The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 25, 1906, SECTION TWO, Image 15

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    .- . , .... .
PAGES 15 TO 23
a. - " 't r
'MFWC :5th, 6th and
IN J-.VVD, Washington
i em Store" ;.
. The' Linen Stores on First Floor,
Don't pick your linen store-lightly i's worth whfle being particular about.-, Linens tell on you as long as they
are in use.. Are.tbey all' linen?;1 Js the material .such aj(you like , to have. seen on. your table? Are the patterns a
credit, to your taste? If not, 'you are-apt to' think 'things abou the store "that -sold them and "sold" you at the same
lime.-, r 1 ' t ' - - ' ' i f - l - ' - it ' ';-,...'' , . '
, The OLDS, -WQRTM AT.& -KING' linen , business is jgr owing. Guess why!?. ; - . r , r S
. 'This sate, was .plaraTed with the Oeeds-jn-mind ofthe'Thanksmvin table. : - ' v . -'
: We've' just threemore days to sell our last' shipment of Irish Linens from the Richardson factory at 'Belfast; in
stead of two, weeks, as we.snould have; had. . .The -severe storms delayed the goods in transit just ten days. -This
.means to us ten days', less selling time and the sale must be FORCED, for the linens must ALL be sold. So we
offer, this late shipment,' which' consists of thej finer: grades of the Richardson Linens, the beautiful Hand-Made and
.Embroidered -Scarfs,, Tea Cloths, .Doilies,' Dresser; Cloths, Table Tops, etc., products of the expert Irish needlewom
en's winter handiwork,- made at a time whenMreir labor costs but little, thus making the goods to cost us and you
less. In -the line are the fifte Irish Satin Damask .Table Cloths and Napkins, the balance of our immense purchase of
the- "overs", of 'theS Rjchardsonjactoryr , The stable cloth sizes include, the following: 2x2, yards, 2x2'A yards, 2x3
yards, '.ix.JjVyards. x4 yards, ' tyixtyi yards, Vii yards. Zjx3Vi yards, iVtxAVj 'yards. Wapkins are in both break
fast -sjTes. The beautiful 'Hand-Embroidered Doilies, Try Cloths, Dresser , Cloths and-Tabl Tops all with spoke
nrj n I.HELP! We need help; There are ip many fine
fICL M'l - things we could do if ,we had hands to do them.
Helpl it's the cry in all lines. , "We need more
people. and people we can depend upon." ' The earnings "of 'no mod-
ern business justify the employment of incompetents.) Producers are
needed. It is as if the business world were a great "field of ripened
cotton. How much, of the crop can be saved can-be saved at a
profit that makes it worth while? Men and women, youths and maid
ens, range themselves-" in '.two 'classes winners and incompetents.'
Given good". health,- the - classification is their own. And .these- two
classes obtain in all walks' of life the incompetent class chiefly from
the simple fa& that they don't wake up. The average, man and. woman
isn't' awake once a week awake in the true, big sense.;. Stick the pin,
ofdetermination into yourself I WAKE UPI ',Come and help ua.;
er wman in this house shall do an ignoble thing, if we can help it.
You mustn't, lie; yoa mustn't cheat; you mustn't misrepresent; We
'are best served when you1 are building aright your own- characler..
Again we say WE WANT, HELP1 in every department in this big
tore. If you can help us or know sbme one who can come 'round -and
see the. Superintendent about; it tomorrow morning. We'll be
glad to ee you. r; , . - tt-:. '. -. --j
Jewelry Specials Holiday Gifts
hemstitched borders at drastic, reductions., 'Examples-
Regular ' 65q values, ; special at ........ ,7. .... . 60
Regular. $1.00 values, special at. .......T5
Regular , $2.00' values, special at.. .............. . $ l.SO
Regular $3.00, values, special at .$2.25
Regular $4.00', values, special at ......,....$3.00
Regular: 90c values, special t,,1JU,...sAi-i T0
Regular $1.50 values, special at........ ..fl.lO
Regular $2.50 values, special at .1.90
Regular $3.50 values, special at.... ,,..,.,.2.50
Regular $5.00 values, special at .................. 3.75
':'J:;, -y: Tablecloths Reduced
Regular $3.75 value, special at ,........i....3.00 Regular $4.50 values, special at....,
Regular1, $5-50 values, special at.. ...i. ,...f4.45 Regular, $7.00 values, special at....:
Regular $8.00 values, special at. . ............... .6,BO Regular $9.00 values, special at.....
