The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 25, 1906, SECTION TWO, Page 18, Image 18

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:;V vW ifi-r W-gf- i : 1
, Retidence of
' Tlit tti volume -er aeB-repori4 in
the rMUymrkct during tb past wwk
did not equal In value those of the week
preceding im due entirely to the Hart
man At Thompson' Mat aide acreage deal.
. involving something like 1.000 acres, for
whteh they paid over 0O.M0. While
there were a number of good alsed sales
made during the week Just closed, the
average of the' past few weeks was
maintained, both buyers and sellers
taking a well-earned rest after the
strenuous and exciting market condi
tions of ihe previous week. '
The two principal centers of interest
to buyers seemed to have been First' and
Math streets. The organisation by the
First street property owners of 4k local
improvement association ,wlth the' an
nouncement that they proposed to re
store that thoroughfare to its old posi
tion as a business center bas given a
decided impetus to the property of the
district, resulting la a number of Im
portant sales being made -during the
week at increased pricea.:
- Property on Fifth and Sixth streets.
Retidence of H. Ham,
north of Washington, continues to re
ceive the lion's share of the buyers' at
tention. The largest made In that dis
trict during the week wss the purYiase
bjr Frsnk E. Doolpy of the old Cascade
hoM', ltuatd Trr-m' southeast corner
' M Sixth anO. Flanders streets. The
" property wai sold by R. B. Lamson for T
. covered by a threo-etory brick building,
which Is said to be leaaed for a rental
that pays a fslr return n ths invest-
t" ' f "I'e ew4 Corner. ' '
" Carson Kalstrom have bought a to
foot lot at tbe northwest corner ' of
.. Fifth and Couch streets from- P. Breskl.
Tbe consideration was $20,000. Ths lot
Is now covered by a two-story frame
, building. Brooke at Klernan assisted by
, I. O. Davidson sold the southeast, cor
, nr of Fifth ana Burnslde to Lelter
Palmer, former ownera of ths Bridal
Veil mill, for $70,000. The lot f ran U
t feet on Fifth street and 100 on Burn,
'side and Is covered by old two-story
frame buildings. It is understood that
the nesr purchasers will put substantial
improvements on their purchase. Scott
' Brooke, who owned ths property, also
Stop Those
a' I III 1 llh illl llici I llli' HfiJ M-Stil 1
i ' ' ' J" '. .snTiTmssr. 3 3 Pi 2 ' .. .'. .,
Klae times out p( lea headache bas Its cause in some disorder which can be entirely removed
., , by the sea of - ' ' .
Tarrant's scitzcr Aperient
It removes the conditions which are the chlrl causae of periodic head
ache.:. Contains so brosudee or bear! dcpresnnf drugs, -
. rhiMM lit tt
a very ,,
sJdrecgisMMsestsasdllJIersysjsaireai x
TWt TR"WT CO., Mutlgon
M. N. Mayo, Corner Eugene Street and
reeenuy- aol tnr-soumwest corner of
Sixth and Burnslde for $74,000. Mr.
Brooke bought both -parcels about one
year ago, paying f 110.000 for them, thus
cleaning up something like IJ5.000 on
the two deals, i . - .'
Several important sales In the ware
house district were reported during the
week. George F. Thompson bought the
quarter block at the southwest corner
of Fifteenth and .Ollsan from H C. and
A. Bohlman for $20,000. Peaalee Bros.,
the Front street printers bought lot
at Eleventh and avis streets from A.
Knott, paying for It 112,000. It la
understood that tbe purchasers will
build a six-story concrete building to be
used as a label factory. The construc
tion of the building will begin as soon
as the architects can prepare the plans.
John Gorman sold the quarter block
at the southeaat corner of Fourteenth
and Irving to local capitalists, whose
names are for the present withheld;
and Mrs. Minnie Picket sold to the same
purchasers ths inside' lot facing ' Thir
teenth street,; 26x100 and connecting
to Bt Erected at East Thirty-Ninth
with the rear 'of the above quarter
block, thus giving the purchasers a
,frontage on Thirteenth, Fourteenth and
Irving streets. .The sals was made
through the agency of J. II. Falrbrqok
and the consideration was $38.000. It la
understood - that the proper! y - was
boght for a warehouse site,
. 1 Mill
r IT 1 1 1 IBO V -tlUl II Wflw
sold by Charles K.' Henry to Carlson
KalLstrom for $25,000. The deed for the
north half of the block occupied by the
Willamette Iron works was filed for
record during the week. Joseph and
Samuel Simon were the purchasers. The
consideration was named at $ 50,000. but
the trae consideration Is believed to be
much above that figure. The Ilaselwood
Creamery company bas taken a long
lease tm thir property and wl soon be
gin Aha erection of a five-story building
gin the erection of a five-story building
Mag and George Loewenaon closed a
leal during the week with two local
rkpltallnts, names withheld, for the
Coeur d'Alene building at ths northeast
corner of First and Clay streets for a
consideration of $3t,000. ' This is re
garded as cheap for this property, sa It
Is covered, with a good four-story
ttroat, Haw Yorfc
Union Avenue,.
