, 5-room
- house in good condition, cost $600r
, barn 34x40, new outbuildings; 1
mile to school; all small tools and
implements, 6 tons of hay and
farm produce, also horses, cattle, .
hogs, furniture, etc, go with thia.
: place. . Price $1,650.
120 acres, 18 miles from Med ford,
7 miles from GoldhilU Jackson .
county, -Oregon; 80 acres of thia
, farm are cleared, 40 acrea in alfal
fa; in the heart of a neighborhood
. timbered and in pasture; good well ;
-Lwater; partly fenced with-Pafre-1
woven wire fence, the entlrefarm"
being fenced; public school adjoin.
' ing thia farm. Price of the farm
Js$3.500. If purchaser desires, the
owner , will include -three horses,
. one cow, farm wagon, spring wag- -on
and all other small farm im
plements, 125 chickens, 20 tons al- :.
talfa and a large number of email-
- er - tools,. Price $6,000, Including -the
equipment. '
160 acres, 3 miles southwest of
Condon, Gilliam- county. Ore--on
; . 50 acres tillable ;. living
water on the place; all under
fence f this place is very desir
able for a chicken ranch or a
small dairy, farm. The price
makes it an extremely, good
buy. Only per acre. ,
" 326 acres, T miles north" of Con
-doiv-GilliamcountytOregbn ;
200 acres of this farm are till
able, balance first-class pasture
land ; one spring on each quar
ter section; close to good
school and railroad. ; This farm
is very reasonable at the price,
$15 per acre. -Terms Y cash.
320 acres, 6 miles east of Condon, Gilliam
county, Oregon; this farm is especially rec
ommended for dairying and gardening, the
soil being very fertile. - This place can be
bought for $10 per acre. Terms one half cash
400 acres 6 miles from Clem, Gilliam county,
Oregon; nearly all of this farm is under a
high state of cultivation; it is a good grain
and fruit farm ; it will pay you to investi-
gatejisimmdiately!Price $20, per acre..
1,440-acre stock ranch, 15 miles from Vale, Mal
heur county, Oregon; all under Irrigation; In the
center of a gOod cattle range; plenty of apring
water. The owner will consider in payment gilt
edge Income property. The price, of thia farm
ia $45,000. ;
320-acre stock ranch, 16 miles from Vale,
Malheur county, Oregon; all under fence;
irrigated ; in heart of a large free range ;
good spring water; this will make an ideal
- stock or dairy farm.- Price $4,500.
960 acres adjoining the town of Condon, Gilliam county,
Oregon; 800 acres of this fine "farm is under cultivation;'
an abundance of water with water rights for irrigation;
this is considered one of the best farms in eastern Oregon."
Considering its location, the fertility of the soil, its water
rights and other equipment, improvements, etc., it is de
cidedly low priced at $30 per acre. ,
600 acres fine bottom land, 160 acres timber and pasture land,
a total of 760 acres; this is K an ideal home place, and a money
maker; improvements are up-to-date; the hot springs on this
place will enable the new owner to make the place famous as a
summer' resort ; this place must be seen to be appreciated ; it is
situated' within 1- miles of Lakeview, Lake county, Oregon.
The price is low considering the investment. Call or write for
more detailed information regarding this farm. -
243 acres wel improved; railroad depot, store and school
near, 320 acres under a never failing water right of 150
inches; fine orchard; this place now produces 400 tons of
alfalfa annually, and other hay; all fenced and cross fenced; ,
there are other interesting details concerning this fine al
falfa farm. Write for more detailed description, price and
,': ' (.".. .: , ' . '.termsJ. : V . , '
THIS Company is telling thousands of Eastern and Western homeseekers about the vast resources of Oregon. ,This Company, the Northwestern 'Guarantee and Trust
Company, have, competent meri located in every county in the 6tate, who are instructed to assist the-land buyer and homeseeker -to get what he wants in the right
place. We assume that all land buyers are. intelligent judges of good farms. We only try, to "show you" the best that the market affords. Jf you have lands for sale
- a-it will pay you to deal direct with us. The buying of a farm is too serious a matter to be treated lightly. If you will give us your whole confidence we will turn our entire 7
experience for your benefit. We are always ready to assist .buyers and investors to, find just what they want in just the right place.. .