Regular $10.00 .valuea, special at............ .f8.00 Regular $12.00 values, special at....
...f 10.00
Annex first Floor.
35c ' Sterling Handle Nail Brushes 19c Sterling
Silver Handle. Nail Brushes, French grsy finish,
our 35c value; special sale price, each.. ....194
Sterling Silver "Swastika" Brooches 40c Sterling
Silver "Swastika" Brooches, the Indians' lucky
. charm and oooular amontr "palefaces"! special
sale price, each ....Krii.
Reads are ever oooular
Gold Bead Neck Chains, small size: price, each.............l,...15
Turquoise Bead Neck Chains, small size; price, each .15
Graduated Pearl Bead Neck Chains; price, each... ..,tmm,IXi8S
Imitation Pink Coral Bead Neck Chains; price, each........ 35V
Bead Neck Chains in various other colors and grades; prices,
each .................. .25e to $2.00
Jewel Boxes in all sizes and styles of finish; they range in price from,
each . . 354 to $8.00
A Big Thanksgiving Sale of ;
Embroideries and Insertions
' . - First Floor. .
- .Thousands of yards of Handsome Embroideries
and Insertions, consisting of.
Fine Swiss Edges, from I to 12 inches wide, and
worth to $1.85 the yard. 1
Fine Nainsook and insertions, in very desirable
patterns and vervserviceable, worth to $1.50 yard.
5lored bmbroidenes, in pink, navy,
Also some Co,
baby blue, red, lavender and black.
They are divided into five lots, as follows
LOT NO. 1 Vslues from 18c to 20c; special at, the yard.... ....124
LOT NO. 2 Values from 35c to 45c; special at, the yard. .......25,
LOT NO. 3 Values from 50c to 75c; special at, the yard........39e
LOT NO. 4 Values to $1.00; special st, the yard....... 3e
LOT NO. 5 Values from $1.25 to $1.85; special at, the yard 89e
Ladies' $1 JO to $3.00 Belts for 98c Ladies' Silk Bayadere Striped
Belts, with Urge gilt buckles, in light snd dark color assortments:
also Ladies' Fine All-Silk Crush and Shirred Belts, with assorted
' buckles, in white, black and evening shades, values. $1.50 to $3.00:
special while they last at, each ........,....88
Underwear Under priced
Knitwear ShopsFirst Floor V
Women's 50c Vests or Pants 39c-Cream Cofor
7 Cotton "Merode""Vestsymedturn weight, long
' sleeves; "ankle a" Knce-lcngthMighta-so -matchV
regular value 50c: special, each.., .39e
Women's $1.75 TighU $1.19 White Silk and Wool
"Merode" Tights, ankle length, winter, weight,
regular value $1.75; special :..r... .. 1.19
Women's White and .Natural Fine-Ribbed Cash
mere Veta and Pants at. each ...S1.25
Women's $1.75 Vests $1.19 Natural silk and wool "Merode" Vests.
long sleeves, winter weight, regular. value $1.75; special,.... f 1.19
Women's White and Natural Merino "Stuttgarter" Vests snd PantSy-
medium weight, shaped vests, French-band pants, at," each . . 1.5
Women's Wool-Mesh Vests or Pants, constructed like the "Deimel"
linen mesh, made of selected lonsr ysrn. very soft and pleasant to
the skin; special .at. each ' f ....... . v .
v Union SuitsKame as 'above, special at.. -.-.-.-...... -S.O
Women a bwiss-Kibbed bilk and Wool Vests, in cream, pinic and Dine,
r special at . v.". . itx. . .'. . r. v.yiT. "v. .. r. nv, i 51.T5
Tights to match the above at, pair... v, ..i... f2.0
A Remarkable Sale of Men's Fine
Winter Underwear
, .Thia Week in the 'Annex First Floor.