brick, mat- la vUaed-for . stores ..and s
hotel, and pays a- good Interest on the
Investment. . (
The northeast corner of Sixteenth and
Johnson streets was sold by J. D. Hen
neasy to Peter Taylor for a considera
tion of 124.000. The lot is -covered by
four modern two-story residences. '
, Lmont 4 Harris closed a deal yes
terday for the residence of R R Ever
ding on Seventh, between Mill and
Montgomery streets, to Mrs, M. Wolt
maa. of Rock Island, Illinois, for $8,000.
Mrs. Woltman has recently moved - to,
Portland' and Is contemplating making
other Investments in Portland property.
I. O. Davidson sold block IS, High
land addition, to an out-of-town buyer
for $5,250. - The block was ths property
of Marion Smith. ' --
Ths American Laundry company pur
chased yeaterday through the agency of
D. 8. Stearns ths half block fronting on
the north side of .Kearney street, be
tween Fourteenth and Fifteenth streets.
The property was . owned by: John
Klernan;- consideration $28,000. It la
and Division Streets.
understood that ths purchaalng com
pany will erect a modern three-story
laundry building on ths half block-
Bales of outside screage in small
tracts wers numerous throughout the
weak- The nna B, MoUer ranch near
Fairvlew waa sold o Xlarls TX Curtis lot
$9,000, The tract contains 48 'acres and
la parHcunvrty weltdapttft"tq"plttrng;
which it la underatood the new owner
will do.
L.. V. Aumack and M. A. Peel sold.
through ths agency of JS. J. Daly and
W. B. Streeter, 22 acres Just, east Of
Irvine-ton to out-of-town buyers for
$10,000. Ths purchasers will plat the
tract ana put it on the market. ,
Ths Kosternian tract, consisting of 4t
acres, on Council Crest, wss sold yes
terday to an eastern capitalist for S2$.
000. The tract is esst of snd Joins ths
park on Council Crest. It Is announced
that- ths purchaser ' will terrace - ths
trieet In the spring and Immediately be
gin ths construction of a handsome resi
dence. The property Ilea well, overlook
ing ths entire city and surrounding
country.. .
I. A. Rumbaugh bought from the
Fields estate one acre, fronting ths
Base Line road, nesr ths Mount Tabor
schoolhouse. 'for $3,(00. This property
Is In a district ,that has been rapidly
filling up with the batter slsas of dwellings-for
ths pent year or two.
Interest in Council Crest lots has
waned but little, notwithstanding ths
unfavorable wsatber conditions. One
firm reports the sale of about 30 lota
during ths past week. K 8. Jackson re
ports ths sals of half a doien lota on
ths peninsula at good prices, with an,
active demand In that. district for resi
dence property.
- Mrs. Harsh J. Hall 'has purchased!
two lota la ths Uolladajr Park Addition
$300 to $375
10 Per Cent Cash and $10 Month.
These prices will advance $25
per lot .December 15. Streets
praded, sidewalks graveled, and
Bull .Run ' water mains laid in
the streets. A station will be
established on the St. Johns car
line which runs along the south
end of the tract. The beautiful
Columbia City Park, 'which ,is
being highly improved by the
city, adjoins this property on the
west . Building restriction ' of
$1,000, so you will be assured of
nOLhacks, xt-6mall Jiouscs Fif ty
three of these lots have been sold
within the - last 20. days.. . Every
body who goes to look at tlus
property buys, because it is. the
best location and the most rea
sonable in price of anything on
the market within the city limits
of Portland. We expect all these
lots will be. sold by January 1, so
don't miss the opportunity to buy
some" of these lots because they
are- sure' to make you money"
Or our agent, R. B. Carey, Penin
sular ave., near the tract.