Men's $35 Underwear for. $2.19-rMen's UndeM
. wear, a silk and wool mixture, in cream, with
pink silk stripe. The Staley Manufacturing
-Company, whom we represent m Portland, has
discontinued the manufacture of this particular
number, so we contracted for what they had
cfSJj manufactured, and propose to give our customers
a baraain. Thia underwear is extra fine finality
and a regular $3.25 value; special sale price,. the, garment,,. , ,,.f 2.19 ,
mliut Thanksgiving
llil ' Millinery
. ;. Annex Second Floor.
$2.49 ior Trimmed Haas Worth From
$5.00 to $10.00 Monday we place ,
on. sale 300 Stylishly Trimmed
Hats, selected from our regular,
stock, large and small shapes, best'
- QMalitfelt and : velvet, trimmed
with feathers, flowers, ribbons, etc.,
in black, blue, brown, gray, green,
. red and white, values from $5.00 to.
$10.00; special ....... S2.49
Every Pattern Hat in the house at
Thanksgiving Plums
BAioAnri a small waxes shops
Flnt floor.
SSe txin-ttUt brUtl. aolld-bek Halrbmb;
pprlal S3
ZV 'lothbntihr; avcrUl 17o
la- bottle Wltrh HkI; tpteiml 14a
SSr battU. Vlolrl Ammonia; UI ........1S
36c box Dcraaeliu Medlclotl AoUarptie Tol lt
Soap: pclal .....IS
SSe cabinet box clotb-anlah V. rltlna Ttpr:
apeclal S0
XH bottla Carter'a Bat BUek Wrltlnf ln;
apm;lal u Sa
Tr bottla riah Glua; apadal 4a
lite Nat Shopplnf B; apodal .....10a
-See pa faary gUtaaiila '--rT P"'-
- aora; aparlal 85a
1S rard ratflaS Oartae EU.tie, all color. ;
aparlal ISa
Black and White Darolia Cottoa; -aprt'lal, I
epoole Se
Card beat alckrl-plaUd Safrt7-Plna: apeHal..S
80 pair Oma Coua.a OeUcbabl Uraa Sblalda;
Thanksgiving Sale
of Silks
" Annex- First Floor Fifth Street.
At Special Prices.
Monday we place on sale our line of
the Famous Bonnet's Chiffon Taf
fetas, in changeable weaves and col
'' ors ' -- '. ,
Regular $1.00 gride; special, ydl.74
Re frular $1.25 grade; special yd. 81
-New Novelty Crepe de Chines, in all
s the new colors and designs, for
dressy afternoon and evening
gowns; also a line of The DtiBarry
; Scarfs, at, yd.fl.00 f 1.25 f l.SO
" A Feature of This Week'i Sale First Floor. s-
Ladies-Windsor-Ties f or 255 Lsdte'-Pau 4 Soi All-Silk. CushioaJRibbons25c J
. Windsor Ties, prettily embroidered, in black, All-Silk Cushion Ribbons, 5 inches wide,
white and colors; ,also some in dotted .effects, , ' in shaded effects of red, old rose, green,
black on red, white or navy, etc; our Hie value; brown and purple, our 50c value; special
pgfuLxaia priro, arh . - . . - r as sale pncer the yard . .25e
lliminV Inn I C I Second
svuiucii J nizzaici kjaiuiis floor
-1 1 WS&Z&tffl-'- nv Val
: -lfttcKiRw-iJiM m . armivni. i- at.
- XfSMilist4V'l I5 ; . .. : law...; nrvm At u
ail miK
Olds, Wortman Ac King styles are. accepted everywhere as correct, and we show the
greatest variety of models to be found in any establishment in the Northwest hundreds
and hundreds of authoritatively right models, all distinctively different, one from the
other. We have proven to thousands of womCn that best values and newest styles are
- always, here and today the reductions make the bargains almost
within the realm of marvelous. Read!
Evening Gowns
ues from $40 to $450; largest, choicest and most elegant line in
: city; superb models, magnificent creations. This TL i rfl -ftf
ek, for the Thanksgiving functions Special at.. I fill (i Jll
Handsome Evening Coats
Values $20 to $125. A wonderful assortment of beautiful
garments. Special, this week, ' . TftffI "Iff
Evening Waists
Charming conceptions of the fashion conjurers; values from
$20 and -upward. , Special, this week, - Thiff4 Off
...... a iiiiu vii
Special Values in Fur Neckscarfs
Rich. warm, handsome neck pieces, those youH need for the
.- Thanlf trivinff (nnthall rame nn Mnltnnmah
. Fields very smart and very :. seasonable for
'tis fur weather this week at worth, while
reduction. Examples:-
-Brook Mink Scarfs; $5.00 value ...... f 3.95
Blended Squirrel Scarfs; $8.50 value.. .$6.79
Isabella Fox Sfarfs; $10.00 value..... ..fT.49
The Great Sale of Women's Smartly
. Continues for Three Days .
W'v reinforced the line.-showinir now about 200 handsome suits, all arranged in a grand bargain convention for
thi week's Thanksgiving buyers. This offer holds good for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday only. Share in the
feast of remarkable values. All latest models, embracing the "Prince Chaps,' Pony, Eton, Norfolk, box front with
fitted back jacket styles, ranging from the jaunty 24-inch lengths to the more stately. 48-inch coat. Backs tight or half
fitted. Materials of cheviot, broadcloth, serge orl the stunning fancy mixed fabrics in mannish- styles; rich cheviots
Th"eitherheT)tainr wide-waUr- bl4 or UagonaL-weaves Plain colora.snd. smart mixtures ina wonderful variety of
patterns, including beautiful plajd checks, hairlines, broken plaids, stripes and figured effects; Every"co1orCombina
tion is expressed. Plain tailored models and trimmed. ' All products of superior workmanship and master tailoring.
The trimming schemes are worked out with rich velvets, handsome braids, fancy and plain buttons, etc. The skirts
are both plain or plaited; choose as your taste dictates. Values range from the best $18.50 Suits in the city to those
that are remarkable values, at $38.50. You may choose from the-grest convention of tailored Street Suits at ONE
FOURTH REDUCTION from regular prices. , .
$1850 Suits for. 13.87 .$30.00 Suits for 22.5Q $3250 Suits for......,....... 24.3T
$2000 Suits for........,...fl5.00 $25.00 Suits for. ....'.TV..,. .$18.75- $3500 Suits for $26.25
$2250 -Suits for.......:...flg8T, $28.50 Suits for.V.. .....'.. 821.3T $3&50 Suits for... ...... v.;. -$28.87
TJ2"--- ft TL a.a.rM.'...'MM CMM:.'p.rM Annex Fifth St.
UreSS XiVUUS I UaiUlZyi VUiy actual First Floor
Colored Dress Goods An assortment , of New Novelty
Dress Fabrics, this, season's newest colorings and
weaves, for three days, .only Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday -
Regular $1.75. $2.00 and $2.50 grade; special at, yd..$l9
Regular $1.50 and tl2S grade; special at, yard.. ..'..81f
.. . . ' . -7b
Rearular $1.00 srade: SDecial at. vard .694
$1.25 Black Dress Goods $1.05 New High-Grade Black
Dress Goods, imported Armure, Poplins and. Satin-Fin
ished Prunellas just the thing for shirtwaist suits; for
three days Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday regular
- value $1.25; special, yard f 1.05
Two frecious Old Heirlooms
' Thanksgiving Recipes
A Pair of Famous Recipes From a Famous Old New England Cook.
TO ROAST THE TURKEY Singe the bird, cut off legs and heaL
Take a cloth and wipe carefully, picking out pin feathers. Clean the
heart and ut it up fine, put it with the liver and giblets into- a small
saucepan flpf water, cook gently for 15 minutes. Set aside till turkey
is ready then put into the brown gravy made in the pan in which,
the bird has been roasted. For dressing, take bread crumbs and roll
until fine. Season with sage, salt and pepper and a little butter.