913,000 Quarter block 19th and
Upshur: warehouse orooertv.
f 16,00OCorner lot 50x100, Park
and Flander; part oath.
f 18,00O Quarter block and four
houses on 14th and Johnson.
22,500 Quarter block and two
houses on 14th and Flanders.
f25,0OO Quarter block and five
houses on 14th and Flanders.
f 23,500 50x50 and brick building
on First street, down town.
f 28,000 Brick store in Albina, in
come 11 per cent; part cash.
f 55,000 Quarter block on Fourth
street, income 9 per cent; part
'. . - .cash.
. 128 THIRD STREET.- !
100x100 .......... t ...... . 45,000
100x100 .. .. ....... .......fSOyOOO
100x100.... f25,000
50x100 fc.Kiggo
If voa will call, we will be pleased
to give you the particulars of above,
also of other properties that we can
not advertise, t ... .. r ..
Good Speculation
100x100, Eaat Washington snd First
streets, 100 feet on railroad track. We
have got this at a price that you can
easily make $5,000 In less than months.
Deitz-TVIueller Co
: aao-oso Hransas axexjuras.' '
from Anton Oleblsch for $2,600. Ths
purchaser Is from California and will
erect a modern residence on ths prop
erty. Ths realty board cams near disrup
tion at ths Wednesday evening meeting
over a resolution Introduced to amend
the by-laws permitting ths division of
commissions. Under ths old rules a
member of the board was allowed to
divide a commission with no ons but a
fellow board member, but several mem
bers of ths board claimed to be losing
sales because of this rule and demanded
the right to divide a commission with
any one who brought a customer to
their 'offices. After a prolonged strug
gle tns rule was amended allowing the
division of commissions with any repu
table real estate dealer. The queatlon
of the exclusive contract of sals also
cams In for discussion, resulting In a
slight modification of ths nils, requlr
ing written contracts -in all eesre where
the value waa less than $26,000. The
Jniyatlnnuee ws" reduced from $10 to
$5 and the monthly dues from $2.B0"16
$1. A strong effort will be mads to
bring all the recognised realty agents
In ths city Into the organisation,
O. Frlswald and C A. Bogewell have
sold the southwest corner of Tamhlll
and Seventeenth streets to out-of-town
buyers for $27,100. The lot Is now oc
cupied by ths Oneonta apartment house
and a two-story residence. The sals
was mads through ths agency of F. O.
.' Dan 'Malsrkey has under considera
tion ths construction of four business
houses at ths corner -of Spring and
Twentieth streets, Portland Heights.
The Lover of Art
' One of the moat conspicuous evi
dences of ths rapid Improvement 'of
Portlsnd ss a lesdlng city In the world's
affairs Is the Interest that Is ' being
.manifested in the finer grade of horns
furnishings, particularly ths illumina
tion effects.
. Especial sttenrlon Is being lavished
upon dining-room art domes. Some of
ths srtlstio designs snd colors that
hsvs recently been Installed In our new
palatial homes compare favorably with
the flneat In any city. - .
In noting thess facts, ons naturally
Inquires to know from whom thess are
being procured. A visit to the show
rooms At m. J. waisn t o., ail mark St.,
Is eelf-convlnclng. Their display and
stock Is complete In every detail. 1
' ' .
r "JAn-Lots Jn it yrtle Paraxon MU
V VV Scott
eaay payments.
9 C A Full lots,
OOU Heights; $2S
East Portland
cash, bsL $10
per- month. v . r-
$ 4tf01
Lot 60x100. Fast Main St.;
60 cash, $19 per month.
CCA-Loti 60x100,. ltd and Clinton
. arts v verv cheat).
$) - T25 -room . house at Tabasco
. 1200 cash, bat $16 per mo.
C 0 n A'-roora cottage. South Port
uu land; walking distance; snap.
fc Ififl A -room cottage. South Port
PIVUV and: easy payments.
l?n.ft ot "! -room houae, Vnl-
V 'vv Verslty Park; good buy.
tj i AAIOOxlOO; nlcs quarter block,
13th snd Ivon st; hurry.
100x100;, eor., new 6-roora
home, modern, "Woodstock.
Cl,5SO lots and 6-room new house.
Kern far; part caan.
C f ftA - rooms. . 424 and Haw-
e? iuvv tborne; $300 cash, baL easy
, terms.: ...,(
t 1 A C A Brand new 6-room cottage;
?IUUU sttlo, lot 0xl$4, Kast Yam-
.,'.,. t ' .. hilt at-; $300 cash, bal, $20
' , , per month. ...
4 1 A A A New- 6-room eottase,- Qajnten
beln ave. and Mason St.;
swelL ;
ood s-room house, lot 60x
In Brooklyn, $200 cash;
oat. izo per montn.
$2,000 Lot 100x100, new ' l-room
cottage at Firland; 'install
C Unfile -room house,- 2d St., near
Meade; walking dlsUnoe;
room modern house at
Highland; $1,000 cash; bat
CCftfi . block, s.w. corner East
Cuvv 14th and Hancock sts.. Hoi
.. laday'a
$J4,30O Oood , T-room house, ' lot (Ox
. iuu, oecona ana enerman bis.
CaCAA houses and 4 flats r Income
WO Id per cent; easy payments.
t C ff A A--Flne "T-robm "house, " 100x100,
7t v v V on Tillamook sL, near Steel
188 TUBS
Triangle, 8 frontages........ SI 5, OOO
112x100 corner 27,60O
08x100 corner . .. . ......... .B17,5O0
60x100 insids ....$)l5,000
Act quickly if you want any of these
Have a full lot Improved on Flrat St
and a tenant for a 10-years lease.
Price less than S5O,0OO.
100x100 '
Business corner North Portland. Pays
nearly per cent on pries S 16, GOO
a One buy. Still some vacant ground to
build on. '.'
Fiona lCain B3S3.
114 Third art.
Extra: Snaps
For This
Week Only
100x100 Rast Ollsan $100
down, $20 month. .
(0x100, Bast Davis- $160
down, . $10 month.
60x100, Kast Flanders $300
down, $10 month.
Quarter block, Kast Couch;
all street Improvements paid.
100x106. Williams ava., terms!
worth $2,200 now, . ;
V FOR v '-
v i
$lS.OOO Secures flne new 7-room
houses snd an elegant double 10-room
flat snd grounds; right nesr Steel
brlflge; brings handsome rent. .
mom zojro co, iMVi is .
. j ,-. , ' - ..
Is ths name of the beautiful new rest
denaa addition -to- ths-growing city of
Vancouver, Wash,
Only miles from the heart of the Cltv
of Portland, 30 minutes' ride by electrlo
cars, ixxjated on high ground, sloping
gently towsrd the Columbia river, com
manding a line view of two of the srand-
est mountain peaks of the west, and the
City of Portland, containing 60 acres,
or 30O Iota, wholly within ths limits ot
ths City of Vancouver, with wide streets
ana aueys, with complete water system.
teiepnonea, electric lights ana over
feet of eldevalka laid and the principal
streets graded. We make bold to claim.
wunout rear or succesarul contradic
tion, that no residence section of the
City of Portland oftora safer or surer
investment than ,-, .
More than one third of these lots have
already-been sold and" values have ad
vanced 26 per cent in the six months
tbe property naa been on tns market.
Prices of Lots In this
Tract $200 to $5C0
Term ons third cash, balance to suit
purchaser, at 7 per cent Interest.
- Ths City of Vancouver 'has more
than doubled in' DODulatlon In the laat
five years, and five years henoe we pre
dict a population here of 26,000, Every
body knows about the building of ths
famous -North Bank Railway and the
mammoth brldae across ths Columbia
at Vancouver, and fierce contest being
wagea Between tne mu ana ttarriman
systems for points of vsntaao at this
place. We say to yon that the building
ot tnese great roaas wui o tne means
of making a great city on ths Colum
bia river at Vancouver, and are firmly
or the beller that overy $100 invested
at Vancouver now will return $200 to
tns investor in two years.
Our offices at 10$ Second street. Port
land, and $00 Main street. Vancouver.
are headquarters for Vsncouver snd
Clarke county property, and are fully
equippea witn maps ana piats ana com
petent and obliging salesmen.
Take our advice and investigate Van
couver and Amada Parte Call on. or
address , ,
The Washington &
Oregon Realty Co.
108 Second Street, Portland. Telephone
Main 1404.
800 Main 8treet, ' Vanoouver,.Wash,
Meieppone jMam mi.
National Trust? arid
Investment Co. .
Loans oomPOBATioirs ouinno ajtd
TZMAMOZD. ' ' jl ,
Modern house rooms , and lot. East
Morrison 8t. close In, 67.600; half
cash, balanoe to suit.