Wash the turkey out thoroughly before putting in dressing and have
it wiped dry. After stuffing, sew the opening together with needle
and thread. Lay the turkey in the pan, season it with' satr and" pepper
and shake a little flour over it. Add a couple teaspoonfuls of water.
Have the oven hoi, and when it'a put in bastevy 15 minutes. If
oven is right, it will roast in one and a half hours. , For a very large.
; turkey, two hours. ' ' ; '
OLD FASHIONEDPUMPKIN PIE Pare it "like a potato, cut
open, carefully 'remove seeds,-then cut it up into little blocks and
wash it. Put into pan of cold water, set on stove, cover tight to
steam. When 'tis cooked soft turn into a pan and mash, then run
thru strainer like jelly. Beat 3 eggs jyolks and all) until they're
thick and beat 'cm into the pumpkin. Takea pint of milk or cream
and stir in gradually. Sweeten to taste and grate nutmeg over it.
The secret of a good pumpkin pie is not to let the pumpkin get thin.
nr it will npnil the pi, To make the pastry, take .1 nips of flour, 1
run of larrt, J rnp hut?rr "d work 'em together until atitt. Stir irt
a-little ice water until the paste is in proper consistency Roll out
ready prepared. Have a very hot oven and bake an hour, keeping
the oven damper in. , '. .. .
Special Thanksgiving Sate of
Blankets and Lace Curtains
White Wool
- Fourth Floor. . . -. . ,1'
Blankets Slightly mussed . from
5.S0 value.
6.00 value.
7.00 value. .
7.50. value.
8.00 value.
8.50 value. ;
$ 9.00
Special, "pair..
Special, pair..
Special, pair..
Special, pair..
Special, pair..
Special; pair.;
Special, pair.;
Special, pair.
Special, pair.,
Special,' pair . ,
Special, pair.
... $7.00
, $7.50
....... $15. OO
White Lace Curtains Brussels and Renaissance effect; one, two and
three pair lots , " -
pair.... OTOe
pair 95
pair....... '$1.30
' Special,
' Special.
Regular 85c value.
Regular' $1.25 value.
Regular $175 value.
Regular $2 25 value. Special, pair.
Regular $2.75 valuev Special, pair.
Regular $3 75 value. " bpecial, pair.,
Regular $4.00 value. Special, pair.,
Regular $4.25 value. Special,, pair.,
Regular $4.30 value Special, pair..
........... .......
...... ........
. , . , . .1.65
ja p28S
" tat OA
14 n ! - f vti Great Values for ' L
n liOSl ery Women and Children
: , First Floor. '
Women' 20c Hose 15c Black Cotton Fleece-Lined
Km. i.iml.n. Tea val. 20r: snecial. nair..l5at
W6meni"25cHose-1 8c- -Black-Cotton- -Seamless
J'oot Hose, fashioned ankle, regular value 25c;
special, pair ,.18
Women's Black Cashmere Ribbed Top Hose, full
-shaped, seamless foot; special at, pair....,.25
Women's Very Fine Ribbed Black Cashmere Hose, fashioned foot. at.
pair . ... ,........,.. i.
Women's Heavy-Weight Black Cotton Fleece-Lined Hose, fashioned
. foot; special, pair .35e
Children s Black Cashmere Hose, odd lines, values at 35c, 40c and 50c:
special, pair . . . . ,25f
Ihfants"Cashmere Hose, seamless foot, in black, blue, pink, cream.
xan jna taruinm, spciriau i, yair. , . .,a7.
Corset Covers and Black Petticoats
Annex Second Floor.
75c Corset Covers 47c Ladies' Fine Cambric Cor
set Covers, in a great variety of styles and trim
mings in insertions and edgings of Valenciennes,
Torchon and Cluny lace, embroidery, beading
and ribbon; there are enough to supply every
body. no matter hdw small or large the figure;
regular price 75c; special at -T
$4.25 Petticoata $2.97 Another great special In La
dies' Mrroenzed Italian Cloth rettiroat. 7 "
deep fluiiiire with f,nn of ruffles, knife plratn;;;
price $4.C. and $4.23. special
t f