Choice business corner. Improved, $66,
- 000; terms. ; v -
House 6 rooms, lot 60x100 at Woodlawn,
$1,400; half cash, balance $16 month.
House $ rooms, small oellar, wvodfahed,
chicken bouse, fruit trees, at Firland,
$1,600; $600 cash, balance $16 month.
Houae t rooms, modern, lot ; 60x100,
$1,600; $100 cash, balance $16 month.
Houss 1 rooms, modern, lot 60x100, Wil
liams Ave., $2,600. ,
House T rooms, corner lot 10x100, ce
ment walk, sewer, - gss, minutes'
walk, I car. lines, $2,600.
A Good Investment
Two lots, close in, on southeast
corner of th block f-?-room house
on corner lot, with all modern
improvements. ' On inside lot is
16-room double house, ""with alt
modern improvements. Build
ings are in first-class condition.
Good income property. ;
Pearce &:Mebus
J 312 J4 Washington Street, "
, , ... Vancoyver, Wash.
100x100 factory site, two blocks
from Grand avenue, one block
from Morrison.
,17 : 7:7 Solid grbuni.r , -
'. Easy terms.
Main 8661. ; Failing Building
See the lots we are selling
Wasco ;
n Broadway 7
Schuyler :
and Tillamook Streets
At $900.00 Each on Easy " '
Monthly Payments
Acreage ; :
22 acres ori the north side of
the Base Ljne road, 600 feet west
of the new line of the O. W P.
Railway Co. '.One mile, west of H
Merrill s roadhouse. Price $2,000.
Running water on this property.
Acreage 7
300 acres at Mount Scott Price
$125 per acre. . . . ....
For'wafehouse " sites on East 7,
Morrison, East . lYamhill, 7 East .
Taylor,, East Salmon, 'East
Main and East Madison sts.
See L usl-. We have . ,iU We ,
have located , all the others.
Let us1ocate7yoa.7 ':' Prices are
right and terms easy.
Block f
200x200. hounded bv East Sixth
and East Seventh, East Everett'
and -East Flanders sts-Price
$15,000, -Terms, $5,000 down
balance at 6 per cent to suit pur
chaser. ' '.; .- I-.;.
River Front i '
If you want river frontage be-'
tween the bridges, see us.
Weat Side Office, 104 Second St.
, 1 V. t IT
. iumDer juccnange cunaing -.
r- Phone--Maina43g;-f. -t-- I
East Side Office. 392 E. Burnslde. 7 I
"Phone East-159.
A glance at our list of ctfjr real
estate reveals rapidly Increasing
sales, large number of places re
cently listed marked "sold" today.
Some out of this list of special
properties will bear the same In
dorsement ' before the week ends.
On out ths pleas jrou, like and see
as Monday early.
Lovely Suburban Cottage.
Only one block from good caf line,
a half hour's ride from your busi
ness: full quarter block of ground;
house, 4 rooms, nsw, modern, good
plumbing, electrlo lights and ready
to occupy; $26 monthly.
rrioa taooo
South Portland Corner.
On Corbett street, where It turns
onto ths hill; a tins -room house
and lot 60x100; It's really a comer
without two streets to keep , up;
nearly new. Sea us at once.
lr!oe 14750
Cottage Near River.'
- Along the Sellwood - car line, lot
60x100, with snug little 4-room cot
tage; it rents for $0 per month:
you can buy It for $10 monthly and
less than half cash. .
Mee SU0O
: Bungalow for Two f
families. In a good location on the
east aldet It is sbsolutely modern
snd the only thing of its kind in
the city; such things as fireplace,
beautifully psneled wainscot, china
closets, book shelves, gaa and elec
tricity; we can. rent either half for
622.60 per month. - .
Moe complete. . . i .....t.S4S00
Portland Trust Co.
Of Oregon.
Btontieasior.' Third and Oak sjts.
West Side
i'Wi hare two manufactur- .
ing - ite. -They re liigh
and dry, the beit to btf.tud.T':
F. 0. Northrup & Co.
211 Commercial Block, J'' :
' Second and Washington Streets,
water front
17,0001 00x1 00. t modern houses;
rented for $116 per month.
flt.OOtV 100x100. wholeeals dlstrlst.
38,000100x200, .4 modern houses;
, rented for HI0 rr nynnth. t.
J. K. EII.BBOWlim ft OO
(It & amber Eiekuft, geooad sag Vtrk
BA O. atayot, atasages. , .
. - f - i ' '
I 7
. J